Connecting Dots….ISIS-Syria- Iraq and the Disappearing Borders August 15, 2014

I’m going to jump right in here- it’s very difficult to keep track of all this information, so let me see if I can connect some dots for you.  On August 8th, I gave a lot of information on ISIS and how their 5 year plan could be the blue prints of prophecy.  If they succeed in their plan, the caliphate will encompass all the countries spoken of in the Ezekiel War.

What’s important to realize here is: ISIS is erasing borders.  That’s right- erasing.  To them, there is no more Syria and Iraq as countries.  There is only the caliphate.  Perhaps I have been remiss to continue keeping the news separated into the original countries, but I wanted you to get a sense of what the Lord told us to watch for in each country listed in both the Psalm and Ezekiel Wars.  At this point though- there is no Syria and no Iraq.  There is only ISIS.

I haven’t decided yet if I will continue keeping Iraq and Syria news separate, but I will still keep the other countries that way until such time as they too need to be merged.

Will ISIS be stopped?  I have no idea. I only know what countries the Lord told us to watch- so watching closely I have been.  When you look at their plan, they still show lines drawn between the countries listing the original names.  But if you look at the map I drew- there are no boundaries.

article-2674736-1F46221200000578-100_634x381 FotoFlexer_Photo

ISIS envisioned boundaries_0

I have tried to provide maps each day to help you see where the events are taking place- this is why there are maps listing the provinces- it’s meant to help you understand.

Perhaps the best thing I can do is suggest you watch an inside look at an ISIS video that explains what they are doing and WHY everything is about the Skyes -Picot agreement.  They resent the ‘dividing up’ of the Ottoman Empire and are doing everything in their power to reverse it.  The video is at this link (if you choose to watch it) and is about 40 minutes long.  There are NO graphic images.

I know the news out of Iraq & Syria is very confusing because all the main news focuses on is ISIS and the plight of the Yazidis.  Some of the following you will remember due to the news stories you’ve been seeing over the past weeks. 

The first thing to know is where the Kurds consider their country, although not formally recognized:



You can clearly see how much of Syria and Iraq the Kurds claim.

There are 4 fronts fighting in Syria:




ISIS AND THE SYRIAN KURDS (YPG: This is the People’s protection units. Why is it called the YPG? Because in Kurdish the phrase is Yekîneyên Parastina Gel (YPG). This is the armed wing of Syrian Kurdistan, a ‘de facto’ autonomous region in Syria)

Just because that is the ‘formal’ announcement, does not mean that is what is actually happening. I HAVE SHOWN YOU MUCH NEWS OVER THE LAST DAYS THAT CLEARLY INDICATE MANY FSA REBELS AND SYRIAN KURDS ARE JOINING OR AT LEAST WORKING WITH ISIS.

This is Syrian Kurdistan 


It certainly explains how ISIS has taken over much of this area.  I explained a few days ago that water and oil are powerful weapons.  ISIS needs these weapons to establish and fund their caliphate.

FotoFlexer_Photo***The blue areas indicate ISIS control in Syria

If you look at this map of only Syria where ISIS is and compare it to where the oil and gas fields are located- WHAT DO YOU SEE?

ISIS has gone after the oil and gas fields.  And look at the oil and gas pipeline.  MARK MY WORDS: THEY ARE GOING AFTER HAMA AND HOMS NEXT.

The capitals of these countries are also important in order to overthrow the ruling governments.  That would be DAMASCUS AND BAGHDAD.


There are 4 forces fighting in Iraq- forget about the US & humanitarian aide for now. 


PESHMERGA: this is just a term used by Kurds to refer to any armed Kurdish fighters


PKK: this is the Kurdistan Workers Party, a political and military organization formed to fight Turkey for its independence and to help the Kurds in Turkey. In 2005 Iraq recognized the Kurds as an autonomous region- you can see it on the map below. You can also see how this area borders Turkey, Syria and Iraq.


AGAINJust because that is the ‘formal’ announcement, does not mean that is what is actually happening. I HAVE SHOWN YOU MUCH NEWS OVER THE LAST DAYS THAT CLEARLY INDICATE PESHMERGA AND PKK MEMBERS ARE JOINING OR AT LEAST WORKING WITH ISIS.

ISIS has again gone after the oil pipelines and major oil fields. 

Iraq conquest

Keep in mind ISIS now controls 40% of all wheat production in Iraq.  This map also explains why ISIS is battling so hard for Irbil and Kirkuk.  In addition to needing Baghdad to overthrown the ruling government, look at the oil field sitting there.  You can almost line up the ISIS control to the pipelines!  Here again, keep watching because they will continue to battle for the Northern areas and sweep down toward Baghdad, where many of their forces are already carrying out car bombings and skirmishes.

Now that we’ve basically had a geography lesson, you can plainly see why Saudi, Jordan, Kuwait, Iran and Turkey are concerned (all but Kuwait will be involved in the Psalm War to varying extents).  Each day’s news brings you information about them traveling to those countries for what they term “meetings”.  Yesterday I pointed out that Jordan was getting ‘ready for something’.  Now we know. It is also plain WHY the US has become involved in Iraq again when you compare the amount of oil there to the amount in Syria.

I pray this helps you understand some of news you’ve been seeing and WHY.  You can always refer back to this section if you see something that needs clarified.  And soon I will be back to YouTube 🙂 The daily news will be coming shortly in another post.







    • Monita Bester on August 17, 2014 at 5:47 pm
    • Reply

    Thank you so much for regular information. I watch it daily, in anticipation, and refer my friends and family as well. I need this daily to remind myself how close His coming is and then this helps me to keep on walking the narrow road and aiming ot keep myself unblemished so I am ready for His coming. I just wanted to thank you as my brother and know that we ‘feed’ on what you give us. God bless!

  1. are there any updates since the 15 august publication?

      • etrm on December 13, 2015 at 7:39 pm
      • Reply

      Yes they extend to December 14th.

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