The Bienkowiski’s/ Merry Christmas

I want to thank George and  Ellen Bienkowski for sending funds

to help with the two needs I posted in my youtube video. Can you please

send me your mailing address so I can pass it on to Ascent Ministries. Ascent

wants to mail you the info. for your tax receipt. If you wish you can contact

Ascent directly by emailing them at:


Frank DiMora

Christmas 2013

ETRM will return Monday December 29, 2014.  Have a Blessed Christmas!

Up-dated book Dec. 23, 2014


Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436

indexBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates. The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December 23, 2014 Edition written by Frank DiMora.

Official: Russia plotting to start war on Israel/Hamas getting ready for war with Israel/Dec. 22, 2014

 thepicture_thumb2.jpgFrank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436
indexBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates. The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 2, 2015 Edition written by Frank DiMora.

On December 7, 2014 I put up a post entitled: The TWO Needs. I wanted to give you an up-date on what the Lord has done since I put up that post. One of those needs is support for Pastor Agneta who the Lord has directed to my ministry.  Pastor Agneta has been lead by the Lord to carry my teachings into Kenya and Uganda.  You can read what I said concerning the TWO NEEDS on my Dec. post. Below in red is what I said at the end of that post.

Now that you have seen the two needs it is time for me to do what Jesus has shown me. I am stepping out of the way. If the Lord speaks to you about helping get these two needs met do not write me or send me any funds. Contact Ascent Ministries and tell them you want to help fill the two needs that Frank DiMora has made known.  Shawn Svacha is the head of Ascent and his email address  Ascent Ministries address information is below.  Ascent will make sure that any funds that come in will be sent out to meet these needs.  If no one answers the needs I will say goodbye but,  I have faith that my work for Christ is not finished. As always I wait on the Lord. God bless you all.

Frank DiMora 
Ascent Ministries 2754 East Streetsboro Road, Hudson, OH 44236

Ascent Ministries

Since writing that Dec. 7th post Jesus has once again blessed my ministry by touching a number of people to give to Ascent Ministries so Pastor Agneta and Pastor Fiaz can keep on spreading the word of God. The only way I know that the Lord wants this ministry to keep going is for Him to speak to people on my behalf. All I can do is give thanks to Christ for answering my prayers.  As a result of asking to help Ascent Ministers the funds we needed to help both Pastors has come in. For those of you who just found my site I want to make is known that I am not part of Ascent ministries however, Ascent has pledged to help me help those who I have trying to support. When those who Jesus touches send in funds to Ascent they give that money to the people I am helping. That is why I ask that you don’t send any funds to me. I do not receive a dime and all the funds you send to Ascent go to helping those the Lord has lead me to help.  Pastor Agneta has gone to Uganda to carry my message for the Lord. I just received a email from P. Agneta as well as some photos.  Those of you who gave please understand that your giving heart has helped lead people to Christ’s salvation and for that I give you thanks!

To Frank
Praise the Lord man of God, i have sent you pictures showing my  mission in Uganda, as i told you, i have been teaching them one of  your prophecy, they have been asking me many times to reach there  after hearing your prophecy in FM RADIO in Busia, i have been teaching  about EARTHQUAKES, RAPTURE, THE MARK OF THE BEAST and GOLD SILVER IN  PROPHECY AND PSALMS 83. God bless you so much. Yours Revarent Agneta.

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For those of you who have been coming to my site I have shown you how the Psalm 83 war is approaching it’s fulfillment. I have posted many reports  showing you how Russia will play a role in the up and coming war prophecies.  Well there is a new report just out that shows you what I have been warning about  Russia is right on track.  For those of you who don’t know about either one of these future wars what you need to know is Russia is allied with many of the nations listed in the Psalm 83 war. Over the years Russia has made is known that anyone who attacks their allies is the same as attacking Russia. Two of Russia’s main allies is Syria and Hezbollah. As you will see from the news report below Russia has sent more missiles to their allies listed in that Psalm 83 prophecy. Do you think that that title to the report you are about to see is a coincidence?  Our Lord is making is very clear what is about to happen between these nations. The problem is you would have to have read the Bible to know about the Psalm and Ezekiel wars or, heard about these wars from someone who knows these prophecies and isn’t afraid to pass this teaching on.  I have made it very clear to all that if Hezbollah, the PLO, or Syria start Launching those missiles at Israel, Israel will do what they have to to protect their nation. This action could start the Psalm 83 war and no doubt lead right into the Ezekiel 38 war of which Russia will play a major role in an attack against Israel just as God has shown us in the Ezekiel prophecy.  If you want to know more about these wars and what is going to happen just download my free book today. The link is at the top of the page.

While Russia is sending missiles to Syria and encouraging Hezbollah to attack Israel Hamas one of the Psalm 83 war nations against Israel is getting ready for another conflict with Israel as well.

Headline:   A fragile calm on Gaza and Lebanon borders

“But it is in Israel’s best interest to resume the talks too, as the deterrence achieved in Operation Protective Edge won’t suffice. Alongside the stick, we should offer a carrot too – an economic rehabilitation of the Strip and a solution to urgent humanitarian problems. If a process in this direction does not begin soon, we should not be surprised if we return to the circle of rockets and fire, even before the elections.”
Dec. 19, 2014,7340,L-4605279,00.html

Headline: Hamas conducts rocket tests in Gaza, drawing the attention of the Israeli military

Headline: Israel carries out airstrike on Hamas site in Gaza

The IDF said it detected rocket experiments in the Gaza Strip on Monday. During the experiments, Hamas fired rockets from Gaza towards the Mediterranean Sea.
Hamas fires rockets into the sea every few days, as part of its weapons program. The launches are used by Hamas arms designers to experiment with various projectile models.
The experiments naturally have attracted the attention of the Israel Navy. “They are doing experiments and checking their rockets. This is a part of their domestic weapons production. We did not doubt, at the end of the war, that their focus would be on building more weapons. We monitor every such launch, noting the quality of the rocket and its range,” a senior navy source told The Jerusalem Post after the summer conflict with Hamas.
Dec. 22, 2014

Headline: Hamas said using cement, steel from UN aid to repair attack tunnels

Israel has determined that Hamas was using shipments of cement and other building material to restore its attack tunnel network in the Gaza Strip. Officials said the military has assessed that Hamas was diverting building material meant for civilian reconstruction to repair attack tunnels damaged by the Israeli military during the 50-day war in July and August 2014. They said Hamas was seizing more than 20 percent of cement and steel approved by Israel under a United Nations-led campaign to repair or rebuild 60,000 Gazan homes. “They [Hamas] are operating with impunity and destroying the spirit of the humanitarian effort,” an official said. “The international community knows this but is choosing to look away.” Under pressure from the United States, Israel allowed the renewal of cement and steel shipments to the Gaza Strip in October 2014. But the officials said that despite pledges by the international community that the Palestinian Authority would take charge, Hamas quickly gained control over the flow of building material. Hamas was also imposing taxes on cement despite PA opposition. “There is virtually no presence of the PA in Gaza, which means that Hamas is calling all the shots,” the official said.
Dec. 22, 2014

Headline: Palestinians mull delaying UN Security Council vote

The Palestinian Authority is continuing its efforts to assemble a majority in the UN Security Council for the resolution they submitted last week on setting a three-year timeframe for an Israeli withdrawal from the occupied territories. Dr. Majdi Khaldi, the advisor for international relations to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, said the PA would renew its contacts with the UNSC member nations on Monday in an attempt to guarantee a majority in support of the resolution. In UN diplomatic terms, the Palestinian proposal was “put in blue” last week, which means it is a draft resolution that is approaching its final stage of formulation, whose sponsors seek to put it before a vote soon. Such a draft resolution is printed in blue ink and officially distributed to Security Council members, usually within 24 hours before the vote. Besides calling for an Israeli withdrawal by 2017, the resolution allows the possibility of negotiations for a year and states the Palestinian state will be established based on the principles of previous Security Council resolutions, and on the basis of the 1967 lines. A senior Palestinian official told Haaretz on Monday morning that the efforts are now focused on holding the vote before the month’s end – but that if a majority is not assured, then for it to be held early next year, after the changes in the membership of the Security Council for 2015 take effect. These changes, which could well strengthen the Palestinian position, and may guarantee a majority for them, include the entry of Indonesia in place of Australia, Angola in place of Rwanda, and Spain instead of Luxembourg.
Dec. 22, 2014

Psalm 83 Foto Flexer bb_thumb2.jpg

Cooltextprophecysign“Do not keep silent, O God! Do not hold Your peace, And do not be still, O God! For behold, Your enemies make a tumult; And those who hate You have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, And consulted together against Your sheltered ones. They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.” (Psalm 83)




Headline: ISIL tests Jordan defenses with clashes along borders with Iraq, Syria

Headline: Iraq says Jordan to begin training Iraqi troops soon

Islamic State of Iraq and Levant has been approaching Jordan. Officials said the Hashemite kingdom was on alert for an ISIL presence along Jordan’s borders with Iraq and Syria. They said ISIL was trying to use Jordan as a waystation for fighters and weapons for the jihad campaign in Iraq and Syria. “The Jordanian armed forces are ready to repel any infiltration or attempts to harm security and stability,” Jordanian military spokesman Col. Mamdouh Al Ameri said. In a statement on Dec. 17, Al Ameri acknowledged an ISIL attempt to storm the Iraqi border with Jordan. He said three ISIL vehicles opened fire and detonated explosives against Iraqi border forces before withdrawing. Officials also reported clashes with Jordanian security forces along the Syrian border. They said the attackers could have been ISIL fighters or smugglers. They have been trying to smuggle weapons, ammunition and drugs into the kingdom,” an official said. Jordan, deemed a leading base for Syrian rebels, has been working with the United States to bolster border security and surveillance. Officials cited a command and control center designed to look deep into Syria.
Dec. 21, 2014


Headline:  As ISIL advances, Lebanon military aid delayed over fears it would be used by Hizbullah

Lebanon’s leader has voiced concerns about the threat from Islamic State of Iraq and Levant and the timing of a $3 billion military aid project facilitated by France and Saudi Arabia. “ISIL is present in the region of Arsal, on the Lebanese-Syrian border,” Lebanese Prime Minister Tamam Salam said. “If it manages to invade Lebanon, it will impose its extremism everywhere.” In an interview with France’s Le Journal du Dimanche on Dec. 21, Salam acknowledged differences with the French armament program. The prime minister said the Lebanese Air Force must receive attack helicopters to stop the infiltration of ISIL as well as Nusra Front for the Defense of Levant from neighboring Syria. “We are still in talks for the helicopters to be delivered at the beginning of the program rather than at the end, so that we can use missiles as soon as possible against the jihadis in the mountains,” Salam said. Officials said France would attempt to complete the final details of a Saudi-financed weapons deal for the Lebanese military. They said a leading French defense official would seek to complete an order and timetable for the first shipment of weapons to enhance Lebanon’s ability to battle ISIL. Officials said the Lebanese military modernization program has been delayed for months amid French and Saudi concerns that advanced weapons could fall into the hands of the Iranian-sponsored Hizbullah. They said Beirut has been pressed to guarantees that Hizbullah would not be granted access to French combat platforms.
Dec. 22, 2014


Headline: As ISIL advances, Lebanon military aid delayed over fears it would be used by Hizbullah

Lebanon’s leader has voiced concerns about the threat from Islamic State of Iraq and Levant and the timing of a $3 billion military aid project facilitated by France and Saudi Arabia. “ISIL is present in the region of Arsal, on the Lebanese-Syrian border,” Lebanese Prime Minister Tamam Salam said. “If it manages to invade Lebanon, it will impose its extremism everywhere.” In an interview with France’s Le Journal du Dimanche on Dec. 21, Salam acknowledged differences with the French armament program. The prime minister said the Lebanese Air Force must receive attack helicopters to stop the infiltration of ISIL as well as Nusra Front for the Defense of Levant from neighboring Syria. “We are still in talks for the helicopters to be delivered at the beginning of the program rather than at the end, so that we can use missiles as soon as possible against the jihadis in the mountains,” Salam said. Officials said France would attempt to complete the final details of a Saudi-financed weapons deal for the Lebanese military. They said a leading French defense official would seek to complete an order and timetable for the first shipment of weapons to enhance Lebanon’s ability to battle ISIL. Officials said the Lebanese military modernization program has been delayed for months amid French and Saudi concerns that advanced weapons could fall into the hands of the Iranian-sponsored Hizbullah. They said Beirut has been pressed to guarantees that Hizbullah would not be granted access to French combat platforms.
Dec. 22, 2014

   Damascus ISIS
Syria Iraq ISIS- the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (the Levant) ISIS=ISIL=IS=Daash

Syria    IraqKurdistan


Iraq                              Syria                          Kurdistan

Syria Headline:    Syria says Israeli drone downed in Quneitra

Syria said on Sunday that an Israeli drone had been brought down in the province of Quneitra near the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. State media said the drone was flying above the village of Hadar when it was downed. It was not immediately clear whether it had been shot down or had crashed. Quneitra has seen heavy fighting between forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad and rebels including al-Qaeda-linked fighters. Israel has struck Syria several times since the start of the latter’s nearly four-year civil war, mostly destroying weaponry such as missiles that Israeli officials said were destined for their long-time foe Hezbollah in neighboring Lebanon. Syria said last week that Israeli jets had bombed areas near Damascus international airport and in the town of Dimas, near the border with Lebanon.
Dec. 21, 2014

Deir al Zor

Syria Headline:  20 jihadists killed in failed east Syria airport attack

At least 20 Islamist State (IS) group members were killed in the second failed jihadist bid in a month to take over an air base in eastern Syria, a monitoring group said Sunday. “The IS tried, starting late Saturday, to storm the air base. A total of 20 jihadists were killed in the attack, as well as two regime soldiers,” said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. Nineteen of the IS members were Syrian, while one was Moroccan. They were killed in fighting and heavy army shelling. “The withdrawing jihadists seized and took with them several anti-aircraft missiles,” said Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman.  The attack was the second recent attempt by IS to take over the Deir Ezzor military air base, one of the last remaining regime positions in the eastern province.
Dec. 21, 2014

Syria Headline:   Four children dead in Syria school bus strike

At least four Syrian school children were killed and 10 wounded on Monday when a regime air strike hit their bus in the northwest of the country, a monitor said. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said most of those wounded and killed when the Syrian air force hit a school bus near the village of Jubass in Idlib province were under the age of 10. “The toll could go rise as there are serious injuries,” said the monitor, which has a wide network of sources on the ground across Syria. Idlib is largely in the hands of Syria’s Al-Qaeda franchise, Al-Nusra Front, which in recent weeks has fended off advances by rival rebel groups and now holds two strategic military bases in the province.
Dec. 22, 2014

Syria Headline:    New decision by Syrian Defense Ministry raises concerns among civilians

The General Directorate of military recruitment in Syria issued a decision on Saturday, banning men who haven’t served in the regime’s army from leaving the country. All branches of immigration and passports across the country began the implementation of the newly issued decision. According to Syrian officials, the Ministry of Defense has requested the issuance of such a decision in order to prevent Syrian men –including those who haven’t performed their compulsory military service, as well as those wanted for service in the military reserves– from leaving the country. “We’re only allowed to travel abroad with official approval from the Recruitment Division,” a young Syrian man based in Damascus told ARA News. In the meantime, the Directorate of Education in Aleppo issued a decision saying that the Syrian state’s employees must prove status of their compulsory service; “otherwise their salaries will be suspended”. This is to be implemented from January 2015 on.
Dec. 22, 2014

Syria Headline:   ISW Syria Update Dec. 9-16, 2014

Syria Headline:  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights


Iraq Headline:  ISIS sneaks behind US-backed Kurdish victories in Iraq to retake Baiji refinery city

American, Kurdish and Iraqi officials have hailed as a “major victory” the release of thousands of distressed members of the Yazdi community, trapped for four months on on Mt. Sinjar in northern Iraq, since Islamic State thugs overran their town. Many more fled to Syria while Yazdi women were kidnapped. This was a necessary rescue operation, but hardly a major victory, say debkafile’s military experts. ISIS continues to maintain its grip on vast stretches of Iraq and Syria, defying the efforts of sparse US and coalition air strikes to dislodge them – beyond minor tactical withdrawals. The town of Sinjar is not mentioned in the US and Kurdish releases, because large sections are still in jihadi hands. Even less is heard about the situation on the northern Iraqi-Syrian border, where Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi has achieved almost total supremacy. But the most telling omission by the US-led allies is the fact that, while they focused on Mt. Sinjar, ISIS forces restored their siege of Baiji, Iraq’s main oil refinery center, after pushing Iraqi troops out. This happened after a majority of the local Sunni tribes who fought alongside the Iraqi army up until November, switched sides. The tribal chiefs complained that the Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, who was installed in Baghdad with Washington’s support last year, as a figure able to unite the country’s Sunni and Shiite communities for the war on ISIS, reneged on his promise of pay checks and weapons for the tribesmen who threw in their lot with the national army. Instead, he is accused of aggravating disunity in the armed forces by firing Sunni officers and replacing them with officers loyal to Iraq’s pro-Iranian Shiite militias, who take their orders from Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps commanders.
Dec. 22, 2014

Iraq Headline:   ISW Iraq Situation Report Dec.19-21, 2014

Iraq Headline:  ISW Control of Terrain in Iraq: December 21, 2014

Kurdish Headline: Sinjar battle: Kurds ‘take control’ of large area from IS

Kurdish authorities say their Peshmerga forces have taken control of a “large area” of the Iraqi town of Sinjar from Islamic State militants. Iraqi Kurdish leader Massoud Barzani claimed large Peshmerga advances during a visit to nearby Mount Sinjar. The town, near the Syrian border has been controlled by Islamic State (IS) militants since August. Kurdish Peshmerga fighters backed by US-led air strikes launched a counter-offensive in the area last week. “Thanks to God we have opened and controlled all the roads and broken the siege imposed on Sinjar Mountain” he said. “The liberation of the centre of Sinjar town was not part of our plans, but we have managed to take control of a large area of it,” he added. Kurdish authorities first announced on Friday that they had broken the IS siege of Mount Sinjar, where thousands of Yazidis and other displaced Iraqis have been trapped since August. Supply convoys are now able to get through to the civilians still on the mountain.
Dec. 21, 2014

Psalm 83           

Listed below are the nations which will attack Israel from Ezekiel chapter 38 and their modern day names (see chart above). 

Gog is the leader of the Russian invasion of Israel.

Magog, Meshech, and Tubal comprise modern day Russia.

Persia is Iran, parts of northern Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Cush is Ethiopia and Sudan.

Put is Libya and will most likely include Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco.

Gomer is Eastern Germany.

Beth Togarmah is Turkey and Armenia. 


Headline:  Official: Russia plotting to start war on Israel

Russia is preparing a contingency plan to prompt Hezbollah and possibly the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad into a direct military conflict with Israel, according to a French official who has been apprised of the situation. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the contingency was meant to be used as a card against the West, particularly the U.S. and European Union, which has been engaged in efforts to isolate Moscow. This past week, the U.S. and E.U. adapted tighter sanctions on the Russian economy, including restrictions on investments in the Crimea, with emphasis on Russian Black Sea oil and gas exploration and tourism. The official said there is information Russia in recent weeks successfully shipped to Hezbollah a large convoy of Iskandar ballistic missiles and surface-to-air missiles. The missiles were received, despite Israel’s alleged airstrikes in Syria targeting Russian-shipped weapons earlier this month, the official said. The official said Russia has not made any decision about agitating a Hezbollah attack on Israel, but views a possible conflict in the Mideast as a card it can play in its confrontation with the West, particularly in Ukraine.
Dec. 20, 2014


Headline:  Iran’s IRGC ‘Massacring’ Iraqi Sunnis It ‘Saves’ from ISIS

In an explosive TV interview aired last week, Iraq’s Grand Mufti Rafi Al-Rifa’i, the highest Sunni authority in the country, accused the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), the Iraqi government, and Iraqi Shiite militias of mass genocidal killings and rape of Sunni men and women from Iraqi towns and villages “liberated” from ISIS (Islamic State). Mufti Al-Rifa’i posed the unanswerable question, “Why should we fight ISIS? So the Iranian IRGC can take over? The same Iranian IRGC that is running operations in Iraq?” Mufti Al-Rifa’i is the religious leader of roughly eight million Sunni Muslims who live in the western parts of Iraq. Overall, about 22 million Sunni Muslims live in eastern Syria and Western Iraq. They are the current target of ISIS – and also, it turns out, of the Iranian IRGC. In a tragic retelling, the Sunni Mufti Al-Rifa’i described that when the Iraqi Sunni town Jurf al-Sakhar was “liberated,” the men are immediately separated from the women and children after which “nobody knows what happened to the men,” intimating that they were immediately mass-murdered. To top things off, the women and children were not allowed to return to their homes and left “without a roof over their heads.” He added, “Orchards were bulldozed, and houses and (Sunni) mosques were burned down.” Ominously, the cleric added that “This has happened in each and every (Sunni) city” that has been “liberated” by the Iraqi government. He bitterly related that the Iraqi government renamed the Sunni city of Jurf al-Sakhar “Jurf Al-Nasr” (“Nasr” means “victory”) after retaking it, but from his description, the battle was more like a Shi’ite genocidal massacre of Sunni civilian men, women, and children. Al-Rifa’i went to the heart of the matter – the American policy of targeting only the Sunni ISIS – when he asked: “Am I supposed to fight against ISIS, so (Shi’ite) militias can come in an rape our (Sunni) women?”
Dec. 21, 2014



****Clicking on the UNDERLINED sections will take you to the news link

Headline:   War News for Monday, Dec. 22,  2014

#1: At least 28 militants have been killed in Afghanistan, the defence ministry said on Monday.

#2: The Afghan army has waged an offensive in Dangam district of eastern Kunar province, where has been the scene of fierce clashes within the past 10 days, an army source said on Monday.

#3: An Afghan official says seven policemen were killed in a northern province after their checkpoint came under attack by insurgents. Abdul Manan Raoufi, police operational chief of Jawzjan province, says that along with the seven killed, five other policemen were wounded in the attack late Saturday in a village in the province’s Qashtepa district.

#4: Finnish military personnel and Afghan security officials came under gunfire in northern Afghanistan on Saturday. The attack went on for some twenty minutes, commander Pekka Kortelainen told Yle from a military base in Mazar-i-Sharif. Kortelainen said that the attackers were rebels, and had not yet been apprehended on Sunday evening.

#5: A prosecutor of Kunar province Appeal Court was martyred by explosion of a mine yesterday.

#6: As a result of mines explosion 5 Afghan National Army (ANA) soldiers were martyred in the country. Ministry of National Defense press office spokesman stated BNA, 5 ANA forces were targeted by mines explosion, while they were busy in their routine duties in different parts of the country.

