February 16, 2010 Deadly Virus – No peace from Trumps peace plan



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth February 9, 2020 Edition written by Frank DiMora 

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 I plead with anyone who has come to my site to take what Jesus has warned us about the last day signs. There are many of those signs I show you almost on a daily basis as with the sign of Pestilence (disease).  Look at what Jesus warned you below and then view the current news concerning the deadly coronavirus that is spreading around the world currently. Each day the number of people dying from this virus is growing.  Please keep in mind in my post today I am only covering two of the many last day signs Jesus warned us about. If you keep coming back to my site you will see more of these last day signs. One thing is very clear. Jesus said when you shall see all these things know that it is near even at the door. You will not find any other generation who has seen all these signs together all at the same time. This is a warning to you to get ready to see Jesus fulfill His promise to return. God help anyone who is not born again in Christ when He does come back for His Church.  If you do reject Jesus after seeing all these signs you had better read the book of Revelation to find out what your going to have to live through. Sorry I take that back, your chances of living through that time period are extremely low.

CooltextprophecysignLuke 21:11 “And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.”

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Vietnam quarantines area with 10,000 residents over coronavirus

Vietnamese police stand guard at a checkpoint set up at the Son Loi commune in Vinh Phuc province amid concerns about a Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak.


As you can see from the information below the deadly coronavirus is not stopping.


Coronavirus: Which countries have confirmed cases? Keep in mind, in China the virus started with only one person and now look at what has happened.

Australia – 15

Australia has confirmed 15 cases of the virus as of February 15, including three people who have already been discharged from hospital, according to the Australian government.

Most of the patients arrived in the country from Wuhan or Hubei province.

Belgium – 1

Belgium said on February 4 that one of nine Belgian citizens repatriated from Wuhan had tested positive for the coronavirus.

Cambodia – 1

Cambodia confirmed its first case of coronavirus on January 27.

Minister of Health Mam Bunheng said the patient was a 60-year-old Chinese national in the coastal city of Sihanoukville.

Canada – 8

Canada has confirmed seven cases of the coronavirus as of February 15 – three in the province of Ontario and four in British Columbia.

China – 68,567

As of February 16, 68,500 people in mainland China were confirmed as having been infected with the virus, most of them in and around Wuhan. At least 1,665 people have died, China’s national health commission said.

The city of Macau, a gambling hub hugely popular with mainland tourists, has confirmed 10 cases.

Hong Kong reported its first death from the disease on February 4 of a man who had travelled from Wuhan. Including the deceased man, 57 people have been confirmed as having been infected as of February 15.

Egypt – 1

Egypt’s health ministry reported its first confirmed case of the coronavirus on February 14. It is the first known case in Africa.

Officials said the infected person was a foreign national who was being kept in isolation.

Finland – 1

A Chinese tourist who was admitted to hospital for tests was confirmed on January 29 as infected with the coronavirus.

The patient is said to be a 32-year-old woman from Wuhan.

France – 12

On February 15, France reported the first death in Europe – an 80-year-old Chinese tourist.

There are 12 confirmed cases in France, five of which are British citizens who had shared a chalet at a French ski resort with someone who had recently travelled to Singapore.

Germany – 16

Germany registered 16 confirmed cases of the coronavirus as of February 15, a majority of those infected in the southern state of Bavaria.

Almost all the patients in Germany are employees of auto parts supplier Webasto, who were infected by a colleague from China who was attending a course in Germany.

India – 3

On February 3, a third positive case of the coronavirus was reported in India’s southern state of Kerala, the country’s health ministry said.

Italy – 3

One of 56 Italians evacuated from Wuhan has tested positive for the new coronavirus, the health ministry said on February 7, bringing the country’s total number of cases to 3.

On January 30, two Chinese tourists were reported as having tested positive for the virus.

Japan – 57 + 355

A total of 355 people on the quarantined Diamond Princess cruise ship docked at Yokohama had tested positive for the virus as of February 16.

Japan does not include the people on board as part of its national tally, in accordance with WHO guidance. Japan’s national tally is 41.

On February 13, an 80-year-old became the country’s first death from the virus.

Malaysia – 22

Malaysia on February 15 confirmed that a US passenger on a cruise ship that had been turned away by several countries had tested positive for the virus, bringing the country’s total to 22.

The woman flew from Cambodia, where the Westerdam was eventually allowed to dock, to Malaysia along with 144 others from the ship, health authorities said, adding that the woman was the only person among the passengers to test positive for the virus.

Nepal – 1

Nepal said on January 24 that a 32-year-old man arriving from Wuhan had tested positive for coronavirus.

The patient, who was initially quarantined, recovered and was discharged. The government said surveillance has been increased at the airport “and suspicious patients entering Nepal are being monitored”.

The Philippines – 3

Philippine health officials confirmed a third case of coronavirus on February 5. The country also had the first death from coronavirus outside China, which was announced on February 2.

Russia – 2

Russia reported two cases of coronavirus on January 31. Both patients – Chinese nationals – have recovered and were discharged from hospital.


Singapore – 72

Singapore’s health ministry said the city-state had 72 confirmed cases as of February 15.

The country has the highest tallies outside China, including mounting evidence of local transmission.

South Korea – 29

On February 11, South Korea reported one new case of the virus, bringing the country’s total to 28.


Spain – 2

Spanish authorities confirmed the country’s second case of coronavirus on February 9 – a British man in Mallorca.


Sri Lanka – 1

Sri Lanka confirmed its first case of coronavirus on January 27.

The patient was identified as a 43-year-old Chinese woman from Hubei province who had arrived in Sri Lanka as a tourist. She was admitted to the Infectious Diseases Hospital.


Sweden – 1

On January 31, Sweden’s Public Health Agency said a woman had tested positive for coronavirus and was being kept in isolation at a hospital in southern Sweden.

The woman, who is not gravely ill according to the agency, had visited the Wuhan area in China and began coughing after she arrived in Sweden. She contacted a hospital in southern Sweden, where she is being treated.

Taiwan – 20

Taiwan confirmed its eighteenth case on February 9: a young woman in her 20s who has not shown any symptoms of the viral infection, Health Minister Chen Shih-chung said at a press briefing.

Thailand – 34

Thailand confirmed one new case on February 15, bringing the total number of coronavirus patients in the country to 34.

The latest patient is a 35-year-old Thai medical worker who was infected through contact with a patient, said Suwanchai Wattanayingcharoenchia, director-general of the Department of Disease Control.

Fourteen patients in Thailand have recovered from the infection and returned to their homes.


United Arab Emirates – 8

The UAE confirmed one new case on February 10, bringing the country’s total to eight.

The country’s health ministry said the patient was an Indian national who had come into contact with a recently diagnosed person.

On February 1, the UAE became the first country in the Middle East to confirm cases of the coronavirus.

United Kingdom – 9

The UK confirmed one new case of coronavirus on February 12, taking the total number in the country to nine.

All cases are in England, while the latest case is the first to be recorded in the capital, London.


United States – 15

The US had confirmed 15 cases of the virus as of February 13. The most recent case was a passenger on an evacuation flight from China who had been under quarantine in Texas.

Vietnam – 16

On February 13, the health ministry confirmed the nation’s 16th case of coronavirus. The authorities have said at least 11 of the cases were in the northern province of Vinh Phuc.

The Son Loi commune in Vinh Phuc was placed under a 14-day quarantine by Vietnamese authorities on February 13.


 One of the other last day signs Jesus gave us to watch for is the sign you see below concerning the call for peace and safety and what will take place when you hear that call.  That call as warned is has already taken place and what is to follow is taking shape as the enemies of Israel are stepping up their attacks.  You will see a photo with a list of nations below with the label Psalm 83 war.  We believe that the sudden destruction that is to come will be that Psalm 83 war against the Jews.  Israel isn’t going to allow the Palestinians to keep launching rockets at them so look for this coming war! There is no question we are witnessing the signs of this coming war as you will see below.



   I Thessalonians 5:3,4: “For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.”

 Israel strikes Gaza, cancels easing of restrictions

JERUSALEM: The Israeli air force attacked Hamas positions in the Gaza Strip on Saturday in retaliation to rocket fire from the Palestinian enclave into Israel, a military statement said. The exchange of fire between both sides has escalated since last month after US President Donald Trump unveiled his Middle East peace plan, angrily rejected by the Palestinians as a capitulation to Israeli objectives.”  “Palestinians in Gaza have launched rockets, mortar shells and balloons rigged with explosives at southern Israel on a near-daily basis since Trump’s plan was unveiled.”Fighter planes and helicopters have targeted positions of the terrorist organisation Hamas in central Gaza Strip,” including a military post, said the Israeli military, which earlier reported two projectiles had been fired into the Jewish state from the Gaza Strip.



 Iran’s Hajizadeh: We must unite to expel the Zionists and Americans

Iran’s Amir Ali Hajizadeh, commander of the ‘Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps elite Aerospace force’, has said that the region must unite to expel “Zionists” and Americans. In what have been daily statements by Iran’s leadership, the regime is claiming it will destroy Israel and get the US to leave Iraq and Syria. https://www.jpost.com/Middle-East/Irans-Hajizadeh-We-must-unite-to-expel-the-Zionists-and-Americans-617650


 Grand Mufti issues decree banning Palestinians from supporting peace plan

Jerusalem Mufti Muhammad Hussein 311 (photo credit: REUTERS/Ammar Awad)

The grand mufti of the Palestinian Authority has decreed that any Palestinian who cooperates with US President Donald Trump’s peace plan for the Middle East is “betraying Allah,” and that they “deserve to be cursed by Allah, his angels and all people.” The ruling was reported on February 12 in al-Hayat al-Jadida, the Palestinian Authority’s official daily paper…https://www.jpost.com/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/Grand-Mufti-issues-decree-banning-Palestinians-from-supporting-peace-plan-617639

 One of the most important things you will ever do is recognize Jesus Christ as the true messiah of the world. However, the most important thing in anyone’s life is to ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior. Jesus has given us so many last day signs to show all of us what He says is true and that soon He will come back for us as He promised. Make the first step into your new life with Jesus by asking Jesus to take over your life. Begin by praying to Him. See below.

“Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for all of my sins and grant me eternal life with you. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed.  Please, Lord Jesus, come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on.  I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. On this new day of my new life in you please help teach me how to live my life for you. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

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