FREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read!
Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth October 22 2019 edition written by Frank DiMora
To contact me write to fjdimora@gmail.com
Yesterday I had to privilege to meet 16 people who work for a health care group. I would love to give the name of that health care group but, since I didn’t ask for that permission I will leave the name out. The 16 people came from different parts of the U.S.. I spent 4 hours with them and later went to dinner with them as well. When I left the restaurant with my daughter I told her the one thing I hate in this life is meeting people who I love and having to leave them knowing I may never see them again. The 16 people and myself came together as strangers but, when I left them I felt as though I knew them as close friends for a long time. Last night before I climbed into my bed I prayed to Jesus and thanked Him for allowing me to meet these people who I spent most of the day with. I told my Lord that I truly loved these people and it was a blessing to me that He put us all together. I can honestly say that these 16 people were not just working for this health care group just to earn a pay check but, they were making a difference in peoples lives who are sick or those trying to help the sick. At dinner I had a chance to share some of the things Jesus has done in my life. Those of you who have been coming to my web site have read some of the things Jesus has done to lead people to His salvation. I tell people what Christ has done in my life with the hope that the fire in my heart for Jesus would spread to others. If I could show others that Jesus is in fact real and, if you spend time with Him He will use you in ways you could not imagine. In a world that most people think is falling apart around them there is Christ Jesus holding everything together. When the 16 people I met go back to their homes in the states they came from they will again begin to meet people in the work place who they will have an opportunity change peoples lives. When a person is in pain their hope candle seems to flicker to the point that their light will go out but, thank Jesus that their are people like these 16 who are sent out by Christ to help transform that persons life.
These 16 not only help free a person of their pain but in doing so their life candle begins to burn bright again. How many of you who were in pain at one point in your life were helped by someone in the medical field? Did you know that the person treating you or trying to get you care may have been there because of Christ. I would presume that there are many people in the medical field who treat people and never know that Jesus was or is behind that care. Jesus uses people who haven’t even taken Him as their savior yet in order to help others. As a follower of Christ I know there is an extra blessing for those who help people not just as a medical provider but, one who brings in Christ when they visit or treat the sick. You can make a difference where ever you are and in any situation you are put in when Christ is in your life.
Last night I told a few of the people the following story to make my point that Jesus uses people when you don’t even know you are being used. I remember a time in my life I got very sick and was put in the hospital for a few weeks. Even though I was sick anyone who came into my room to visit me I found some how to witness to them for Christ. One night around midnight a nurse came into my room. I was still awake laying in bed with the bar up on the side of my bed to keep me from falling out of bed. The nurse came up to my bed and kneeled down so she could see me through the bars at the side of my bed. What she said to me blew me away. She said, I have been listening to you talk to the people visiting you, can you teach me about Jesus? Here I am trying to lead people to Christ who are visiting me while Jesus had some different plans for someone else who had been treating me for the past two weeks. Please trust me when I tell you that moment looking at the nurse through my bed bars was one of the most surreal moments in my work with Jesus. I will never forget that moment in the hospital when that nurse walked into my room with her white uniform and knelt down she looked like an angel as the room was dark except the small bed light that shined just enough to see her by my side. I had to leave that nurse but I will never forget that moment I was blessed by Jesus to lead her to salvation. I was sad to say goodbye knowing I may never see this nurse ever again. I didn’t know much about her while I was being treated but Jesus had different plans for her and me. I had Christ’s love for this person when I left the hospital and to this day am filled with happiness knowing that the day will come when we wil meet again in heaven.
I pray that that these 16 people I met yesterday may someday know that they to touched someone in a way they can not imagine. Even if this world appears to be breaking down around us there is one who will have your back no matter what. That person hung on a cross to free us from sin so we who were sick in that sin could be free to enter His kingdom. Jesus Christ is your best friend that you may not have met yet however, if you spend time with Him I know you soon will say what I say, I love you Jesus please never leave me. Maybe some of those 16 people I met will come and read this post today. If you did read this I want you to know you made my life better. I pray we may meet again. I wish you all success in all that you touch.
Pastor Frank DiMora

It was made clear to us in Revelation 6:6 that people will have to work all day long for one very small meal. Can you image working 8 hours for a quart of wheat. Keep in mind that would be 8 hours of work for a meal for only one person! One may ask, what happens in the tribulation that would cause a person to have to work so long for one meal? For one thing it would suggest that the cost of food went through the roof. As you have seen by reading this book there are many reasons why the cost of food has skyrocketed and is still climbing. We know from chapter 17 that birds, fish, and animals are dying off in massive numbers but, did you know the same thing is happening to the bee population? Why is the death of so many bees important? In simple terms, bees pollinate plants and without the mass number of bees pollinating the crops we would see much of your food decline as the food declines the price goes up. Bees help plants (flowers, trees, bushes, and shrubs,) to reproduce. If these things cannot reproduce they will eventually die out and become extinct. What do you think will happen to all the animals who eat the plants, trees, bushes, and, shrubs if these things die out as a result of no pollination? The animals who rely on this type of vegetation would also begin to die out. Without the bees pollinating there would be a chain reaction on up the food chain. Keep in mind, the bee population is dying off at the same time that we are witnessing massive droughts, lack of water, crop diseases, and other forms of weird weather. All these factors play a role in causing the food prices to rise. -Albert Einstein once said: “If the bee disappears from the surface of the earth, man would have no more than four years to live. No more bees, no more pollination … no more men!” He wasn’t an entomologist, but entomologists around today agree that the sudden and mysterious disappearance of bees from their hives poses serious problems. When I think about what Einstein said I could see the handwriting on the wall leading up to the tribulation as we are in the process of witnessing the bee population disappearing.
