Mar 26
March 26, 2019 Special Report: Is Turkey seen in Revelation 17 and, will Turkey attack Israel?
FREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 22 2019 edition written by Frank DiMora
You can e-mail Frank at
Mar 19
March 19, 2019 Will the next Israeli election bring on the Third Temple?
Below you will find a complete look at everything that has been going on concerning the coming Jewish Third Temple. If you can find another video with more information (facts) than my video I would like to know about it. Get ready for the hairs on your nick to stand up when you see what is going on!
Mar 14
March 14, 2019 Keeping up with Middle East prophecies in the Bible
Mar 12
March 11, 2019 The Last Day Signs All Coming Together
Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 9 2019 edition written by Frank DiMora
The following prophecy is only one of the many last day signs. The reports you will read below will hopefully help you see this prophecy is coming to pass. These next reports concerning the mass deaths of birds, fish, and animals are only some of the thousands of reports similar to the ones you will read about below. If you are going to read this information I hope you keep in mind what the people during Noah’s generation were saying when Noah was warning them God was going to destroy the earth with a flood. They laughed at him and kept on living their lives as if everything was never going to change and, there would be no such worldwide flood. When the flood did come and the water levels were reaching all mankind’s noses panic had reached levels that even today it would be hard to imagine. I am sure the many tried to enter the ark which Noah built when the water was at their nose level. You can see them scratching on the wood trying to some how make their way to safety on board the ark but no one except Noah and his family were saved.
You may be one of the people who read this post today and, laugh it off in the exact same way you just read about. However, I like Noah was commissioned to sound the same type of message that was given to Noah. I am asking you to repent of a sinful life which will be the first step in putting Jesus at the center of your life. Christ gave us a list of birth pain signs we would see just prior to His second coming. Those birth pains signs are already here and are getting much stronger as each month passes.
Christ shows us in the Revelation that a mark would be placed in the right hand or forehead. This mark would stop anyone who doesn’t have the mark from buying anything or selling anything. It is the Antichrist’s way of trying to get everyone to bow down to him, and if they do they are lost to a eternity in the lake of fire forever. Our generation has come up with chips that are placed in the hand for ID’s and purchasing items. No other generation could have done this except this present generation. Our generation has also fulfilled the prophecy that in the last days people would increase in knowledge and travel back and forth. Since man was created there has not been one single generation which has increased so fast in knowledge at the same time that millions upon millions of people travel back and forth at the same time. The birth of the computer age has propelled this present generation to heights in knowledge we have never seen before.
Jesus in the Revelation warns of a one world false church and a one world government which will be lead by a false prophet and the Antichrist. In our generation the Catholic Church under the Pope has been pushing for a one world religion and, he has even called for a one world government. These things I am telling you are documented in the news and, they are all taking place all at the same time just as Jesus Christ said they would.
Christ also shows us in that same Revelation that there would be a list of kingdoms that would come and go but one of the kingdoms that ruled at one point and was dissolved would again show up as the 8th kingdom and out of this 8th kingdom would come the Antichrist. There was only one nation, (kingdom) that has fulfilled this prophecy in the same generation who is currently witnessing all these end time signs and, that kingdom is the Turkish kingdom or, the Ottoman Empire of which if you check the news you will see Turkey has been called the revived Ottoman Empire.
In this generation Jesus warned us we would witness unusual storms that cause the sea and waves to roar, huge earthquakes and many quakes would be seen in many places and they like the other signs would also take place at the same time. We would witness rumors of war and we would see wars which is all happening now and getting much worse. Christ told us we would see a army of two hundred million men come out of the East. In my book you will read the documentation that China has stated they have a regular army of the exact same number Jesus told us! Jesus warned the Euphrates river would dry up and that army from the East would cross it. The climate changes on Planet Earth have brought severe droughts the drought in the Middle-east has gotten so bad that you may have seen the news which showed ISIS fighters crossing on the dry part of the Euphrates river. This has never happen before and, it is a prelude to the massive army from the East to cross it in the near future.
Jesus told us to watch for the love of many to wax cold, and that last generation would be just like Noah’s generation who became ungodly people. Our generation we see people were up-set with the fact that abortions had become legal but, as time has passed and the birth pains have gotten worse look were we are today with state after state passing new laws which make it legal to kill a baby at the 9 month age. The hearts do not get much colder then that! What about the sign of false Christs? In my book which you can download today for free at the link at the top of my site you will see that chapter false Christs. I will show you picture after picture of all the people who have proclaimed they are the Christ. In that same chapter you will see all the false prophets and the dates they set for the return of Christ which never happened. I Israel prophecy. I show in my book as well that his prophecy was fulfilled when Israel on May 14, 1948 became a nation again for the second time. By the way, when you read Matthew chapter 24 you will even read Jesus told us the nation who saw the fig tree born(Israel) will be the generation to see all these things. Here is the quote from Matthew 24 concerning the rebirth of Israel.
