Two years ago I received a email from Timothy Moore who you see on the far right in the photo above. Timothy asked me if I could send Pastor Titus who is the person to the far left in the photo above a copy of my book The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth. Little did I know that from that email Jesus would end up having me join as a partner with Timothy’s Ministry which was called Ascent Ministers. Timothy and I became very close friends and Brothers in the Lord very quickly and Christ began to pour out His blessing on us where we were able to expand our help to pastors in many nations. For two years what Jesus was showing Timothy he was also showing me the same things. We were a team but acting as one and I was blessed. Some months ago Timothy told me that the doctors had spotted a tumor in his head. As Timothy was fighting off this tumor we kept working for the Lord in faith that our Lord would heal him. During the past 4 months I could tell that Timothy was getting sicker and, Timothy told me that the Lord instructed him to hand over his ministry to me quickly. This past Tuesday we all found out why Christ told Timothy to move quickly, you see Jesus had made plans to take Timothy home.
My heart cried out to Christ in pain because I did not want to lose my good friend and strong Brother in the Lord. Timothy was a wise man, a gentle man, and a man full of compassion for the people especially the poor. He was the main man I went to when I was in those spiritual lows and needed direction. Timothy could sense when I was being attacked and he went to war against the Devil on my behalf many times in the past two years. I walked much stronger knowing that Timothy had my back and he was always praying for me. Timothy new I was mirroring the same for him. We had a bound on this Earth that very few will find in a life time and I was blessed by Christ to be part of Timothy’s life.
This past Tuesday Jesus looked down at my Brother Timothy who was suffering in the hospital and showed us all it was time for Timothy to go home to see Jesus face to face. All I could say to my Lord was, Father please take good care of my beloved Brother, I know he is today exactly where he wanted to be, in your arms. I never got the chance to meet Timothy face to face on this Earth but, I know Jesus wanted us together even if it was for a short time. I was and still am honored by Jesus to have allowed me to work with Timothy to help the poor and spread the word of God as far as we could. I have a void in my heart which I know will be filled when I see Timothy again soon face to face in the presence of Jesus Christ. I look forward to that day more than you will every know.
Timothy if you can see this note please remember what I said to you when it looked like Christ was going to take you home. I asked you to please give Jesus a kiss for me and tell Him I can’t wait to see Him. If there was one thing I could tell Timothy in my last message to him it would be, Timothy could you please take Jesus’ hand and pray for me. Ask Christ to grant me His gifts that I may heal, give hope, bring joy, and lead many to our Lord’s Salvation. See you soon in heaven.
Frank DiMora
I am very shocked to learn of the demise of our beloved father.Father to me because he took me like a daughter. A daughter whom he never saw face to face but still took upon himself to take care of me.He took care of me like angel sent from above.My parents being no more and nobody being there to help me,Timothy took that responsibility in a fatherly way he took me to school to study medicine and ever since he has paid my fees.I wish i was there to nurse him with the fruits of his effort in taking me to school.I might have not enjoyed the love of my biological father,but the Timothy gave me that love despite we have never met.
I am convinced that he was sent by God into my life and he is now with him in heaven.I am very sure he did touch as many as he was called to touch.he did finish his homework on earth and now he is assigned a heavenly task.may God grant his family peace in this trying time.It is such a comforting thing to learn that He went to the right place and we will be joined wwith him one day.
Agnes Baraza
Below are letters from some of the people who Timothy and I have been working with. The letters are directed to Timothy’s Son Brandon Moore.
Dear Brandon
I have come to know that Pastor Timothy has come to pass to be with the Lord Jesus.
May you please receive from ASCENT Ministries our profound condolence of your father; our beloved brother Pastor Tim. There is great joy in heaven as he is with Jesus in peace for everlasting life. I could just see the Big Hug and Smile as Jesus received Tim; knowing the dedication, passion, work and Vision to realize God’s will, so that others may know and be saved. Jesus would say “Come forth by Faithfull Servant” – Matthew 25:21 “21 His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.”
From what I have come to know, your father was a great man, a beloved brother by many and who paved the path for the Word of God may be taken too many places and nations. It would have been a great privilege and tremendous honor from God to have meet Tim in person. I have come to know him via his work for the Lord; for you see his legacy and work for the Lord continues to shine even at this moment, as lives continue to accept Jesus as there Savior due to the foundation your father Tim has paved. Praise God!!! Be proud of a great man, your father, beloved brother Pastor Timothy.
I have the honor to continue what your father started via ASCENT and I shall try to do the best so that your father will be proud; knowing his work shall continue for the Glory of God. AMEN!
We all here in ASCENT and THE LAST CHRONICLES are in prayer for strength & comfort from the Lord with HIS mighty presence in this time for you and your family.
We pray unto the Lord our God and Savior for peace within your heart and family. Remember there is Joy in Heaven.
God Bless,
In-Jesus Name
Pastor Israel Vila
President / ASCENT Ministries
People often wonder how you can love and admire someone you’ve never met face to face. One conversation with Tim, even over email and they’d have their answer J I met Tim when I came to work for the ministry full time. He was always larger than life, so supportive and always had time for every little question. At first, I pictured him as a big, strapping man, tall and burly J Now I know that wasn’t his physical size- it was his love for the Lord.
