Is there a meaning behind Venezuela’s major earthquake today? Signs of Middle East war in the news-Peace and Safety-The curse-Disease in water-Rapture, what it will cause?-Sept. 13, 2009



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Prophecy Sign: Jesus Christ made it a point to include the sign of earthquakes as one of the many signs of the last days.  We are told to look for many earthquakes in Matthew 24:7 and in Luke 21:11 we are told there is going to be “great earthquakes”.  There was a major earthquake today that hit Venezuela. Here is the news about the quakes but you need to understand something once you read the report.  I quote, “CARACAS (Reuters) – A strong 6.4 magnitude earthquake shook major oil exporter Venezuela on Saturday, causing panic in the capital, Caracas, and injuring at least seven people when houses in the countryside collapsed.  The quake, the strongest in the South American nation in years, hit at about 3:40 p.m. local time (2010 GMT), authorities said. It also knocked out power in several regions.”  A few days ago I told you that anyone who comes against Israel has been placed under God’s curse. This curse in found in Genesis 12:3. I asked you to watch the nations who are attacking Israel in one way or another, because you will see some form of natural disaster take place.  Just recently Venezuela’s President was in Syria and Russia bashing Israel. I quote a short section of a report to show you what I’m talking about. “Damascus – Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez attacked Israel Thursday during his visit to Syria, calling it an imperialist nation that annihilates other people.” Hugo was also in Iran making their alliance stronger with Iran. I quote, “TEHRAN – Visiting Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and his Iranian counterpart Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Saturday agreed on a roadmap over the next 10 years to boost economic and military ties between the two countries”  Both Ahmadinejad and Hugo Chavez hate Israel.   Hugo Chavez has brought God’s curse on that nation and the earthquake you just read about is not just an earthquake, it is a message to Venezuela from God.  You may not believe this but I have been keeping tract of the nations who are opposing God’s people, and they are all seeing some form of natural disaster.    Someone asked me yesterday why did God pick Israel to be His chosen people?  A simple answer would be found in two verses.  Deuteronomy 14:2 “ For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God, and the LORD hath chosen thee to be a peculiar people unto himself, above all the nations that are upon the earth.”  Deut 7:6 “ For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.”  No one can tell you exactly why God decided to pick Israel but the fact is He did.  One thing we know for sure is God tells us that He is going to sanctified in them.  Let me explain.  Ezekiel told us Iran is going to get wiped out with Russia when they attack Israel.  In Ezekiel 39:27 God said, “When I have brought them (Israel), from the people, and gathered them out of their enemies’ lands, and am sanctified in them in the sight of many nations; Then shall they know that I am the Lord their God, which caused them to be lead into captivity amount the heathen: but I have gathered them unto their own land, and have left none of them any more there.”  When you read chapter 38-39 you will see God comes to the aid of Israel when Russia lead an invasion against Israel.  It will be from this war that God shows the nations He has protected this tiny nation.  If you don’t like the Jewish people, you are opposing God and believe me no good will come of it.  Hugo Chavez, Ahmadinejad Ahmadinejad, and the Russian President are all opposing Israel and God.  The Lord’s curse is on these nations and when the Ezekiel war breaks out both Russia and Iran will get wiped out.  Venezuela is not involved in the Ezekiel war, but they to will feel God’s wrath.  Did you ever wonder why Israel, this tiny nation is the focus of so much news?  It is because God has chosen this tiny nation to show the world that He is God.  Just 3 days ago we read the following: “Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez called for ending the Israeli occupation of Syrian Golan and returning it to Syria.”  We know Russia and Iran are going to get wiped out soon when they attack Israel.  Syria is also going to get wiped out when they attack Israel. Both Prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah were given this information from the Lord.  You can find the prophecies in Isaiah 17:1 and Jeremiah 49:24-27.

In yesterdays post I showed you that more rockets had been fired on Israel from Lebanon and that you should prepare to see war break out soon between Israel and the Lebanese.  I told you that Lebanan was one of the nations God showed us that was going to attack Israel in the Psalms 83 war.  I also told you that the peace precess in the Middle East is going to break down and this is when you will see the war.  How can you expect peace when you hear the following, "Lebanese Shiite cleric Ayatollah Muhammad Hussein Fadlalah issued a fatwa forbidding the normalization of ties with Israel.  "Islamic law forbids any normalization of ties with the Zionist enemy," he ruled. (AFP)”  Do you believe God when He tells you Lebanon is going to attack Israel?  We are seeing the beginning stages of this attack right now.  Don't expect for Israel to wait for 7,000 more rockets to fall on Israel as they allowed to happen two years ago.  This time Israel will put an end to any more rockets right away.,7340,L-3776130,00.html

Remember the labor pains Jesus warned us about.  We are seeing these labor pain increase right now.  I quote, "Russia has urged Israel and Lebanon to prevent an escalation in tensions after an exchange of fire on the border between the two countries.”

