Aug. 29, 2015 Another Heat Record -Obama Factor

The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth August 26, 2015 Edition written by Frank DiMora.

111y Prophecy

Over the years I have repeated myself here at my prophecy site and at the many prophecy seminars I have given concerning the rising temperatures as outlined in the book of Revelation.  Each year my message has been the same which is get ready for new temperature records and each year that is exactly is what is happening.   If you are new to my site go ahead and do a Google search on Frank DiMora and scorching heat at either the or at  You will see my warning go back to when I first opened up my first prophecy site in 2007.  I am telling you this so you can check the record to see if the information I am quoting from is trust worthy?   If you check the quotes I have given you from the Bible on this issue you will learn what I learned and, that is Jesus Christ is always  trust worthy in His warnings.  Here is a prime example in the news today about the 2015 heat record!


“It is rare for climate experts to make such a bold prediction so soon in the year, but they believe that a surge in ocean temperatures in particular now makes it almost inevitable that 2015 will turn out to be the hottest year globally since instruments were first used to gather readings more than 130 years ago.

The average temperature increase will be so much higher than the previous record, set in 2014, that it should melt away any remaining arguments about the so-called “pause” in global warming, which many climate sceptics have promoted as an argument against action on climate change.”

Did you know that in the book of Daniel God outlines every major world power from Daniel to the second coming of Jesus Christ?  Did you also know that the United States is no where in sight as a world empire in the last days.  I have people asking me over and over again why isn’t the USA mentioned in prophecy if the USA is supposed to be the strongest nation in the world?  America has never been a WORLD EMPIRE and she never will be!  Fact is, our generation can now see first hand why it is America never makes it to a WORLD EMPIRE status and, therefore didn’t have to be mentioned by Daniel.  Do you want the answer?  You will find your answer in The Wall Street Journal report below.  Let it be know that Christ puts people in power for His own reason and it has become very clear that President Obama has been installed as leader to help bring down America from its superpower status.  The Wall Street Journal will show you what Obama has done to the U.S..  America has tossed Jesus to the side line and because of it God gave us Obama!


***If for any reason you are unable to view the WSJ article above, please go to the ETRM Facebook page and click the link on today’s post

August 28, 2015- Arab Spring May Be Blowing into Gaza


Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436
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indexBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth August 26, 2015 Edition written by Frank DiMora.

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Headline:   Report: Hamas summons Palestinian factions to discuss terms of ten-year truce with Israel

Amid rumors of backchannel talks between Israel and Hamas, the Palestinian Islamist organization has reportedly summoned other Palestinian factions to Beirut where the details of a long-term truce with Israel will be discussed. According to the London-based Arab language newspaper Rai-al-youm, Moussa Abu Marzouk, a senior Hamas figure, had already met with some of the factions in the Lebanese capital regarding the possibility of a ten-year truce with Israel. The skepticism surrounding the possibility of a truce or even the taking place of such talks has come from both camps, with some Hamas figures, including Ismail Haniyeh, denying that Israel has been part of recent negotiations. More militant elements in Hamas, including the military wing of the organization, outright rejected the possibility of a truce, asserting that “our battle with the enemy continues and will increase in ferocity and intensity.” Last week the office of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu denied claims that it had engaged in any talks with Hamas, “neither directly, through third countries, nor through mediators.” The Palestinian Authority has also expressed concern regarding any sort of agreement reached between Hamas and Israel, independently from itself.
August 27, 2015

Headline: Israel Air Force targets Hamas munitions operation in Gaza after rocket attack

Shortly after a rocket fired from the Gaza Strip stuck southern Israel early Thursday morning, the Israel Air Force responded by attacking a weapons manufacturing target in Gaza.
The site belonged to Hamas and was located in the central part of the coastal territory, according to the IDF. No injuries or damage were caused by the rocket fire.
Although no group claimed responsibility immediately after the attack, the army said that it views the “Hamas terrorist organization as solely responsible for what happens in Gaza.”
The rocket was fired from Gaza just after midnight on Wednesday. It hit in an open area in the Eshkol Regional Council area. The IDF Spokesman said the rocket alert siren did not sound in the border area before impact due to the army’s assessment that the projectile would land in an open area.
August 27, 2015

Headline: Palestinians set dates for first congress in two decades

Palestinian leaders have set Sept. 15-16 as the dates for their first congress in nearly 20 years after President Mahmoud Abbas announced his resignation as head of a top executive body. The meeting of the Palestine National Council, a congress representing those in the Palestinian territories and the diaspora, is to be held in Ramallah in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. “The council’s agenda includes electing a new executive committee for the [Palestine Liberation Organization],” senior Palestinian official Azzam al-Ahmad told AFP. Ahmad said the congress would also discuss the stalemate in peace talks with Israel, among other issues.
August 28, 2015

Headline: Hamas Refuses Reconstruction Aid over ‘Settlement’ Origins

Gaza’s “Economy Ministry” has successfully foiled an aid shipment of “settlement goods” through the Kerem Shalom crossing, it announced Friday. The shipment included 204 multilock doors manufactured in Barkan, a Jewish industrial complex in Jewish areas of Judea-Samaria, all of which carried the Israeli company logo of lock manufacturer “Rav Bariach.” The doors had been labelled as being for the purpose of the reconstruction of Gaza – an issue which Palestinian Arab authorities have made into a public platform begging for more humanitarian aid. But instead of gratefully accepting the offer, Hamas claimed the import “exploited the situation to sneak settlement goods into Gaza.” Hamas, which controls Gaza unrestricted by its pact with the Palestinian Authority (PA), sees Israel as the enemy, an illegal political entity – which it seeks to boycott. Nonetheless, it also demands that Israel open its border crossings and allow a steady flow of goods from the PA, and possibly from within Israel as well.
August 28, 2015

Headline: Arab Spring May Be Blowing into Gaza

An Arab Spring rebellion against Hamas may be blowing into Gaza as summer ends, Channel 2 television reported. The match they may ignite a full-scale rebellion may have been lit yesterday by a corn vendor, who poisoned himself after Hamas closed down his stand. He now is in critical condition in a Gaza hospital. The television channel’s English report stated: He decided to protest in a manner that has an uncanny resemblance to the Tunisian Revolution that led to the Arab Spring. It added that “many” Arabs in Gaza are calling for protests and are urging people burn down Hamas institutions. By all accounts, Gaza has been a hell-hole ever since the Oslo War, or Second Intifada, when Yasser Arafat’s campaign of terror forced Jews in Gaza and in urban centers in Israel to stop employing Arabs because of terrorist attacks. The situation deteriorated even more when Hamas ousted leaders form the Fatah movement, headed by Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas, in a bloody war in 2007. The international campaign to blame the mostly non-existent Israeli “blockade” for Gaza’s economic woes doesn’t stand up within Gaza, where Arabs know that the Hamas regime is corrupt to the core and treats them like the corn vendor. It is not clear if an Arab Spring indeed will blow into Gaza, but there are enough rival terrorist organizations that might exploit the opportunity to plant the seeds to overthrow Hamas and possibly bring even more misery, such as Islamic Jihad or the Islamic State. Coincidentally or not, Iran on Wednesday reiterated support for Hamas as well as other terrorist organizations and said that helping those who “stand against the Zionist regime is a principle of Iran’s policy.”
August 28, 2015

Headline: LIVE STREAMING: Obama in Iran deal webcast to North American Jews

psalm only

bb_thumb2.jpg Cooltextprophecysign“Do not keep silent, O God! Do not hold Your peace, And do not be still, O God! For behold, Your enemies make a tumult; And those who hate You have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, And consulted together against Your sheltered ones. They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.” (Psalm 83)


Headline:   Lebanon protesters spell out demands ahead of demo

Headline: Lebanon political crisis deepens

Lebanese protesters who first took to the streets over a trash crisis said Friday they will call for new parliamentary elections and the environment minister’s resignation at a weekend demonstration. The “You Stink” campaign has called for a massive protest in central Beirut on Saturday to follow demonstrations last weekend that targeted not only a trash collection problem but also Lebanon’s stagnant political scene. At a news conference, the group said the demonstration would urge the resignation of Environment Minister Mohammed Mashnuq and new parliamentary elections. The demonstrators would also call for trash collection to be handed over to local municipalities, and for accountability for the use of violence against protesters last week. Asaad Thebian, a member of the campaign, said the protest would be non-partisan and open to all. “We’re going out tomorrow from all areas, from all affiliations,” he said. The “You Stink” campaign began in response to a trash crisis that started with the closure of Lebanon’s largest landfill in mid-July.
August 28, 2015

             Damascus ISIS Syria Iraq ISIS- the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (the Levant) ISIS=ISIL=IS=Daash

Syria    IraqKurdistan



Iraq                              Syria                          Kurdistan

Abu ad Duhur Air Base

Syria Headline:   Al-Qaeda-led forces advance on Syria airbase

Syria’s Al-Qaeda offshoot and other rebel groups advanced on Friday towards a military airport that is the last remaining government-held facility in the northwestern province of Idlib, a monitor said. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said that Al-Qaeda-affiliated Al-Nusra Front and other armed Islamist groups “seized the entrance” to the Abu Duhur airport after carrying out several suicide bombings on motorbikes and “seizing several positions on its outskirts.” Syrian state television said the army had “killed a large number of Al-Nusra terrorists and destroyed their arms and equipment” at the facility. The Observatory said air strikes were launched in response to the onslaught, and that 16 Syrian soldiers and 18 rebels were killed in the fighting.
August 28, 2015


Syria Headline:    Syria Kurds test Turkey’s planned “safe zone”

The Syrian Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) have launched an offensive against ISIS outside Jarablus, challenging Turkey’s plans to establish a “safe zone,” roll back ISIS and prevent Kurdish forces from expanding along its border. “The YPG successfully carried out its first operation to breach ISIS defensive lines west of the Euphrates River on Thursday night, managing to kill 12 of members of the group to the East of Jarablus,” Bas News reported Friday morning. The Iraqi Kurdish outlet cited a military field source as saying that a group of YPG fighters had crossed secretly on boats to the west bank of the Euphrates River and reached ISIS positions east of Jarablus, where fierce clashes erupted. The source said that as a result of the clashes the Kurdish fighters were able to kill 12 ISIS fighters, injure several more and return safely to their bases on the eastern bank of the river. The source added that ISIS militants had arbitrarily shelled Kurdish villages west of Kobane with mortars and artillery following the operation without any known casualties at the time Bas News’s report was published. Days before the raid, the general commander of the YPG boasted that Kurdish forces would “liberate Jarabulus,” directly challenging Ankara’s plans to establish its own Turkey-friendly safe zone in the area.
August 28, 2015

Syria Headline:   Syrian Observatory for Human Rights

Iraq Headline:  Thousands protest against corruption in Iraq capital

Iraq Headline:   Iraq PM orders forces to prepare to open Green Zone

Thousands of Iraqis demonstrated against corruption in Baghdad’s Tahrir Square Friday, including supporters of powerful Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr. Protesters have taken to the streets of Baghdad and cities in the Shiite south for weeks, railing against rampant corruption and abysmal services, especially power outages that leave just a few hours of government-supplied electricity per day during the scorching summer heat. Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has responded to the demonstrations and a call from Iraq’s top Shiite cleric, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, with a reform program aimed at curbing corruption and streamlining the government, but it is still in its early stages. At Friday’s demonstration, hundreds waved Iraqi flags and chanted anti-corruption slogans as in previous weeks, but this time the crowd also included supporters of Sadr, responding to his call to take part.
August 28, 2015


Iraq Headline: Bomb kills two generals near Ramadi

A suicide bombing by so-called Islamic State militants the Iraqi city of Ramadi has killed two army commanders and three other people, officials say. Gen Abdel Rahman Abu Ragheef was deputy commander of operations in the strategically important province of Anbar, while Brig Safeen Abdel Majeed was a divisional commander. Islamic State (IS) controls Ramadi, 100km (60 miles) west of Baghdad. An Iraqi offensive to recapture the city has been making slow progress. The bombing happened in the Jerayshi area. The bomb went off as the army intercepted an explosives-laden vehicle which they believed was targeting them, Brig Gen Yahya Rasool told state TV. At least 10 others were wounded in the blast, he said. IS said it had carried out the attack.
August 27, 2015

Iraq Headline:   ISW Iraq Situation Report August 25-27, 2015

photo and chart 2Copy (2) of uwqa

Listed below are the nations which will attack Israel from Ezekiel chapter 38 and their modern day names (see chart above). 

Gog is the leader of the invasion of Israel.

Magog, Meshech, and Tubal comprise modern day Turkey.

Persia is Iran, parts of northern Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Cush is Ethiopia and Sudan.

Put is Libya and will most likely include Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco.

Gomer is Eastern Turkey.

Beth Togarmah is Armenia.



Headline: ISIS Overruns Villages Near Turkey Border, Threatens Key City

ISIS militants have overrun a handful of Syrian villages near the border with Turkey and threatened to drive U.S-backed rebels out of a key nearby city, activists and a rebel commander said on Thursday. The five villages near the town of Marea, which is around 20 miles from both Aleppo and the Turkish border, were taken after furious overnight battles between the extremists and Free Syrian Army (FSA) fighters, a rebel leader told NBC News. “Fighting started yesterday night … and the rebels had to withdraw,” FSA commander Basam Mustafa said. “ISIS fighters were many more than us and they had enough weapons to win the battle. They were also very well organized compared to us.” Marea is currently in FSA hands. “The main roads to Marea are cut because of ISIS control to these villages,” he added. While both the FSA and ISIS extremists are fighting to topple the government of President Bashar Assad, they are also battling each other. In a statement, ISIS announced that it had taken the villages. The Syria Observatory for Human Rights, which has a network of activists throughout the country, confirmed on their official page that ISIS had taken over the villages.
August 27, 2015


Headline: Six killed in Turkey in clashes with militants: sources

Headline: PKK: 400 Turkish soldiers killed

Six people, including at least four civilians, were killed Thursday in ongoing clashes between Turkey’s armed forces and militants in the mainly Kurdish southeast, security sources and officials said. Smoke rose above the town of Cizre near the Syrian border after Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) rebels armed with rocket launchers attacked a military base, witnesses and security sources said. Days of street fighting between soldiers and militia fighters raged on overnight in the town of Yuksekova, near the border with Iraq and Iran, despite a curfew there, officials added. “There are people with critical injuries who are being treated in homes. Security forces have shelled a neighborhood, and hit residential buildings,” said Abdullah Zeydan, a lawmaker in the pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP).
August 28, 2015


Headline:     IAEA Says Iran May Have Built ‘Extension’ to Parchin

Iran appears to have built an extension to part of its Parchin military site since May, the UN nuclear watchdog said in a report obtained by the Reuters news agency on Thursday. A resolution of the International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) Parchin file, which includes a demand for fresh IAEA access to the site, is a symbolically important issue that could help make or break Tehran’s July 14 nuclear deal with six world powers. The confidential IAEA report obtained by the news agency says, “Since (our) previous report (in May), at a particular location at the Parchin site, the agency has continued to observe, through satellite imagery, the presence of vehicles, equipment, and probable construction materials. In addition, a small extension to an existing building” appeared to have been built. The changes were first observed last month, a senior diplomat familiar with the Iran file said. The IAEA says any activities Iran has undertaken at Parchin since UN inspectors last visited in 2005 could jeopardize its ability to verify Western intelligence suggesting Tehran carried out tests there relevant to nuclear bomb detonations more than a decade ago. Iran has dismissed the intelligence as “fabricated”.
August 28, 2015






Headline:  Battle Rages for Control of Key Afghan District

Headline: Attacks kill at least 17 Afghan soldiers and militia men

Headline: Taliban mass in northern Afghanistan to swear allegiance to new emir

Fierce fighting is raging in southern Afghanistan, where national security forces with the help of the U.S.-led foreign military coalition have undertaken a counteroffensive to halt Taliban advances. Local officials said Friday the fighting has left about 150 insurgent fighters dead or wounded. The Taliban earlier this week overran parts of a strategically important Musa Qala district in Helmand province, clearing the way for the insurgents to advance on the provincial capital of Lashkargah. NATO’s Resolute Support mission confirmed that U.S. aircraft repeatedly bombed militant positions in Musa Qala while some foreign soldiers are assisting the Afghan ground forces. Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid reiterated in a statement its violent campaign continues because the “occupation” of Afghanistan has not ended. He was referring to the presence of NATO-led, mostly American forces in the country.
August 28, 2015

nation against nation 3CooltextprophecysignLuke 21:9 and Matthew 24:7 speak of nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom in the end times. Revelation 6:3-4 speaks of the fiery red horse given power to make men slay one another and Revelation 6:8 speaks again of this red horse in conjunction with the pale horse of Death and Hades, as the one that has the power to kill by sword.  Luke 21:9: wars & commotions; the Greek word here is Akatastasia, meaning instability, a state of disorder, disturbance, confusion (revolutions)   Matthew 24:7: the Greek word for nation is Ethnos & refers to various ethnic groups fighting among themselves, where the next sentence in the verse refers to kingdoms (basileiva) fighting one another (not to be confused with an actual kingdom but rather the right or authority to rule over a kingdom)

Headline:  Extremists reportedly attack remote villages in northeastern Nigeria, killing 28

Boko Haram extremists killed 28 people during attacks on remote farming and fishing villages in northeast Nigeria, members of a civilian defense group said on Friday. A total of 24 people were killed in an attack Tuesday night in Marfunudi, according to village resident Abubakar Jojo. The town is roughly 50 miles from the Borno state capital of Maiduguri. Jojo said the Islamic extremists slit the throats of many of the victims. Witnesses say the extremists also attacked the fishing village of Kafa on Thursday, killing four people. Sadiq Kaka, a member of a defense group, said the four bodies were thrown into a river. Word of attacks in remote areas such as these often take days to reach population centers. More than 1,000 people have been killed since President Muhammadu Buhari was elected in March with a pledge to annihilate the militants, whose 6-year-old uprising has killed a total of 20,000 people. Nearly 2 million have been driven from their homes.
August 28, 2015

