In 2016 I produced a video concerning the European Union which has the same nations in it as the Old Roman Empire. The UK is part of the European Union.This is important because the Lord …
Trudeau’s Canada ranks third on list of Western countries persecuting Christians
Canada is third on the list of Christian-persecuting Western nations under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s leadership. According to a report published on January 31 by Family Research Council’s (FRC) Center for Religious Liberty, Canada ranks third among Western countries that persecute Christians for their faith.
1 John 4:3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh, is not of God; and such is the spirit of Antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come, and even now already it is in the world.
Dems enraged by Christian pastor’s House invocation
A coalition of Democrats in the U.S. House, led by self-proclaimed atheist Rep. Jared Huffman, has written to Speaker Mike Johnson to express members’ rage over a Christian pastor’s recent House invocation, and to express their intolerance for his views.
It was Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel in Chino Hills who had been invited to deliver the invocation and, as a Christian, spoke of a “coming day of judgment.”
Why Its Going To Be So Compelling For The World To Worship The Antichrist
The Bible predicts there is a false Christ coming. In 1 John 2:18, he is called the Antichrist. Many typically think the Antichrist is somebody who’s against Jesus. But the prefix anti- can just as easily mean instead of. It seems from Scripture that this Antichrist will pose as a substitute Christ—and it’s quite possible he is alive at this moment.
Floods and landslides hit Ecuador, leaving two dead and thousands affected
Heavy rain has been affecting Ecuador since January 29, 2024, resulting in devastating floods and landslides across the country. Two fatalities were reported in Azuay Province, with four others injured in Chimborazo and Loja. The disaster has affected over 16,600 individuals, predominantly in Los Ríos, Manabí, Esmeraldas, and Guayas provinces, leading to the destruction of 36 houses and damage to 3,180 others.
Luke 21:11There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven. (Pestilences=Diseases)
Ask the following questions. Why is it anyone including top doctors who disagree with the government concerning how dangerous the Covid vaccinations are, are targeted by the government? Why is the government still trying to silence anyone who wants the Covid vaccines stopped? Why is it we are not seeing any reports you will be reading about in my post being covered by any main stream media? Before Covid came along have you ever heard of a government paying people $100.00 to get a vaccine? Think I am kidding? click the two links below.
The next time you hear your government try to get you to take the Covid vaccine or the Covid booster shots you may want to read the reports the main stream media will not talk about.
France: “Article Pfizer” criminalizing criticism of mRNA injections passed by National Assembly
On 15 November 2023, the French Senate reviewed a draft law, modifications to the Penal Code, that aim to crush dissent using hefty fines of up to EUR 15,000 and threat of jail time. Anyone daring to criticize medical treatments could fall foul of this law. Considering the “covid vaccines are safe and effective” false narrative propagated by the government, this law is nothing short of outrageous.
Shocking Findings of New Study: Excess Deaths in the UK Pandemic were Iatrogenic and Caused by Midazolam and Euthanasia
Findings of a new study show that data showing a spike in excess deaths in April 2020 in the United Kingdom (UK) had significant anomalies and inconsistencies with existing explanations wrongly attributed to “COVID-19.” According to the study, the excess deaths did not originate from the SARS-CoV-2 virus, but from widespread Midazolam use in euthanasia and then likely later from mass vaccination. The pandemic in the UK, was iatrogenic according to the study.
Luke 21:11There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven. (Pestilences=Diseases)
Ask the following questions. Why is it anyone including tops doctors who disagree with the government concerning how dangerous the Covid vaccinations are targeted by the government? Why is the government still trying to silence anyone who wants the Covid vaccines stopped? Why is it we are not seeing any reports you will be reading about in my post being covered by any main stream media? Before Covid came along have you ever heard of a government paying people $100.00 to get a vaccine? Think I am kidding? click the two links below.
The next time you hear your government try to get you to take the Covid vaccine or the Covid booster shots you may want to read the reports the main stream media will n0t talk about.
February 16, 2024
A New Zealand doctor is punished for speaking the truth about covid New Zealand’s Dr. Peter Canaday has had his medical license suspended, and dragged through a professional conduct complaint and a week-long appearance at a Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal. Why? Because he did what good doctors are meant to do: He thought, he questioned, he amassed evidence, he insisted on basic foundational principles of medicine and he brought his concerns to the public.
Tens of Thousands of Elderly Secretly Euthanized to Boost ‘Covid Deaths’ A bombshell new report has sent shockwaves around the world after an investigation into the high numbers of “Covid deaths” during the pandemic uncovered evidence that tens of thousands of elderly people were actually murdered to boost the mortality rates.
February 14, 2024
CDC’s Own Scientists Found Masks Ineffective for COVID — But Agency Recommended Them Anyway January 2024 we are still reading that hospitals have asked visitors to its A&E department to start wearing face masks again. How can we ever trust medical professionals ever again knowing that they enforced measures that were not only unnecessary and useless, but also detrimental to our health and well-being? (see – The-Cloth-of-Compliance-is-Risking-the-Health-of-Our-Children.) Yet years down the line, those who we would expect to know better have shown they don’t, and are once again simply following orders and ‘questioning nothing.
February 12, 2024
The Explosive Link Between COVID Vaccines and Increased Cancer Rates in Children & Young Adults A report quietly published by the UK Government department known as the Office for National Statistics (ONS) shockingly reveals people aged 18 to 49 who have received four doses of the COVID-19 vaccine are up to 318% more likely to die of any cause than unvaccinated people aged 18 to 49.
February 11, 2024
Shocking CDC Report: Autoimmune Heart Disease Risk Skyrockets Post-COVID Vaccination A study conducted by the US Centers for Disease Control and Food and Drug Administration has shown that the risk of myocarditis following mRNA COVID vaccination is around 133x greater than the background risk in the population. This means COVID-19 vaccination increases the risk of suffering myocarditis, an autoimmune disease causing inflammation of the heart, by 13,200%.
February 11, 2024
Shocking CDC Report: Autoimmune Heart Disease Risk Skyrockets Post-COVID Vaccination A study conducted by the US Centers for Disease Control and Food and Drug Administration has shown that the risk of myocarditis following mRNA COVID vaccination is around 133x greater than the background risk in the population. This means COVID-19 vaccination increases the risk of suffering myocarditis, an autoimmune disease causing inflammation of the heart, by 13,200%.
February 9, 2024
Minnesota providers have thrown out over 2 million COVID-19 vaccine doses Health care providers in Minnesota have thrown out 2,225,642 COVID-19 vaccine doses, according to information provided by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH). In total, these vaccines were worth roughly $185 million, though the actual figure may vary due to the complex vaccine pricing system.
February 9, 2024
Pfizer’s Pfrankenstein Proteins were injected into billions of people Pfizer’s mRNA covid-19 injections instruct cells to produce additional “off-target” proteins that could pose significant health risks. The finding was revealed by a team of UK researchers, who found a “glitch” occurred due to the way the covid-19 injections were genetically modified. According to the study, off-target cellular immune responses occur in 25% to 33% of those who have received Pfizer’s covid-19 injection.
The Plot Thickens as Comeuppance Looms for the Unhinged Zealots of the Vax Brigade EMBALMERS REPORT BIZARRE BLOOD CLOTS. “The evidence is becoming overwhelming that the pseudo-vax rollout was a mass poisoning event inflicted on us with malice aforethought by the Covid Psyop’s duplicitous architects, aided and abetted by corrupt or simply gormless politicians. The mass poisoning has seen the injuring and killing of tens of thousands of people,” says Jon Davy.
Nationwide Bus Tour Collecting Stories From People Injured by Vaccines and Covid Shots A 42-foot-long bus is driving across the United States gathering stories from everyday Americans about vaccine-related injuries and deaths. The non-profit organization behind the tour, Children’s Health Defense (CHD), founded by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., is providing a platform through the “Vax-Unvax” bus tour for Americans to contribute to a project they dub “The People’s Study.”
Excess deaths in the UK are being caused by circulatory issues A study cited in the UK press found that the excess deaths are primarily due to circulatory issues, not COVID. Thanks to the work of John Beaudoin, we know the COVID vaccine caused circulatory deaths.