#7: Five children who were playing close to landmine embraced martyrdom after they pulled the wire attached to it in western Farah province.




Headline:  China sends 700 peacekeepers to South Sudan

Headline: Oil for peace? China to send 700 peacekeepers to S. Sudan, signs energy deal

Chinese state media have reported that China will send 700 troops to South Sudan as part of the country’s first infantry battalion to participate in a United Nations peacekeeping mission. The official Xinhua News Agency said 180 of the troops will fly to South Sudan next month followed by the rest of the battalion in March. The agency said the battalion will be equipped with drones, armored infantry carriers, anti-tank missiles, mortars and other weapons for self-defense purposes. Xinhua said more than 2,000 Chinese peacekeepers are posted in conflict zones around the world. South Sudan has been engulfed in civil war over the past year after its secession from Sudan in 2011.
Dec. 22, 2014




Headline: Libya fighting spreads to third oil port, 11 killed in Benghazi

At least five people were killed and 35 wounded in clashes between Libyan pro-government forces and radical fighters in Benghazi, medics and military officials said.
Army special forces and troops led by former general Khalifa Haftar have been fighting to oust Islamist groups in the eastern coastal city since October and have managed to retake the airport area and army camps that were seized in August. Fadhal Al-Hassi, a senior officer in Haftar’s forces, said that pro-government forces moved into the Lithi district, where radical groups including Ansar Al-Sharia are still mostly in control, according to military officials. Medics at one Benghazi hospital told a Reuters reporter that at least five bodies had been brought in since the morning and that more casualties were expected as fighting still raging. About 500 people have been killed since October, medics say. At least 11 people were killed and 63 wounded in clashes on Monday.
Dec. 22, 2014


Headline:   Abbas starts official visit to Algeria

President of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas on Sunday began an official visit to Algeria at the invitation of President Abdelaziz Bouteflika. During his three-day visit, the Palestinian top official will hold meetings with Algerian senior officials to discuss the latest developments of the Palestinian issue, according to the official APS news agency. They will “look for ways to mobilize more support of the Arab world and the international community in general to the right of the Palestinian people to establish their independent state with al-Quds (Jerusalem) as a capital,” the report said. The leaders will also “discuss ways and means of boosting bilateral cooperation and consolidating Algeria’s absolute solidarity with the Palestinian people,” according to the report.
Dec. 22, 2014

nation against nationCooltextprophecysignLuke 21:9 and Matthew 24:7 speak of nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom in the end times. Revelation 6:3-4 speaks of the fiery red horse given power to make men slay one another and Revelation 6:8 speaks again of this red horse in conjunction with the pale horse of Death and Hades, as the one that has the power to kill by sword.  Luke 21:9: wars & commotions; the Greek word here is Akatastasia, meaning instability, a state of disorder, disturbance, confusion (revolutions)   Matthew 24:7: the Greek word for nation is Ethnos & refers to various ethnic groups fighting among themselves, where the next sentence in the verse refers to kingdoms (basileiva) fighting one another (not to be confused with an actual kingdom but rather the right or authority to rule over a kingdom)

Headline: Big-City Police Departments on Alert After Cop Killings

Headline: It’s WAR On The Streets Of America

Big-city police departments and union leaders around the country are warning the rank and file to wear bulletproof vests and avoid making inflammatory posts on social media in the days after a man ambushed two officers and shot them to death inside their patrol car. The slayings of Officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu on Saturday afternoon in Brooklyn heightened fears about the safety of law enforcement officials nationwide, though there is no evidence any threats are imminent. The gunman, 28-year-old Ismaaiyl Brinsley, had vowed in an Instagram post to put “wings on pigs” as retaliation for the slayings of black men at the hands of white police. Brinsley was black; the slain New York Police Department officers were Hispanic and Asian. Investigators are trying to determine if Brinsley had taken part in any protests over the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner, whose names he invoked in his online threat, or simply latched onto the cause for the final act in a violent rampage. The slayings come at a tense time as police nationwide are being criticized following Garner’s death in a New York officer’s chokehold and Brown’s fatal shooting in Ferguson, Missouri. Protests erupted in recent weeks after grand juries declined to charge the officers involved.
Dec. 22, 2014

Headline: Twin bomb blasts in northeast Nigeria bus station kill 20

Two bomb explosions at a bus station in the northeast Nigeria on Monday killed at least 20 people and wounded 40, an emergency services official said, and witnesses said many of the victims had rushed in to help those wounded in the first blast. No group immediately claimed responsibility for the attack in the city of Gombe. Boko Haram insurgents have repeatedly set off bombs targeting civilians, especially in the northeast where they are trying to carve out an Islamic state. “The second blast was worse than the first one because many people rushed to the scene and were affected. Many were killed and many injured,” witness Mohammed Fawu told Reuters by phone. Setting off twin bombs is a classic guerrilla tactic which seeks to maximise casualties. Hours later, an explosion shook a busy market in the north Nigerian city of Bauchi on Monday, engulfing it in flames and causing an unknown numbers of casualties, a Reuters witness said. Large sections of the central market area were on fire, sending plumes of smoke into the air.
Dec. 22, 2014

Headline: ‘Dozens of Houthis killed’ in central Yemen

Headline: Yemeni militants name France’s Total as target

Dozens of Houthi rebels have been killed in central Yemen in a suspected revenge attack after at least 40 people from a rival tribe were kidnapped by the Shia group, sources told Al Jazeera. At least 42 Houthis were killed by Sunni tribesman in Arhab on Sunday, a local source said. The Houthis, who have been pushing for control of Arhab, an area some 30km northeast of Sanaa, have used heavy weaponry, including tanks and artillery to shell homes and neighbourhoods, in fighting that has left dozens dead. The rebels were previously based in the northern highlands, where Yemen’s Zaidi Shia minority is concentrated, but they have made significant advances in provinces south of Sanaa since seizing the capital in September.
Dec. 22, 2014

j_thumb1.jpg CooltextprophecysignEconomic collapse Revelation 6:5-6 & James 5:1-3Worldwide“ When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.” (Revelation) “Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries that are coming upon you! Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have heaped up treasure in the last days.” (James)

Headline:   Russia starts bailing out banks as economy faces ‘full-blown crisis’

Russia is facing a “full-blown economic crisis”, a former finance minister has warned, as the country is forced to take emergency financial measures. The economy has been battered by a wave of sanctions as a result of tensions over Ukraine, geopolitical uncertainty, and falling oil prices. Alexei Kudrin, a former finance minister and once considered an ally of President Vladimir Putin, said: “Today I can say that we have entered or are currently entering a full-blown economic crisis. Next year we will feel it in full force.” Analysts have warned that the Russian economy will not improve in the long-term unless either the oil price or relations over Ukraine improve. Speaking at a press conference in Moscow, Mr Kudrin went on to say: “As for what the President and government must do now, the most important factor is the normalisation of Russia’s relations with its business partners, above all in Europe, the US and other countries”.
Dec. 22, 2014

WarsAndRumorsOfWarsCooltextprophecysign Wars & Rumors of Wars Matthew 24:6 , Revelation 6:3-4 & Revelation 6:8 “ And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.” Revelation 6:3-4 speaks of the fiery red horse given power to make men slay one another and Revelation 6:8 speaks again of this red horse in conjunction with the pale horse of Death and Hades, as the one that has the power to kill by sword. Weapons of Mass Destruction Zechariah 14:12 “And this shall be the plague with which the Lord will strike all the people who fought against Jerusalem: Their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on their feet, Their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets, And their tongues shall dissolve in their mouths.”

Headline:  N. Korea threatens strikes on US amid hacking claims

President Barack Obama is “recklessly” spreading rumors of a Pyongyang-orchestrated cyberattack of Sony Pictures, North Korea says, as it warns of strikes against the White House, Pentagon and “the whole U.S. mainland, that cesspool of terrorism.” Such rhetoric is routine from North Korea’s massive propaganda machine during times of high tension with Washington. But a long statement from the powerful National Defense Commission late Sunday also underscores Pyongyang’s sensitivity at a movie whose plot focuses on the assassination of its leader Kim Jong Un, who is the beneficiary of a decades-long cult of personality built around his family dynasty. The U.S. blames North Korea for the cyberattack that escalated to threats of terror attacks against U.S. movie theaters and caused Sony to cancel “The Interview’s” release. Obama, who promised to respond “proportionately” to the attack, told CNN’s “State of the Union” in an interview broadcast Sunday that Washington is reviewing whether to put North Korea back on its list of state sponsors of terrorism The National Defense Commission, led by Kim, warned that its 1.2 million-member army is ready to use all types of warfare against the U.S.
Dec. 22, 2014

Yale-study-predicts-huge-increase-in-Ebola-cases-in-LiberiaCooltextprophecysignPestilence & Plagues Luke 21:11 & Revelation 6:8 “And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.” (Luke) “So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death (Thanatos in Greek meaning the death of the body whether natural or violent), and by the beasts of the earth” (Revelation)

Headline: Flu outbreak spreading rapidly in U.S.

Flu season is picking up steam just in time to ruin a lot of people’s holidays. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports widespread flu activity in 29 states, primarily in the South and Midwest. That’s twice as many states as the previous week. Most of the patients who have been hospitalized with severe cases of the flu are either very young or the very old. In recent days flu outbreaks have forced schools in Ohio, Tennessee, Georgia and North Carolina to close. So far this season, the virus has killed 11 children.
Dec. 19, 2014

Headline: Top Ebola doctor dies of same Ebola that CDC insists is ‘hard to catch’

Headline: Ebola death toll in three African countries hits 7,373: WHO

One of Sierra Leone’s few remaining top health specialists has died after contracting the Ebola virus. Reports indicate that the experimental Ebola drug ZMab had been en route from Belgium to treat the man, known as Dr. Victor Willoughby, but it was already too late, as he had succumbed to the later stages of the deadly illness. According to Reuters, Dr. Willoughby contracted Ebola after treating a man with organ-related problems. The patient, a senior banker in town, was later diagnosed with the hemorrhagic disease after Dr. Willoughby had already been in contact with him, which resulted in the rapid development of Ebola symptoms not long after. Dr. Willoughby reportedly tested positive for Ebola on a Saturday and died five days later on Thursday. He was one of Sierra Leone’s most senior physicians, according to Al Jazeera, and many other physicians in the country looked up to him for wisdom and advice.
Dec. 21, 2014










December 10, 2014- 3 MILLION fish have died ‘reasons unknown’ in Lake Poopo in Bolivia

December 11, 2014- 24 Geese drop dead out of sky during a storm in Jutland, Denmark

December 12, 2014- 18 turtles found dead along the coast of Rimini, Italy

December 14, 2014- Thousands of dead fish found floating in a river in Pelalawan, Indonesia

December 15, 2014- 300,000 salmon dead due to invasion of Jellyfish in the Western Isles, Scotland

December 16, 2014 – 4,000 Birds killed due to avian flu in Miyazaki, Japan

December 16, 2014- Thousands of dead fish found in a river in Santa Cruz, Bolivia

December 17, 2014 – 3,000+ seals have die this year off the coast of Sweden and Denmark

December 17, 2014 – 130,000 birds to be killed due to avian flu in Lower Saxony, Germany

December 17, 2014 – Large number of dead fish found in a river and lagoon in Santa Catarina, Brazil

December 17, 2014 – 1,200 Birds found dead, 30,000 to be killed due to avian flu near Venice, Italy

December 17, 2014 – Mass die off of fish in Yongkang City, China

December 18, 2014 – Mass die off of fish in a lagoon in Krabi, Thailand

December 19, 2014 – Hundreds of dead fish wash up in Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia

December 20, 2014 – 1,200 young turtles have washed ashore during past 2 months in Cape Cod, Mass. America

December 20, 2014 – 250,000 birds killed due to avian flu in British Columbia, Canada

December 20, 2014 – Hundreds of dead fish found floating on the coast of Guaymas, Mexico  

Luke 21-25 signs in heaven

CooltextprophecysignMatthew 24:7 “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. Luke 21:11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.” Luke21:25 “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring

red-flagBefore you read the news about earthquakes  let me tell you to expect some huge quakes soon.  Since they are one of the last day signs and we are in the midst of the last day birth pains more of these big quakes will be seen!

Headline:  Magnitude 5.9 earthquake hits Japan’s Honshu island: USGS

A 5.9 magnitude earthquake hit Japan’s Honshu island on Saturday, the U.S. Geological Survey said, shaking Fukushima where crippled nuclear power plants are located, but local media said there was no tsunami warning. USGS said the quake’s epicenter was located 42 miles (68 km) east-northeast of Iwaki on Honshu. It was measured at a depth of 22.9 miles (37 km). A spokesman for Tokyo Electric Power, which owns the nuclear plants, said no irregularities have been found at its Fukushkma Daiichi or Daini plants. The national broadcaster NHK said there was no tsunami warning, and there were no immediate reports of casualties or serious damage.
Dec. 20, 2014

Headline: No Tsunami Threat After Magnitude 6.6 Earthquake Strikes In Indonesia’s Molucca Sea

A earthquake registering a preliminary magnitude of 6.6 struck in the Molucca Sea Sunday, according to the U.S. Geological Survey’s automated seismograph alert network. The quake struck an estimated depth of 34 miles below the earth’s surface. Deeper quakes are less noticeable while a shallow quake–in the 0 to 40 mile depth range–can feel much stronger than their actual reported magnitude. Quakes just below the earth’s surface, in the 0 to 10 miles range, can cause even more damage at lower magnitudes. No tsunami warning was issued.
Dec. 21, 2014

Headline: Five powerful earthquakes rattle B.C., edges of the Pacific plate over the weekend

A series of five strong earthquakes rattled coastal B.C. this weekend, starting just a few hours before five more — including a magnitude 6.6 quake — hit Indonesia. The B.C. quakes measured from 4.0 to 5.1 in magnitude and were centred offshore between Haida Gwaii and Vancouver Island, about 200 kilometres southwest of Bella Bella, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. In all, 15 earthquakes measuring above 4.0 were detected from about 3 p.m. Saturday to 5 p.m. Sunday at spots around the perimeter of the Pacific Plate, which runs along the western edge of North America from the Baja California peninsula to the Aleutian Islands in the north, and south from Russia to New Zealand, via coastal Japan, Indonesia, and the Philippines. Though some earthquakes are known to trigger others, it is unlikely that happened this weekend, say experts in the field. “The earth is hugely seismically active,” said Brett Gilley, an instructor with the University of B.C.’s Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences Department. He said it is not uncommon for earthquakes to cluster locally as happened in B.C., then Indonesia. “Earthquakes often happen in swarms,” said Gilley, noting that those off the B.C. coast were of similar size. “What’s happening is the stress is sort of adjusting over the whole area.”
Dec. 22, 2014

Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes{%22feed%22%3A%221day_m25%22%2C%22search%22%3Anull%2C%22sort%22%3A%22newest%22%2C%22basemap%22%3A%22grayscale%22%2C%22autoUpdate%22%3Atrue%2C%22restrictListToMap%22%3Atrue%2C%22timeZone%22%3A%22local%22%2C%22mapposition%22%3A[[-82.49482361179572%2C-81.2109375]%2C[82.44876405595812%2C481.28906250000006]]%2C%22overlays%22%3A{%22plates%22%3Atrue}%2C%22viewModes%22%3A{%22map%22%3Atrue%2C%22list%22%3Atrue%2C%22settings%22%3Afalse%2C%22help%22%3Afalse}}

DiMora on the Wall with Israeli Flag

Up-dating The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December 17, 2014 By Frank DiMora


freeFREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates. The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December 17, 2014 Edition written by Frank DiMora.


I am giving a prophecy seminar tonight in Lompoc Ca. so there will be no news posting today.

Palestinian Bid & More Oil for Israel/ Prophecy Signs for December 15, 2014



Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436

indexBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates. The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December 11, 2014 Edition written by Frank DiMora.

Zechariah 12v2,3

Headline:   Hamas Holds Gaza Military Parade, Vows Israel’s Destruction

Vowing to destroy Israel, Hamas paraded some 2,000 of its armed fighters and truck-mounted rockets through Gaza on Sunday, marking its 27th anniversary with its biggest show of force since the end of the Gaza war this summer. A ceasefire in August halted 50 days of fighting with Israel in which local health officials said more than 2,100 Palestinians, most of them civilians, were killed. Israel put the number of its dead at 67 soldiers and six civilians. At the parade, a senior Hamas leader reaffirmed the Islamist movement’s founding charter’s pledge to destroy Israel.
Dec. 14, 2014

Headline: Israel PM rejects withdrawal talk ahead of Kerry meet

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday rejected talk of Israel withdrawing from east Jerusalem and the West Bank within two years, on the eve of a meeting with the top US diplomat. “We… stand against the possibility of a diplomatic assault, that is an attempt to compel us by means of UN decisions to withdraw to the 1967 lines within two years,” said Netanyahu. The Jewish state seized east Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip and the West Bank during the 1967 Six-Day War. It pulled out of Gaza in 2005. Netanyahu said such a withdrawal now would bring “Islamic extremists to the suburbs of Tel Aviv and to the heart of Jerusalem.” Speaking ahead of the weekly meeting of his cabinet, he said he would raise the issue in Rome with US Secretary of State John Kerry and Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi on Monday. “I will tell them that Israel, to a large degree, stands as a solitary island against the waves of Islamic extremism that are washing over the entire Middle East,” the Israeli premier said. “Until now we have successfully withstood and repelled these attacks.”
Dec. 14, 2014

Headline: Palestinians to submit draft Security Council resolution this week

Headline: Kerry meets European ministers on Palestinian UN bid

The Palestinian Authority plans to submit a draft resolution on ending the occupation to the Security Council either late Sunday night or Monday, and will seek a vote on it as early as this Wednesday, senior Palestinian officials said Sunday night. In interviews with the Palestinian media Sunday evening, chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said the resolution would be submitted later that night or Monday, and that he himself planned to meet with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry sometime in the next two days, probably after Kerry’s meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Rome on Monday. But he didn’t say when the Palestinians would seek to bring the resolution to vote. Later Sunday night, however, a member of the Palestinian negotiating team clarified that Palestinians want the Security Council to vote on the resolution on Wednesday, the day after a planned meeting between Kerry and Arab foreign ministers in London.
Dec. 15, 2014

Headline: Palestinians tell ICC they want to join the court

Addressing members of the International Criminal Court for the first time, the Palestinians said Monday they have a consensus to join the tribunal in the hopes of seeking justice for Israel’s alleged crimes. “We view the ICC as the international legal and peaceful mechanism to combat impunity and seek accountability and justice,” Palestinian UN Ambassador Riyad Mansour said in his speech to the 122 members of the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute, which established the ICC. “It is the court where the Palestinian people desire to seek justice for the war crimes, and crimes against humanity, being perpetrated against them by Israel, the occupying power,” Mansour said. The ambassador added that Palestine “may very well be the 123rd state party,” but the timing is up to its leaders.
Dec. 15, 2014

Oil-drumsCooltextprophecysignRestoration of Israel Isaiah 45:3 & Deuteronomy 33:19 “I will give you the treasures of darkness And hidden riches of secret places, That you may know that I, the Lord, Who call you by your name, Am the God of Israel.” (Isaiah) ‘They shall call the peoples to the mountain; There they shall offer sacrifices of righteousness; For they shall partake of the abundance of the seas And of treasures hidden in the sand.” (Deuteronomy)

Headline: Israel reports another major gas find in Mediterranean

An Israeli consortium has reported another major natural gas reserve in the eastern Mediterranean. The consortium said its three-dimensional seismic survey discovered a reserve with some 3.2 trillion cubic feet of gas. The so-called Roi prospect, less than a third the size of the Tamar field, was said to be located in Israeli territorial waters 150 kilometers from the coast. “We have learned that the Levant basin contains in its depths many more reservoirs, and I hope that the next Israeli government will understand the opportunity and encourage entrepreneurs to continue their exploration and development activity for the sake of a promising future,” Israel Opportunity chief executive officer Eyal Shuker said on Dec. 14.
Dec. 15, 2014

Psalm 83 Foto Flexer bb_thumb2.jpg

Cooltextprophecysign“Do not keep silent, O God! Do not hold Your peace, And do not be still, O God! For behold, Your enemies make a tumult; And those who hate You have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, And consulted together against Your sheltered ones. They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.” (Psalm 83)




Headline: Jordan on alert as ISIL opens new front in southern Syria

Islamic State of Iraq and Levant, fighting on at least two fronts, has opened a third — this time in southern Syria. ISIL has been seen recruiting and mobilizing units in the Dera province. Opposition sources said ISIL sent fighters from the Damascus area to the southern border with Jordan while recruiting others from U.S.-financed militias. “They are in the organization stage, but they could begin attacks very soon,” a source said. Supporters have already posted photographs of the new ISIL presence in Dera. They include military vehicles as well as ceremonies in which Syrians pledge allegiance to ISIL. The ISIL activities have generated friction with non-Sunni communities. The sources said Druze troops fighting for Syrian President Bashar Assad opened fire toward ISIL supporters on Dec. 5. The appearance of ISIL came amid rebel gains against the Assad regime in Dera and Quneitra. They cited the ease with which ISIL fighters moved from such provinces as Dir Al Zour past Syrian Army checkpoints to the south. “There is an unmistakeable pattern that any area where Assad cannot operate in Daash [ISIL] appears,” another source said. “And the first thing they do is attack the revolutionaries.” The sources said Jordan has heightened its security alert amid the arrival of ISIL. They said the Hashemite kingdom feared a scenario in which ISIL would use its new positions to infiltrate hundreds of fighters toward Amman. “This poses a major challenge to Jordan in securing its northern border,” Oraib Al Rantawi, director of the Amman-based Al Quds Center for Political Studies, said.
Dec. 15, 2014


Headline:  Egyptian police disperse anti-government rally

At least two people have been severely injured after Egyptian security forces stormed a university campus in the city of Beni Suef to disperse a pro-Muslim Brotherhood rally. Police forces detained at least seven students for allegedly inciting violence during the Sunday protest in the city, some 100 kilometers south of the capital Cairo. The students have been protesting the detention of their colleagues and a nationwide crackdown on anti-government demonstrations. Egyptian universities including al-Azhar and Cairo have become the main protest sites since the ouster of the country’s first democratically-elected president, Mohamed Morsi, in July 2013. The government of President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi has recently ratified a law that treats every public facility in Egypt just like the military. The law even threatens university students with military trials if they damage campus structure or properties or disrupt educational programs by staging protests.
Dec. 14, 2014

   Damascus ISIS
Syria Iraq ISIS- the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (the Levant) ISIS=ISIL=IS=Daash

Syria    IraqKurdistan


Iraq                              Syria                          Kurdistan

Syria Headline:  The Assad Regime Under Stress: Conscription and Protest among Alawite and Minority Populations in Syria