Headline: Weekend of protests set to pile more pressure on Malaysia’s PM

Thousands of protesters are expected to march through Malaysia’s capital on Saturday to demand the resignation of Prime Minister Najib Razak, who has weathered public outrage over a multi-million-dollar payment made to a bank account under his name. Security will be tight for the rally, which is due to run until Sunday evening, and a news portal reported that the army may intervene if the crowds get out of hand and a state of emergency is declared. A military spokesman declined to comment on the report. Kuala Lumpur authorities rejected an application by pro-democracy group Bersih for a permit to protest, setting the stage for a possible showdown with security forces. Police used water cannon and teargas to disperse protesters at Bersih’s last big rally in 2012. The 62-year-old leader ran into trouble in July when it was reported that investigators looking into alleged mismanagement at debt-laden state fund 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) had traced a payment of more than $600 million to an account under his name. Malaysia’s anti-graft agency has since verified the funds were a donation from the Middle East, which came just before a 2013 election. On Aug. 3, it said it would ask Najib to explain why the donation was deposited into his private account.
August 28, 2015

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Headline: Yemen army recruits 4,800 southern fighters: officer

Headline: Air strikes kill 10 people in central Yemen

The Yemeni army has recruited 4,800 southern fighters following a presidential decision to integrate loyalist militiamen who helped push Iran-backed rebels out of second city Aden, a military official has said. “This brigade has 4,800 fighters, including soldiers and officers. Most of the recruits are former fighters of the Popular Resistance” pro-government militia, Colonel Fadel Mohammed Hassan told AFP at a military base in Aden. The majority of the recruits come from Aden province, where forces loyal to exiled President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi pushed back Iran-backed rebels last month, aided by Saudi-led coalition air power. The Salman Decisiveness Brigade is named after the Saudi monarch whose country has led an Arab military campaign since late March in support of Hadi. An AFP correspondent at a military base in Aden this week saw new recruits carrying out training drills, dust rising above them as they exercised.
August 28, 2015


Headline: Ceasefire Violations Could Result In ‘Full Scale Armed Clashes,’ Says Russian Official

Russian authorities said Friday that Ukraine had again violated a peace agreement and warned that continuing violations could result in full-scale violent clashes, Tass, Russia’s state news agency, reported. Russian State Duma Speaker Sergey Naryshkin warned Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to ensure that all Ukrainians followed the peace agreements, especially ahead of local elections in Russian and Ukraine in the fall. “OSCE observers often registered ceasefire violations, and experts repeatedly warned about the possibility of new wave of full-scale armed clashes,” said Naryshkin, as reported by Tass. Ukraine has said pro-Russian rebels were the ones responsible for breaking the Minsk agreement, a peace pact signed by Russia and Ukraine in September 2014. Russia annexed the Crimean peninsula in March 2014, formerly part of Ukraine, and has reportedly backed pro-Russian separatists in the country, who have been planning on holding their own elections within Ukraine this fall, likely fueling civil tensions in the nation. Eight people have been killed and several wounded in fighting between the Ukrainian military and pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine over the past several weeks.
August 28, 2015

Headline: Ukraine Crisis Update: August 26, 2015

WarsAndRumorsOfWarsCooltextprophecysign Wars & Rumors of Wars Matthew 24:6 , Revelation 6:3-4 & Revelation 6:8 “ And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.” Revelation 6:3-4 speaks of the fiery red horse given power to make men slay one another and Revelation 6:8 speaks again of this red horse in conjunction with the pale horse of Death and Hades, as the one that has the power to kill by sword. Prophecy Sign: Weapons of Mass Destruction Zechariah 14:12 “And this shall be the plague with which the Lord will strike all the people who fought against Jerusalem: Their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on their feet, Their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets, And their tongues shall dissolve in their mouths.”

Headline:  10 killed as India, Pakistan trade border fire

At least 10 civilians were killed and more than 50 wounded Friday as India and Pakistan traded fire across their disputed border, officials said. Six died near the city of Sialkot in Pakistan’s Punjab province, the country’s military said, while at least four villagers were killed in Indian-administered Kashmir, one more than the figure of three reported earlier.
The firing comes less than a week after planned high-level talks between the nuclear-armed rivals were aborted amid a row over Kashmir, the Himalayan territory both sides control in part but claim in full. The two sides regularly fire shells and mortars across the disputed border both in Kashmir and to the south in Punjab, killing civilians. A senior Pakistani security official told AFP that Indian forces began firing around 3 a.m. on Friday (2200 GMT Thursday) and continued intermittently during the morning. “Six civilians embraced shahadat (martyrdom) and 46 were severely injured including 22 females due to Indian unprovoked firing/shelling on working boundary near Sialkot in Chaprar and Harpal sector,” a statement from the Pakistani military said, adding that they had returned fire. In Indian-controlled Kashmir, Border Security Force (BSF) official Rakesh Kumar Sharma accused Pakistan of targeting civilians with “unprovoked” mortar fire. “Four villagers died in the shelling from across the border, three of them were killed early morning and one died of injuries in a hospital later,” Pawan Kotwal, the top administrator of the region told AFP.
August 28, 2015

Screen-Shot-2014-12-19-at-4.39.48-AM Cooltextprophecysign Economic collapse Revelation 6:5-6 & James 5:1-3Worldwide“ When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.” (Revelation) “Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries that are coming upon you! Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have heaped up treasure in the last days.” (James)

Headline:  China Confirms It Has Begun Liquidating Treasuries, Warns Washington

On Tuesday evening, we asked what would happen if emerging markets joined China in dumping US Treasurys. For months we’ve documented the PBoC’s liquidation of its vast stack of US paper. Back in July for instance, we noted that China had dumped a record $143 billion in US Treasurys in three months via Belgium, leaving Goldman speechless for once. We followed all of this up this week by noting that thanks to the new FX regime (which, in theory anyway, should have required less intervention), China has likely sold somewhere on the order of $100 billion in US Treasurys in the past two weeks alone in open FX ops to steady the yuan. Put simply, as part of China’s devaluation and subsequent attempts to contain said devaluation, China has been purging an epic amount of Treasurys. But even as the cat was out of the bag for Zero Hedge readers and even as, to mix colorful escape metaphors, the genie has been out of the bottle since mid-August for China which, thanks to a steadfast refusal to just float the yuan and be done with it, will have to continue selling USTs by the hundreds of billions, the world at large was slow to wake up to what China’s FX interventions actually implied until Wednesday when two things happened: i) Bloomberg, citing fixed income desks in New York, noted “substantial selling pressure” in long-term USTs emanating from somebody in the “Far East”, and ii) Bill Gross asked, in a tweet, if China was selling Treasurys. Sure enough, on Thursday we got confirmation of what we’ve been detailing exhaustively for months. Here’s Bloomberg: China has cut its holdings of U.S. Treasuries this month to raise dollars needed to support the yuan in the wake of a shock devaluation two weeks ago, according to people familiar with the matter. Channels for such transactions include China selling directly, as well as through agents in Belgium and Switzerland, said one of the people, who declined to be identified as the information isn’t public. China has communicated with U.S. authorities about the sales, said another person. They didn’t reveal the size of the disposals. The latest available Treasury data and estimates by strategists suggest that China controls $1.48 trillion of U.S. government debt, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. That includes about $200 billion held through Belgium, which Nomura Holdings Inc. says is home to Chinese custodial accounts.
August 27, 2015

Headline: Brazil’s economy enters recession

Brazil has entered recession after official figures showed the country’s economy contracted by 1.9% between April and June compared with the previous three months. Analysts had expected a contraction, but the number was worse than expected. First quarter output was also revised down to show a 0.7%, rather than a 0.2%, contraction. The country, the seventh-largest economy in the world, has seen economic growth fall sharply in recent times. This is due in part to low commodity prices and sluggish global growth. High interest rates – currently 14.25% – have also affected consumer spending, an important element of Brazil’s economy, while this year, the government has introduced stringent austerity measures designed to tackle high levels of debt. Government spending, including on unemployment benefits, has fallen sharply, while taxes have risen.
August 28, 2015

2010-57-1Timothy4-1amos-8-11  Cooltextprophecysign Apostasy Amos 8:11  1 Timohty 4:1 2 Peter2:1-3 “Behold, the days are coming,” says the Lord God, “That I will send a famine on the land, Not a famine of bread, Nor a thirst for water, But of hearing the words of the Lord.” (Amos)  “Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons” (1 Timothy 4:1)  “ But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed. By covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words; for a long time their judgment has not been idle, and their destruction does not slumber.” (2 Peter 2:1-3)

Headline:     Pope Praises Lesbian Author For Spreading “Christian Values”

Pope Francis has blessed a lesbian author for “spreading authentic human and Christian values.” In his message to writer Francesca Pardi, who authored “Why Do You Have Two Mommies,” the pope also wished her and her partner “ever more fruitful work in the service of young generations.” Pardi, who’s not even Catholic, sent Francis copies of her books after she came under fire from Christian groups. “My books present different types of families without setting any of them up as a model,” Pardi told AFP, praising the pope for showing “respect and dignity” towards her, her wife and their four children. “It was not important for me that it was the pope who said it, I am not a Catholic.” Vatican officials are now scrambling to downplay the pope’s blessing, especially as Francis was already taking heat for promoting global government and “man-made climate change.” Earlier this month an irate Catholic interrupted a church meeting about global warming in California to accuse the Catholic Church of selling its soul to push a government agenda. “This is the biggest instance of heresy… I’m here to advocate for traditional Catholicism… how dare you,” the man yelled before accusing some of the speakers of advocating abortion. He wasn’t alone; Catholics around the world were also attacking the pope over his encyclical asking them to support larger government to stop “global warming.”
August 28, 2015

081315gaycakesituationCooltextprophecysign Persecution Matthew 24:9 & Revelation 6:9 “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake.” (Matthew) “When He opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held.” (Revelation)

IMG_0915 3 ***photo credit & info: Denise Davis, Cave City ARK

Headline: Group: ‘In God We Trust’ patrol car decals are inappropriate

The Freedom From Religion Foundation wants two Arkansas law enforcement agencies to remove “In God We Trust” decals from their patrol vehicles, calling it inappropriate for such a message to be displayed on government-owned property. The Wisconsin-based group says the message could offend people who aren’t Christian and subject them to unwarranted prejudice. The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reports that the foundation sent letters to the Cave City Police Department and the Hempstead County sheriff’s office after both placed the national motto on their patrol vehicles. The foundation’s co-president, Annie Laurie Gaylor, said she intends to sue if the phrase isn’t removed. Cave City Mayor Ron Burge said he has seen the letter but has yet to make a decision on whether to strip the message from the city’s police cars. Hempstead County Sheriff James Singleton said he won’t remove “In God We Trust” unless a court orders him to do so.
August 26, 2015

frank      signs in heaven



CooltextprophecysignMatthew 24:7 “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. Luke 21:11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.” Luke21:25 “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring

Headline:  TS Erika kills 4 in Dominica; takes aim at Puerto Rico

Headline:   Tropical Storm Erika’s death toll in Dominica rises to 20

Headline:   Florida governor declares state of emergency as Tropical Storm Erika bears down

Rescue crews fanned across Dominica late Thursday to search for missing and injured people after Tropical Storm Erika pummeled the eastern Caribbean island, unleashing landslides and killing at least four people. The storm, which forecasters said could reach Florida as a hurricane on Monday, dumped 15 inches (38 centimeters) of rain on the small island as it spun west toward Puerto Rico. An elderly blind man and two children were killed when a mudslide crashed into their home in the southeast of the island, said Police Chief Daniel Carbon. Another man was found dead near his home in the capital of Roseau after a mudslide, but the cause of death could not be immediately determined, Carbon told The Associated Press. Police said another 20 people have been reported missing. Erika was expected to move near Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands on Thursday and be near or just north of the Dominican Republic on Friday as it heads toward Florida early next week, possibly as a hurricane.
August 28, 2015

Note from Frank***All earthquakes are instantly posted to my Facebook & Twitter pages; Please be sure to visit my Facebook page to see ALL the maps of the large earthquakes from March 2014 – today

Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes{%22feed%22%3A%221day_m25%22%2C%22search%22%3Anull%2C%22sort%22%3A%22newest%22%2C%22basemap%22%3A%22grayscale%22%2C%22autoUpdate%22%3Atrue%2C%22restrictListToMap%22%3Atrue%2C%22timeZone%22%3A%22local%22%2C%22mapposition%22%3A[[-82.49482361179572%2C-81.2109375]%2C[82.44876405595812%2C481.28906250000006]]%2C%22overlays%22%3A{%22plates%22%3Atrue}%2C%22viewModes%22%3A{%22map%22%3Atrue%2C%22list%22%3Atrue%2C%22settings%22%3Afalse%2C%22help%22%3Afalse}}


Aug. 27, 2015

The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth August 26, 2015 Edition written by Frank DiMora.

Last week and again yesterday I asked the people coming to my site if they thought President Obama would vote this time  around to form a PLO State.  Not many people wrote me back concerning this issue. However, for those who did this is how people voted.

Yes – 6              NO – 0

In light of Zechariah 12:4 where we see everyone will come against Israel, I would say the chances of a yes vote may reflect what we saw in my limited voting.   If a yes vote is given by Obama the chances of Israel being divided as seen in Joel chapter 3:2 will also probably fall into place as well.  What would a divided Israel look like?  Could it be that the holy city of Jerusalem would be used as the capital for the Jews as well as the Muslims?  Did Jesus give us a glimpse of this in His word?

Take a look at what Jesus shows us in Revelation 11:1-2 11 And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein. But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months.

Did you notice something?   Jesus shows us that the Temple is standing on the Temple Mount!  At the moment the Jews do not have a Temple but if a yes vote is given from Obama and Israel is forced to make Jerusalem the capital for both the Jews and Muslims then you would not only see Israel being divided up but, you also may see how the 7 year covenant may be signed as well.  Could it be that part of a deal of dividing up Jerusalem would be granting the Jews to build the Third Temple that we see Jesus talk about in Revelation chapter 11?  Something to think about and something to watch for.  We will get a better picture this September when Obama votes either Yes or NO!

August 26, 2015- Will the Palestinian Flag Fly at the UN??



Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436
email address:

indexBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth August 26, 2015 Edition written by Frank DiMora.


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We are still conducting our poll and would encourage you to answer YES or NO .  You can write to our email, answer here or on Facebook or Twitter.  Thank you and God bless for the help!


Poll: Will Obama vote yes or no to form a PLO State in September

I want to make one thing clear!  The U.S. will not remain the strong ally we have seen from past times under the many different presidents.  Obama actions show us his aim is to toss Israel under the bus.  You shouldn’t be to up-set over this as no man is placed in a position of power unless the Lord Jesus wants the person to be in that set of power.  It has become clear over these many years that Obama has been chosen to help fulfill the Zech. 12 prophecy.  As you can see from the headline below there is more talk about what may happen in September.  The question I am waiting to see is if Obama will finally turn completely against Israel by  taking sides with the General Assembly in voting yes for a Palestinian State.  As for me I am looking for Obama to vote yes!  Obama has already given everything Iran has asked for that will need up help try to destroy Israel so why not give the PLO their own State what will force Israel into a corner in defending themselves against anyone or any nation from dividing up the land of Israel.  I have never taken a poll at this site but this is my first one.  How many of you who come to my site think Obama will vote yes? How many of you think he will vote no?

Headline: Upcoming Jewish Holidays Begins Period of Cataclysmic Events for Israel

You don’t need prophetic vision to know that the world is on the verge of a new period heralding in global changes unlike any ever seen before. The signs are obvious and the pieces are all in place. With the Jewish holiday’s fast approaching, God’s plan for change and redemption is unfolding before our very eyes with grave implications for the nation of Israel. The Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashana, will begin on the evening of September 13 and end after sunset on September 15. According to Jewish tradition, Rosh Hashana is the day that God begins the process of judging the entire world. This year’s Rosh Hashana is especially unique in that it will signal the end of the Shemittah year, the Sabbatical year which occurs in a seven year cycle. According to the Talmud, the written text explaining the oral Torah, the Messiah will come in the year following the Shemittah year. As the second and final day of the holiday of Rosh Hashana ends on September 15, the 70th United Nations General Assembly will commence. The issue of the creation of a Palestinian state is expected to be decided by world representatives during the General Assembly. While not having yet happened, the upcoming session is already fraught with tension as it is unclear whether the US will continue to use its veto to prevent the Palestinians from unilaterally declaring a state. Conflict over the Holy Land is prophesied to be part of the process of redemption. In Zechariah 12:6, the end times are described: “On that day I will make the clans of Judah like a flame that sets a woodpile ablaze or like a burning torch among sheaves of grain. They will burn up all the neighboring nations right and left, while the people living in Jerusalem remain secure.” In Amos 9:15, we are told that once the Jews are re-established in their land, “they will not again be rooted out from their land.”



Headline:    Iranian Official: Israel’s Annihilation Still Our Central Goal

A senior Iranian official has reiterated that Iran views the annihilation of the State of Israel as its most central foreign policy, despite warming relations with western powers.