To raise awareness of just how crucial pollinators are to our food system, the University Heights Whole Foods Market store temporarily removed all produce that comes from plants dependent on pollinators. They pulled from shelves 237 of 453 products – 52 percent of the department’s normal product mix” (June 12, 2013 /PRNewswire). Products removed included: Apples, Onions, Avocados, Carrots, Mangos, Lemons, Limes, Honeydew, Cantaloupe, Zucchini, Summer squash, Eggplant, Cucumbers, Celery, Green onions, Cauliflower, Leeks, Bok choy, Kale, Broccoli, Broccoli rabe, and, Mustard greens.

As you can see from the pictures above, without the bees much of our food would be gone! I have been keeping track of mass bee deaths for some time and, I have provided a host of reports showing you that this problem has gotten much worse over the years which is by itself another sign we are headed down the road to fulfill Revelation 6:6.

from 2008-2019
March 7, 2008 -What’s Killing The Honeybees? “It’s not a vibrant hive, it’s not full of bees,” said Brett Adee. “A hive this time of year should be just busting bees. And it’s just a scrawny little bee hive.” Adee, whose family runs the largest beekeeping operation in the country, says bees are dying at least as fast as they did last year. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/whats-killing-the-honeybees
May 9, 2008 – Bee Emergency: Unexplained Mass Die-Off Hits German Hives
“In Germany’s bucolic Baden-Württemburg region, there is a curious silence this week. All up and down the Rhine river, farm fields usually buzzing with bees are quiet. Beginning late last week, helpless beekeepers could only watch as their hives were hit by an unprecedented die-off. Many say one of
Germany’s biggest chemical companies is to blame.”
April 29, 2010- Survey Reports Latest Honey Bee Losses
Losses of managed honey bee colonies nationwide totaled 33.8 percent from all causes from October 2009 to April 2010, according to a survey conducted by the Apiary Inspectors of America (AIA) and the Agricultural Research Service (ARS). Beekeepers identified starvation, poor weather, and weak colonies going into winter as the top reasons for mortality in their operations. This is an increase from overall losses of 29 percent reported from a similar survey covering the winter of 2008-2009, and similar to the 35.8 percent losses for the winter of 2007-2008.
May 17, 2010 – Our bees are buzzing off. But why?
Over the past few years, honeybees have suddenly and inexplicably disappeared from colonies that once thrived across the northern parts of the American and European continents. A mysterious malaise has struck down the fittest and most able bees, laying waste to billions and leaving empty hives starved of once industrious workers. But we are no nearer understanding the exact cause of this carnage. http://news.bbc.co.uk/earth/hi/earth_news/newsid_8680000/8680500.stm
February 11, 2011 -20,000 Bees died suddenly in a biodiversity exhibit in Ontario, Canada. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-12437121
May 23, 2011- Winter Honey Bee Losses WASHINGTON — Total losses from managed honey bee colonies nationwide were 30 percent from all causes for the 2010/2011 winter, according to the annual survey conducted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture
(USDA) and the Apiary Inspectors of America (AIA). This is roughly similar to total losses reported in similar surveys done in the four previous years: 34 percent for the 2009/2010
Oct. 3, 2011 – The mysterious honeybee apocalypse: Up to 12 million bees found dead and dying in Florida and no one knows why http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2044764/The-mysterious-honeybee-apocalypse-Up-12-million-bees-dead-dying-Florida-knows-why.html
March 14, 2012 – Mass honeybee deaths now occurring worldwide, says UN :
(NaturalNews) For several decades, colony collapse disorder (CCD) — a mysterious condition where entire bee colonies die for seemingly no obvious reason — has been inflicting bee populations across both Europe and the US. But scientists from the United Nations (UN) say the phenomenon is now a global crisis, afflicting bees across China, Japan, and Africa, as well as in other places.
April 13, 2012 – Mass Bees falling dead in Canyon Country California http://www.signalscv.com/archives/63579/
May 17, 2012 – Mass Bee deaths – “Staggering losses” reported in Minnesota, Nebraska and Ohio USA
May 31, 2012- Survey by USDA and Collaborators Reports Fewer Winter Honey Bee Losses
WASHINGTON–Total losses of managed honey bee colonies from all causes were 21.9 percent nationwide for the 2011/2012 winter, according to the annual survey conducted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the Bee Informed Partnership and the Apiary Inspectors of America. This represents a substantial drop in mortality compared to the previous five years, when winter losses of around 30 percent have been reported. Previous surveys found total colony losses of 30 percent in the winter of 2010/2011, 34 percent in 2009/2010, 29 percent in 2008/2009, 36 percent in 2007/2008 and 32 percent in 2006/2007.