After three years of grueling warfare against armed opposition fighters, the Syrian regime faces a dire internal crisis not witnessed since the initial months of the conflict. Defections, desertions, and over 44,000 combat fatalities have reduced the Syrian Arab Army from a pre-war high of 325,000 soldiers to an estimated 150,000 battle-tested yet war-weary troops. Despite reinforcement from tens of thousands of foreign volunteers, Lebanese Hezbollah militants, and pro-government militias, regime forces have proven unable to decisively overcome rebel brigades on the battlefield. These pressures were only exacerbated by the withdrawal of thousands of Iraqi Shi’a militiamen from Syria in June 2014 redeployed to counter the ongoing ISIS offensive in Iraq. At the same time, key demographics within the President Bashar al-Assad’s support base – including the Alawite population – have exhibited growing signs of dissatisfaction with the Syrian regime. Pre-existing grievances related to repression and social inequities have merged with high casualty counts and rising economic stress to fuel a sense of exhaustion among regime supporters. Faced with both a war-weary populace and a burgeoning manpower deficit that threatens its survival, the Syrian regime has resorted to a nation-wide forced conscription campaign – threatening to further split the regime from its base.
Dec. 15, 2014

Syria Headline:  Al-Qaeda faction in Syria claims to have U.S.-supplied anti-tank weapon

As extremist rebels in Syria lay claim to fresh weapons, a new video circulating online purports to show an al-Qaeda-linked group fielding U.S.-supplied anti-tank weapons that may have been intended for more moderate factions in the conflict. In early November, the al-Qaeda-linked Jabhat al-Nusra ousted two U.S.-supplied moderate factions, Harak Hazam and the Syrian Revolutionary Front, from their strongholds in northern Idlib province. Although al-Nusra was thought to have seized significant caches of equipment during the fighting, the exact nature of those arms has been unclear. On Monday, however, a Twitter account associated with Jabhat al-Nusra posted a photo of a TOW anti-tank guided missile system, a formidable weapon used against armored targets.
Dec. 15, 2014

Syria Headline:  Syrian army recaptures territory north of Aleppo

Syria’s army seized an area north of Aleppo on Sunday and killed insurgents in battles for the strategic territory, a group monitoring the war and state media reported.
Syria’s second city is at the heart of a fierce battle between pro-government forces and a range of insurgents, including al-Qaida’s Syria wing, Islamist brigades and Western-backed rebels. The United Nations Syria envoy Staffan de Mistura is seeking a local ceasefire in Aleppo to allow badly-needed humanitarian assistance into the divided northern city.
Insurgent-held districts have been flattened by Syrian air force bombardments, including barrel bombs – crude explosive devices packed with shrapnel and nails. Pro-government forces captured an area east of al-Malah farms outside Aleppo and is now aiming to secure parts in the west and cut off insurgent supply lines into the city, the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.
Dec. 14, 2014

syria army base

Syria Headline:  Al-Qaeda seizes key army base in northwest Syria

Syria Headline:  Al-Nusra militants attack Syrian rebels in Daraa

Syria Headline:  Syrian Islamist Rebels Capture Key Army Bases In Idlib Province, Open Road To Damascus

Syria’s Al-Qaeda affiliate on Monday seized the key army base of Wadi Al-Deif in the country’s northwestern province of Idlib from government forces, a monitoring group said.
“The Al-Nusra Front, backed by (Islamist group) Jund Al-Aqsa, seized control of the Wadi Al-Deif military base… after a fierce offensive that began yesterday (Sunday) morning,” the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. Nearby, Islamist rebels pressed an offensive aimed at taking Hamidiyeh, which after the fall of Wadi Al-Deif became the regime’s last remaining base in Idlib, the Observatory said. The jihadists’ lightning victory in Wadi Al-Deif leaves most of Idlib province, which borders Turkey, under Al-Nusra Front control.
Dec. 15, 2014


Syria Headline:  40 civilians, opposition killed in Syria battles – SOHR

Some 40 civilians and opposition fighters have been killed in clashes with the regime and by airstrikes in Syria’s Idlib, Aleppo and Deir Azzor, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said Monday night. Nine people were killed and others critically injured, among them women and children, when the jet fighters hit Idlib’s Kafr Takharim and Khan Sheikhoun towns, northwest of the country. Deaths are likely to rise, the monitoring group, based in Britain, said. Also in Idlib, fighters of Al-Nusra Front, Jund Al-Aqsa and Ahrar Asham Islamist group have had full control of Beseeda following clashes with Syrian troops that withdrew from the village. In Deir Azzor, air raids killed 11 people in the province’s southeast suburbs.
Meanwhile, an airstrike by the US-led coalition targeting an Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) premises in Deir Azzour’s Al-Bukamal border town with Iraq, killed at least four militants and injured many from the insurgent group. Another raid on the village of Tabia Jazeera in Deir Azzor province, left many killed or wounded, the Observatory said.
Meanwhile, 14 opposition members were killed in clashes that have been on since Sunday night with Syrian troops supported by National Defense Force and Hezbollah, Iranian and Afghan fighters north of Aleppo. In the south, a commander was killed in clashes between Nusra Front and the Yarmouk Brigade in the town of Sahm Al-Jolan, west of Daraa. A man was also killed and awoman wounded.
Dec. 15, 2014

Syria Headline:  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights

Iraq Headline:  ISIS shoots down Iraqi helicopter killing pilots

Iraqi officials on Saturday said Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) militants shot down Iraqi helicopter near Samarra, killing two pilots onboard and raising fresh concerns about the extremists’ ability to attack aircraft amid ongoing U.S.-led coalition airstrikes. The attack happened in the Shiite holy city of Samarra, about 95 kilometers (60 miles) north of Baghdad. A senior Defense Ministry official told The Associated Press the Sunni militants used a shoulder-fired rocket launcher to shoot down the EC635 helicopter on the outskirts of the city. An army official corroborated the information. Both spoke on condition of anonymity as they weren’t authorized to speak to journalists. The EC635, built by Airbus Helicopters, is used for transport, surveillance and combat. The militants shot down at least two other Iraqi military helicopters near the city of Beiji in October. Some fear the militants may have captured ground-to-air missiles capable of shooting down airplanes when they overran Iraqi and Syrian army bases this summer.
Dec. 13, 2014

Iraq Headline: China offers military assistance to Iraq in ISIL fight

Iraq Headline: Hundreds of Chinese said fighting alongside Islamic State in Middle East

Iraqi Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari says China has extended an offer to help Baghdad fight the Takfiri ISIL militants by carrying out its own airstrikes against the terrorists. Jaafari stated that his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi made the offer during a UN anti-terrorism meeting in New York back in September, noting, however, that Beijing will not join the US-led military coalition against ISIL. “[Mr Wang] said, our policy does not allow us to get involved in the international coalition,” the Iraqi foreign minister said. He added, “I welcomed this initiative. I told him… we are ready to deal with the coalition and also co-operate with countries outside this coalition.” The top Iraqi diplomat further noted that what his country needs now in the fight against ISIL militants is more munitions. “Our problem is with the supply of arms and weaponry,” Jaafari said.
Dec. 15, 2014

Iraq Headline: Iraqi Parliament Speaker to Ask Iran to Arm Sunnis

Iraqi Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jabouri will visit Iran in the next few days and is expected to ask Tehran to assist Iraqi Sunnis against the Islamic State. Niyaz Auglu, an Iraqi Turkmen official and Iraqi MP, told BasNews that the aim of al-Jabouri’s visit to Iran is to strengthen Iraqi Sunni relations with Iranian officials and request Iranian military support for the Sunnis. Auglu also said that the Iraqi Parliament Speaker would visit a number of other countries in the upcoming week, aiming to strengthen relations and encourage them to provide more support to Baghdad in the face of the Islamic State attacks. Iran has been seen as an important ally for Iraq against Islamic State in northern Iraq and the Kurdistan Region. There have been reports of the Iranian army being actively involved in recent clashes between the extremist group and the Iraqi army and Peshmerga forces.
Dec. 15, 2014

Iraq Headline:  ISW Iraq Situation Report Dec.15, 2014

Kurdish Headline: U.S. drops ‘unfair designation’ of Kurdish groups’ as terrorists

The United States has removed two Kurdish movements from the State Department list of terrorist organizations. In 2001, the State Department, under pressure from Turkey, placed a range of Kurdish groups on the terror list. They were classified as a Tier-3 terror group under the Patriot Act, passed in wake of the Al Qaida suicide air strikes on New York and Washington. A senior official said the State Department removed the Kurdistan Democratic Union and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan from the U.S. list of terrorist groups. The official said the removal under the National Defense Authorization Act would enable Iraqi Kurdish leaders to travel to the United States to discuss the war against Islamic State of Iraq and Levant. “Congress has passed the NDAA with a provision removing PUK and KDP from the list of designated organizations under U.S. immigration laws,” Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Brett McGurk said. In a statement on Dec. 13, McGurk, President Barack Obama’s envoy in the war against ISIL, acknowledged that the two Kurdish groups should have been removed from the State Department list long ago. He did not elaborate.
Dec. 15, 2014

rise of ISIS

Elections piece updated 9 JUL-01

Headline:  ISIS’s Future Global Footprint: A Historical Perspective from the Sinjar Records

The ISIS campaign in Iraq and Syria has shifted course since October 2014. ISIS lost control of three key strongholds in Iraq in November 2014, while Kurdish forces and the international coalition contested its control of Kobane. These losses have cost ISIS the initiative on some fronts, but ISIS continues to conduct offensives throughout its depth. As of December 14, 2014, ISIS is consolidating its core strength, attacking to close physical vulnerabilities, and posturing for new territorial gains. The raised intensity of the ground war in Iraq fixes ISIS to some extent, a condition which ISIS will likely try to reverse. ISIS’s strategic culture depends upon seizing and holding the initiative. If ISIS loses the initiative in battle, ISIS may attempt to regain it by other means, such as opening new fronts in Syria. ISIS may also decide to transform to a phased expansion beyond Sham. This may explain why ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi released a statement on November 13, 2014 recognizing the fealty declarations of multiple jihadist groups worldwide. In addition to expanding the ISIS global network, Baghdadi declared five remote wilayats, or governorates, in locations he indicated had been carefully selected, namely Libya, Sinai, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen. One might interpret this speech as a feint, designed to throw off the calculus of international players, or as hyperbole. But these declared ISIS wilayats may well showcase the future phases of ISIS’s campaign design and indicate how ISIS plans to seed the Caliphate in the midst of other states.
Dec. 15, 2014

Psalm 83

Listed below are the nations which will attack Israel from Ezekiel chapter 38 and their modern day names (see chart above). 

Gog is the leader of the Russian invasion of Israel.

Magog, Meshech, and Tubal comprise modern day Russia.

Persia is Iran, parts of northern Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Cush is Ethiopia and Sudan.

Put is Libya and will most likely include Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco.

Gomer is Eastern Germany.

Beth Togarmah is Turkey and Armenia. 


Headline:  Ukraine cheers US vote for military aid, Russia outraged

Ukraine on Friday welcomed a US bill that would allow Washington to provide lethal military assistance to the embattled country, but Russia expressed outrage at the “openly confrontational” legislation. The bill — passed late on Thursday and due to get final approval in Congress on Friday before being sent to US President Barack Obama — opens the way for up to $350 million (280 million euros`) worth of US military hardware to be sent to Ukraine, which has been fighting an eight-month war against Kremlin-backed separatists in its east. It also threatens fresh sanctions against Russia, whose economy is crumbling under previous rounds of Western sanctions and a collapse in oil prices. US Secretary of State John Kerry is set to meet Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in Rome on Monday amid the toughening American response. Russia`s foreign ministry said the new US legislation put a “powerful bomb” under US-Russia bilateral ties.
Dec. 13, 2014


Headline:  CONFIRMED: Iran’s Foreign Military Arm Is Backing Yemeni Rebels Who Took Control Of The Country

Iran has supplied weapons, money and training to the Shi’ite Houthi militia that seized Yemen’s capital in September, as Tehran steps up its regional power struggle with Saudi Arabia, Yemeni and Iranian officials say. Exactly how much support Iran has given the Houthis, who share a Shi’ite ideology, has never been clear. Sunni countries in the Gulf accuse Iran of interference via Shi’ite proxies in the region, something Tehran denies. But Reuters has details — from Yemeni, Western and Iranian sources — of Iranian military and financial support to the Houthis before and after their takeover of Sanaa on Sept. 21. A senior Houthi official denied there had been material and financial support. But the assertions are still likely to reinforce Saudi, and Western, fears that Iran is exploiting turmoil between Sunni and Shi’ite Muslims in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Bahrain and now Yemen.
Dec. 15, 2014



****Clicking on the UNDERLINED sections will take you to the news link

Headline:   War News for Monday, December 15, 2014

Reported security incidents
#1: At least 14 armed oppositions were killed following Afghan security forces clearing operation in Dangam district, Kunar province.

#2: Afghan National Security Forces discovered and detonated a road side mine in Bagrami area, Kabul city this morning.

#3: A civilian was martyred and another wounded in a roadside mine explosion in Laghman province this morning.

#4: At least five Afghan National Army (ANA) soldiers were martyred following Improvised Explosive Device (IED) attack. Gen. Zahir Azimi, spokesman for the Ministry of Defense (MoD), said the Afghan soldiers were martyred in the past 24 hours.

#5: Officials say a number of insurgents have been killed and injured in the battle with the security forces following a massive attack at Dangam district of eastern Kunar province which is still ongoing. Provincial police chief Abdul Habib Sayedkhil said only four soldiers have suffered injuries in the exchange of fire. The number of the insurgents is said to be in hundreds

#6: Hazrat Hussain Mashriqiwal, spokesman for Nangarhar police says a group of gunmen attacked a security checkpoint in Ghurband area of Chaparhar district last night leaving four attackers killed and four policemen injured. Mashriqiwal said exchange of fire took place between police and assailants following a suicide attack at the checkpoint where a number of attackers also suffered injuries.

#7: At least 20 people – including 12 members of a landmine-clearing team – have been killed in a series of attacks blamed on the Taliban. 


Headline: Clashes close Libya’s largest oil port; Tunisia seals border

Tunisia closed its largest border with Libya as fighting between armed factions allied to Libya’s competing governments broke out on Sunday, Libyan and Tunisian officials said.
Libya’s eastern Es Sider oil export port, the country’s biggest, has been shut due to the fighting. The OPEC oil producer is caught in a conflict between two governments and parliaments since a group called Libya Dawn seized Tripoli in the summer. In recent weeks it has sought to regain ground in the west with airstrikes and the use of allied troops from the Zintan area calling themselves the Libyan National Army. Omar Al-Sanki, interior minister of the recognized government, said his forces had seized the western Ras Jdir border crossing, the main gateway into Tunisia. But a Libyan border official and the mayor of Zuwara, a town east of Ras Jdir, denied this. “Our forces…are still in control of Ras Jdir and it is not true that the borders have been taken by the army of tribes -LNA,” said the mayor, Hafed Juma. He said warplanes belonging to the eastern-based government had attacked their positions, killing four people. A Tunisian security source said there was fighting in the Libyan area of Boukamech near Ras Jdir. The border station was open, though Tunisia had advised its citizens to avoid the crossing.
Dec. 15, 2014


Headline:   New Morocco-Algeria tension looms large

Dark clouds are looming large over Algeria and Morocco as the two North African neighbours are locked in a new bitter stand-off and their already shaken relations are inexorably deteriorating. On Thursday, the Moroccan government accused Algeria of being involved in the leaking of classified documents belonging to the Moroccan Foreign Ministry and the General Directorate for Studies and Documents. The diplomatic documents that included classified papers, bank transfers and confidential correspondence were published by an anonymous hacker. Some of the documents reportedly are not new and date several years back, but the spotlight is overwhelmingly on a territory over which Morocco has been in conflict with the Algerian-backed separatist Polisario Front group. Speaking during the press conference that follows the government’s weekly meeting, Morocco’s Foreign Minister Salaheddine Mezouar on Thursday said that his country would “present arguments and evidence that prove Algeria’s involvement in fueling the conflict over the Moroccan Sahara.” It added that when the French reporter asked the unidentified hacker, via social media, about the reasons for his leaks, the answer he received was “to destabilize Morocco.”
Dec. 13, 2014 




Headline:   Turkey’s Erdogan says media raids a response to ‘dirty’ plot

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan on Monday defended weekend raids on media outlets close to a U.S.-based Muslim cleric as a necessary response to “dirty operations” by the government’s political enemies, and told a critical European Union to mind its own business. Sunday’s raids on the Zaman daily and Samanyolu television marked an escalation in Erdogan’s battle with former ally Fethullah Gulen. The two have been in open conflict since a corruption probe targeting Erdogan’s inner circle a year ago, which Erdogan blamed on Gulen. He accuses the cleric of establishing a ‘parallel’ structure in the state through his supporters in the judiciary, police and other institutions, and of wielding influence through the media. Gulen denies any ambition to overthrow Erdogan. “They cry press freedom, but (the raids) have nothing to do with it,” Erdogan said, speaking at the opening of an extension to an oil refinery near Istanbul. “We have no concern about what the EU might say, whether the EU accepts us as members or not, we have no such concern. Please keep your wisdom to yourself,” he said. The European Union, which Turkey is seeking to join, said the media raids ran counter to European values. EU Enlargement Commissioner Johannes Hahn described them as “not really an invitation to move further forward” with Turkey.
Dec. 15, 2014




Headline:  Kazakh, Belarusian Parliaments to Vote on Armenia’s Entry to EEU

Kazakhstan’s lawmakers will vote to ratify the treaty on Armenia’s accession to the Eurasian Economic Union after a meeting in Moscow on Dec. 23, says a Russian government report from a meeting between Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev. “There will be a meeting in Moscow and we will ratify Armenia’s accession,” Nazarbayev is quoted as saying by the report. “maybe Kyrgyzstan will be ready by that time.” “Common customs boards and freedom in movement of people and cargo is a great advantage for our countries,” Nazarbayev said. On Dec. 10, Armenian President Serzh Sarkisian spoke to his Kazakh counterpart by phone. The two presidents discussed prospects for cooperation between their countries within the Eurasian Economic Union. On Dec. 4, the Armenian National Assembly ratified the agreement of Armenia’s accession to the Eurasian Economic Union. On Dec. 10, Russia’s Duma ratified it as well. The Belarusian parliament is set to vote on Armenia’s accession this week, head of the parliament’s committee on international affairs, Nikolay Samoseyko, told RIA Novosti on Monday. After Kazakh and Belarusian lawmakers ratify the treaty, Armenia will become a full member of the Union.
Dec. 15, 2014

nation against nationCooltextprophecysignLuke 21:9 and Matthew 24:7 speak of nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom in the end times. Revelation 6:3-4 speaks of the fiery red horse given power to make men slay one another and Revelation 6:8 speaks again of this red horse in conjunction with the pale horse of Death and Hades, as the one that has the power to kill by sword.  Luke 21:9: wars & commotions; the Greek word here is Akatastasia, meaning instability, a state of disorder, disturbance, confusion (revolutions)   Matthew 24:7: the Greek word for nation is Ethnos & refers to various ethnic groups fighting among themselves, where the next sentence in the verse refers to kingdoms (basileiva) fighting one another (not to be confused with an actual kingdom but rather the right or authority to rule over a kingdom)

Headline: US mass rallies attract thousands over police killings

At least 25,000 protesters paralyzed parts of New York and thousands more marched in Washington, stepping up demonstrations across the United States demanding justice for black men killed by white police. The rallies in the capital, New York, Boston and in several Californian cities were among the largest in a growing protest movement sparked by the killing of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri on August 9. Grand jury decisions not to prosecute the white officers responsible for 18-year-old Brown’s death and a fatal chokehold on New York father of six Eric Garner in July, have triggered weeks of protests. A sea of demonstrators shut down parts of Manhattan and Washington’s Pennsylvania Avenue that leads to the Capitol with cries of “No justice, no peace!” “Justice Now!” and “The whole damn system is guilty as hell!” Police said approximately 25,000 took to the streets in New York. The organizers tweeted that 50,000 people turned out. Their Facebook page had said that 48,000 would take part before the rally began. Thousands take part in the Justice for All March and Rally on Pennsylvania Avenue through downtown Washington, DC, December 13, 2014, to protest the killings of unarmed African-Americans by police officersThe mixed crowds of black and white, mobilized many young people but also families, children, parents and the elderly.
Dec. 14, 2014

Headline: Mexico police and protesters clash ahead of concert for 43 missing university students

Violence broke out Sunday in the city of Chilpancingo, Guerrero, Mexico as police clashed with protesters organizing a concert for 43 missing university students. Both sides blamed the other for initiating the altercation, which began after protesters had finished erecting street barricades ahead of the scheduled concert. Police said eight officers were injured in the melee and protesters reported 13 injuries, including relatives of missing students. The concert was canceled in the wake of the unrest. The latest outbreak of violence comes amid continued frustration with the government’s delayed response to the students’ disappearance in Iguala, Guerrero state, in late September. The circumstances of their disappearance revealed complicity between the local government, police and a prominent drug gang.
Dec. 15, 2014

Headline: Ten killed in al-Shabab attack in Mogadishu

At least 10 Somali government soldiers, including a senior commander, have been killed in a militant attack on an army base near the capital, Mogadishu. Al-Shabab militants armed with rocket-propelled grenades, machine guns and tanks attacked the base near the town of Afgoye, located about 30 kilometers (19 miles) northwest of Mogadishu, on Monday, an unidentified commander said. Among those killed was senior commander, Mohamed Khalif, the official said. Al-Shabab has claimed responsibility for the attack. The development comes as al-Shabab continues launching assaults in Mogadishu.
Dec. 15, 2014

Headline: Yemen’s Houthi fighters push al-Qaeda out of key district

Yemen’s Ansarullah fighters have pushed al-Qaeda-linked militants out of a key district, north of the capital Sana’a. The Houthi movement’s Shia fighters took “full control of the district of Arhab after raiding 20 of its areas and clearing them from Takfiri groups,” said leading Houthi member, Mohamed al-Bakhiti, on Sunday. He added, “The raids came in response to numerous assaults by Takfiri groups on Houthi members.” The fighters blew up seven buildings belonging to al-Qaeda militants in Arhab, taking full control of the district and restoring security after several days of fighting. Meanwhile, the Houthis sacked Sakhr al-Wajih, the governor of the western port city of Hodeida who was appointed by President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, and assigned Hassan Heij for the post.
Dec. 14, 2014