January 27, 2024
The Inventor of Lipid Nanoparticles Knew the mRNA Would Not Stay in Your Arm, but They Could Not Let The Public Know For more than four decades, they have been aware that the lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) used in vaccines wouldn’t remain confined to the injection site. In reality, this was never their intention. Their objective was for the ‘vaccine’ to circulate throughout the body, allowing some of it to reach the lymph nodes. This way, dendritic cells at the lymph nodes were more likely to correctly interpret the mRNA instructions.
January 27, 2024
Researchers urge governments to endorse a global moratorium on mRNA injections in a newly released science paper In a paper published on Wednesday, researchers re-analysed the Pfizer covid “vaccine” phase 3 trial data and found more serious adverse events among those in the vaccine group…Adding, “Numerous SAEs were identified following the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), including death, cancer, cardiac events, and various autoimmune, haematological, reproductive, and neurological disorders.”
January 20, 2024
False savior: COVID vaccine rollout spurred a 55% increase in disabilities among American working women …Since February 2021, both men and women (ages 16-64) have been reporting disabilities at an ever-increasing rate. Women have been hit the worse. From February 2021 to November 2023, the number of women reporting disabilities rose by an unprecedented 55% – from 2.1 million women to 3.2 million women. This unprecedented rise in disability has shocked the insurance industry, reversing decades-long
January 17, 2024
A Hearing on Blood Related Adverse Events Post Covid Vaccine – What Happened to the Medical Profession? United States Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene held a hearing on blood-related adverse events post-COVID vaccination on the 12th January 2024 and explained that the hearing was “once again truly doing the people’s work and trying to get to the bottom of the detrimental effects of the covid vaccine that the government forced on so many Americans.”
Top Cardiologist Testifies: Heart Failure Soaring Among Vaxxed One of the world’s leading cardiologists has just given an explosive testimony before lawmakers on Capitol Hill, revealing the devastating side effects of Covid mRNA shots. McCullough delivered a powerful testimony in his opening statements, revealing numerous complications he’s encountered among vaccinated patients….”Yesterday, I saw patients with 2-foot blood clots in their legs after the vaccine,” McCullough testified.
Why are so Many Californians Dying?
Covid has claimed about 105,000 lives in the state since 2020. In that same time period, 82,000 more Californians died from everything else than is typical.
…Biologist Bret Weinstein dropped several bombshells during a new interview with independent news anchor Tucker Carlson. While raising the alarm about the power grab of the United Nations (UN) World Health Organization (WHO), Weinstein left Carlson stunned when he stated how many people have died from Covid mRNA injections.
The Pfizer COVID-19 “vaccine” injected into billions of arms was not the same one used in Pfizer’s clinical trials. There was a “bait-and-switch.” The public received vials contaminated with plasmid DNA.
Financial analyst and data expert Edward Dowd said a new U.S. Department of Labor disability survey shows employed men and women ages 16-64 reported record harms since February 2021, with women suffering an unprecedented 55% increase in disabilities.Since February 2021, more than 1 million working U.S. women ages 16-64 have told the U.S. Department of Labor they are disabled, according to a new government report, writes reporter for the Defender, Mike Capuzzo.
The review was conducted by the senator’s staff and involved a certain level of assumption given that no publicly available data exist regarding how many flu vaccine doses were administered in the United States over the past 10 years. Using the number of distributed doses to generate that figure, they found that the number of deaths per million doses of the COVID-19 vaccines (25.5) far exceeded those estimated for the flu vaccine (0.46). … the 25.5 deaths per million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine represents a 55-fold increase over the flu vaccine deaths per million doses,”
stunned the medical world, completing the 43 billion acquisition of Seagen, a small drug company that treats turbo cancers and barely makes $2 Billion per year.
Here we go. Los Angeles health officials will use any excuse to bring back the oppressive COVID-era mandates. Mask mandates are back in Los Angeles health facilities for patients, healthcare workers, and visitors beginning December 30th.
American life expectancy plunges in wake of COVID vaccine… Since the introduction of the COVID vaccine, there’s been a significant change in our way of life, or rather, the lifespan of Americans, as life expectancy has experienced an alarming downturn. We’ve also been seeing injuries related to the vaccine, often downplayed by the media and left-wing groups, and a concerning number of “sudden deaths” among healthy, young Americans. And this isn’t some random speculation or wild conspiracy theory. The alarming increase in young people suffering heart attacks is a real and present issue.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, politicians, scientists and media organizations vilified unvaccinated people, blaming them for prolonging the pandemic and advocating policies that barred “the unvaccinated” from public venues, businesses and their own workplaces.
A conservative foundation is suing the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to obtain records concerning the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project is investigating recent claims made by a CIA whistleblower that accuse the agency of covering up the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic. According to The Daily Caller, which obtained a copy of the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project’s lawsuit, the organization filed a lawsuit on Friday due to the agency refusing to grant a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for records pertaining to the lab leak theory, which suggests that the COVID-19 pandemic was the result of a man-made virus escaping from a lab in China.
As the death toll rises, a dark shadow has been cast over Britain. Official data reveals that from April 2022 through to December 2022, 407,910 deaths occurred, with 47,379 excess deaths against the 2015-2019 five-year average.
A report quietly published by the UK Government confirms the COVID-19 injections are far from effective because the unvaccinated population has accounted for just 5% of COVID-19 deaths in England since the beginning of 2023, while the 3 and 4 times vaccinated population has accounted for 95% of COVID-19 deaths among the vaccinated, with the vast majority of those deaths being recorded among the 4x vaccinated.
Summary: a study of humans suffering from Long Covid analyzed their cellular DNA. The authors unexpectedly found genes uniquely specific to the Pfizer COVID vaccine in human blood cells. This finding proves that mRNA COVID vaccines permanently integrate into the DNA of some COVID-vaccinated people.
…What’s most distressing about this latest analysis is the stunning degree of premeditation and calculation to murder and/or injure millions of Covid ‘vaccine’ recipients throughout New Zealand.
December 21, 2023
Prepping for ‘Disease X’: Gates-Backed Group Funds Needle-Free mRNA Vaccine ‘Wafer’ Technology Funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, has helped the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) to invest $1.2 million in a startup with Jurata Thin Film Inc. to create under-the-tongue vaccine wafers for needle-free vaccines. CEPI’s mission is to fund the development of “rapid response platforms to develop vaccines against ‘Disease X’
December 2O, 2023
The FDA Can Now Withhold COVID Vaccine Safety Records. Again, We Ask – Are The FDA, With Their Ties to Bill Gates, Fit For Purpose? Under a recent order from a federal judge, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is being allowed to withhold COVID-19 vaccine safety data for at least another six months due to meeting the criteria of “exceptional circumstances.” Lawyers representing the FDA have said that the agency is “overburdened by court orders” forcing it to produce a certain amount of records pertaining to the authorisation of the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines.
…the vast majority of people 64 years of age and younger in Japan who got “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) and died did so within the first 10 days following injection.
Two days after German television station MDR aired a report about foreign DNA contamination found in vials of covid injection, a panellist on a popular Austrian talk show spoke about PlasmidGate; vaccines contaminated with plasmid DNA.
December 18, 2023
ONS Finally Admits Britain’s Excess Deaths Crisis in Lancet Article There has continued to be a high numbers of excess deaths in young and middle aged people within the UK based on comparison with the five year average. Finally, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) is admitting that this is the case in a paper published in the Lancet where it has been stated that there were 7.2% or 44,255 more deaths registered in the UK in 2022. They also state that the this has persisted into 2023 with 8.6% or 28,024 more deaths registered in the first six months of the year alone.
A pro-vaccine doctor who administered thousands of shots has decided to blow the whistle and alert the public about a “major cover up” of “devastating side effects” including cancer and cardiac arrest caused by the Covid mRNA injections.
