July 26, 2018 Christ Warned the Heat and Fires Would come!

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Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 26 2018 edition written by Frank DiMora


July 6, 2018 Someone asked, What the hell is going on? Do you really want to know?

July 6, 2018 They Continue to Die off!

End Times Blogs


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 22 2018 edition written by Frank DiMora



July 5, 2018 Shitty situation /Third Temple news

July 5, 2018 A very shitty situation /Third Temple news

 End Times Blogs


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 22 2018 edition written by Frank DiMora


The faces of SHIT

Your about to read and view the shittest report I have ever written. This report is especially for anyone living in California and, for anyone who has plans to visit the shit city. Where is the shit city your ask. San Francisco! Democrat Gavin Newsomwas the Mayor of San Francisco from (2004-2010) before becoming Lieutenant Governor.

Since Newsom took office good old San Francisco has literally turned to shit! Governor Jerry Brown has taken the lead in turning California into a shit whole but, San Francisco under Brown and Newsom is the Capital of shit.

You want to be blown away and see what California has turned into. Just click the link below to see for yourself the many cites that have turned to the tent cities and, the shit that has followed those cities. Keep in mind, the pictures you are about to view are American cities not some third world cities. Shit1Image result for jerry brownAlso keep in mind those who have been responsible for this mess because they are still in office today!!!  Governor Jerry Brown won’t be able to run for office in November as he has come to the limit of his terms in office. Thank God that part of the shitty equation will be gone however, now the other half of the shit equation Gavin is running to fill his shitty position as head shit master of San Francisco and the rest of California.

California is now headed toward even more shitty times. Why? Because as you will read many companies who have chosen San Francisco as the city to have their conventions have seen the shit that Brown and Newsom have allowed and, are now pulling away from that city.

Before I go on any further take a look at what the many companies who are opting out of San Fran have seen. https://www.google.com/search?safe=active&hl=en&biw=1280&bih=631&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=o0U-W4aBG5G38APlyaaABQ&q=san+francisco+tent+camps&oq=san+francisco+tent+camps&gs_l=img.12…….0…1c..64.img..0.0.0….0.ebZ9ha7FZwI


Shit1Gavin Newsom Mayor of San Francisco 

“20 lbs Of Human Waste” – Major Medical Convention Abandons San Francisco Citing Street Safety


The waste is largely linked to the thousands of people living in the city without housing and without access to public restrooms.

Here is a section from the zerohedge report. ”

“It’s the first time that we have had an out-and-out cancellation over the issue, and this is a group that has been coming here every three or four years since the 1980s,” said Joe D’Alessandro, president and CEO of S.F. Travel, the city’s convention bureau…

“They said that they are committed to this year and to 2023, but nothing in between or nothing thereafter,” D’Alessandro said. “After that, they told us they are planning to go elsewhere — I believe it’s Los Angeles.”

The doctors group told the San Francisco delegation that while they loved the city, postconvention surveys showed their members were afraid to walk amid the open drug use, threatening behavior and mental illness that are common on the streets.”

Please take the time to read what the rest of the zerohedge report has to say concerning this shitty situation.



Below is a video showing just the tip of the ice-berg concerning this issue.

Cites in California that have tent cites now.



Do people living in San Francisco and the rest of the state of California have any hope that San Francisco can be cleaned up and, no more tent cities will be raised?  I am a realist, there is only two ways this shitty problem can go.

The first way is elect  Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom to be Governor Newsom and continue to see the shitty situation grow in San Francisco and the rest of the state. After all Newsom has been in control of the shitty tent cities in the state as Mayor and L. Governor since 2004 that’s 14 years and, all that has happen during that time is the the shitty situation has gotten much worse. If he hasn’t changed anything in 14 years what would make you think as Governor that would make any difference?  His track record in the past 14 years is proof what he will do as Governor. If you want more shit vote for Newsom.

The second way to go is vote for Republican John Cox who is the only candidate who offers hope to clean up the shitty mess that Brown and Newsom have created.   I have a campaign slogan for Mr. Cox. “I will take no shit from anybody”.

Whether you like Donald Trump or not before he became president he made promises during his campaign that he said he would keep he was not a politician . Again, whether you like Trump or not as president he has kept his word the the issues and, one by one he is fulfilling those promises.  He is doing what the people in the U.S. voted for him to do.  In like manner John Cox is also not a politician. He to like Trump is a business man. Cox has said he will clean up the State of California. John Cox is a businessman – not a politician. Raised by a single mom in the Midwest, John is a Californian by choice, deeply committed to restoring the Golden State to what it once was, and can be again. And John Cox has the knowledge and experience to do it.  Can John Cox remove the shitty situation?  As a business men Cox has proved himself.  “John built his own business from scratch to a $200 million enterprise with almost 100 employees.” If he did this from scratch, Cox in a different position as Governor can do it again for the State of California.

The only hope at this point for the State of California is Mr. Cox. He promised to bring back the Golden State the way it was that would mean no more shit where it does not belong.

Just so everyone understands, in no way am I referring to the people in those tent cites as shit. I am literally talking about the feces being left on the streets from a very bad situation.

Image result for frank dimora endtimesresearchministryBack on January 22,2018 I wrote a post entitled: Jan. 22, 2018- EU promises to back Abbas’ demand for Jerusalem. In that post I issured the following warning concerning PLO leader Mahmud Abbas. “How long will Mahmud Abbas live?  Since Abbas continues to be an enemy of Israel I would expect not much longer. Why? Did the Lord warn that those who curse Israel with be cursed? Yes He did. I can’t number the number of times Abbas has shown the world he wants to destroy Israel. Watch the news and keep your eyes on Abbas!” If you want to see that post click to the link below.



It has only been 5 months since I gave you that warning now look at the following headline!


