Antichrist Signs/Dec. 28, 2012


The Touch of Christ/Dec. 28, 2012



 Aug8abcdefghikFranks back cover

FREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this 
generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates. The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December 1, 2012 Edition written by Frank 


As the year 2012 draws to a close I have been thinking out loud to Christ concerning my work for Him. Many of you who have been with me for any amount of time knows my work for Christ goes beyond keeping you up to date concerning Bible prophecy and current events.  This ministry is working in spreading the Word of God in many nations as well as trying my best to make sure the Pastors that the Lord has brought me are given the things they need in order to not only to feed the soul but also to provide as much food and shelter as the Lord will allow me to give.  Out of the gate I must confess that Christ has made me a conduit to get resources for the people working and taking care of God’s Word and the children under their care. I also am not afraid to tell you all that if I was out of the picture Jesus would still be working with these pastors.  I am not sure why our Lord has chosen me to partner up with all these pastors?  Maybe its because I believe in what Christ says to me concerning all His promises.  Maybe its because the Lord sees I have faith in Him and understand that it is not about Frank DiMora but its about Frank DiMora believing in Christ and what He can do if I get out of the way.  Let me give you an example of what I am talking about. 

Today I received a email from Brother Francis in Kenya.  I am not even sure anymore how it came about that  Jesus sent me Francis.  I believe it was via a Christian radio show I did in Nairobi of which Francis was donating his time there.  In any case, I found out that Francis was struggling to find funds to make payment for another semester at college. The Lord spoke to me and told me to give him the funds for the next semester. I didn’t have the money to spear but how in the world can you say no to Christ when He tells you to do something?  So, as always this would become another testing time of my faith in Christ’s promises.  At the time I knew very little about Francis other than he was a Christian in need in Nairobi and he was willing to work at the Christian radio station for free.  This showed me a lot about Francis.  I knew that this young man must be on fire for Christ because very few people would work for Christ for free when he himself was in need.   I figured that if Jesus asked me to give Francis the funds for another semester of college He must trust me to do His will in this matter. I was honored that Jesus would choose me to do this for him even if I was concerned about my lack of funds. All I could think about was just do what Jesus asked and watch what Jesus does knowing you have trusted in Him and have faith.  I sent the funds to Francis and that is when I was blessed. 

Not long after I sent the funds to Francis to keep him college that he wrote me and told me he was reading my book The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth.  I had sent many books to the Nairobi Christian radio station to hand out for free and I think that is where Francis got the book.  A short time later Francis asked me if he could partner up with me so he could take the message of the last days and of Christ’s salvation to others in Nairobi.  I have been walking with Christ awhile and have become very aware of things in my life just don’t happen by coincidence. I knew Jesus had sent Francis for a reason but at first I did not understand the impact of this new partnership.  Over the past year and a half Francis has shown me what a real flame for Christ looks like.  Francis began to move into his community and started preaching Jesus. He has handed out my books and the Bibles I sent him and he has become a major force for Christ in Nairobi and the surrounding areas. It is because of Francis that many in Africa even know who Frank DiMora is but, even more important who Frank DiMora is pointing to, (Christ)!

Little did I know when Jesus told me to take care of Francis that Christ would have Francis take care of me as my desire to to reach more people was being fulfilled in part through Francis.  Francis set up other colleges for me to teach at, he made it possible for me to hand out Bibles and my books in places I was unable to go.  He has taken some of the funds I sent to help him and what did he do? He has used what little he had been given to help feed and give a home to other young men like himself.  Even now during this Christmas Holiday Francis has again gone out into the streets to feed the needy and to spread the Good News of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  You will see a email Francis just sent me along with pictures of his works for Christ. 

I often think what would the scene look like today if I said no to what Jesus asked of me concerning Francis?  ?  Would Francis be homeless like the other young men he has just helped.  Would have someone else stepped up and given Francis the funds and that would be the end of it there would be no fruit just a passing of money?  What about all the college students who heard the word of God and responded to Christ’s message. Is it possible that none of these students would ever hear the message?  None of those thoughts matters to me in the least do you know why?  Because I said yes to Christ. When I received Jesus as my Lord He planeted a seed of faith in my heart just as he has done to you.  Some have enabled that seed to grow in him or, her and great things have been done via the small seed. 


I often ask myself this question.  Why is it that during these last days when there is no doubt we are witnessing all the last days signs leading up to the 7 year tribulation that Christians aren’t on fire for you?  Then I stop myself and think wait a second Frank. There may not be many Christians who are really carrying the flame for Christ but, Christ has placed you around many of His own who’s candles are burning bright for Christ.  One of those candles is being brightly carried in Francis. The story you just read about has happen to me over and over again it has happen to me via the Pastors the Lord has given me in Kenya, Haiti, Uganda, India, Pakistan, and even under ground in China. 


These days I look up into the night sky and see the vast number of stars shining in the cold night. I speak to my Father Jesus and tell him thank you Lord for my life.  Thank you for the gift of enteral life. Thank you for allowing me to have faith which allows me to know that I can do all things in your Son Jesus.  I thank Christ that even if people look upon me and don’t see the Earthly wealth, let them see the heart for Christ and the riches which await me as I hold to the promise that soon I will be with you and will touch the face of God.  The gifts you give to me that hold true value are not the gifts of gold or silver they are relationships that you have forged me with such as with all my ministry partners in the many nations.

If I may ask of you Lord from one gift more it would not be for me but for Francis. Will you show someone today about Francis what you have shown me and touch someone today to help Francis with the funds he needs to enter his next semester of college before Jan. 8, 2013.  Lord as before I have faith you have already chosen the people to say yes.


Below is the email from Francis and a few of the photos.

We had a fabulous Christmas amidst many needs and wants. We had our day by first visiting the streets boys and shared with them some juices and bread. We had nothing more to offer but just teach them about the Lord. We could not give them the bibles or your book because they could later sell them or exchange them for food. We had fun. We later went had our lunch together with the eleven boys.  It was great thanking the Lord for fishing us out of the streets and now we can afford something to eat and a shelter. Please if you can you can join us in prayer.On the 31st this year we will be fasting and praying thanking the lord for His provision throughout the year,none of us has been sick and the lord has continually provided. We also be praying for our brothers who are still in the streets. Our main prayer request will be for people like me who need school fees for next year and also for the boys. They need a total of $1,426 USD to keep them in school for one semester. They also need rent for their house and food resources which is running low. Our fast will end on the evening of the 1st of January as we pray for the Lords providence over the new year. We will kindly ask if you could have some time during or after the fast that you could encourage us with a word and some teaching to kick start the new year.. Please let me know if your schedule will be tight.

In His service

Francis N Njoroge


If you have been touched by Christ to help continue what Christ has started email me at fjdimora@gmailcom and I will tell you were to send your blessing.









Off the Ground a sign from Christ?/ Dec. 27, 2012



Aug8abcdefghikFranks back cover

FREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates. The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December 1, 2012 Edition written by Frank DiMora

I am currently taking a break until the new year but I had to show you this video. One of the keys to knowing our generation can be found in Daniel 12:4 as you see below.  The generation who has seen the explosion of this increase in knowledge is the exact same generation who saw the rebirth of the nation of Israel which is another major sign of the last days.  The generation who would see Israel’s rebirth, and increase in knowledge would also be known as the drug generation as seen in Rev. 9:21.  Not only that but the genertion who would see the rebirth of Israel, increase in knowledge, be known as the drug generation, that same generation would see the same signs as seen during Noah’s generation.  If you don’t know the signs of Noah’s generation you may want to Google this because if you do you will discover that the same things Noah’s genertion did just prior to the flood, our generation is doing the exact same things and Jesus told us this genertaion would not pass away until all these things be fulfilled.  Wait, I am not finished.  Our generation was not only to see the increase in knowledge, the rebirth of Israel, be know as the drug generation, see Noah’s signs again, but God showed us that when Israel was reborn they would form a great army! (Read Ezekeil chapter 37).  Anyone want to mess with Israel lately?  Israel may be one of  the smallest nations on the planet but they are ranked as one of the best military’s on the planet.  Speaking about an army, did you know one of the major signs added to all the signs I just mentioned is the last days sign of a 200 million man army from the East?  Never before has the world seen a single army which would number the 200 million which Jesus warned us about in Revelation 9:14-16.  If you read my book I have shown you documents showing you that China alone has a Regular army that numbers 200 million men.  Wait, there is more!  Not only did Jesus show us the would be an army that numbers this many people but He also shows us when this army would make a major move.  In Revelation 16:12 Jesus shows us the Euphrates River will dry up and this 200 million man army from the East will cross over the dried River.  Guess what? Not only is there an army of 200 million but you may want to do another Google search on the major drought in the Middle East that has been drying up the Euphrates River.  These are all major signs that Jesus is about to come back for His Church. Wait there is still more!  Do you want to know more?  Scroll back up to my Dec. 1, 2012 book and read it.  I have been getting some emails from people who tell me that there is no prophecies that really show we are in the last days. This much I know. The people who are saying this have not read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.  The last day signs I just wrote you about are only the tip of the iceburg.  Look, my book is free. download it today and see what Jesus is showing you about Himself via His prophecies.  Let me bring out one more major sign for the last generation. That is the sign that our generation would not only increase in knowledge but they would travel back and forth.  Never before in the history of man has so many people traveled back and forth as ours.  This is a fact!  Now let’s have some fun.  I want you to see a good example of how our increase in knowledge has given us a new way to move back and forth.  Watch the video below because your going to be blown away.  The concept car. See you in 2013 everyone. Frank


The Concept/Off the Ground a sign from Christ?/ Dec. 27, 2012



Aug8abcdefghikFranks back cover

Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the
return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future
before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific
details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this
generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to
subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates. The Last Chronicles of
Planet Earth December 1, 2012 Edition written by Frank

I am
currently taking a break until the new year but I had to show you this video.
One of the keys to knowing our generation can be found in Daniel 12:4 as you see
below.  The generation who has seen the explosion of this increase in knowledge
is the exact same generation who saw the rebirth of the nation of Israel which
is another major sign of the last days.  The generation who would see Israel's
rebirth, and increase in knowledge would also be known as the drug generation as
seen in Rev. 9:21.  Not only that but the genertion who would see the rebirth of
Israel, increase in knowledge, be known as the drug generation, that same
generation would see the same signs as seen during Noah's generation.  If you
don't know the signs of Noah's generation you may want to Google this because if
you do you will discover that the same things Noah's genertion did just prior to
the flood, our generation is doing the exact same things and Jesus told us this
genertaion would not pass away until all these things be fulfilled.  Wait, I am
not finished.  Our generation was not only to see the increase in knowledge, the
rebirth of Israel, be know as the drug generation, see Noah's signs again, but
God showed us that when Israel was reborn they would form a great army! (Read
Ezekeil chapter 37).  Anyone want to mess with Israel lately?  Israel may be one
of  the smallest nations on the planet but they are ranked as one of the best
military's on the planet.  Speaking about an army, did you know one of the major
signs added to all the signs I just mentioned is the last days sign of a 200
million man army from the East?  Never before has the world seen a single army
which would number the 200 million which Jesus warned us about in Revelation
9:14-16.  If you read my book I have shown you documents showing you that China
alone has a Regular army that numbers 200 million men.  Wait, there is more! 
Not only did Jesus show us the would be an army that numbers this many people
but He also shows us when this army would make a major move.  In Revelation
16:12 Jesus shows us the Euphrates River will dry up and this 200 million man
army from the East will cross over the dried River.  Guess what? Not only is
there an army of 200 million but you may want to do another Google search on the
major drought in the Middle East that has been drying up the Euphrates River. 
These are all major signs that Jesus is about to come back for His Church. Wait
there is still more!  Do you want to know more?  Scroll back up to my Dec. 1,
2012 book and read it.  I have been getting some emails from people who tell me
that there is no prophecies that really show we are in the last days. This much
I know. The people who are saying this have not read the Bible from Genesis to
Revelation.  The last day signs I just wrote you about are only the tip of the
iceburg.  Look, my book is free. download it today and see what Jesus is showing
you about Himself via His prophecies.  Let me bring out one more major sign for
the last generation. That is the sign that our generation would not only
increase in knowledge but they would travel back and forth.  Never before in the
history of man has so many people traveled back and forth as ours.  This is a
fact!  Now
let's have some fun.  I want you to see a good example of how our increase in
knowledge has given us a new way to move back and forth.  Watch the video below
because your going to be blown away.  The concept car. See you in 2013 everyone.



What The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth is doing/The Need/Dec. 25, 2012

End Times Research Ministry Missions Update Kenya & Pakistan 12-26-12

For the past few years I have been supporting Brother Francis’s college education. Francis has been a major part of The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth missions in Nairobi Kenya and the surronding areas. Francis has taken my books and the Bibles I have sent him and has been leading many to Christ even while going to college.  There comes a time when I just have to trust our Lord for His hand to work as I pray for Francis’s needs.  Last month because of all the needs for the Pastors in Pakistan, and two places in Hatiti we sent out just about all the funds we had to take care of all the kids and the pastors we are supporting.  As a result, I have run dry to help Brother Francis with his school funds.  Below you will see a picture from the college which I have been able to keep him in and the cost of this next semister.

This is the message I just received from Francis.

“Praise the lord. Merry Christmas and a happy new year.we are doing fine and great in this season but they year is quickly inching is my humble joy to submit this fees invoices that i got from school for the fees expected this semester starting from January 8th.the toal amount that am expectd to pay is 68,460 kenyan shillings which amounts to 835 US dollars.”

All I can do at this point is point out the need and ask the Lord to do the rest.  My ministery has always been a faith based ministery and once again as I said, I have to give this need over to Christ to see if He touchs anyone to help.  As you will see from the picture below the shool has to have the fees paid by Jan. 8th. 


Works/Time to Trust/Dec. 25, 2012

Download End Times Research Ministry Missions Update Kenya & Pakistan 12-26-12

For the past few years I have been supporting Brother Francis's college education. Francis has been a major part of The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth missions in Nairobi Kenya and the surronding areas. Francis has taken my books and the Bibles I have sent him and has been leading many to Christ even while going to college.  There comes a time when I just have to trust our Lord for His hand to work as I pray for Francis's needs.  Last month because of all the needs for the Pastors in Pakistan, and two places in Hatiti we sent out just about all the funds we had to take care of all the kids and the pastors we are supporting.  As a result, I have run dry to help Brother Francis with his school funds.  Below you will see a picture from the college which I have been able to keep him in and the cost of this next semister.

This is the message I just received from Francis.

"Praise the lord. Merry Christmas and a happy new year.we are doing fine and great in this season but they year is quickly inching out. it is my humble joy to submit this fees invoices that i got from school for the fees expected this semester starting from January 8th. The toal amount that am expectd to pay is 68,460 kenyan shillings which amounts to 835 US dollars."

All I can do at this point is point out the need and ask the Lord to do the rest.  My ministery has always been a faith based ministery and once again as I said, I have to give this need over to Christ to see if He touchs anyone to help.  As you will see from the picture below the shool has to have the fees paid by Jan. 8th. 


A Day To Remember

End Times Research Ministry Missions Update Kenya & Pakistan 12-26-12

A Past Look At The Future Of Egypt With Frank DiMora/Dec. 24, 2012


Yes I am still on my Holiday break and will not be posting much during the Holidays but, because of the importance of what is taking place in Egypt I wanted to present this one report. 

Just prior to the end of 2011,  I posted many warnings as to what was going to take place in Egypt. When Egypt began to  riot against Hosni Mubarak I told you that the Muslim Brotherhood would win Egypt’s new elections that were slated for later in 2012.  Keep in mind, at the time I issued that warning the Muslim Brotherhood did not even has a candidate running for office.  Fact is , I posted a report which stated the Muslim Brotherhood said they had no intention of even entering the race for Egypt’s Presidency.  In my one of my videos I told you that the Muslim Brotherhood was lying and that they would enter the race. Not long after I made that video the Muslim Brotherhood did in fact enter the Presidential race and, just as I had warned he won the race.  I also told you that the next thing you would see is that Egypt would move to install strict Muslim law.  Did I steer you wrong?  Below is what I warned you last year in my Dec. 14, 2011 post.


What about my warning on Dec. 14, 2011 concerning Sharia Law coming to Egypt?

Prophecy Sign: In Psalm 83 we see Egypt is one of the nations that will attack Israel. As I have warned you in the past, watch out for what the Muslim Brotherhood does in the near future, because they will turn to strict Muslim law to control their people and anyone else they can. If you plan to visit Egypt any time soon you better read this report.  Now that you know what I warned you take a look at the headline below from today’s news.

Okay, now that you have seen my warnings from the past take a look at the headline just released today from Egypt.


Headline: Muslim Brotherhood claims victory in Egypt constitution vote amid fraud allegations



Polling station officials deposit ballots during the second round of a referendum on a new draft constitution in Giza, south of Cairo, on December 22, 2012 (AFP Photo)

Polling station officials deposit ballots during the second round of a referendum on a new draft constitution in Giza, south of Cairo, on December 22, 2012 (AFP Photo)

“Egypt’s new Sharia-based constitution has been approved in a second round of voting, the ruling Muslim Brotherhood party said. The country’s opposition leveled accusations of fraud, saying it will appeal the referendum results and form a new party. The new charter was approved by 64 percent of Egyptian voters in a “resounding victory,” state news agency al-Ahram reported on Sunday. The preliminary tallies were calculated from reports by polling station officials. Egypt’s election committee will confirm the final results on Monday”

The third thing I warned you last year concerning Egypt was the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt that was formed in 1979 would be broken and Egypt would again become a bitter enemy of Israel and at the end of the day they would join up with all the nations listed in the Psalm 83 war and try to wipe Israel off the map.  Egypt is clearly moving to the far right under strict Muslim law where in that law there is no room for the existence of the nation of Israel.  Many of you may not be aware of how important this new Sharia-base constitution  in Egypt is in light of Bible prophecy, but I can tell you it is huge.  I can clearly see Isaiah’s prophecy concerning Egypt’s last days events in chapter 19 of Isaiah are causing those real Christians to take notice of how close we are to seeing the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.  By the way, since my warning that Egypt would become Israel’s enemy again the Muslim Brotherhood has called Israel their number one enemy!   I pray that the Lord’s fire will again begin to burn in your hearts and you will become all that the Lord has created you to become. Each one of you were created with a special blessing that could be used for the service in Christ in one way or another.  It is disheartening  to see that most Christians have a candle lite for Christ however, it is burning under the bed where few can see the light. Candle What happen to the fire in the hearts of Christians that we read about in the book of Acts with the early Church.  Did not Jesus show you the history of the Church in the first 3 chapters of the Book of Revelation?  Did not He warn us that this last generation would become a lukewarm Church?  Can you not see that while the world is rushing to the second coming that most of the Church is asleep and their candles are almost ready to go out!   While the world is busy rushing in the stores pushing people aside for gifts, fighting with each other over store sales, steeling Christmas gifts left by Postman, stealing Christmas decorations right out of peoples yards, and running up debt they already are to deep in , where is Christ is all this?    Look at what Satan has done to a day the world is suppose to stop and remember what Jesus Christ did for us.  Does it matter to you that Christ wasn’t even born on Dec. 25th but, this was a date installed by the Roman Empire after Rome couldn’t  killed off all the Christians.  The point is this, on what ever day Jesus was born, He choose to enter this world as a human child in order for one day to become the Lamb of God who would have to hang on a cross in order to take away the sins of the world for all who come to Christ.   Do you really think that all those gifts you bought will bring you any closer to Christ?  In many of the homes around the world as people begin to go crazy ripping up the boxes to get to their presents Jesus will be standing outside their door.  The real meaning of Christ’s birth is being replaced with things which really have no value.  This is exactly what Satan wants.  He wants people to keep the appearance of loving Christ but , make sure He is kept outside your life.  For the real believer not one gift has to be exchanged in order for that special day to be a blessing. The gift that has the most meaning for every single person on this planet is the gift that is kept on the shelf .  It is the gift of eternal life via the Christ child and His cross.  It is my prayer what Christ has done for us all will take on new meaning this year and, the flame that burns in your life for Jesus will be one that can not remain under your bed. 

Lord Jesus thank you for loving me when I was sinning, Thank you for loving me when I turned away from you when people preached to me about you.  Thank you for loving me when I took you name in vain and thank you for loving me when I was at my worst. Thank you for keeping me alive in order that I might see your truth concerning your Son Jesus Christ.  I look upon the cross and see my Lord’s body nailed their for me. I know the gift that you wanted Jesus was for me to tell you that I have seen the Lamb on the Cross and have received His blood to cover my sins. Now each day I remember what you did for me.  How was it Lord growing up and each day knowing the cross was before you yet you made the choice to face it for me even when I hated you.  Thank you Jesus for not giving up on me, thank you Jesus for not giving up on anyone reading this post..  On what ever day you were in fact born , I want to say, My Lord God and my Savior Jesus Christ, happy birthday. I can’t wait to be with you and see you face to face. Thank you for handing me the most precious gift anyone can receive, the gift of eternal life. Your servant Frank DiMora


A Past Look At The Future Of Egypt With Frank DiMora/Dec. 24, 2012


Yes I am still on my Holiday break and will not be posting much during the Holidays but, because of the importance of what is taking place in Egypt I wanted to present this one report. 

Just prior to the end of 2011,  I posted many warnings as to what was going to take place in Egypt. When Egypt began to  riot against Hosni Mubarak I told you that the Muslim Brotherhood would win Egypt's new elections that were slated for later in 2012.  Keep in mind, at the time I issued that warning the Muslim Brotherhood did not even has a candidate running for office.  Fact is , I posted a report which stated the Muslim Brotherhood said they had no intention of even entering the race for Egypt’s Presidency.  In my one of my videos I told you that the Muslim Brotherhood was lying and that they would enter the race. Not long after I made that video the Muslim Brotherhood did in fact enter the Presidential race and, just as I had warned he won the race.  I also told you that the next thing you would see is that Egypt would move to install strict Muslim law.  Did I steer you wrong?  Below is what I warned you last year in my Dec. 14, 2011 post.


What about my warning on Dec. 14, 2011 concerning Sharia Law coming to Egypt?

Prophecy Sign: In Psalm 83 we see Egypt is one of the nations that will attack Israel. As I have warned you in the past, watch out for what the Muslim Brotherhood does in the near future, because they will turn to strict Muslim law to control their people and anyone else they can. If you plan to visit Egypt any time soon you better read this report.  Now that you know what I warned you take a look at the headline below from today’s news.

Okay, now that you have seen my warnings from the past take a look at the headline just released today from Egypt.


Headline: Muslim Brotherhood claims victory in Egypt constitution vote amid fraud allegations



Polling station officials deposit ballots during the second round of a referendum on a new draft constitution in Giza, south of Cairo, on December 22, 2012 (AFP Photo)

Polling station officials deposit ballots during the second round of a referendum on a new draft constitution in Giza, south of Cairo, on December 22, 2012 (AFP Photo)

“Egypt's new Sharia-based constitution has been approved in a second round of voting, the ruling Muslim Brotherhood party said. The country's opposition leveled accusations of fraud, saying it will appeal the referendum results and form a new party. The new charter was approved by 64 percent of Egyptian voters in a “resounding victory,” state news agency al-Ahram reported on Sunday. The preliminary tallies were calculated from reports by polling station officials. Egypt's election committee will confirm the final results on Monday”

The third thing I warned you last year concerning Egypt was the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt that was formed in 1979 would be broken and Egypt would again become a bitter enemy of Israel and at the end of the day they would join up with all the nations listed in the Psalm 83 war and try to wipe Israel off the map.  Egypt is clearly moving to the far right under strict Muslim law where in that law there is no room for the existence of the nation of Israel.  Many of you may not be aware of how important this new Sharia-base constitution  in Egypt is in light of Bible prophecy, but I can tell you it is huge.  I can clearly see Isaiah’s prophecy concerning Egypt’s last days events in chapter 19 of Isaiah are causing those real Christians to take notice of how close we are to seeing the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.  By the way, since my warning that Egypt would become Israel’s enemy again the Muslim Brotherhood has called Israel their number one enemy!   I pray that the Lord’s fire will again begin to burn in your hearts and you will become all that the Lord has created you to become. Each one of you were created with a special blessing that could be used for the service in Christ in one way or another.  It is disheartening  to see that most Christians have a candle lite for Christ however, it is burning under the bed where few can see the light. Candle What happen to the fire in the hearts of Christians that we read about in the book of Acts with the early Church.  Did not Jesus show you the history of the Church in the first 3 chapters of the Book of Revelation?  Did not He warn us that this last generation would become a lukewarm Church?  Can you not see that while the world is rushing to the second coming that most of the Church is asleep and their candles are almost ready to go out!   While the world is busy rushing in the stores pushing people aside for gifts, fighting with each other over store sales, steeling Christmas gifts left by Postman, stealing Christmas decorations right out of peoples yards, and running up debt they already are to deep in , where is Christ is all this?    Look at what Satan has done to a day the world is suppose to stop and remember what Jesus Christ did for us.  Does it matter to you that Christ wasn’t even born on Dec. 25th but, this was a date installed by the Roman Empire after Rome couldn’t  killed off all the Christians.  The point is this, on what ever day Jesus was born, He choose to enter this world as a human child in order for one day to become the Lamb of God who would have to hang on a cross in order to take away the sins of the world for all who come to Christ.   Do you really think that all those gifts you bought will bring you any closer to Christ?  In many of the homes around the world as people begin to go crazy ripping up the boxes to get to their presents Jesus will be standing outside their door.  The real meaning of Christ’s birth is being replaced with things which really have no value.  This is exactly what Satan wants.  He wants people to keep the appearance of loving Christ but , make sure He is kept outside your life.  For the real believer not one gift has to be exchanged in order for that special day to be a blessing. The gift that has the most meaning for every single person on this planet is the gift that is kept on the shelf .  It is the gift of eternal life via the Christ child and His cross.  It is my prayer what Christ has done for us all will take on new meaning this year and, the flame that burns in your life for Jesus will be one that can not remain under your bed. 

Lord Jesus thank you for loving me when I was sinning, Thank you for loving me when I turned away from you when people preached to me about you.  Thank you for loving me when I took you name in vain and thank you for loving me when I was at my worst. Thank you for keeping me alive in order that I might see your truth concerning your Son Jesus Christ.  I look upon the cross and see my Lord’s body nailed their for me. I know the gift that you wanted Jesus was for me to tell you that I have seen the Lamb on the Cross and have received His blood to cover my sins. Now each day I remember what you did for me.  How was it Lord growing up and each day knowing the cross was before you yet you made the choice to face it for me even when I hated you.  Thank you Jesus for not giving up on me, thank you Jesus for not giving up on anyone reading this post..  On what ever day you were in fact born , I want to say, My Lord God and my Savior Jesus Christ, happy birthday. I can’t wait to be with you and see you face to face. Thank you for handing me the most precious gift anyone can receive, the gift of eternal life. Your servant Frank DiMora




Another huge quake-Birds, Fish, and Animal’s death report/Dec. 22, 2012

Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:11 is the sign of “great earthquakes”

MANILA, Philippines (Updated) – There is no tsunami threat to the Philippines following the 6.8 magnitude earthquake that struck the South Pacific Island of Vanuatu Saturday, December 22, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS) said in its bulletin.