December 17, 2023
The Death Protocol: Whistleblower Nurse Says “One Medical Blunder Cost Thousands of Lives.” …The NG163 ‘end of life’ protocol from NICE, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence had been issued to doctors and nurses across the UK on April 3, 2020 and remained in place until March 21, 2021. According to Roberts and other healthcare campaigners, NG163 essentially told medics to prescribe a deadly cocktail of powerful drugs to people in hospital and elsewhere who had been diagnosed with an “advanced case of Covid-19.”
December 17, 2023
Doctor Exposes the ‘Biggest Hoax’ in Medicine Outside of COVID …“And so, my advice to you: don’t get sick, don’t go to the hospital, because they’re going to kill you.” Instead of seeking help from the hospital, Dr. Marik recommended eating right, sleeping right, getting enough sunshine, lowering stress, and taking care of your lifestyle because, again, “The medical system will kill you.”
December 17, 2023
Pfizer’s Dirty Little Secret: Graphene Oxide is in COVID Vaccines and has Fatal Shedding Effects …confidential Pfizer documents, that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) attempted to delay the release of for 75 years, but were subsequently forced to publish by order of the US Federal Court; and various scientific studies have confirmed that the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine does in fact contain a highly toxic substance known as Graphene Oxide. A substance that is so toxic that it has and still is destroying red blood cells and forming strange blood clots.
December 16, 2023
German public broadcaster airs report on vaccines “contaminated” with DNA on prime-time TV On Tuesday in its programme ‘Umschau’ (English: Review) German public broadcaster Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk (“MDR”) aired a report ‘Corona vaccine under criticism – What’s the truth?’. It cast a spotlight on the serious issue of DNA that has been found in covid injections and it was aired during prime-time viewing.
December 16, 2023
Self-amplifying mRNA “vaccines” are the next-generation bioweapon Two weeks ago, Japan became the first country in the world to approve a new self-amplifying mRNA (“sa-mRNA”) vaccine. With approval for the vaccine secured in Japan, its developers are now seeking authorisation in Europe; a regulatory decision is expected next year. Self-amplifying RNA (“saRNA”) is engineered to make more copies of itself once delivered into cells. It encodes both the antigen of interest – for example, the covid spike protein – and proteins which enable vaccine RNA replication.
December 16, 2023
Covid-19 and Vaccination Horrors Health services around the world are now devoted to vaccination programmes. Neither doctors nor nurses seem to give a damn about evidence or their ethical responsibilities to their patients.
During a First Committee of the Senate debate on the supply of medicines, Colombian Health Minister Guillermo Alfonso Jaramillo said vehemently that “all Colombians who are vaccinated [against covid-19] served for the greatest experiment that has been carried out in the entire history of humanity … We cannot continue experimenting with the Colombian community.”
Whistleblower: 20% of New Zealand’s Vaxxed Population Have Died …Due to strict mandates and heavy government pressure during the Covid pandemic, the vast majority of the New Zealand population is fully vaccinated. Official data shows that 95.8% of the eligible New Zealand population aged 12 and over have received one dose of the Covid mRNA shots.
December 7, 2023
Canada Reports 135% Spike in Deaths from ‘Unspecified Causes’ New Canadian government data has revealed the nation has suffered a staggering 135% spike in listed as “unspecified causes.” Statistics Canada, an agency of the Canadian government, has just published a new report revealing that the nation smashed records for deaths in 2022.
December 7, 2023
NZ Vaccine Data Whistleblower “Drops Truth Bombs” in First Interview Following His Release From Prison …The New Zealand government is claiming and charging Barry Young with ‘accessing a computer system for “dishonest purposes’, but, he says he has done nothing dishonest. and according to CounterSpinMedia, “This data was carefully analysed, anonymised, and time shifted to prevent personal information from being released into the public domain. The data has already been handed over to a multitude of research organisations and is reportedly the best trove of official government data on the COVID scandal released so far.”
December 7, 2023
New Zealanders’ health and longevity are being sacrificed to save politicians and civil servants Dr. Guy Hatchard highlights three recent studies from South Korea on the harms caused by covid injections. In light of the arrest of the whistle-blower who revealed unprecedented deaths post-vaccination, Dr. Hatchard asks: “Who do you believe? The researchers in Korea who have published analyses of millions of post-vaccination health records officially made available by their government or our government who are still refusing to make health records available whilst insisting that covid-19 vaccination is safe and effective?”
The whistleblower, Barry Young had disclosed that data had shown a concerning proportion of individuals had died shortly after receiving a Covid vaccine. Days following this disclosure, journalist Liz Gunn reported that Young had been raided by the police on Sunday, and now, according to James Freeman on radio station TNT, he could face up to 7 years in prison.
Moderna’s “disinformation department” partnered with an industry-backed non-profit, the Public Good Projects (PGP), to monitor and suppress dissenting voices on COVID-19 vaccine policy, according to a new report by investigative journalists Lee Fang and Jack Poulson published Monday in UnHerd.
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is suing Pfizer for spreading grossly misleading and inaccurate information regarding the efficacy of its covid “vaccine” in preventing infection and transmission.
Lieutenant Ted Macie, an active-duty officer in the Navy Medical Service Corps and whistleblower, has been barred from accessing his work computer by the Department of Defense (DOD).
A whistleblower responsible for managing New Zealand’s COVID-19 vaccination database has come forward with alarming data regarding excess deaths that he claims are connected to specific batches of the Pfizer vaccine.
Time and time again throughout 2021, Dr. Anthony Fauci, stood at the podium, the bright lights of the cameras blinding him as he faced the nation. With a steady hand, he held up a vial of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, promising it would be the key to protecting America and its children from the “deadly” COVID-19 disease supposedly ravaging the country.
Prepare yourself for a journey into the heart of darkness, where science fiction becomes reality, and the true horrors of nanotechnology are revealed. In this bone-chilling exposé, we expose the malevolent truth behind graphene nano bots lurking within COVID-19 vaccines.
In a world where reality often seems stranger than fiction, the machinations behind global events can be an enigma wrapped in mystery. One such intrigue revolves around Deagel, an obscure online entity known for its exhaustive data on military capabilities and eyebrow-raising depopulation forecasts for 2025.
The world was thrown into chaos when a new virus, Covid-19, was declared a pandemic by the government. Fear propaganda was broadcast non-stop on television and radio, all paid for by the government and they used the pandemic as an excuse to pass laws that restricted civil liberties and bribed the public with
Moderna has admitted its mRNA COVID vaccine causes CANCER after billions of DNA fragments were found in vials of the dangerous injection. The revelation was made after Dr. Robert Malone recently made an appearance at an “Injuries Caused by COVID-19 Vaccines” hearing led by Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), at which he revealed how Moderna’s patent shows that its (COVID-19) “vaccine” vials contain billions of DNA fragments and other contaminants linked to birth defects and cancer.
…experts explain how the mRNA “trans”jections not only cause physical damage to organs but how they also damage the small capillaries in the brain, override the blood-brain barrier and eventually lead to massive personality changes. They also discuss how the mRNA injections are breaking the will of some of those who receive them.
A report quietly published by the UK Government department known as the Office for National Statistics (ONS) shockingly reveals people aged 18 to 49 who have received four doses of the COVID-19 vaccine are up to 318% more likely to die of any cause than unvaccinated people aged 18 to 49. This means we have found the cause of excess deaths being so high across the West and young people dying of cancer across the UK at an explosive rate.
China’s COVID Trauma Returns As Hazmat Workers Disinfect Streets Public health workers wearing full protective gear have appeared on the streets of northern China, according to footage on social media, evoking memories of the country’s stringent anti-virus measures during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Natural Immunity Better Than Protection From COVID-19 Vaccination: Study “Our study showed that natural immunity offers stronger and longer-lasting protection against infection, symptoms, and hospitalization compared to vaccine-induced immunity,” Dr. Anneli Uusküla, with the Department of Family Medicine and Public Health at the University of Tartu, and her co-authors wrote.
Leaked Pfizer Reports & COVID Vaccinated Death Rates Solidify Deagel’s Shocking 2025 Depopulation Prediction A controversial forecast by Deagel, a global intelligence and consulting firm, recently gained attention for its startling prediction of a significant depopulation event by 2025. While initially dismissed as a speculative estimation, current events and emerging trends have led many to question whether there may be more to Deagel’s forecast than meets the eye.