I quote from a section of the above report. “At the end of last month, while he was in the United States to address the UN General Assembly in New York, Abbas was hospitalized for a few hours for tests in a Baltimore hospital. He also underwent tests in a Ramallah hospital last July. In both instances, the PA spokesman issued denials regarding illnesses Abbas supposedly had and insisted that his medical condition was satisfactory. Abbas himself, in an interview with Palestinian television on February 22, said he was in good health.

However, Palestinian activists opposed to Abbas’ regime claim that he’s ill and getting worse. There was even a claim on social media that he was suffering from cancer of the digestive system. This claim was never confirmed.

Some 20 years ago Abbas was operated on for prostate cancer, and the surgery was said to be successful.”


I am sure you will hear more news soon concerning Abbas’s declining health. You just can not continue to curse Israel in the sight of God and not see something happen. I pray Abbas before it is to late for him to make true peace with Israel however, at this point from what Abbas is saying about Israel it appears there is little hope Abbas will change his stance on Israel.

Prophecy Image result for third temple frank dimora There are scriptures in the Bible that show us in the last days Israel will build a Third Temple. This will be the Temple that the Antichrist will go into.  I have been giving you the steps that are leading to the building of this Third Temple. In my previous posts I told you to watch for steps showing us the Jews will be allowed to not only go up to the Temple Mount but will in the near future be allowed to pray on that Mount as well. The news below talks about this issue.

Headline: Netanyahu Lifts MK Ban on Temple Mount Visits

Here is a section of that report but I suggest you read the entire report. “Muslims don’t own the Mount, and we must not reconcile ourselves to threats and violence.. I call on the prime minister to open the Temple Mount for Jewish prayer without condition, for all who want to pray there,” Ariel said.


July 3, 2018 Prophecy Signs in our face!



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 22 2018 edition written by Frank DiMora

June 29, 2018 I gave you a look at the prophecy below. Read what I stated on the 29th and then I will give you the latest up-date what is happening.



Take a look at what Jesus Christ told the Apostle Paul concerning the call for peace and safety.  “But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.  For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.  For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape” (1 Thessalonians 5:1-3).

In part of my p0st on 29th I told you the following “The peace process will go no where and this is why we are shown that while they are talking peace and safety war will break out.” In many of my previous posts I warned that the time is coming when the peace process will come to an end and when it does war will take place as we see warn in the 1 Thessalonians prophecy. I believe we are much closer to the end of the peace talks which really aren’t peace talks at all!  I want to give you a few sections from a report today. 

I quote, “The Palestinian Authority strongly condemned the Knesset on Tuesday for passing into a law a bill proposal to deduct terrorists’ salaries from roughly $130 million in monthly tax revenues Israel collects on behalf of the Palestinian Authority, defining the move as “a declaration of war on the Palestinian people.”  “Under the new law, which was sponsored by MKs Elazar Stern (Yesh Atid) and Avi Dichter (Likud), money that would otherwise go to pay stipends to roughly 35,000 families of Palestinian terrorists and their families will be automatically frozen in accordance with the Paris Protocol—without the need for a special approval from the Cabinet.”  ” According to the law’s sponsors, the PA paid terrorists over NIS 4 billion over the past four years from its so-called “martyrs’ fund,” with NIS 1.2 billion (roughly $330 million) being paid in the last year alone.”

For years now while the world leaders have been trying to forge some type of peace agreement between Israel and the PLO the PLO has continued to attack Israel. The PLO has without question has no regard for its own people who are suffering because Palestinian Authority leader Abbas will not sit down with Israel and try to work out some type of peace.  Part of Abbas’s plan has been take the peoples hardships and offer them money to kill themselves as martyrs who attack Israel. There have been many Palestinians who have become martyrs for Abbas just so their families would receive money.  Israel has now decided to put a stop to the funding of the martyrs push. I am surprised Israel has taken so long in putting a stop to this type of martyrs funding. In any case,  Abbas has called Israels action a declaration of war. Are we at the point of the sudden destruction Paul talks about in the prophecy?  We will see. https://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-5303180,00.html

In the mean time while Abbas is calling Israel’s move a declaration of war the main peace negotiator for the  U.S. is still pushing for a peace agreement however, as you will see from the report below there isn’t much hope Abbas will budge from his demands which as noted in my previous report and in the report below centers around Abbas getting Jerusalem as the capital for the PLO people.

I quote, “24 JUNE 2018 • 12:53PM Jared Kushner, senior adviser to US President Donald Trump, said Washington would announce its Middle East peace plan soon, and press on with or without Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas. The comments underlined gaping divisions between Washington and the Palestinian leadership that have widened since Mr Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital in December and moved the US Embassy to the city, overriding decades of US policy. Palestinian officials, who want East Jerusalem as the capital of a future state, accused Mr Kushner of trying to undermine Mr Abbas and what they described as their leader’s moderate camp. Mr Kushner, who is married to Mr Trump’s daughter Ivanka, is meeting leaders in the region, but not Mr Abbas.  He told Palestinian newspaper Al Quds in an interview published on Sunday, that he doubted whether the Palestinian president was willing or able to seal a deal. “If President Abbas is willing to come back to the table, we are ready to engage; if he is not, we will likely air the plan publicly,” Mr Kushner said, according to an English transcript of his words provided by Washington. “However, I do question how much President Abbas has the ability to, or is willing to, lean into finishing a deal. He has his talking points which have not changed in the last 25 years,” he added. Mr Kushner appealed directly to the Palestinian people and portrayed Mr Abbas, 82, as a leader entrenched in the past. “There have been countless mistakes and missed opportunities over the years, and you, the Palestinian people, have paid the price,” said Mr Kushner, who is on the trip with US envoy Jason Greenblatt.” https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/06/24/jared-kushner-says-us-will-soon-present-trumps-israeli-palestinian/


“‘The days are coming,’ declares the Lord, ‘when I will bring my people Israel and Judah back from captivity and restore them to the land I gave their forefathers to possess,’ says the Lord” (Jeremiah 30:3).  “Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the west.  I will say to the north, ‘Give them up!’ and to the south, ‘Do not hold them back.’  Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth—everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made” (Isaiah 43:5-7). 