June 20, 2012 – 750 Bee Hives poisoned killing thousands of Bees in New South Wales Australia
July 11, 2012 – 15 Million Bees Killed In Suspected Poisoning In China
Oct. 2, 2012 – China’s Apple Farmers Forced to Do Bees’ Work
Evidence from around the world points to falling and increasingly unpredictable yields of insect-pollinated crops, particularly in the areas with the most intensive farming. Where crops are grown in vast fields, there are not enough insects to go around. If insecticides are sprayed too frequently, then vital pollinators cannot survive. The most dramatic example comes from the apple and pear orchards of south west China, where wild bees have been eradicated by excessive pesticide use and a lack of natural habitat. In recent years, farmers have been forced to hand-pollinate their trees, carrying pots of pollen and paintbrushes with which to individually pollinate every flower, and using their children to climb up to the highest blossoms. This is clearly just possible for this high-value crop, but there are not enough humans in the world to pollinate all of our crops by hand.
Oct. 3, 2012- Varroa mite wreaks havoc in Swiss bee colonies
“Swiss beekeepers are hoping for a cold autumn and spring after last year’s mild temperatures turned honeycombs into honeyed tombs – mostly because of the Varroa mite, which feeds on healthy bees. The past few years have been tough for bee colonies almost everywhere. For example, colony collapse disorder was a massive problem in the United States in 2007. But this year has proven disastrous for honeybees and their keepers in Switzerland. A study of a thousand Swiss hives shows that 50 per cent of the bees did not survive the winter of 2011-2012.”
October 4, 2012 – Numerous Honeybee colonies dead from mosquito spraying in Massachusetts, America
October 31, 2012 – 25 Bee Hives containing 1 MILLION Bees were destroyed by hurricane Sandy in New York, America
January 30, 2013 – 750,000 Bees die in mass die-off in Montecito, California, America
April 26, 2013 – ‘We Speak for the Bees’: Marchers Urge EU-Wide Ban of Killer Pesticides” ‘This is not abstract theorizing. Bees are dying out. Now.’ http://intellihub.com/2013/04/26/we-speak-for-the-bees-marchers-urge-eu-wide-ban-of-killer-pesticides/
May 8, 2013 – US honeybees threatened as 31% of colonies died out in 2012, report shows
Survey shows heavy loss of pollinators is further evidence of mysterious disorder that has destroyed colonies for seven years
June 12, 2013 – Bees are dying around the world. Queen by queen, Las Vegan Jose Torres is doing his part to rescue them
June 14, 2013 – British Honeybees Are Dying Faster Than Ever UK honeybee deaths were the worst on record, the British Beekeepers Association (BBKA) said in a statement on Thursday. Over the 2012-2013 winter season, 34 honeybee colonies of every 100 were lost on average — more than double that of the previous year. Widespread die-offs are being blamed largely on bad weather and a late spring, BBKA said in their report. http://www.businessinsider.com/record-honeybee-losses-in-the-uk-2013-6
June 20, 2013 – Massive bee die-off in Oregon city prompts investigation from wildlife experts.
June 21, 2013 – 25,000 Bees Found Dead In Oregon Parking Lot, Environmental Organization Says
“Tens of thousands of dead bees and other insects were found in a Target parking lot in Oregon earlier this week in what is being called one of the largest mass deaths of bumblebees in the western U.S., a local environmental organization says. The dead bumblebees, reported to be around 25,000 number, were found by shoppers under blooming European linden trees in Wilsonville, Ore., according to the Xerces Society, a Portland-based nonprofit that studies bees and other invertebrates. Xerces was the first to document Monday’s mass death” http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/20/bees-dead-oregon-target-_n_3472870.html
June 27, 2013 -The land of milk hangs onto its honey
“In Israel, the impact has been less catastrophic, but still extraordinarily grave — experts say that about half of the bees here have succumbed.” http://www.timesofisrael.com/the-land-of-milk-hangs-onto-its-honey/
July 1, 2013 – New film sees a world without bees Documentary fllmmaker Markus Imhoof explores the theories behind colony collapse disorder and its impact while examining bee behavior and reproduction in fascinating extreme closeup in his film “More Than Honey,“ A Q&A with the director of ‘More Than Honey.’ Here is one of the questions from that report.
Q Do you believe Einstein was right when he said “if bees were to disappear, mankind would have four years to live?”
A It’s rumored that he said it, but it’s very clear what the risk is: 70%-80% of all plants are pollinated by insects and could not exist without them. Also, a third of everything we eat would not exist; specifically, the healthier and tastier part of it. For instance, a hamburger could not be made with lettuce, onion, ketchup, cucumber, mustard and meat from cows (who had never eaten any clover) without honeybees. The world would be in black and white
July 23, 2013 – Bees Dying by the Millions
Just weeks ago in Elmwood, Canada, local beekeeper Dave Schuit lost 600 hives, or a total of 37 million bees. Another Canadian farmer lost eight of his 10 hives. The bees started dying in droves just after corn in the area was planted, an alarming red flag since corn seeds are often treated with neonicotinoid pesticides, which are known to kill insects by attacking their nervous systems. Some governments are finally taking action against these toxic chemicals, but clearly not fast enough. How many more millions of bees have to die before protection is granted to these invaluable creatures? For those who aren’t aware, there are about 100 crop species that provide 90 percent of food globally and, of these, 71 are pollinated by bees.
July 24, 2013 – Scientists discover what’s killing the bees and it’s worse than you thought
“As we’ve written before, the mysterious mass die-off of honey bees that pollinate $30 billion worth of crops in the US has so decimated America’s apis mellifera population that one bad winter could leave fields fallow. Now, a new study has pinpointed some of the probable causes of bee deaths and the rather scary results show that averting beemageddon will be much more difficult than previously thought.”