Headline:  Bahraini forces clash with mourners after funeral

Fierce scuffles have broken out between regime forces and mourners in Bahrain following a funeral for a man killed in a bomb explosion earlier this week, Press TV reports. The clashes erupted after Bahraini police officers attacked the mourners, who had come together in the village of Karzakan, situated 20 kilometers (12 miles) southwest of the capital, Manama, on Sunday to mourn the death of 72-year-old Abdul Karim al-Basri. Basri was killed on December 9, when a powerful blast struck near a mosque in Karzakan. Another funeral procession for the slain Bahraini man on December 12 also turned into a protest rally against the ruling Al Khalifa dynasty, when demonstrators chanted slogans against the Manama regime. Clashes reportedly took place between protesters and police, with officers firing tear gas to disperse the crowd.
Dec. 14, 2014 

petrodollar CooltextprophecysignEconomic collapse Revelation 6:5-6 & James 5:1-3Worldwide“ When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.” (Revelation) “Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries that are coming upon you! Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have heaped up treasure in the last days.” (James)

Headline:  Oil plunges again, reaches recession-level depths

Headline:   Egypt stock market loses $3B amid oil plunge

Headline:   London shares tumble on oil price slide

Headline:   Russian ruble falls again, now at 61.25 to the dollar

Another forecast of weak global demand, another nosedive for oil. A 6-month rout in the price of oil accelerated this week, culminating in a 4 percent drop Friday — its third such drop in 5 days — to its lowest level since May of 2009, when the U.S. was still in recession. Friday’s trigger was a lowered expectation for oil consumption from the International Energy Agency. The benchmark U.S. oil price closed down $2.14 to close at $57.81 a barrel in New York. It is now 46 percent below its late-June high for the year of $107.26. Brent crude, the international standard used to price oil purchased by many U.S. refineries, fell 77 cents to close at $61.85. In its monthly oil report, the IEA said global oil demand in 2015 will grow by 900,000 barrels a day — 230,000 less than previously forecast — to 93.3 million barrels a day. The agency said the reduction was a result of “the ever-more tentative pace of the global economic recovery.” It was the latest in a string of reports and forecasts that suggest that there is far more oil being produced globally than there is demand for it.
Dec. 15, 2014–finance.html–finance.html 

Yale-study-predicts-huge-increase-in-Ebola-cases-in-LiberiaCooltextprophecysignPestilence & Plagues Luke 21:11 & Revelation 6:8 “And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.” (Luke) “So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death (Thanatos in Greek meaning the death of the body whether natural or violent), and by the beasts of the earth” (Revelation)

Headline: ‘Super bacteria’ found in Rio’s Olympic waters

A drug-resistant “super bacteria” that’s normally found in hospitals and is notoriously difficult to treat has been discovered in the waters where Rio de Janeiro’s Olympic sailing events will be held, scientists said Monday. The Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Brazil’s most respected health research institute, said it has discovered bacteria that produce an enzyme that make it resistant to most forms of treatment in water samples taken from various spots along the Carioca River. Among the spots is where the river flows into the city’s Guanabara Bay, site of the 2016 sailing and wind surfing events. Bacteria with the so-called KPC enzyme are difficult to treat. The institute said no instances of infection resulting from the contaminated water have yet been detected but warned of possible danger to swimmers. “The illnesses caused by these microorganisms are the same as those caused by common bacteria, but they require stronger antibiotics and, sometimes, can require hospitalization,” the study’s coordinator, Ana Paula D’Alincourt Carvalho Assef, wrote in an email to The Associated Press. “Since the super bacteria are resistant to the most modern medications, doctors need to rely on drugs that are rarely used because they are toxic to the organism.” Even if they don’t immediately fall ill, those who come into contact with the bacteria run the risk of becoming carriers of the microorganism, the institute said in its statement.
Dec. 15, 2014

Headline: WHO Ebola response chief says virus still spreading due to lack of change in behaviors

The failure of Sierra Leone’s strategy for fighting Ebola may be down to a missing ingredient: a big shock that could change people’s behavior and finally prevent further infection. Bruce Aylward, the head of Ebola response at the World Health Organization, said Sierra Leone was well placed to contain the disease — its worst outbreak on record — with infrastructure, organization and aid. The problem is that its people have yet to be shocked out of behavior that is helping the disease to spread, still keeping infected loved ones close and touching the bodies of the dead. “Every new place that gets infected goes through that same terrible learning curve where a lot of people have to die … before those behaviors start to change,” Aylward told Reuters. While neighboring Liberia has turned the tide of Ebola, and both Mali and Nigeria quickly smothered outbreaks, Sierra Leone has more than 70 percent of cases reported in the past three weeks and more than half the 18,000 confirmed cases in the nine-month-old outbreak. The WHO’s death toll from outbreak has climbed to 6,583 but the actual figure is likely to be far higher due to under-reporting of cases.
Dec. 15, 2014 

love of many grows coldCooltextprophecysign Godlessness 2 Timothy 3:1-5 & Matthew 24:12 “But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!” “And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold”


Headline:   Sydney Terrorist Claims to be ISIS Member, Threatens to Kill Hostages

An Iranian-born gunman was killed, two of his hostages are dead and four injured after a dramatic and chaotic firefight brought an end to a terrorist siege at a Sydney cafe. Teams of heavily armed police swooped on the Lindt Chocolat cafe in a hail of gunfire, ending a tense stand-off where Man Haron Monis had been holding around 17 people captive. Police issued a statement describing the event as a confrontation with a 50-year man, who they said died after shots were fired. The man was pronounced dead after being taken to hospital, police said. A man, aged 34, and a woman, aged 38, also died, the police said in their statement. Of the injured, two women have non life-threatening injuries and a police officer was injured by gunshot pellets, the police said. Another woman has a gunshot wound to the shoulder.
Dec. 15, 2014

Drugs Cooltextprophecysign Increase in Drugs Revelation 9:21 “And they did not repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or their thefts.”

NOTE FROM FRANK 2 Comment: In Revelation 9:21 we see Jesus speaking to us about drug’s. The words “sorceries” in Revelation 9:21 is the Greek word pharmakia from which comes our word “pharmacy”. It signifies the use of medicine, drugs, spells, such as those used in witchcraft and those used today by those who are seeking a greater “high”. This generation was to be labeled a drug generation and we are.

Headline:     Native Americans allowed to sell, grow marijuana, DOJ says

Native American tribes are allowed to grow and sell marijuana on their lands as long as they follow the same laws laid out for states that have legalized the drug, the U.S. Justice Department said Thursday. The announcement could give rise to rich new business on reservations, unlike casino gambling, some advocates say. Only a handful of tribes have interest in the marijuana business. Oregon U.S. Attorney Amanda Marshall said that the Justice Department policy addresses questions raised by tribes about how legalization of pot in states like Oregon, Washington and Colorado would apply to Indian lands. “That’s been the primary message tribes are getting to us as U.S. attorneys,” Marshall said from Portland. “What will the U.S. as federal partners do to assist tribes in protecting our children and families, our tribal businesses, our tribal housing? How will you help us combat marijuana abuse in Indian Country when states are no longer there to partner with us?” Only three tribes in California, Washington state and in the Midwest have only expressed interest in selling the drug, Marshall said. It is unclear if it will really take off the way casinos did.
Dec. 12, 2014

Luke 21-25 signs in heaven

CooltextprophecysignMatthew 24:7 “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. Luke 21:11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.” Luke21:25 “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring

Headline:  Eighth North Texas earthquake in less than a month

Headline: Multiple earthquakes shake Oklahoma, including magnitude 4.3

The Dallas-Fort Worth area experienced its eighth earthquake in less than a month. A 2.6-magnitude quake centered about three miles northeast of Irving occurred around 9:25 p.m. Thursday, according to the United State Geological survey. USGS reported a depth of 5 kilometers and an epicenter of 32.848°N 96.900°W, just off John Carpenter Freeway near Loop 12. North Texas has seen more frequent quakes since a 3.3-magnitude tremor shook the area on Nov. 22. The strongest to be recorded since is a 3.4-magnitude earthquake on Nov. 30. “The city of Irving continues to monitor and is in contact with seismologists who tell us the magnitude of earthquakes we have experienced is low, and earthquakes happen regularly. In fact, the United States Geological Survey estimates several million earthquakes occur in the world each year and most have very small magnitudes, such as those occurring in Irving,” said Irving Emergency Management Coordinator Jason Carriere. The USGS began monitoring quakes in Irving in 2008. Since April 17, 2014 there have been 11 in the area.
Dec. 14, 2014

Headline: 20 dead, 88 missing after mudslide in central Indonesia

Heavy rains in central Indonesia loosened soil and collapsed a hill, setting off a landslide that killed at least 20 villagers and left 88 others missing under piles of mud, officials said Sunday. Residents of Jemblung village in Central Java province’s Banjarnegara district said they heard a roaring sound followed by the rain of red soil that buried more than 100 houses late Friday. “The landslide looked like it was spinning down. I managed to rescue a pregnant woman, but could not save the other man,” said Subroto, who like many Indonesians uses only one name. He said one side of the hill collapsed and then another. “In five minutes, there were three (major landslides) and they swept away everything,” he said. By Sunday, 20 bodies have been pulled from the mud and the wreckage of crumpled homes while hopes faded that 88 people still missing will be find alive, said Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, the spokesman for Indonesia’s Disaster Mitigation Agency. President Joko Widodo was traveling to Banjarnegara, about 460 kilometers (285 miles) east of the capital, Jakarta, on Sunday to meet with survivors and about 570 residents who were evacuated to temporary shelters. Eleven injured villagers were hospitalized.
Dec. 13, 2014

Headline: Rare twister rips through L.A.

A small tornado touched down in Los Angeles on Friday, ripping off parts of rooftops and downing trees in the southern part of the city. The National Weather Service confirmed an EF-0 tornado touched down Friday morning. “It got a lot of people excited, but thank goodness nobody was hurt,” said Stuart Seto of the National Weather Service. EF-0 twisters are the smallest type of tornadoes, with winds reaching 65 to 85 mph. EF refers to the Enhanced Fujita Scale of tornado intensity, which runs from EF-0 to EF-5. Most twisters that cause damage and deaths are EF-1 or higher. The Los Angeles Times reported the tornado hit across a 10-block span, damaging at least five homes. Caught in the middle of the storm, Deborah LaVergne, 56, was preparing turkey sandwiches in a South Los Angeles kitchen when she looked out a window to see a trash can swirling 30 feet in the air.
Dec. 13, 2014

Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes{%22feed%22%3A%221day_m25%22%2C%22search%22%3Anull%2C%22sort%22%3A%22newest%22%2C%22basemap%22%3A%22grayscale%22%2C%22autoUpdate%22%3Atrue%2C%22restrictListToMap%22%3Atrue%2C%22timeZone%22%3A%22local%22%2C%22mapposition%22%3A[[-82.49482361179572%2C-81.2109375]%2C[82.44876405595812%2C481.28906250000006]]%2C%22overlays%22%3A{%22plates%22%3Atrue}%2C%22viewModes%22%3A{%22map%22%3Atrue%2C%22list%22%3Atrue%2C%22settings%22%3Afalse%2C%22help%22%3Afalse}}


Frank Happy


Last days Signs with Author Frank DiMora December 11, 2014


Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436

indexBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates.The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December 11, 2014 Edition written by Frank DiMora.


Headline:   Irish parliament backs recognition of Palestinian state

Headline:  French Senate Votes to Recognize ‘Palestine’

Irish lawmakers urged their government Wednesday to recognise Palestine as a state in a symbolic motion that sailed through parliament unopposed. Ireland’s parliament is the fourth European assembly to call for the recognition of Palestinian statehood since October. Lawmakers in France, Britain and Spain also endorsed similar motions, reflecting growing frustration with the deadlocked Middle East peace process. Sweden has gone even further, officially recognising Palestine as a state in a move that prompted Israel to recall its ambassador. The non-binding motion agreed by lawmakers in Dublin called on the government to “officially recognise the State of Palestine, on the basis of the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as the capital, as established in UN resolutions”. This would be “a further positive contribution to securing a negotiated two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict”, it added.
Dec. 11, 2014

Headline:  Death of PA official following clash with IDF prompts Gantz to beef up West Bank forces

Headline:  Iran Condemns Israel’s ‘Assassination’ of PA Minister

Security forces braced for violence, and officials prepared for an international backlash after senior Palestinian Authority official Ziad Abu Ein died soon after a confrontation with the IDF in the West Bank. Thousands of Palestinians massed Thursday to mourn a senior official who was killed by Israeli troops, while the army sent reinforcements and dispersed protesters in the West Bank. Palestinian officials in Ramallah said they were not ruling out the possibility that the PA leadership would decide to suspend security coordination with Israel to protest Abu Ein’s death. An autopsy is expected to determine whether his death was the result of a heart attack or IDF violence. Abu Ein headed the PLO’s Commission Against the Separation Wall and Settlements. He had been taking part in a demonstration outside the Palestinian village of Turmus Aiya, near Ramallah, to mark International Human Rights Day. The participants planned to plant olive trees. The IDF authorized the demonstration, but soldiers stepped in when participants moved close to the outpost of Adei Ad. A shouting match broke out between soldiers and Abu Ein, during which he fell to the ground. It is unclear whether he was pushed or fell. Video clips from the incident show him holding his chest and gasping. Soldiers also fired a number of stun grenades and tear gas canisters. Video clips show Abu Ein collapsing as he tries to get up from the ground. He was rushed to a Ramallah hospital, where he was pronounced dead.
Dec. 11, 2014

Psalm 83 Foto Flexer bb_thumb2.jpg

Cooltextprophecysign“Do not keep silent, O God! Do not hold Your peace, And do not be still, O God! For behold, Your enemies make a tumult; And those who hate You have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, And consulted together against Your sheltered ones. They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.” (Psalm 83) 


Headline:  ISIS commander urges fight against Hezbollah inside Lebanon

An ISIS commander whose wife was recently arrested by the Lebanese Army has called on jihadi militants to fight Hezbollah inside Lebanon, accusing the Lebanese government of being an accomplice to the powerful movement. Anas Sharkas, better known by his nom de guerre Abu Ali al-Shishani, said in an interview published Wednesday in daily Al-Akhbar that Hezbollah “has taken Iran as its god,” and had entered Syria to massacre its men and harass its women. “I call upon all the jihadis to move (the battle) to Lebanon to break Hezbollah because it is massacring our women, children and men, while its women and children enjoy security,” Sharkas said. “If we want to succeed, we have to fight the kin of those who are killing us in Lebanon,” he added. Sharkas, a Circassian Syrian from the town of Qusayr where Hezbollah fought alongside the Syrian army in fierce battles against the rebels last year, said the Lebanese government was unfit to govern, “and in the worst case, a subordinate of Hezbollah.”
Dec. 10, 2014


Headline:  Egyptian Army presses attack on Ansar strongholds in Sheik Zweid

Headline:  ISIS posts a new forward command group to Egyptian Sinai

The Egyptian Army has launched ground operations in the heart of the Islamic insurgency in the Sinai Peninsula. Security sources said the army has sent commando units to attack suspected strongholds of Ansar Beit Maqdis in the Sinai town of Sheik Zweid. They said the commandos, backed by air and armor support, were targeting bunkers and tunnels in Sheik Zweid, located along the Egyptian border with the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip. “This is a major achievement for the army and security forces,” a source said. On Dec. 10, at least five Ansar fighters were killed in an army operation in Sheik Zweid. The sources said commando units destroyed 15 bunkers and tunnels as well as two vehicles. “The operation was based on improved intelligence and cooperation from local residents,” the source said. For more than a year, the army and Central Security Forces failed to penetrate Sheik Zweid. The sources said Ansar and Bedouin allies ringed the town with improvised explosive devices as well as tunnels, meant to rapidly detect any army approach.
Dec. 11, 2014—at-Israel%E2%80%99s-back-door

   Damascus ISIS
Syria Iraq ISIS- the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (the Levant) ISIS=ISIL=IS=Daash

Syria    IraqKurdistan


Iraq                              Syria                          Kurdistan

Syria Headline:  Missile Attack In Syria Kills Three Journalists, Attack Blamed On Assad’s Forces: Report

A missile attack in southwestern Syria killed three journalists working for a network opposed to Bashar Assad’s regime, the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), said late Tuesday. The U.S.-based media advocacy group said that the attack happened Monday near the town of Sheikh Meskin, which is at the center of clashes between rebels and government forces. CPJ cited the news network, Orient News, which claimed that forces loyal to Assad had carried out the attack on the journalists. The network identified the dead journalists as correspondents Rami Asmi and Yousef El-Dous, and cameraperson Salem Khalil. The three were reportedly travelling to cover the advances being made by the opposition forces, when their car was hit by a missile fired by government forces, according to CPJ, which added that it was unable to independently verify the claims. Orient News and Siraj Press, another opposition news agency, reportedly said that the missile was launched from the town of Qarfa, which lies about two miles from Sheikh Meskin. “So many Syrian journalists have paid the ultimate price for reporting on this conflict, but even for Syria, the loss of three journalists in one attack is devastating,” Sherif Mansour, CPJ’s Middle East and North Africa program coordinator, said, in a statement from the group, adding: “Journalists covering conflict are civilians and we call on Syrian authorities to respect that status.”
Dec. 10, 2014

Syria Headline:   ISW Syria Update Dec. 3-9, 2014

Syria Headline:  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights


Iraq Headline:  Iraq army, volunteers retake key district near Samara from ISIL

The Iraqi army, backed by Sunni and Shia volunteer fighters, has regained a key district near the city of Samarra from the ISIL Takfiri terrorists. The Iraqi forces along with the volunteers managed to liberate Mutassim district after heavy clashes with the Takfiri terrorists in that district on Thursday. Fighting is now reportedly still underway in Makeshifah, north of Samara. Earlier in the day, the Takfiri terrorists targeted the holy city with a dozen mortar shells and 15 rockets. Samara, located 125 kilometers north of the capital, Baghdad, has recently come under intensified attacks by the ISIL terrorist group. Following the recent terrorist attack near the holy Iraqi city, Muqtada al-Sadr, the leader of the Shia Sadrist Movement in Iraq, ordered the armed volunteers under his command to prepare for a military campaign.
Dec. 11, 2014

Iraq Headline: IS Militants Besiege 450 Tribal Fighters in Iraq’s Anbar Province: Reports

Members of the Islamic State (IS) extremist group have managed to besiege 450 Sunni tribal fighters in the western Iraqi province of Anbar, the Anadolu Agency reports. “ISIL [IS]militants moved with a group of armored vehicles and tanks from Hit [Hiit] city while taking Al-Jazeera road [in Anbar province] and managed to trap 450 fighters after controlling the Mahbubiya and Gurna areas[of the province],” a source told the news agency Thursday under the condition of anonymity. According to Anadolu, Iraqi armed forces started a military operation against IS in Anbar on Thursday morning with the aim of retaking Hiit. The pro-government tribal fighters supported the armed forces in their operation.
Dec. 11, 2014

Iraq Headline:   ISW Iraq Situation Report Dec. 9-10, 2014

rise of ISIS

Headline:  ISIS reportedly trying to sell the body of beheaded journalist James Foley

Intermediaries with ties to the Islamic State reportedly are looking to sell the remains of American journalist James Foley to his family for $1 million. Foley was beheaded by ISIS in August. His death was the first in a series of executions of Western hostages carried out by the terror group. Three sources in contact with ISIS and its associates told BuzzFeed News that it wants to sell Foley’s body back to his family, and would deliver it across the Syria-Turkey border along with a DNA sample to authenticate his identity. The sources were granted anonymity over safety concerns. One of the sources, a former Syrian rebel fighter, said he had been approached by an ISIS leader and was asked to find a channel to either the American government or Foley’s family. “They ask for $1 million, and they will send DNA to Turkey, but they want the money first,” he said. “They will not give the DNA without the money.” Dec. 11, 2014

Headline:    Senate committee votes to authorize war against ISIS

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Thursday voted to authorize President Obama’s war against the Islamic State group — the first vote in Congress to explicitly grant him war powers in the U.S. battle against the militant extremists. The vote was 10-8, with most Democrats in favor and Republicans opposed. The committee chairman, Sen. Robert Menendez, D-N.J., said he would seek a full Senate vote on the measure before the current Congress ends, but it’s more likely that the authorization will be delayed until the next, Republican-led Congress, which starts Jan. 1.
Dec. 11, 2014 

Psalm 83

Listed below are the nations which will attack Israel from Ezekiel chapter 38 and their modern day names (see chart above). 

Gog is the leader of the Russian invasion of Israel.

Magog, Meshech, and Tubal comprise modern day Russia.

Persia is Iran, parts of northern Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Cush is Ethiopia and Sudan.

Put is Libya and will most likely include Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco.

Gomer is Eastern Germany.

Beth Togarmah is Turkey and Armenia. 


Headline:  Russia Baltic military actions ‘unprecedented’ – Poland

Poland says the level of Russian naval and air force activity in the Baltic Sea region has been “unprecedented” this week. Defence Minister Tomasz Siemoniak said most of the activity was in international waters and airspace and Sweden was the country most affected. Nato partners of the Baltic states, including the UK, have military jets on an air policing mission in the region, monitoring the Russian planes. Fighting in Ukraine has raised tension. Mr Siemoniak said Russia was “not preparing to attack” but it was testing Nato defences, which “does not serve to build good relationships and trust”. The three small ex-Soviet states in the Baltic – Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania – joined Nato in 2004. Speaking on the Polish news channel TVN24, he said there was no need to put the Polish army on a state of high alert. Nato and Ukraine accuse Russia of fomenting the conflict in eastern Ukraine and supplying the pro-Russian rebels there with troops and heavy weapons. Russia denies the allegations, but admits that Russian “volunteers” are helping the rebels.
Dec. 11, 2014

Headline:  3 killed, 8 wounded in fresh east Ukraine clashes

Fresh clashes between the army and pro-Russia forces in east Ukraine have claimed the lives of three Ukrainian soldiers. “We lost three soldiers and another eight were wounded in the past 24 hours,” Ukrainian National Security and Defense Council spokesman, Andriy Lysenko said on Thursday. The Ukrainian official also accused the pro-Russia forces of violating the recent ceasefire agreement which officially went into effect on Tuesday. “Terrorists are violating agreements and continuing to fire on positions of the Ukrainian military and civilians. Tanks and artillery were used, but our forces did not respond,” claimed Lysenko, citing 22 breaches of the truce so far. The latest fatalities in the restive eastern Ukraine came despite the recent agreement between Kiev and pro-Russia forces to stop fighting from December 9 under the terms of a Kremlin-brokered ceasefire.
Dec. 11, 2014   



****Clicking on the UNDERLINED sections will take you to the news link

Headline:   War News for Thursday, Dec. 11,  2014

Reported security incidents

US transfers control of final prison to Afghanistan

#1: A suicide bomber targeted a bus carrying Afghan troops Thursday morning, killing at least five soldiers. The Afghan Defense Ministry said 12 others, including civilians, were injured in the attack.
The suicide bomber approached the vehicle on foot on the outskirts of Kabul, the first suicide attack in the capital in more than a week

#2: Five high school students were killed by a NATO airstrike Thursday in Parwan province, police said.

