FREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 19, 2014 Edition written by Frank DiMora.
If you would like to write me you can write me at: Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438.
Tensions still mounting in the Gaza as Israel continues to look for the 3 young men that were believed to be taken by Israel’s enemies in the Gaza.
Gun battle flares as Israeli soldiers seek missing teens–
If you look at the list of who is going to attack Israel in the Psalm 83 war you will see Iraq is one of those nations. I can assure you all, if ISIS even thinks about using chemical weapons on Israel, Israel will blow them out of the water! Last year the Prime Minister of Israel warned Syria’s President Assad that if he used any chemical weapons on Israel he would attack Syria with great force. ISIS is much worse than Assad and ISIS has longed to wipe out Israel. If ISIS is crazy enough to send in just one of these chemical weapons on Israel it could kick off the Psalm 93 war.
Iraq crisis: Isis jihadists ‘seize Saddam Hussein’s chemical weapons stockpile’ – live
(Disease) Matthew 24:7 7For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
HEALTH , measles, scabies, lice, dengue fever, leprosy Health professionals are warning of a “humanitarian crisis” festering in Texas and Arizona as a result of unchecked border crossings of illegal-immigrant children into border communities. Cramped conditions and the spread of difficult-to-treat diseases has doctors worried in the wake of a massive influx of children coming across the Mexican-U.S. border, many of them from Central and South America. Outbreaks of scabies, lice, dengue fever, tuberculosis and other diseases – many of them contagious – are already being documented among the children and in some border agents who work among them.
Many shall run to and fro
According to what told Daniel our generation would be the generation of the last days. When that generation appeared it would be one of two main these in Daniel’s prophecy. The first thing is that our generation would increase in knowledge. Without a question our generation has fulfilled this prophecy. The second thing God told Daniel is that during this generation people “shall run to and fro”. In the new Testament when asked by the Apostles what will be the sign of the end times, one of the things Jesus told the Apostles was that persecution would come. Our generation has come a long way since the Wright Brothers lifted man off the ground for the first time. Since the invention of the air plane millions upon millions of people are traveling around the world every day. Without a question people are as the Lord said, “many shall run to and fro”. Our increase in knowledge has given us the plane to move people but our generation is also facing conflict after conflict. Many of these conflicts are being fought because of religion such as the Muslims against the Christians. As these conflicts wage as you can see from the report I submitted below it has forces millions of people to run to and fro for safety. Just as Christ warned many of the people running to and fro are doing so because of persecution. Everything the prophets warned about the last days is coming to pass in our generation. There is only one generation who could have fulfilled all these things at the same time and that is the one you are living in. Keep in mind, these are only 3 warning signs the Lord gave us. If you want to see more of these signs download my prophecy book today and witness for yourself how Bible prophecy is being fulfilled.
I want to give you a good example of how Jesus’s words concerning the end times birth pains as He warned us about in Mark 13:8. See below.
In my book I give you information concerning the second part of Daniel’s prophecy which is the warning that people will travel to and fro. Let me show you the birth pains of the number of people being forced to flee. The numbers have sky rocketed as you will see.
If you thought there were a lot of people moving back and forth in 2010, that was nothing compared to the first six months of 2011. “The number of forcibly displaced people around the world has reached a 15-year high, according to the UN high commission for refugees (UNHCR), with the vast majority languishing in poor countries ill-equipped to cater to their needs. The UNHCR’s 2010 trends report estimated that there were 43.7 million refugees and people displaced within their country by events such as war and natural disasters at the end of last year. More than half of the total are children. The figure does not take into account the new wave of migration set in train by the upheaval of the Arab spring. The figure breaks down into a global total of 15.4 million refugees, 27.5 million internally displaced people and a further 840,000 people waiting to be given refugee status” (The Guardian news June 20, 2011).
Since the year 2011, our world has been turned up side down via all the conflicts. As these conflicts raged I could see how the last days birth pains have increased via the number of people being forced to run to and fro for safety. Yahoo News on June 20, 2014 shows you the increase in the number of people running for their lives. “More than 50 million people were forcibly uprooted worldwide at the end of last year, the highest level since after World War Two, as people fled crises from Syria to South Sudan, the U.N. refugee agency said on Friday. Half are children, many of them caught up in conflicts or persecution that world powers have been unable to prevent or end, UNHCR said in its annual Global Trends report. “We are really facing a quantum leap, an enormous increase of forced displacement in our world,” U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres told a news briefing.The overall figure of 51.2 million displaced people soared by six million from a year earlier. They included 16.7 million refugees and 33.3 million displaced within their homelands, and 1.2 million asylum seekers whose applications were pending. Syrians fleeing the escalating conflict accounted for most of the world’s 2.5 million new refugees last year, UNHCR said.”
More than 50 million displaced worldwide, U.N. says
Let me say the following concerning our generation being the one that would increase in knowledge. When you watch the video below you will find out that there are some people who think they are so smart but they are some people who missed the boat when brains were passed out as you will see from the video.
Below you will find the newest information on the birds, fish, and animals dying. If you want to see all the facts concerning this prophecy you can download my prophecy book right now for free by clicking to the link at the top of my page.
June 18, 2014 -Scientists Close In On What’s Killing Sea Stars, America.
Dawn dead fish Cajititlán
The phenomenon that affects killed one species apparently has not adapted to the ecosystem of the lake vessel.
June 18, 2014 – Dawn dead fish Cajititlan, Mexico. “The morning of Tuesday, June 17 alerted neighbors, fishermen and visitors Cajititlan, deledgation Tlajomuico they found thousands of dead fish on the banks of the lagoon.”
June 19, 2014 – Experts baffled by cause of bird deaths, South Africa.
June 2014 – 24,000 birds killed due to outbreak of disease in Norrkoping, Sweden.
June 19, 2014 – Dead-fish mystery returns to Willband Creek Park in Abbotsford
June 19, 2014 – 2,000+ dead birds found is ‘unusual’ along the coast of Tacna, Peru.
June 20, 2014 – Tens of thousands of dead fish found floating on a river in Changsha, China.
When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. 6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.” (Revelation 6:5-6) I warned you if you kept on the watch with me you would see more reports about bees dying off . The reports keep coming in.
State studying bee die-off after tree spraying
Jonathan Ball is one of the Pastors that my ministry is trying to help. Jonathan just made a video which if your wondering what to do for Christ you should watch this video.
Pastor Fiaz is another Ascent Ministries and my ministry is trying to support. I want to share the email I just received from Fiaz.
Thanks a lot for your helping hand and also being a part of our ministry here in Pakistan. I say big thanks to you for helping our free bibles distribution mission. By the Grace of God many have get Bible. Many have their own Bible now. Our vision is that everyone have his own Bible. So Pakistan be a country of peace. Many blessings to you,
Your brother in Christ,