May 13, 2020- Special Report: The Coming Famine as Warned by Jesus Christ



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~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the FLASHING “prophecy sign” for all Bible verses & videos, which will take you to the TABS you see at the top of the website; there you will find all the Bible verses and most current videos related to that area of prophecy~


This passage seems to indicate a common experience in real-world crises: war and famine give way to inflation due to supply and demand. A denarius in the first century was usually equal to a day’s wages, and the amount of grain given here is just enough to keep a person alive. These are also the commodities of the common person: basic staples for living. The implication seems to be that most people in this part of the tribulation are struggling just to meet their basic survival needs. This is the kind of poverty which threatens a person’s life, not merely their lifestyle. 

CooltextprophecysignJoel 1:17-20 17 The seed is rotten under their clods, the garners are laid desolate, the barns are broken down; for the corn is withered.18 How do the beasts groan! the herds of cattle are perplexed, because they have no pasture; yea, the flocks of sheep are made desolate.19 Lord, to thee will I cry: for the fire hath devoured the pastures of the wilderness, and the flame hath burned all the trees of the field.20 The beasts of the field cry also unto thee: for the rivers of waters are dried up, and the fire hath devoured the pastures of the wilderness.


Matthew 24:3-8 And as he sat on the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy [a]coming, and of [b]the end of the world? And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man lead you astray. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am the Christ; and shall lead many astray. And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars; see that ye be not troubled: for these things must needs come to pass; but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; and there shall be famines and earthquakes in divers places. But all these things are the beginning of travail.

Oct. 27, 2009—–you-can-subscribe-for-all-my-prophecy-updates-by-putting-your-email-addr.html

December 15, 2009—–you-can-subscribe-for-all-my-prophecy-updates-by-putting-your-email-addr.html

From my Oct. 19, 2011 post: Rev. 6:6 is where Jesus shows us that people will have to work all day for one small meal. I told you to watch for more news showing us the food prices are climbing.

April 5, 2012

July 21, 2012

2013 warning on Youtube

April 12, 2015

Apr 12, 2015

June 3, 2015

Feb. 4, 2020


US grocery costs jump the most in 46 years, led by rising prices for meat and eggs

Will food prices rise as the coronavirus pandemic continues?  


 Pres. Trump and PM Netanyahu create history in Judea and Samaria

Democratic Senators Circulate New, Watered-Down Draft of Letter Opposing Annexation

 France pushes tough EU response if Israel applies sovereignty over West Bank lands

President Trump and Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are readying to create history together on 1 July when Israel restores Jewish sovereignty after 3000 years in 1697km² of territory comprising 30% of Judea and Samaria – the Jewish People’s biblical and ancient heartland. About 65000 Arabs – 5% of the Arab population of Judea and Samaria – and 450000 Jews live in the area proposed for Jewish sovereignty. The road forward has been made possible after Netanyahu was unanimously confirmed as Israel’s next Prime Minister by 11 judges of Israel’s Supreme Court. Meanwhile, France urged its European Union partners on Monday to consider threatening Israel with a tough response if it will extend its sovereignty over parts of the West Bank, three EU diplomats said. Belgium, Ireland, and Luxembourg also want to discuss the possibility of punitive economic measures during a foreign ministers’ meeting on Friday, the diplomats told Reuters, though all member states would have to agree to any collective action.
May 12, 2020

 Clashes kill two in separate West Bank incidents

A sudden surge in violence has left two dead over two days in the West Bank, a 21-year-old Israeli soldier struck by a rock Tuesday in the village of Yabad and a 15-year-old Palestinian who was shot during unrest early Wednesday in the Fawwar refugee camp, according to Israeli and Palestinian officials. The clashes come as Israel prepares to swear in a new government Thursday, and amid rising tensions as the country moves ahead with possible plans to formally annex dozens of Jewish settlements built in the West Bank over the past decades. Palestinian officials, including members of Hamas, the ruling militant group in the Gaza Strip, have warned that the action could spark an increase of violence in the contested territories, where clashes have been relatively rare in recent months.
May 13, 2020


 Turkey accuses five nations of forming ‘alliance of evil’

Turkey on Tuesday accused Greece, Cyprus, Egypt, France and the United Arab Emirates of seeking to form an “alliance of evil” after these countries issued a joint declaration denouncing Ankara’s policies in the eastern Mediterranean and Libya.  In a strongly-worded statement, Turkish Foreign Ministry spokesman Hami Aksoy said the five countries were pursuing “regional chaos and instability” in the eastern Mediterranean and sacrificing Libyans’ “hope for democracy for the reckless aggression of dictators.” The foreign ministers of the five countries held a teleconference on Monday to discuss the situation in the eastern Mediterranean, where Turkey has been drilling for potential hydrocarbon deposits in an offshore area where Cyprus has exclusive economic rights, as well as the situation in Libya.
May 12, 2020

Russia opposes any new US attempts at UN to punish Iran

Russia’s U.N. ambassador said Tuesday that Moscow will oppose any attempts by the United States to extend the arms embargo on Iran and reimpose U.N. sanctions against the Islamic Republic. Vassily Nebenzia’s comments at a video news conference made clear that the Trump administration will have a tough time advancing any measures to impose further punishment on Iran in the U.N. Security Council, where Russia has veto power. The United States circulated a draft U.N. resolution that would indefinitely extend the U.N. arms embargo on Iran, which expires in October, to a small number of council members in late April.
May 12, 2020