As I stated in my June 29th post Israel’s population has continued to increase. Jews from many parts of the world have been made the decision to leave the nation they are living in and go home to their Motherland.  As Jews move back to Israel they are fulfilling the above prophecy. 

“By contrast, the Jewish population of Israel has increased steadily since the establishment of the state in 1948, rising from some 650,000 in 1948 to 1.8 million a decade later. By 1980, there were 3.2 million Jews living in Israel, rising to 5.8 million by 2010. According to official numbers collected by the Israeli government and provided by Immigration Minister Sofa Landver, some 5.7 million Jews now live in the US, compared to 6.6 million in Israel.” “

“Speaking at a meeting of the Knesset’s Committee for Immigration, Absorption and Diaspora Affairs on Monday, Landver discussed the demographic shift in the world Jewish community, and her ministry’s efforts to ease the immigration process for Jews seeking to make Aliyah to Israel. “We are working to reduce administrative obstacles, and we’ve increased the number of languages available in service centers,” Landver told the committee. “We’ve also seen an increase in the number of olim [immigrants] who settle in the Negev and Galilee (24% of all new immigrants – 6,917 people – settled in these regions in 2017, compared with 4,307 new immigrants who settled in these regions in 2016), we’ve increased assistance and accompaniment for entrepreneurs, and we’ve also seen an increase in the number of businesses opened by olim and a significant drop in delinquency among new teenage immigrants.” https://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/248357

More news on the failing peace process. https://www.jpost.com/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/Trump-moves-are-killing-two-state-solution-Palestinian-PM-spokesman-says-561418


According to the above prophecy in the last days we should see Israel being singled out as a nation and, at the same time witness how the city of Jerusalem would become a burdensome stone. Anyone who has followed the news concerning Israel has read countless reports how the nation of Israel has in fact been under the microscope by the UN.  Look at this report from 2015. UN’s Human Rights Council Condemns Israel More than Rest of World Combined”

Jew hate
25 Jun 2015
I put together for you some videos showing you how the UN has condemned Israel. You will see videos from 1 year ago to just 2 weeks ago. Here is the bottom line. The exact thing God told us would happen to Israel just before He returns is now taking place!  
Image result for birds fish and animals dying


There are so many people that are unaware of all the mass deaths of the birds, fish, and animals. I listed thousands of these reports in my book. The reports you see below are just the latest news on these mass die offs.


June 14, 2018 – Thousands of dead fish wash ashore in La Brea, Trinidad and Tobago. 


June 15, 2018 – Large die off of fish washes up in Goyave, Guadeloupe.


June 15, 2018 – 50 Geese found dead in St. Lawrence River, Montreal, Canada. 


June15,  2018 – Large amount of dead birds closes road in Sterling, Massachusetts, America. 


June 15, 2018 – 6,800 livestock dead ‘due to cold’ in Huancavelica, Peru.


June 19, 2018 – Thousands of dead fish found in a lake in Missouri, America. http://www.koamtv.com/story/38452380/thousands-of-dead-fish-in-schell-lake

June 24, 2018 – Hundreds of dead fish found in Santa Pola, Spain.


June 25, 2018 – Hundreds of dead fish and other marine life found floating in the river Halda in Bangladesh.


June 27, 2018 – Hundreds of dead fish wash up on a beach in Barcelona, Spain.


June 27, 2018 – Dozens of dead hammerhead shark pups found washed up on a beach in Honolulu, Hawaii, America. 


June 29, 2018 – Hundreds of dead fish, manatees, sea turtles, eels and other marine life wash up in Boca Grande, Florida, America. https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/state/florida-beach-littered-with-hundreds-of-dead-fish-manatees-and-other-marine-life

June 29, 2018 – Thousands of dead sea birds found washed up in Western Alaska, America.


June 30, 2018 – 24,000 birds killed due to avian flu in two areas of Ghana. http://www.africanews.com/2018/06/30/ghana-reports-outbreaks-of-h5-bird-flu-on-farms/

July 1, 2018 – Mass fish kill ‘due to red tide’ washes up in Englewood, Florida, America. 


July 2, 2018 – 660,000 birds killed due to avian flu in Penza Oblast, Russia. 


July 1, 2018 Connect the dots if you can



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 22 2018 edition written by Frank DiMora


How many of you who have come to my site can tell me how the reports below are connected to bible prophecy?

IDF beefs up troops on Golan Heights near Syria 
The Israeli army reinforced troops on the Golan Heights near the border with Syria, in light of a situational assessment by the Northern Command, the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit announced Sunday. While the IDF does not expect the offensive to lead to a direct clash between Israel and the Syrian army, armored and artillery forces were deployed Sunday morning as part of the IDF’s preparedness in the face of developments on the Syrian Golan Heights.

Jewish schoolgirls interrogated over sex. Not Nazi Germany, but today’s Britain
Can you imagine them marching into an Islamic school and starting to ask the students about sex? They would never have dared, and if they had, the cries of “islamophobia” would have resounded through the land. But this? No one will care.

Syrian rebels resume peace talks with Russians after Jordan mediates 
Talks between the Syrian opposition and Russian negotiators to reach a ceasefire in a rebel-held town in southwestern Syria have resumed after mediation by Jordan that has been seeking a ceasefire, an opposition spokesman said. A string of Syrian rebel-held towns and villages were forced to accept government rule on Saturday as insurgent lines collapsed in parts of the southwest under an intense bombardment.

Carrier USS Harry S. Truman Operating in the Atlantic as Russian Submarine Activity is on the Rise
The aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman (CVN-75) has left the Mediterranean Sea and is now operating in the Atlantic Ocean, a defense official confirmed to USNI News. This week the carrier, the embarked Carrier Air Wing 1 and some of its escorts passed through the Strait of Gibraltar into the Atlantic after spending several days in port in Marseille, France.

