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Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 1, 2016 Edition written by Frank DiMora
Yesterday I reported on what was going on between Turkey and the European Union. I didn’t have time to tell you why this report was so important so I wanted to tell you why I am taking the time to make sure you know the connection between these current events and Bible prophecy.
Every time I see Turkey in the news concerning the EU I pay real close attention. Why? Because in Daniel chapter 2 and chapter 7 we see Daniel talking about the old Roman Empire coming back in the last days and, this revived Roman Empire would be installed just before the return of Christ. Anyone who knows history knows that the first Roman Empire was made up of two legs. The Western leg and the Eastern leg. The Eastern leg were the Islamic nations and the Western leg was the European nations you see today. Many who know history know that when the Western leg died out the Eastern leg remained and was known as the Ottoman Empire. In our generation we have already seen the rebirth of the Western leg via the EU or European Union and, they are the same nations that were in the first Roman Empire. I have been telling you to watch the EU talks between the EU and Turkey. I haven’t heard anyone else say what I have been saying which is, the EU has been working on bringing Turkey in the EU as a full member. If that happens it will be the first time since the first Roman Empire that both the Western leg and the Eastern leg of the Old Roman Empire will joined together again. One of the issues that has slowed down Turkey’s entrance into the EU as that full member has been the issue of Cyprus which is already a EU member nation. Turkey and Cyprus have been in negotiations on the divided Mediterranean island so if the EU can resolve this issue it would be a giant step toward bringing in Turkey as a full member. As for me the most important part of the report below is as follows: ” Under a tentative agreement reached last week, Ankara would take back all migrants and refugees who enter the EU from its shores or are detained in its territorial waters, in return for more money, faster visa-free travel for Turks and a speeding up of its slow-moving EU membership”. At this time it appears that the migrant issue just may be the issue that will clear the way for Turkey to finally become a full member of the EU. As far as prophecy is concerned Turkey’s entrance into the EU would be huge! Keep in mind, the bible does show us that the Antichrist more than likely will be coming from the Eastern leg of the old Roman Empire which is Islamic. The Antichrist could be coming out of the Ottoman Empire! Now you know why I believe it is important to be watching what happens between the EU and Turkey. Now you know why I have posted this news again!!!
Headline: EU’s Turkey migration deal hinges on Cyprus: Tusk
The European Union warned on Wednesday that a deal with Turkey to curb mass migration to Europe hinges on Ankara acting to support peace talks in EU member Cyprus. European Council President Donald Tusk, who will chair an EU summit on Thursday and Friday, said much remained to be done to reach a deal with Turkey. “Work is progressing but there is still a lot to do,” he said in a letter to EU leaders. The migration deal needed to be “an opportunity (for Turkey) to support the settlement talks in Cyprus. Only if this is possible can we move forward here.” EU officials offered last-minute tweaks to the draft pact with Turkey in an effort to make it legally watertight, but a standoff with Cyprus could yet scupper any deal this week. Under a tentative agreement reached last week, Ankara would take back all migrants and refugees who enter the EU from its shores or are detained in its territorial waters, in return for more money, faster visa-free travel for Turks and a speeding up of its slow-moving EU membership negotiations. For its part, the EU would admit one legal Syrian refugee directly from Turkey for each one trying to reach Europe by boat and taken back by Turkey from the Greek islands in a step meant to wreck the business model of people smugglers. But Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades has threatened to veto any progress in Turkey’s accession talks unless Ankara meets its obligation to open Turkish ports and airports to Cypriot traffic, effectively recognizing his state.
March 16, 2016

I also thank our Ascent ministries, President Shawn Svacha, for his quick respond support and every time writing to me through his phone to know my situation and for the recent Easter card, Thank you sir, He has been so faithful to the way God gave me wisdom during the attack to throw my phone under the bus sit which helped me communicate with many people, it was my only
phone which used to pass the message and write emails. I I also thank Terry and his wife for prayers and support during this hard moments in my life. Lastly but not list all the our dear brothers and sisters who have read and responded in prayers and support through Frank Dimora website. every time we have a need you stand with me. let me remind you, by doing so you are helping many in the Kingdom in these last days, orphans are being feed through your support. Thanks everyone and God bless you
I still have a burden of making sure fulfill my mission of going to mt. Elgon as soon as possible, so pray for me brethren s. Titus
You do know Jesus works in ways we don’t understand. Yes Titus lost my new prophecy seminar I sent to him via that external hard drive when he was attacked along with the lap top I sent him. However, when the people who robbed Titus open up that external hard drive they are going to see my prophecy seminar. Do you suppose Jesus will use my work to lead these people to Christ? I think that it is very possible. In any case what I know and what I am holding on to is Jesus promised us the following: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28). I am praying and asking you to join with me in asking Jesus to touch the people who attacked Pastor Titus. We do thank Jesus that Pastor Titus was not harmed and we ask Jesus to please keep the things still in the van safe so Titus and use what remains until our prayers are answered to replace the things that were taken.