FREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 3, 2014 Edition written by Frank DiMora
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Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat on Thursday rebuffed US moves to extend an April deadline for nine months of talks with Israel, aimed at reaching a framework peace deal, saying Israel was acting in good faith.http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4493333,00.html
In my book I show you the nations that are taking Israel off their maps. In today’s news there is another nation that joined the ranks of nations who are isolating Israel. The Zechariah prophecy you see below has been under way but as of late it is speeding up. You can expect to hear more nations threating Israel to isolate them if they do not give the PLO their own State with in Israel. The days where people who don’t want to hear about Bible prophecy because they are scared or, they don’t like to talk about it are coming to a close. Why? Because soon the prophecies that have not yet been fulfilled are going to make the headlines and there will be no way anyone can hide themselves from the news. One of these prophecies we seen creeping up fast is in fact the Zechariah 12:3 prophecy. One of the major events that will speed up the world coming against Israel will be the failed peace talks between Israel and the PLO. We are almost at that point now. The news each day is filled with headlines warning what will happen if Israel doesn’t cave in and grant land to the Palestinians. Of course this type of news is showing us that another prophecy which hasn’t been fully completed yet will also be fully fulfilled. I am referring to the call for Peace and Safety which you will see below.

UAE airline ‘erases’ Israel from regional map
Etihad Airways, which receives $425,000 in funding from US government, leaves Jewish state off official travel-route map.
The national airline of the United Arab Emirates, Etihad Airways, which annually receives hundreds of thousands of dollars from the US government, has left out Israel, one of America’s staunchest allies, from its official travel-route map, according to a Monday report in the New York Post. While Etihad displays every country in the region, from Cyprus to Iraq, the Jewish state does not appear on maps presented to the airline’s travelers. Yet, the US Department of Homeland Security spends $425,000 a year on a preclearance customs facility at the Abu Dhabi Airport, which is used solely by Etihad. The Emirati airline refuses to provide transport to Israeli passengers, as Israeli passport holders are not permitted entry into the country because the Gulf nation does not recognize the Jewish State. In the past, Etihad Airways has even provided lessons to employees on how to identify Israeli travels based on accent and mannerisms, according to a BBC report. The Jewish community in the US is furious with the conduct of the Arab airline. Justin Lee, a Jewish travel expert from New York, was outraged that American taxpayer money is used to pay an airline that supports discrimination

1 Thessalonians 5:33 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
In many of my writing I have warned you to watch what happens when the peace talks fail. We know for sure war will break out because in the above prophecy Jesus shows us sudden destruction will take place not peace. In my book I cite news reports showing you the nations listed in the Psalm 83 war saying war will break out between the Arabs and Israel if there is no peace agreement signed between the PLO and Israel. For years I have been warning you not to expect any peace break through and, I cite the reasons why the peace talks will fail. Google Israel won’t stop building settlements Israel frank dimora and, I am sure you will see many of my previous posts come up where I discuss the settlement issue. Israel has stated numerous times they have the right to build on their own land and no one is going to stop them. Over the past two years as you will see from the news below Israel has continued to build homes for their citizens. Of course the settlement issue is one of the many reasons why the PLO continues to back out of the peace talks. Between the settlement issue, owner ship of East Jerusalem, and breaking up Israel into two states one for the PLO we can see the peace talks will go no where. I take that back, they will go somewhere and that place will be the fulfillment of the Psalm 83 war between the Arabs and Israel.
‘There is No Chance of a Palestinian State’
Housing and Construction Minister Uri Ariel says Netanyahu appears to be standing up to US pressure on ‘framework for peace.’
Ariel also provided a response to Monday’s news that building in Judea and Samaria had increased by over 123% between 2012 and 2013. “This is proof that there is no way there will be a Palestinian state west of the Jordan river,” Ariel declared. “We need to build more throughout Israel,” he continued, “in the Galilee, in the Negev, and in Judea and Samaria. This is part of the solution to the housing crisis [in general] which is in itself a difficult problem. As the Prime Minister said on the Knesset plenum, we will continue to build in Judea and Samaria and to see housing prices stabilize in 2014 and to begin dropping by 2015.” http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/178100#.UxXRlfldXHQ
As you can see from the report which came out yesterday Abbas won’t talk about peace unless Israel stops construction on land Abbas says is PLO land. For those of you who think the Bible is just a made up story all I can say is your in for a big awakening when you see the rest of these prophecies fulfilled!
Israel risking international sanctions over settlements – Obama
Ahead of talks between the US leader and Israeli PM Netanyahu in Washington on Monday, Obama warned that the United States may not be able to protect Israel if a two-state solution with the Palestinians fails.
Following nine months of failed efforts to reach a peace agreement with the Palestinians, Obama warned in an interview with Bloomberg that Israel risked international sanctions.
Obama said in an interview with Bloomberg that if Netanyahu “does not believe that a peace deal with the Palestinians is the right thing to do for Israel, then he needs to articulate an alternative approach. There comes a point where you can’t manage this anymore, and then you start having to make very difficult choices.” On his part, however, Netanyahu has vowed to hold steady in the face of heavy international pressure for a settlement with the Palestinians, who won de facto recognition in the 193-nation UN General Assembly in November 2012. “In recent years, the state of Israel has been under various pressures,” Netanyahu said, AP reported. “We have rejected them in the face of the unprecedented storm and unrest in the region and are maintaining stability and security. This is what has been and what will be.” There are an estimated 4.3 million Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza with aspirations to achieve a Palestinian state with east Jerusalem as its capital – just one of many sticking points in the process. Obama, however, is of the opinion that Netanyahu could guide the Israeli state toward peace if he chose to do so.
I sure hope you take notice why I am highlighting the words peace and security in the above report? I just want to make sure you understand that these are the very things Jesus Christ warned us about and, there is no other generation who has seen all these things come together except our generation. Let me be clear about this. Christ makes it very clear to us that the generation who witnessed all the signs taking place at once, they would be the generation who would see Him come back! This is the very reason why almost on a daily bases now we can read a report about the failing peace talks and Israel finding themselves being singled out by nation after nation.
- Check out some of my past warnings concerning the PLO not stopping their attacks on Israel. Below are two of my quotes which you Google if you like.
- Oct 29, 2013 – Keep in mind hat the demands by the PLO in the peace talks are what most … We may not be able to give you the exact details on everything but ,God has … Hamas will never stop launching rockets at Israel … Here we are almost five years later and the enemy of Israel is continuing to fire rocket at the Jews!
- Mar 9, 2012 – My book was written in the hope that those reading it will be driven to the … In my video I said the PLO would not stop sending rockets into Israel, the … bowl on the sun, and the sun was given power to scorch people with fire.Apr 7, 2010 – I keep telling you the PLO will not stop these types of… … living under their jurisdiction to continue firing rockets and mortars at Jewish towns.
As you can see from the new reports the rockets keep falling on Israel. If you want peace with someone would you sit down at a peace table with the people who are trying to kill you while you are talking peace with them? And Obama wants Israel to just give in to the PLO?

IAF Strikes Gaza After Rocket Attack
Palestinian Arab media sources claim one person killed during the airstrike. The Israeli Air Force struck a terrorist target in northern Gaza Monday night, after a rocket was fired at the Ashkelon region, according to the IDF. AFP reports that the target was a terror cell preparing another rocket launch into Israel. Palestinian Arab media sources claim that at least one person has been killed and three injured in the IAF strike. The rocket did not hit a populated area and no injuries or damage were reported. http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/178076#.UxXSC_ldXHQ
As you can see from the March 3rd news below Obama is still on the wrong side of the blessings. Obama is still causing the Lord’s curse to fall on the U.S. as he continues to work for dividing up Israel.
Obama: Still time for a two-nation solution
DEBKAfile March 3, 2014, 11:22 PM (IST)
US President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu held a joint news conference ahead of their White House meeting Monday. Referring to the two issues on which they differ, Obama said there was still time for a two-nation solution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, adding he was committed to preventing Iran obtaining nuclear weapons. Netanyahu: The Palestinians are not pulling their weight for a political solution of the dispute. The people in Israel, he said, “expect me to stand up to pressures.” The two leaders then started their face to face talks behind closed doors.