ANALYSIS: Russian Offensive Robs Israel of Ability to Strike Iranian Forces http://www.israeltoday.co.il/NewsItem/tabid/178/nid/34311/Default.aspx?utm_source=news&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=*%20Daily%20Newsletter&utm_content=4238

Recreational marijuana now legal in Vermont
As of Sunday, recreational use of marijuana is legal in Vermont — within boundaries of some clear and not-so-clear rules. Vermont becomes the ninth state to legalize marijuana and the first state to do so through its state legislature. Gov. Phil Scott signed the law in January with “mixed emotions.” The law allows adults to possess up to 1 ounce of marijuana, two mature and four immature plants.




Report: Canada Will Legalize Marijuana By July 1, 2018 | The FADER

Mar 27, 2017 – Report: Canada Will Legalize Marijuana By July 1, 2018. The country’s Liberal government is set to formally unveil its proposals in early April.

Netanyahu says will handle Western Wall plan himself 
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made it clear…that he would personally handle the Western Wall plan in an effort to mend the rift between the State of Israel and Reform and Conservative Jews over an egalitarian prayer area at the holy site…Netanyahu decided to remove Culture Minister Miri Regev as the head of the Ministerial Committee for Holy Places after she refused to approve the suggested plan for a designated area for women’s prayer at the Western Wall.

Mexico Arrests Top Gulf Cartel Leader near Texas Border
Mexican authorities arrested one of the top leaders of the Gulf Cartel in the region. The kingpin has been singled out as one of the men responsible for the escalation of violence that has taken place in this border city.

Tens of Thousands Attend Paris Gay Pride March
Tens of thousands of mainly young people flooded the streets of central Paris for the annual Gay Pride parade on Saturday, with plenty of exuberance but also calls to “carry on the struggle” against discrimination.

Author of the New Age Book ‘The Shack’ Claims That Salvation Can Happen After Death: ‘I don’t think that death is our damnation’
The book ‘The Shack’ was authored by a man named William P. Young and was recently turned into a major motion picture which portrayed God as a woman. William was recently interviewed by Eternity News, regarding his new documentary “The Heart of Man,” in which he claimed that after death, mankind is still granted the chance to be reconciled after death.

South African Jews file police complaint against 3 for ‘gross anti-Semitism’
The South African Jewish Board of Deputies on Thursday filed a police complaint against three individuals they say contributed to a recent uptick in anti-Semitic attacks and threats against Jews in the country.

Hospital Staff Caught Euthanizing Hundreds of Patients: “If a Nurse Didn’t Like You, You Were a Goner” 
More details are emerging of the scandal in which at least 450, and probably more than 650,  people’s lives were ended as a result of being given dangerous amounts of unnecessary opiates.

Is The Government Using Spy Hubs In 8 AT&T Buildings Across The Country To Intercept Our Emails, Phone Calls And Text Messages?
It is supposed to be illegal for the NSA to spy on communications that are completely domestic, but that appears to be precisely what is happening.

OUTBREAK: Sea Lice Reported On Florida’s Beaches, What We Know
An outbreak of “sea lice” has been reported on Florida’s beaches.  The lice leave the skin itchy, bumpy, and red after a quick dip in the ocean.  Here’s what we know so far about this outbreak:

Military Seizes Control Of Water Supplies As Venezuelan Infrastructure Collapses
…And as the collapse of social services has caused water supplies to dwindle, the military has recently hijacked what spigots remain, transforming access to water into a luxury that most Venezuelans can’t afford. Many of the pipes and reservoirs have fallen into disarray – or seen their supplies drastically diminished – the military is stepping in to take charge of the “equitable distribution” of what little remains.

NBC, Amazon Writer Openly Promotes White Genocide – She Hopes It “Happens Faster”
Taylor Cox is a writer for NBC, Amazon and Cartoon Network. The only she thing she likes more than writing is white genocide.

School board bans fact: ‘Biological sex’ is no more – WND
The board in the Fairfax County, Virginia, school district has decided to ban the fact that there is a “biological sex,” and instead teach all students that sex is a “fluid spectrum.”

New Swedish law recognises sex without consent as rape https://www.yahoo.com/news/swedish-law-recognises-sex-without-consent-rape-093136060.html


June 29, 2018 One prophecy leads to another and another find out which ones



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 22 2018 edition written by Frank DiMora


Those those who never read the bible they will be void of the knowledge of what is going to happen in the last days. One of the warnings God left us as a gage that would show us we are in those last days is Jews from around the world would start to go back to their Mother Land Israel. Below you will see what the Lord said.

“‘The days are coming,’ declares the Lord, ‘when I will bring my people Israel and Judah back from captivity and restore them to the land I gave their forefathers to possess,’ says the Lord” (Jeremiah 30:3).  “Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the west.  I will say to the north, ‘Give them up!’ and to the south, ‘Do not hold them back.’  Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth—everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made” (Isaiah 43:5-7).


This news report informed us of the following. “Shavei Israel has brought over 3,500 Bnei Menashe to Israel, helping them through the difficult process of becoming acclimated and settled in a new country. There are still another 7,000 Bnei Menashe remaining in India.”

Since Israel was born against as a nation on May 14, 1948 Jews living outside of Israel have begun to return to Israel. They have come from the East, West, North, and South just as the Lord warned us!  You are going to hear more news from Israel in the very near future concerning more Jews returning to Israel. One of the reasons Jews are moving to Israel is the rise of anti-semitic attacks against Jews. Below you will find just a few of the reports talking about these anti-semitic attacks.

In Germany, a new type of anti-Semitism has reared its head – Europe …

Jews believe they will have a better life in Israel as they will feel safe living among their fellow Israeli Brothers and Sisters and a government that truly wants them in their nation.

Take a look at what Jesus Christ told the Apostle Paul concerning the call for peace and safety.  “But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.  For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.  For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape” (1 Thessalonians 5:1-3).