Here is the list of all the great quakes that have hit in December 2012

  • Vanuatu A magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck Vanuatu on December 2, at a depth of 34.1 km.[160]
  • Japan A magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck off the coast of Honshu, Japan on December 7, at a depth of 29.2 km.[168]
  • Vanuatu A magitude 6.8 earthquake struck Vanuatu on December 21, at a depth of 207.9 km.


Prophecy Sign: “There is no faithfulness, no love, no acknowledgment of God in the land. There is only cursing, lying and murder, stealing and adultery; they break all bounds, and bloodshed follows bloodshed. Because of this the land mourns, and all who live in it waste away; the beasts of the field and the birds of the air and the fish of the sea are dying. [Hosea 4:1-3]

Prophecy Sign: The fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the beasts of the field, every creature that moves along the ground, and all the people on the face of the earth will tremble at my presence. The mountains will be overturned, the cliffs will crumble and every wall will fall to the ground. [Ezekiel 38:20]

Prophecy Sign: “I will sweep away both men and animals; I will sweep away the birds of the air and the fish of the sea. The wicked will have only heaps of rubble when I cut off man from the face of the earth,” declares the LORD. [Zephaniah 1:3]


December 1, 2012 – Catfish die-off near Marco Island in Florida, America.

December 2, 2012 – 50 birds found dead on road in Collin County, Texas, America.

December 3, 2012 – Hundreds of dead Carp washed up in Pinto Lake, California, America.

December 4, 2012 – Large Fish kill on the Yaojiang River in Ningbo, China.

December 6, 2012- Killer disease behind 3 dozen buffalo deaths remains mystery, Nepal.

December 6, 2012 – 19 horses found dead in Canon City, Colorado, America.

December 6, 2012 – Thousands of Fish found dead and dying on Kiawah Island, South Carolina, America.

December 7, 2012 – Hundreds of Chickens killed due to Avian Flu on Penghu Island, Taiwan.

December 7, 2012 – 25,000 Fish found dead in Guangdong, China.

December 7, 2012 – Large Fish kill found in a river in Pudong, China.

December 10, 2012 – 1,600 dead Sheep is a mystery in Nigeria.

December 11, 2012 – “Dead Fish all over the place” near giant sinkhole in Louisiana, America.

December 11, 2012 Thousands of Squid wash ashore dead in California, America.

December 11, 2012 300,000 Ducks killed by Bird Flu in several provinces of Java Island, Indonesia.

December 12, 2012- 6 Dolphins wash ashore dead during past month in Gavelston, Texas, America.–183284651.html

December 13, 2012 – Large Fish kill found in a river in Lanxi in China.

December 13, 2012 – Hundreds of Fish, Crabs and eels found dead on beach near Tern Island, Australia.

December 14, 2012 – Large Fish kill found in a river in Shahe City in China.

December 14, 2012 – Thousands of Bluebottle Jellyfish wash ashore dead on Oreti Beach, New Zealand.

December 14, 2012 – Tens of thousands of Fish found dead in a lake in Haikou, China.

December 14, 2012 – 300,000 lbs of Fish have died in the Long Lake area in China.

December 14, 2012 – Tens of thousands of dead Sardines cover 100 meters of beach in Chiba Prefecture, Japan.

December 17, 2012 – Thousands of dead Turtles wash ashore on Paradip Sea Beach in India.

December 17, 2012 – Thousands of Herring found dead “a mystery” in Iceland.

December 18, 2012 – Die-off of Songbirds in Sonoma County, California, America.

December 20, 2012 – 3,000 dead Fowl caused by Avian flu in Nepal.

December 20, 2012 – Thousands of Fish have died in Bulloo River in Queensland, Australia.

December 21, 2012 – Thousands of Chickens suddenly die in Muarojambi district, Indonesia.,20121221-449609,uk.html

December 22, 2012 – 1,500 Hens and Geese killed due to Avian Flu in Germany.