August 9, 2013 – The Trouble with Beekeeping in the Anthropocene
I’ve written this week’s cover story for the magazine, on the growing threat to honeybees. You can read it (with a subscription) over here. The short version: beginning nearly a decade ago, honeybees started dying off at unusually and mysteriously high rates—this past winter, nearly one-third of U.S. honeybee colonies died or disappeared.
August 15, 2013 – CANADA – There is more troubling news for beekeepers.
August 18, 2013 – BRAZIL – On the ground, the bees are dead and tens of hives are empty. The reason of mass deaths is still unknown, but leaves the producer intrigued.
August 22, 2013 – MASSIVE Bee die off (300 hives) “due to pesticides” found in Yiyang County, China.
August 22, 2013 – 106 bee hives die off in Luquan, China.
September 16, 2013 – Tens of thousands of honey bees “acting drunk” and dying off this past week in Minneapolis, America.
September 20, 2013 – What’s all about? Inside the the buzz mysterious mass disappearance of honeybees
September 27, 2013 – Massive die off of Bees (during August) on Sunflower blossoms in Fermo, Italy.
October 20, 2013 – 1 MILLION+ Bees found dead ‘a mystery’ (Pesticides?) in Jiangsu, China.
October 21, 2013 – Bee Mass Die-Off: What’s Killing Bees is Worst Than What you Thought
November 1, 2013 – 20 MILLION+ bees have died off this year (37 million last year) in Ontario and Quebec, Canada.
November 15, 2013 – 1.5 MILLION Bees found dead and dying near hives in Orizona, Brazil.
January 22, 2014 – Honey Bee Colony Collapse Disorder Linked to Tobacco Plant Virus. http://inhabitat.com/honey-bee-colony-collapse-disorder-linked-to-tobacco-plant-virus/
February 2, 2014 – Die off of Bees found … ‘All that was left was their skeletons’ in Murwillumbah, Australia.
February 12, 2014 – Mass mortality of Bees found is ‘unprecedented’ in Valencia, Spain.
February 19, 2014 – Bumblebees infected with honeybee diseases. The beleaguered bumblebee faces a new threat, scientists say. Researchers have found that two diseases harboured by honeybees are spilling over into wild bumblebees. Insects infected with deformed wing virus and a fungal parasite called Nosema ceranae were found across England, Scotland and Wales. Writing in the journal Nature, the team says that beekeepers should keep their honeybees as free from disease as possible to stop the spread. “These pathogens are capable of infecting adult bumblebees and they seem to have quite significant impacts,” said Professor Mark Brown from Royal Holloway, University of London. Around the world, bumblebees are doing badly. In the last few decades, many species have suffered steep declines, and some, such Cullem’s bumblebee (Bombus cullumanus) in the UK, have gone extinct. Scientists believe that the destruction of their habitats – particularly wildflower meadows – has driven much of this loss, but the latest research suggests that disease too could play a role.
March 7, 2014 – Thousands of Bees found dead in front of hives in Boggabri, Australia.
March 7, 2014 – Millions of Bees dying off ‘due to harsh winter’ in Ohio, America.
March 7, 2014 – Thousands of Bees found dead in and around hives in Haarlemmermeer, Holland.
March 18, 2014 – Extreme cold wipes out honey bees across Iowa.
March 21, 2014 – In my video today I will give you the latest news concerning the new bee die off as well as an up-date on today’s report about birds dying off.
April 2, 2014 – 500,000 honeybees dead ‘due to harsh winter’ in Holland, Michigan, America.
April 2, 2014 – Half of European bumblebees in decline, quarter face extinction
April 3, 2014 – Millions of bees found dead along the Rhine river in Germany
April 4, 2014 – 17 billion honey bees injured, killed
April 4, 2014 – A Quarter of All Bumblebees At Risk in Europe
April 5, 2014 – Threat facing bee population in South West
April 5, 2014 – Hundreds of thousands of bees found dead near international Bridge on Argentine, Uraguay border, Argentina.
April 8, 2014 – Bees in northern Europe are dying faster than they should be-and threatening billion in crops http://qz.com/196679/bees-in-northern-europe-are-dying-faster-than-they-should-be-and-threatening-billions-in-crops/#196679/bees-in-northern-europe-are-dying-faster-than-they-should-be-and-threatening-billions-in-crops/
April 9, 2014 – Study of 32,000 bee colonies in Europe finds alarming colony mortality in Belgium, UK, France… http://www.treehugger.com/natural-sciences/study-32000-bee-colonies-europe-finds-alarming-colony-mortality-belgium-uk-france.html
April 11, 2014 – “Bee populations worldwide are threatened by pests, pesticides and extreme weather. At the University of Georgia’s Horticulture Farm in Athens, scientists are studying ways to protect and support honey bee colonies. Jennifer Berry, lead researcher on the project, says a simple walk through the produce aisle at the grocery store shows why bees matter. “When you see all those fruits and vegetables — all of that color — they’re there because of the hard work of honey bees,” says Berry. “They provide the pollination that provides the color in our diet.” Berry manages 300 bee hives on the Athens campus and works to keep bee populations healthy. But severe weather, invasive mites and the overuse of pesticides are threatening honey bee populations nationwide at an alarming rate; more than a third die every year. During our visit, we witnessed a bee being born. Berry quickly noticed the tiny bee’s crumpled wings, evidence of varroa mites that won’t allow this bee to survive.” http://www.weather.com/tv/tvshows/americas-morning-headquarters/bees-dying-rapid-rate-why-20140411
April 11, 2014 – Bees have been dying off in big numbers for years, creating problems for the agriculture industry, also not so good for the bees. This year, tens of thousands of bees have mysteriously died after pollinating almond farms in California. The Environmental Protection Agency is looking into whether pesticides are to blame.” http://news.wsiu.org/post/why-are-thousands-bees-dying-california
April 21, 2014 – State investigates honeybee die-off in Sherwood. http://www.kgw.com/news/Mass-bee-die-off-in-Sherwood-256021671.html
April 22, 2014 – Mass die off of honeybees found in Oregon, America. http://www.komonews.com/news/local/What-caused-mass-honey-bee-die-off-in-Oregon-256186331.html
April 24, 2014 – Massive die off of bees reported in Oxford County, Canada. “Planting season hasn’t even started yet and at least one Ontario beekeeper is reporting a massive bee kill at one of his yards.” http://www.stthomastimesjournal.com/2014/04/24/burgessville-beekeeper-already-reports-massive-bee-kill-at-yard-in-oxford-county
April 25, 2014 – Thousands of Bees continuing to die off in Elmwood, Canada. “The first pollen of the season has brought some frightening sights for a local beekeeper. Dead and dying bees are already showing up at his bee yards and Dave Schuit of Saugeen Country Honey in Elmwood said Friday it is a clear sign the neonicotinoid pesticides used on crop seeds are in the soil, water and plants.”