The Iranian Parliament Speaker’s Adviser for International Affairs, Hossein Sheikholeslam, made the comments in a speech to reporters in Tehran, during which he also attacked the British Foreign Secretary for suggesting Iran’s hostility towards Israel had softened since the nuclear deal. “Our positions against the usurper Zionist regime have not changed at all; Israel should be annihilated and this is our ultimate slogan,” Sheikholeslam said Tuesday, according to the semi-official Fars News. He was responding to an interview given by UK Foreign Secretary Phillip Hammond following the reopening of the British embassy in Tehran, during which Hammond claimed the current Iranian regime was displaying a “more nuanced” approach towards the Jewish state than previous ones.
August 25, 2015

Headline:   Introducing Yasser Abbas – the son whom the Palestinian leader plans to succeed him

The reports swirling around the Arab world over the Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas’s decision to quit disguise the octogenarian’s next plans. According to our Middle East sources, Abbas (known to all as Abu Mazen) has confided to his close circle that he has lost faith in President Barack Obama, whom he accuses of deserting the Palestinian cause, and in Secretary of State John Kerry, whom he has nicknamed “the tall liar.” He is now looking for new champions, possibly in Tehran, while at the same time shoring up his rule over the Palestinian Authority and designing his legacy. Abbas joins the list of regional allies who feel abandoned by the Obama administration, like the Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz, Egyptian President Abdel-Fatteh El-Sisi and, up to a point, Israel’s Binyamin Netanyahu. For the immediate future, Abu Mazen is developing a comprehensive plan for replacing his enemies on the PLO’s Executive Committee with young faces, chosen for their ability to preserve the Abbas clan’s majority in this key institution and uphold his guiding principles for the Palestinian movement. Since the end of July, his henchmen, Saeb Erekat, Akram Haniya and Palestinian General Intelligence chief Mejad Freij have been working on this blueprint. They are to complete their project by September, when Abbas plans to introduce his choice of new leaders to the Executive Committee. They will consist mainly of the sons of the founders of the PLO and his own Fatah party. Some of their names are unknown outside the Palestinian Authority’s seat in Ramallah. debkafile reports that prominent among them are Sabry Shayden – son of the PLO’s first chief of staff; Maher Ghanem –  son of Abu Maher Ghanem, the Fatah Party’s first organizer; and also Gen. Majid Freij, Ayman Makbul from Nablus and Fahmi Zar’ir from the Gaza Strip. The most important new face will be that of Yasser Abbas – Mahmoud Abbas’ own son.
August 25, 2015

Headline: Rabbis to March on DC Sept 9 + Expanded Demo Plan!

The Orthodox Union and the Rabbinical Council of America are sponsoring a massive Rabbinical March on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC to demand that Congress vote down the suicidal agreement with Iran. The march is set for September 9th, just 4 days before Rosh HaShana, which is also marks the deadline for Congress to vote on the deal. Rabbi Leonard Matanky, who serves as president of the RCA and Rabbi of Congregation KINS in Chicago, confirmed to me that the plans for the march are moving forward and hundreds of Rabbis are scheduled to take part. The march will mirror a rabbinic march that took place back in 1943, when 400 Orthodox Rabbis marched on DC to demand action on behalf of what remained of European Jewry. If you remember back in March 2015, I wrote an article calling for such action and perhaps (for once) my words did not fall on deaf ears.
August 25, 2015

Headline: Vatican and Palestinian Authority Clash over Flag-Raising at UN

The Palestinian Authority is trying to pull a fast one on the Vatican by sponsoring a motion in the United Nations to allow the flags of two non-member states, itself and the Vatican, to wave at the headquarters in New York. The Vatican is anxious for its flag to be flown in honor of Pope Francis’ visit that is scheduled for next month. Although it is one of the leaders of the fan club to see the Palestinian Authority become another Arab state, it is less than thrilled at Mahmoud Abbas’ latest trick. It asked the PA’s mission at the United Nations to drop the idea of linking the Palestinian Authority with the Vatican on the draft resolution for allowing the flags to be raised. The Palestinian Authority resolution refers to flags of non-member observer states, specifically the Palestinian Authority and the Vatican, and states: [They] shall be raised at the United Nations Headquarters and Offices following the flags of the member states of the United Nations. Reuters reported that the Vatican mission at the United Nations circulated a note to some member countries stating: The Holy See asks the Permanent Observer Mission of the State of Palestine to the United Nations kindly to remove in its draft resolution any reference to the ‘Holy See’ and any generic reference ‘on behalf of the Observer States.’ If the Palestinian Authority backs down, it still could table a separate resolution that its flag fly at the United Nation, since allowing the Vatican flag to be raised would set a precedent.
August 26, 2015

psalm only

bb_thumb2.jpg Cooltextprophecysign“Do not keep silent, O God! Do not hold Your peace, And do not be still, O God! For behold, Your enemies make a tumult; And those who hate You have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, And consulted together against Your sheltered ones. They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.” (Psalm 83)


Headline: Jordan, Russia agree to expand partnerships in various fields

His Majesty King Abdullah on Tuesday met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow and discussed bilateral cooperation as well as developments in the Middle East, a Royal Court statement said. During the meeting at the Kremlin, the two leaders voiced their mutual interest in enhancing cooperation in most fields to benefit both countries and people. Moreover, they said they are seeking the expansion of partnerships in the fields of military cooperation, air and railway transportation, as well as religious and medical tourism. Discussions also covered ways to increase trade exchange and Jordanian exports to Russia, particularly agricultural and pharmaceutical products, which have recently witnessed an increase, according to the statement. His Majesty and Putin highlighted the importance of the Jordanian-Russian Higher Joint Committee meeting to be held within the next few months to discuss economic projects in the field of energy, especially since Jordan seeks to benefit from Russian expertise in generating electricity through nuclear energy. On the regional and international levels, the two leaders discussed recent developments on current issues, especially combating terrorism and extremism as part of a comprehensive approach and with the participation of all stakeholders. Moreover, they reviewed the developments of the Syrian crisis as well as several other countries in the region, in addition to efforts of reviving Palestinian-Israeli peace negotiations.
August 25, 2015


Headline:    Clashes in Lebanon’s capital as trash crisis continues

Headline:   Hezbollah throws weight behind protests, deepening crisis

Clashes broke out on Tuesday between police and hundreds of demonstrators rallying in Beirut. The violence follows large rallies held over the last three days, where hundreds of protestors have been injured. Protests in Beirut began on Saturday night and continued into Tuesday. Uncollected garbage in the capital triggered the outburst of mass anger.
Throughout Tuesday, about 50 protesters and police officers were injured as protests calling for the government to resign turned violent, UPI news agency reported. Hundreds of people were still in the streets after sunset, when a short, but fierce stand-off with police occurred, according to Ruptly’s live feed from the scene. Riot police charged as several protesters began hurling stones at them. The footage shows that other demonstrators tried to separate the rock throwers from law enforcers with a human chain, chanting “Peaceful!” Tuesday’s rally was called by the “You Stink” group, which staged the protest to denounce the garbage problem, as well as “sectarian politics” and “corrupted government”.
August 26, 2015–lebanon-a535d84b9f.html


Headline:  Egypt’s Sissi Turns to Russia’s Putin to Fight Regional Terrorism

Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sissi, making his second visit to Moscow in three months, says he hopes for Russia’s help in combating terrorism in the region. Al-Sissi’s visit highlights Moscow’s attempts to expand its influence in Egypt at a time when Egyptian-U.S. relations have soured in the aftermath of the ouster of Islamist President Mohammed Morsi. Opening the talks in the Kremlin on Wednesday, Sissi said “the Egyptian people” are hoping for broader ties with Russia in all areas, particularly in fighting terrorism in the Middle East. The two leaders will also discuss joint project to build Egypt’s first nuclear power station.
August 26, 2015

Sheikh Zuweid Egypt Rafah

Headline: ISIS kills two police in Egypt’s Sinai

Gunmen killed two Egyptian policemen Wednesday in the Sinai Peninsula, the Interior Ministry said, in an attack claimed by ISIS. In Wednesday’s attack in Al-Arish, the capital of North Sinai province, “unidentified assailants on a motorbike opened fire on two police, who died of their wounds,” the Interior Ministry said in a statement. The attackers managed to escape, according to security officials. The Egyptian affiliate of ISIS, which calls itself Sinai Province, said it was responsible and posted photographs of the purported attack and its aftermath online.
August 26, 2015

             Damascus ISIS Syria Iraq ISIS- the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (the Levant) ISIS=ISIL=IS=Daash

Syria    IraqKurdistan



Iraq                              Syria                          Kurdistan

Syria Headline:    ISIS carries out new chemical weapons attack in Syria

Syria Headline:   Toll of Syrian air strikes near Damascus rises to 247 in 10 days

ISIS has again used chemical weapons in Syria, and may have up to 200 tons of mustard gas, experts have said. Elsewhere Monday, the death toll in Eastern Ghouta rose, with the Observatory reporting that eight children and seven women were among the 31 dead over the last 24 hours. The regime also dropped barrel bombs in Daraya and elsewhere in Idlib province. Five civilians were killed when rebels shelled a regime-held area of Aleppo city, state TV reported, and 15 were injured in similar rebel attacks on Damascus city. The regime also bombed the city of Palmyra, the Observatory reported. ISIS took the city from the regime in June. Over the last month, attacks by ISIS have killed 51 Syrian soldiers in a besieged air base in the northern province of Aleppo, the Observatory also reported Monday.
August 25, 2015*312620/

Sahl al-Ghab

Syria Headline: Syrian rebels seize new villages after clashes with pro-Assad forces in Sahl al-Ghab

Subsequent to clashes with pro-Assad forces, Syrian rebel fighters of Jaish al-Fatih (al-Fatih Army) seized several villages in the Sahl al-Ghab area in the countryside of Idlib, rebel sources reported on Tuesday. Rebels of al-Fatih launched a military operation on headquarters of pro-Assad forces in Sahl al-Ghab on Tuesday after losing strategic areas in earlier battles last week. Speaking to ARA News, Ali Jaafar, a fighter in the ranks of al-Fatih Army, said that the rebels seized control of the villages of Mshayak, Bahsa, Ziyarah in Sahl al-Ghab. “Our (al-Fatih) fighters killed more than 20 pro-Assad forces during the clashes on Tuesday,” Jaafar said. The source added that the rebels have destroyed several regime vehicles and seized heavy machine guns during the clashes. This coincided with airstrikes by Syrian fighter jets on the rebel-held villages of Ahsim and Binnish in the countryside of Idlib. At least seven civilians were killed during the strikes.
August 26, 2015


Syria Headline:   Syrian FSA commander dies in attack in southern Turkey

A commander from the rebel Free Syrian Army died in a bomb attack on his car in the southern Turkish province of Hatay on Wednesday, a news agency and two insurgent sources said. The rebel leader was named by all sources as Jamil Raadoun, the commander of Sukour al-Ghab, one of several groups fighting under the FSA banner. Raadoun had survived a similar attack in Turkey in April. The privately-run Dogan news agency said he died after explosives were detonated on his vehicle. Two Syrian rebel sources confirmed the death. Residents said the blast outside Raadoun’s home in the southeastern town of Antakya, near the Syrian border, shook nearby apartment blocks. Hatay province Governor Ercan Topaca said the attack might be linked to “a dispute between Syrian opposition groups”, state-run Anadolu news agency reported. Raadoun, who defected from the Syrian army early on in the four-year-old civil war, had been in Turkey for about a year, Topaca said.
August 26, 2015

Aleppo province

Syria Headline:   Syrian Rebels Say Their Headquarters Was Bombed

The U.S.-trained Syrian rebel group known as Division 30 said its headquarters in Aleppo’s countryside was targeted in an airstrike on Tuesday. In an official statement posted to the group’s Twitter account, the group claimed the Syrian air force under the regime led by President Bashar al-Assad “attacked our headquarters with a thermobaric missile”—an explosive that uses air and pressure to produce an intense blast. One person was injured and “physical damages” resulted, according to the statement. The group said that Tuesday’s alleged attack is proof that Assad’s government is actually cooperating with ISIS instead of fighting it. The claim of the attack could not be verified. The U.S. Department of Defense did not immediately respond to Vocativ’s request for confirmation.
August 26, 2015

Syria Headline:   Syrian Observatory for Human Rights


Kurdish Headline:  Kurds take 10 villages from Islamic State in north Iraq

Kurdish forces backed by U.S.-led coalition airstrikes drove Islamic State militants out of 10 villages in Iraq’s Kirkuk province on Wednesday in an offensive to secure their territory to the north, Kurdish military sources said. The assault began at dawn in the Daquq area, around 175 kilometers (110 miles) north of the Iraqi capital Baghdad. By evening, Kurdish forces had taken an area of around 250 square kilometers, the sources said. An aide to a top Kurdish commander taking part in the offensive said five peshmerga had been killed, most of them by improvised explosive devices. “This area (near Daquq) posed a danger to the main road from Kirkuk to Baghdad and the Kurdish and other villages adjacent to the areas occupied by Daesh,” Brigadier General Aras Abdel Rahman said, using an Arabic acronym for Islamic State.
August 26, 2015

rise of ISIS

Headline: Pentagon watchdog probing whether anti-ISIS campaign analysis altered

The Defense Department’s inspector general is investigating whether intelligence reports about the progress of the U.S.-led coalition’s campaign against ISIS in Iraq have been “skewed” to be more optimistic. The New York Times first reported that at least one civilian employee of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) told authorities that officials at U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) were improperly reworking intelligence assessments prepared for policymakers, including President Obama. A senior military official confirmed to Fox News that an IG investigation has been initiated into the allegation. The Times report did not say when the assessments were allegedly altered, nor did it say who may have been responsible. Officials told the paper the investigation was focused on whether military officials had changed the conclusions of draft intelligence reports during a review before passing them on. Under federal law, intelligence officials can bring claims of wrongdoing to the intelligence community’s inspector general. U.S. officials told the paper that the House and Senate Intelligence Committees were advised of the claims within the past several weeks, as is required if officials find the claims credible. At that point, The Times reports, the Pentagon’s inspector general decided to look into the matter. Government rules state that intelligence assessments “must not be distorted” by agendas or policy views. However, The Times reports that legitimate differences of opinion are both common and encouraged among national security officials.
August 26, 2015

photo and chart 2Copy (2) of uwqa

Listed below are the nations which will attack Israel from Ezekiel chapter 38 and their modern day names (see chart above). 

Gog is the leader of the invasion of Israel.

Magog, Meshech, and Tubal comprise modern day Turkey.

Persia is Iran, parts of northern Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Cush is Ethiopia and Sudan.

Put is Libya and will most likely include Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco.

Gomer is Eastern Turkey.

Beth Togarmah is Armenia.


Headline: Young Kurds take up arms as clashes increase in south-east Turkey

Headline: Turkey Sets Date of Snap Elections as Nov. 1

In Kurdish parlance, “going up to the mountains” has always meant joining the Kurdistan Workers’ party (PKK), the armed group ensconced in the highlands of northern Iraq. But in Cizre, a Turkish town on the border with Syria, the phrase may be losing its meaning amid a violent stand-off between Kurdish militants and Turkish security forces. “We don’t need to join the PKK, because the PKK is the people,” says Ridvan, a young local, as he picks up his automatic rifle and prepares to go on patrol, a woollen balaclava pulled over his face. Over the past month and a half, according to figures cited in the Turkish media, clashes in the Kurdish south-east have claimed the lives of at least 60 members of Turkey’s security forces, 88 militants, and 15 civilians. Police have also rounded up over 1,000 suspected PKK sympathizers in operations across Turkey and have declared over 100 areas in the south-east “special security zones”. The fighting began when the PKK claimed responsibility for the assassination of two Turkish policemen in what it referred to as retaliation for a July 20 suicide attack linked to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isis) in a Kurdish town that killed 33 people, most of them Kurdish activists. The PKK has accused the government of complicity and negligence in the attack. The government responded with a military offensive, including air strikes against PKK targets in northern Iraq, killing over 800 insurgents, according to the semi-official Anadolu Agency. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, once credited with granting Turkey’s 15m Kurds new cultural rights, has since been accused of stoking violence in the south-east to shore up the nationalist vote ahead of snap elections this autumn.
August 26, 2015


Headline:    Iran Calls on US to Release 19 Prisoners

Headline:   Russia to help Iran build own satellite observation systems

Iran urged the United States Wednesday to release 19 Iranians detained on sanctions-related offences, a day after ruling out a prisoner swap with a Washington Post reporter accused of espionage, according to AFP. “We call on the American government and their judicial authorities to put an end to the detention of these individuals,” foreign ministry spokeswoman Marzieh Afkham said. “None of the human rights institutes, including the United Nations rapporteurs, have followed up the situation of Iranian prisoners,” she told reporters at her weekly press briefing. On Tuesday, Hossein Ghashghavi, a deputy foreign minister, said the 19 Iranians “are innocent and we hope that conditions are prepared for their release.”
August 26, 2015






Headline:   Men in Afghan uniforms kill 2 American NATO soldiers in base attack

Headline:   Taliban takes another district in southern Afghanistan

Two men wearing Afghan National Defense and Security Force uniforms opened fire Wednesday inside a military base in southern Afghanistan, killing two US NATO service members before being shot dead themselves, the international force said. At the Pentagon Wednesday, Captain Jeff Davis told reporters he would not release their names or service citing notifications of next of kin and a 24 hour waiting period. NATO offered few details about the shooting in Afghanistan’s southern Helmand province, which appeared to be the latest so-called “insider attack” to target foreign troops or contractors in the country. Afghan officials said they had no immediate details about the attack. In a statement, NATO said the men opened fire on a vehicle with international troops inside it. The forces includes military and border patrol. Both shooters were killed when NATO forces returned fire. The motive for the attack was not immediately known and no group claimed responsibility for the assault. The shooting is the third “insider attack” on foreign forces this year. Meanwhile, The Taliban overran the Musa Qala district center when Afghan forces fled after several days of fighting. The fall of Musa Qala puts the Taliban in effective control of northern Helmand, and will allow it to threaten the provincial capital of Lashkar Gah. The Taliban now control most of northern Helmand province, and will likely push its offensive towards Lashkar Gah in central Helmand, as Afghan security forces are stretched thin with an ongoing Taliban offensive in the Afghan north. This spring and summer, the Taliban have taken control of at least four of the seven districts in Kunduz province and have also seized districts in Sar-i-Pul and Badakhshan provinces.
August 26, 2015


