Aug. 8, 2022 God’s curse, Intense Heat, America’s decline, Freedoms decline, Disease, Noah’s last generation signs, War with Satan, Psalm 83 war signs, Fear sights



The guide to a healthy life in Jesus Christ

Directive from Heaven - No. 33 - The Holy Bible, Part 1 given at to Veronica Lueken at Our Lady ...


Prophecy Signs with Frank DiMora Our food sources are dying off and it was a warning from the Lord! -



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth August 1 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora  

RestAfter everything we are seeing on a daily bases now how in the world can you not see how close we are to the second coming of Jesus Christ?


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A massive sinkhole that formed in Chile’s Atacama region on July 30, 2022, ranks among the deepest sinkholes ever discovered. The sinkhole is located in the town of Tierra Amarilla, on land operated by a Canadian Lundin Mining copper mine, about 665 km (413 miles) north of Santiago.

Rest  An important fact about America in prophecy is she has to decline as  a superpower in order to make way for the Antichrist who via a collapsing economy along with a world economic crisis and, the decline of people’s freedoms will make it possible for the man of sin to begin his rule as a false god. Revelation chapter 13 shows how the man of sin will control the world’s economy.  Many people think the U.S. is to strong to fall but this is not the case. The U.S. is currently in trillions of debt and, the government is still printing money out of thin air.  This type of printing is not sustainable!  China the other super power has her own economic woes as well and both the U.S. and China are trying to dig their way out of this current economic crisis.  The White House is trying to convey the message to American’s that we are not in a recession however,  the average American knows via their pocket book  we are in a recession.  Both the U.S. and China are coming up with a new money system that is leading down the path to a one world currency that at the end of the day will be controlled by the Antichrist.  As we watch freedoms being taken away from us keep in mind this world will be freedom less under the Antichrist. Who in America would have ever thought that there would be a government list of different types of Americans who could be labeled as terrorists?  Read the report below to see if you may be one of the people on this list?

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Remember The Govt List 72 Different Types Of Americans Who Could Be Terrorists
If Americans needed any more proof ‘freedom‘ is under all-out attack by a shadowy group of wannabe tyrants masquerading as ‘govt‘ here in America, we get it from this new story over at Project Veritas reporting on a newly leaked document provided to them by an FBI whistleblower showing how every day Americans are being looked at as ‘potential domestic terrorists‘ over very common symbols that might be on items of clothing they wear, phrases they might use and more.

Beginning that mega-viral story with Are you a conservative, a libertarian, a Christian or a gun owner? Are you opposed to abortion, globalism, Communism, illegal immigration, the United Nations or the New World Order? Do you believe in conspiracy theories, do you believe that we are living in the “end times” or do you ever visit alternative news websites (such as this one)? If you answered yes to any of those questions, you are a “potential terrorist” according to official U.S. government documents,”, we’ll be taking a long look at that 2013 story, in relation to this new Project Veritas leak, in the next section of this story below.

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Priest, pro-lifers sentenced to three months in jail for counseling women inside abortion center 
Three pro-life activists, including a Catholic priest, were sentenced to three months in jail yesterday following a rescue effort at an abortion facility during which they counseled women to choose life for their preborn children.



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These Violent Facts About LGBT Couples Are So Real Even Biden’s DOJ Forced to Admit Inconvenient Truth
A report from President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice released in June includes a fact that the Biden administration likely regrets publishing. As it turns out, according to the report, domestic violence is more common in LGBT relationships.

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Human Cannibalism Being Pushed by the New Green Movement
“Mainstream media persuading the public to normalize cannibalism and eat each other.” – Greg Reese

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Whoopi Goldberg | God supports killing babies… 
Goldberg says “God doesn’t make mistakes” and thus it’s in his plan to have women choose abortion.”God made us smart enough to know when it wasn’t going to work for us. That’s the beauty of giving us freedom of choice.” “My relationship [with God] is always choppy,” she adds.


In our generation that has become like Noah’s generation it is good to see people standing up for the values we read about in the word of God.

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Hungary’s Viktor Orbán receives standing ovation in America for defending family values
‘To sum up, the mother is a woman. The father is a man. And leave our kids alone. Full stop. End of discussion,’ charged the politician, to roaring applause.

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That’s wrong’: DeSantis says doctors should be sued for performing ‘sex-change’ surgeries on kids 

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has called for lawsuits against doctors who perform “gender transition” surgeries on gender-confused children.