May 2, 2014 – This winter was bitter for honeybees in Medina County, statewide. http://medinagazette.northcoastnow.com/2014/05/02/bitter-winter-honeybees/
May 3, 2014 – Mysterious die-off of bees in the Emmental. https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Finfo.rsi.ch%2Fhome%2Fchannels%2Finformazione%2Finfo_on_line%2F2014%2F05%2F03–Misteriosa-moria-di-api-nellEmm&edit-text=&act=url
May 8, 2014 – Purdue: Bees Dying by the Thousands. http://wthitv.com/2014/05/08/purdue-bees-dying-by-the-thousands/
May 8, 2014 – Samples of a Dead Beehive Sent to USDA. A giant beehive was found dead in a backyard Santa Barbara house in February. The beehive had been there for over 11 years, but a few months ago residents found hundreds of the bees dead near the hive http://www.keyt.com/news/samples-of-a-dead-beehive-sent-to-usda/25886984
May 9, 2014 – Honeybees Dying From Pesticide Exposure; 50 Percent Of Affected Colonies suffered Colony Collapse Disorder. http://www.hngn.com/articles/30930/20140509/honeybees-dying-from-pesticide-exposure-50-percent-of-affected-colonies-suffered-colony-collapse-disorder.htm
May 11, 2014 – Millions of Bees dead in ‘worst winter die off’ in Pennsylvania, America. http://www.post-gazette.com/business/2014/05/11/Northwest-Pa-beekeepers-devastated-by-long-cold-winter/stories/201405110081
May 15, 2014 – Bees crucial to many crops still dying at worrisome rate. http://www.therakyatpost.com/features/2014/05/16/bees-crucial-many-crops-still-dying-worrisome-rate/
May 26, 2014 – Honey bees dying at alarming rate http://www.jrn.com/kivitv/news/Honey-Bees-Dying-at-Alarming-Rate-260717701.html
May 28, 2014 – Local beekeepers say numbers down.http://kmherald.com/local-beekeepers-say-numbers-down-p6723-144.htm
May 30, 2014 – Environmental group warns of pesticide toxic to bees. “North Carolina’s agricultural industry brings in about $70 billion to the state every year, but the key component, which is pollinating the state’s crops, is slowly dying off.” http://www.wsoctv.com/news/news/local/environmental-group-warns-pesticide-toxic-bees/nf9QL/
June 3, 2014 – Beekeepers believe controversial seed coating causing widespread bee deaths. http://www.chathamdailynews.ca/2014/06/02/hive-stakes
June 2, 2014 – 2.4 MILLION Bees found dead ‘a mystery’ in Caidian District, China. https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=zh-CN&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fhb.ifeng.com%2Fnews%2Ffocus%2Fdetail_2014_06%2F02%2F2363429_0.shtml&sandbox=1
June 19, 2014 – Bumblebee die-off in Eugene under investigation http://www.statesmanjournal.com/story/tech/science/environment/2014/06/18/bumblebee-die-eugene-investigation/10804135/
June 19, 2014 – Honey Bees Hit Hard by Drought Conditions. http://www.keyt.com/news/honey-bees-hit-hard-by-drought-conditions/26562564
July 7, 2014 – The honeybee, nature’s dying migrant worker. “This winter, Ellis lost about 1,200 of the 2,200 hives he had in the summer. Last winter, Anderson lost 65 percent of his 3,000 hives and didn’t have enough bees to supply all his almond growers.” http://www.gosanangelo.com/news/2014/jul/06/1the-honeybee-natures-dying-migrant-worker/
July 9, 2014 – Die-off of Bees reported in various parts of Genova, Italy. http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&ie=UTF8&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://www.genovatoday.it/cronaca/api-morte-genova.html&sandbox=0&usg=ALkJrhgMTlFqUQotXvBPfTw3ED9rIGYh4g
July 9, 2014 – Hundreds of dead and dying bumblebees found around school in Massachusetts, America. http://www.wcvb.com/health/hundreds-of-dead-dying-bees-found-outside-wakefield-school/26869524#!bg4u9W
July 10, 2014 – 300 MILLION Bees found dead ‘a mystery’ in Hebei, China. https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=zh-CN&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fhebei.sina.com.cn%2Fnews%2Fs%2F2014-07-10%2F073599855.html
July 22, 2014 – Thousands of Bees Die Suddenly in Southern Colorado. http://www.koaa.com/news/thousands-of-bees-die-suddenly-in-southern-colorado/
July 25, 2014 – Thousands of bees die suddenly in Hwacheon County, South Korea. http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&ie=UTF8&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://www.newsis.com/ar_detail/view.html%3Far_id%3DNISX20140724_0013068588%26cID%3D10201%26pID%3D10200&sandbox=0&usg=ALkJrhj5_QhaOFUjQ3kVvi41swsSUUSHsQ
July 31, 2014 – Die off of bees found concerning residents in Ballenstedt, Germany. http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mz-web.de%2Fquedlinburg%2F-ballenstedt-bienen-sterben-unter-linden%2C20641064%2C28001082.html&edit-text=&act=url
Aug. 4, 2014 – Millions of bees die ‘suddenly’ in Jiangxi, China. https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=zh-CN&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.qianhuaweb.com%2Fcontent%2F2014-08%2F04%2Fcontent_5050852.htm&sandbox=1