#3: 5 armed oppositions were killed in clearing operation led by police forces in Almar district, Faryab province.

#4: Reports suggest that a huge number of Taliban insurgents last night attacked the main city of Shindand district in Herat province and took cover in civilian homes from where they started a gun battle  with the security forces. Eye witnesses say the city was completely occupied by the insurgents. But security officials only confirm the fighting with the insurgents and reject the reports that the city was fully occupied.

#5: German Citizen Killed in Kabul School Bombing




Headline: Libya’s recognized PM vows military campaign to seize Tripoli

Headline:  EU bars Libyan carriers from Europe’s airspace

Libya’s recognized government will continue a military campaign to claim back the capital Tripoli, Prime Minister Abdullah al-Thinni said on Wednesday. Libya is divided between two governments since a group called Libya Dawn seized Tripoli in August after a month-long battle with a rival group, setting up its own parliament and government. Prime Minister Abdullah al-Thinni has been forced to work from the East where the elected House of Representatives is also based, part of turmoil three years after the ousting of Muammar Gaddafi. Thinni told Dubai-based TV channel al-Arabiya his forces were advancing on Tripoli from the west and would also seize the main border crossing to Tunisia. “Our troops are moving towards Tripoli to liberate it,” he said, claiming his forces had seized a town west of the capital. Thinni’s forces, allied to a former general and tribesmen in Zintan in the western mountains, have launched air strikes on Tripoli.
Dec. 11, 2014 

nation against nationCooltextprophecysignLuke 21:9 and Matthew 24:7 speak of nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom in the end times. Revelation 6:3-4 speaks of the fiery red horse given power to make men slay one another and Revelation 6:8 speaks again of this red horse in conjunction with the pale horse of Death and Hades, as the one that has the power to kill by sword.  Luke 21:9: wars & commotions; the Greek word here is Akatastasia, meaning instability, a state of disorder, disturbance, confusion (revolutions)   Matthew 24:7: the Greek word for nation is Ethnos & refers to various ethnic groups fighting among themselves, where the next sentence in the verse refers to kingdoms (basileiva) fighting one another (not to be confused with an actual kingdom but rather the right or authority to rule over a kingdom)

Headline:  Protests against police brutality spread overseas as tensions rise in the U.S.

Headline:  Congress Passes Bill Which Grants “Unlimited Access to Communications of Every American”

Roughly 600 people in London participated in a die-in Wednesday in solidarity with American protesters demonstrating against police brutality in the wake of recent decisions not to press charges in the police killings of Michael Brown and Eric Garner. The demonstration was held inside the Westfield Mall in Shepherd’s Bush, before a breakaway group turned violent, prompting 76 arrests. Rising tensions prompted authorities to ask demonstrators to move to the mall’s parking lot, a request Scotland Yard says was peacefully complied with. “We will always work with those that wish to demonstrate lawfully, as the majority of protesters did yesterday,” commanding officer Mark Bird told BBC News. Meanwhile in America frustrations continue to mount. On Wednesday alone, demonstrations in Berkley — which have become a nightly event since early December — shut down a speech by tech-billionaire Peter Thiel, medical students around the country held die-ins en masse and the chief of police in Richmond, Va. even marched in protest of American police brutality. Meanwhile, According to Congressman Justin Amash, Congress just passed a bill which grants the government and law enforcement “unlimited access to the communications of every American”. When the Michigan lawmaker discovered that the Intelligence Authorization Act for FY 2015 had been amended with a provision that authorizes “the acquisition, retention, and dissemination” of all communications data from U.S. citizens, he desperately attempted to organize a roll call vote on the bill. However, the legislation was passed yesterday 325-100 via a voice vote, a green light for what Amash describes as “one of the most egregious sections of law I’ve encountered during my time as a representative”. The bill allows the private communications of Americans to be scooped up without a court order and then transferred to law enforcement for criminal investigations. The legislation effectively codifies and legalizes mass warrantless NSA surveillance on the American people, with barely a whimper of debate.
Dec. 11, 2014

Headline: Blasts kill at least 40 in Nigerian city of Jos

Two bombs exploded near a bus station in the central Nigerian city of Jos on Thursday evening, witnesses said, the second one killing at least 40 people. Casualties from the first blast could not immediately be ascertained and Nigerian security sources could not immediately be reached for comment. Bomb blasts that bore the hallmarks of Islamist Boko Haram militants killed 118 people in the same area of Jos in May. “I saw a flash of light and heard a loud boom. Afterwards there was debris everywhere and mutilated bodies,” witness Tanko Mohammed said of the blast in Jos’s commercial Terminus district. A Reuters reporter counted 11 bodies at one bomb site and 29 at the other. Boko Haram is a Sunni jihadist movement that has been waging a five-year insurgency to establish an Islamist state in the northeast of the country. President Goodluck Jonathan declared a state of emergency in three northeastern states last year. The number of attacks has risen sharply since then, in the run-up to elections in February 2015.
Dec. 11, 2014

Headline:  Al-Qaida attacks Yemeni airbase in retaliation to U.S. raids

The Al-Qaida affiliate in Yemen, Ansar al-Sharia, said Thursday it had fired rockets at a Yemeni-U.S. airbase in retaliation for recent U.S. rescue raids to release an American hostage. The militant group said in a tweet that its fighters had fired overnight six grad rockets on the al-Annad airbase in the province of Lahj in southern Yemen. The attack targeted the U.S. section of the airbase, the group added without reporting casualties. There was no official American comment. The U.S. has carried out two failed operations in Yemen to free American photojournalist Luke Somers, who has been held by Al-Qaida militants for more than a year. The last operation was on Sunday, resulting in the death of Somers and a South African hostage. Several Al-Qaida operatives were killed in the raid, according to U.S. officials.
Dec. 11, 2014

Headline:  Dozens arrested as Hong Kong police drive protesters from streets

China’s largest pro-democracy demonstrations in decades came to an end on Thursday, as hundreds of riot police poured into a once-bustling protest camp tearing down tents and arresting dozens. Police and bailiffs began entering the Admiralty protest site, on the edge of the former colony’s financial district, on Thursday morning, beginning a slow but steady push through the area. They used chain cutters to dismantle metal and bamboo barricades and soon gained access to an area that has been out of government hands since the so-called Umbrella Movement protests began two-and-a-half months ago. Inside the camp – beyond newly erected banners reading, “We will be back” – protesters braced themselves for arrest, donning helmets and goggles in case there were clashes. By 7pm dozens of demonstrators who had ignored police calls to withdraw had been taken into custody, including most of Hong Kong’s best-known democracy activists and student leaders.
Dec. 11, 2014

Headline: Philippine congressman wounded, 3 killed in attack

Police say a congressman from the southern Philippines has been wounded in an attack by gunmen that left at least two of his aides and a police officer dead. Police chief Brian Inojaldo said five other bodyguards and aides of Rep. Vicente Belmonte were wounded in the ambush Thursday in Misamis Oriental province’s Laguindingan township. Inojaldo said Belmonte’s group had just left Laguindingan’s airport when gunmen in a van blocked their path and started shooting. Belmonte told ANC television he believes the attack was “politically motivated” but did not identify any suspects. Political rivalries in the Philippines sometimes erupt into violence.
Dec. 11, 2014 

bye CooltextprophecysignEconomic collapse Revelation 6:5-6 & James 5:1-3Worldwide“ When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.” (Revelation) “Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries that are coming upon you! Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have heaped up treasure in the last days.” (James)

Headline:   Unemployment rate hits fresh high in Australia

Official data shows that Australia’s unemployment rate has reached a new high over the past 12 years. The jobless rate went up from 5.8 percent in November 2013 to 6.3 percent in November 2014, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) reported on Thursday. Monthly figures, in addition, show that the unemployment rate witnessed a rise of 0.1 percent from October, with aggregate monthly hours worked decreasing by 1.8 million hours to 1,606.1 million. The Australian and New Zealand Banking Group Limited, commonly referred to as the ANZ, reported that the unemployment rate is “printing a touch higher in rounded terms.”
Dec. 11, 2014

clip_image0011_thumb.gifRevelation 6:6-  With the bees dying off, you will see a decrease in produce and an INCREASE in food prices!

Nov. 6, 2014 – 530,000 bees die ‘a mystery’ in Wenling City, China

Nov. 13, 2014 – 170 bee hives have died off in Ardahan, Turkey

Nov. 22, 2014 – 3 MILLION+ bees found dead ‘causing fright’ in Martim Francisco, Brazil

Dec. 4, 2014 -130 bee hives have died off ‘a mystery’ in Campos Gerais, Brazil 

Yale-study-predicts-huge-increase-in-Ebola-cases-in-LiberiaCooltextprophecysignPestilence & Plagues Luke 21:11 & Revelation 6:8 “And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.” (Luke) “So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death (Thanatos in Greek meaning the death of the body whether natural or violent), and by the beasts of the earth” (Revelation)

Headline: Ebola crisis: Sierra Leone bodies found piled up in Kono

Health officials in Sierra Leone have discovered scores of bodies in a remote diamond-mining area, raising fears that the scale of the Ebola outbreak may have been underreported. The World Health Organization said they uncovered a “grim scene” in the eastern district of Kono. A WHO response team had been sent to Kono to investigate a sharp rise in Ebola cases. Ebola has killed 6,346 people in West Africa, with more than 17,800 infected. Sierra Leone has the highest number of Ebola cases in West Africa, with 7,897 cases since the beginning of the outbreak. The WHO said in a statement on Wednesday that over 11 days in Kono, “two teams buried 87 bodies, including a nurse, an ambulance driver, and a janitor drafted into removing bodies as they piled up”. Bodies of Ebola victims are highly infectious and safe burials are crucial in preventing the transmission of the disease. The response team also found 25 people who had died in the past five days piled up in a cordoned section of the local hospital. Health officials are worried that many of the Ebola cases in Kono have gone unreported until now.
Dec. 11, 2014

Headline:  Egypt reports eighth bird flu death this year

Health authorities in Egypt on Thursday reported the country’s eighth death this year from bird flu. “A woman of 33 originally from Sohag province (in the south) has died of the H5N1 virus,” health ministry spokesman Hossam Abdel Ghafar told AFP. He said another person is still being treated, and added that seven patients diagnosed this year with bird flu were cured. The H5N1 strain has killed more than 400 people worldwide since first appearing in 2003, mainly in Southeast Asia. It is one of several deadly or potentially deadly strains of bird flu that are closely monitored by the World Health Organization. The strain is different from the H5N8 version, whose spread on European poultry farms has prompted WHO calls for vigilance. A third strain of bird flu — H7N9 — has killed more than 170 people since emerging in 2013.
Dec. 11, 2014 


December 5, 2014- Cape Cod turtle deaths confound researchers

December 7, 2014-140,000 chickens and turkeys culled in B.C. as officials try to contain outbreak of highly-contagious avian flu

December 8, 2014-Large number of dead fish on the shores of Lake Poopó

December 8, 2014- 7 whales found dead on Parara beach in Southern Australia

December 9, 2014-Experts baffled at huge number of seals washing up dead in Cornwall

December 9, 2014-Thousands of fish dead in popular Marion County lake   

Luke 21-25 signs in heaven

CooltextprophecysignMatthew 24:7 “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. Luke 21:11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.” Luke21:25 “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring

Headline:  Tens of thousands without power as storm pounds Northern California with rain, gusty winds

A powerful storm churned through Northern California Thursday, knocking out power to tens of thousands and delaying commuters while soaking the region with much-needed rain. In Santa Cruz, about an hour south of San Francisco, an elementary school student was trapped for about 15 minutes when an 80 foot tree fell on him, pinning his arm and shoulder until rescuers with chain saws cut it apart. He was taken to a hospital in good condition but likely a fractured arm, officials said. Throughout the Bay Area, waves slammed onto waterfronts, ferries were bound to their docks, many schools canceled classes and the gusting winds had motorists tightly gripping their steering wheels on the Golden Gate Bridge, where managers created a buffer zone to prevent head-on collisions by swerving cars. The iconic suspension bridge is engineered to swing in cross winds, and engineers were standing by, but “the concern we have right now is more about vehicles,” spokeswoman Priya David Clemens said. Pacific Gas & Electric reported more than 80,000 outages due to a single flooded substation in San Francisco, and but blackouts were much more widespread; 226,800 customers were without power. The utility’s online map showed lights out over thousands of square miles, from Humboldt near the Oregon border to Big Sur on the Central Coast.
Dec. 11, 2014

Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes{%22feed%22%3A%221day_m25%22%2C%22search%22%3Anull%2C%22sort%22%3A%22newest%22%2C%22basemap%22%3A%22grayscale%22%2C%22autoUpdate%22%3Atrue%2C%22restrictListToMap%22%3Atrue%2C%22timeZone%22%3A%22local%22%2C%22mapposition%22%3A[[-82.49482361179572%2C-81.2109375]%2C[82.44876405595812%2C481.28906250000006]]%2C%22overlays%22%3A{%22plates%22%3Atrue}%2C%22viewModes%22%3A{%22map%22%3Atrue%2C%22list%22%3Atrue%2C%22settings%22%3Afalse%2C%22help%22%3Afalse}}



DiMora on the Wall with Israeli Flag

Israel Bombs Damascus Area to Stop Weapons/Prophecy Signs for December 8, 2014



Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436

indexBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates. The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December 7, 2014 Edition written by Frank DiMora.








FotoFlexer_Animation Zechariah 12v2,3

Headline:    Israeli jets ‘strike near Damascus’ – Syrian army

Headline:  Russia wants Israeli explanation for ‘aggressive actions’ in Syria

Headline:  Hezbollah drones, anti-aircraft missiles destroyed in alleged IAF attack, says Syrian opposition

Headline:  Israel air strikes wiped out Russian hardware for thwarting US no-fly zone plan over Syria

The Syrian military has accused Israel of carrying out two air strikes on Syria, near the capital Damascus. Israeli planes bombed the area near Damascus international airport and the town of Dimas, the Syrian army said in a statement carried on state television. No casualties were reported. There has been no confirmation of the air strikes from Israel. Israel has conducted several air strikes on Syria since 2011. “This afternoon, the Israeli enemy targeted two safe areas in Damascus province, namely the Dimas area and the Damascus International Airport,” the military statement said. It described the air strikes as “direct aggression” carried out to help the Syrian government’s opponents. Some installations had been damaged, it added, without elaborating on what had been hit. The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which monitors the Syrian conflict, said (in Arabic) that 10 explosions were heard near Dimas, which is located close to the Syria-Lebanon border. The group also said that there had been eight air raids on areas in the town of Khan al-Sheeh, on the eastern outskirts of the capital, and that a warehouse near Damascus airport had been hit. Responding to the Syrian accusation, Israel’s military said it did not comment on “foreign reports”. Meanwhile, High-ranking American military sources revealed Monday, Dec. 8, that Israel’s air strikes near Damascus the day before wiped out newly-arrived Russian hardware including missiles that were dispatched post haste to help Syria and Hizballah frustrate a US plan for a no-fly zone over northern Syria. The advanced weapons were sent over, as debkafile reported exclusively Sunday, after Russian President Vladimir Putin learned that the Obama administration and the Erdogan government were close to a final draft on a joint effort to activate a no-fly zone that would bar Syrian air force traffic over northern Syria. The Kremlin has repeatedly warned – of late in strong messages through back channels – that the establishment of a no-fly or buffer zone in any part of Syria would be treated as direct American intervention in the Syria war and result in Russian military intervention for defending the Assad regime.
Dec. 8, 2014

Headline:  Israeli parliament dissolves itself 2 years early, sets election

Israeli lawmakers have overwhelmingly voted to dissolve parliament, officially kicking off the country’s election campaign. Monday’s vote in the 120-seat Knesset passed 93-0 in favor of disbanding, ending its term two years ahead of schedule. Early polls show Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu likely returning to power. But a growing coalition of anti-Netanyahu factions threatens to depose the longtime leader. Israel’s government, which took office in early 2013, has been riven by divisions from the outset over issues facing the country. For weeks it has been bickering over a budget, a housing tax break and a bill that would enshrine into law Israel’s status as a Jewish state. With early elections set for March 17, the current parliament will have served for one of the shortest periods in Israeli history.
Dec. 8, 2014 

Psalm 83 Foto Flexer bb_thumb2.jpg

Cooltextprophecysign“Do not keep silent, O God! Do not hold Your peace, And do not be still, O God! For behold, Your enemies make a tumult; And those who hate You have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, And consulted together against Your sheltered ones. They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.” (Psalm 83)




Headline: Islamic State group support grows in Jordan town

Local authorities quickly stripped away public signs of support for the Islamic State group in this desert town. Black flags have been removed from rooftops. Graffiti proclaiming the extremists’ imminent victory have been whitewashed. But supporters of the Middle East’s most radical extremist group are only laying low after their surprise show of strength in protests last summer. Despite government efforts, support for the Islamic State group is growing in Maan and elsewhere in Jordan, one of the West’s key allies in the region, say Islamic State activists, members of rival groups and experts on political Islam. One of the leading Islamic State group activists in Maan said he and others are still working to build their base. “In homes, at work, in mosques, in the streets, we reach out to people to call them to the real Islam,” the 40-year-old blacksmith, Abu Abdullah, told The Associated Press. Like other Islamic State group supporters interviewed by the AP, he spoke on condition he be identified only by his nickname for fear of troubles with authorities.
Dec. 6, 2014

Headline: Jordanian Muslim Brotherhood smuggling weapons to Palestinians

Israel reportedly shared intelligence with Jordan about a Muslim Brotherhood cell on its soil whose operations included smuggling weapons to Palestinians in the West Bank and raising funds for terror activities. Jordanian sources told the London-based al-Hayat daily that the information has led to the arrest of 31 people, a majority of them Palestinian students from the West Bank attending university in the Hashemite Kingdom. Over the weekend, Jordan’s King Abdullah II warned that should peace talks between Israelis and Palestinians not resume, renewed violence would break out, possibly leading to more intifadas. If the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not solved, “there’ll be a [fourth] fifth, sixth and seventh, and there’ll be another war in Lebanon,” he told PBS’s Charlie Rose on Friday. “If we don’t solve the problem, it’s only a matter of time until there’s another one,” he asserted.
Dec. 8, 2014


Headline:    One injured as car bomb explodes in Lebanon’s Arsal

Headline:   Lebanese Army besieges Arsal outskirts after captive killing

Headline:   Qatar ends mediation for Arsal hostages

A car bomb has exploded in the northeastern Lebanese town of Arsal near the border with Syria, injuring at least one person. Monday’s blast targeted the brother of a militant holed up in the volatile border town, Lebanese media reports said. “The bomb was placed inside the car of Hassan Ezzeddine and he was wounded but his condition is stable,” said Lebanese state-run National News Agency. Earlier in the day, Lebanese armed forces shut down two main roads leading to the volatile area, then commenced heavy shelling on militant positions on the town’s outskirts. Takfiri militants of the al-Nusra Front said on Friday that they killed a captive Lebanese soldier following Beirut’s announcement that it had arrested three women with links to the Takfiri terrorists operating in neighboring Syria. The army’s operations are aimed at securing the release of the remaining hostages.
Dec. 8, 2014


Headline:  Canada joins U.K. in closing Cairo embassy

Canada Monday joined Britain in closing its embassy in Cairo to the public for security reasons, with neither country providing details about any specific threat. The move comes amid increasing attacks by Islamist militants in Egypt and calls from the extremist group ISIS for attacks on Western targets. The Canadian Embassy said in a statement that it would be closed “due to security reasons” Monday, with a separate email to Canadian citizens in Egypt saying this would be “until further notice.” The British Embassy also remained closed after shutting its public services Sunday. British Ambassador John Casson said the decision had been taken “to ensure the security of the embassy and our staff.” “We are working to restore full services as quickly as possible,” Casson said. Egyptian Foreign Ministry spokesman Badr Abdelatty said he was unaware “of any specific threat” to the missions. “They informed us that it is a precautionary action … but we are dealing with the matter seriously,” he told AFP.
Dec. 8, 2014

   Damascus ISIS
Syria Iraq ISIS- the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (the Levant) ISIS=ISIL=IS=Daash

Syria    IraqKurdistan


Iraq                              Syria                          Kurdistan

Syria Headline:  Following airstrikes, Syria calls for sanctions on Israel

Syria called on the United Nations to impose sanctions on Israel Sunday, hours after Damascus alleged Israeli planes struck two sites near Damascus. Syria’s Foreign Ministry said it sent letters to the UN Security Council and to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon accusing Israel of carrying out the air raids to cover up its own internal problems and calling for action against Israel to ensure the attacks do not continue. “The Syrian government called for imposing deterring sanctions on Israel, which did not hide its policy in supporting terrorism, calling also for taking all procedures, in accordance with the UN Charter, to prevent Israel from repeating such attacks,” the Damascus-run SANA news agency reported.
Dec. 8, 2014

Syria Headline:  In Kobane, 23 militants killed in two coordinated attacks

Fifteen Islamic State (ISIS) fighters were killed in a coordinated Kurdish shock attack in Kobane early Monday, a day after eight other militants were killed in clashes, Kurdish forces said. Monday’s attack involved fresh Peshmerga forces sent in by the Kurdistan Region and the People’s Protection Units (YPG), backed by sustained coalition airpower that targeted militant positions, sources told Rudaw. “The attack was a coordinated YPG-Peshmerga operation backed by coalition airstrikes which pushed back the Islamist militants in some districts of the town,” Major Sherwan Spindarayi told Rudaw. He added that a high-ranking militant, an ISIS emir known as Jundulla Chichani, was among the dead fighters. Spindarayi said that four serial airstrikes targeted militant locations in the city, as the ground troops launched surprise attacks. Fierce clashes between the ISIS militants and Kurdish forces on Sunday evening resulted in the deaths of eight militants and capture of unspecified numbers of arms and ammunition, Spindarayi said.
Dec. 8, 2014

Syria Headline:  IS militant blew himself up the vicinity of the airbase of Deir Ezzor

An IS militant blew himself up in a booby- trapped car on the outskirts of the airbase of Deir Ezzor yesterday night, followed by violent clashes between the regime forces supported by NDF against IS militants in the vicinity of the airbase, information reported casualties on both sides. Information also reported that IS militants could capture some members from the regime forces. Other violent clashes erupted between the same parties in Hwayjet Sakar on the outskirts of Deir Ezzor city and in the neighborhood of al- Sena’ah in the city of Dier Ezzor. The regime warplanes carried out 6 raids on areas in the town of al- Shola in the countryside of Dier Ezzor targeting an IS post and convoy of vehicles to transfer oil to the town leading to kill a man. An IS militant died in clashes with the regime forces in Hwayjet Sakar area on the outskirts of Deir Ezzor city. A man from the town of al- ShHil tortured to death inside the regime jails.
Dec. 8, 2014

Syria Headline:  Violent clashes are still erupting in Aleppo, while IS executed a fighter in Jarablus