The reason why I am posting the news below is to inform you of two important things. The first is that the peace talks are suppose to end in April. Let us look at the past. Ever since 1979, when Egypt signed a peace agreement with Israel the Arabs have been trying to come up with some type of peace pact between the PLO and Israel. Ever since 1979 talks have come and gone without any peace deal. For the most part since 1979 the issues holding up a peace deal have not changed. The same issues that were put on the peace table back in 1979 are still the same issues that are causing the current round of peace talks to fail. Knowing this history of the peace talks that have come and gone as a women with birth pains. What do you think is going to happen with the April dead line for the peace talks? We you see another one of these labor pains or will there be a peace deal signed? Take a look at the prophecy concerning peace and safety again and this time pay attention to the highlighted yellow part. 1 Thessalonians 5:33 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. Didn’t Jesus warn us about call for peace and safety? Yes He did! Didn’t He also warn us of how these peace talks would go when He pointed out they would take place as travail upon a woman with child? The answer again is yes! Knowing that Jesus has gotten everything correct and, keep in mind it was the Lord who told us Israel would be reborn again and that happened just as was written. I ask you now do you really think all these things are a coincidence? Think about this for a moment. Jesus warned us that Israel would be talking peace and safety yet when the Lord spoke to the Apostles He told them that Jerusalem would fall however, in the last days Israel would be born again as a nation. Christ’s warning came to pass in 70AD when the Romans killed the Jews and burned down the Jewish Temple. After that the Jews had no homeland but wait, just as Christ spoke Israel became a nation again on May 14, 1948 and that set in place the way for the peace and safety prophecy which as you can now from the as travail upon a woman with child warning has also come to pass. God is the only one who knows for sure what will take place in after the April deadline but there is one thing that I will be watching for and that is the second part of the peace and safety prophecy which is the sudden destruction. If I were you knowing that the Psalm 83 war has not taken place yet, I would be on the watch for it! The next report addresses the MiddelEast clock ticking and the April deadline but the clock you should be concerned with if your not saved in Christ Jesus yet is the second coming where the Lord removes everyone who has received Him as their Lord. I said this many times but for the sake of anyone new reading my post I want to say it again. You do not want to be left behind on this Earth when Jesus comes to remove His children. If you are left behind you will be faced with conditions on Planet Earth that have never been seen before nor will the Earth every see again. Wouldn’t you rather want to be safe with Christ then have to face the Antichrist?
Since I am pointing out the peace and safety talks today you have to remember that there will be a pact signed between Israel and many nations as we see in Daniel 9:27 which states the following: “And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the offering to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.” This is what you can expect if you refuse Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. You will see the current peace talks fall apart and then the Psalm 83 war to break out as a result of the failed peace talks. After the Psalm 83 war there Israel will feel safe and begin to remove the 320 mile wall that they have built to keep out their enemies the PLO. After a short period of time of which only the Lord knows there will be another war which will take place which will be the Ezekiel 38 war. You can find out all about this war in Ezekiel chapters 38-39. It appears that after this war the Antichrist will then confirm the covenant Daniel address in Daniel 9:27. When you see that 7 year pact go into place you need to understand that you are looking at the beginning of the 7 year tribulation that Jesus wrote us about in the Book of Revelation. I don’t know how anyone can prepare themselves for this 7 year time period except to say whatever you do do not take the mark of the beast which Jesus tells us about in Revelation 15-17. “15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”
One of the reasons why I spend so much of my time posting is in the hope that my work will lead many to Christ so they don’t have to go through this 7 year tribulation. Fact is, just about everyone is going to die during this time frame so your chances of making it through the entire 7 years is very very slim! You have free will to do what you will just as Adam and Eve had and look at where Adam and Eve’s action got us!
Netanyahu at White House: With clock ticking, Obama reengages in Mideast
Secretary Kerry, who has made just shy of a dozen trips to the region over the past year – originally to reach a peace deal within a year, a goal that slipped to the current plan to reach a framework establishing the core areas for reaching a final accord – set the April deadline as a way of forcing some decision-making on talks that have appeared to be making very little headway.http://news.yahoo.com/netanyahu-white-house-clock-ticking-obama-reengages-mideast-011900708.html
3:28 minute mark in the video you will see Obama talk about a two state solution which means Obama is still pushing to divide up Israel which in turn brings on the Joel 3:2 prophecy on the U.S. If Obama were a true friend of Israel he would today stop any more talk about dividing up Israel and back them up 100%. If Obama were to do this he would see the results of the Genesis 12:3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. As it stands now you may want to read the chapter in my book on God’s curse to see what happens to the nations who work to divide up Israel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_4hEfEzkG4#t=125

Does anyone remember when I warned them to watch what Russia does in the future? One of my posts I put up the report you see below which came out in Jan. 19, 2008. In my book I warn you what Russia is going to do and why? What Russia doesn’t understand is what they are doing is following the road that is going to lead them to the Ezekiel 38 war of which Russia will lead against Israel. The question you may want to ask at this point is this. Will Russia really use nukes if they see their allies in danger?