Aug. 6, 2014 – 150,000 Bees die in Thuringia, Germany. http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=de&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mdr.de%2Fnachrichten%2Ffakt_bienensterben_pestizide100_zc-e9a9d57e_zs-6c4417e7.html&sandbox=1
Aug. 6, 2014 – Millions of bees die ‘mysteriously’ in Zhongxian, China. https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=zh-CN&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fcq.qq.com%2Fa%2F20140806%2F030456.htm&sandbox=1
Aug. 14, 2014 – 48 Million bees have died (100% losses) in Pyrenees-Orientales, France
Aug. 28, 2014 – Millions (130 Hives) of bees have died in Itatinga, Brazil
Sept. 1, 2014 – 500 Bumblebee Queens found dead next to an oil seed rape field in London, England
Sept. 8, 2014 – Bee colonies decimated in the Auvergne region this year in France
Sept. 19, 2014 – RCMP investigating after bees poisoned- Canada
Sept. 29, 2014 – What is killing Bristol County’s bees?
October 2, 2014 – Tens of thousands of bees dying in Westport, Massachusetts, America
October 12, 2014 – 160,000 bee died in the apiary in the Gomel region of Belarus
November 4, 2014 – “Just last month, 37 million bees were discovered dead on a single Canadian farm. And unless we act now, the bees will keep dying. We have to show Bayer now that we won’t tolerate it putting its profits ahead of our planet’s health. If this giant corporation manages to bully Europe into submission, it would spell disaster for the bees.” http://agri.eu/bayer-and-syngenta-is-suing-eu-on-pesticide-ban-news6218.html
October 19, 2014- Hundreds of bumblebees dropping dead under trees in Notteroy, Norway
Nov. 6, 2014 – 530,000 bees die ‘a mystery’ in Wenling City, China
Nov. 9, 2014 – 30,000 Bees have died ‘due to pesticides’ in Maule Region, Chile
Nov. 13, 2014 – 170 bee hives have died off in Ardahan, Turkey
Nov. 22, 2014 – 3 MILLION+ bees found dead ‘causing fright’ in Martim Francisco, Brazil
Dec. 4, 2014 -130 bee hives have died off ‘a mystery’ in Campos Gerais, Brazil
Feb. 6, 2015- 50 bee hives destroyed in Monteria, Colombia
Feb. 11, 2015 – Stressed-out young bees contribute to colony collapse disorder, research shows. http://inhabitat.com/stressed-out-young-bees-contribute-to-colony-collapse-disorder-research-shows/
Feb. 22, 2015 Growers feel sting of bee decline; Die-offs affect Y-S almond farmers.
March 2, 2015 – Bees have been dying off, and the problem has raised alarms about the bounty of our food supply.
Mar. 9, 2015- Mass die off of bees has hit colonies in Cherves-Richemont, France
Mar. 10, 2015- 35 percent of bee colonies have died off during winter in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
Mar. 19, 2015- Hundreds of thousands of bees have died off in Loire-Atlantique, France
Mar. 22, 2015- 90 percent of 127 beehives died off this winter near Montauban, France
April 6, 2015 What’s killing the bees? http://bangordailynews.com/2015/04/06/news/parasitic-mites-and-cold-snaps-are-making-life-hard-for-maine-bees-but-they-can-survive/
April 6, 2015 Letter: “Consumers can demand better”
April 19, 2015 “Honey bee colonies under threat from disease and predators”
May 7, 2015 – What’s killing Michigan’s bees? http://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/2015/05/07/michigan-bees-dying/70948978/
June 7, 2015 – “The queen is dead, and science wants to know why”, subtitle: “Mystery illness is wiping out vital honeybee hives”. http://www.thesunchronicle.com/devices/news/local_news/the-queen-is-dead-and-science-wants-to-know-why/article_356f88e8-ddd2-5170-aac3-f4a917173dde.html
June 8, 2015 – 3,000+ Bee Colonies dead due to chemicals on farmers fields in Cherkasy, Ukraine
June 10, 2015 – 2.5 million bees die off during the winter in a farm in Ohio
June 27, 2015 – Officials investigate 5th Portland bee die-off in days http://www.ktvz.com/news/officials-investigate-5th-portland-bee-dieoff-in-days/33811102
June 28, 2015 – Bee farmer has launched an online appeal after 550,000 of his insects died England http://www.leicestermercury.co.uk/Bee-farmer-launched-online-appeal-550-000-insects/story-26792879-detail/story.html
July 1, 2015 – Why are bees dying in Pettygrove Park? http://koin.com/2015/07/01/why-are-bees-dying-in-pettygrove-park/
July 6, 2015 – Large numbers of honeybees dying in northwest Ohio http://www.19actionnews.com/story/29487235/large-numbers-of-honeybees-dying-in-northwest-ohio
July 30, 2015 – Pesticides are killing Greece’s Bees: Honey industry suffers amid broader economic turmoil. http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/32138-bees-in-greece
August 9, 2015 – Bumblebees Are Dying Out Thanks To Climate Change. http://www.vocativ.com/news/209983/bumblebees-climate-change/
August 18, 2015 – Honeybees Dying? It’s Complicated.