For those of us who know what God has warned us, there is no doubt that the events we are witnessing right now is leading up to the Psalms 83 and the war found in chapters 38-39 of Ezekiel.  Russia stepped in and is trying to stop the present situation  from getting worse.  Like I said Israel is going to move quickly this time unlike the war with Lebanon in 2006.  I quote, "JERUSALEM (AP) — Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned Lebanon on Sunday that Israel "will not hold back" when attacked and holds the Lebanese government responsible for any assault on his country.  Netanyahu delivered the warning after two rockets fired from Lebanon struck northern Israel on Friday. Israel responded immediately with artillery fire, and the exchange ratcheted up persisting tensions between the two countries. "We view this very gravely," Netanyahu told his Cabinet. "We will not hold back when Israeli territory comes under fire, and will not reconcile ourselves to missile fire or any other form of terror directed at Israeli citizens."  If you see what is coming it is because you are blind to the Lord's truth.  If you ask Jesus to be your Savior Jesus will open your eyes to all these warnings and you will believe!  If you choose not to take Christ as Your Savilor, just wait, I won't be long before you witness His Words come to pass.,0,4575326.story

May this next report from today's news will help you see what is coming? I quote, "Lebanese Druse leader Walid Jumblatt told an Iranian news source that his country should turn to Iran for weapons to counter an Israeli attack. "[The Israelis] are not hiding that, they are saying we will attack or we will one day come to Lebanon again," said Jumblatt to Press TV in Beirut on Saturday. Jumblatt also called for the opening of contacts between Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Iran, claiming that unity among them will discourage an Israeli attack against Lebanon or Iran.”  You had better take a close look at the war in Psalms 83 again. Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia are all mentioned in that Psalm that attack Israel.  Iran is not mentioned there because they get wiped out in the Ezekiel war, but everyone of these nations are spoken about in either Psalms 83 and Ezekiel 38.  Now can you see clearly what is coming?

People ask me when is this war going to break out?  Jesus told Paul that when you hear the call for peace and safety that is the time sudden destruction is going to come.  That call for peace and safety is going on right now! Here is some news about the peace talks today. I quote, “Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says work still needs to be done to narrow differences before peace talks with Palestinians can resume. Mr Netanyahu, speaking before heading to Egypt for talks, said he hoped to bridge the gaps as a new push on Middle East peace got under way. “ At the time we are seeing tension heat up between Israel and Lebanon they are headed into what is suppose to be a new round of peace talks.  The timing for all this is perfect.  No one likes to hear about war, but if God warned us about it and told us to keep on the watch, you had better do just that.  If you are a Pastor of a Church and you are now warning your flock, God help you!

Prophecy Sign: In Matthew 24:7, Christ also told us this generation would see the sign of diseases. In chapter 4 of my free book it is loaded with the facts concerning this sign.  Here is an example from today’s news. “SAN FRANCISCO —  Dangerous staph bacteria have been found in sand and water for the first time at five public beaches along the coast of Washington, and scientists think the state is not the only one with this problem. The germ is MRSA, or methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus — a hard-to-treat bug once rarely seen outside of hospitals but that increasingly is spreading in ordinary community settings such as schools, locker rooms and gyms.  The germ causes nasty skin infections as well as pneumonia and other life-threatening problems. It spreads mostly through human contact. Little is known about environmental sources that also may harbor the germ.”  Once again, I must remind you all the signs we were warned about are all taking place at the same time.  This is the time Jesus told us He would return.  Get ready!,2933,549601,00.html?test=


There will be no post on Monday September 14, 2009 as I have to take some medical tests.  I will be back Tuesday.  We only have 4 days to the start of the Feast of Trumpets.  Just in case this is the appointed time Jesus has chosen to remove His Church I pray anyone reading this post will be ready.  I never set any dates, but we have to be ready because we know Jesus is going to come for His Church at some point during these Feasts.  What if it is this September?  Will the Lord Christ Jesus find you standing at the door on Watch?

Someone wrote me this about the rapture of the Church today.  He has many good points that you should see. 


"My theory is that after the pre-trib rapture chaos will rule. hopefully a billion people will be missing and claims to missing people's assets will be numerous and there will be tons of identity theft.  once my wife and i are raptured, who is to stop anyone from silently moving into out house and becoming us? evil will abound so there is no end to what people will steal.  i also firmly believe there will be great rejoicing that "those Christians" are gone and out of the way. the world will be so happy that the most narrow minded people on the face of the earth are removed. i can imagine keith olbermann on msnbc grinning from ear to ear and so exuberant the citizens of the world can finally join together as one. the taking of Christians property and assets will seem to them almost as a Christmas present, the hate for Christians will be manifested and it will be ravenous. anyway, back to the mark. have you ever had to take inventory of something after a major storm or event? imagine what it will be like after the rapture who is alive, who is missing, who is dead? what belongs to whom? i believe it will be mandatory to be marked so they can take a head count of all who remain, then claims can be made by family, relatives on raptured Christians property, estates, etc. at issue will be - wills, partnership agreements, joint-ownership of properties, stocks, bonds, corporate boards, executive succession, , etc. it will be a tangled mess and they will need to get a handle on who is who and who remains as soon as possible. "

thanks, gary



    • Honduran on September 15, 2009 at 6:14 pm
    • Reply

    Well, well, well, let me see; venezuelan president “huGorilla chavez” is against Israel, Honduras a tiny country is against huGorilla chavez, and is supporting Israel, BUT the usa is crushing this tiny nation (Honduras) and doing so, the usa is supporting huGorilla chavez. So, What do you expect about usa?

    • Victor on October 25, 2009 at 7:05 pm
    • Reply

    Bro. Frank: Even Thomas Ice and Grant Jeffrey admit that before 1830 NO organized church and NO official Christian theology held to anything resembling a pretribulation rapture! Google “Famous Rapture Watchers” and also “Pretrib Rapture Dishonesty.” Victor

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