Headline:   South Sudan Leader Signs Peace Deal Amid Sanctions Threat

South Sudan President Salva Kiir on Wednesday signed a peace deal with rebels, more than 20 months after the start of fighting between the army and rebels led by his former deputy. Kiir signed the agreement in Juba, South Sudan’s capital, in a ceremony witnessed by regional leaders. Kiir said he was signing the document despite having serious reservations. He signed the same agreement endorsed by rebel leader Riek Machar, said Kiir’s spokesman Ateny Wek Ateny. Machar, the former deputy president, signed the agreement last week in Ethiopia but Kiir refused, saying he needed more time, drawing condemnation from diplomats who want a quick agreement to end the violence in the world’s newest country. Kiir was under intense pressure to sign the compromise accord mediated by a group of neighboring countries, with the U.S. threatening new U.N. sanctions if he failed to do so. Signing the agreement Wednesday, Kiir said he felt the peace deal had been imposed on him and said it is flawed. Kiir said some aspects of the deal “are not in the interest of just and lasting peace. … We had only one of the two options, the option of an imposed peace or the option of a continued war … We are here talking about peace.” He accused rebels of attacking positions held by government troops in two areas in the volatile state of Unity on Wednesday.
August 26, 2015


Headline:  ISIS executes four people in central Libyan city

ISIS has executed four people in the central Libyan city of Sirte, including at least one member of a rival group whose body was put on display, according to residents and a video published on social media Monday. A video released by the militant group showed a gunmen shooting a man, dressed in an orange jumpsuit, who was tied to a makeshift cross. His body was left there afterward as a warning to others. The man was identified as an alleged spy for Libya Dawn, an armed group backing a non-recognized government in Tripoli, which has flown air strikes against ISIS in Sirte. The video’s authenticity could not be verified by Reuters. Sirte residents, asking not to be named, said ISIS had executed a total of four people, which all had been wearing orange jumpsuits. They had no information on their identity.
August 25, 2015

nation against nation 3CooltextprophecysignLuke 21:9 and Matthew 24:7 speak of nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom in the end times. Revelation 6:3-4 speaks of the fiery red horse given power to make men slay one another and Revelation 6:8 speaks again of this red horse in conjunction with the pale horse of Death and Hades, as the one that has the power to kill by sword.  Luke 21:9: wars & commotions; the Greek word here is Akatastasia, meaning instability, a state of disorder, disturbance, confusion (revolutions)   Matthew 24:7: the Greek word for nation is Ethnos & refers to various ethnic groups fighting among themselves, where the next sentence in the verse refers to kingdoms (basileiva) fighting one another (not to be confused with an actual kingdom but rather the right or authority to rule over a kingdom)

Headline:  Girl suicide bomber kills 5, injures 41 in northeast Nigeria

Two suicide bombers carried out separate attacks Tuesday that killed five people in Damaturu, a town in northeastern Nigeria, police and witnesses said. In one attack, a girl bomber died in an explosion that killed five people at the crowded entrance to the main bus station, said Assistant Superintendent Toyin Gbagedesin. Witnesses said a young male suicide bomber killed only himself when his device exploded prematurely. Gbagedesin said 41 people were wounded in the bus station explosion. The bomber appeared to be about 14 years old. Nigeria’s Islamic extremist group, Boko Haram, is suspected of being behind the attacks. It has used dozens of girls and women in recent suicide bombings in Nigeria and neighboring Chad, Cameroon and Niger, raising fears it is using kidnap victims.
August 25, 2015

Headline: Islamists kill at least seven in southern Somali attack

Islamist al Shabaab militants killed at least seven people including a regional official and local police commander in an attack on a government convoy in southern Somalia on Wednesday, officials and the group said. Al Shabaab attacked the convoy between Garbaharey and Baladhawo towns in the Gedo region, near the Kenyan border. The al Qaeda-allied group frequently launches attacks on officials in its bid to topple the Western-backed government and impose its strict interpretation of Islam on the nation, which is struggling to rebuild after two decades of war. The group now controls increasingly smaller patches of territory since an African Union force and Somali troops drove it out of major strongholds in an offensive launched last year. “We ambushed them but it turned into a fierce battle later,” al Shabaab’s military operations spokesman, Sheikh Abdiasis Abu Musab, told Reuters. He said 18 people were killed. Senior Somali police officer Elmi Nur said three militants and seven others, including a deputy district commissioner and a regional police commander, were killed.
August 26, 2015

Headline:  Hungary sends 2,100 police to border protest

Hungary announced Wednesday 2,100 police officers will be sent to its Serbian border, after protests by immigrants there required tear gas to subdue. Police detained between 300 and 400 refugees at a reception center in Roszke, part of a record number 2,100 who entered Hungary Tuesday, traveling from Syria, through Greece and Balkan countries to European Union nations such as Hungary. Most attempt to pass into more affluent EU countries, such as Germany, now the immigrants’ preferred destination. At the Roszke center, fighting broke out after immigrants refused to be fingerprinted during their registration process, fearing it indicated they would remain in Hungary instead of being allowed to travel northward through Europe.
August 26, 2015


Headline: 5 killed in clashes in western Indian state

Five people were killed and more than 100 injured in clashes among various political groups in the western Indian state of Gujarat on Wednesday. Riots, arson, stone-pelting and widespread damage to public and private property forced the authorities to call the army and paramilitary forces, according to local media. “Three people were killed in Ahmedabad and two in Banaskantha in firing by the paramilitary forces while attempting to control rioting mobs,” the Indo-Asian News Service quoted an official at the Gujarat State Police Control as saying. At least 100 people were injured in violence, mainly in group clashes and stone-pelting incidents, in the state from where Prime Minister Narendra Modi hails. As many as 133 companies of the Indian Army, Central Reserve Police Force, State Reserve Police Force, Rapid Action Force and Border Security Force besides Gujarat Police were engaged in controlling violent mobs in various cities including Ahmedabad, Surat, Rajkot, Jamnagar, Morbi, Vadodara, Mehsana and Banaskantha. The Indian authorities earlier Wednesday clamped a curfew on several parts of Gujarat, following violence after a huge rally by the Patel community Tuesday. “The curfew has been imposed in three towns of northern Gujarat and some areas of the cities of Surat, Ahmedabad, Mehsana and Rajkot,” a senior police officer said. He added: “The central government has sent a huge contingent of paramilitary personnel to help the state police maintain law and order in areas where curfew has been imposed.”
August 26, 2015

src.adapt.480.low.THE WAR IN YEMEN_960x600 (1)

Headline: Saudi military intercepts Scud missile fired by Yemeni forces

Headline: Saudi forces mobilize towards al-Horth region bordering Yemen

Yemeni army units allied to the Houthi militia fired a ballistic missile toward southern Saudi Arabia on Wednesday but the Saudi military said it intercepted it and retaliated with air strikes on Yemeni territory. Residents in Yemen’s capital Sanaa reported hearing a big roar as the Scud was launched from near the city, followed by Saudi-led air strikes on a presidential palace and a military depot for rockets. Brigadier General Sharaf Luqman, a spokesman for the Yemeni forces fighting alongside the Houthis, said the missile was aimed at an electricity station in Saudi Arabia’s Jizan province. The strike was “a response to the brutal Saudi aggression on Yemen,” he told Saba, Yemen’s Houthi-controled state news agency. The Saudi military said in a statement it intercepted the missile, averting any damage, and directed air attacks against the source of fire in Yemen.
August 26, 2015

WarsAndRumorsOfWarsCooltextprophecysign Wars & Rumors of Wars Matthew 24:6 , Revelation 6:3-4 & Revelation 6:8 “ And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.” Revelation 6:3-4 speaks of the fiery red horse given power to make men slay one another and Revelation 6:8 speaks again of this red horse in conjunction with the pale horse of Death and Hades, as the one that has the power to kill by sword. Prophecy Sign: Weapons of Mass Destruction Zechariah 14:12 “And this shall be the plague with which the Lord will strike all the people who fought against Jerusalem: Their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on their feet, Their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets, And their tongues shall dissolve in their mouths.”


Headline:   Philippines Seeks US Help to Protect Troops in Disputed Sea

Senior U.S. and Philippines military officials have met in Manila, in an effort to expand defense ties as tensions worsen around China’s disputed territorial claims in the South China Sea. Harris and his Philippine counterpart, General Hernando Iriberri, discussed security issues, including the South China Sea, according to Philippines military spokesman Restituto Padilla. “What transpired during the dialogue was a very frank and honest exchange of ideas regarding the evolving security challenges in the region as a result of natural disasters and issues involving the West Philippine Sea and South China Sea,” he said. During one of the meetings, Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin requested that U.S. military patrol planes help escort Philippine supply ships in the contested South China Sea, according to the Associated Press. The request could not be confirmed.
August 26, 2015

Screen-Shot-2014-12-19-at-4.39.48-AM Cooltextprophecysign Economic collapse Revelation 6:5-6 & James 5:1-3Worldwide“ When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.” (Revelation) “Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries that are coming upon you! Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have heaped up treasure in the last days.” (James)

Headline:  China market slump: Shares end lower despite rate cut

Chinese shares have closed lower despite a fresh rate cut by the central bank. The mainland’s benchmark Shanghai Composite fell 1.27% to 2,927.29, after veering in and out of negative territory. It had fallen about 16% this week, rocking global markets. On Tuesday, China’s central bank cut its key lending rate by 0.25 percentage points to 4.6% in a bid to calm stock markets after the past days’ turmoil. The dramatic losses and volatility in China have shattered investor confidence and led to sharp falls in Asia and the US over the past days. European markets were down about 0.4% by lunchtime, after rallying on Tuesday. The interest rate cut was the fifth by the People’s Bank of China since November last year.
August 26, 2015

Headline: The Stock Market Hasn’t Had a Selloff Like This One in Over 75 Years

Headline: The U.S. Is Short on Options to Confront Next Crisis

Headline: Top 10 ways to tell yourself the stock market isn’t crashing (even when it is)

By one metric, investors would have to go back 75 years to find the last time the S&P 500’s losses were this abrupt. Bespoke Investment Group observed that the S&P 500 has closed more than four standard deviations below its 50-day moving average for the third consecutive session. That’s only the second time this has happened in the history of the index. May 15, 1940, marked the end of the last three-session period in which this occurred. This string of sizable deviations from the 50-day moving average is a testament to just how severe recent losses have been compared to the index’s recent range. “Not even the crash of 1987 got this oversold relative to trend,” writes Bespoke.
August 26, 2015








August 21, 2015- 10,000 fish have died in a lake in Barranquilla, Colombia

August 21, 2015- 150,000 fish killed by disease in a hatchery in Oregon

August 22, 2015- Hundreds of dead salmon found in a river in Renfrewshire, Scotland

August 23, 2015- Die off of fish in a lake in Balti, Moldova

August 25, 2015- 59,000 birds killed due to avian flu in Changhua County, Taiwan

August 25, 2015- Hundreds of dead fish found washed ashore on a beach in Suva, Fiji

August 25, 2015- Hundreds of dead fish found in the Ballymartin River in Northern Ireland

August 25, 2015- Masses of birds washing up dead or dying along the Oregon and Washington coast






Cooltextprophecysign Pestilence & Plagues Luke 21:11 & Revelation 6:8 “And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.” (Luke) “So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death (Thanatos in Greek meaning the death of the body whether natural or violent), and by the beasts of the earth” (Revelation)

Headline:  US reports unusual spike in human plague cases

An unusually high number of cases of human plague have been recorded by US health authorities since April — 11 in all, with three of them fatal, officials said Tuesday. “It is unclear why the number of cases in 2015 is higher than usual,” the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said. The CDC said that having 11 cases in just the past four months is unusual. “During 2001–2012, the annual number of human plague cases reported in the United States ranged from one to 17,” the agency said in a statement. The median number of annual plague cases across the past decade has been three. Plague is a rare and dangerous disease that is caused by a bacterium, known as Yersinia pestis, that circulates in wild rodents and their fleas. People can get the plague if they are bitten by an infected flea, or if they come in close contact with an infected person or animal, including cats and dogs, health authorities said. This year’s cases originated in the western United States, with four cases in Colorado and two each in Arizona, New Mexico and California. Another infection took place in Oregon.
August 25, 2015

love of many grows cold Cooltextprophecysign Godlessness 2 Timothy 3:1-5 & Matthew 24:12 “But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!” “And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold”

Headline:   Suspected gunman shoots self after journalists killed on air, official says

Two television journalists were shot and killed in Virginia on Wednesday morning while conducting a live interview, and authorities said the suspect appeared to be a disgruntled current or former employee of the TV station. Police pursued the suspect and in the late morning, an ABC local affiliate and CNN reported the suspected shooter had shot himself, but it was not known if he was dead or alive. The suspect was identified as Vester Flanagan, 41, according to a dispatcher for the Augusta County, Virginia, Sheriff’s Department. After the shooting of the journalists, someone claiming to have filmed it posted video online that appeared to be from shooter’s vantage point. The videos were posted to a Twitter account and on Facebook but were removed shortly afterward. One video clearly showed a handgun as the person filming approached the woman reporter. The shooting occurred at about 6:45 a.m. EDT during an interview being broadcast live from Bridgewater Plaza, a Smith Mountain Lake recreation site with restaurants, shops, boating and arcades and holiday rentals. The area is in the south-central part of the state, about 120 miles (190 km) from the capital of Richmond. The journalists were filming an interview for the morning news show of CBS affiliate WDBJ7 in Roanoke, Virginia. In the broadcast, shots were heard and the reporter and the person being interviewed screamed and ducked for cover. The reporter Alison Parker, 24, and the cameraman, Adam Ward, 27, died in the incident, WDBJ7 said. The woman being interviewed was wounded.
August 26, 2015

frank      signs in heaven

CooltextprophecysignMatthew 24:7 “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. Luke 21:11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.” Luke21:25 “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring

Headline:  Dozens rescued as wild weather lashes NSW south coast

Hundreds of residents south of Sydney have been forced to flee their homes and evacuate from schools because of rising floodwaters. Nearly 70 people have been rescued since the severe weather first lashed Sydney’s southern suburbs on Monday. More than 1,400 calls for help were made to the State Emergency Service (SES). An SES spokeswoman told the BBC most of the cases involved rescuing people who had driven through floodwaters. “It’s dangerous not only to members of the public but also to our volunteers,” she said. The worst hit region has been around the Illawarra and Shoalhaven on the New South Wales south coast. A number of animals, including horses, cattle, and alpaca were also rescued. “They were moved to higher ground by our large animal rescue technicians,” the SES said. Twenty-five people were evacuated on Tuesday around the Kiama region, about 120km south of Sydney, amid fears the walls of a small dam would collapse.
August 26, 2015

Note from Frank***All earthquakes are instantly posted to my Facebook & Twitter pages; Please be sure to visit my Facebook page to see ALL the maps of the large earthquakes from March 2014 – today

Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes{%22feed%22%3A%221day_m25%22%2C%22search%22%3Anull%2C%22sort%22%3A%22newest%22%2C%22basemap%22%3A%22grayscale%22%2C%22autoUpdate%22%3Atrue%2C%22restrictListToMap%22%3Atrue%2C%22timeZone%22%3A%22local%22%2C%22mapposition%22%3A[[-82.49482361179572%2C-81.2109375]%2C[82.44876405595812%2C481.28906250000006]]%2C%22overlays%22%3A{%22plates%22%3Atrue}%2C%22viewModes%22%3A{%22map%22%3Atrue%2C%22list%22%3Atrue%2C%22settings%22%3Afalse%2C%22help%22%3Afalse}}

mission updates plain An email from Reverend Agneta:

God bless you so much,
I am praying for you and your ministry. Here in Kenya i am doing well
the work of God, after coming from Tanzania for conference, I have
received many testimonies, many have received Jesus Christ, and many
received healing, some of Pastors and Women Leaders sending much
greetings to you, they have told me that your prophecy is number one
in all other prophecy in the world.
Man of God, i am doing the work of God in hardness, many times i walk
long distance to go preaching and teach the word of God, in Tanzania,
Uganda, Kenya, Kisumu, Nakuru, and other Areas.
Please Man of God pray  for me to get even second hand motorbike which
cost $400 for better transportation.
God bless you.
Yours Rev Agneta.

August 25, 2015

My new prophecy site is at You will be able to download my newest edition of my prophecy book The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth there for free.

Frank DiMora

Aug. 25, 2015- Jesus sends message to Kenya


The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth August 25, 2015 Edition written by Frank DiMora.


August 24, 2015- Wall Street preps for meltdown



Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436
email address:

indexBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read!  The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth August 23, 2015 Edition written by Frank DiMora.

543c477e9547e.jpgWe are pleased to announce you can now find us on Twitter ( click the floating Twitter icon)  Please be sure to share and re-Tweet our posts! God bless!



