Ezekiel war signs-New round of Middle East peace talks, what will they bring?-False prophets, teachers, & christs-Sept. 7, 2009


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If you would like to be placed on my free prophecy up-date list you can let me know by emailing me at fjdimora@gmail.com.Prophecy Sign:  In Ezekiel 38-39 we see one of the next wars that is going to take place in the Middle East.  I believe this war is much closer than most people realize and I will tell you why.  Many of you may not know that Israel told the world they would only give Iran until this September to halt their quest for weapons of mass destruction.  Iran has been trying to obtain a nuclear bomb with the intention of using it on Israel. Israel has been waiting to see if the UN, the US, or the EU could persuade Iran’s President to stop building the nuclear sites. For months Israel has been watching the news and today I am sure Israel has gotten the message that the time for waiting is over.  Today’s news informed us of the following and I quote, “Sept. 7 (Bloomberg) — Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said the debate over Iran’s nuclear program is over, while he is ready to discuss a range of international issues with President Barack Obama.  At his first formal press conference since his June re- election, Ahmadinejad said today he didn’t recognize deadlines for talks on Iran’s nuclear plans and isn’t willing to negotiate on its “undeniable” rights.  Israel now knows that they must attack Iran’s nuclear program or face the fact that Iran will hit them with a nuclear bomb.  Both the U.S. and Israel said they would act to make sure that never happens.  I know for a fact Israel is going to attack, but they may have to do it alone since the U.S. and Israel are at odds right now over the Middle East peace talks.   Once Israel bombs Iran’s nuclear sites you can count on a major war to break out in the Middle East.  This war will be the war God showed Ezekiel in chapters 38-39 of Ezekiel’s book.   None of you should be surprised when you see this war taking place on the news.  If you don’t know anything about the Ezekiel war you will want to read chapter 10 of my book to find out exactly what nations are involved.  I can tell you this, after Israel strikes Iran, Russia will lead a counter attack against Israel.  Of course Iran will be one of Russia’s main allies in this next war.  Anyone who doesn’t know prophecy, and hasn’t kept on the watch for these things as Jesus asked us to, won’t realize every nation that is to join Russia in the invasion on Israel is now ready to battle Israel.  Very shortly the world is going to witness the Ezekiel war.  This war is very important to prophecy because it will tell all who knows God’s Word that the 7 year tribulation is about to begin.  Please keep in mind while Israel is waiting to see if Iran will stop their quest for weapons of mass destruction they are also engaging in a new round of peace talks.  At some point there is going to be a 7 year peace treaty, or covenant if you will, this covenant will be confirmed by a man who will come out of one of the nations that was in the Old Roman Empire.   Many of you who haven’t taken Christ as your Savior will think this man is sent by God, but this is the man Jesus warned us about, and is in fact the Antichrist.   If you choose not to believe what I am saying just wait and remember what you read.   Once you see the news that Israel has signed a (SEVEN YEAR) peace agreement you will know that you have been tossed into the 7 year tribulation.  One thing is for sure, both the Ezekiel war and the signing of the new covenant is just around the corner.


Many of you may not know that Jesus told the Apostle Paul that in the last days while Israel was calling for (Pease and safety) that would be own sudden destruction would come. This prophecy is recorded in I Thessalonians 5:2-3.  As I said earlier, Israel is suppose to join in on a new round of peace talks but I can assure you no good will come from these new talks.  One of the main issues stopping a peace agreement is the fact that PLO wants Israel to stop construction on what the PLO considers their land.   Take a look at what news came out of Israel today concerning this issue. I quote, “Israel Sept. 7 (Bloomberg) — Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak approved the building of 455 housing units in the West Bank, defying U.S. demands for a freeze on settlement construction. The Palestinian Authority immediately condemned the move, saying it “undermines the belief that Israel is a credible partner for peace.” A settler leader pledged to fight any move by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to halt further building.”  You may not know just how important this news is to Bible prophecy but it is.  We know that besides the Ezekiel war there is going to be another war which is recorded in Psalms 83.  What is interesting from the Psalms 83 war is the fact that all the nations that attack Israel are the same nations that are currently involved in the what is suppose to be a new round of peace talks with Israel.  As you can see from the news  the PLO is ready to fight against Israel if they don’t stop building.   Let me tell you what you can expect from these new rounds of peace talks.  They will fail, not just because Israel won’t stop building but because Israel is going to refuse to hand over East Jerusalem to the PLO so they can use that city for their new capital.   Jesus showed Paul that when they are calling for (Peace and safety) sudden destruction would come.  My friends you are about to witness this prophecy come to pass!   As soon as this new round of peace talks fail watch Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Egypt, and the PLO go after Israel in the hopes to wide out Israel once and for all.  Let me tell you the outcome of this war before you see it on the news.  Israel will win again and claim even more land from the Arabs than they have at the present time.    Many who are watching prophecy unfold think that once this war takes place the Ezekiel war will follow it.  One of the main reasons why we think this is because Syria is not included in the Ezekiel war.  At the present time Syria and Iran are very close allies.  Russia and Syria are also very close allies.  Isaiah 17: 1 and Jeremiah chapter 49 tell us Syria will be destroyed.  We believe the time Syria will be wiped out will be during the Psalms 83 war and this is the reason why you do not see Syria listed as one of Iran and Russia’s allies in the Ezekiel war.  All these specific details are outlined for you in chapter 10 of my free prophecy book which you can download for free by clicking to the link at the top of my post.  My friends, most of you do not know how close we are to seeing Jesus return for His Church.  If I could pump out all the knowledge, and understanding Jesus has allowed me to have, which is stored in my head, and put this information into your head, many of you would instantly fall on your knees and ask Jesus to save you.   I suppose the next best thing is to wait until you see what I have warned you show up in the news.  The only problem with waiting is, Jesus may have taken the Church out of the way already, which would mean you have been left behind to go into the seven year tribulation.  God help any of you who choose to go that route.