August 22, 2015 – Masses of bees dead ‘due to neonicotinoids’ in Eschen, Liechtenstein
September 19, 2015 – As honeybees are lost, beekeepers and scientists grapple with potential causes
September 27, 2015 – Thousands of Bees Found Dead in Carpinteria
September 28, 2015 – Half of US hives lost in last 40 years
October 29, 2015 – Save the bees of Britain! http://www.dailynewsservice.co.uk/save-bees-britain/
December 28, 2015 – Crops in California Suffering Due to Bees Dying http://radio.foxnews.com/2015/12/28/crops-in-california-suffering-due-to-bees-dying/
EurekAlert news Feb 4, 2016 released a new report showing the results of a new bee study which gives the reason why the bees are dieing off. “The spread of a disease that is decimating global bee populations is manmade, and driven by European honeybee populations, new research has concluded. A study led by the University of Exeter and UC Berkeley and published in the journal Science found that the European honeybee Apris mellifera is overwhelmingly the source of cases of the Deformed Wing Virus infecting hives worldwide. The finding suggests that the pandemic is manmade rather than naturally occurring, with human trade and transportation of bees for crop pollination driving the spread. The spread of a disease that is decimating global bee populations, when the Varroa mite carries the disease, the combination is deadly, and has wiped out millions of honeybees over recent decades. Varroa feed on bee larvae while the Deformed Wing Virus kills off bees, a devastating double blow to colonies. The situation is adding to fears over the future of global bee populations, with major implications for biodiversity, agricultural biosecurity, global economies, and human health.”
February 15, 2016 – 50 Percent die off of bees during past 3 years in a large bee farm in Arkansas
February 16, 2016 – Massive die off of bees in the past 2 weeks in various parts of Spain
April 25, 2016 – More than honey (30% bees dying) http://www.wcuquad.com/6006525/op-ed/more-than-honey/#sthash.bdDWnLhz.dpbs
May 12, 2016- Nearly half of bee hives died during the past year across America
May 20, 2016 ‘I heard the news today, oh boy …USA http://www.oxfordeagle.com/2016/05/20/i-heard-the-news-today-oh-boy/
May 23, 2016 -Deciphering the mysterious decline of honey bees USA http://theconversation.com/deciphering-the-mysterious-decline-of-honey-bees-56648
June 6, 2016 – Wsconsin bees dying due to insecticides, global warming and a mite, experts say USA http://perfscience.com/content/2144132-wisconsin-bees-dying-due-insecticides-global-warming-and-mite-experts-say
September 13, 2016 – Cornell researchers looking for answers after 54% of bees in New York State died last year http://cnycentral.com/news/local/cornell-researchers-looking-for-answers-after-54-of-bees-in-new-york-state-died-last-year
October 1, 2016 – Bees placed on endangered species list — a first in the US http://www.cnn.com/2016/10/01/us/hawaii-bee-species-endangered/
December 27, 2016 – Honeybees dying quickly; pollination solution necessary http://www.thenorthwestern.com/story/opinion/2016/12/27/honeybees-dying-quickly-pollination-solution-necessary/95787112/
January 10, 2017 – Honey bees are in trouble across Pennsylvania, America. http://www.ldnews.com/story/news/local/2017/01/08/honey-bees-trouble-across-pennsylvania/96155496/
January 11, 2017 – U.S. Puts Bumblebee On The Endangered Species List For 1st Time, America. http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/01/11/509337678/u-s-puts-first-bumblebee-on-the-endangered-species-list
February 2, 2017 – Is this the demise of the honeybee? “Commercial beekeepers in the United States have reported deaths of tens of thousands of honeybee colonies. Ninety percent of wild bee populations in the United States have disappeared, according to Target Health, Inc. In the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, bee species have declined considerably, and some have even become extinct.”