Dozens killed in attacks on Afghanistan maternity ward, funeral

Dozens of people, mostly civilians, have been killed in a series of attacks in Afghanistan conducted over the past 24 hours, including a siege Tuesday on a hospital in Kabul that resulted in the deaths of mothers and babies, authorities said. At least 14 people, including two newborns, mothers and medical staff, were killed Tuesday when gunmen stormed one of Kabul’s busiest hospitals, which contained a maternity ward run by Doctors Without Borders. Shortly after in the eastern province of Nangarhar, at least 26 people were killed and 68 others were injured after a suicide bomber attacked the funeral of a local police commander. In response, Afghan President Ashraf Ghani ordered security forces to resume offensive operations against the Taliban. “I strongly condemn recent attacks in a hospital in Kabul and Nangarhar province, which killed a number of innocent people, including women and children,” he said Tuesday in a national address. “Taliban have rejected our repeated calls for a cease-fire, calls for cease-fire don’t mean weakness.” Interior Ministry spokesman Tariq Aryan told CBS News the attack also left some new mothers and nurses dead at the maternity clinic. Fifteen people sustained injuries.
May 12, 2020


     Mauritius To Test Digital Currency

Fnality, the global blockchain payments system backed by Nasdaq, 14 global banks

World Bank Emphasizes Blockchain for Financial Inclusion

The Bank of Mauritius is progressing toward providing a central bank digital currency (CBDC) per its governor, CoinDesk reported. Harvesh Seegolam, bank governor, said at a virtual conference, “At the level of the Bank of Mauritius, we’re currently working on a project and very shortly we’ll be making announcements … with respect to a potential introduction of a CBDC.” Seegolam noted that any digital currency would need to be distributed via the current banking system to steer clear of the risk of putting the island’s financial system in an uneven position. The island’s study into a CBDC was reportedly first revealed by Yandraduth Googoolye, a prior governor. Meanwhile, the World Bank has emphasized the importance of blockchain in enabling financial inclusion. It provides a detailed overview of selected technology innovations that are considered critical for use in payments while highlighting the associated risks and benefits. This also includes crypto blockchain-related concepts such as central bank digital currencies (CBDC) and stablecoins.
May 13, 2020

More Americans turning to drugs and alcohol as coronavirus stress rises, survey shows

With coronavirus-related stress on the rise, so is alcohol and drug use, according to a national survey. Findings by The Recovery Village, a Florida-based network of addiction treatment facilities, reflect an “expected” increase in substance use during the pandemic, with Americans reporting a 55% rise in alcohol consumption in the last month. When it came to illicit drugs, 36% of Americans reported increased use of marijuana and prescription opioids, among others. “Experts have already started to voice concerns on the secondary effects America is yet to see from COVID-19,” researchers wrote, among them being “increased rates of addiction afterward due to the stress of isolation, boredom, decreased access to recovery resources and unemployment.”
May 13, 2020


“And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.” (Luke 21:11) “For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places “(Matthew 24:7) “So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death (Thanatos in Greek meaning the death of the body whether natural or violent), and by the beasts of the earth” (Revelation 6:8)

Tanzania Kicks Out WHO After Goat & Papaya Samples Came COVID-19 Positive

With the rise in false Coronavirus cases, the Tanzanian President John Magufuli growing suspicious of the World Health Organization (WHO), decided to investigate the claims himself. He sent the WHO samples of a goat, a papaya and a quail for testing. The samples were given human names and ages and were submitted to the country’s National Referral Laboratory to test for coronavirus without the lab technicians knowing the true identity of the samples. After all 3 samples came COVID-19 positive, the President is reported to have kicked out the WHO from the country.
May 11, 2020

CHEO doctors on alert for mysterious COVID-19-related illness in children

DOD Awards $138 Million Contract, Enabling Prefilled Syringes for Future COVID-19 Vaccine

Doctors at CHEO are looking out for cases of a mysterious syndrome apparently related to COVID-19 that has been seen in children in the U.K., Montreal and New York, among other places hard-hit by the pandemic. There have been no cases in Ottawa, but CHEO infectious disease physician Dr. Jason Brophy said doctors here are prepared. “All of us are watching closely what the experience in other centres is so we can be prepared when and if we see a case in the Ottawa area.” The multi-system inflammatory syndrome, or hyperinflammatory shock, as it is being called, appears to be a post-infection syndrome related to COVID-19, although most of the children whose cases were described in a just-published U.K. paper did not test positive for COVID-19. There have been reports of similar cases in New York and Montreal, among other centres. The cases appear to result from an over-activation of the immune system that affects multiple systems in the body, said Brophy.
May 12, 2020


   Severe storms spawn damaging tornadoes and hail in northern Mexico

Parts of northern Mexico were struck by hail and tornadoes as storms hit over the past few days– one twister ripped through Apodaca in Nuevo Leon on Saturday afternoon, May 9, 2020, and another in Juarez, Chihuahua, on Monday afternoon, May 11. Two fatalities, at least five injuries, and extensive damage were reported, as well as landslides and flooding that led to road closures. The tornado on Saturday came as a cold front swept through the state, leading to a drastic drop in temperatures from 37 to 21 °C (98.6 to 69.8 °F), according to Miguel Angel Gallegos of the National Meteorological Service. The storm began around 22:00 UTC (17:00 LT), dumping up to 60 mm (2.3 inches) of rain before it moved away. The Monterrey-Saltillo highway had to be closed in both directions due to a landslide.
May 12, 2020

note All earthquakes are instantly posted to the ETRM Facebook page- you do not need to sign up; click the photo below to see the earthquake album






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