Reliable sources informed SOHR that IS militants executed a fighter from an Islamic movement by shooting him in the city of Jarablus in the northern eastern countryside of Aleppo on charge of “apostasy and fighting Islamic State”, where they promised to keep him crucified for 3 days. The number of people who died yesterday due to shells and explosive cylinders launched by the rebel battalions on the regime- held areas in the city of Aleppo has risen to 8. IS militants shelled this morning areas in the town of Mari in the northern countryside with no information about casualties.  Violent clashes are still erupting between al Nusra Front, Ansra al Din Front, the rebel and Islamic battalions against the regime forces supported NDF, al Quds al Filastini Brigade, Hezbollah and Shia fighters from Iran and Afghanistan in the vicinity of Handarat village, al- Brej and Manasher al-Brej areas.  Other violent clashes took place between the regime forces supported by NDF, al- Baath battalions and Hezbollah against the rebel and Islamic battalions in the vicinity of al- Omawi Mosque in Old Aleppo in the city of Aleppo, the two areas of Aqrab and Bet al- Hekmeh School in the neighborhood of al- Rashedin. The warplanes strafed areas in the towns of Kafar Hamra, Anadan and Hraytan in the northern countryside of Aleppo.
Dec. 8, 2014

Iraq Headline:  1500 more coalition troops to Iraq

The soldiers would be in addition to the 3100 US soldiers already promised, the BBC reported. US commander Lieutenant General James Terry, who is coordinating efforts against IS, did not say which coalition nations would provide the extra troops. It is hoped the deployment of additional soldiers will increase the effectiveness of the Iraqi army, much of which proved ineffective under an IS onslaught in June. Since Islamic State’s June offensive, the Sunni militants have had little success breaking beyond the solidly Sunni Muslim provinces of Anbar in the west and Salahuddin north of Baghdad, as well as the strongly Sunni province of Nineveh, home to the city of Mosul which the Islamists overran in June, Reuters reports. The allies’ commitments were made during a conference among coalition members in Kuwait. Lieutenant General Terry told the conference that airstrikes against IS were taking a toll on the militants’ campaign in Iraq and Syria.
Dec. 8, 2014

Iraq Headline:   ISW Iraq Situation Report Dec. 8, 2014 

rise of ISIS

Headline:  ISIS demands donations of gold, silver to issue its new currency

Witnesses reported that elements of the ISIS organization demanded the people of Kirkuk to donate gold and silver to support in the issuance of its new currency. Witnesses said that ISIS called the people in Kirkuk villages under its control to donate their holdings, including gold and silver, to contribute in supporting the new currency ISIS plans to release soon. They pointed out that donations were requested during ISIS visits to the cities and villages and roaming markets, shops, checkpoints and schools. The witnesses added, “ISIS divided its elements to groups; each group’s mission was to get in touch with dignitaries, clergy, and farmers and have them urge people to make donations.”
Dec. 8, 2014

Headline:   Alleged IS Weapons-Maker Claims that “Radioactive Device” has Entered Europe

An alleged Islamic State (IS) weapons-maker, following past claims of IS obtaining radioactive material from Mosul University, claimed on Twitter that a “Radioactive Device” had entered an unspecified location in Europe.
Dec. 8, 2014

Headline:    Facing Threats From ISIS And Iran, Gulf States Set To Join Forces

Alarmed over rising threats in the Middle East and North Africa, the Gulf Cooperation Council is set to launch an unprecedented joint military command, according to regional officials and military analysts. “At the moment, we are witnessing a new spirit,” says Abdulaziz Sager, head of the Gulf Research Center, a think tank that focuses on the GCC, a six-member group of Arab monarchies. The NATO-inspired force — which goes beyond existing structures — will be established this week at the GCC summit in Doha, Qatar, Sager says. The new, unified GCC military command is to be based in Riyadh, the Saudi capital. The growing power of militants from the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, plus the influence of Iran — seen in Gulf capitals as meddling in conflicts in Iraq, Syria and Yemen — has added urgency for military cooperation. Past attempts at a pan-Arab force have failed over political differences and disagreements over basing the force in one country, says Gulf security analyst Mustafa Alalani. “This is not a military force, it’s a unified command,” he says. Every country has to donate air and sea power, according to the size of their military, Alalani says. It’s a rapid deployment force, he explains, modeled on NATO’s military structures. “The Saudis and the UAE are gearing up to take a much harder line,” says Faisel Yafai, a columnist for The National, an English language newspaper in the United Arab Emirates. “They have shifted. They are now doing this front and center,” he says.
Dec. 8, 2014

Psalm 83

Listed below are the nations which will attack Israel from Ezekiel chapter 38 and their modern day names (see chart above). 

Gog is the leader of the Russian invasion of Israel.

Magog, Meshech, and Tubal comprise modern day Russia.

Persia is Iran, parts of northern Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Cush is Ethiopia and Sudan.

Put is Libya and will most likely include Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco.

Gomer is Eastern Germany.

Beth Togarmah is Turkey and Armenia. 


Headline:  Ukraine to file claims against Russia with International Court of Justice

The Ukrainian government is preparing to file new claims against Russia with the International Court of Justice, Ukraine’s Justice Minister Pavlo Petrenko disclosed Friday. Russia has been accused by Kiev and the West of inciting unrest in eastern Ukraine, and supplying both military equipment and personnel to the rebels in their battle against the Ukrainian government. The European Union and United States have imposed successive sanctions on Russia in response to its aggression toward Ukraine. The “number of complaints,” Petrenko said, includes Russia financing “terrorism” inside its borders.
Dec. 8, 2014



Headline:  Hamas Delegation in Iran to Normalize Relations

A delegation from the terrorist organization Hamas which controls Gaza arrived on Monday for talks with Iranian officials on repairing ties between the two, local media reported. Tasnim news agency said the team was led by Hamas political bureau member Mohammed Nasr and included Osama Hamdan, who is in charge of international relations. Iran has been a key source of funds and weapons for Hamas. The visit is aimed at clearing the way for a “mission” by Hamas politburo chief Khaled Mashaal to Iran, Amir Mousavi, the head of Tehran’s Center of Strategic Research, said on the website of the Hamas-linked daily Al-Ressalah. In October, Izzat al-Rishak, a member of Hamas leadership, issued a statement denying Hamas reports that Mashaal was expected to visit Iran in the near future. The Syrian conflict has strained the relationship between Hamas and Iran, with the Sunni Muslim Gaza-based group breaking ties with Damascus while Shi’i’te Tehran has remained a strong ally of the regime.
Dec. 8, 2014



****Clicking on the UNDERLINED sections will take you to the news link

Headline:   War News for Monday, December 8, 2014

U.S., NATO ceremonially end Afghan combat mission….Monday’s ceremony was the first of two that will draw a formal close to NATO’s combat mission by Dec. 28. (Note: the 28th will be my last post — whisker)

Reported security incidents
#1: At least two foreigners have been killed in Afghanistan in a fresh rocket attack on the US-controlled Bagram air base, near the capital, Kabul. Local officials confirmed that Bagram air base, located next to the ancient city of Bagram in eastern Parwan Province, came under attack on Monday morning. The strike is the second rocket attack on Bagram in less than 48 hours. The Taliban militants fired rockets on the air base Saturday night

#2: Two Pakistani policemen tasked with guarding polio vaccinators were shot dead in the country’s northwestern region on Monday, an official said. The attack took place in a remote area of Buner district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.

#3: At least four civilians and two policemen were killed in a suicide attack on the police headquarters’ of Maiwand district of southern Kandahar province on Monday, local officials said. Six others including three policemen were injured in the attack. The attack ended after an hour, when five suicide bombers attacked Maiwand police headquarters and began clashing with security forces, Ahmad Zia Durani, spokesman for the police chief, said. “The suicide bomber detonated his explosive at the gate of the headquarters, making way for the four others,” Durani said. “Four other insurgents were killed by security forces.” He added that the director of the criminal department, a police officer, and four civilians were killed and six others including a policeman were injured in the attack.

#4: 19 armed oppositions were killed in several clearing operations led by Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) during the last 24 hours in various parts of the country.

#5: Two mine planters were killed following their own mine blast in Khost province yesterday.




Headline:  US meddling to blame for ‘all Arab world sufferings’ – Sudan president

The bloody conflicts in Iraq, Syria and Libya are the result of the interference by the US, which wants to gain control over the rich natural resources of those countries, Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir told RT. “The people in Sudan believe that the since the fall of the Soviet Union [in 1991], injustice and oppression has prevailed around the globe as the US became the sole hegemon and began running things with impunity in many regions, including ours,” Bashir said. In his interview with RT’s Arabic Channel, the Sudanese president labeled Washington’s policies in Middle East and North Africa as “harmful and destructive.” “Just look at what’s now happening in Iraq and how it spread to Syria. All the suffering that is going in the Arab world is the work of the US,” he said.
Dec. 7, 2014  




Headline:     Germany Reportedly Concerned About Radicalization Of Chechen Diaspora

The German authorities are concerned about the radicalization of the country’s Chechen diaspora population, according to local media reports. Around 500 Germans are thought to be fighting in Syria with the Islamic State (IS) group. According to Hans-Georg Maassen, the head of Germany’s Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, many of the Germans in Syria have an immigrant background. However, German news reports say the authorities are particularly concerned about Chechens from the diaspora in Germany fighting with the Junud al-Sham faction in Latakia. That faction is led by an ethnic Chechen from the Pankisi Gorge in Georgia, Muslim Abu Walid al-Shishani (Murad Margoshvili). Muslim al-Shishani is a veteran jihadi who fought in the second Russo-Chechen war alongside prominent Arab foreign fighters Ibn al-Khattab and Abu al-Walid.
Dec. 8, 2014




Headline:   Turkey’s Erdogan vows to make Ottoman language compulsory

Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has pledged to make teaching of Ottoman language compulsory in high schools. Speaking at a religious council meeting in the capital, Ankara, on Monday, Erdogan underscored the necessity of Ottoman lessons as a way to restore Turkey’s severed ties with its “roots,” noting that the majority of Turkish people are unable to read the tombstones of their ancestors. “There are those who do not want this to be taught. This is a great danger. Whether they like it or not, the Ottoman language will be learnt and taught in this country,” Erdogan stated. At the weekend, Turkey’s National Education Council, mainly composed of members backed by the Erdogan administration, voted in favor of making Ottoman classes compulsory at religious high schools and an option at regular high schools.
Dec. 8, 2014

Armenia Armenia



Headline:   Azerbaijan kills Armenian national in Karabakh

Azerbaijani troops have killed an Armenian national in their new clashes with separatist forces from Nagorno-Karabakh region. Garik Ispirian, 19, was killed in a fresh wave of violence that erupted on Monday in the area bordering the Karabakh and Azerbaijan. In late 1991, the Armenian representatives in the local government of the Nagorno-Karabakh proclaimed the region a republic, independent from Azerbaijan. That was followed by a series of brutal wars that left at least 30,000 people dead. Concerns have been raised about the re-escalation of violence this year as Azerbaijan and Armenian-backed forces have intensified their exchange of fire across the area.
Dec. 8, 2014

nation against nationCooltextprophecysignLuke 21:9 and Matthew 24:7 speak of nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom in the end times. Revelation 6:3-4 speaks of the fiery red horse given power to make men slay one another and Revelation 6:8 speaks again of this red horse in conjunction with the pale horse of Death and Hades, as the one that has the power to kill by sword.  Luke 21:9: wars & commotions; the Greek word here is Akatastasia, meaning instability, a state of disorder, disturbance, confusion (revolutions)   Matthew 24:7: the Greek word for nation is Ethnos & refers to various ethnic groups fighting among themselves, where the next sentence in the verse refers to kingdoms (basileiva) fighting one another (not to be confused with an actual kingdom but rather the right or authority to rule over a kingdom)

Headline: Eric Garner protests turn violent in California

Headline:  Protesters flood California highway, throw rocks, bottles at officers, police say

Headline: Leftists using Ferguson to wage race war?

Mostly peaceful protests of a grand jury’s decision not to indict a white police officer in the chokehold death of an unarmed black man continued around the country, but authorities said a march in California turned violent when a splinter group smashed windows and threw objects at police. A Berkeley police officer received hospital treatment for a dislocated shoulder after being hit with a sandbag, while another sustained minor injuries, police spokeswoman Jenn Coats said. She said several businesses were looted and damaged when a splinter group broke off from the peaceful demonstration Saturday night, and officers attempting to get the crowd to disperse used smoke and tear gas. Protesters threw rocks, bricks, bottles, pipes and other objects at officers, and some squad cars were damaged. At least six people had been arrested by the time the unrest ended early Sunday, Coats said.
Dec. 7, 2014

Headline:  Pakistan- One dead as PTI workers clash with police

An opposition party worker was shot dead in Pakistan on Monday as hundreds of protesters clashed with riot police armed with water cannon and batons in the central city of Faisalabad. The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (Pakistan Movement for Justice or PTI) party led by Imran Khan had vowed to paralyze the city as part of its efforts to topple the government of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, whom it accuses of poll-rigging. The death could spark further violence and reinvigorate the opposition movement. It received a boost Monday when a judge ordered a vote audit in a key constituency, a longstanding demand of Khan. He has said it will highlight systemic flaws in the 2013 general election which brought Sharif’s party to power. TV footage showed PTI workers clashing with supporters of Sharif as well as with riot police, who baton-charged them as parts of Faisalabad came to a standstill.
Nabeela Ghazanfar, a spokeswoman for police in Punjab province, told AFP: “One protester has been killed and five others injured including two policemen.
Dec. 8, 2014

Headline:  Three bombs explode near homes of Yemen Shiite leaders

Headline:  5 Bomb attacks in Yemeni capital wound 8 Houthis

Three bombs exploded near the homes of Yemeni Shiite rebel leaders in Sanaa on Monday, security officials said, a day after the president named a new chief of staff of the armed forces. The explosions damaged several houses and injured eight people, whose identities have not been disclosed, the officials said, adding that authorities had dismantled five other bombs also found in the capital. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they are not authorized to brief the media. The Shiite rebels, known as Houthis, have spent months battling both local Al-Qaeda militants and Sunni tribesmen backed by the Islamist Islah Party. In September, they seized control of much of the capital and several other cities and towns.
Dec. 8, 2014

Headline:  Policeman killed in ‘terrorist’ attack in Bahrain: interior ministry

A policeman was killed while on duty southwest of the Bahraini capital Manama on Monday in what authorities described as a “terrorist” attack using a bomb made by Hezbollah. The Interior Ministry gave few details of the incident in the village of Damistan. Bahrain’s Foreign Minister, Sheikh Khaled bin Ahmed al-Khalifa, said on Twitter the policeman had fallen victim to “a bomb made by the terrorist Hezbollah”. He was referring to the Lebanese Shi’ite guerrilla group, which Bahrain has previously accused of being linked to Shi’ite militants in the country. Hezbollah has been vilified by Sunni Muslims over its participation in Syria’s civil war alongside President Bashar al-Assad and against Sunni-backed rebels fighting to oust him. Witnesses in Damistan said police cordoned off the area and were searching for evidence.
Dec. 8, 2014

Headline:  Haiti capital hit by anti-government clashes

Thousands of anti-government protesters have clashed with police in Haiti’s capital Port-au-Prince. They burned tyres and threw stones at officers who responded with tear gas. The protesters want President Michel Martelly and Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe to resign and long-overdue elections to be held. Some protesters accused the US of supporting Haiti’s leadership and called on Russian President Vladimir Putin for help. Hundreds succeeded in reaching the National Palace, an area which has been restricted for several years. One protester, who gave his name as Reginald, said: “Today is a victory against President Martelly who destroys the country, for two years we (are not allowed) to cross in front of the National Palace.” President Martelly was supposed to call elections in 2011 but they have been postponed in a stalemate between the government and a group of opposition senators over electoral law.
Dec. 5, 2014

EuroCooltextprophecysign Decline of the Euro– ““ When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.” (Revelation 6:5-6)“Whereas you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter’s clay and partly of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; yet the strength of the iron shall be in it, just as you saw the iron mixed with ceramic clay. 42 And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile. 43 As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle with the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay.” (Daniel 2:41-43)

Headline:  EU earns ‘fail’ grade over bank capital regime

Headline:  Eurogroup puts pressure on France to deliver on deficit

New EU laws do not meet new global standards and would not be enough to ensure that the bloc’s banks could survive a future financial crisis, according to a new report by the leading global bank regulator. The rebuke is contained in a report published on Friday (5 December) by the Basel committee at the Swiss-based Bank for International Settlements, the body tasked with formulating the rules that govern the world’s lenders. The committee, which also assessed the US, Japan, China, Brazil, Canada and Australia, finding them all in compliance, found that the new EU framework complied with the Basel rules in only eight of the fourteen areas. The EU is the first international body to be given a ‘fail’ verdict by the Swiss-based regulator.
Dec. 8, 2014 

bye CooltextprophecysignEconomic collapse Revelation 6:5-6 & James 5:1-3Worldwide“ When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.” (Revelation) “Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries that are coming upon you! Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have heaped up treasure in the last days.” (James)

Headline:    US stocks fall as energy sector drops sharply

U.S. stocks fell on Monday as oil prices turned sharply lower and spooked investors into dumping shares of drillers and other energy-service companies. The drop in oil weighed on stocks from the start of trading. Weak trade figures out of China and news that Japan’s recession is deeper than initially thought suggested demand for crude would be lower in those two economies. Among the big losers were two Dow Jones industrial average components, Chevron, down 3.7 percent, and Exxon Mobil, off 2.3 percent. More broadly, the six-month drop in oil, which has brought the price of crude down to the lowest level in five years, suggests headwinds for the U.S. economy, said Bill Strazzullo, chief market strategist at Bell Curve Trading. “When you look at the major drivers of global growth — Japan, China and the eurozone — they’re really struggling,” he said. “Can the U.S. continue to grow at a moderate pace when the rest of the world is having major problems?” Energy shares in the Standard and Poor’s 500, a broader index than the Dow, dropped to their lowest level in nearly two years. The decline of 3.9 percent was by far the biggest percentage drop among the 10 sectors in the index. Six of the 10 sectors fell. Selling was especially fierce in shares of smaller companies in the oil business. Cimarex Energy, Transocean, and Noble Energy were each down at least 5 percent. The Dow lost 106.31 points, or 0.6 percent, to 17,852.48. The Standard & Poor’s 500 index fell 15.06 points, or 0.7 percent, to 2,060.31. The Nasdaq composite fell 40.06 points, or 0.8 percent, to 4,740.69
Dec. 8, 2014 

Luke 21-25 signs in heaven

CooltextprophecysignMatthew 24:7 “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. Luke 21:11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.” Luke21:25 “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring

Headline:  Russian scientist spies mountain-sized asteroid heading our way

A Russian astrophysicist says his team has located a huge, mountain-sized asteroid whose orbit crosses the Earth’s every three years. Even though experts say the giant object, known as 2014 UR116, poses no immediate threat of collision, its unexpected discovery underscores how little is still known about asteroids and their unpredictable orbits. In the film, Lipunov says it’s difficult to calculate the orbit of big objects like 2014 UR116 because, as they hurtle through the solar system, their trajectories are constantly being altered by the gravitational pull of nearby planets. “We need to permanently track this asteroid, because even a small mistake in calculations could have serious consequences,” he said. There is little indication that this particular asteroid could hit the Earth in the next few decades, though over a much longer period a collision looks quite likely, says Natan Esmant, an expert with the official Space Research Institute in Moscow. A more serious issue, he says, is the estimated 100,000 near-Earth objects, such as asteroids and comets, which can cross our planet’s orbit and are large enough to be dangerous. Only about 11,000 have so far been tracked and cataloged. “Every couple of days new ones are being discovered,” he says. “Scientists have increasingly powerful tools to do this work, but there’s a lot still to be done. Every object that crosses the Earth’s path can be a potential threat.”
Dec. 8, 2014

Headline:  Fogo volcano lava reaches second village in Cape Verde

Lava from an erupting volcano on the Cape Verde, located off the coast of West Africa, has reportedly reached a second village. The Pico de Fogo volcano on the island of Fogo first erupted on November 23, causing hundreds of residents living in the vicinity to be evacuated. According to reports by the government on Sunday, one guesthouse and multiple apartment buildings were damaged in the small village of Bangaeira as a result of the continuing volcanic eruption. Two churches were also destroyed in the neighboring village of Portela, on top of previous heavy damage to dozens of homes, a hotel and a school. No deaths have been reported so far, though multiple people have been treated for inhaling ash or poisonous gases. The government said it was the first time the volcano had erupted in 20 years.
Dec. 7, 2014  

Headline:  Review of Weekend Quakes

Panama Indonesia Papua New Guinea Panama 12-8

Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes{%22feed%22%3A%221day_m25%22%2C%22search%22%3Anull%2C%22sort%22%3A%22newest%22%2C%22basemap%22%3A%22grayscale%22%2C%22autoUpdate%22%3Atrue%2C%22restrictListToMap%22%3Atrue%2C%22timeZone%22%3A%22local%22%2C%22mapposition%22%3A[[-82.49482361179572%2C-81.2109375]%2C[82.44876405595812%2C481.28906250000006]]%2C%22overlays%22%3A{%22plates%22%3Atrue}%2C%22viewModes%22%3A{%22map%22%3Atrue%2C%22list%22%3Atrue%2C%22settings%22%3Afalse%2C%22help%22%3Afalse}}


Earthly Signs

The Two Needs/December 7, 2014


The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December 7, 2014 Edition written by Frank DiMora.



Right after I made the above video today another huge earthquake hit the news.



May I share with you what Jesus is doing with the Last Chronicles of Planet Earth book and  the End Times Research Ministry?  Some time ago I was contacted by 5 different people who I had never met before. What I am about to share with you is a truth and my Lord is my witness as well as the five people who contacted me.  The first person who contacted me did so by e-mail and this is the message they I was given. The person wrote me and said that Jesus had spoken to this person and said to give this message to Frank DiMora. The message was, tell him that he would be preaching to millions of people.  I was blow away by the message to say the least. I really didn’t know what to make of it because I never charge anyone for anything in my ministry and I don’t have funds to just go on the radio to try and reach millions of people.  I held the message that was sent to me in my heart.  A month later I was contacted again by another person via e-mail who gave me the same message from Christ. I never said anything to anyone about this matter except my Son and one Christian Brother from my church who was with me when I got the first message.  What do you say about this?  I didn’t know what to say so I just waited. For the next 2 months I was contacted by one person each month who gave me the exact same message that I had received from the previous two.  They all were told to tell me I would be preaching to millions.  On the fifth month as I was leaving my Church a person in my church who I did not know came up to me and told me he had to give me a message.  He said that when he gave it to me I would laugh at him.  I asked him what was the message?  He said before I give you this message I want to tell you what happen last week.  Last week in church Jesus spoke to me and told me to give you the message but I didn’t.  The Lord also told me to stop a certain young man as he was leaving church but I didn’t stop him like I was asked to do.  That young man left our church and he was killed in a car crash after leaving church. 

I will tell you this about the person who told me what had happened. His name is Lee.  Lee was pretty up-set about what happened last week and he said he couldn’t wait to see me this week because he had to give me the message that he was suppose to give me a week ago.  This is what he said.  Last week Jesus spoke to me and told me to tell you, you are going to be preaching to millions of people.  After he told me that I started to laugh and Lee stopped me and said, I told you, you would laugh at me.  I told him I wasn’t laughing at him but what had happened. I explained to him that the message he gave to me was the exact same message that 4 other people who I did not know gave me over the past 4 months.

I want to be honest with you all. I truly consider myself as a humble man and one after the Lord’s heart just as we read about King David.  How would you feel if this happened to you?  All I could do was say thank you to these people for giving me the message and wait to see what Jesus was up to?  A short time after Lee gave me the 5th message from the Lord I was contacted by Gina Romano a radio talk show host for a program called The Edge.  She had come to find my web site and was lead to contact me.  She told me that she found what I was saying very interesting and wanted to know if I would do a show with her in 3 months.  I told her that if the Lord opened the door I would go through it. All I could say is call me in 3 months and I will do it.  To my surprise the very next day I got another phone call from Gina and she asked me if I could do an interview today?  I asked her what happened I thought you said in 3 months.  Gina told me that she felt compelled to move everyone around so I could do the interview today which we did.  Shortly after that interview I was contacted again by Gina who told me that the people listening really liked what they heard and wanted more. She asked if I would do another interview and once again as the Lord leads I go!  To make a long story short Gina keep calling me to do more interviews.  I think I did 6 of those interviews with her when she called me again and, told me that her producer  and director from London wanted to speak with me. We set up a time and in that conference call I was told by the group in London that they wanted to know if I was up to do my own radio show?  They told me I could do as many shows as I wanted for a long as I wanted.  I asked them how much this was going to cost me and to my surprise I was told I would have to pay a dime.  It was at that meeting that I asked the producer of the show how many people would be listening?  He said any were between 4-7 million people.  As soon as he said that, those 5 messages came rushing at me like a train.  Here I was listening to the London producer tell me I would be talking to millions of people and it was as if Jesus Himself was speaking to me.  To this day I keep asking myself, why me Lord?  Who am I that you would do such a thing for me?  You want to know what pure joy is?  Knowing that Jesus has hand picked you to do His work and that he used 5 strangers to tell me what I was going to be doing before I would do it! There is no words I can find to say how honored I am to be chosen to do this work for Christ. 

I did The Edge radio show for close to two years until my producer in London passed away from lung cancer. I thought that the prophecy concerning me preaching to millions was over but, as you will see below when Jesus has a plan He makes sure it gets carried out?  After I lost my producer all I could do is do what I had been doing preaching Jesus Christ for free at my site and giving free prophecy seminars to those who asked me.  In every thing I have done since Jesus put me in this ministry I have done it for free.  There is not one person who can say I charged them for preaching!  Everything I have done I needed to completely depend on Christ to make it happen.  I believe Jesus has looked into my heart and has approved that I have followed His wishes to the letter and He is blessing the ministry as a result.  My Lord keeps blowing me away as I have recently just learned from another Pastor in Kenya that my word for Christ via my youtube videos and, what I post at my prophecy site is now reaching 7 million people via another radio show. The Pastor who wrote me is Rev. Agneta Nafula and he informed me what was happening via my work.  Before you read two of Pastor Agneta’s  messages  to me you will see a photo of a shipment of my books that I just sent out to Pastor Agneta.  As the Lord provides these books are sent out for free. 





 To Frank
Praise the Lord, this week i have been sharing the word of God in my churches and Radio Station, from Dimora’s prophecy about The Earthquakes and Terrible Times. It has touched many people in my  Churches and allove Kenya, i have received many calls phones asking to reach them with that message, over 7,000,000.00 are hearing the word of God through Radio.
Rev. Agneta


To Frank
Praise the Lord, Here in Kenya many People like and love your prophecy so much, many of them have told me that your prophecy is 100% true.
Like THE MARK OF THE BEAST, THE GENERATION OF KNOWLEDGE, EARTHQUAKES,THE RAPTURE AND OTHERS. especially your prophecy about earthquake is being fulfilled everywhere in the world, this has maked my People to like your prophecy, in my churches and all of western kenya and Uganda through RADIO STATION. Now i m teaching False Christs, Faise prophets &The Psalm 83 war.
Rev. Agneta
 Pastor Agneta sent me some pictures of him preaching and using my work to wake up as many as he can to the things concerning the last days of which the Lord told me to write about.  I do have to say this, Pastor said they like my prophecy but, keep in mind the language barrier as what I have been teaching are Christ’s prophecies not mine. All I ever to do is point to what Christ has already shown us for these last times and then connect the dots between those prophecies and the current events. 
What has been my role in this last day ministry? To do whatever I can to preach Jesus for free and to lead as many as the Lord directs to salvation via the blood of Jesus Christ.  What has Jesus called me to do?  All He laid on my heart was to tell the people what the need is and to move over.  In other words, I wasn’t suppose to try and makes things happen, Jesus would move in and speak to the people He wanted them to help.  Most of you know that I have done my best to help many pastors get food for the poor, get bibles to as many as I could, and to give out my prophecy book for free.  I have always known that if the day comes when I tell the people listening what the need is and no one answers the call, then they would be the time for me to step down.  It has been a long time since I posted a need. I want for the Lord to show me that it is time and that is what I have been shown.  Before I tell you what the need is I want to make sure that anyone who answers the call that I do not get a penny. Fact is, I don’t even tell you to send it to me. 
Here is the need. Pastor Agneta asked me  take him under his wing so I can help spread the word.  He needs more of my books and needs bibles to had out. 
The second need is below the  pictures sent to Frank by Pastor Agneta
One of the Pastors the Lord has allowed me to help has been Pastor Fiaz who is in Pakistan. I just received a e-mail from Fiaz telling me that the Lord has revealed to him to translate my book so the people in Pakistan can read it.  I am sure if this is what Christ wants then He must have plans of saving many Muslims in Pakistan.  We are going to need funds for Pastor Fiaz to print up in Pakistan.  It is much cheaper to print them up there than in the U.S..  You can read Fiaz’s letter to me below.
Dear brother Frank
I am happy to listen these good words from you. Brother till we not need any fund. We will be need some fund when this all book will be translated. After translation we will need this to type from professional composer who will type this. Brother almost one book cost will be 5$ in Pakistan if we print this. I will translate free of cost for God Kingdom and for you. In Pakistan not many people use computer and internet. For this reason we will give them in printing book shape.  I am praying for this and please you also pray for this. I believe God will provide us. Because i am feeling this is from God. He want your blessed work be translate in Urdu language. I will also request to people support this project and you also share this with people. I have a strong faith He will provide us. If you give me permission i will start this work from 1st day of 2015.
Many blessing to you,
Pastor Fiaz
 Now that you have seen the two needs it is time for me to do what Jesus has shown me. I am stepping out of the way. If the Lord speaks to you about helping get these two needs met do not write me or send me any funds.  Contact Ascent Ministries and tell them you want to help fill the two needs that Frank DiMora has made known.  Shawn Svacha is the head of Ascent and his email address is:  Ascent Ministries address information is below.  Ascent will make sure that any funds that come in will be sent out to meet these needs.  If no one answers the needs I will say goodbye but,  I have faith that my work for Christ is not finished. As always I wait on the Lord. God bless you all.
Frank DiMora
Ascent Ministries 2754 East Streetsboro Road, Hudson, OH 44236

Ascent Ministries

Prophecy Signs for December 5, 2014


Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436

indexBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates. The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December 2, 2014 Edition written by Frank DiMora.


Headline:   Hamas: Netanyahu is playing with fire by allowing Jews on Temple Mount

Headline:  Police vs politicians on the Temple Mount

Khaled Mashaal, the leader of Hamas, railed against Jews being allowed to visit the Temple Mount and justified the recent wave in Palestinian terror attacks as a reaction to the handful of times prayer at the holy site was closed due to security concerns, in an interview with Sky News on Friday. “Netanyahu is playing with fire when he allows members of his government and the extremists to repeatedly storm the al-Aksa mosque,” he said. “That’s dangerous. For every action, there’s a reaction.” In relation to the Temple Mount being closed for Friday prayers on a number of recent occasions, Mashaal continued to lash out against the prime minister. “Our fight is a national fight. Netanyahu is turning it into a religious fight. He bears responsibility for the consequences of what’s happening,” he said. Mashaal justified the brutal Palestinian attack on a Jerusalem synagogue, which killed four Jewish prayer goers and one Druse police officer,  by repeating “I told you, for every action, there’s a reaction.”  Meanwhile, Israel Police commissioner Yohanan Danino blew away whatever illusions were left about how his agency feels about recent visits by right-wing MKs to the Mount, finally saying out loud what police have said behind closed doors and in off-the-record comments to journalists throughout Israel’s recent tensions. On Tuesday, Danino sparked the ire of many on the Right when he said, “Anyone who wants to change the status quo on the Temple Mount should not be allowed up there,” leveling criticism at what he called an “extreme right-wing agenda to change the status quo” there.
Dec. 5, 2014

Headline:  Belgium in talks on joint EU recognition of Palestine

Belgium is on course to join a new group of EU countries calling for Palestine recognition. Its federal parliament is expected to vote next week on a draft motion asking the Belgian government to do it at a future point when it sees fit. It is legally non-binding and does not mention a deadline. The initiative comes after four of the biggest parties – the N-VA, MR, CD&V, and VLD – agreed to back the project. For its part, the Belgian foreign ministry wants to wait for two developments. It wants to see if a new French-Jordanian UN Security Council project to get an Israel-Palestine peace deal by 2016 bears fruit. It also wants to see if a new EU Special Representative for the Middle East Peace Process, to be appointed shortly, can make an impact. “We’ve had 20 years of the peace process with no outcome and there is a lot of frustration in Europe with the lack of good will in Israel. But the time hasn’t come to abandon it [the process] yet”, a Belgian diplomat told EUobserver. He noted that Belgium is in talks with like-minded EU states who plan to jointly recognise Palestine if need be. He said the likely recognisers include Britain, France, Ireland, and Spain – where parliaments passed pro-recognition motions in the past six weeks.
Dec. 5, 2014

Headline:  Obama officials mum on reports White House weighing sanctions on Israel

Headline:  Obama set on obstructing Netanyahu’s re-election

The Obama administration is refusing to discuss reports that emerged early Thursday claiming that the White House is considering imposing sanctions on Israel for continuing construction on Jewish homes in Jerusalem. State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf dodged several questions on Thursday when confronted with reports that the administration had held secret internal meetings to discuss taking action against Israel for its ongoing building in East Jerusalem. The classified meetings were reportedly held several weeks ago and included officials from both the State Department and White House, according to the Israeli daily Ha’aretz, which first reported on the meetings. The possibility of sanctioning Israel for its ongoing construction sends a signal that the Obama administration is willing to go further in its denunciations of Israel then any previous White House. At the same time, the White House is vigorously pushing Congress against passing new sanctions on Iran.
Dec. 5, 2014

Psalm 83 Foto Flexer bb_thumb2.jpg

Cooltextprophecysign“Do not keep silent, O God! Do not hold Your peace, And do not be still, O God! For behold, Your enemies make a tumult; And those who hate You have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, And consulted together against Your sheltered ones. They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.” (Psalm 83)




Headline: Obama and Jordan’s King ‘Concerned’ Over Israel-PA Tensions

U.S. President Barack Obama met on Friday with King Abdullah II of Jordan at the White House, saying he was “concerned” about the tensions between Israelis and Palestinian Arabs. “We share concerns about the continuous tensions between Israel and Gaza,” Obama was quoted by UPI as having said following the meeting, adding, “We are going to work together for a Palestinian state.” The meeting comes as Jordan heads a bid to win backing for a UN resolution on a final Israeli-Palestinian settlement that could be presented to the Security Council in the coming weeks. Jordan’s Ambassador to the UN, Dina Kawar, said this week she would be meeting with representatives from Arab countries and council members to gauge whether there is support for a “unified text” on advancing Israeli-Palestinian Authority (PA) peace. If a consensus can be reached, a draft resolution could be presented to the council later this month or in January, she said. The PA, which is being backed by the Arab League, has been pushing for a draft resolution that calls for ending the “Israeli occupation” by November 2016. The text ran into opposition from the United States and other members of the council, opening the way for the Europeans led by France to begin talks on a separate draft that would set a timeframe for ending negotiations.
Dec. 5, 2014


Headline:  Army fires at Israeli drone over east Lebanon

The Lebanese Army fired anti-aircraft guns at an Israeli drone flying at a low altitude above the Riyaq area in east Lebanon Thursday, the military said. Local sources earlier told The Daily Star that the Army fired at three unidentified drones which had violated Lebanon’s airspace. The Army confirmed in a statement that it shot at an Israeli drone, but said it only fired at one drone.
Dec. 4, 2014

Headline:   Syrian militant threatens Lebanese Shiites

Headline:   Nusra Front kills Lebanese army captive Bazzal

A militant commander in Syria who has pledged allegiance to the Islamic State group has threatened to “retaliate” against Lebanese Shiites and families of Lebanese soldiers over the arrest of his wife and two children in Lebanon, according to a new militant posting. The video statement by the militant, Abu Ali Al-Shishani — whose real name is Anas Sharkas, according to Lebanese authorities — also said that mediation efforts for the release of more than 20 Lebanese soldiers held captive since August by IS and Al-Qaeda-linked militants in Syria have stopped, until his family is freed. It was unclear from the statement, released late Thursday, what role Al-Shishani has played so far in the mediation efforts, which are led by Qatar, a traditional Mideast mediator.
Dec. 5, 2014

Headline:    Lebanese Army Says It Arrested a Wife of ISIS Leader

The Lebanese army says it has arrested one of the wives of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State (ISIS), the world’s most notorious jihadi group. The woman, an Iraqi national named Saja al-Dulaimi, was traveling with Baghdadi’s 9-year-old daughter. They both were arrested roughly a week ago as they tried to cross into northern Lebanon from Syria, the army says. A senior member of the Lebanese army, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, says Dulaimi and her daughter are being held at a Defense Ministry facility near Beirut. Dulaimi is allegedly not cooperating with the investigation led by Lebanese army intelligence, and several media outlets have stated that she is being outright hostile. Dulaimi was arrested in a part of northern Lebanon where there are small pockets of support for ISIS. It remains unclear how much information she may have about Baghdadi or the operations of his jihadi group. As word spread of the arrest earlier today, some are holding out hope that Dulaimi and her daughter can be used in a prisoner swap for 27 Lebanese police and army troops who have been held since last summer by ISIS and the Nusra Front in the rugged mountains straddling the Lebanon-Syria border. Several of the prisoners have been executed over the past few months, and their families have staged sit-ins across the country.
Dec. 5, 2014


Headline:    ISIS, Nusra clash near Lebanon border: source

Clashes erupted between ISIS and Nusra Front fighters near the border with Lebanon Friday, after gunmen rejected an attempt by the latter to unite the opposition in Syria’s Qalamoun region under a single leader. The clashes were concentrated on the outskirts of the Syrian village of Ras al-Maara, a source close to the Nusra Front told The Daily Star. Ras al-Maara is a few kilometers from Lebanon’s northeastern town of Arsal, the scene of ongoing clashes between the Lebanese Army and the two jihadi groups.
Dec. 5, 2014


Headline:  Egypt police disperse anti-Mubarak rally in Cairo

Headline:  US urges embassy staff in Cairo to restrict travel in light of heightened tensions

Egyptian police on Friday dispersed a demonstration in Abdel-Moneim Riyad Square, adjacent to Cairo’s flashpoint Tahrir Square where a protest was held last week after a court cleared ousted president Hosni Mubarak of charges that he had conspired to kill protesters in 2011. Police used batons to disperse demonstrators, several of whom were arrested at random, eyewitnesses reported. Groups of people walking by Tahrir on Friday – whether intending to protest or not – were also told to break up and go their separate ways, MEE contributors on the ground reported. The Interior Ministry has yet to comment on the incident with the demonstrators, but police usually disperse unauthorised protests in line with the controversial protest law regulating street demonstrations. In a Thursday press conference, various groups including the National Alliance for the Defense of Legitimacy, the main support bloc of ousted president Mohamed Morsi, and a handful of youth-led groups had called for protests on Friday against the court ruling. But on Friday, in the face of heightened security, plans changed, organisers said. “We called off today’s planned protests due to the heavy presence of security forces in and around the square,” Zizo Abdou, a member of the April 6 youth movement, said. Ahead of the expected Friday protests, Egyptian security forces closed off Tahrir and erected barbed wire barriers around the square, the epicentre of that popular revolution that ousted Mubarak in 2011. Armoured vehicles was also deployed around the square and near the state television building, according to Anadolu Agency (AA). People who work in buildings on the square have been reportedly refused entry too.
Dec. 5, 2014

   Damascus ISIS
Syria Iraq ISIS- the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (the Levant) ISIS=ISIL=IS=Daash

Syria    IraqKurdistan


Iraq                              Syria                          Kurdistan


Syria Headline:  ISIS fighters besiege crucial Syrian air base

Muslim militants pushed forward in their offensive on a major military air base in eastern Syria Friday capturing a nearby village in an attempt to take one of President Bashar Assad’s last outposts in a province that borders Iraq, activists said. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights and the Local Coordination Committees say clashes continued for the second day around the air base just outside the contested eastern city of Deir el-Zour. The Observatory said fighters from the Islamic State group captured the strategic village of Jafra reaching the fence of the sprawling air base. The Observatory, which has a network of activists around the country, said the fighting that started with an Islamic State offensive early Thursday has killed 30 government troops and 27 jihadi fighters. The key military air base gives government warplanes a hub from which to bomb IS-held cities and towns across much of eastern Syria. For the Islamic State group, capturing the airport would eliminate the main pocket of resistance in the area and provide a major morale and propaganda boost after a string of setbacks in recent weeks.
Dec. 5, 2014

Syria Headline:  Syrian rebels report gains in Hama

On Thursday, the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and the allied Islamic Brigades took control of the village of al-Jabin village Hama suburb, central Syria, following clashes with the pro-regime forces, local sources reported. Speaking to ARA News in Hama, opposition activist Muhannad al-Barazi said that controlling the village of al-Jabin in the western part of Hama came after fierce battles between the pro-regime forces and rebels of the FSA –backed by Islamic Brigades. “Several casualties were reported on both sides,” al-Barazi said, without specifying numbers. “FSA-regime clashes extended to the areas of Jamleh, Tel Milh in the western countryside of Hama.” In Damascus, local sources told ARA News that the pro-regime air forces attacked the town of Deir Asafir in the eastern Ghouta with rockets, injuring at least seven civilians, who were transferred to nearby filed hospitals. This coincided with clashes between the pro-regime forces and FSA fighters in the outskirts of the town of Deir Asafir. Yezen Ibrahim, civil rights activist based in Damascus, told ARA News that the pro-Assad warplanes carried out three raids on the neighboring towns of Bala and Zebdin. “Mortars and ground to ground rockets targeted the two towns launched from pro-regime bases in the town of Hitetet Jarsh.” “No casualties were reported,” the source said. These developments coincided with barrel bombs hitting the city of Zabadani by pro-regime military helicopters. Zabadani’s attacks were coupled with clashes between the Army of Islam (a rebel faction that works under the umbrella of the Islamic Front) and the pro-regime forces, in the towns of Hosh al-Fara and Taiba in the western suburb of Damascus on Thursday evening.
Dec. 5, 2014

Syria Headline:  Pro-Assad forces combat ISIS in Hasakah

After two days of calm, clashes renewed in the western countryside of the city of Hasakah, in northeastern Syria, between the pro-regime forces –backed by the National Defense Army (NDA)– and militants of the Islamic State group (IS/ISIS), coinciding with artillery shelling by pro-regime forces in their vicinity. The Media Center of the NDA in the province of Hasakah announced that their fighters were able to repel IS militants in the western countryside of the city on Thursday. “Subsequent to reinforcements received by the IS group through the road of  the village of Abyad-Mount Abdulaziz, our fighters targeted the IS militants based in the vicinity of Mount Abdulaziz with thermal missiles on Wednesday evening,” the NDA statement read. In other developments, an explosion hit the Nasira neighborhood in Hasakah last night, causing the injury to a number of civilians and damage to nearby residential buildings. “The Christian security forces of Suturo surrounded the place of bombing, as residents accused IS militants of being behind the incident,” said Ahmed Khalil, a civil rights activist based in Hasakah’s Nasira.
Dec. 5, 2014

Syria Headline:    ISW Syria Update Nov. 25- Dec. 2, 2014

Syria Headline:  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights

Iraq Headline:  Car Bombs Leave 37 Dead in Iraq

At least two car bombs killed as many as 37 people Thursday in Iraq, apparently targeting Shiites and Kurds. Three of the attacks targeted Shiite districts in the capital, Baghdad, while the fourth targeted a Kurdish neighborhood in the oil-rich northern city of Kirkuk. Police officials said the first attack targeted a line of small restaurants in the Shiite district of Sadr City Thursday night, killing 11 people and wounding 25 others. Minutes later, a second car bomb blast near an outdoor market in the same district killed seven people and wounded 21 others. Later on, a bomb exploded near a restaurant in Baghdad’s Shiite northern neighborhood of Shaab, killing three people and wounding 12 others. In the oil-rich city of Kirkuk, a car bomb attack near a cafe killed 16 people, said deputy chief of the Kirkuk police, Maj. Gen. Torhan Abdul-Rahman Youssef. The blast took place in a Kurdish district in the city, 290 kilometers (180 miles) north of Baghdad. Medics in a nearby hospital confirmed the causalities. All officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they are not authorized to speak to the media.
Dec. 4, 2014

Iraq Headline:  ISW Iraq Situation Report Dec. 4-5, 2014

Kurdish Headline: Kurdish forces stop ISIS attack in Kobane (Syria)

Islamist militants attacked the Kurdish forces in Kobane on three fronts Friday morning, a commander told Rudaw, and the Kurds responded with heavy fire, stopping the attack and killing several militants. “The militants first began by shelling the Kurdish areas then they began the ground assault,” Peshmerga Captain Sherwan Muhammad said. Cpt. Muhammad said that the Peshmerga and Peoples Protection Units (YPG) responded to the Islamic State (ISIS) attacks and killed seven militants. Coalition fighter jets also came to the support of the Kurdish fighters, he said, bombing the ISIS positions in and around the city.
Dec. 5, 2014

rise of ISIS

Headline:  U.S. has not canceled passports of known Americans fighting for ISIL

The United States, in the midst of a military campaign, has not sought to stop suspected operatives from traveling to and from strongholds of Islamic State of Iraq and Levant strongholds. The administration of President Barack Obama has acknowledged that the government has not prevented any of the at least 100 suspected ISIL operatives from traveling. The State Department said it has not canceled the passports of those Americans recruited to join ISIL in Iraq and Syria. “To my knowledge, the State Department has not cancelled any passports,” State Department senior adviser Robert Bradtke said on Dec. 2. Bradtke, who works for the State Department’s Bureau of Counterterrorism, acknowledged that Secretary of State John Kerry was empowered to revoke the passports of Americans. But he said Kerry and the administration did not want to interfere with the freedom of travel. “We would only do it also in consultations with law enforcement authorities,” Bradtke told a Foreign Affairs subcommittee. “And we have not yet had any requests from law enforcement authorities to cancel the passports of ISIS [ISIL] or foreign fighters. So again, we have the authority; it is one tool; we do have other tools to use as well in this regard.”
Dec. 5, 2014

Headline:    ISIS Twitter Accts Claim They Have Weaponized Stolen Uranium, Created ‘Dirty Bomb’

Islamic State terrorists are now claiming on social media that they have a “dirty bomb” in their possession. ISIS-affiliated users initially professed the information on Twitter, and added they had stolen 40 kg of Uranium from Mosul University after the city was overtaken by the jihadis in June. UK’s Mirror reported that an ISIS supporter revealed the terror group had already weaponized the Uranium and turned it into a “dirty bomb.” “O by the way Islamic State does have a Dirty bomb. We found Radioactive [sic] material from Mosul university,” said the tweet by Islamic State militant who called himself Muslim al-Britani. “We’ll find out what dirty bombs are and what they do. We’ll also discuss what might happen if one actually went off in a public area.” He added, threateningly, “This sort of bomb would be terribly destructive if went off in LONDON becuz it would be more of a disruptive than a destructive weapon.”
Dec. 4, 2014

Headline:   ISIS Sanctuary Map: December 5, 2014

ISW has updated its ISIS Sanctuary map. This map, covering both Iraq and Syria, shows the extent of ISIS zones of control, attack, and support throughout both countries.


Psalm 83

Listed below are the nations which will attack Israel from Ezekiel chapter 38 and their modern day names (see chart above). 

Gog is the leader of the Russian invasion of Israel.

Magog, Meshech, and Tubal comprise modern day Russia.

Persia is Iran, parts of northern Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Cush is Ethiopia and Sudan.

Put is Libya and will most likely include Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco.

Gomer is Eastern Germany.

Beth Togarmah is Turkey and Armenia. 


Headline:  Russia Chechnya: Deadly rebel attack rocks Grozny

Headline:  6 killed, 13 injured east Ukraine clashes

Headline:  Ukraine’s Poroshenko tells army not to give up Donetsk airport

Rebel gunmen have shot their way into the heavily fortified Chechen capital, Grozny, in a night-time attack which left as many as 16 people dead. Arriving at 01:00 (22:00 GMT Wednesday) in cars, they fired on a traffic police checkpoint before attacking a media building and a school. An Islamist group said it had launched a suicide attack to avenge attacks by security forces on Muslim women. Chechnya’s Moscow-backed president said the situation was under control. Ramzan Kadyrov said none of the attackers had escaped. Russian President Vladimir Putin said from Moscow he was confident Chechen security forces could handle the militants by themselves. This is the most serious violence in Grozny for some time and will be another worry for President Putin, amid a serious downturn in the Russian economy, the BBC’s Sarah Rainsford reports from Moscow.
Dec. 5, 2014


Headline:  Kerry: Any Iran strikes against Islamic State ‘positive’

Kerry denied there was any military coordination with Iran after the Pentagon said that Iranian F-4 Phantom jets – acquired from the United States before the 1979 Islamic revolution – had deployed against IS fighters in Iraq’s eastern Diyala province. He suggested, however, that there was an understanding between mainly Shiite Iran and the US to tackle a common threat. “If Iran is taking on (IS jihadists) in some particular place… and it has an impact, then it’s going to be net effect (that) is positive,” Kerry told a press conference after the meeting.
Dec. 5, 2014,7340,L-4599613,00.html



****Clicking on the UNDERLINED sections will take you to the news link

Headline:   War News for Friday, December 5, 2014

Reported security incidents

#1: Three persons, including a woman and a girl, were killed in a roadside blast in Nawagai tehsil of Bajaur Agency on Thursday, official sources said. They said unidentified militants had planted the explosives on a roadside in Karkanai area in Nawagai tehsil that went off around 11:30 am

#2: A suicide attacker who wanted to attack on police forces in Shindand district, killed by police forces. According to security forces, the attacker was resident of Balabalok district, Farah province, wanted to attack on police security post in Shozra region, killed by police forces.

#3: A policeman lost his life in explosion of a mine in Urozgan province late yesterday night. The incident occurred in Chakajou region, Khas district, Urozgan province while police forces were patrolling in the area.




Headline:  Fighting flares up in S. Sudan after rains recede

Government troops and South Sudanese rebels have been fighting for more than a week in a remote northern region of the country, in the worst clashes since the rainy season receded in recent weeks. The European Union and the United States, keen to prevent the world’s newest state sliding into chaos, have already imposed sanctions on both sides for frequent breaches of a ceasefire. The initial pact was signed in January. Joe Contreras, spokesman for the UN mission in South Sudan, said the United Nations had received reports of continuous clashes in Fangak County in Jonglei State. “The fighting has been going on for over a week there,” he said. A monitoring team from the regional African IGAD bloc, put in place to monitor ceasefire violations, briefed the United Nations about clashes in Fangak on Tuesday. He called it the most sustained fighting in a single location since May. The warring factions renewed the ceasefire pact in May and signed another deal to halt fighting early in November but each time they have quickly collapsed. Talks to reach a comprehensive agreement are continuing in Ethiopia but with little sign of progress.
Dec. 5, 2014




Headline: U.S. Confirms ISIS Has Training Camps in Libya

Headline: Deadly air raid hits Libya militia on Tunisia border

The head of the U.S. Africa Command said on Wednesday that Washington is “very carefully” watching what he described as “nascent” Islamic State (ISIS) training camps in Libya. At the same time, Fox News reported, General David Rodriguez downplayed the threat posed by these training camps. Rodriguez said in a Pentagon press briefing that it is his belief that the camps may be made up of local militias that are trying to get on the map by working “the ISIS label.” “We don’t have enough information to know how serious they are,” he said. Rodriguez added that he could not provide any evidence that people had migrated to these camps from Iraq or Syria, where the group is active. ISIS is already known to have a presence in Libya, where it has an affiliate by the name Ansar al-Sharia which several months ago declared authority over the coastal city of Darna. Meanwhile, an airstrike hit a Libyan militia post on the border with Tunisia Friday, killing one person and wounding several others, a militia spokesman said. The Libya Shield militia accused forces loyal to the internationally recognized government of carrying out the raid close to the Ras Jedir border crossing.
Dec. 5, 2014 




Headline:     German far-Left party takes state parliament- East German communists return to power 25 years after fall of Berlin Wall

Germany’s far-Left party has returned to power in a state government for the first time since the Berlin Wall fell 25 years ago, stoking heated debate about its communist roots. The Left Party, widely seen as the successor to the Socialist Unity Party (SED) that once ruled East Germany, will head the government of Thuringia after the state parliament narrowly voted to approve a new coalition. The new state prime minister, Bodo Ramelow, used his first speech in parliament to apologise to victims of the former communist regime, and said he wanted to “reconcile rather than divide”. Thousands of people braved sub-zero temperatures on the streets of the state capital, Erfurt, on Thursday night to protest against the expected result of the vote. Angela Merkel predicted the decision would be “bad news” for Thuringia, while the German President, Joachim Gauck, broke with the traditional neutrality of his role to speak out against it.
Dec. 5, 2014




Headline:   U.S. Warns of Attack in Turkey

American officials in Turkey are warning that extremist groups may be planning an attack on the offices of the Western-backed Syrian opposition group in Gaziantep, a city near the border with Syria. The statement, issued Wednesday by the United States Embassy in Ankara, did not name the supposed planners of the attack, including the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, which has been active recently along Turkey’s 560-mile border with Syria. But it did specify the building that might be the target. “The U.S. Embassy has received reports that extremist groups may be planning an attack against the Syrian Interim Government building” in Gaziantep, the statement said. “We remind U.S. citizens that the situation in southeast Turkey, while usually calm, can change without warning and U.S. citizens should avoid traveling in areas close to the Syrian border.” The warning came as journalists and members of international organizations in southeastern Turkey were on alert after reports claimed that Islamic State militants would try to kidnap foreigners and take them into Syria.
Dec. 4, 2014

nation against nationCooltextprophecysignLuke 21:9 and Matthew 24:7 speak of nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom in the end times. Revelation 6:3-4 speaks of the fiery red horse given power to make men slay one another and Revelation 6:8 speaks again of this red horse in conjunction with the pale horse of Death and Hades, as the one that has the power to kill by sword.  Luke 21:9: wars & commotions; the Greek word here is Akatastasia, meaning instability, a state of disorder, disturbance, confusion (revolutions)   Matthew 24:7: the Greek word for nation is Ethnos & refers to various ethnic groups fighting among themselves, where the next sentence in the verse refers to kingdoms (basileiva) fighting one another (not to be confused with an actual kingdom but rather the right or authority to rule over a kingdom)

Headline:Outrage grows in New York after officer cleared in chokehold death

Headline:  Protesters March After Phoenix Police Kill Rumain Brisbon

Headline: Ferguson protesters met with racial slurs during march to Missouri capital

Thousands of protesters were expected to take to the streets of New York on Friday in a third day of demonstrations against police violence, even as prosecutors said they would consider charges against an officer for the fatal shooting of an unarmed black man in November. The shooting of Akai Gurley, 28, in a dark stairwell in Brooklyn added to a string of police actions involving unarmed black men that have inflamed racial tensions throughout the United States. Since Wednesday, when a New York grand jury cleared white police officer Daniel Pantaleo in the July chokehold death of 43-year-old father-of-six Eric Garner, the city has seen two nights of angry but largely peaceful demonstrations. The decision was announced nine days after another grand jury declined to indict a white policeman for the killing in August of an unarmed black teenager in Ferguson, Missouri, spurring rioting in the St. Louis suburb.
Dec. 5, 2014

Headline: Suspected Boko Haram attack on Nigerian town kills dozens

An attack by suspected Boko Haram militants on Bajoga town in northeast Gombe state of Nigeria reportedly killed dozens Thursday, according to security forces and witnesses. The suspected Boko Haram fighters invaded the town while worshippers were concluding their early morning prayers, Xinhua reported. According to a security source, the gunmen entered the town in a number of Hilux vans and started shooting. The source said that the divisional police headquarters and the Police Area Command at Bajoga, as well as a bank were attacked and destroyed. Security forces engaged the terrorists in a gun battle for about three hours and eventually repelled them, the Xinhua report said. State police spokesperson Fwaje Atajiri said normalcy had been restored in the affected areas. The raid follows a string of attacks by suspected Boko Haram fighters in Nigeria, including a suicide bomb and gun attack on a mosque in the northern city of Kano last Friday, which left at least 120 people dead, according to some accounts and a few days later, an attack on the Yobe State University in Damaturu.
Dec. 5, 2014

Headline:  Suicide bombers kill up to seven in Somali town

Suicide bombers attacked a restaurant in the town of Baidoa northwest of the Somali capital on Friday, killing up to seven people and wounding dozens of others, a police officer and a doctor said. There was no immediate claim of responsibility but the Islamist group al Shabaab, which wants to impose its strict interpretation of Islam on Somalia, often carries out such attacks. Friday evening is a busy time when many Somalis go out. “First a suicide bomber blew himself up at the entrance of the restaurant and then a suicide car bomb followed when people converged to help,” Captain Nur Osman, a police officer, told Reuters by telephone. He said the death toll was at least five. Dr Abdullahi Ali, manager at Baidoa hospital, said the hospital had received seven dead with 34 others wounded in the two blasts.
Dec. 5, 2014

Headline:  Qaeda threatens US hostage in new video

Headline: Ansarullah fighters take over Sana’a army academy

Al-Qaeda’s branch in Yemen threatened an American hostage kidnapped over a year ago, giving Washington three days to meet unspecified demands and denouncing US actions in the country in a new video released on Thursday. The hostage, identified as 33-year-old Luke Somers, an American photojournalist born in Britain, is featured for the first time in the video, posted on the al-Qaeda offshoot’s Twitter account and first reported by Site Intelligence Group, which monitors militant sites. The video mimicked some of those used by al-Qaeda rivals from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) group, which has beheaded several American and British hostages in the aftermath of a summer blitz that captured much of Iraq and Syria. Somers was kidnapped in September 2013 from a street in the Yemeni capital, Sanaa, where he had worked as a photojournalist for the Yemen Times. Since his capture, Yemeni journalists have been holding sit-ins in Sanaa to press the government to seek his release. Somers was likely among a group of hostages who were the objective of a joint rescue mission by US operation forces and Yemeni troops last month that freed eight captives in a remote corner of Yemen’s Hadramawt province. Meanwhile, Shia fighters of Ansarullah movement in Yemen have reportedly seized the military academy in the capital city of Sana’a. Witnesses say the Shia fighters of Houthi tribe entered the academy on Friday with no resistance from the guards and stationed their patrols inside.
Dec. 4, 2014

Headline:  Kashmir attack kills 10 Indian forces

At least ten Indian security forces have been killed in a militant attack in Indian-controlled Kashmir, police say. The attack was carried out on Friday when unknown militants, armed with grenades and automatic rifles, stormed into a military camp in Uri, near the Line of Control (LoC) that divides the disputed Himalayan region. “Seven army men, three police and three terrorists died in the firing incident,” a senior Indian police officer said on condition of anonymity. A police officer also was wounded in the attack, he added. Tensions are running high in Kashmir ahead of a visit to the disputed region by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Meanwhile, six suspected militants and one Indian soldier died in two days of fighting which started on Tuesday in the snowy and mountainous Naugam area of Kashmir.
Dec. 5, 2014

EuroCooltextprophecysign Decline of the Euro– ““ When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.” (Revelation 6:5-6)“Whereas you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter’s clay and partly of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; yet the strength of the iron shall be in it, just as you saw the iron mixed with ceramic clay. 42 And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile. 43 As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle with the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay.” (Daniel 2:41-43)

Headline:  German growth forecast cut in half for 2015: Bundesbank

Germany’s central bank has halved its projection of economic growth in the country for 2015, putting the number at one percent. The Deutsche Bundesbank said gross domestic product (GDP) in Germany is expected to grow at only one percent next year — half of what it predicted earlier for the year. The economy will also perform less than expected this year, growing at 1.4 percent instead of the 1.9 percent the bank predicted in June. The German economy lost considerable momentum in the second and third quarters of 2014, the bank said, adding that growth reflects a more level path.
Dec. 5, 2014

bye CooltextprophecysignEconomic collapse Revelation 6:5-6 & James 5:1-3Worldwide“ When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.” (Revelation) “Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries that are coming upon you! Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have heaped up treasure in the last days.” (James)


Headline:  Labor Force Participation Remains at 36-Year Low

The labor force participation rate remained at a 36-year low of 62.8 percent in November, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The participation rate, which is the percentage of the civilian noninstitutional population who participated in the labor force by either having a job during the month or actively seeking one, was 62.8 percent in November which matches the percentage since March 1978. In November, according to BLS, the nation’s civilian noninstitutional population, consisting of all people 16 or older who were not in the military or an institution, reached 248,844,000. Of those, 156,397,000 participated in the labor force by either holding a job or actively seeking one. The 156,397,000 who participated in the labor force was 62.8 percent of the 248,844,000 civilian noninsttutional population, which matches the 62.8 percent rate in April, May, June, August and October of 2014 as well as the participation rate in March of 1978. The participation rate hit its lowest level of 62.7 percent in September 2014. Another 92,447,000 people did not participate in the labor force. These Americans did not have a job and were not actively trying to find one. When President Obama took office in January 2009, there were 80,529,000 Americans who were not participating in the office, which means that since then, 11,918,000 Americans have left the workforce.
Dec. 5, 2014 

Yale-study-predicts-huge-increase-in-Ebola-cases-in-LiberiaCooltextprophecysignPestilence & Plagues Luke 21:11 & Revelation 6:8 “And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.” (Luke) “So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death (Thanatos in Greek meaning the death of the body whether natural or violent), and by the beasts of the earth” (Revelation)

Headline: Sierra Leone Seeing 80-100 New Ebola Cases Daily

Sierra Leone said Friday that between 80 and 100 new cases of Ebola are being reported every day and the country now hardest-hit by the deadly virus desperately needs over 1,000 beds to treat victims. Sierra Leone’s Finance Minister Kaifalah Marah painted a grim picture to the U.N. Economic and Social Council Friday of the challenges facing his West African nation which failed to meet a World Health Organization interim goal of isolating 70 percent of Ebola patients and safely burying 70 percent of victims by Dec. 1. The two other hard-hit countries, Liberia and Guinea, did meet the deadline, and the U.N.’s Ebola chief Dr. David Nabarro said the number of new cases in Liberia has dropped from 60 per day in September to 10 per day now. But Nabarro and WHO Director-General Dr. Margaret Chan stressed that Ebola that a much greater effort is needed to reach the elusive goal of zero new cases. “The Ebola outbreak is the largest, longest, most severe and most complex Ebola epidemic in the nearly 40-year history of this disease,” Chan said. “What began as a health crisis has become a crisis with humanitarian, social, economic and security implications.”
Dec. 5, 2014


November 26, 2014- Thousands of fish die in fish cages in Wonogiri Regency, Indonesia

November 27, 2014- Thousands of dead fish appear in a pond in Bangkok, Thailand

November 28, 2014- 400,000 salmon have died in fish farms in Puerto Natales, Chile

December 1, 2014- 40 TONS of dead fish found in the Tiete River, Brazil

December 1, 2014- 50,000 more birds to be killed due to avian flu in Zoeterwoude, Netherlands

December 2, 2014- Thousands of fish ‘die suddenly’ in Sragen Regency, Indonesia

December 2, 2014- Hundreds of dead fish found in a creek in Queensland, Australia

December 2, 2014- 18,000 birds have died due to avian flu in British Columbia, Canada

December 4, 2014- Hundreds of thousands of mussels wash ashore ‘a mystery’ on a beach in South Africa

December 5, 2014- Hundreds of thousands of Salmon dying due to algae in southern Chile—mercado/empresa/2014/12/11-54459-9-nuevo-golpe-a-la-industria-salmonera-florecimiento-de-algas-genera-altas.shtml

scorching sun CooltextprophecysignScorching Sun Isaiah30:26 , Revelation 16:8-9 & Revelation 7:16, Malachi 4:1 “Moreover the light of the moon will be as the light of the sun, And the light of the sun will be sevenfold, As the light of seven days, In the day that the Lord binds up the bruise of His people And heals the stroke of their wound.” (Isaiah 30:26) “Then the fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and power was given to him to scorch men with fire. And men were scorched with great heat, and they blasphemed the name of God who has power over these plagues; and they did not repent and give Him glory.” (Revelation 16:8-9) “Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst. The sun will not beat upon them, nor any scorching heat.” ( Revelation 7: 16) “For behold, the day is coming,Burning like an oven, And all the proud, yes, all who do wickedly will be stubble. And the day which is coming shall burn them up,” Says the Lord of hosts, “That will leave them neither root nor branch” (Malachi 4:1) Drought Jeremiah 50:38 & Isaiah 42:15 “A drought is against her waters, and they will be dried up. For it is the land of carved images, And they are insane with their idols.” (Jeremiah)“I will lay waste the mountains and hills, And dry up all their vegetation; I will make the rivers coastlands, And I will dry up the pools.”(Isaiah)

Headline:   California drought, high temperatures create worst conditions in 1,200 years: study

A combination of record high temperatures and sparse rainfall during California’s three-year drought have produced the worst conditions in 1,200 years, according to a study accepted for publication by the American Geophysical Union (AGU). The state has gone through numerous periods of dry weather, with as little or less rainfall as the past few years, but scientists looking at the cumulative effects of temperature, low precipitation and other factors said that it all adds up to the worst conditions in more than a millennium. “The current California drought is exceptionally severe in the context of at least the last millennium and is driven by reduced though not unprecedented precipitation and record high temperatures,” the report’s authors said in the study released late Thursday. The study by the University of Minnesota and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution said that warm, dry conditions have shrunk the supply of surface water from reservoirs, streams and the Sierra Nevada snowpack in the state, even as demand from people and farms has gone up, resulting in unprecedented scarcity.
Dec. 5, 2014 

Luke 21-25 signs in heaven

CooltextprophecysignMatthew 24:7 “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. Luke 21:11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.” Luke21:25 “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring

Headline:  Oklahoma now leads nation in earthquakes

Oklahoma has officially passed up California regarding the prevalence of earthquakes, according to Woodward County Emergency Manager Matt Lehenbauer. And they’re still happening on an almost weekly basis. A preliminary report posted Wednesday morning on Woodward County’s Ready Woodward Emergency Management site indicated a small earthquake shook the Mooreland region at about 7:30 Wednesday morning. The quake measured 4.0 on the Richter Scale and was fairly shallow – about 4 miles deep – according to the preliminary report posted by Matt Lehenbauer. There have been a total of four earthquakes in the last 24 hours measuring above 2.0 on the Richter Scale in the Mooreland region, Lehenbauer said. “They really have to be pretty shallow, 5 miles or less deep and more than 3.0 on the scale to be felt here,” Lehenbauer said. There have been 18 in the same region in the last month and 121 since January, he added.
Dec. 4, 2014

Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes{%22feed%22%3A%221day_m25%22%2C%22search%22%3Anull%2C%22sort%22%3A%22newest%22%2C%22basemap%22%3A%22grayscale%22%2C%22autoUpdate%22%3Atrue%2C%22restrictListToMap%22%3Atrue%2C%22timeZone%22%3A%22local%22%2C%22mapposition%22%3A[[-82.49482361179572%2C-81.2109375]%2C[82.44876405595812%2C481.28906250000006]]%2C%22overlays%22%3A{%22plates%22%3Atrue}%2C%22viewModes%22%3A{%22map%22%3Atrue%2C%22list%22%3Atrue%2C%22settings%22%3Afalse%2C%22help%22%3Afalse}}


Newest Edition Of “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” /Dec. 2, 2014




Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436

indexBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates. The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December 2, 2014 Edition written by Frank DiMora.

For all those out there who are teaching Obama is the Antichrist you had better take a look at how bright Obama has been over the past 6 years! Does the U.S. debt look anything like it was handled by the most wise of the world?


