Hidden Birthpains?/Antichrsit Obama are you kidding me/Signs of America’s decline continues/New World Order news/Rev. 6:6 signs/June 18, 2010

IMG_0256If the Lord lays me on your heart you may contact me at P.O. box 732, Lompoc Ca, 93438 want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will.
Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 29, 2010 Edition By Frank DiMora

See full size image Prophecy Sign: If Jesus showed you in Revelation 18:12 that people will be weeping over the lose of gold and silver during the tribulation wouldn’t you like to know why?   It is going to be during the tribulation that these precious metals we be taken away from the world by the Lord. The things that the unrighteous people held dear instead of Christ will suddenly be striped away and they will be left with nothing.  What can we then take away from knowing what Jesus told us in verse 12?  For one thing, you don’t want to find yourself left beyond when Jesus removes His Church.  Simply put, that would automatically put you in the category of the unrighteous, which will automatically mean you will be confronted not only by the Antichrist, but everyone of the judgments God will be pouring out on the unrighteous. You may be laughing at this post now, but I promise you every word Jesus warns us about is going to be fulfilled very shortly.

Do you want a sign that shows you for sure that our world is at the doorway of entering the seven year tribulation?  Do you need another sign that will prove to you Jesus’ warning about the gold and silver is coming to pass?    First of all, let me make it clear that the people weeping over these items listed in Rev. 18:12  are weeping over them because they have become part of the wealth of the world that people hold dear to. Gold and silver have replaced God and as their true riches and now Jesus is going to rip these things away from them to show them who is the real God.  What you are about to see is what I call “the hidden birth pain”. I call it this because the people who do not know Jesus as their savior will think it a blessing however, they will soon find out that what they viewed as a blessing will turn out to be their curse. Let me explain.

The person who does not see Jesus as their Savior and who buys gold or silver will think it a blessing as they watch the prices of these precious metals rise over the years. They will think they have become rich as they see their wealth grow to record levels until the day Jesus’ words in Revelation 18:12 are fulfilled.  Then and only then will they realize their treasure they lead dear was rotten to the core and really held no value.  This my friend is the hidden birth pain!  Let me now show you what these hidden birth pains are doing. If you look at the chart below you will see what the price of gold was from 1975 to the year 2000. You see the prices go up and down. A woman in labor also sees her pains go up and down until her child is delivered.  Anyone who knows what Jesus said knows the prices of these metals will hit levels never before seen in the market.  What we know is the prices will go up and down, but the pattern will be the prices will keep climbing higher and higher during these birth pains.  Let me prove it to you. Take a look at the chart below. The prices went up and down and by the year 2000 gold was a little over $300.00 an ounce.  Do you want to know what it is only ten year later?  Today we are told the price of gold is nearing a new record high at $1,259.80 an ounce. The price of gold has skyrocketed, and those who own this gold but do not have Christ at the center of their hearts will think they have been blessed but in reality all it is is a hidden birth pain for them! 

Gold $1,259.50 http://www.apmex.com/

In my previous posts I have been warning you all that the current prices of gold and silver are nothing compared to what is coming.  These prices are still going to skyrocket until Jesus removes them during the tribulation.  Look, I take my lead from my Father Jesus.  I know for sure what is coming.  If you don’t want to believe the message I am carrying for my Father, maybe you will listen to the world’s experts.  What are they saying about the future prices of gold.



Below are comments from the experts taken from the link below.


Can gold touch $2,000 an ounce by 2010? Read what some experts have to say on this:
According to Robert McEwen, CEO U.S. Gold Corporation…
“Gold prices may reach $2,000 an ounce by 2010 on demand for an alternative to currencies. You have much more money than there is gold, and as people see their currencies falling relative to gold; they’re going to be saying ‘Maybe I should have some of this.’”
John Hill and Graham Wark, Citibank analysts note…

“Frankly, we're surprised, that gold is not already at $2,000 an ounce. Gold will benefit from both the “gloom & doom” and “muddle-through & monetization” scenarios, possibly regaining $1,000 per ounce at year-end and even doubling or tripling in the long term,”
Adam Hamilton of Zeal Intelligence says that…

“If our current gold rally truly unfolds into a Great Gold Rally, $1,000 gold is merely the first stage. A gold bubble, which will probably ultimately happen as a way to climax the coming gold mania, maybe five to seven years out, could easily launch gold above $5,000 per ounce. The actual top of a new gold bubble at the final pinnacle of another Great Gold Rally could touch $6,000+ per ounce!”
With gold alone, you could see gains of 141% when gold reaches $2,000, 502% when gold reaches $5,000 and 623% when gold reaches $6,000.
U.S. Dollar’s Steady Decline …Gold Demand Set to Soar
The United States is immersed in exploding debt. The U.S. Federal Debt is now more than $10.2 trillion… and the number is growing by over $1 million every minute.
This debt is a significant part of the inflationary tsunami that is sending the dollar into a steady downward spiral.
When the dollar is weak, which it has been in recent years, gold goes up.
Now recently, the dollar has been making a bit of a comeback, which might be contributing to golds temporary decline. And that’s because investors are currently focusing on deflation because of the fear of a recession.
But don’t be fooled… once the government’s trillions of dollars of liquidity pours into the market and filters down, there could be inflation of the type we have not seen since the early 80s – and once that happens… gold will skyrocket.
Remember… in the 80s, inflation was 18% and gold was $1,000 – if that happens again, some experts believe gold could soar as high as $6,000 an ounce.
Just listen to what two of the brightest and most knowledgeable money men think about the weakening dollar:
Warren Buffett advises you to “build an ark” to protect against the fallout from the falling U.S. dollar.
Professor Kenneth Rogoff, a former head researcher at the International Monetary Fund, warns of a potential 40%+ drop in the greenback’s value.
With the threat of global inflation fueled by soaring energy and food prices, it is not just the U.S. Federal Reserve that is likely to take action in an effort to stabilize rates. The entire world is now aware of the financial crisis, since the U.S. credit problem has spread to the broader global markets.
Central banks all over the world will have to coordinate efforts to mitigate the problem… continuing to inject liquidity into the global system.
Because of this, many economic experts believe we’re headed for inflationary times. And gold has always been a safe asset to protect your wealth against inflation.
Thing is, right now is the perfect opportunity for you to put your “toe in the water” ahead of the enormous gains that gold and gold stocks will bring in the next year…
Upward pressure on the price of gold will be driven by the current economic uncertainly surrounding the U.S. economy, increasing inflation, and the strong demand for gold overseas.
Fact of the matter is, holding dollars has not been a “good idea” for several years now. Foreign investors are slowly making that realization and are actively looking for investments that are appreciating, not depreciating.
Gold fits the bill.

With the steady decline of the stock market, not too mention the U.S. dollar, now is the best time to own something of real substantial value – GOLD.
Fact is, with the weak dollar, other countries are in the process of diversifying their dollar holdings – buying gold to get out of the dollar… And as gold’s popularity increases during this volatile time, you’ll see prices of gold and gold related stocks continue to soar upwards.
Dr. David Davis, a Senior Gold Analyst at Credit Suisse Standard Securities states,
“Between 2007 and 2010, supply-and-demand dynamics will undergo irreversible change, caused by a decline in global mine and official sector supply and increased demand from China and the investment community.”

If you are wise you will listen to what Jesus says. What He says is for your own good and I quote Him. "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also  (Matthew 6:19-21).

See full size image What about silver? Would you like to see the hidden birth pains regarding silver?  Just take a look at the chart below. Over the years you can see silver has been climbing higher and higher.  In 2009 it was pushing toward the $16.00 an ounce.  When I look at this chart below it reminds me of a snake heading for the door of the tribulation.  What has happened to the price of silver since 2009?  Today’s market price for silver is $19.05 an ounce.

“Investment expert say that the price of silver is about to hit record highs in the coming future. This is because the silver mines are reporting scarcity in silver ores. Once the demand curve overcomes the supply then the prices of silver will skyrocket.” http://www.zim-rights.org/what-do-investment-experts-say-about-the-prices-of-silver.htm

“Why Silver Will Keep Shining” http://online.barrons.com/article/SB126843798928661257.html




If you do not believe the massage my Father has given me all I ask is watch the prices of gold and silver in the coming months as the world currencies begin to collapse.  When you see prices climb like never before I pray you will listen to what the Holy Spirit is telling you.  He is saying, “Trust my Word for it is Truth”, “Trust in me for I AM your true riches”.  I am warning you, if you do not listen to Jesus warnings about the end times, and you keep hardening your heart toward him you will find yourself ending up in the heart of the tribulation.  Jesus is trying to keep you from this road. Please take what He has shown us to heart.

Prophecy Sign: And people wonder why America is not found in the book of Daniel?  If you never studied the Book of Daniel you would not know that God outlined for us who it was that was going to rule the world from the time Daniel was alive all the way to the second coming of Jesus Christ.  I can assure you the last world empire is not the United States.  Jesus and Daniel show us the last world empire will be a revived Roman Empire.  That empire is rising faster than you think and it is explained in my post entitled “Revived Roman Empire of Revelation is forming/Oct. 27, 2009” The link is below.



Since opening up my site I have been showing you signs that are helping take down the U.S. from its superpower status.  The most recent disaster besides the failing economy is the BP oil spill.  While thousands of people are losing wages from the result of the spill the Obama Administration is sitting on its hands in getting anything done.  At this point the U.S. is actually void of a leader.  Obama declared a war on this spill and all he say done is set up a committee of men to study the problem and all they are doing is running around getting in everyone way of real progress.  I laugh when people tell me Obama is the Antichrist!  Obama is the exact opposite of what the Antichrist will be like.  When you read the Book of Revelation it shows us that the Antichrist will be a man that can do miracles and signs and wonders.  Obama is out there wondering what to do!  The longer this Gulf oil spill continues to flow the weaker the U.S. economy will become.  What I can tell you is this, America will continue to decline and it will help give rise to the last world empire.  As I follow the news it is beginning to look like Obama is trying to stop the clean up from taking place.  Why in the world would a leader stop ships from cleaning up some of the oil?  Are you going to tell me that Obama can’t get on the phone and give orders to the Coast Guard to get out of the way so the real “WAR” on this spill can begin.  I don’t want to up-set you but it you love the United States the video below will get you pretty up-set.  It breaks my heart to tell you this, but these events are in part taking place because Obama has taken a position against God.  We are told in scripture that anyone who divides Israel will be destroyed.  The only real war Obama is waging is against the Jews as he continues to try and split Israel into two nations.  The longer it takes to stop this spill the greater the chance of a hurricane to slam into the Gulf.  When this happens and the oil hits land and gets into the water supply you will see America divided not Israel. 

BP Oil Spill: Against Gov. Jindal's Wishes, Crude-Sucking Barges Stopped by Coast Guard


If video above does not play click to link below and watch it there.


The Rasmussen today informed us Obama’s rating is now at 41 % which is among the lowest of U.S. Presidents.  This is another sign that those teaching Obama is the Antichrist are barking up the wrong tree.  When the Antichrist shows up he is going to looked at as a savior and the world is going to love him, that is until they find out he played everyone like a fool.

As far as Obama is concerned his rating will keep dropping as He continues to destroy the American economy.   The following news report will explain how this can happen. The headline to the report is entitled, “President Obama has a solution to the Gulf oil spill: $7-a-gallon gas”.

“That's a Harvard University study's estimate of the per-gallon price of the president's global-warming agenda. And Obama made clear this week that this agenda is a part of his plan for addressing the Gulf mess. So what does global-warming legislation have to do with the oil spill? Good question, because such measures wouldn't do a thing to clean up the oil or fix the problems that led to the leak. The answer can be found in Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel's now-famous words, "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste — and what I mean by that is it's an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before." That sure was true of global-warming policy, and especially the cap-and-trade bill. Many observers thought the measure, introduced last year in the House by Reps. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) and Edward Markey (D-Mass.), was dead: The American people didn't seem to think that the so-called global-warming crisis justified a price-hiking, job-killing, economy-crushing redesign of our energy supply amid a fragile recovery. Passing another major piece of legislation, one every bit as unpopular as ObamaCare, appeared unlikely in an election year.”

Disaster after disaster has fallen on America and they are going to continue as long as Obama presses the issue of dividing up Israel.  American’s have been living with record breaking drought conditions, major floods, a failing economy, and now the worse oil spill in her history.  Wait till the major earthquake hits America, maybe then people will look up to Christ for answers.  When that happens you know where you can find me, right here waiting to lead you to salvation in Christ Jesus. 



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Speaking about earthquakes there is a warning today that America must change or else. “Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said the U.S. may soon face higher borrowing costs on its swelling debt and called for a “tectonic shift” in fiscal policy to contain borrowing.’”  America is being shaking to the core as her debt keeps increasing.  The time is coming when nations will no longer allow America to borrow money, knowing they will never ever get paid back.  As it stands now China has been holding America up by buying her debt,  but they are now showing signs of backing away from their loan policy.  Could Obama be the last President of the U.S. as we know it?  I think it is very possible.


In my previous posts I have been showing you signs from U.S. cities that America is falling apart at the seems as the debt is crushing the States.  Take a look at what is now being said about San Diego. “The city of San Diego should consider bankruptcy, the county of San Diego Grand Jury said in a recent report. The grand jury, which examines local governments in addition to indicting suspected criminals, says such a step could help the city cut its onerous retirement and health benefits. The city has an unfunded pension obligation of $2.2 billion and an unfunded retiree healthcare liability of $1.3 billion, according to the report. San Diego represents the fifth major city this year to arouse bankruptcy talk by the count of Bloomberg columnist Joe Mysak. San Diego’s neighbor Los Angeles is one of the others.
San Diego’s situation is unsustainable, the report points out.”

Is anyone beginning to see what Jesus is showing you? 


Here is another sign America is in real trouble. “President Barack Obama has asked America's G-20 trading partners to work closely with him "to safeguard and strengthen the recovery" from the near collapse of the global economic system in the fall of 2008.” 


Prophecy Sign: What is next for the U.S. as the economy fails.  Could the civil unrest Jesus warned us about in Matthew 24:7 be coming to America soon?  I think the news from Washington will give you the handwriting on the wall. “WASHINGTON, June 17 (Reuters) – A Democratic bill to extend jobless benefits and raise taxes on investment fund managers failed a key vote in the U.S. Senate on Thursday, dealing a blow to President Barack Obama's push to boost the economy. The bill would have extended popular business tax breaks, stopped a 21 percent Medicare pay cut for doctors treating elderly patients and extended extra Medicaid money to cash-strapped states. Democratic leaders failed to muster the 60 votes needed to overcome solid Republican opposition to the bill, which would have added about $55 billion to the deficit over 10 years. The Senate voted 56-40 against the measure.”  At the current time their are 15 million Americans out of work. Can you image what is going to happen when the U.S. Government tell these people you are out of money and we can no longer help you!  The riots you just saw in Greece will be in the streets in America. 


See full size imageProphecy Sign:Take Jesus warning seriously when He tells you the Antichrist will control the world’s economy.  We know this from Revelation 13:16-17 where we see the Antichrist controlling what you can buy or sell.  There have been many reports lately showing this new world system is coming and there was one today.

June 18 (Bloomberg) — Russia will help lead efforts to recast the global economic hierarchy as the world emerges from the financial crisis, President Dmitry Medvedev said. “We really live at a unique time, and we should use it to build a modern, prosperous and strong Russia, a Russia that will be a co-founder of the new world economic order,” Medvedev said at the annual St. Petersburg International Economic Forum today. Russia will use tax incentives and other free-market economic policies to turn the country into a destination for innovators from around the world, Medvedev told an audience including Citigroup Inc. Chief Executive Officer Vikram Pandit and French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde.


Prophecy Sign: Revelation 6:6 shows us the price of food will be sky high during the tribulation.  I have been showing you the prices are climbing getting ready for the tribulation and here is one of those reports.

“May's Consumer Price Index fell 0.2%, which was a slightly larger price drop than consensus expected. Deflation seems to be the greater challenge right now rather than inflation. But not everywhere.

A new report from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) forecasts soaring gloal food prices over the next decade.

While food production is forecast to increase, demand will increase even faster due to rising wealth levels in developing countries. Rising incomes lead to larger amounts of meat included in diets, and meat is far more intensive of a food source to produce than simple things such as rice or wheat.

You may have heard of this scenario years ago, before the crisis and when commodities were in a super-spike. Well, the thesis still holds, even after the crisis. Moreover, we won't have to wait until 2020 to see the price hikes. The process is already kicking off. The report forecasts that global prices next year for many animal-related foods will be 10 – 20% higher than in 2009”  Listen to what the Lord is saying to you!


chart of the day, world food prices 2011 vs 2009

Speaking about floods and storms take a look at this. “As many as 60 tornadoes tore through Minnesota on Thursday evening, killing three people, injuring dozens of others and flattening homes up and down the state. Footage uploaded to YouTube shows tornadoes on the ground in Albert Lea, as well as damage in Wadena, one of the hardest-hit places.


See full size image

It is my prayer that my work for Jesus has guided you to accept Christ as your Savior. If this is the case, you can begin your new walk by saying this prayer. Notice I said begins your walk. Once you make a commitment to Christ pour out your heart to Him and let Him help you grow in His ways. Seek out a Church where they teach the entire Bible, and join in the Lord’s fellowship. We are much to close to the Lord’s second coming to be a lukewarm Christian.

See full size image Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that you’re Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on. I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant. I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward. I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.


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    • Bob Pienta on June 19, 2010 at 8:08 am
    • Reply

    Dear Frank, I know with the present conditions that Obama is not fullfilling the legacy of the antichrist, is it at all possible that he is being groomed and that he doesn’t know yet his purpose?? Situations can change and all of a sudden he will be looked at as the hero he thinks he is? Just a thought. Never in the history of this country have we had a more marxist/socialist so-called president, who seems HELL-bent on destroying America.. Thanks for all you do!! Bob Pienta

  1. There is a sure way one can know if he is or is not the Antichrist. According to the Bible the Antichrist will take a wound in the head and appear to die but will come back to life.  If this were to happen to who know who, and the world nuts over him then you would have your answer. 

    • Scott Gomez on June 20, 2010 at 7:57 am
    • Reply

    We are definitly is the End Times, but I do not believe that JESUS has opened the first seal. So don`t be so sure as to identify anyone to be the anti-christ. There will be no doubt about it.
    We are now experiancing the beginnig of sorrows. Things will now begin to happen more quickly and more intense and horrible

    • Scott Gomez on June 21, 2010 at 2:34 pm
    • Reply

    Regarding E-Mail,
    There is no mention in Scripture about the two witnesses

  2. The Word talks to us about the two men in chapter 11 of the book of Revelation.

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