February 3, 2017- What would life without bees look like. http://www.care2.com/causes/what-would-life-without-bees-look-like.html
February 7, 2017 – Bumblebees Are Dying Out Because They’re Too Fat to Mate https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2017/02/rusty-patched-bumblebee-endangered-species/514388/
February 8, 2017 – Appel column: The bumblebee, now an endangered species
February 8, 2017 – To bee, or not to bee: Will bumblebees become extinct? https://www.rt.com/op-edge/376742-bumblebees-endangered-species-us-bees/
February 8, 2017 – Buzz kill! Scientists baffled as thousands of dead bees wash up along Florida’s west coast beaches stinging beachgoers who step on them
February 9, 2017 – Local beekeepers and experts said the cold temperatures and heavy snowfall, coupled with prolonged damp conditions in December and January, played a role in the demise of entire beehives across the Willamette Valley. http://registerguard.com/rg/news/local/35258943-75/bees-are-another-casualty-of-oregons-frigid-winter.html.csp
March 23, 2017 – Who’s Responsible For The Bee Die Off In Fresno County? http://www.capradio.org/news/insight/2017/03/23/insight-032317b/
April 2, 2017 – ZIES: What’s the buzz in Guadalupe County? http://seguingazette.com/opinion/community_columnists/article_34563bda-1750-11e7-bdc4-43e2548a4a39.html
April 3, 2017 – Bee quite concerned http://www.smdailyjournal.com/articles/lifestyle/2017-04-03/bee-quite-concerned/1776425178195.html
April 23, 2017 – Bees are dying in Colombo and Gampaha districts
June 6, 2017 – India’s bees are dying out and only its farmers know why
June 10, 2017-3.2 Million bees dead after spraying crops in Sorocaba, Brazil
June 16, 2017- Why are half of NJ’s honeybees dying each year?
Oct. 20, 2017- Keepers warn of ‘bee-mageddon’ after France authorises controversial insecticide
Dec. 17, 2017 – Use of agricultural defense may be responsible for the death of bees in the Central Region of RS
April 3, 2018 – 70 percent of bee hives die off in Bursa, Turkey. https://www.haberturk.com/tv/ekonomi/video/bursada-ari-olumleri-her-gecen-gun-artiyor/470418
April 22, 2018 – 700 MILLION bees dying every year in Murcia, Spain. https://www.laverdad.es/murcia/millones-abejas-mueren-20180422231215-nt.html
April 23, 2018 – Hundreds of thousands of bees found dead on a farm in Finistere, France. https://www.nouvelobs.com/planete/20180423.OBS5606/video-toutes-mes-abeilles-sont-mortes-intoxiquees.html
May 7, 2018 – Thousands of bees found dead near hives in Merbes-le-Chateau, Belgium. https://www.rtbf.be/info/regions/detail_merbes-le-chateau-des-abeilles-decimees?id=9911957
May 21, 2018 – 700 behives die off in the Dordogne, France.
May 15, 2018 – 2 million bees dead ‘due to spraying’ in Ariege, France.
June 18, 2018 – 690 beehives destroyed by flooding in MUS, Turkey. http://www.hurriyet.com.tr/selde-690-kovan-zarar-gordu-arilar-telef-oldu-40870177
July 26, 2018 – Thousands of bees found dead in Sicignano degli Alburni, Italy. http://translate.google.co.uk/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ottopagine.it%2Fna%2Fattualita%2F131380%2Fincendi-coldiretti-50-milioni-di-api-morte-sul-vesuvio.shtml&edit-text=&act=url
June 21, 2018 – 35 Percent of beehives died off this winter in Isere, France. https://www.ledauphine.com/isere-sud/2018/06/21/il-faut-agir-35-des-abeilles-sont-mortes-cet-hiver
August 2018 – 72 MILLION bees die in 1,200 hives in Tierralta, Colombia.
August 18, 2018 – Millions of bees die after field spraying in Quintana Roo, Mexico.
September 7, 2018 – 500+ beehives die off in Portena, Argentina. http://agrovoz.lavoz.com.ar/actualidad/apicultores-de-portena-alertan-por-mortandad-masiva-de-mas-de-500-colmenas
September 28, 2018 – Mass bee deaths worry producers in Bingol, Turkey.
September 29, 2018 – 45 MILLION honeybees found dead in Ceara, Brazil.
September 5, 2018 – Thousands of bees die in Quindio, Colombia. https://www.rcnradio.com/colombia/eje-cafetero/siguen-apareciendo-abejas-muertas-en-el-quindio
October 17, 2018 – Mass death of bees continue in Tiholop, Mexico.
October 10, 2018 – 70 MILLION bees killed ‘due to pesticide’ in Traslasierra, Argentina.
November 55, 2018 – 150 dead hives found by beekeeper in Monts-sur-Guesnes, France. https://www.lanouvellerepublique.fr/vienne/commune/angliers/angliers-un-apiculteur-retrouve-150-ruches-mortes-il-porte-plainte-2
November 26, 2018 – Millions of bees dead in Cape Town, South Africa. https://www.enca.com/news/millions-bees-dead-cape-town
March 7, 2019 – 500 MILLION bees have died off during past 3 months in just 4 states in Brazil.
March 18, 2019 – Bees facing high mortality after long, hard winter, Canada. https://www.mapleridgenews.com/news/bees-facing-high-mortality-after-long-hard-winter/
March 26, 2019 – Bees: Many British pollinating insects in decline, study shows.
June 20, 2019 – 38 Percent of bees died off during winter in America.
June 21, 2019 – Last year, 40% of honey-bee colonies in the US died. But bees aren’t the only insects disappearing in unprecedented numbers, USA. https://www.businessinsider.com/insects-dying-off-sign-of-6th-mass-extinction-2019-2
July 8, 2019 – July 8, 2019 – Thousands of bees drop dead after earthquake in California, America.
August 29, 2019 – Why have 500m bees died in Brazil in the past three months? https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/aug/29/500-million-bees-brazil-three-months