There is no question that since Russia discovered oil they have come back again as a super power. Putin wants to flex his muscles in the Middle East and he wants the world to know he is a man of action and power. Now that the Ukraine problem has begun it is a good time to point out that Christ warned us to watch for these types of conflicts just prior to His second coming. In the past two years we have witnessed at least 14 Islamic nations go into turmoil as they fought against themselves for one reason or another. We also witnessed the EU turmoil as nation after nation began to fight against themselves over the failing economy. The latest of these nations who are fulfilling the Kingdom against Kingdom warning is Syria, Egypt, and now you can add the Ukraine to the growing list.

Russia will lead the Ezekiel 38 war against Israel
Putin: Russia reserves right to use ‘all means’ to protect the citizens of Ukraine”
Russian President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday that Russia reserves the right to use “all means” to protect the citizens of Ukraine. Putin said the use of force by Russia in Ukraine was a choice of “last resort.” …Putin also said Russia reserved the right to intervene if there was “lawlessness” in Russian-speaking eastern Ukraine. http://www.jpost.com/International/Putin-Russia-reserves-right-to-use-all-means-to-protect-the-citizens-of-Ukraine-344225
Ukraine’s Yanukovych asked for troops, Russia tells UN
Ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych asked Russia to send troops across the border to protect civilians, Moscow’s UN envoy has claimed. Vitaly Churkin told a Security Council meeting Mr Yanukovych wrote to Russian President Vladimir Putin on Saturday. Thousands of Russian troops have been pouring into Ukraine’s Crimea region.http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-26427848
Image if you will what will happen when the world breaks out in war again as Jesus warned it will. Nations around the world will begin to witness food shortages and what do you think is going to happen? The price of food will sky rocket which will cause people to work all day for one small meal. Take a look at what is happening in Syria because the same things being reported on in Syria will happen around the world during the tribulation only on a much bigger scale than what is happening in Syria.

Food prices skyrocket in Syria’s Raqqa
Residents of Syria’s northern town of Raqqah are struggling with skyrocketing food prices, after the prolonged siege of the city of Aleppo threatens supplies.Some residents say traders are partially to blame for making it hard for many people to buy food.They say the payrolls of government employees stopped after armed opposition groups took control of the city last March, significantly affecting sales of food.As well as the critical food shortages, Raqqah’s residents remain terrified by the regular shelling and bombing of the city by Syrian government forces, leaving behind a trail of dead and injured.http://english.alarabiya.net/en/webtv/reports/2014/03/04/Food-prices-skyrocket-in-Syria-s-Raqqah.html

Christian Persecution Matthew 24:9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and you shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake. Revelation 6:9 And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held: I can’t count the number of times people ask me if President Obama is a Christian? All I can say is keep an eye out for Obama’s actions because his actions will show you if he is a true Christian or really a Muslim. The first thing I ever picked up on when Obama was first elected was when in an interview with George Stephanopoulos. I have been saved since 1976 and in all that time I have never seen a single Christian slip up and say he was something other than what they were. In the case of Obama Obama made it clear that he is truly a Muslim. If George did not take the time to step in and tell Obama you mean your Christian faith Obama would have keep on like nothing was wrong. I find it hard to believe someone who loves Jesus Christ and is a true follower of Him would ever say his Muslim faith! Over the years since being elected Obama has shown us that his true faith is Muslim. Take a look at what Obama has done in pushing the gay agenda, supporting the abortion not only in the U.S. but over seas as well, and will calling Israel is a friend he has worked endlessly to divide up the nation of Israel plus, he has allowed Iran to keep going on with their quest to obtain a nuclear weapon that Iran would try to use against Israel. Ask yourself why would a true Christian cover up the cross and do so much to hurt Christianity? Keep in mind, the Muslim faith teaches it is okay to lie. Muslim scholars teach that Muslims should generally be truthful to each other, unless the purpose of lying is to “smooth over differences.” There are two forms of lying to non-believers that are permitted under certain circumstances, taqiyya and kitman. These circumstances are typically those that advance the cause Islam – in some cases by gaining the trust of non-believers in order to draw out their vulnerability and defeat them. It appears that Obama has no problem lying when it comes down to stopping Christianity.