The Office for National Statistics recently published an update on deaths by vaccination status in England and it has shockingly revealed that the vaccinated population accounted for 95% of COVID-19 deaths in the 12 months between 1st June 2022 and 31st May 2023, and 94% of those deaths were among either the triple or quadruple vaccinated population.
Cancer…is the No. 2 leading cause of death in the United States. Unfortunately, it appears the disease may be on the rise thanks to the experimental Covid-19 injections. Because official U.S. Government data confirms the risk of developing cancer following Covid-19 vaccination increases by a shocking 143,233%.
Data from the Republic of Maldives provides yet more evidence that the COVID-19 vaccines are not only harmful but lethal, says a prominent vaccine watchdog and COVID establishment critic.
We the Patriots USA say that “this is the movie we wish we didn’t have to make. But this is a movie everyone needs to see.” The new movie – ‘Shot Dead’ – released on 9 November documents the stories of children killed by the covid injections as told by their parents.
What doesn’t the main stream media want you to know concerning the Covid -19 vaccinations? One of the most well known doctors in many fields including epidemiology tells the truth concerning what is behind so many people dying around the world. It is a fact there have been attempts to try and stop doctors like Dr. McCullough who do not go along with the governments narrative on Covid 19 and, the governments push to have everyone take the Covid 19 mRNA “vaccines and the buster shots. For months I have been listing news reports for you showing the damage the Covid vaccines has caused. What Dr. McCullough warned about can now be seen in those reports.
Dr. McCullough is board certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine in internal medicine and cardiovascular disease, and clinical lipidology. He has a Masters in Public Health in Epidemiology. Dr. McCullough is an internationally recognized authority on the evaluation of medical evidence concerning contemporary issues in medicine and has published widely with more than 1000 publications and 500 citations in the National Library of Medicine. He has been a leader in the medical response to the COVID-19 disaster and has published the first guidance for the medical treatment of ambulatory patients infected with SARS-CoV-2. And, he has published a widely read OPED series on COVID-19 in TheHill.
Below is my continued list of Covid 19 reports and the results of what has happened after people have taken those Covid 19 mRNA “vaccines and the buster shots.
AstraZeneca’s COVID Vaccine Was ‘Defective’, Lawsuit Claims
AstraZeneca is facing a multimillion-dollar lawsuit in the English High Court following claims that the pharmaceutical giant’s COVID-19 vaccine caused serious injuries and even death to those who received it. Nov. 10, 2023
New Zealand medicine regulator extends provisional authorisation for Pfizer covid mRNA injection for two years
Medsafe, the New Zealand Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Authority, announced last week that it had renewed Pfizer’s provisional consent to distribute its covid “vaccines” in New Zealand for another two years. Meanwhile, as Dr. Guy Hatchard highlights, pressure is growing on the New Zealand government and the medical establishment to act responsibly to inform the public of risks, end vaccine promotion and repudiate the proposed WHO international health preparedness accord.
…The genetic material in mRNA “vaccines” have been “end capped” in the hopes that mRNA vaccines could not integrate into the human genome. However, in April a study was published in the journal Nature – Scientific Reports found that not only can genetic material that has been end capped integrate into our genes but that it could happen with a frequency of up to 20% of transfected cells – one case in every five.
Phillip Buckhaults, a cancer genomics expert, and professor at the University of South Carolina has testified before a South Carolina Senate Medical Affairs Ad-Hoc Committee saying that Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine is contaminated with billions of tiny DNA fragments.
..Here we present a series of strong evidence that the Covid-19 vaccines are causing recipients to develop acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) or a novel condition with similar attributes that can only be described as Covid-19 Vaccine Induced Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS).
DARPA has openly bragged on Twitter that Moderna’s mRNA vaccine technology, and by extension Moderna’s Covid vaccine, was a product of their ADEPT program. Below, Spartacus takes a look at the paper trail that shows Moderna is just another front in the Biodefence Mafia.
COVID skeptic Dr. David Martin: WHO is a ‘criminal cartel’
If the old saying that taking flak means you’re over the target, there must be something in what COVID-19 skeptic Dr. David Martin is explaining. Multiple websites and commentators have been attacking his views that the pandemic wasn’t really a health emergency at all – it was a scheme to train people of the world to accept what the “experts” insisted they believe.
A military whistleblower is going public to warn the American people about a huge spike in cases of heart failure among vaxxed service members.
CDC confirms COVID-19 vaccine prevents death in only 1 out of 1 million
…In all these years, there has been no official confirmation about the same, but recently the CDC put forward some data that claims that “per million doses in 12-17-year-olds over 6 months, 0-1 deaths have been prevented.”
The Confidential report is a bombshell. The vaccine was launched in mid-December 2020. By the end of February 2021, “Pfizer had already received more than 1,200 reports of deaths allegedly caused by the vaccine and tens of thousands of reported adverse events, including 23 cases of spontaneous abortions out of 270 pregnancies and more than 2,000 reports of cardiac disorders.”
Globalists Make New Push For COVID Concentration Camps With it now undeniable except to the sheep who still get their news and information from the MSM that over the past several years, there’s been an astonishing uptick in the number of young and previously healthy men and women and children who’ve been dying suddenly and unexpectedly, pay close attention to the fact that a new CDC study confirms much of what we’ve been witnessing with the alarming fact that getting ‘the jab’ has lowered the life expectancy of men by an average of 24 years, this at a time when fighting age Chinese men continue to flow into the country over joe biden’s wide-open Southern border.
A UN-led global immunisation strategy was launched in April 2021 – the Immunisation Agenda 2030 (IA2030). It unites WHO, UNICEF, GAVI, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and other partners to focus on vaccination throughout life, from infancy through to adolescence and older age.
Legal counsel for covid vaccine injured presented evidence to the UK Covid Inquiry Anna Morris KC, representing three groups of vaccine-injured and bereaved family members made their case to the UK Covid Inquiry on Wednesday. The three groups she represents are the UK CV Family, Scottish Vaccine Injury Group and Vaccine Injured Bereaved UK.
9 in every 10 COVID Deaths over the last year have been among the Fully/Triple Vaccinated Official figures published by the UK Government reveal the fully/triple vaccinated population have accounted for over 9 in every 10 Covid-19 deaths in England over the past year, 91% of all Covid-19 deaths since the beginning of 2022, and 94% of all Covid-19 deaths since the beginning of April
Experts estimate over 20 million are already Dead due to COVID-19 vaccination & over 2 billion are Severely Injured Peeling back the layers of deception and obfuscation reveals a shocking truth that may not be all that shocking to our informed readers: Covid-19 “vaccines” are injuring and killing far more people than the government is letting on. Estimates compiled from pieced-together data suggest that as many as 20 million people worldwide have died so far from the shots, while another 2.2 billion have suffered injuries – and we are only just getting started.
Pfizer mistakenly proves original COVID Vaccine destroys the Immune System after publishing Study for new Omicron Jab We have been sold an antivaccine as a vaccine. Official Government and Pfizer statistics prove that the “old” Pfizer COVID injection destroys the immune system at a rate greater than 1% per day. Now, the newly published study for Pfizer’s new bivalent COVID vaccine, to combat both the original strain and Omicron, prove the old Covid-19 vaccine had a minus-44% negative efficacy after just 30 days. The same study also, unfortunately, proves the destruction of the immune system is only going to get worse, not better.
FOIA Results: $11 Million to Bribe OB-GYNs to Lie to Mothers About Safety of mRNA-Vaccines Fetal-maternal medicine specialist Dr. James Thorp has raised the alarm concerning massive damage to women and babies via mRNA injection. Following an interview with Dr. Thorp, Dr. Naomi Wolf says that what she has learned in the last few weeks is “so very devastating, regarding the plans of the evildoers of our moment, to destroy, or restrict severely the powers of humanity, via destroying babies and human fertility.”
CDC Data Reveals COVID Vaccine Could Take 24 Years Off Of Men’s Lives Slowly but surely, the long-term effects of the COVID-19 vaccines will be realized. According to data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, men who have taken the mRNA jabs will likely see 24 years shaved off their life span.