In Psalms 83 we are shown that Lebanon is one of the nations that will attack Israel.  Hizbullah is a main enemy of Israel both in Lebanon and in the Gaza strip in Israel.  Today’s news shows us that Lebanon is walking down a path that is going to fulfill Psalms 83.  I quote, “Hizbullah will take 10 of 30 seats in a proposed list for a new national unity government submitted to Lebanese president Michel Suleiman.  Prime minister-designate Saad Hariri said Monday that the Western-backed parliamentary majority would get 15 seats out of the 30-member Cabinet. The Hizbullah-led parliamentary minority would get 10 seats, while the president would choose the remaining five seats.”  The Hizbullah’s hatred for Israel will soon be the cause to send Lebanon’s troops against Israel.  You may think all these events are nothing but just coincidences, but at the end of the day you will learn that all these things are happening to fulfill prophecy.



Prophecy Sign:  A few days ago I wrote a post concerning the price of gold.  I showed you that Jesus warned, in the last days the people left on Planet Earth during the tribulation would cry and weep over their loss of gold.  Jesus shows us what importance people have placed on gold during the time of the end and knowing what Christ has shown us you can expect the price of gold to skyrocket.  Here is some proof this is about to happen.  I quote, “Sept. 7 (Bloomberg) — Gold, little changed near a six- month high in London today, may rise toward $1,000 an ounce as a weakening dollar increases the metal’s appeal as an alternative investment. Silver climbed to a 13-month high. The dollar slipped as much as 0.4 percent against the euro as a report showed European investor confidence increased for a second month in September. Gold tends to rise when the greenback weakens. Bullion last surpassed $1,000 on Feb. 20.”  There are two things of importance here.  First gold is rising but let me tell you a few years from now $1,000 an ounce will probably look cheap to you.   It is all right if you don’t believe me, just wait and watch the news and you will see what I am talking about.  Many years ago when I started to warn people what was going to happen in the near future people laughed at me when I told them gold would hit $1,000 an ounce.  Those people aren’t laughing anymore!   The second thing of importance is the fact that this report shows the U.S. dollar is declining. I also have been telling you this was going to be the case.   America is declining because the last world empire, the revived Roman Empire, is about to take center stage just the way Jesus warned us it would.  This is the empire that the Antichrist is going to come out of.  If you are new to my site please read my post dated September 6, 2009.  This post will give you details about the revived Roman Empire.  


Prophecy Sign:  Jesus in Matthew 24:7 and Luke 21:11 told us to watch for earthquakes in many people.  He also told us to watch for “great earthquakes”.  I am sure that many of the people I have witnessed to in the Central Coast today may have been reminded of what I had warned them.  Today I read news the area in which I live near had a earthquake. I quote, “Seismologist Dale Grant of the U.S. Geological Survey says the magnitude-4.0 quake struck at 8:20 p.m. Saturday (0320 GMT Sunday).”   Believe me, a 4.0 quake in California is pretty big but this is nothing of what you are about to see!   I haven’t given you an up-date on the many earthquakes in a few days so I am also adding the recent news concerning some of the quakes that hit over a 5.0.   If you choose not to believe in Christ’s warnings at this time, just wait.  In the near future you are going to see news about more quakes hitting as high as 8, 9, or even 10.  These are the “great earthquakes” Jesus was talking about.



MAP  5.4   2009/09/06 21:49:42    41.472    20.399  3.0   ALBANIA
MAP  5.0   2009/09/06 21:13:30   -22.721    171.152  51.9   SOUTHEAST OF THE LOYALTY ISLANDS
MAP  5.0   2009/09/06 09:19:29    12.875    144.548  75.5   GUAM REGION

MAP  5.8   2009/09/05 03:58:40   -15.094    -70.238  211.5   SOUTHERN PERU

MAP  5.4   2009/09/04 22:16:48   -48.288    31.626  10.0   SOUTH OF AFRICA
MAP  5.0   2009/09/04 09:59:45    -4.864    152.956  92.8   NEW BRITAIN REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA
MAP  5.4   2009/09/04 07:07:31    -6.206    130.765  106.4   BANDA SEA
MAP  5.4   2009/09/04 00:52:07    -6.338    104.752  38.3   SUNDA STRAIT, INDONESIA

One of the things the Lord has impressed upon my heart is to watch for (false prophets). Jesus told us that at the time of the end while we are seeing all these things take place at the same time we would see the rise of false prophets, false teachers, and false christs.  In light of some of the major prophecies that are about to take place, you will begin to see these false prophets, teachers and christs begin to come out of the woodwork.  Are my words true?  My words don't count, what counts is what Jesus warned us and I am quoting Jesus' Words.  Anyone who has watched the news has already see many people who claimed they are prophets.  Most of these men are now in jail, but a new round is coming.  Any man who comes to you in the name of the Lord and wants something from you, run from that man because he is not from God.  Jesus is only after your heart and your soul in heaven, He is not after your wealth or your possessions.


  1. I did some reading about Silvio Berlusconi,yes he could be the anti-christ,but he’s already 70-72? years old? hmm

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