What if you were a Christian sitting in the White House instead of Obama. Would you do what you can to make sure a family that wants to live free and teach their kids their beliefs? As you will see from the video report below the Obama Admin. has again shown the true colors and those colors are not in favor of Christians.

[Hosea 4:1-3] “There is no faithfulness, no love, no acknowledgment of God in the land. There is only cursing, lying and murder, stealing and adultery; they break all bounds, and bloodshed follows bloodshed. Because of this the land mourns, and all who live in it waste away; the beasts of the field and the birds of the air and the fish of the sea are dying.
Take a look at all of the deaths reported just since yesterday. If you want to see a complete listing of all the deaths since 2009 you may want to download my book today for free and read the countless number of reports concerning this prophecy. One thing is for sure things speeding up like I have not seen since being placed in this ministry. I never remember reading about mass deaths like I have since 2009! I hate to say this but for the sake of showing you the Bible is true I can promise you this, you are going to see a lot of news concerning more birds, fish, or animals dying off in mass numbers. Just put my site in your favorites and check the news at my site and you will see the new news concerning this prophecy.
March 4, 2014 – 40,000 birds killed due to outbreak of Avian flu in Flevoland, Holland. http://www.fwi.co.uk/articles/04/03/2014/143567/40000-birds-culled-in-dutch-bird-flu-outbreak.htm
March 4, 2014 – Hundreds of dead ducks found around Lake Erie and Lake Ontario in New York, America. http://wivb.com/2014/03/03/hundreds-of-ducks-found-dead-around-lakes/
March 4, 2014 – 1,600 sea birds washed up dead during past month on beaches in South West England. http://www.plymouthherald.co.uk/Thousands-birds-died-South-West-storms-charity/story-20754712-detail/story.html
March 4, 2014 – Large Fish kills occuring in various lakes across Missouri, America. http://www.ksdk.com/story/news/local/2014/03/04/cold-winter-killing-fish-in-missouri-lakes/6006775/
From time to time I will post some news that people send me. Since I have a section in my book concerning the Pope I think it is a good idea to post what Mike D. sent me.
Dear Friends and Family,
What you are about to see and hear is simply one of the most unprecedented developments in our lifetime. On Saturday, Feb 22, Pope Francis sent a message by video to a minister’s conference in Texas hosted by Ken Copeland’s Word of Faith denomination, an evangelical, charismatic group. In this video, Francis all but announces his intention to lead the amalgamation of all of the Protestant faiths back into the Catholic Church. He uses the example of Joseph’s older brothers coming into Egypt and being reconciled to their brother who has risen to become the second most powerful man in Egypt. Francis says that Joseph’s brothers came to him with “money but with no food to eat.” This seems to me like an allusion to prosperous Protestant faiths in America who do not possess holy communion (“have no bread”) which Francis is ready to offer.
The reason that this development is so telling is that many scholars in the Catholic Church have always believed that at the End of Days there would be an apostate pope (False Prophet) who would assist Anti-Christ in the forming of a one-world religion. The apochryphal name for this future Pope has been Petrus Romanus (Peter the Roman). This video, delivered in a humble, heartfelt manner, but with a thunderous message, is right out of the Petrus Romanus playbook. This video is a bit long, but believe me, it is well worth watching. Notice that the Episcopalian bishop who does the introduction boldly invokes the name of Elijah and then announces that for today’s church: “Diversity is divine; division is diabolic!” The Episcopalian Church has literally been torn in two over the homosexual/gay marriage issue, so his use of the word “diversity” in such a context carries very significant meaning. We all know what “diversity” stands for. See all of this for yourself:
The following article does a good job of putting all of this in current context. And it looks like Francis is making sounds to open the door for some type of reconciliation between Islam and Catholicism. If/when this happens, that would leave the Jews all to themselves. When Francis goes to Israel in late May he will ask the Israeli government for the Catholic Church to take back control of the Cenacle, the traditional spot on Mount Zion of the Last Supper and the coming down of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. BTW, later this week the Israeli Knesset (their version of Congress) is taking up debate on a resolution calling for the construction of the Third Temple in Jerusalem. More mounting proof that the attention of the entire world is turning to Jerusalem.
I would ask that you watch/read these materials and return to me your own thoughts and comments. Things keep getting more and more bizarre in this world as events unfold. We all need to be in earnest prayer about our salvation, and that of our loved ones, and the things which appear to be coming upon the earth.
On Watch,
Mike D.