32 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh:
33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.
34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.
No one can deny that Israel has been born again as a nation. Not only that but the prophet Daniel told us when Israel was back in the land they would form a mighty army which has also come to pass. Don’t believe it just ask the Arabs who attacked Israel in 1948, 1963, and in 1973. These were major wars in which Israel was out numbered yet they war each of those wars.
Let me not forget that Christ told Paul when they call for peace and safety sudden destruction will come. Since Jimmy Carter was President they have been calling for peace and safety and with each President we have witnessed the peace go down the tubes. The call is still going out and now President Trump is about to reveal his new Middle East peace plan.
In the Bible in many places you will read that a third Jewish Temple would be built. Did you know that Israel since 1948, has recreated everyone of the instruments used in the old Jewish sacrifices when the second Temple once stood. They have brought back the Priests and trained them to do those sacrifices and for the pass five years the Jews have been practicing killing the lambs for the coming real sacrifice when the Temple is built. The Jews have also brought back the Sanhedrin and the High Priest which were once established. Just recently there was a report that a pure Red Heifer has been born which we haven’t seen for almost 2,000 years like the Sanhedrin and the High Priest. Do you really think all these things are happening at the same time by coincidence? If you do think that Satan has you blinded to what is really going on.
Look, I could go on and on with the other signs but would you believe it? Who are you like? The people of Noah’s generation or will you repent and take Jesus Christ as your Savior? Christ is coming back for His Church, He is our Ark this time and I pray you will be part of those who are seen as the Righteous people. Jesus went to the cross to make you righteous in His sight. This is the most treasured free gift anyone has ever had the chance to receive.
Prophecy Sign: “There is no faithfulness, no love, no acknowledgment of God in the land. There is only cursing, lying and murder, stealing and adultery; they break all bounds, and bloodshed follows bloodshed. Because of this the land mourns, and all who live in it waste away; the beasts of the field and the birds of the air and the fish of the sea are dying. [Hosea 4:1-3]
February 21, 2019 – Hundreds of dead fish wash up on a beach in Salaverry, Peru.
February 21, 2019 – Thousands of dead fish wash up on a beach in Tai Po, Hong Kong.
February 22, 2019 – Dozens of turtles have died during past 4 months, ‘experts don’t know why’ in Texas, America.
February 22, 2019 – Thousands of dead fish wash up on a beach in Alanya, Turkey.
February 23, 2019 – 204 lions have died during the past 2 years in Gujarat, India.
February 23, 2019 – Hundreds of dead fish wash up in Araruama Lagoon, Brazil.
February 23, 2019 – Dozens of turtles washing up dead along the Pulicat estuary, India.
February 24, 2019 – Hundreds of dead fish found in a river in Balasore, India.
February 25, 2019 – 50 TONS of fish have died in Piquiri River, Brazil.
February 26, 2019 – 6 dolphins wash up and die, ‘experts concerned’ in Orange County, California, America.
February 26, 2019 – 6 dolphins and 2 seals wash up dead in Dorset, England.
February 26, 2019 – 40 TONS of dead fish in a fish farm ‘due to pollution’ in Finistere, France.
February 27, 2019 – 7 dolphins and a whale wash up dead along the coast in Cork, Ireland.
February 27, 2019 – Dozens of dead ducks found, ‘never seen anything like it’ in a park in Calgary, Canada.
February 27, 2019 – Dozens of birds found dead in Huntsville, Alabama, America.
February 27, 2019 – Thousands of dead fish found in a river in Tolu, Colombia.
February 28, 2019 – 70 dead turtles have washed up this year in Tamaulipas, Mexico.
February 28, 2019 – Hundreds of Pengiuns continue to die due to avian flu on Halifax Island, Namibia.
March 1, 2019 – Hundreds of dead fish wash up, ‘never seen this many before’ in Segersjon Lake, Sweden.
March 2, 2019 – 7,000 chickens killed due to avian flu in Terndrup, Denmark.
March 3, 2019 – 1,000+ birds killed by hail storm in Madhya Pradesh, India.
March 4, 2019 – 1,190 cattle dead due to drought in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
March 4, 2019 – Mass die off of turtles found along a beach along the Rushikulya coast, India.
March 8, 2019 – Sick marine mammals turning up on California beaches in droves, USA.