Headline: Abbas to Prince William: Palestinians are serious about peace

Abbas told William that the Palestinians are “serious about reaching peace with Israel, where the two states would live next to each other in security and stabilityon the June 4 [1967] borders. This has been our position for a long time. We want to achieve peace through peace negotiations.”https://www.jpost.com/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/Abbas-to-Prince-William-Palestinians-are-serious-about-peace-560984
I have covered the Middle East peace process for years because 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3 is a warning about the last days. The most important part of this current news is what Abbas wants to happen which in my view is very unlikely to take place. He said he wanted to go back to the June 4 [1967] borders. Do you know what he is asking?  He is telling Israel he wants the control of Jerusalem again as was before the 1967 war against Israel. The Prime Minister of Israel has stated countless times he is never going to give up East Jerusalem!  Now let us also consider the fact that nations are now recognizing East Jerusalem as the official capital of Israel which belongs to the Jews.  So much for any peace talks break through!   The peace process will go no where and this is why we are shown that while they are talking peace and safety war will break out. Paul didn’t tell us peace would come as a result of such peace talks but, sudden destruction which could only mean another war against Israel.  Everyone leader who has been involved in the peace talks have come to the same wall! I am not talking about the wailing wall in East Jerusalem but, the ownership of East Jerusalem where the temple mount is.
You see the peace talks are also tied in to another major prophecy. Take a look at this prophecy below.
As long as the nations have been trying to work out some type of peace between the Jews and Abbas Jerusalem has in fact become a burdensome stone exactly as Jesus warned us. The ownership of Jerusalem has been a burden way before Abbas became the leader of the Palestinians and, it will continue to be so until the sudden destruction comes.
These peace talks also brings us to another issue which is also a major prophecy for the last days that includes the Antichrist. Let’s take a look at what we are told in Daniel 9:27. “27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.”
What we know is there will be a peace coming! A covenant is going to happen. However, the current peace and safety talks will not bring on the Daniel 9:27 covenant.  Many people think 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3 and what we read in Daniel’s warning to be the same event and they are not.  The 1 Thessalonians prophecy takes place before the rise of the Antichrist and we see sudden destruction taking place while they are still talking peace.  In the Daniel 9:27 warning once the covenant is made there is no sudden destruction. Fact is there will be what appears to be a 3 and a half years of peace. Take a look at the photo below.
Notice the yellow beginning of the tribulation arrow. This is where the Antichrist will make that covenant and there will pass  3 1/2 years and, the Antichrist will break that covenant. The  1 Thessalonians 5:1-3 prophecy will bring on immediate war while they are talking not bring on peace for 3 1/2 years then war.  There are many pastors who believe the warning to Paul was the Psalm 83 war that has not taken place yet. The Palestinians are named in that Psalm  war against Israel. So at this point in our generation we have seen a host of different prophecies fulfilled already which tells us the last prophecies not fulfilled yet are on their way.
Currently the tensions between Israel and the Palestinians are heating up. They are no were near any peace. I quote from a report yesterday. “In a joint statement, Gazan factions claimed responsibility on Wednesday for at least 13 rockets fired into Israel on Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning.” “We claim responsibility for attacking a number of Zionist military outposts around the Gaza border in response to an attack on a civilian vehicle,” the factions stated, referring to an IDF strike on a Hamas terrorist’s vehicle late Tuesday night.”
So far, everything we were warned about by God is on course right now.  The Arabs are not going to wait forever for some type of peace between the PLO and Israel which will mean the war planned in Psalm 83 is not that far off.

June 23, 2018 Is This Message for you? You bet it is!



June 20, 2018 Traveling toward Jesus Christ



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth May 18 2018 edition written by Frank DiMora

How fast are things changing in our lives? I came across the follow report and I wanted to share what was stated as this information really shows how fast we are moving toward the return of Jesus Christ.

I Never Thought I Would See the Day
By Jan Markell
November 14, 2017
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Dr. David Jeremiah had a sermon series some years ago with this title. Like me, he noticed aberrations in the culture and in the church and stated he just didn’t think he would live to see them. 
I’ve come up with my own list as 2017 winds down. It has been an historic year to say the least.
Things aren’t falling apart, they are falling into place.
I didn’t think I would live to see:
  • The earth reeling in an apocalyptic manner, yet most going about business as usual — eating, drinking, and enjoying life.
  • Every natural disaster preceded by words such as “unprecedented”, “history-making”, or “of biblical proportion.”
  • A hurricane (Irma) so strong that it was measured on a device that tracks earthquakes.
  • Some people heed the warning signs of impending natural disasters but scoff at the ultimate warnings that Jesus is returning soon and you must be ready.
  • America seriously talk about the possibility of an EMP attack and Hawaii warn of a nuclear attack by North Korea.
  • Actors in Central Park simulate the assassination of a U.S. President.
  • Satanic outfits be granted IRS tax-exempt status while Christians and conservatives are overlooked and ignored.
  • A major U.S. newspaper — The Washington Post — call Satan good and call him a great representation of secularism.
  • A discussion of womb transplants for men.
  • The “powertainment industry” (Hollywood) so weakened due to scandals that its influence is diminishing as people boycott films in disgust.
  • The Boy Scouts allowing girls to join the organization.
  • Word of a revival in North Korea.
  • The son of a Hamas leader, who is now a Christian, tell the United Nations that Palestinian leaders are a bunch of terrorists.
  • Rick Warren state that he hoped his partnership with a Catholic leader would become the ecumenical model for the entire world.
  • K – 12 U.S. educators demonizing Israel and lauding Islam.
  • A Democrat Party leader — Donna Brazille — blow the whistle on Democrat Party corruption. Politicians usually circle the wagons and protect their own.
  • The daily scoldings I get from people protesting my pre-Tribulation Rapture-timing theology. (This is not a salvation issue, folks.)
A prominent secular talk show host said we live in interesting times — too interesting. He longs to go back to the 1950s. He doesn’t understand that the last days would be characterized by a departure from the normal and an acceleration of the aberrant. He can’t grasp the fact that the Bible predicted a lot of what our headlines state today.  
It’s all falling into place.
I talk about our troubled times with Dr. Dave Reagan and Nathan Jones on “Christ in Prophecy TV” November 12 and 26. Find the first program below. Learn more at www.lamblion.com.
We read every e-mail but due to volume, cannot reply to all e-mails.
Over 6,200 filled our mega-church beyond capacity at “Understanding the Times 2017” on October 7. Find a pictorial review here and an opportunity to order CDs and DVDs.
You can view Amir Tsarfati’s first message, “Where is America in Bible Prophecy?” on YouTube here.
Find complete syndication for “Understanding the Times” radio on 830 radio outlets here.   They include American Family Radio Network, CSN Network, HOPE-FM Network, Bott Radio Network, The Psalm FM Network, Sirius Satellite Network, The Word FM, the Life FM Network, The Penfold Network, Salem Communications, OnePlace.com, and individual radio stations.
We are live Saturdays, 9 a.m. CST out of Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN. You can listen live here.
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Listen 24/7/365 at “Complete Archives” at our website, www.olivetreeviews.org or at www.oneplace.com.
New programming is posted to our website on Saturday morning at Complete Archives.
Awaiting His return,