When Tim first became ill, we were all in prayer constantly for his total healing. One night during a long prayer time, I could even see the tumor and the Lord’s hand removing it. I just didn’t realize then it would be healed when Tim went home. After the doctors diagnosed the tumor, I went to Tim fighting mad. I told him “The doctors give you no hope? Well GOOD! Where there is no hope with man, there is abundant hope with God. Perhaps now that ‘men’ are out of the way, the Lord can get some work done!” I laid out this whole plan to him about finding healing verses in Leviticus and having weekly fasting prayer. I was ready to fight this tumor on my knees until my last breath!
But do you know what Tim said to me? Please forgive the mis-spelled words, as this is a direct quote and Tim was already having trouble typing: “I feel a strange peacee about this whle situation. I is as if the Lord has workec throgh all the details of whather I go or stay. He hasd given me the time to get all affairs in order and to jst spend time prahing and waiting on tne Lord. I do not feel like I am supposed to fignt, just pray and to get others to pray for His will to be done. I will not be be doing any surgeries or biopises, and will have no further medical thretement. It is as fi the Lord is telling me, I am in control, I wil do what needg to be done. Amy, I have the greatest peace right now. I know that His will is going to be done. Just pleae join with me in prahying that His will wl be doe, nor matter what. I submit to His will.”
Amen. Because of you my brother, many souls are there in Heaven with you. Because of the great work you started, many lives will never be the same. We will continue your legacy of love and support for our brothers and sisters across the world. My brother Tim, I will miss you in the time we have left on this earth. But I am so happy that you are home and at peace. I love you brother and I’ll see you soon. Amy
I was so sad to read the news about Pastor Timothy,
Like the rest of you my heart is heavy and sadden for a wonderful man and pastor Timothy was, but we know that he is in the Lord’s Awesome Glory right now, and I can’t help to think of how wonderful that must be.
My family and I send his family our deepest condolence-They are in our prayers and thoughts.
The Grandgenetts
Brother Brandon,
It is with much pain and joy to learn of your dear father’s passing on to glory.Pain because he was not only a father to you but to us also as members of Ascent Ministries.l will particularly miss him so dearly because he was my mentor.When issues came up in ministry that l was not able to handle,we would have an imaginary cup of tea together as he gave me godly counsel on how to go about issues in question.He was so handy to me any time l needed him.l remember waking him up on some occasions when l could not catch sleep in the middle of night. Sure enough he woke up to talk to me.He was such a friend. Joy because he knew the Lord and has finished his race faithfully having left behind a godly generation and a Christian heritage. Praise be to God. One time a man was trying to comfort his friend by telling him that he understood the pain he was going through.But the bereaved friend replied that he did not since his father was still alive. lf l told you that l and pastor Reuben understand the pain you are going through l hope you will appreciate this since both of us lost our fathers at our very prime time shortly after we were through with college;at the time we felt we needed to appreciate them for the care they had given us.
May God give you comfort you.
I am so sorry to hear that our pastor Tim has gone to be with
our Lord. I will remember Tim for his good work he has done in our
ministry. I pray that one day we shall meet with him in heaven.
Amen. Joshua Wekesa
I want to presente all my cordeleance to his famillies. He as a good men of God. We pray for God keep his famillies to have strong and faith. I am to presente all my condorlence to brother Tim famillies, I pray for they have strong and be faithfull to serving our Lord. We are so certain than brother Tim is going in the arms of our Lord. I will ask prayer in my church service for brother Tim famillies, your famillies and the ministry last Chronicles and acsent overall
Pastor Josue
I and Zeenat have a two feeling one is feeling of rejoice and second is sadness. We are happy to know that our brother Tim is now with presence of our Lord. We are sad due to his absence. We believe God have gave him a place of eternal peace. Please send us his whole life history. We want to arrange a program in his loving memories. He is always in our hearts. He have also prayed for his family.
In Jesus, Pastor Fiaz, Zeenat and Jennifer
Greetings to you in the Most precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ…
Sister, It is so sad to hear the shocking news about our Beloved Bro.Tim.We all could not digest the news for some time and understood that He returned his home when his time of service on Earth was completed . With our family and children we conducted a special prayer for the Comfort of his family and for the peace and rest for the soul of our brother Tim.Although we had just 8 months of friendship in Christ with him, really his impact is upon us and we learnt many things through his emails how humble, how dedicated and faithful servant he is. I believe that we are blessed to had the love and prayers of him for the last 8 months. I could not see him and even talk to him on earth,but hope and pray to see him face to face on the right side of the glorious throne of our Lord Jesus Christ in Heaven..we pray God to comfort and console the family ,friends,believers and those who are in mourning for Bro.Tim.May God comfort them as a mother comforts her child . ISAIAH.66.13. Please convey our deep condolences to their family and son BRANDON.We all continue to pray for their family church,ministry and friends.
With prayers ,
So sadness for the lost of our beloved friend may his soul rest in peace – Pastor Daniel
I am not good at expressing condolences…But; May we only hear good news from each other, forever. Zeev Tiberias
We are very saddened by the quick passing of our brother Pastor Timothy. We sent our condolences to the family and fellow friends.
Though we might not have seen each other face to face, we are among the many people that the Lord Jesus sent him to and he imparted us in a mighty way. He did a great job for the lord and I know there is in store for him a crown of Righteousness. We will too join him where he went very soon in the fullness of time. The church is praying for you in this time of grief.
Take heart. Pastor Simon Maina
i am very saddened to learn of our brother Tim passing away.Though i am saddened i know also that he went to be with the lord and it is a joy to know that he was living for God.pass my sincere condolences to the family.We will soon be joined together with him.may God help us.Together with the boys we are praying for Tim family
Francis Njoroge