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Lessons From Pro-life Defeat in Kansas 
On Tuesday night, voters in Kansas soundly — by double digits — rejected an effort that would have affirmed “there is no Kansas constitutional right to abortion or to require the government funding of abortion.”


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Top 8 things MOST WANTED by the demon-infested humanoids that walk among us
Many people are religious, and many others are not; still, millions of people believe that there are evil forces at play in our world, and it’s never been more obvious than right now.


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Spain Admits Spraying Deadly Chemtrails as Part of Secret UN Program: One Month after March 2020 Covid-19 Lockdown
The Spanish government ordered [April 16, 2020, a month after March 2020 lockdown] the military to quietly spray lethal chemtrails on its citizens with UN authorization under the cover of the “state of emergency for the management of the health crisis situation caused by Covid-19.“

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Top 8 ways childhood health is destroyed by toxic food and medicine, and how psychiatry exploits symptoms of toxicity to push experimental drugs 
Big Food and Big Pharma have the candle burning at both ends when it comes to the health of the majority of Americans. It’s one big cash cow, and what you don’t know WILL hurt you. Today’s children are at the forefront of this evil scheming, and the food they eat regularly fuels the “disorders” that are all now described in great detail in the DSM – the psychiatry “bible” used for slinging dangerous, prescription anti-psychosis drugs at everyone, including children and toddlers

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After firing unvaccinated workers, Hershey’s says it can’t make enough candy for Halloween – blames Putin
If there is even still a recognizable America later this fall, you can expect to see a whole lot less candy in your child’s Halloween bag.

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Pfizer Documents & Official Real-World Data prove the COVID Vaccines are already causing Mass Depopulation

Covid-19 vaccination is causing mass depopulation. This is an extremely bold claim to make. But unfortunately, this bold claim is backed up by a mountain of evidence contained in the confidential Pfizer documents and official Government data from around the world.

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Incorporating a coronavirus antigen into MMR vaccine to produce COVID-19 immunity in kids

New research has advanced COVID-19 vaccine work in several ways: using a modified live attenuated mumps virus for delivery, showing that a more stable coronavirus spike protein stimulates a stronger immune response, and suggesting a dose up the nose has an advantage over a shot.

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Top 10 “aliases” for vaccine-induced injuries blamed on COVID 
What if you found out that the entire pandemic was crafted by sinister plotters who made the disease in a lab, created deadly “vaccines” to “prevent it,” and made up language, mandates and terminology for it that was all based on lies? Are you a “long hauler?” That’s someone who caught a lab-made virus and supposedly has symptoms that last seemingly forever, like the inability to breathe in fully, heart palpitations and impairments of cognition and mental health. Weird, right? What “flu” ever did that to people before? Sounds too far-fetched to be true. That’s because it is.

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While you were distracted by Boris resigning the UK Government quietly confirmed COVID Vaccinated Children are 4423% more likely to die of any cause & 13,633% more likely to die of COVID-19 than Unvaccinated Children 

The UK Government has quietly confirmed that the Covid-19 vaccines are killing children at an unprecedented rate. Shocking figures contained in an official report, published just hours before Boris Johnson announced his resignation as Prime Minister of the UK, reveal Covid-19 vaccinated children are 4423%/45x more likely to die of any cause than unvaccinated children and 13,6333/137x more likely to die of Covid-19 than unvaccinated children.

RestRevelation chapter 13 shows us in the end times the Antichrist will control the world’s economic system. Both the U.S. and China have to decline in order to make it possible for this Antichrist to take control. We are looking at the foot steps of the decline in both nations at the present time. Get ready for the GREAT RESET!

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Hong Kong’s Central Bank Pours In Cash to Stabilize Its Pegged Currency, Higher Mortgage Rates Ensued
Hong Kong’s central bank bought the largest amount of its currency in one day since May 12.


The prayer



    • Faith Koger on August 9, 2022 at 5:12 am
    • Reply

    God bless you Frank. Thank you for your work. You are one of God’s best blssings for us though these days.
    I tell many about your website; some listen.
    Appreciate prayers for my family – 2 adult sons, grandson, 2 young children just starting school…daughter in law, granddaughter in law, family friend
    all live in different parts of US from Florida to Arizona and Mississippi Coast.
    I am age 92 and the Lord cares for me FINE after living through Camille and Katrina.
    My church – non-denominational – kin to Church of God/Nazarene

      • etrm on August 12, 2022 at 10:17 pm
      • Reply

      Faith, you are a blessing to me. I am blessed to know
      I am helping you keep ready to meet Jesus. Stay strong
      the Lord is not far away.

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