Jan Markell

You may pass on these items or have people sign up on  our Web site.  You can access our radio programming from the last five years on Complete Archives.  Also see the Web site for other options to catch the program, “Understanding the Times.”

I Never Thought I Would See the Day (Part 2)
By Jan Markell
June 20, 2018
Last November I wrote an article listing a number of things I didn’t think I would see in my lifetime. Prophecy Update even turned it into a short videothat almost 200,000 people have viewed.
Now six months later, I’ve come up with another list of unbelievable happenings that I never thought I would live to see. Sure, we live in crazy times. A lot of things the Bible predicted are now happening at break-neck speed but it still leaves me speechless.
Here’s my updated list I never thought I’d live to see:
  • Churches would not just recognize the Islamic holiday known as Ramadan, they would join in on the “celebration” while hundreds of innocents were being killed at the very same time.
  • Women’s sporting activities would be curtailed because transgenders can now participate as women even though they are males.
  • The WWII anti-Nazi term “the resistance” would be applied to those opposed to a U.S. President — Donald Trump.
  • Lucifer would get his own TV show, first on the Fox Network and now on Netflix. In fact, he is glorified as a good guy — handsome, charming, and funny. Some day Christ-rejecters won’t be laughing.
  • Netflix will also have an animated drag queen series for children. (But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea:Matthew 18:6).
  • I would turn on any form of media and the only story being talked about would be President Trump — and always in a negative light! Can’t the Left give him an ounce of credit? And what about all the other significant stories the media is just ignoring?
  • My tax dollars would be spent to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars to better understand why lesbians are obese.
  • Seven out of nine Supreme Court Justices would all agree on a religious liberty case — Colorado baker Jack Phillips. There is hope for our Republic!
  • The Department of Homeland Securitywould announce that it intends to compile a comprehensive list of hundreds of thousands of journalists, editors, bloggers, and folks like me. They will collect any “information that could be relevant about them.”
  • The residents of Gaza would take Japan’s gift of kites for the children of Gaza and use them as incendiary devices to burn down southern Israel. (And Israel is to make peace with such barbarians?)
  • Wiccans and pagans had a scheduled gathering in Maryland. God had other ideas. He caused a flood to cancel the event.
  • Christianity would literally be expelled from public schools but Islam would be taught and praised.
  • The Left has gone apoplectic about the separation of kids from parents at the border but defends and even celebrates the permanent separation: Abortion.
  • Private conversation would be at risk thanks to Alexa, Google Plus, our iPhones, and more, literally spying on us. Today’s world has no secrets.
I have left so much off of this “I never thought I’d see the day” list that it grieves me. You have a saturation point. I don’t want to push you that far. But I suspect eve George Orwell would be shocked at the tide of our times!
The Bible says there would be a day when good would be called evil and evil good (Isaiah 5:20). We are there. These happenings remind us that we’re not in Kansas anymore and things are all falling into place!
God is using the negative as a megaphone to say that “I am coming soon!”
Look up. Our redemption draws nigh.
FINAL THOUGHT: Plan on gathering a group together on Saturday, September 29, to view “Understanding the Times 2018”. We will livestream it at no cost to you.
Support this ministry here.
Understanding the Times 2017

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June 14, 2018 Last Days Sign from North Korea yes or no?



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth May 18 2018 edition written by Frank DiMora


June 13, 2018



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth May 18 2018 edition written by Frank DiMora

Major research reveals CRISPR gene-editing could increase cancer risk in cells
“When we looked at this further, we found that cutting the genome with CRISPR-Cas9 induced the activation of a protein known as p53, which acts like a cell’s alarm system, signaling that DNA is damaged, and opens the cellular ‘first aid kit’ that repairs damage to the DNA,” explains Emma Haapaniemi, first author on the Karolinska study. “The triggering of this system makes editing much more difficult.” The problem this research raises is that an absence pf p53 in cells may on one hand result in the CRISPR process being more effective, but it also makes a cell much more likely to become cancerous.

Opportunity fights for life amidst a giant Martian dust storm
NASA’s Opportunity Mars rover has gone into minimal operating mode as it rides out a giant dust storm that is blotting out the Sun. The storm, which is much worse than originally thought, is preventing the solar panels from recharging the veteran probe’s batteries, but mission control have said that NASA engineers received a signal from Opportunity on Sunday morning. One of Mars’ more unusual characteristics is its tendency to generate dust storms of incredible size. When NASA’s Mariner 9 orbiter arrived at Mars in 1971, there was a storm so great that it engulfed the entire planet and left the surface blotted out for two months. This fact is not only of scientific interest, it also has an impact of present and future missions to the Red Planet.