Headline:    Obama unveils compensation package for Israel after Iran deal

The New York Times on Friday revealed the details of a compensation package Israel is set to receive from the United States after world powers and Iran agreed to a historic nuclear agreement in early July. Laid out in a letter dated August 19 to US Congressman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), the president promised to increase American military aid for Israel in developing new anti-missile systems and tunnel detection technologies. “Our governments should identify ways to accelerate the ongoing collaborative research and development for tunnel detection and mapping technologies to provide Israel new capabilities to detect and destroy tunnels because they could be used to threaten Israeli civilians,” Obama stated in writing. The Obama administration also promised to increase cooperation with Israel and its Arab neighbors to help fight the Islamic Republic’s influence in the region, specifically Tehran’s funding of the Houthis in Yemen, Hezbollah in Lebanon and Syrian President Bashar Assad.
August 22, 2015

Headline: Settlers and Palestinians Clash Near West Bank Outpost; Wounded Reported

Violent clashes erupted on Saturday morning between dozens of settlers and about 150 Palestinians near the West Bank outpost of Esh Kodesh. According to the Israel Defense Forces, both sides threw stones at each other, and the Palestinians tried to torch fields near the outpost, situated south of Nablus. The Palestinians reported that dozens were lightly wounded by rubber-bullet fire and gas canisters, shot by an IDF force which arrived at the scene. The IDF said the force opened fire after it was attacked with stones, and that only seven Palestinians were lightly wounded. Ghassan Douglas, a Palestinian Authority official, said the clash broke out after dozens of settlers attacked Palestinian farmers working their fields in the nearby village of Qusra on Saturday morning. A group of Palestinians from the village then set out toward the outpost.
August 22, 2015

Headline: Security Minister Wants to Outlaw Temple Mount Rioters

Minister of Internal Security Gilad Erdan (Likud) sent Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon (Likud) a letter Monday, asking him to urgently declare the Arab organizations that create mayhem on the Temple Mount as illegal. If the defense minister signs a declaration to this effect, security forces will have a freer hand against the rioters. Erdan has been carrying out behind-the-scenes staff work in the past few weeks, together with police, the Israel Security Agency (ISA, or Shin Bet), the State Attorney’s Office and even the Attorney General, who has agreed to help advance the declaration. In the discussions of the problem, Erdan was shown evidence that the so-called murabitun and murabitat, as the male and female groups of Muslim mayhem-makers are named, are directed by the northern arm of the Islamic Movement in Israel. The purpose of their activity is to destabilize the status quo on the Temple Mount, and they have succeeded in creating escalation on the Mount, and in making the security situation there untenable.
August 24, 2015

Headline: Kurdish oil is another Netanyahu-Obama head-to-head front

That Israel and other nations were buying oil from the Kurdish republic of Iraq had been published before and was no secret. The Financial Times broke its “discovery” Sunday, Aug. 23, just by chance? on the day that Britain and Iran reopened their respective embassies in Tehran and London after a four-year breach resulting from a mob attack on the Tehran embassy. Even before sanctions were lifted and Tehran had demonstrated its compliance with the nuclear deal signed with the world powers in Vienna on July 14, European ministers were knocking on the door in a quest for financial relations. The Islamic Republic was deemed rehabilitated by the nuclear accord; and the UK saw no reason to lag behind the others. And so Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond was personally in attendance at the ceremonial reopening Sunday of the Tehran embassy.
The FT’s report’s timing fitting in perfectly with the British government’s plans to quickly develop profitable ties with the Islamic Republic in the following arenas:

  1. The oil industries in Iran and Iraq. London seeks as large a slice as possible of the $150 billion worth of oil and gas contracts on offer by Tehran.
  2. The Islamic Republic was also meant to infer from the FT report that British intelligence resources and its powerful media were available as tools for beating Israel out on the world’s energy markets.
  3. Britain’s foreign policy is grounded in accentuating its common interests with Washington. The Obama administration may pose as a champion of Masoud Barzani, President of the autonomous Kurdish Republic of northern Iraq. His peshmerga army has after all distinguished itself in its dogged fight against the Islamic State. But in practice, things are different:  the US administration, to meet the wishes of Tehran and Baghdad, consistently withholds from the Kurds the heavy weapons they need to rout ISIS.
    August 24, 2015

Headline: Counter-Terrorism Bureau warns of threats to Israelis and Jews from ISIS, Iran

The National Security Council’s Counter-Terrorism Bureau released a biannual travel advisory on Monday, warning of potential threats against Jewish and Israeli targets in western nations from global jihad elements, including the Islamic State. The travel advisory comes ahead of the High Holy Days period in September and October, which is generally one of the periods in which Israelis are most likely to travel abroad. Monday’s advisory warned in particular of plots to target Israeli and Jewish targets in northern and western Europe by ISIS operatives who returned to their home countries after having fought with the organization in Iraq and Syria. The advisory also related to Africa, which serves as a base of operations for many Israeli business people. The Somalian terror group Al Shabab, which often carries out terror attacks in Kenya and Boko Haram, in Nigeria, have increased their terrorist activities in the past year, the Conunter-Terrorism Bureau further warned.
August 24, 2015

psalm only

bb_thumb2.jpg Cooltextprophecysign“Do not keep silent, O God! Do not hold Your peace, And do not be still, O God! For behold, Your enemies make a tumult; And those who hate You have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, And consulted together against Your sheltered ones. They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.” (Psalm 83)


Headline:  Report: Hezbollah puts forces along Lebanon, Syria borders on high alert

Hezbollah has reportedly put its forces on high alert along the border with Israel “for fear of attempts by Israel to drag Lebanon and Syria into an escalation in the form of something less than a war but more than an operation,” Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Rai reported on Saturday. The paper quoted sources as saying that the Lebanese terror organization believes Israel is preparing to take some kind of action, because Jerusalem believes that “the situation is critical and is being put to the test” in light of the nuclear agreement signed with Iran.
August 22, 2015,7340,L-4693203,00.html

Headline: Report: Hezbollah Recruiting Fatah Members to Attack Israel

Hezbollah is reportedly upping its attempts to recruit Palestinians living in Judea and Samaria to carry out attacks on its behalf, according to Palestinian Authority sources. The Lebanon-based terrorist group is reportedly attempting to revive its terrorist network in the region by reaching out to disgruntled members of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, a terrorist group that functions as the armed wing of Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah faction. During the Second Intifada Hezbollah, under instruction from Iran, recruited extensively among Fatah members, training and arming them to attack Israeli targets. Those efforts reached their height in 2004-2005, with tens of thousands of dollars being doled-out to recruits as an incentive to carry out attacks. Since then the efforts largely petered out for a number of reasons, including Israel’s intensive security operations and the PA’s own crackdown to prevent challenges to its authority in Judea and Samaria. However, a PA security source told the Arabic Al-Masdar site Hezbollah recruitment attempts “never really disappeared,” and in recent months had escalated significantly. With Iran emboldened by the prospect of billions of dollars of sanctions relief due to the recent deal reached with world powers over its nuclear program, it is widely acknowledged even by supporters of the deal that Tehran will use some of those funds to increase support for its numerous terrorist proxies. But Hezbollah, Iran’s most powerful proxy group, is unlikely to mount a frontal attack against Israel from Lebanon in the near future, given that it is already embroiled in several regional wars – in Syria, Iraq and to a lesser extent Yemen. Instead, it is attempting to reestablish an operations base in Judea and Samaria, and recruit local Arabs carry out attacks against Israelis both in that region and elsewhere in Israel.
August 24, 2015

Headline: Lebanese ‘Palestinian Camp’ Embroiled in Faction Gunbattles

Headline: Lebanese army secures central Beirut after ‘trash protest’ erupts in clashes

A “ceasefire” was agreed upon in a meeting on Sunday in Lebanon’s largest Palestinian “refugee camp,” Ain al-Hilweh, located in Lebanon’s south, reports the Palestinian Arab Ma’an News Agency. That ceasefire came after a day of serious clashes on Saturday, when three people were killed and no less than 18 others were wounded during a failed assassination attempt against Ashraf al-Armoushi, the Fatah security chief of the town. The Jund al-Sham terrorist group reportedly tried to assassinate al-Armoushi; it is unclear if the group took part in the “ceasefire” talks, meaning the ceasefire may be one-sided in nature. Palestinian Authority (PA) ambassador to Lebanon Ashraf Dabbour was said to have taken part in the talks. Security forces were deployed in Ain al-Hilweh to prevent renewed clashes. Al-Armoushi came under fire in the assassination attempt while attending a funeral. According to Lebanese media he emerged unscathed, but at least two Fatah members were killed and around 18 other residents were wounded in the following gun battles between the terror groups.
August 24, 2015

Saudi-ArabiaSaudi Arabia


Headline:   Shots fired at Saudi police patrol in Jeddah

Headline: Saudi general killed in cross-border fire from Yemen

Unknown assailants fired on a police patrol in Saudi Arabia’s Red Sea city of Jeddah late Sunday, injuring an officer, the country’s official media reported Monday. Saudi Press Agency quoted an unnamed Mecca police spokesman as saying security forces were investigating the incident. He did not say whether Islamist militants, who have staged a series of attacks on police in Riyadh, were suspected. Jeddah is the second largest Saudi city and a major port. It is traditionally more socially liberal that the capital Riyadh and also the historical gateway for pilgrims to the Islamic holy sites of Mecca and Medina. Supporters of ISIS have shot at two Saudi police patrols, bombed a mosque used by the security services and two others used by members of the Shiite Muslim minority, killing 40 people. The Interior Ministry said last month it had detained 431 suspected supporters of ISIS and thwarted other attacks on mosques, security forces and a diplomatic mission.
August 24, 2015


Egypt provinces

Headline:  Bomb kills 2 Egyptian policemen, wounds 24: officials

The attack occurred in the Nile Delta province of Baheira, 260 kilometres (160 miles) north of Cairo, while the policemen were travelling to work in a civilian bus. “Two policemen were killed and 24 others were wounded, including two seriously,” said health ministry spokesman Hossam Abdel Ghaffar. A local health official earlier told AFP that one policeman had died in the blast. Jihadists have killed scores of police and soldiers since an Islamist insurgency swelled in the wake of the 2013 overthrow of president Mohamed Morsi, the country’s first democratically elected president who took office following the 2011 ouster of longtime ruler Hosni Mubarak. The insurgency has been spearheaded by Egypt’s IS affiliate which has launched regular attacks against security forces.
August 24, 2015

             Damascus ISIS Syria Iraq ISIS- the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (the Levant) ISIS=ISIL=IS=Daash

Syria    IraqKurdistan



Iraq                              Syria                          Kurdistan


Syria Headline:     20 civilians dead in govt shelling near Damascus: activists

Shelling and air raids by Syrian government forces killed at least 20 civilians and wounded or trapped 200 on Saturday in rebel-held Douma east of Damascus, an activist group said. “At least 20 civilians were killed in the heavy shelling and air attacks since this morning on Douma,” said Rami Abdel Rahman, head of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. He said around 200 more were either wounded or still trapped under rubble, and that the death toll was expected to rise. According to the Local Coordination Committees activist network, Saturday’s bombardment struck four adjacent buildings in the town.
August 22, 2015

Syria Headline:   Rebels shell prison near Damascus, killing 10

Insurgents shelled the central prison near the Syrian capital Damascus Sunday as well as residential neighborhoods in the city, killing at least 11 and wounding more than 40. The Interior Ministry statement, carried by state TV, said the shelling of the prison area killed 10, seven of which were women, and wounded 40. It said the shelling targeted the visitors’ area of the jail, known as Adra Prison, just northeast of Damascus. The statement did not say which specific insurgent group was responsible for the attack. Later Sunday, insurgents fired shells into residential neighborhoods in Damascus killing two people and wounding seven, according to state TV. Insurgents have shelled Damascus on several occasions in recent weeks, killing and wounding dozens of people. Sunday’s shelling of Adra Prison and nearby areas came a day after government airstrikes on a Damascus suburb killed more than 34 people and wounded dozens in the latest wave of government attacks on the crowded rebel-held area.
August 24, 2015


Syria Headline:   Activists say ISIS destroys temple at ancient Palmyra site

Islamic State (ISIS) militants have destroyed a temple at Syria’s ancient ruins of Palmyra, activists said Sunday, realizing the worst fears archaeologists had for the 2,000-year-old Roman-era city after the extremists seized it and beheaded a local scholar. Palmyra, one of the Middle East’s most spectacular archaeological sites and a UNESCO World Heritage site, sits near the modern Syrian city of the same name. Activists said the militants used explosives to blow up the Baalshamin Temple on its grounds, the blast so powerful it also damaged some of the Roman columns around it. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said Sunday night that the temple was blown up a month ago. Turkey-based activist Osama al-Khatib, who is originally from Palmyra, said the temple was blown up Sunday. Both said the extremists used a large amount of explosives to destroy it.
August 24, 2015

Syria Headline:   Syrian Observatory for Human Rights


Iraq Headline: IS Attack in Anbar Kills 23

Iraq Headline: ISIS blows up the house of Iraqi ambassador to Bahrain east of Ramadi

At least 23 Iraqi soldiers and militiamen have been killed in an attack by Islamic State militants in Anbar province, according to police and military officials. The Associated Press reports the dead include 17 soldiers and six militia fighters who were working with troops to push back the militant group. Sunday’s attack in the rural district of Jaramshah, north of the Anbar provincial capital of Ramadi, follows two IS ambushes in Anbar on Friday that left at least 50 Iraqi soldiers dead.
August 23, 2015

Iraq Headline:   ISW Iraq Situation Report August 18-20, 2015


Kurdish Headline: Turkish military: 29 Kurdish rebels killed in airstrikes

Kurdish Headline: Turkey Publishes PKK and Turkish Casualty Numbers

Turkey’s military says warplanes have conducted new airstrikes against Kurdish rebel targets in northern Iraq, killing 29 militants. A brief military statement released Saturday says the air raids against the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK, targets were carried out on Thursday and Friday. Separately, at least 12 rebels were killed as the military clashed with PKK rebels near the town of Uludere, close to Turkey’s border with Iraq on Friday, the military said.
August 24, 2015

Kurdish Headline: Al-Qaeda abducts Kurdish commander near Aleppo

Syria’s al-Qaeda affiliate al-Nusra Front has abducted a Kurdish commander from the People’s Protection Units (YPG) in Afrin region of Aleppo province, northeast Syria, Kurdish sources reported on Sunday. The YPG General Command said in a statement, of which ARA News received a copy, that al-Nusra Front (Jabhat al-Nusra) has abducted the Kurdish commander Jamal Efrini. “We’ve lost contact with the commander for days, before we discover that Nusra militants have abducted him at a checkpoint on the highway of Afrin-Aleppo,” the YPG leadership said on Sunday. The General Command also stressed its concerns about the health conditions of Efrini, who disappeared one week ago. “We will respond to this extreme violation with force if al-Nusra didn’t release Jamal (Efrini),” the statement added. “This radical group (in reference to Nusra) should know that we’ve respected the truce, but we won’t remain silent amid such violations.” Al-Nusra Front hasn’t commented on the YPG’s accusation yet.
August 24, 2015

photo and chart 2Copy (2) of uwqa

Listed below are the nations which will attack Israel from Ezekiel chapter 38 and their modern day names (see chart above). 

Gog is the leader of the invasion of Israel.

Magog, Meshech, and Tubal comprise modern day Turkey.

Persia is Iran, parts of northern Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Cush is Ethiopia and Sudan.

Put is Libya and will most likely include Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco.

Gomer is Eastern Turkey.

Beth Togarmah is Armenia.



Headline:  Two soldiers killed after convoy hits explosives in southeast Turkey

Headline: U.S., Turkey to launch ‘comprehensive’ anti-Islamic State operation

Two Turkish soldiers were killed and three wounded Monday when the vehicle they were traveling in hit explosives buried in the road, the latest attack following the collapse of a cease-fire with Kurdish militants, security sources said. The explosion occurred near the town of Semdinli in Hakkari province, which borders the Iraqi border, in the mainly Kurdish southeast. Turkey has launched more than 400 airstrikes against the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) in northern Iraq, where the armed group is based, and in southeast Turkey since late July, in what it says is a response to attacks on police officers and soldiers.
August 24, 2015


Headline:  Iran unveils new missile with 500 km range, says seeks peace through strength

Headline:   Iran rules out diplomatic ties with ‘illogical’ US

Iran on Saturday unveiled a new surface-to-surface missile it said could strike targets with pin-point accuracy within a range of 500 km (310 miles) and it said military might was a precondition for peace and effective diplomacy. The defense ministry’s unveiling of the solid-fuel missile, named Fateh 313, came little more than a month after Iran and world powers reached a deal that requires Tehran to abide by new limits on its nuclear program in return for Western governments easing economic sanctions. According to that deal, any transfer to Iran of ballistic missile technology during the next eight years will be subject to the approval of the United Nations Security Council, and the United States has promised to veto any such requests. An arms embargo on conventional weapons also stays, preventing their import and export for five years. But Iran has said it will not follow parts of the nuclear deal that restricts its military capabilities, a stance reaffirmed by President Hassan Rouhani on Saturday.
August 22, 2015





Headline:    Kabul explosion: Deadly blast rocks Afghanistan capital

Headline:   Four soldiers wounded in explosion in Kabul’s Kalakan District

An explosion has rocked the diplomatic area of the Afghan capital, Kabul, police have said, with at least 12 people killed and 60 injured. Police say it was a suicide attack on a foreign military convoy which was travelling through the area. A health ministry official said nine Afghans were among the dead. A senior Nato official confirmed that three American contractors had been killed in the attack in the Macrorayan district. No group has said it carried out the attack, although in recent months Kabul has been regularly targeted by the Taliban in a series of bombings. The explosion took place not far from Kabul airport and the presidential palace. Witnesses said that children were among the injured and some foreigners were trapped in a destroyed vehicle. An interior ministry spokesman quoted by the AP news agency said the blast destroyed more than a dozen civilian vehicles. The bombing, close to a civilian hospital, is the latest in a series of recent deadly attacks following the announcement of a new Taliban leader.
August 23, 2015


Headline:  Boko Haram strengthens ties with ISIL, sends fighters to Libya

Nigerian-based terror group Boko Haram has bolstered its alliance with Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) by sending jihadists to fight alongside ISIL in Libya. Boko Haram pledged allegiance to ISIL in March. In June, ISIL declared territory seized by Boko Haram as its West African province. In addition to sending fighters to Libya, Boko Haram members have also recently been arrested in Lebanon, and India and Nigeria has blocked thousands of suspected jihadists from leaving the country. According to Nigeria analyst Jacob Zenn, an estimated 80 to 200 Boko Haram fighters are in the Libyan city of Sirte, the site of heavy fighting between ISIL and Libyan government forces. “The openness of migration routes from Nigeria through eastern Niger to Libya makes travel … fairly straightforward, and the Islamic State can easily afford to pay smugglers to carry militants (and weapons) along that route,” Zenn wrote in The Sentinel magazine of the Washington-based Jamestown Foundation. On Aug. 15 Lebanese authorities arrested hard-line ISIL cleric Ahmad al-Assir at Beirut airport. They said he planned to fly to Nigeria on a forged Palestinian passport with a Nigerian visa. Two Nigerians studying in India were arrested Aug. 7 as they tried to cross illegally into Pakistan to join ISIL. The Nigeria Immigration Service reported barring 23,472 people from leaving the country between January 2014 and March 2015. “There have been reports in recent times of some Nigerians departing to join terrorist groups especially in the Middle East and North Africa,” said PR Nigeria, which publishes government news.
August 23, 2015