They said it was “safe and effective”; covid vaccine contracts with the South African government show it was a lie …It is worth noting that the HJI was launched in July 2020 in South Africa “to advocate for a more inclusive, equitable public health system, locally and globally, both during and beyond the pandemic.” It was established using all the verbiage of the Globalist agenda. The founder of HJI is Fatima Hassan, a South African human rights lawyer and social justice activist. She is the former executive director of the Open Society Foundation of South Africa, founded by infamous globalist George Soros.
Sep 5, 2023The CDC stated in late summer 2023 that Americans who had received mRNACOVID-19 vaccines were at higher risk of infection from newvariants of the virus than those who were unvaccinated. Rating:…
Mar 22, 20212. What do we know about their efficacy? Although there have been no head-to-head clinical trials, it appears from evidence gathered in studies before and after the vaccines were authorized that…
Jan 13, 2023The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Friday that there is a possible safety issue with the bivalent Covid-19 vaccine made by Pfizer and BioNTech but that it is unlikely to …
For years I did an in-depth research on what the Watchtower Society of the Jehovah witnesses have been teaching. The average Jehovah witnesses will never check anything their leaders teach them so they could never know what the leaders teach has come from Satan and his angels who are suppose to be guiding the Watchtower. If you are a new Jehovah witness I promise you what you will see in my paper the Watchtower does not want you to read. In my paper I will use your own documents to prove Satan is behind your teaching. Jehovah witnesses are good people who have been led away from God’s truths. Since we are running out of time in these last days it becomes very important that you as a Jehovah witness review what your leaders are hiding from you. Click the link below to see how Satan has ruled the Watchtower organization. Your soul depends on it, and where you spend eternity depends on whether, you’re willing to make sure of all things.
Climate Agenda Set To Push Food Prices Even Higher, Analysts Say As inflation remains stubbornly high, farmers throughout the Western world are warning that cost increases from the net zero movement will drive food prices still higher, while simultaneously putting many smaller farmers out of business.
My warning from my Aug. 16, 2023 post on Jews praying on the Temple M. & building the Temple
Stay with me as I continue to show you what the news is reporting in the very near future concerning the Jews being able to worship on the Temple Mount and their building of the Temple.
Five small red cows that rocked the world According to the Mishnah, the written version of the Jew’s oral teachings, the red heifer sacrifice has only been performed nine times in the history of the Jewish people to provide ashes for consecration. The ashes from the red heifer are needed to dedicate the Third Temple. The red heifer must be without a spot or a blemish (Numbers 19:1-2, 10). There is a prophecy in the Mishnah stating that when the “tenth red heifer” appears, it is a sign that the temple will be restored, and the Messiah will finally come.
Dear world, we see you. We see you, and we won’t forget.
The double standard and hypocrisy surrounding this war and Israel, in general, is astounding and disgraceful. Here is a partial list. Opinion.
Azerbaijan planning ‘full-scale war,’ Armenia warns Azerbaijan is planning a “full-scale war” against Armenia, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said Thursday, two days after a skirmish on their border left four Armenian troops dead. Tensions between the two Caucasus neighbors have remained high since Baku recaptured the Armenian-populated region of Nagorno-Karabakh last September
US carries out cyberattack on Iranian warship in Red Sea The United States conducted a cyberattack recently against an Iranian military ship in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden that had been collecting intelligence on cargo vessels, NBC News reported on Thursday, citing three US officials. The cyberattack took place a week ago as part of a government response to a drone attack by Iranian-backed militias in Iraq that killed three US service members in Jordan late last month and wounded dozens of others, the report said.
Hamas terrorist admits: Dozens of terrorists hid in Nasser Hospital Hagari revealed footage from the interrogation of a Hamas terrorist who admitted that dozens of Hamas operatives were in the hospital during the war and at least ten hostages were held there. “We don’t go into a hospital for no reason,” Hagari clarified. “In the Nasser Hospital there are about 400 uninvolved patients, and exactly for that reason the Hamas and Jihad terrorists chose to hide there after the massacre which they committed.”
UK citizen army: Preparing the ‘pre-war generation’ for conflict Talk of a wider war in Europe and the potential need for mass mobilization or a “citizen army” may sound alarming. But the head of the British Army Gen Sir Patrick Sanders is not alone in issuing a national call to prepare for a major conflict on European soil.
Major wildfire in Christchurch’s Port Hills, state of emergency declared, New Zealand Fire and Emergency New Zealand reported a large vegetation fire covering about 650 ha (1 606 acres) in the Port Hills near Christchurch on February 15, 2024. A state of emergency was declared the previous day, with 130 firefighters, 11 helicopters, and heavy machinery deployed. Evacuations affected 80 properties, though no homes were lost. The blaze remains uncontained, and a public health warning was issued due to smoke.
Luke 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in The stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the Sea and the waves roaring;
50 homes damaged, 5 destroyed by twin tornadoes in Limassol, Cyprus Two tornadoes wreaked havoc in Limassol, Cyprus, on February 14, 2024, causing extensive damage across the city, particularly in the Germasogeia suburb. The storms tore roofs off houses, downed a building crane, and caused other significant infrastructural damage. Local officials report that the damage is massive and unprecedented, with emergency services and maintenance workers responding to the aftermath.
DISGUSTING! Burger King Launches Sandwich Advertisement Starring Porn Actor Fast food chain Burger King has launched an ad in Brazil starring a porn actor to kick off a new promotion for Whopper sandwiches. Known as “Kid ‘Bengala,” the porn actor makes a series of mischievous comparisons while delivering the attributes of the fast-food chain’s flagship product.
The U.S. Department of Education (DOE) under President Joe Biden has submitted to the U.S. Office of Management & Budget (OMB) its finalized Title IX rule forcing widespread recognition of LGBT “identities” on the American education system in potentially its biggest gift yet to radical gender-fluidity activists.
Luke 21:11There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven. (Pestilences=Diseases)
A New Zealand doctor is punished for speaking the truth about covid New Zealand’s Dr. Peter Canaday has had his medical license suspended, and dragged through a professional conduct complaint and a week-long appearance at a Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal. Why? Because he did what good doctors are meant to do: He thought, he questioned, he amassed evidence, he insisted on basic foundational principles of medicine and he brought his concerns to the public.
Iran test fired advanced ballistic missiles on Tuesday in a series of war drills meant to prepare the Islamic Republic for a strike on Israeli military sites that house American-made F-35 fighter jets, according to the country’s state-controlled media.
Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), which is behind a series of recent strikes on American and Israeli positions across the Middle East, “simulated destroying hangars housing the Israeli regime’s United States-procured F-35 warplanes by using ballistic missiles,” according to information about the drills published in Tehran’s official media outlets.
During the war simulation, the IRGC fired “enhanced versions of its Emad and Qadr ballistic missiles against the F-35 hangars located inside a mock-up of the Tel Aviv regime’s Palmachim Airbase,” located just outside of the major Israeli city. Iran claims its missiles are capable of striking deep into Israel and are capable of traveling more than 1,000 miles.
Israel’s National Security Minister Ominously Delcares “This Is War” After Hezbollah Unleashes A Barrage Of Missiles
The countdown to a cataclysmic conflict between Israel and Hezbollah is rapidly picking up momentum. On Wednesday, a missile barrage that was unleashed by Hezbollah fighters in southern Lebanon hit multiple targets in northern Israel. If Hezbollah really wants peace like they claim that they do, they have a really strange way of showing it. It is being reported that this missile barrage “appeared to be the fiercest attacks from Lebanon since the confrontation began.”
Shallow M6.0 earthquake hits State of Yap, Federated States of Micronesia
A strong and shallow earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.0 hit the State of Yap, Federated States of Micronesia at 11:40 UTC on February 14, 2024. The agency is reporting a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles). EMSC is reporting the same magnitude and depth.
Shallow M6.0 earthquake hits near the coast of Atacama, Chile
A strong and shallow earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.0 hit near the coast of Atacama, Chile at 01:31 UTC on February 14, 2024. The agency is reporting a depth of 22 km (13.7 miles). EMSC is reporting the same magnitude and depth.