North Korea recommits to ‘complete denuclearization,’ Trump offers ‘security guarantees’ at extraordinary summit
Both leaders expressed optimism throughout roughly five hours of talks, with Trump thanking Kim afterward “for taking the first bold step toward a bright new future for his people.” Kim, for his part, said the leaders had “decided to leave the past behind” and promised: “The world will see a major change.”

Arab Media: For First Time, Iran Admits Connection to 9/11
An Iranian official recently admitted on state television that his government helped the majority Saudi terrorists on their way to commit the 9/11 terrorist attacks in 2001. This Iranian role in helping Sunni al-Qaeda commit the most heinous terrorist attack in US history was long-suspected by the American government but, until now, was never confirmed.

Small Business Euphoric About Trump As Optimism Soars To 34 Year High
The May Small Business Optimism Index increased to the second highest level in the NFIB survey’s 45-year history, rising to 107.8 from 104.8, the highest level in 34 years,…

Bill Clinton: Norms of ‘What You Can Do to Someone Against Their Will’ Have Changed
The former president’s comments are shocking, and particularly tone-deaf in the era of #MeToo. President Bill Clinton’s new interview with PBS NewsHour, which aired last week, featured some shocking, and strikingly tone-deaf, comments from the former president about sexual harassment and assault, including his opinion that “what you can do to someone against their will” has changed. (Video)

Singapore, Astana and St Petersburg All Mean the Same Thing: A New World Order Is Coming
Ahead of the crucial Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit in Qingdao this coming weekend, three other recent events have offered clues on how the new world order is coming about.

Trump Wants Belligerent Palestinian Negotiator Booted
The Palestinian Authority’s long-time chief negotiator, Saeb Erekat, has made a career of sticking to his movement’s hard-line demands, and of publicly rejecting all Israeli claims, be they legal, historical or religious. And US President Donald Trump’s had enough of him.

Voters win in Supremes’ election decision
Dissenters based opposition on ’emotional thinking with no basis in facts or logic’. The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday affirmed the constitutionality of an Ohio law that removes people from voters rolls after six years if they do not vote during that time or respond to state efforts to verify their residence in the state.

Agenda 21: The Plan to Depopulate 95% of the World by 2030 is Already Underway
…The United Nations looks for to co-opt, by means of specific federal governments, and eventually, a “one world federal government,” independently held land under auspices of guaranteeing its “sustainability.”

Why Putin and Trump Will Align Against the NWO
…the EU and the G7 are aligning against America in the same fashion that they have already conspired against Russia by kicking them out of the G8 and changing their name to the G7. This organization, which is a tool of the New World Order crowd, has devised and implemented, through their friends at the UN, a devastating Muslim immigration problem designed to destroy France, Italy, Germany and other first-world nations whose leaders will not police their borders under the threat of George Soros. Much of Europe is destroyed  and now the G7 is trying to ensnare both Russia and the United States in the same trap.

In China, ‘Social Credit’ System Forces Citizens Into Submission To The State
When your personal data turns bad, whether real or imagined, China will basically ex-communicate you from the good life, and they have already done this to tens of millions of detractors. This is as effective as Tiananmen Square slaughter, but was implemented slowly so people never had a clue what was happening to them. Now, they are trapped, shunned, penalized and in some cases, destitute.

PM Netanyahu just made the Iranian government and their people an offer they can’t refuse
…Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu released a video Sunday in which made an “unprecedented offer” to the Iranian people to help solve Iran’s water crisis by creating a Farsi website with detailed plans on Israeli water conservation technologies and strategies.

Despite the massive rise in crime, sexual assault and murder, German leftist political leaders want totally open borders and legal escape routes for Muslim refugees
Die Linke, a German far-left party called on congress for open borders and legal escape routes for refugees, DW news reports.

In Guatemala, woman searches for 50 relatives buried by volcano Eufemia Garcia watched in horror as Guatemala’s Fuego volcano sent scalding ash and gas surging over her home a week ago, burying her children and grandson among 50 of her extended family. She has been searching for their remains ever since.

Politician Shot Dead After Promising To Fight Violent Crime
A candidate running for a seat in the Mexican Chamber of Deputies was shot dead just minutes after taking part in an electoral debate.

Columbia and Yale scientists just found the spiritual part of our brains
Scientists seek to quantify everything—even the ineffable. And so the human search for meaning recently took a physical turn as Columbia and Yale University researchers isolated the place in our brains that processes spiritual experiences.

Ramadan Rage: Jihadists Have Killed, Injured 1,365 with One Week to Go
Islamic terrorists have killed 605 people and maimed an additional 760 so far during the ongoing holiest month for Muslims, Ramadan, a Breitbart News count shows.

Obama Holding Secret Closed-Door Meetings In Washington To Groom 2020 ‘Trump Killer’ Democrat Candidates
EDITOR’S NOTE: Former 2-time president Barack Obama is holding court, but not publicly. From his compound located deep in the heart of the World Wildlife Fund building in Washington’s elite West End district, Obama has officially started grooming candidates he thinks will be a ‘Trump Killer’ in the 2020 elections. To date, Obama has refused to comment on any of these meetings or even acknowledge they are even taking place. On another front, Barack and Michelle Obama have signed a deal with Netflix to make social justice propaganda ‘documentaries’ through their nascent Higher Ground production company. The Obama shadow government is in place and fully functioning.

Unusual Summer Rain: Is God Crying On Jerusalem?
“It just seemed so clear that Hashem (God, literally ‘the name’) was crying,” Wander told Breaking Israel News. “I am going through a roller coaster of feelings because of what is happening there. Families are being torn from their houses.” “Rabbi Yosef Dayan, a member of the nascent Sanhedrin and a descendant of King David, agreed with Wander. “We pray for rain in its season and when it comes out of season, this is surely a sign of divine intervention,”

Nasrallah: ‘the whole world can not remove us from Syria’
Nasrallah said that if Israel will continue the occupation a great war will come. He also stated that nothing on earth – except a request from the Syrian government, will make Hezbollah pull forces out of Lebanon.