Headline:   Tunisian guard killed in shootout with ‘terrorists’

A Tunisian border guard was killed on Sunday in a shootout with jihadists on the border with Algeria, state television and the president of a union of border guards said. “A border guard was killed and three others were wounded in a shootout with a terrorist group in Bouchebka,” Wataniya 1 television reported.  Ridha Ennasri, the union president, confirmed to AFP that a border guard was killed in “a terrorist attack” and said that another was wounded. The killing comes days after a Tunisian policeman was shot dead by two assailants on a motorbike in the coastal resort of Sousse. Authorities have been unable to say whether that killing was carried out by jihadists and an investigation is ongoing. In June, a jihadist gunman killed 30 Britons and eight other foreign tourists on a beach in Sousse, an attack claimed by the Islamic State group.
August 24, 2015

nation against nation 3CooltextprophecysignLuke 21:9 and Matthew 24:7 speak of nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom in the end times. Revelation 6:3-4 speaks of the fiery red horse given power to make men slay one another and Revelation 6:8 speaks again of this red horse in conjunction with the pale horse of Death and Hades, as the one that has the power to kill by sword.  Luke 21:9: wars & commotions; the Greek word here is Akatastasia, meaning instability, a state of disorder, disturbance, confusion (revolutions)   Matthew 24:7: the Greek word for nation is Ethnos & refers to various ethnic groups fighting among themselves, where the next sentence in the verse refers to kingdoms (basileiva) fighting one another (not to be confused with an actual kingdom but rather the right or authority to rule over a kingdom)

Headline:  Venezuela declares state of emergency along Colombia border

Headline: Venezuela closes key crossing with Colombia after three soldiers shot

Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro on Friday declared a state of emergency along parts of the border with Colombia to restore order after a clash between smugglers and troops left three soldiers wounded. The measure will remain in effect for 60 days in five municipalities of the Venezuelan state of Tachira, where smugglers of gasoline and subsidized food products have increasingly clashed with security forces. “This decree provides ample power to civil and military authorities to restore peace,” he said in a ceremony broadcast on state television. The decree suspends constitutional guarantees in those areas, except for guarantees relating to human rights.
August 22, 2015

Headline: Two Car Bombs Kill 18 in Somalia

At least 18 people were killed in Somalia on Saturday in two separate bomb attacks carried out by suspected al-Shabab insurgents, officials said. In the first attack, 14 soldiers were killed and more than 20 wounded when militants drove an explosives-laden vehicle into a training site for African Union peacekeepers from Kenya and Somali soldiers in the southern port city of Kismayo. The second attack occurred in the capital, Mogadishu, where four people were killed and at least 10 others wounded, police official Abdullah Osoble said. He said a car bomb exploded near a police station close to a settlement used by displaced persons. There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the Mogadishu attack, although it bore the hallmarks of al-Shabab. Despite being forced out of many of their strongholds, the group is still able to launch lethal attacks in the capital and elsewhere in Somalia.
August 22, 2015


Headline:   Army officer, six rebels killed in NW Pakistan

Two Pakistani soldiers including a senior officer were killed Monday in an exchange of fire with Islamist militants in a restive tribal district along the Afghan border, where the army last week began a ground offensive. The firefight occurred in the Shawal valley of North Waziristan where the military has been battling Taliban and other insurgents since June last year. “During an exchange of fire with security forces, six terrorists were killed in Shawal today. An officer, Lieutenant Colonel Faisal Malik and a soldier also embraced shahadat (martyrdom),” the military said in a statement. The latest incident comes a day after militants launched a cross-border rocket attack on a checkpost in Khyber tribal area, killing four Pakistani soldiers and wounding four others. Pakistan’s foreign office summoned Afghan ambassador Janan Mosazai on Sunday evening and lodged a strong protest over the shelling.
August 24, 2015

Headline: Protesters in Germany attack refugee buses shouting ‘foreigners out’

Up to 1,000 protesters have clashed with police in eastern Germany in riots reportedly sparked by the arrival of 250 migrants. Police said protesters shouting “foreigners out” and carrying banners against the “asylum flood” threw bottles and stones at busloads of asylum seekers arriving in Heidenau, near Dresden. At least 31 officers were hurt in violent scuffles as police used tear gas to disperse crowds. Peaceful demonstrations began after news spread that the town was welcoming a large number of refugees who are set to be housed in an empty building. The protest was hijacked by a group of far-right radicals, many belonging to the militant National Democratic Party (NPD), considered a neo-Nazi organisation. “After the riots, the situation is now calm,” a police spokesman told Tagesspiegel online, adding it was not yet clear how many people had been injured or how many arrests had been made.
August 22, 2015

Headline: US military depot blast, steel plant blaze hit Tokyo

The explosion at the US Army’s Sagami General Depot in the city of Sagamihara, some 25 miles (40 kilometres) southwest of Tokyo, sent sparks shooting into the sky and triggered a blaze that burned through the night, but there were no reports of injuries. Japanese and US base firefighters delayed battling the fire while the contents of the building were assessed. Witnesses said they initially feared a bomb had gone off at the military installation. The explosion at the depot — which occupies about 200 hectares (two square kilometres) and employs nearly 600 people — rattled the windows of nearby buildings. “I thought the American military facility came under a terrorist attack,” a local security guard told Jiji Press news agency. The depot stores supplies and acts as a repair centre for military vehicles. The Pentagon said the cause of the explosion was not immediately known, but the building did not store ammunition or “radiological materials”. Nearby buildings were not damaged. “The storage building is not designated as a hazardous material storage facility as some initial reports indicated,” US Navy Commander Bill Urban, a spokesman, said in a statement. “Inside the building that exploded were canisters of compressed gases: nitrogen, oxygen, freon and air. “The cause of the explosion… is under investigation. There are no indications of injuries.”
August 24, 2015

Headline: Protests over draft Nepal charter turn violent, nine dead

At least nine people were killed in Nepal on Monday when demonstrators attacked police with spears, knives, axes and scythes during a protest against proposals for administrative reform in the Himalayan country. One police officer died when protesters surrounded him and set him ablaze, Home Minister Bam Dev Gautam told parliament. A district official gave the death toll as nine, but media reports said as many as 20 people – most of them police – may have died. State television reported that the army was mobilized to quell the protests in the low-lying far west of the country close to the border with India.Thousands of people were protesting in the town of Tikapur against a government-backed plan to include their area in a hilly province, part of a regional overhaul envisaged in a new federal constitution expected to be finalised this month. The protesters, mainly from ethnic Tharu community, are demanding a separate province comprising eight districts in the southwestern plains for themselves. The government and major political parties hope that the new constitution, which divides the nation into seven federal states, will boost economic development in Nepal, which is still reeling from two devastating earthquakes that killed 8,900 people this year. But different ethnic groups have been protesting against the plan and demanding regional autonomy. Four demonstrators have died in the past two weeks in violent protests across Nepal.
August 24, 2015



Headline: Yemen officials say Al-Qaeda seizes key areas of Aden

Headline: Bomb hits intelligence building in Yemen’s Aden, no casualties

Headline: Police HQ Destroyed in Yemen’s Aden, al-Qaida Blamed

Headline: Yemen’s pro-Hadi forces mobilize to retake Sanaa

Al-Qaeda militants have seized control of key areas in and around the port city of Aden, high-ranking security officials said Saturday. Fighters took Tawahi district, home to a presidential palace and Aden’s main port, and were patrolling the streets, some carrying black banners, the officials said. The militants also took Crater, Aden’s commercial center, and parts of Dar Saad town, just north of Aden, including an army base that they turned into a training camp. Security officials near the seized base, in Dar Saad’s al-Lohoum district, say it is now training some 200 militants. The officials, who hail from the military, security forces and police, spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren’t authorized to speak to journalists. They said Al-Qaeda’s gains came in recent weeks in the wake of fighting in Aden between Shiite rebels and pro-government forces, after the front moved outside the city. Al-Qaeda also has a presence in Breiqa city, west of Aden, and nearby al-Khadra city, the officials added.
August 24, 2015


Headline: Ukraine Vows to Increase Troops to Fend off Rebel Attacks

Ukraine’s president vowed to increase troop numbers to fend off attacks by Russia-backed separatist rebels and warned his countrymen that there is still the threat of a “large-scale invasion,” in an impassioned speech to mark Independence Day on Monday. Speaking during a military parade, President Petro Poroshenko said Ukraine must not be complacent even though hostilities have largely died down. In a show of force, thousands of Ukrainian servicemen marched in downtown Kiev on to mark the country’s independence from the Soviet Union on Aug. 24, 1991. “We stand for peace, but we are not pacifists,” Poroshenko said. “We must get through the 25th year of independence as if on brittle ice. We must understand that the smallest misstep could be fatal. The war for independence is still ongoing.” Poroshenko didn’t say how many more troops he would send to eastern Ukraine. He claimed that Russia had massed about 50,000 troops on the border with Ukraine and had supplied the rebels with about 500 tanks and 400 pieces of artillery. Poroshenko warned that Russia is wary of an outright invasion and is instead developing another strategy: sow discord across all of Ukraine and thus spoil its relations with its Western allies.
August 24, 2015

Headline: Ukraine Crisis Update: August 20, 2015

Screen-Shot-2014-12-19-at-4.39.48-AM Cooltextprophecysign Economic collapse Revelation 6:5-6 & James 5:1-3Worldwide“ When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.” (Revelation) “Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries that are coming upon you! Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have heaped up treasure in the last days.” (James)

Headline:  Dow futures sink 330 points as Wall Street preps for meltdown

Headline: Great fall of China sinks world stocks, dollar tumbles

Headline: Tel Aviv Shares Slide for Second Day After Asian Markets Extend Losses

Wall Street prepares for meltdown U.S. stock futures pointed to a sharply lower open Monday after a selloff on Friday that dragged major indexes to four-year lows. U.S. stock index futures screamed lower, with Dow futures tumbling as much as 350 points, as fears surrounding the health of China’s economy multiplied. These concerns saw the benchmark Shanghai Composite index notch up its biggest one-day percentage loss since 2007 on Monday, closing down 8.5 percent. Panic spread to European markets, with the pan-European FTSEurofirst 300 as much as 3 percent in early London trading. All major bourses were off a similar amount. The index has shed over $1 trillion in market value in August so far. The slide comes after U.S. stocks closed deep in the red on Friday, pushing the Dow and Nasdaq into correction territory.The major averages had their biggest trade volume day of the year and posted their worst week in four years. Oil prices crashed to fresh six and half year lows on Monday, after Chinese stock markets suffered, intensifying worries over the outlook for global oil demand. Brent oil was trading down 4.6 percent, at $43.36 a barrel. U.S. October crude was down 4.1 percent at $38.80 a barrel. “Markets are afraid of further economic weakness in China, further pain in global commodity markets and uncertain about Fed and People’s Bank of China policy—what they will do and what the impact will be,” said global strategist at Societe Generale, Kit Juckes.
August 24, 2015

Headline: Stock markets in the Middle East fall sharply

Stock markets in the Middle East have fallen sharply after a difficult week for all major global share indexes. The Dubai Financial Market closed down 7%, while the Saudi exchange also lost 7% after Fitch ratings agency cut its outlook for the country. Last week, the Dow Jones in the US fell 6%, while the UK’s FTSE 100 posted its biggest weekly loss this year of 5%. Investors are concerned about a slowdown in China and the knock-on effects for the global economy. Both France’s Cac 40 and Germany’s Dax indexes lost 7% of their value last week. In the Middle East, there is particular concern about low oil prices, which are down by more than a half this year and have been falling steadily since May, when Brent Crude stood at $68 a barrel. A barrel now costs $45. This is mainly due to an abundance of supply, in large part from from US shale oil producers, which are weakening OPEC’s once dominant position in global oil markets. Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates are all members of OPEC. Moods were further dampened by a report from Fitch which cut the agency’s outlook on Saudi Arabia from “stable” to “negative”. The move reflects concerns about the future of the country’s finances, which are heavily dependent on revenues from exporting oil. These worries come against a backdrop of falling global stock markets, reflecting widespread fears about the pace of the slowdown in the Chinese economy.
August 23, 2015




Cooltextprophecysign Pestilence & Plagues Luke 21:11 & Revelation 6:8 “And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.” (Luke) “So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death (Thanatos in Greek meaning the death of the body whether natural or violent), and by the beasts of the earth” (Revelation)

Headline: With many Ebola survivors ailing, doctors evaluate situation

Lingering health problems afflicting many of the roughly 13,000 Ebola survivors have galvanized global and local health officials to find out how widespread the ailments are, and how to remedy them. The World Health Organization calls it an emergency within an emergency. Many of the survivors have vision and hearing issues. Some others experience physical and emotional pains, fatigue and other problems. The medical community is negotiating uncharted waters as it tries to measure the scale of this problem that comes on the tail end of the biggest Ebola outbreak in history. “If we can find out this kind of information, hopefully we can help other Ebola survivors in the future,” Dr. Zan Yeong, an eye specialist involved in a study of health problems in survivors in Liberia, told The Associated Press. Only about 40 percent of those infected have survived Ebola, according to WHO estimates. But while the survivors beat the odds, preliminary research shows that many are still suffering. Around half those who received post-recovery check-ups have joint pain, said Dr. Daniel Bausch, an Ebola expert and consultant for WHO.
August 23, 2015–ebola-sick_survivors-d7b234f391.html

Headline: Seven new coronavirus cases detected in Riyadh

Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Health has announced that the number of people in the kingdom receiving treatment for the MERS virus has risen to 65, on the back of seven new cases reported in Riyadh on Saturday. A press conference was held amid a surge in the number of infections at King Fahd National Guard Hospital in Riyadh’s King Abdulaziz Medical City. Undersecretary for Public Health Dr. Abdulaziz Bin Saeed explained measures taken to contain the spread, the Saudi Gazette reported. He said a total of 53 people, including four medical practitioners, contracted the virus at the hospital and added that 17 of the patients had died while 32 of them are receiving treatment in hospitals, three are quarantined at home and one patient was discharged after treatment, the newspaper reported.
August 24, 2015

WarsAndRumorsOfWarsCooltextprophecysign Wars & Rumors of Wars Matthew 24:6 , Revelation 6:3-4 & Revelation 6:8 “ And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.” Revelation 6:3-4 speaks of the fiery red horse given power to make men slay one another and Revelation 6:8 speaks again of this red horse in conjunction with the pale horse of Death and Hades, as the one that has the power to kill by sword. Prophecy Sign: Weapons of Mass Destruction Zechariah 14:12 “And this shall be the plague with which the Lord will strike all the people who fought against Jerusalem: Their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on their feet, Their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets, And their tongues shall dissolve in their mouths.”

Headline: South Korea talks tough amid heightened tensions with North

Headline: N. Korea deploys submarines as U.S., S. Korean fighters buzz border

South Korean President Park Geun-hye demanded on Monday that North Korea apologize over recent landmine blasts, even as the bitter rivals held marathon talks to defuse tensions that have brought the peninsula back to the brink of armed conflict. Park said anti-North propaganda broadcasts would continue unless Pyongyang took responsibility for landmine explosions early this month that wounded two South Korean soldiers in the Demilitarised Zone (DMZ) separating the two countries. North Korea denies it laid the mines. Seoul and Pyongyang have remained technically in a state of war since the 1950-53 Korean war ended in a truce, rather than a peace treaty. The landmine blasts escalated into a crisis that saw both sides exchange artillery fire on Thursday and ramp up their military readiness. The United Nations, the United States and the North’s lone major ally, China, have all called for calm.
August 24, 2015

2010-57-1Timothy4-1 amos-8-11Cooltextprophecysign Apostasy Amos 8:11  1 Timohty 4:1 2 Peter2:1-3 “Behold, the days are coming,” says the Lord God, “That I will send a famine on the land, Not a famine of bread, Nor a thirst for water, But of hearing the words of the Lord.” (Amos)  “Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons” (1 Timothy 4:1)  “ But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed. By covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words; for a long time their judgment has not been idle, and their destruction does not slumber.” (2 Peter 2:1-3)

Headline:   Satan worshipers drown women with milk in Planned Parenthood counter-protest

Satan worshipers launched a counter-protest against pro-lifers outside the Detriot and Ferndale, Michigan Planned Parenthood locations Saturday. Clad in black robes, members of the Satanic Temple of Detriot drenched bound women with milk, simulating water-boarding to “illustrate the theocratic agenda imposed upon female bodies.” The milk symbolized breast milk, one of the protest organizers explained on Facebook. The group attached a symbol of their temple to the American flag and held up a sign that read, “America is not a theocracy. End forced motherhood.” “The Satanic Temple strongly opposes the promotion of misinformation and believes that all people are entitled to make informed decisions about their health, family and future without coercion,” says the group’s web site. “We consider our action a form of worship; the rejection of tyranny is an affirmation of selfhood. So long as perverted theocratic systems of power attempt to manipulate our communities and distort truths for political gain, we will rebel.”
August 23, 2015

    Luke 21-25 signs in heaven



CooltextprophecysignMatthew 24:7 “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. Luke 21:11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.” Luke21:25 “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring

Headline:  80 percent chance of cyclone near Windward islands

A low pressure system over the Atlantic Ocean, midway between Africa and the Windward Islands, has an 80 percent chance of becoming a tropical cyclone over the next 48 hours, the US National Hurricane Center (NHC) said on Monday. “A tropical depression could form later today or on Tuesday while the system moves westward,” the Miami-based weather forecaster said.
August 24, 2015

Note from Frank***All earthquakes are instantly posted to my Facebook & Twitter pages; Please be sure to visit my Facebook page to see ALL the maps of the large earthquakes from March 2014 – today

Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes{%22feed%22%3A%221day_m25%22%2C%22search%22%3Anull%2C%22sort%22%3A%22newest%22%2C%22basemap%22%3A%22grayscale%22%2C%22autoUpdate%22%3Atrue%2C%22restrictListToMap%22%3Atrue%2C%22timeZone%22%3A%22local%22%2C%22mapposition%22%3A[[-82.49482361179572%2C-81.2109375]%2C[82.44876405595812%2C481.28906250000006]]%2C%22overlays%22%3A{%22plates%22%3Atrue}%2C%22viewModes%22%3A{%22map%22%3Atrue%2C%22list%22%3Atrue%2C%22settings%22%3Afalse%2C%22help%22%3Afalse}}

Aug. 23, 2015- Poll: Will Obama vote yes or no to form a PLO State in September

The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth August 23, 2015 Edition written by Frank DiMora.



Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436
email address:

indexBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth August 23, 2015 Edition written by Frank DiMora.


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I want to make one thing clear!  The U.S. will not remain the strong ally we have seen from past times under the many different presidents.  Obama actions show us his aim is to toss Israel under the bus.  You shouldn’t be to up-set over this as no man is placed in a position of power unless the Lord Jesus wants the person to be in that set of power.  It has become clear over these many years that Obama has been chosen to help fulfill the Zech. 12 prophecy.  As you can see from the headline below there is more talk about what may happen in September.  The question I am waiting to see is if Obama will finally turn completely against Israel by  taking sides with the General Assembly in voting yes for a Palestinian State.  As for me I am looking for Obama to vote yes!  Obama has already given everything Iran has asked for that will need up help try to destroy Israel so why not give the PLO their own State what will force Israel into a corner in defending themselves against anyone or any nation from dividing up the land of Israel.  I have never taken a poll at this site but this is my first one.  How many of you who come to my site think Obama will vote yes? How many of you think he will vote no

E-mail me your vote at

Headline: Upcoming Jewish Holidays Begins Period of Cataclysmic Events for Israel


You don’t need prophetic vision to know that the world is on the verge of a new period heralding in global changes unlike any ever seen before. The signs are obvious and the pieces are all in place. With the Jewish holiday’s fast approaching, God’s plan for change and redemption is unfolding before our very eyes with grave implications for the nation of Israel.

The Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashana, will begin on the evening of September 13 and end after sunset on September 15. According to Jewish tradition, Rosh Hashana is the day that God begins the process of judging the entire world.

This year’s Rosh Hashana is especially unique in that it will signal the end of the Shemittah year, the Sabbatical year which occurs in a seven year cycle. According to the Talmud, the written text explaining the oral Torah, the Messiah will come in the year following the Shemittah year.

As the second and final day of the holiday of Rosh Hashana ends on September 15, the 70th United Nations General Assembly will commence. The issue of the creation of a Palestinian state is expected to be decided by world representatives during the General Assembly. While not having yet happened, the upcoming session is already fraught with tension as it is unclear whether the US will continue to use its veto to prevent the Palestinians from unilaterally declaring a state.

Conflict over the Holy Land is prophesied to be part of the process of redemption. In Zechariah 12:6, the end times are described: “On that day I will make the clans of Judah like a flame that sets a woodpile ablaze or like a burning torch among sheaves of grain. They will burn up all the neighboring nations right and left, while the people living in Jerusalem remain secure.” In Amos 9:15, we are told that once the Jews are re-established in their land, “they will not again be rooted out from their land.”



August 21, 2015- First Iran-backed Golan rocket attack on Israel



Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436
email address:

indexBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read!  The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth August 19, 2015 Edition written by Frank DiMora.

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Israel and the next 2 wars


Headline:     High Court orders release of hunger-striker from administrative detention

The High Court of Justice ordered the release of Palestinian prisoner and hunger-striker Muhammad Allan from his administrative detention Wednesday night due to his deteriorating medical condition, including the revelation Wednesday afternoon that his brain had been damaged. A spokeswoman for the Barzilai Medical Center in Ashkelon, where Allan is being treated, said he had returned to a coma late Wednesday evening following a deterioration in his condition. A lawyer for Allan told Reuters that the detainee had ended his 65-day hunger strike on Wednesday night following the High Court ruling. “The story is over, administrative detention is canceled, and therefore there is no strike,” said lawyer Jameel Khatib.
August 19, 2015

Headline: Islamic Jihad shot rockets at Israel’s north on Iran’s behalf, IDF says

Headline: First Iran-backed Golan rocket attack on Israel

Four rockets landed in northern Israel Thursday afternoon after being shot from Syria, sparking fires but causing no injuries. The rockets landed in the northern Galilee and Golan Heights, the Israeli military said in a statement. The army blamed Palestinian terror group Islamic Jihad for the rocket fire, saying it was done with “Iranian money and intention.” “We consider Syria to be responsible for the fire and it will also suffer the results,” the army said in a statement slightly after 8 p.m. The statement was followed by reports of Israeli shelling in Syria, according to Israel’s Army Radio. The rockets landed after sirens sounded in several communities around Israel’s north at about 5:45 p.m. The Israeli military confirmed in a statement that “four rockets were launched from the Syrian Golan Heights, landing in the upper Galilee and the Israeli Golan Heights.” No injuries were reported, the army said. Members of Islamic Jihad, which is known to have rockets in Gaza, had threatened to attack Israel earlier in the week over the fate of hunger striking Palestinian detainee Mohammed Allaan, who it says is part of the terror group. The army placed Iron Dome anti-missile batteries around the southern cities of Ashdod and Beersheba in response.
August 20, 2015

Headline: Second airstrike launched by Israel in response to rockets

Headline: Israel to West: ‘Your Partner Iran Attacked Us; Your Response?’

Israel said it killed at least five Palestinian militants in an air strike on the Syrian Golan Heights on Friday, after cross-border rocket fire from Syria prompted the heaviest Israeli bombardment since the start of Syria’s four-year-old civil war. An Israeli defense official said the people killed in Friday’s air strike were Palestinian militants from the Iran-backed Islamic Jihad. “We now know of five or six Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists killed,” the official said. A Syrian army source said the strike, at 10.30 am, hit a car in a village in the Syrian Golan Heights, killing five civilians. State television quoted the source as saying it took place near Quneitra, close to the Israeli-occupied section of the Golan region. “I said it just this week– anyone who tries to harm us, we will harm them. And so we did,” said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. “The IDF killed the forces responsible for the rocket attacks and the Syrians who allowed it to happen. We have no intention to escalate the situation but our policy remains the same,” he said.
August 21, 2015

Headline: Khaled Meshal: Hamas Talks With Israel Look ‘Very Positive’

Hamas’ political chief, Khaled Meshal, has confirmed that his organization and Israel are engaged in negotiations over a long-term truce via several mediators, including former British Prime Minister Tony Blair. In an excerpt from an interview with a London-based Qatari newspaper, Meshal said that while the talks have yet to produce an agreement, Hamas sees them as “very positive.” Last week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s bureau vehemently denied that Israel and Hamas were engaged in any kind of negotiations – either directly or indirectly. Meshal confirmed in an interview to the newspaper Al-Arabi al-Jadeed, part of which was published on Friday that the Quartet’s former Middle East envoy Tony Blair and others had raised proposals for a cease-fire, but he didn’t explain whether the proposals were raised with Israel’s knowledge or are independent initiatives. In response to repeated reports in the Palestinian and Arab media about contacts between Israel and Hamas regarding a cease-fire agreement, the Prime Minister’s Office published a denial at the beginning of the week, to the effect that “there are no meetings with Hamas, nor are there contacts, whether direct or indirect, with the organization.” But an involved Israeli source said after the publication of the response that “Israel is not conducting cease-fire negotiations with Hamas, but it is definitely conducting a feasibility investigation.” Recently Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas claimed that Israel and Hamas have been conducting clandestine meetings for the past eight months in an African country. In response, an Egyptian security source told Haaretz that the cease-fire agreement that was drawn up at the conclusion of Operation Protective Edge is the only one on the table and that both sides recognize it. “If there’s any progress, it must be based on this agreement,” said the source.
August 21, 2015

psalm only

bb_thumb2.jpg Cooltextprophecysign“Do not keep silent, O God! Do not hold Your peace, And do not be still, O God! For behold, Your enemies make a tumult; And those who hate You have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, And consulted together against Your sheltered ones. They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.” (Psalm 83)


Headline:   Security Council extends UN peacekeeping force in Lebanon for another year

Determining that the situation in Lebanon continues to constitute a threat to international peace and security, the Security Council today decided to extend the present mandate of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) for one year, until 31 August 2016. In a unanimously adopted resolution, the 15-member body “strongly” called upon all parties to respect the cessation of hostilities, to prevent any violation of the Blue Line and to respect it “in its entirety.” They urged further international support for the Lebanese Armed Forces, in areas where they are most critically in need of support, including counter-terrorism and border protection. Recognizing that UNIFIL deployment, together with the Lebanese Armed Forces, has helped to establish a “new strategic environment” in southern Lebanon, the Security Council calls for further cooperation between them, in particular regarding coordinated and adjacent patrols. The resolution adopted today also urged all parties to abide “scrupulously” by their obligation to respect the safety of UNIFIL and to ensure that the Mission’s freedom of movement is “fully respected and unimpeded.” The Government of Israel is urged to expedite the withdrawal of its army from northern Ghajar “without further delay” in coordination with UNIFIL.
August 21, 2015


Headline:   Egyptian security building in Cairo rocked by bomb blast

Headline:   Daesh (ISIS) claims Cairo courthouse bomb which wounded 30

A powerful car bomb has exploded outside a state security building in northern Cairo, Egyptian security officials say. The blast, which was felt across large parts of the Egyptian capital, injured 29 people, six of them police. The explosion happened in the early hours of Thursday morning. There were no reports of any deaths. The militant group Islamic State (IS) says it carried out the attack “to avenge Muslim martyrs”. The statement was not attributed to IS’s known branch in Egypt, Sinai Province, but simply had a logo reading “Islamic State, Egypt”. A BBC correspondent in Cairo reports a heavy police presence on the streets. Residents across Cairo reported hearing and feeling a large blast just before 02:00 local time (00:00 GMT). There have been several bomb attacks by Islamist militants in Cairo this year. “A man suddenly stopped his car in front of the state security building, jumped out of it and fled on a motorbike that followed the car,” a ministry statement said. “The car exploded wounding six policemen,” it added. The blast left a crater in the street and partially destroyed the building. Locals said glass from blown-out windows was strewn across several streets nearby.
August 20, 2015

             Damascus ISIS Syria Iraq ISIS- the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (the Levant) ISIS=ISIL=IS=Daash

Syria    IraqKurdistan



Iraq                              Syria                          Kurdistan


Syria Headline:   Attack kills at least 11 people in Syria’s Al-Hasakah

Syria Headline:   Kurdish fighters seize strategic town after clashes with ISIS northeast Syria

AT LEAST 11 people – including 10 civilians – were killed and 29 wounded in a suicide vehicle-borne improvised explosive device (SVBIED) attack by Islamic State militants targeting the offices of the Asayesh (Kurdish intelligence agency) in the city of Qamishli in Syria’s Al-Hasakah governorate on 19 August, Reuters and the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported. The Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack.
August 20, 2015

Syria Headline:   Syrian Observatory for Human Rights

Iraq Headline: Thousands rally in Iraq to demand reforms, better services

Thousands rallied in Iraq’s capital and a string of other cities to press demands for reforms, better services and an end to corruption. Friday’s rallies were the latest in a series of peaceful gatherings over the past month to demand change. Baghdad’s rally attracted up to 10,000, many waving Iraq’s red, white and black flags and chanting the national anthem. There were much smaller rallies in the southern city of Basra and the holy Shiite cities of Najaf and Karbala south of Baghdad. In Baghdad, hundreds of army and police cordoned off the rally, sealing off roads leading to the rally in the central Tahrir Square as army helicopters hovered above. In response to the rallies, Shiite Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has won parliamentary support to trim his bloated government and vowed to fight corruption.
August 21, 2015


Iraq Headline: Islamic State attacks Iraqi troops near Fallujah

The Islamic State killed more than a dozen Iraq of soldiers and policemen in an attack near Fallujah in Anbar province, where the government has been trying to dislodge the group for the past year. The Associated Press reported that the Islamic State attacked Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) positions outside of Fallujah on Aug 16. According to the AP, “four suicide attackers drove explosives-laden military vehicles into government forces’ barricades.” The assault coincided with the release of an Islamic State video that showcases its forces overrunning a military outpost in Saqlawiyah near Fallujah. The video, which is from 2014, shows jihadists attacking the base with armored personnel carriers packed with explosives and a ground assault team. The Islamic State seized tanks, armored personnel carriers, Humvees, and other vehicles. The bodies of dozens of dead Iraqi security personnel  are displayed.
August 21, 2015

rise of ISIS


Headline: Military official: Early tests show traces of mustard gas agent in ISIS attack

Concerns flared Friday that the Islamic State has its hands on chemical weapons, after a senior military official confirmed preliminary tests show traces of sulfur mustard on mortars fired by ISIS militants. U.S. Brig. Gen. Kevin Killea, chief of staff for the military operations in Iraq and Syria, said the field testing into whether mustard gas was used is not conclusive, so final tests are underway to get the full make-up of the chemicals. But he said the early tests showed the chemical agent on fragments from mortar rounds fired on Aug. 11 against Kurdish Peshmerga forces in Iraq. The attack was the first reported incident of ISIS using chemical weapons since the terror group came to prominence last year. Suspicions were first raised last week, as U.S. officials pointed to evidence of possible mustard gas in the attack. One official who had seen the latest intelligence reports from the region told Fox News last Thursday that the victims had “blisters” matching the symptoms of other victims of mustard gas. Killea told Pentagon reporters on Friday that Kurdish forces brought the mortar fragments to U.S. forces for testing, so there may be questions about the chain of custody of the evidence. But senior U.S. officials earlier told The Wall Street Journal that ISIS may have obtained the mustard gas in Syria, where the Damascus government admitted to having large stockpiles of the chemical when it agreed to give up its chemical weapons arsenal in 2013.
August 21, 2015

Headline: ISIS AIDS-bombs: Plans to send 16 HIV-positive fighters on suicide missions – report

The Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) terrorist group plans to send 16 of its fighters on suicide missions after they were tested positive for AIDS, a Syrian source claimed. The fighters are currently in quarantine in a hospital in the city of Mayadeen in the eastern Syrian province of Deir ez-Zor, the Kurdish Syrian ARA news reported. “Most of those infected are foreign militants who had sexual intercourse with two Moroccan women. The women passed on the disease to the militants before their infection was revealed. We were ordered by the group’s local leadership to transfer the infected militants to a quarantine center in the city,” the agency cited a local Syrian doctor as saying. The leaders of the group ordered screen tests for AIDS for their troops in the province and are planning to get rid of those who are infected, the report said. “IS leadership is planning to assign suicide attacks for its militants who are tested positive with AIDS,” a civil rights activist in al-Mayadeen told the agency. The report said a similar outbreak of AIDS happened in the IS-controlled city of Shaddadi in Hasakah province in the spring, after an Indonesian fighter passed the disease to a sex slave who was later sold on. The man, who also donated blood for transfusion, was reportedly executed in June.
August 21, 2015

Headline: Islamic State’s path of destruction through Syria and Iraq

The Islamic State group’s demolition of the Saint Elian Monastery in the central Syrian province of Homs is the latest in a long campaign that has destroyed or extensively damaged some of the Middle East’s most spectacular archaeological and cultural sites. Some of the world’s most precious cultural treasures, including ancient sites in the cradle of civilisation, are in areas controlled by the group and at the mercy of extremists bent on wiping out all non-Islamic culture and history. In addition to pre-Islamic sites, the militants have also targeted churches, mosques and museums. The rampage, targeting priceless cultural artefacts often spanning thousands of years, has sparked global outrage and accusations of war crimes. The militants are also believed to be selling ancient artefacts on the black market in order to finance their bloody campaign across the region. In May, the extremists captured the central Syrian town of Palmyra raising fears they would demolish the 2,000-year-old Roman-era city at the edge of the town – a Unesco world heritage site and one of the Middle East’s most iconic archaeological sites. Here’s a look at some of the major sites destroyed by Isil in Iraq and Syria, and others under their control: (please click link below to see photos)
August 21, 2015

photo and chart 2Copy (2) of uwqa

Listed below are the nations which will attack Israel from Ezekiel chapter 38 and their modern day names (see chart above). 

Gog is the leader of the invasion of Israel.

Magog, Meshech, and Tubal comprise modern day Turkey.

Persia is Iran, parts of northern Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Cush is Ethiopia and Sudan.

Put is Libya and will most likely include Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco.

Gomer is Eastern Turkey.

Beth Togarmah is Armenia.


Headline:  Turkey to Return to Elections in November

Turkey will go to snap elections, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced Friday, after Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu returned the mandate to form a government earlier this week. Elections are expected to be held on November 1, 2015. Davutoglu, who is also the chairman of the Islamist Justice and Development (AK) Party, told Erdogan that despite his best efforts he could not find any possibility to form a coalition government. The ruling party came first in elections in June but lost its parliamentary majority for the first time in more than a decade, forcing it to seek a coalition partnership. Coalition-building efforts with Turkey’s pro-secular party had collapsed last week. AKP was given the option of allowing another party – main opposition party the Republican People’s Party (CHP) – the chance to form a government, but Erdogan has apparently decided to favor another chance to regain AKP’s former power. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan wanted to change the constitution to grant him greater powers than he currently wields – a chance that was lost after the June elections.
August 21, 2015


Headline:    Iran welcomes U.N. peace plan for Syria

Iran Thursday welcomed a U.N. peace plan aimed at ending the four-year war in its ally Syria, saying President Bashar Assad’s regime needed to be directly involved. “This new plan is seen as a step by regional and international players toward a better understanding of the reality on the ground and on the political level,” Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Marzieh Afkham was quoted as saying by news agency ISNA. “The people and government of Syria have the key role in this process,” she said. Iran is Assad’s key regional ally, providing him with financial and military support. On Monday the U.N. Security Council adopted a new push for peace talks in Syria, which was also endorsed by Russia, another key ally of the Damascus regime, and the other 14 member states. The peace initiative, set to begin in September, would set up four working groups to address safety and protection, counterterrorism, political and legal issues and reconstruction. The council demanded all sides work for an end to the war by “launching a Syrian-led political process leading to a political transition that meets the legitimate aspirations of the Syrian people.” It also mentions the creation of “an inclusive transitional governing body.” The adoption came amid a flurry of diplomatic activity by Russia, the United States, Saudi Arabia and Iran to try to advance prospects for ending the war that has left at least 240,000 dead. Representatives of the Syrian domestic opposition tolerated by Damascus will jet in to Moscow for talks Sunday.
August 21, 2015





Headline:     Afghanistan seethes at Taliban meetings it says held in Pakistan

Headline:   Afghanistan’s strongman vice-president fights off Taliban ambush

The new leader of the Taliban has met influential clerics seeking to heal a rift after the death of founder Mullah Omar, in the latest gathering to anger the Afghan government, which accuses Pakistan of allowing militants to meet on its territory. Several key Taliban commanders pledged allegiance to Mullah Akhtar Mansour after his swift appointment to lead the armed Islamist movement in July, but other senior figures, including Omar’s son, reject the way he was selected. “These clerics tried to remove differences between Mansour and other Taliban members,” Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid told Reuters, referring to Thursday’s meeting. “They listened to each other’s viewpoint, but didn’t reach a conclusion.” Combined with a chill between the neighbors after Afghan President Ashraf Ghani indirectly blamed Pakistan for a spate of deadly bombings in Kabul, the leadership tussle has dashed short-term hopes of a new round of Taliban peace talks. The council of clerics will rule in the next few days on whether Mansour should remain the Taliban’s chief, said sources in the movement, who declined to be identified as the topic is sensitive.
August 21, 2015


Headline:  S.Sudan Media Switch off for 24-Hours Over Journalist’s Murder

Headline: Sudan’s Bashir offers rebels two-month ceasefire, sets date for dialogue

Media organizations in Sudan imposed a 24-hour news blackout on Friday to demand a full investigation into the killing of a newspaper reporter and assurances of safety for journalists working in the war-torn nation, officials from media associations said. Peter Julius Moi Moi is the seventh journalist to be killed in South Sudan this year. He was shot twice in the back Wednesday by unknown gunmen just days after President Salva Kiir reportedly threatened to kill journalists working “against the country.” Alfred Taban, the head of the Association for Media Development in South Sudan, said the blackout— from noon Friday to Saturday— should raise awareness among the public that the government is not safeguarding journalists and their rights. Edward Terso Loku, general secretary of the Union of Journalists of South Sudan, said journalists want their own representative to take part in the investigation into Moi’s murder, noting that results of official investigations into previous killings of reporters have not been released. Earlier this month, two newspapers said the government stopped their operations in an apparent crackdown on the independent media. Moi was shot dead in the Jebel area of the capital, Juba. Otieno Ogeda, chief executive officer of Corporate Weekly whom Moi reported for, said Thursday. The media house had not received threats over recent articles Moi wrote, including two that focused on the scaling back of operations of South Sudan’s only brewery. The body was found near the brewery, but Moi also lived in the same area.
August 21, 2015

nation against nation 3CooltextprophecysignLuke 21:9 and Matthew 24:7 speak of nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom in the end times. Revelation 6:3-4 speaks of the fiery red horse given power to make men slay one another and Revelation 6:8 speaks again of this red horse in conjunction with the pale horse of Death and Hades, as the one that has the power to kill by sword.  Luke 21:9: wars & commotions; the Greek word here is Akatastasia, meaning instability, a state of disorder, disturbance, confusion (revolutions)   Matthew 24:7: the Greek word for nation is Ethnos & refers to various ethnic groups fighting among themselves, where the next sentence in the verse refers to kingdoms (basileiva) fighting one another (not to be confused with an actual kingdom but rather the right or authority to rule over a kingdom)

Headline:  Migrants clash with Macedonian police on border with Greece

Macedonian police fired stun grenades Friday to disperse thousands of migrants stuck in a no man’s land with Greece, a day after Macedonia’s government declared a state of emergency on the border to halt a human tide heading north to the European Union. About 3,000 migrants who spent the night in the open made several attempts to charge the police — and some hurled stones at the Macedonian forces. At least eight people were injured in the melee, according to Greek police. Machine-gun toting police backed by armored vehicles spread coils of razor wire over rail tracks used by migrants to cross on foot from Greece to Macedonia. On Thursday, Macedonia shut the border to crossings. Hours after Friday’s clashes, however, Macedonian police started letting small groups of families with children cross the border by walking along railway tracks to a station in the Macedonian town of Gevgelija, where most take trains to the border with Serbia.
August 21, 2015–macedonia-greece-migrants-8c918902fb.html


Headline: Fighting in Yemen’s south kills 58 civilians

Headline: Saudi Arabia Plans to Expand Yemen Offensive

The latest heavy fighting in a key southern Yemeni city has killed 58 civilians and wounded at least 50, medical officials said Friday, reporting the casualties from the previous day.
According to the officials, rebel shelling in the city of Taiz first killed 23 civilians, which provoked airstrikes by the Saudi-led coalition that has been targeting the Shiite rebels, also known as Houthis, since March. The subsequent airstrikes killed 35 people and demolished five houses in the eastern neighborhood of Sala, from where the rebels launched their attacks. Of those killed, at least 10 were children, they added, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk to reporters. Meanwhile, in the port city of Aden, witnesses on the Gold Mohur beach said a masked group of armed men led six men in orange jumpsuits with their hands tied behind their backs onto a boat on Wednesday. The booby-trapped boat, they said, was dragged out to sea by another boat, before it was detonated remotely. The explosion killed the six captives, whose identities were not known, said the witnesses, speaking on condition of anonymity fearing for their own safety. Also Wednesday, Daesh-affiliated militants claimed an attack that killed a Yemeni soldier at a checkpoint in Hadramawt province. The Associated Press could not independently verify the claim, which was posted by Daesh sympathizers on Twitter on Thursday.
August 21, 2015

Euro Cooltextprophecysign  Economic collapse Revelation 6:5-6 & Daniel 2:41-43– Decline of the Euro “ When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.” (Revelation) “Whereas you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter’s clay and partly of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; yet the strength of the iron shall be in it, just as you saw the iron mixed with ceramic clay. 42 And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile. 43 As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle with the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay.” (Daniel 2:41-43)

Headline: Greece crisis: PM Alexis Tsipras quits and calls early polls

Headline: Far-left Greek politicians announce split from PM’s party as new election looms

Greece’s Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has announced he is resigning and has called an early election. Mr Tsipras, who was only elected in January, said he had a moral duty to go to the polls now a third bailout had been secured with European creditors. The election date is yet to be set but earlier reports suggested 20 September. Mr Tsipras will lead his leftist Syriza party into the polls, but he has faced a rebellion by some members angry at the bailout’s austerity measures. He had to agree to painful state sector cuts, including far-reaching pension reforms, in exchange for the bailout – and keeping Greece in the eurozone. Greece received the first €13bn ($14.5bn) tranche of the bailout on Thursday after it was approved by relevant European parliaments. It allowed Greece to repay a €3.2bn debt to the European Central Bank and avoid a messy default. The overall bailout package is worth about €86bn over three years. Alexis Tsipras made the announcement in a televised state address on Thursday. “The political mandate of the 25 January elections has exhausted its limits and now the Greek people have to have their say,” he said. “I want to be honest with you. We did not achieve the agreement we expected before the January elections.”
August 20, 2015

Screen-Shot-2014-12-19-at-4.39.48-AM Cooltextprophecysign Economic collapse Revelation 6:5-6 & James 5:1-3Worldwide“ When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.” (Revelation) “Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries that are coming upon you! Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have heaped up treasure in the last days.” (James)

Warning about the stock market

Headline:  Stock market endures worst day in 18 months

Headline: Dow plunges more than 450 points

Headline: We Have Already Witnessed The First 1300 Points Of The Stock Market Crash Of 2015

The U.S. stock market endured its worst performance in 18 months on Thursday, driven lower by another slump in Chinese shares and heavy selling by technical traders. The global rout started in China, where sharp declines in energy and property stocks pushed the Shanghai Composite down more than 3 percent. That selling soon spread to European and U.S. markets, where the Standard & Poor’s 500 index moved further below a closely watched trading level. Investors, facing screens full of red, retreated to their usual places of safety: bonds, gold and cash. “The emerging markets really got slammed overnight and that quickly spread to the rest of the world,” said J.J. Kinahan, chief strategist at TD Ameritrade. The Dow plunged 358.04 points, or 2.1 percent, to 16,990.69. The S&P 500 lost 43.88 points, or 2.1 percent, to 2,035.73 and the Nasdaq composite lost 141.56 points, or 2.8 percent, to 4,877.49. It was the biggest percentage decline for the Dow and S&P 500 since February 2014. The blue-chip average is now at its lowest level since October 2014.
August 20, 2015








August 18, 2015- Die off of fish wash up again on Lake Elsinore in California

August 18, 2015- 40 tons of dead fish in a lake in Jalisco, Mexico

August 19, 2015- Tons of dead herring appear in a port, ‘a mystery’, in Orust, Sweden

August 20, 2015- Massive amount of dead fish wash ashore in a river in Tianjin, China

August 20, 2015- Over 500 dead birds found on the streets in Tulsa, Oklahoma

August 20, 2015- 3,500 cattle dead ‘due to cold and snow’ in Cochabamba, Bolivia

August 21, 2015- Dead fish pile up on Tianjin shore after deadly blasts


July 24, 2015- Masses of bees are dying off in Sao Paulo, Brazil




Cooltextprophecysign Pestilence & Plagues Luke 21:11 & Revelation 6:8 “And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.” (Luke) “So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death (Thanatos in Greek meaning the death of the body whether natural or violent), and by the beasts of the earth” (Revelation)

Headline: Antibiotic-resistant ‘superbug’ found at California hospital

A Los Angeles-area hospital said Wednesday that some of its patients contracted an antibiotic-resistant “superbug” that has been linked to a type of medical scope and infected dozens of people around the country.  Huntington Memorial Hospital said in a statement that it notified public health authorities after several patients who had procedures using Olympus Corp. duodenoscopes were found to have the resistant pseudomonas bacteria. The hospital said it has quarantined the scopes while it investigates whether they may be linked to the infections. The statement made no mention of the total number of infected patients or their conditions. However, the Los Angeles Times said ( ) the problem was discovered in June and three patient infections have been reported to health officials. Drug-resistant bacterial infections around the country have been linked to contamination of the reusable scopes, which are used for a procedure known as endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography. The fiber-optic scopes are placed down a patient’s throat and used to diagnose and treat gallstones, blockages and cancers of the digestive tract. “The patients who experienced the bacterial growth were very ill before they underwent the scope procedure, and the risk of the procedure was explained to each patient and family,” Huntington Memorial’s statement said. A dozen infections were reported earlier this year at Cedars-Sinai and UCLA’s Ronald Reagan medical centers in Los Angeles. Three patients died.
August 19, 2015

Headline: New cases of MERS reported in Saudi capital

Saudi authorities have shut off the emergency ward of one of the country’s largest hospitals after new cases of the deadly Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) emerged in the capital, Riyadh. Saudi media quoted a Health Ministry official as saying that 46 new cases of MERS have been detected this week at a hospital located in Riyadh’s King Abdulaziz Medical City. The hospital has postponed all non-urgent operations and quarantined three wards for total isolation of new patients, as part of measures to contain the disease. The fresh emergence of MERS has raised serious concerns in some circles, both inside the country and abroad, that the virus could become endemic, threatening the more than two million visitors expected next month for the annual hajj pilgrimage.
August 21, 2015

WarsAndRumorsOfWarsCooltextprophecysign Wars & Rumors of Wars Matthew 24:6 , Revelation 6:3-4 & Revelation 6:8 “ And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.” Revelation 6:3-4 speaks of the fiery red horse given power to make men slay one another and Revelation 6:8 speaks again of this red horse in conjunction with the pale horse of Death and Hades, as the one that has the power to kill by sword. Prophecy Sign: Weapons of Mass Destruction Zechariah 14:12 “And this shall be the plague with which the Lord will strike all the people who fought against Jerusalem: Their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on their feet, Their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets, And their tongues shall dissolve in their mouths.”

Headline: South Korea evacuation after shelling on western border

Headline:   North Korea orders troops on war footing after exchanging fire with South

South Korea has ordered the evacuation of residents from an area of its western border after an exchange of fire with North Korea, reports say. North Korea fired a shell at a South Korean military unit on Thursday, prompting the south to retaliate with several artillery rounds, the South’s defence ministry said. South Korea’s National Security Council is due to hold an emergency session. The western sea border has long been a flashpoint between the two Koreas. North Korea fired a projectile towards Yeoncheon, a town north-west of Seoul, at 15:52 local time (06:52 GMT), the defence ministry said. Reports suggest the target could have been a loudspeaker broadcasting anti-Pyongyang messages. The South then fired “dozens of rounds of 155mm shells” towards where they thought the rocket was launched from, the ministry added in a statement. There were no immediate reports of any injuries or damage on either side.
August 21, 2015

This 26 October, 2003 NASA Solar and HelCooltextprophecysign Scorching Sun Isaiah30:26 , Revelation 16:8-9 & Revelation 7:16, Malachi 4:1 “Moreover the light of the moon will be as the light of the sun, And the light of the sun will be sevenfold, As the light of seven days, In the day that the Lord binds up the bruise of His people And heals the stroke of their wound.” (Isaiah 30:26) “Then the fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and power was given to him to scorch men with fire. And men were scorched with great heat, and they blasphemed the name of God who has power over these plagues; and they did not repent and give Him glory.” (Revelation 16:8-9) “Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst. The sun will not beat upon them, nor any scorching heat.” ( Revelation 7: 16) “For behold, the day is coming,Burning like an oven, And all the proud, yes, all who do wickedly will be stubble. And the day which is coming shall burn them up,” Says the Lord of hosts, “That will leave them neither root nor branch” (Malachi 4:1) Prophecy Sign: Drought Jeremiah 50:38 & Isaiah 42:15 “A drought is against her waters, and they will be dried up. For it is the land of carved images, And they are insane with their idols.” (Jeremiah)“I will lay waste the mountains and hills, And dry up all their vegetation; I will make the rivers coastlands, And I will dry up the pools.”(Isaiah)

Headline: Thousands battle blazes across west

Three firefighters killed battling raging wildfires in Washington state were being mourned Friday across the state and the country, even as thinly stretched crews were joined by private citizens as they battled more than 100 fires in five states across the west. The fatalities came as some 29,000 firefighters, including responders from as far away as New Zealand, joined local crews in their struggles against fires that have consumed 11,000 square miles  so far. Most of the ravaged land has been in Alaska, but an increase in fires in the Idaho, Oregon, Montana, Washington and California has caused competition for firefighting resources with some requests going unmet. Some fires have simply been unstoppable. Steve Ellis, deputy director of the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, earlier this week flew over a 443-square-mile rangeland fire in southwest Idaho and said he could see where retardant bombers put in lines that the fire easily crossed. “What we’re getting now are much more intense fires because of all those years of suppression,” said John Freemuth, a Boise State University professor and a public lands expert. “Those kinds of intense fires are usually not allowed to burn.” Authorities issued a mandatory evacuation order for the north-central Washington town of Tonasket Thursday evening as wildfires fanned by high winds raged out of control. The Okanogan County Emergency Management department issued the order for the town of 1,000. Residents were told a shelter was open at Brewster High School.
August 21, 2015

    Luke 21-25 signs in heavenCooltextprophecysignMatthew 24:7 “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. Luke 21:11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.” Luke21:25 “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring

file-21-phil typhoon

Headline:  Typhoon Goni leaves at least 4 dead in Philippines

Headline: Hurricane Danny strengthens to Category 3

Landslides and floods triggered by heavy rains from a powerful typhoon pummeling the northern Philippines left at least four dead Friday, including a 10-year-old boy, officials said.
Government forecaster Adzar Aurelio said Typhoon Goni was still at sea on Friday afternoon about 100 kilometers (62 miles) east of northern Calayan Island, with maximum sustained winds of 170 kilometers per hour (105 mph) and gusts of up to 205 kph (127 mph). The typhoon may pass over the tiny islands at the country’s northern tip. A landslide in northern Mountain province killed a 10-year-old boy and injured his 9-year-old brother, said civil defense official Andrew Alex Uy. In the adjacent province of Benguet, two brothers died in another landslide while seeking temporary shelter in Bakun town, he added. Other deaths included a man who was pinned by a tree, while two are missing in strong river currents.
August 21, 2015

Note from Frank***All earthquakes are instantly posted to my Facebook & Twitter pages; Please be sure to visit my Facebook page to see ALL the maps of the large earthquakes from March 2014 – today

Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes{%22feed%22%3A%221day_m25%22%2C%22search%22%3Anull%2C%22sort%22%3A%22newest%22%2C%22basemap%22%3A%22grayscale%22%2C%22autoUpdate%22%3Atrue%2C%22restrictListToMap%22%3Atrue%2C%22timeZone%22%3A%22local%22%2C%22mapposition%22%3A[[-82.49482361179572%2C-81.2109375]%2C[82.44876405595812%2C481.28906250000006]]%2C%22overlays%22%3A{%22plates%22%3Atrue}%2C%22viewModes%22%3A{%22map%22%3Atrue%2C%22list%22%3Atrue%2C%22settings%22%3Afalse%2C%22help%22%3Afalse}}



August 20, 2015 – Was 2008 the year the Antichrist’ fulfilled Daniel 9:27?


Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436
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indexBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read!  The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth August 19, 2015 Edition written by Frank DiMora.

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I do not recommend watching the entire video unless you are very well read in the book of Daniel and the book of Revelation.  If you are well studied in these books you will be able to pick apart the parts in the video below that do not hold water!