Matthew 24:7 nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences,and earthquakes, in divers places.
Huge swarm of mosquitoes rises above city leaving people confined to their homes
Exodus 20:13. Thou shalt not kill — Thou shalt not do any thing hurtful to the health or life of thy own body, or any other’s.
73,000,000 Abortions Happen Worldwide Each Year
It is almost midnight, but at this stage most of the population doesn’t even care about the endless procession of babies that are having their lives snuffed out at our abortion mills. Terms such as “massacre”, “slaughter’ and “genocide” are not nearly strong enough to describe what is taking place on a daily basis, and the vast majority of us seem to think that there will never be any serious consequences for what we are doing. But the truth is that we shall surely reap what we have sown.
‘Yes to equality’ says Greek PM ahead of same-sex marriage vote
Sandi Adams: Farming is being destroyed and it’s being destroyed by design
Sandi Adams has done in-depth research into the United Nations’ (“UN”) agenda and how it is being rolled out globally. In an interview with Rachel from Colchester Council Watch last week, Adams discussed the impact the UN agenda is having on farming.
The farming protests that are happening in Europe are in response to the implementation of the UN agenda.
In England, farmers are being run into the ground and they’re under a lot of pressure, Adams said. “But the worst pressure they’ve been under is a man from the ministry has visited all the farms and has said, ‘Look over the next three years your subsidies incrementally are going to be cut unless you diversify and you stop farming meat [and] dairy’ … So, sheep farming, beef farming and dairy farming has to be cut,” Adams said. “They have said, ‘You will have to diversify and set up businesses on your farm’ … anything but farming. So, it’s a way of corporatising farms.”
It is a global agenda that is coming from a UN directive. Adams explained. “It’s been going on for such a long time and, really, they want to corporatise farming and make it state-owned.”
Jew-hatred ‘far higher’ in Italy in 2023 than prior year
The 454 antisemitic incidents recorded in Italy in 2023—216 of which occurred after Oct. 7—represent the largest ever such statistic, according to a new report. The more than 450 incidents it recorded is “far higher” than the 241 in 2022, it stated. “Never had such a high number of incidents been recorded over the course of 12 months.”
Biden Targeting Military Veterans, Older Americans, Rural Communities And Those That Hold The Bible And Constitution Sacred
When the Biden regime’s “Ministry of Truth” was scrapped after public backlash, it is doubtful that anyone with a brain thought they were done trying to control what information the American public is allowed to see and discuss online. Those with a working brain were right; the Biden regime not only didn’t stop trying, they simply decided to do it differently by using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to target information that is not the “official narrative” from being discussed on social media or other platforms where Americans discuss issues.
Tens of Thousands of Elderly Secretly Euthanized to Boost ‘Covid Deaths’
A bombshell new report has sent shockwaves around the world after an investigation into the high numbers of “Covid deaths” during the pandemic uncovered evidence that tens of thousands of elderly people were actually murdered to boost the mortality rates.
CDC’s Own Scientists Found Masks Ineffective for COVID — But Agency Recommended Them Anyway
January 2024 we are still reading that hospitals have asked visitors to its A&E department to start wearing face masks again. How can we ever trust medical professionals ever again knowing that they enforced measures that were not only unnecessary and useless, but also detrimental to our health and well-being? (see – The-Cloth-of-Compliance-is-Risking-the-Health-of-Our-Children.) Yet years down the line, those who we would expect to know better have shown they don’t, and are once again simply following orders and ‘questioning nothing.
Floods in northern Oman claim three lives, cause widespread evacuations
Heavy rains affecting Oman over the past couple of days caused significant disruption and widespread floods in which at least 3 people lost their lives. Over 200 individuals have been evacuated or rescued, with schools suspending classes in affected areas. The Ministry of Health has also rescheduled 25 000 appointments in light of the flooding.
Severe weather forecast in Tanzania following deadly lightning strikes
Recent severe weather in south-eastern Tanzania, particularly the Lindi Region, resulted in three fatalities and 18 injuries due to lightning on February 9. With forecasts predicting more heavy rainfall and thunderstorms, Tanzania braces for further impacts.
California And Nevada Have Been Rocked By 945 Earthquakes In Just The Past Week
Have you noticed that the state of California has been getting absolutely monkey-hammered by earthquakes lately? According to the Southern California Earthquake Data Center, California and Nevada have been hit by a total of 945 earthquakes within the last seven days. That is a whole lot of shaking!
Luke 21:11There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven. (Pestilences=Diseases)
Large geriatric practice reports 3X increase in deaths AFTER the COVID vaccines rolled out
Where are the “success anecdotes” where all-cause mortality dramatically fell in a US geriatric practice after the COVID shots rolled out??? All I can find are anecdotes, like that from Deanna Kline, an RN with 35 years of experience who wrote a top-rated book on Amazon about what she observed in the large geriatric practice she works at (thousands of elderly patients).
Moderna Begins Trial For New mRNA ‘Vaccine’
Moderna has launched a trial for an experimental mRNA ‘vaccine’ for cancer in the United Kingdom. The therapy, which utilizes technology from the COVID-19 shots, was given to patients at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust.
South Australian court rules employers who mandated COVID jabs can be held liable for injuries
The South Australian Employment Tribunal has found that employers who mandated their staff to take the COVID-19 vaccines can be held liable for injuries caused. The ruling implies that employers will no longer be able to claim that they are protected from compensation because they were complying with a lawful state government directive.
Northern Exposure: Fatal ‘Alaskapox’ Infection Reported Near Anchorage
Alaska health officials have documented the first fatal case of Alaskapox virus (also known as “AKPV”) in an elderly man from the Kenai Peninsula, located just south of Anchorage. He passed away in late January, prompting concerns among officials that the virus’ transmission may be more extensive than previously thought.
NATO Chief Shocks With Prediction Of ‘Decades-Long Confrontation’ With Russia
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg issued some shocking words over the weekend which the Kremlin will likely take as a threat. “NATO is not looking for war with Russia. But we have to prepare ourselves for a confrontation that could last decades,” he told German daily Welt am Sonntag on Saturday. His words also reflect a new emphasis and drive among NATO planners for European countries to urgently invest more heavily in defense and domestic weapons production,
Funding UNRWA is like ‘providing missiles to Hamas – It’s fuel to keep the conflict going,’ says UN Watch official
UN Watch is a human rights organization based in Geneva, Switzerland that monitors the conduct of the United Nations using the standard of the organization’s own charter. they still run refugee camps that were founded over 70 years ago because UNRWA applies a different definition of the word refugee than UNHCR does…” Smith continued. “It’s a unique situation in the world where Palestinians remain refugees generation after generation.
Israeli commandos rescue two hostages in dramatic operation in Rafah
Overnight, Israeli special forces commandos conducted a dangerous and dramatic operation in Rafah, the southernmost city in the Gaza Strip. By God’s grace, two Israeli hostages – Fernando Simon Marman (60) and Norberto Louis Har (70) – were rescued from the clutches of Hamas terrorists and safely returned to Israel.
IDF Airstrikes Pound Damascus As Syria Warns That It Is Ready For War With Israel
…I believe that a Great Middle East War will be one of the conflicts that defines World War III. For months, the fighting has mostly been limited to Israel and Hamas, but events on the northern front are really starting to heat up. In fact, as you will see below, the IDF just pummeled Damascus with more airstrikes and the Syrian government is saying that it is ready for war with Israel. So could we soon see a scenario where Israel is fighting an all-out war with Hezbollah and the Syrian army simultaneously?
Luke 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in The stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the Sea and the waves roaring;
Intense hailstorms hit UAE after cloud seeding operations
Heavy rain accompanied by lightning and intense hailstorms hit the city of Al Ain and other parts of UAE on the morning of February 12, 2024, causing impressive hail accumulations. This is reportedly the strongest hailstorm Al Ain has seen in 40 years. It comes after NMC conducted a series of cloud-seeding flights.
M6.3 earthquake hits Volcano Islands, Japan region at intermediate depth
A strong earthquake registered by the JMA as M6.3 hit Volcano Islands, Japan at 11:19 UTC on February 12, 2024. The agency is reporting a depth of 260 km (161 miles). The USGS is reporting the quake as M6.1 at a depth of 250 km (155 miles); EMSC as M6.0 at a depth of 254 km (159 miles).
Satanic Temple Claims Abortion Is Part Of Their Religion In Effort To Block Abortion Bans
The Satanic Temple (TST), a nonprofit based in Salem, Massachusetts, has filed lawsuits in Missouri, Indiana, Texas, and Idaho that so far have been unsuccessful. That hasn’t stopped the headline-grabbing organization from plaintiff-shopping for new religious freedom lawsuits to stop abortion bans, according to its website.
Crowd Sets Waymo Driverless Car Ablaze In Lawless San Francisco
A Waymo self-driving car was targeted and deliberately set ablaze by a group of people in San Francisco’s Chinatown on Saturday evening. This incident is part of a rising trend of hostility towards autonomous vehicles, highlighted by an individual late last year on X: “The AI crusades have begun.”
“You Will Burn!’: Pro-Hamas Demonstrators Heckle Hillary Clinton at Columbia University Event
Pro-Hamas demonstrators threatened and heckled former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at Columbia University this past Friday. Clinton, a staunch defender of Israel, was speaking at an event, titled “Preventing and Addressing Conflict-Related Sexual Violence” and held by the School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), when a male heckler rose from his seat and screamed her name.
The prophet Daniel did not understand what this prophecy meant because it was for the last generation to understand it and, the meaning would be sealed until that last generation came along. Then would we know when the time of the end was? By the mire fact that the last generation would advance in knowledge more than any other generation while at the same time millions upon millions of people would be traveling back and forth daily. Our generation has advanced more than all the generations before it and it is still advancing at hyper speed because of computers and now artificial intelligence. No other generation can make a claim to this end time prophecy except ours!
Magnitude 5.1 earthquake strikes southern California
A magnitude 5.1 earthquake struck southern California on Friday, the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) said. The quake was 10 km (6.2 miles) below the Earth’s surface, GFZ said.
Luke 21:11There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven. (Pestilences=Diseases)
Minnesota providers have thrown out over 2 million COVID-19 vaccine doses
Health care providers in Minnesota have thrown out 2,225,642 COVID-19 vaccine doses, according to information provided by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH). In total, these vaccines were worth roughly $185 million, though the actual figure may vary due to the complex vaccine pricing system.
Pfizer’s Pfrankenstein Proteins were injected into billions of people Pfizer’s mRNA covid-19 injections instruct cells to produce additional “off-target” proteins that could pose significant health risks. The finding was revealed by a team of UK researchers, who found a “glitch” occurred due to the way the covid-19 injections were genetically modified. According to the study, off-target cellular immune responses occur in 25% to 33% of those who have received Pfizer’s covid-19 injection.
Luke 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in The stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the Sea and the waves roaring;
Rare ‘Super’ El Nino here but rapid collapse beginning as La Nina Watch issued
A strong El Niño winter season has become a rare “super” El Niño season, according to the latest data issued by NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center. But it’s quickly losing steam as the ocean undergoes a rapid reversal, likely heading to an opposite La Niña pattern as early as this summer.
Tornadoes spotted as Midwest threatened by severe weather
It may be February, but Chicago and Milwaukee experienced weather more typical of spring, with thunderstorms that triggered warnings on Thursday, with hail and even tornadoes.
Umbrellas a sure bet in Las Vegas on Thursday as Super Bowl festivities kick off
…Scattered showers are forecast in the Las Vegas area on Thursday morning. The showers may produce locally heavy rain. This is due to a storm that caused severe weather in California on Wednesday and brought rain and snow showers to southern Nevada.
Pounding rains force millions of gallons of raw sewage to spill from L.A. County sewers
Heavy rains pummeling Southern California for the last several days are forcing millions of gallons of raw sewage to spew from sewer connections across Los Angeles County and flow into coastal waters off Long Beach and San Pedro, according to health and sanitation officials.
Chinese media warning about ‘World War’ with NATO countries
An editorial from the propaganda department of the Chinese Communist Party is openly speculating, even warning, about a coming “World War” with NATO. It was a piece called, “NATO is pushing the Russia-Ukraine conflict toward a ‘world war,’” that was published in the Global Times, an English-language publication run by the Chinese Communists.
Hamas’s Yahya Sinwar set for ‘Arafat-style’ exile from Gaza
Israel will allow the exile of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar from the Gaza Strip in exchange for the release of all remaining 136 hostages, NBC reported on Thursday, citing six Israeli officials and senior advisers.
Yahya Sinwar lost contact with Hamas leaders ‘weeks ago’
Hamas’s leader in Gaza, Yahya Sinwar, lost contact with fellow terror leaders “weeks ago,” KAN News reported on Thursday, and was not involved in Hamas’s response to the hostage deal and ceasefire proposal. … multiple sources have stressed to the Jerusalem Post that Sinwar is hiding in the southern city of Rafah.
Israel could request a global alliance to finish destroying Hamas’s Gaza tunnels
One scenario that is not being publicly discussed, but which former top Israeli officials are aware of, is the possibility that at some point Israel may request a global alliance to finish destroying Hamas’s tunnel in Gaza, the Jerusalem Post has learned.
Gaza hostage deal causing tension between Hamas and Hezbollah
Hamas’s demands for the proposed hostage deal were prematurely published by Hezbollah, Channel 12 expert and commentator Ehud Ya’ari claimed on Wednesday. He claimed the document was released against the wishes of Hamas: “Hamas did not want to release this document. It was published by Hezbollah.
Israel kills Hezbollah military commander in retaliatory drone strike
Hezbollah military commander Abbas al Dabs, known by his nickname Hajj Abdullah, was killed in the strike, Sky News Arabia reported. According to Saudi media al-Hadath, al Dabs took part in construction of Iranian air defense systems across Syria.
Contact with Sinwar cut off, Hamas leadership making decisions without him
Sources in the security establishment said that contact with the Hamas leader has not only been cut off from his organization’s members but also from the mediators in the hostage negotiations. Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar was not involved in drafting the answer that Hamas gave to Israel’s proposed hostage deal,
Francis: Opponents of Clerical Gay Couple Blessings are ‘Hypocrites’
Pope Francis is now accusing opponents of priestly gay-couple blessings of being hypocrites, when in fact his blessing of homosexual relations and calling it good is hypocrisy. According to Francis, all the holy popes, bishops, and saints of Church history were hypocrites because they denied blessings to gay couples and barred them from the Church.
First Thessalonians 4 says, “Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air….You might say, “Wait a minute, I didn’t read the word rapture in that verse.” That’s because you’re not reading the right translation. In the Latin Vulgate, the word rapio is there, from which we get our word rapture, which means to seize, carry away instantly, or snatch or take.
The prophet Daniel did not understand what this prophecy meant because it was for the last generation to understand it and, the meaning would be sealed until that last generation came along. Then would we know when the time of the end was? By the mire fact that the last generation would advance in knowledge more than any other generation while at the same time millions upon millions of people would be traveling back and forth daily. Our generation has advanced more than all the generations before it and it is still advancing at hyper speed because of computers and now artificial intelligence. No other generation can make a claim to this end time prophecy except ours!
Luke 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in The stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the Sea and the waves roaring;
Medvedev Warns Russia Has ‘No Choice’ But To Unleash Nuclear ‘Apocalypse’ If Attacked By NATO
Not for the first time, former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev has warned that a direct war between Moscow forces and NATO would lead to nuclear apocalypse. The current deputy chairman of Russia’s Security Council issued the warning on Telegram Wednesday, in response to recent statements and reports that some European leaders are telling their populations to ‘prepare for war.’
Israel-Hamas Deal Is Dead As Netanyahu Dismisses ‘Delusional’ Terms, War To ‘Expand’
Statements currently coming out of both sides strongly suggest the much anticipated Israel-Hamas truce is simply not going to happen. This despite a series of ambiguous statements out of Qatar over the last week of ‘positive’ developments. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has on Wednesday called Hamas’ demands “delusional” (see below for Hamas’ said list of truce terms). This is according to Axios:
Russia Launches Strikes Across Ukraine as Campaign Intensifies
(Bloomberg) — Russia launched one of its biggest missile and drone strikes on Ukraine this year, hitting targets in Kyiv and in western regions close to the Polish border as Kremlin forces ramped up attacks.
The road to the mark of the beast and his One World Government
Australia sets a date to achieve the first goal of The Great Reset – nationwide digital IDs
Australia has become the latest country to delve head-first into the first goal of The Great Reset, which is to digitize its citizens. When digitized identities get matched with central bank digital currencies, it’s game over for freedom of thought, movement, etc. All human behavior will be monitored, assessed and scored 24/7.
The world’s richest people, whose who travel by private jet burning up fossil fuels from resort home to resort home all the while complaining that the “‘people” don’t want to buy expensive and unreliable electric vehicles to “save” the planet, do things differently.
All the talk about misinformation is to justify censorship
In recent years, there has been an upsurge of concern about online misinformation and disinformation, with efforts to thwart it. In many cases, claims about false information serve to justify censorship. To better understand what’s going on, it’s useful to examine assumptions underlying the anti-misinformation enterprise.
From Digital Domination to Global Governance: The Dystopian Shift of Bill Gates
In the global tapestry of influential figures, few threads are as prominently woven as that of Bill Gates, a titan whose legacy was initially forged in the digital corridors of Microsoft. Beyond silicon and software, Gates has embarked on a journey that extends his reach into the realms of global health, education, and environmental activism.
Luke 21:11There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven. (Pestilences=Diseases)
POISONING THE BLOOD: Surge in Syphilis Amongst Women and Babies.
America is seeing a surge in syphilis, including a sharp rise among women. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) figures for 2022 show a 19.5 increase percent in female syphilis cases, accounting for around a quarter of cases overall — up from less than 15 percent five years ago.
U.S. Allots $15 Million to Help Islamic Nation that Hates America Fight Climate Change
A South-Asian Islamic country well known as a recruiting ground for terrorist groups such as Al-Qaeda Indian Subcontinent (AQIS) and the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is getting $15 million from the Biden administration to combat climate change. The money will flow through a program called Enabling Environment for Climate Resilience Activity (EECRA) launched by the United States government specifically to create long-term systemic shifts in Bangladesh’s climate resilience.
Record of Americans cannot afford rent
DENVER (AP) — Single mom Caitlyn Colbert watched as rent for her two–bedroom apartment doubled, then tripled and then quadrupled over a decade in Denver — from $750 to $3,374 last year.
Every month, like millions of Americans, Colbert juggled her costs. Pay rent or swim team fees for one of her three kids. Rent or school supplies. Rent or groceries. Colbert, a social worker who helps people stay financially afloat, would often arrive home to notices giving her 30 days to pay rent and a late fee or face eviction.
“Every month you just gotta budget and then you still fall short,” she said, adding what became a monthly refrain: “Well, this month at least we have $13 left.”
Millions of Americans, especially people of color, are facing those same, painful decisions as a record number struggle with unaffordable rent increases, a crisis fueled by rising prices from inflation, a shortage of affordable housing and the end of pandemic relief.
FEBRUARY 7–In an apparent bid to drum up customers for his drug business, a Canadian man handed out business cards with a small sample of cocaine attached, police allege.
According to cops, Seyyed Amir Razavi, 30, distributed the cards outside a casino in Calgary (where Razavi resides).
Investigators learned of the cards in late-December and launched a probe that resulted in the February 3 arrest of Razavi on narcotics possession and trafficking charges.
A police search of Razavi’s auto and residence yielded 50 baggies of cocaine, a digital scale with drug residue, and $1280 in cash. Cops also seized a box of business cards with the name “Alex Lee.”
Matthew 24:11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
Prosecutors say Mackenzie ordered his followers to starve themselves and their children to death so that they could go to heaven before the world ended, in one of the world’s worst cult-related disasters in recent history.
The followers of his Good News International Church lived in several secluded settlements in an 800-acre area within the Shakahola forest. More than 400 bodies were eventually exhumed.
Has The Stage Been Set For “The Big One” To Hit California?
Trillions of gallons of rain have already fallen on the state of California, and more rain continues to fall as I write this article. Billions of dollars in damage has already been done, but of even greater concern is what all of this water could mean for southern California’s fault lines. As you will see below, geophysicists have discovered that the additional weight that flooding puts on fault lines can help trigger earthquakes. Of course we have been warned for many years that “the Big One” is way overdue in southern California, and when it finally happens it will be a disaster unlike anything we have ever seen before.
Israel Demands Lebanon Remove Hezbollah 20 Miles From Border, Beirut Refuses
Israel’s military has issued a new assessment which estimates it has launched attacks on some 3,000 Hezbollah sites in Lebanon in Syria since war started after Oct.7. Military spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari says that while Israel is nothing seeking a bigger war in Lebanon, it is “certainly ready” and that the defense forces (IDF) are ready to “attack immediately if provoked.”
Terror group has a long history of exploiting dual-purpose materials to produce weaponry and terror infrastructure
U.N. ‘secretly working with banks’ to destroy American food industry
Farmers not sufficiently ‘woke’ can have accounts shut down without notice. Farmers are under attack in multiple food-producing nations now. WND reported just days ago on a video that showed empty stores in France, where a climate agenda threatened the production processes for farmers, and they more or less staged a strike.
Matthew 24:7 tell us kingdom will come against kingdom
Cryptocurrencies are playing key roles in the development of CBDCs
As central bank digital currency (“CBDC”) pilots proliferate, a myriad of elite-gilded and blockchain-powered digital payment networks are vying for their technologies and payment systems to be incorporated into the developing digital currency infrastructures of tomorrow. In plain English, that means major players in the cryptocurrency world are playing key roles in the ongoing CBDC pilot projects, globally. Their end game? A digital financial grid primed for abuse.
Astonishing Predictions from Dr Richard Day 1969 – Part 1 – “Plans Much Bigger Than Communism.”
“Plans much bigger than communism’ have been set in motion” and people who were not primarily in public office, but people of prominence and known to the public through their occupations or private positions have the power to devise and implement such plans” revealed eminent professor Dr Richard Day, but this was not a recent revelation, this was said back in 1969! According to Dr Day the plan was “ enter the twenty-first century with a running start. Everything is in place and nobody can stop us now…”
In a world increasingly shaped by shadowy figures and clandestine gatherings, the World Economic Forum (WEF), spearheaded by Klaus Schwab, emerges as a formidable architect of a future where national borders blur and the voices of the unelected echo loudest in the halls of power.
Over the weekend, the University of Warwick concluded its Warwick Economics Summit. On the second day, 3 February, the World Health Organization (“WHO”) Dictator-General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, joined the Summit via Zoom to push the Pandemic Treaty…Tedros the Terrorist’s speech was an appalling attempt to manipulate young minds and use them to fight his battles, Tedros called on students to raise their voices “to counter the lies that are undermining the [pandemic] agreement on social media.”
Isaiah 59:7 KJV – “Their feet run to evil, and they make haste to shed innocent blood: their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity; wasting and destruction are in their paths.”
The prophet Daniel did not understand what this prophecy meant because it was for the last generation to understand it and, the meaning would be sealed until that last generation came along. Then would we know when the time of the end was? By the mire fact that the last generation would advance in knowledge more than any other generation while at the same time millions upon millions of people would be traveling back and forth daily. Our generation has advanced more than all the generations before it and it is still advancing at hyper speed because of computers and now artificial intelligence. No other generation can make a claim to this end time prophecy except ours! God
Additions to technocrats’ surveillance toolkit: Microfliers, human-computer networks and AI
In 2021, researchers at Northwestern University, Illinois, USA, managed to develop and construct the world’s first microfliers or flying microchips…In a move that casts George Orwell’s ‘1984’ in a distinctly passé light, these well-nigh invisible flying objects will be programmed and used by organizations such as the World Economic Forum (“WEF”) for population surveillance, to detect so-called “thought crimes” on the part of citizens.