Putin and Rouhani meet in China, discuss joint efforts in Syria
Rouhani spoke highly of the Russian stand during negotiations over the nuclear deal, from which the US withdrew in May this year, calling the Russian role “important and constructive.”

Hezbollah to be outlawed in Britain
The United Kingdom merely banned Hezbollah’s so-called military wing in 2008, but now all of the terror group will be out of bounds.

Winter hits Israel – in June
Rainfall on Wednesday morning caused flooding in the southern cities of Sderot and Ashkelon, with cars sinking into the water. Sderot resident David Mansour told Army Radio, “The entire city has turned into Venice. Everything is flooded…

U.S. disaster-response force stretched thin as hurricane season starts
With the 2018 hurricane season already underway, FEMA is scrambling to hire more people who are willing to depart at a moment’s notice for assignments that can last months at a stretch. Internal documents obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request show the agency’s disaster-response force is understaffed by 26 percent. And as last year revealed, many of those who sign up don’t always respond when needed.

US changes tactics at UN: From defending Israel to offensive
The United States has decided to change tactics at the United Nations and instead of merely settling for defending Israel, it is now going on the offensive against countries that refuse to condemn the Hamas terror organization.

Homes, residents under threat from 6 wildfires in Colorado
Thousands of homes in Colorado are under threat from growing wildfires in the state, which have also forced a number of evacuations and closures. In Summit County, about 1,400 homes have been evacuated and more than 1,000 could be in danger in the path of the Buffalo Mountain Fire. It’s one of six wildfires burning in Colorado.

Trump Slams OPEC Again, Demands Lower Prices: “Oil Prices Are Too High, OPEC Is At It Again”
Trump doubled down on his oil- price targeting,…”Oil prices are too high, OPEC is at it again. Not good!”

Prediction: Courts will end Obamacare for good
Ken Cuccinelli, the former attorney general for Virgina, tells OneNewsNow he was relieved and excited after learning the U.S. Department of Justice will not defend the Affordable Care Act a case brought by Republican state attorneys general and two governors. “While it is rare for the Department of Justice not to defend a federal statute, it is probably even more rare that the basis of their decision not to defend the statute, in this case Obamacare, is based on court precedent,”

G6 leaders break with Trump, move forward on climate action
Leaders representing six of the world’s most powerful economies committed to addressing climate change and environmental crises at the conclusion of this year’s Group of Seven (G7) summit over the weekend. But the United States made no such agreement, as President Trump doubled down on both his opposition to international climate efforts and his support for fossil fuels.

Colorado Blaze Continues to Grow; Entire San Juan National Forest to Close
A wildfire blazing in southwestern Colorado continues to grow Monday after more than doubling in size over the weekend amid dry, gusty conditions. Due to the extreme fire danger, the U.S. Forest Service announced Monday it plans to close the entire, nearly 3,000-square-mile San Juan National Forest to the public.

Polio Returns to Venezuela As Economic Crisis Cripples Healthcare System
The deadly polio virus has returned to Venezuela 30 years after being eradicated, as the country’s health care system struggles under a nationwide economic crash.

WELLS OF ABRAHAM: PM Netanyahu’s new water plan is truly a light unto the nations
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced an ambitious new desalination project that will address the current multi-year drought. But the surprising way he chose to present the new program, offering much-needed aid to Israel’s sworn enemy, had a Biblical precedent as well as prophetic end-of days implications.

Over 2,300 Online Pedophiles Busted in Operation ‘Broken Heart’
The Justice Department announced Tuesday that its Internet Crimes Against Children task force busted over 2,300 online sexual predators.

White South African Farmers Trained By Israeli Special Forces To Fight Off Violent Attacks
With rising violence, being a farmer in South Africa has become a dangerous job. Some are hiring former Israeli special forces experts to teach them self-defense.

Chilling NCMEC Report Shows 88% of Missing Sex Trafficked Kids Come from US Foster Care
America has a dark secret that no one wants to admit. Talk of this secret will get you labelled as a conspiracy theorist, fake news, and outlets who report on it will have their organic reach throttled by social media and Google alike. Despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, many in the mainstream media and the government refuse to see this very real epidemic of child sex trafficking in the United States. What’s more, according to the government’s own data, the vast majority of a portion of these trafficked kids are coming from the country’s own foster care system.

Mass Shootings and Psychiatric Drugs: The Connection
I’ve been tracking the connection since 1999, when I wrote a long white paper, for the Truth Seeker Foundation, on school shootings and psychiatric drugs. The paper was titled: “Why Do They Do It? School shootings Across America.”

Proof Obama sent your money to defeat Bibi in Israel election
President Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu The U.S. government was informed of the overtly political agenda of OneVoice Israel and OneVoice Palestine – to defeat Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu – but gave the groups American taxpayer money anyway.

Guatemala Volcano Consumes Entire Village: ‘No Survivors Left’
Rescue workers in Guatemala have been tirelessly searching for survivors within the dark and grey blanket of left after Guatemala’s Fuego volcano erupted near the capital.

Calls For Sadiq Khan To Resign As Total of 1,296 Stabbings In London This Year
Another stabbing has been reported in the same area of London within a 24 hour period making the bloody knife attack total 1,296 this year alone.

US Special Forces Caught Helping FSA Plot Next False Flag Attack in Syria
US Special Forces has been exposed for helping Syrian rebels plot a false flag attack to trigger strikes from the West in Syria.

California University Refuses To Speak With Pro-Life Group About Free Abortion Drugs
A pro-life group has persistently sought to speak with California State University at Long Beach about its stance on an abortion bill that may soon take effect at all California public universities, but the university has refused to respond.

Kasie Hunt Badgers Jim Jordan Over Tough Immigration Policy — Is It A ‘Christian Approach’? 
MSNBC’s Kasie Hunt asked Republican Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan three consecutive times on Tuesday if Jeff Sessions’ new crack down on immigrant asylum is a “Christian approach.”