Author's posts

Sign of the times and the coming of Jesus Christ! July 14, 2011

  Download Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 7, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora  (FREE) Video Series 1-8   Video 2 Video 3 Video 4 Video 5 Video 6 Video 7 Video 8   Tensions in Isreal are serious and are fulfilling thousand year old prophecies A Palestinian man stands in the ruins of a damaged …

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A complete look at how nations and people who curse Israel are cursed by God. July 14, 2011

Is it true God really does curse people who curse the nation of Israel, or even burden themselves  over God’s Holy City of Jerusalem? Download Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 7, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora  (FREE) I recorded my newest International radio/video show at The Edge for July 14, 2011. My show today …

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Gold Hits an All-Time High as Global debt crisis gets worse.

Gold hit and all-time high Wednesday on word that the global economy is beginning to fail. There has been much talk about the global economy and the Euro-Zone debt problems with a eye on Greece, but America is still standing out of the spotlight when It should be the main focus. What happens when QE3 …

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Do you know the End Times signs Jesus Christ told us to look for?

Jesus gave us specific signs to watch for. Why did He give them to us? Do you know what signs Jesus told you to keep on the watch for? When you are watching the news can you spot prophecy being fulfilled, or are you in the dark as to what is going on. Are you ready to meet Jesus (if) He were to come back this September? Is it possible that this September could be when the Church is raptured?

Did the Universe have a beginning?

The question “Did the Universe have a beginning”  has startling implications. If physical time and space didn’t even exist in the past, then what we are saying is that the universe came into being from absolutely nothing. This is impossible. Listen to William Lane Craig during a debate on the subject. [Your browser does not …

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Signs of the times in Bible prophecy for July 11, 2011

Is it possible that Obama will shut down Christian web-sites?  What’s with all the triple digit heat? Will war break out between the Arabs and Israel over gas and oil rights? What’s the Israel and South Sudan connection for the last days? Is our generation the drug generation? Download Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July …

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Lindsey Williams was right on target again!/ Is Luke 21:11 concerning the “great earthquakes” coming to pass?

Is Jesus showing you His signs of the times? “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” July 7, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer. Download Last Chronicles of Planet …

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Is there warnings about storms? Will Peace and security come to Israel?Are animals dying?/Are there more signs of America’s decline?/Will Israel attack Iran just before September?/Has Isaiah chapter 18 been fulfilled?/July 8, 2011

Did Jesus warn us about storms and flooding in the last days? Will peace come to the Middle East or war? Are animals dying? Are there signs of America’s decline in the news again today? Why is there more talk about Israel attacking Iran before September? Why is South Sudan going to party on July 9, …

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Are we seeing new diseases?/Is the US declining in power?/What is happening in South Sudan?/ Israel in prophecy/Are the droughts and famines upon us?/July 7, 2011

Author Frank DiMora presents currents events that link to Bible prophecy.

Radio/video show at The Edge is now up and running. Free: Download Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 7, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora