You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below.
Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009
I am not going to apologize for the length of this post. It is information you all need. I need to write as much as I can because the days of my writing are coming to any end. However, until the Lord pulls the plug, I will feed you has much information as I can. One thing you all need to understand is that Jesus Christ is really coming back soon. Every warning concerning His believers to be ready and on the watch should be taken very seriously. You will see soon how serious His warnings really are. If there is anything any of you should place in your heart or in your mind is this. Jesus never lies, He told you all that these things, all these things, would come to pass in one single generation and they are! If you ever plan to repent and ask Christ the Lord to forgive you, please do it now. You will see what I am talking about in the going months. If you are having a hard time dealing with the world the way it is now and you don't have Christ as your advocate, then you will be devastated by what is coming. Even the Christians are having a hard time dealing with the current events. If you are a Christian I am asking you to go into fasting and prayer now. If you love your family begin to pray for any of them that haven't taken Jesus as Lord yet. Pray for yourself that "you be accounted worthy to escape all the things that are coming to pass and to stand before the Son of man" Luke 21:36. The end times events that are going to introduce the Antichrist are coming and have already begun. Every sign Jesus asked us to watch for during the final generation have already begun to take place except a few war prophecies listed in Isaiah 17:1 and Ezekiel 38-39. Those prophecies are coming soon as we see the current events shaping to fulfill them. I will address some of them in my post today. Once these prophecies are fulfilled those who hated Christ and His message of Salvation are going to face the evil one. At first they will not recognize him as evil but his lies will be known to all for this man is coming from the Father of all lies Satan. This is the evil Shepard or the Antichrist Jesus said would take over the economy and force everyone on this planet to take his mark in their right hand or forehead. Get ready to be shaken for the hand of the Lord is to be revealed. May God in Christ help all of you who refuse to listen to the Master.
Prophecy Sign: In Matthew 24:6 Jesus warned us that we would hear about war and rumors of war. In verse 7 the Lord says nations will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. Mind you, Christ told us in Verse 33 that we, (this generation), “would see all these things”. If you have been watching the news for the past 4 years you know there hasn’t been any shortages of news about war or new rumors of war coming. Today we got a taste of this type of news coming from North Koreas. Today’s news has to do with the rumor of war but just may turn out to lead to another conflict. I quote, “PYONGYANG/BEIJING, March 9 (AP) – (Kyodo)—North Korea warned Monday that any move to intercept what it calls a satellite launch and what other countries suspect may be a missile test-firing would result in a counterstrike against the countries trying to stop it. "We will retaliate (over) any act of intercepting our satellite for peaceful purposes with prompt counterstrikes by the most powerful military means," the official Korean Central News Agency quoted a spokesman of the General Staff of the Korean People's Army as saying. If countries such as the United States, Japan or South Korea try to intercept the launch, the North Korean military will carry out "a just retaliatory strike operation not only against all the means involved but against the strongholds" of the countries, it said. “
Here is another example of the rumors of war, which was just reported a few days ago. This information is very important because one of the prophecies not yet fulfilled is found in Ezekiel 38-39. These chapters warn of a coming war between Israel, Russia and Russia’s allies, which includes Iran. We do know that this war is coming soon and it just may start because of the Iranian nuclear threat. I quote, “JERUSALEM – Iran is now capable of producing atomic weapons, Israel's top military intelligence officer said Sunday, sounding the highest-level warning that Israel's arch-enemy has achieved independent nuclear capability. At a Cabinet meeting, the chief of military intelligence, Maj. Gen. Amos Yadlin, did not say Iran already has an atomic bomb, participants said. However, he said, Iran has "crossed the threshold" and has the expertise and materials needed for one. The participants spoke on condition of anonymity because the Cabinet meeting was closed. They said Yadlin told them that Iran continues to accumulate uranium for enrichment and hopes to exploit the Obama administration's intention to open a dialogue as a cover for developing nuclear weapons.” I have made it a point to keep you informed about this specific issue because I do believe this may be the reason why Russia is dragged into war against Israel. In Ezekiel 38:4 God told us that He would put a hooks in their jaws and bring them into war against Israel. I think that it is possible that this hook may be the Iranian nuclear power plant. If Israel does attack Iran and takes out that plant, it could force Russia to engage in battle against Israel. Russia may not want to at first but the hook in the jaw will drag into this war and even lead the invasion on Israel. You have to remember, Russia is one of Iran’s best friends and allies and it is Russia who has built Iran’s nuclear power plant. In any cause I do think you will see a new conflict in the Middle East very soon. Just keep your eyes on which nations are involved in this coming conflict. If you see the nations who invade Israel are Russia, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Libya, and Turkey you will know this is the war that God warned us about in Ezekiel 38.
Between the failing global economy and the unrest between the many nations, these signs alone should tell you something is drastically wrong. As soon as the economy collapse all hell is going to break out everywhere. You will see all the nations begin to riot and go into civil unrest. If you think it is not coming and everything is going to be all right, you aren’t prepared for what is coming! Last year I warned you to watch for the signs of banks beginning to fold. This would be the beginning sign that we don’t have much time left before the floor falls in on us. Today I have an update for you concerning U.S. Banks. I quote, “With the collapse of Freedom Bank of Georgia this month, a staggering 69 banks have collapsed since 2000. In the first two months of this year, a stunning 16 banks went belly up — which is more than half the total number of such failures in 2008. Last year, 25 banks were closed down by the American authorities.” This week we were told that the FCID may run out of money. Anyone who knows any thing about banking knows if the government can’t secure people’s money the next thing that will take place are runs on the banks. It is the worse possible thing that could happen and it would bring us down that much faster.
Today we also learn just how bad the downturn in the global market has been “March 9 (Bloomberg) — The value of global financial assets including stocks, bonds and currencies probably fell by more than $50 trillion in 2008, equivalent to a year of world gross domestic product, according to an Asian Development Bank report.” Not one nation on this planet has a answer to how to turn around the failing global economy. Most of the world except the EU is hoping that Obama plan will turn things around but it is not going well and every economists including Wall Street is saying things are getting much worse.
Today the World Bank sent out their prediction for 2009 and it wasn’t good. I quote, “In a bleaker assessment than those of most private forecasters, the World Bank predicted Sunday that the global economy would shrink in 2009 for the first time since World War II”. Look, I am not sending you this news to scare you. I am sending it to you so you will get yourself prepared for what is coming. If Christ told us civil unrest was coming, what better way to bring it on than for the world’s economy system to crash and worldwide confusion to set in? Million of Americans are watching the news every night wondering what in the world is going on. These people are scared by the news they are watching every night and as a result of this news people has stopping spending money which is making things even worse than they are already.
Let me ask you a question. If Jesus said one man would control the world and the world’s economy, what you buy or sell, and you see where we are heading in the present situation, why are you not getting down on your knees and seeking Christ and His direction? Once this global economy tanks someone will have to take control in order to bring back order. This is when the man of sin, the Antichrist will step on the scene. Christ has warned you that it would happen and we are seeing the footsteps, which is bringing us to Christ’s fulfillment of these prophecies.
One of the most famous men in business is billionaire Warren Buffett. Warren was interview today and you should read what he has said about the economy. “Warren Buffett tells CNBC's Becky Quick the U.S. economy has "fallen off a cliff." Now if you won’t listen to the people who run the World Bank, or me, maybe you will listen to Warren.
Gerald Colente known economist was interview by Fox News. Celente Predicts the exact same things I have been warning you about. A few of the things he tells the people that will happen is a revolution, riots, and workers marches. Celente also warns the U.S. will become the first underdeveloped country. Why should you pay attention to Celente? Even Fox News says he has been right on in most of his predictions. I am telling you, what Celente is saying are the same types of things Jesus warns will occur in the last generation just before He returns. Celente also warns that Obama plans will not work and American are not ready for the coming Depression. Gerald also warns this next Depression is going to be much worse then the first one. This to falls in line with the Word of God because, Jesus warned us these events would be a labor pains and that is what we are seeing today.
Repressing the Depression by Printing More Money says Harvard Professor Pt 1. You need to hear what this Harvard Professor is saying about what will happen in the very near future. 1.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHvEn2wKgNA
Things have gotten so out of control that governments are just now beginning to take over the banks. This is one giant step toward giving the Antichrist a foot hold on the economy. "The government today confirmed it will take majority control of Lloyds Banking Group, with the taxpayer owning 65% of the voting shares in return for insuring £260bn of the group's toxic assets. After days of detailed negotiations the terms of the takeover were announced by the Treasury, with Lloyds making a commitment to lend at least £28bn over the next few years. The government is to insure the bank's riskiest loans and in return the taxpayer will up its ownership of the bank from 43% to 65% – rising to 77% when non-voting shares are included. Alongside taking extra shares and obtaining the commitment to lend to businesses and individuals, the Treasury will upgrade £4bn of the non-voting shares it already holds. The government's fee for limiting Lloyds' losses from £260bn of potentially bad assets totals £15.6bn. Under the insurance scheme, Lloyds will take the first hit of up to £25bn on toxic assets before the taxpayer steps in. Before it is all over, the economic crisis will fall in the hands of the Antichrsit. This is not if it may fall into his hands, but it is going to fall into his hands. There is no way Jesus Words will not be fulfilled so you better get used to who's side you are going to be on soon. The Antichrist's or Christ because that is where this global crisis is taking us.
As if you needed it at this point, here is more proof where we are headed. I Quote, "Analysts: Job losses could drown stimulus” “The nation is losing jobs so quickly that the government, racing to deal with the crisis, is having trouble keeping up. The U.S. unemployment rate last month leapt half a percentage point, to 8.1 percent, the highest level since 1983, according to data released yesterday. The stunning pace of job losses raises the possibility that, perhaps as early as this summer, one in 10 Americans will be out of a job even though they are actively looking for work. It also means that the government faces even more pressure to take further action to stabilize the economy and the financial system.
“March 7 (Bloomberg) — The jump in the U.S. unemployment rate to the highest level in a quarter century last month suggests the recession is deeper than the Obama administration forecasts and additional measures may be needed to restart growth”. “The jobless rate rose to 8.1 percent in February as employers reduced payrolls by 651,000, the Labor Department said yesterday in Washington. Losses have now exceeded 600,000 for three straight months, the first time that’s happened since collection of the data began in 1939.” “While the president’s $787 billion stimulus plan aims to create or save 3.5 million jobs, the U.S. has already lost 4.4 million since the recession began in December 2007, with more declines coming. Tumbling global demand is prompting companies General Motors Corp. to Sears Holdings Corp. to step up firings.”
“Japan's Nikkei stock index closed at the lowest level in more than 26 years on Monday as fears deepened about the health of Asia's biggest economy.- Japan's export-dependent economy has been hammered by a worldwide drop in demand for the cars, high-tech goods and machinery, putting it on course for the worst recession since World War II.” I have been warning you the failing of the U.S. economy would take down the nations with it and as you can see, this is what is happening. In order for one man to take control of the entire world, the entire world has to be pushed into one of the worse crisis ever recorded and we are at the doorstep to seeing this take place.
In the book of Revelation as well as Matthew chapter 24, and Luke chapter 21 Jesus warned that much of the world will starve in the last days. In the Revelation of Christ we are told that a man will work all day long for one small meal. This shows us that the price of food will go sky high. If you watch this Video you will see that since 2007 the price of food worldwide has risen 40%. This rise has brought on food riots and this is just the beginning. Please watch the video entitled “Food Riots Have Begun All Over The World!
Dear reader,
For the past month or so I have asked you to get ready for what is coming on this world. I have given you countless news reports showing you how the world economy is going to crash and to expect major rioting all over this planet. This news has been heavy on my heart and I know what Jesus has shown me, He is showing to other watchmen He has chosen to warn the people. Today I receive letter from one of the well-known watchmen that Jesus has been using for years to warn millions around the world. Anyone who has come to my site in the past 2 months has seen how I have stressed over and over to make yourselves ready for what is coming! Today I want to share the letter from David Wilkerson because what he has been shown is the same things Jesus has shown me. This message has been dated: Saturday, March 7, 2009 and I quote below. “I am compelled by the Holy Spirit to send out an urgent message to all on our mailing list, and to friends and to bishops we have met all over the world. AN EARTH-SHATTERING CALAMITY IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN. IT IS GOING TO BE SO FRIGHTENING, WE ARE ALL GOING TO TREMBLE – EVEN THE GODLIEST AMONG US.
For ten years I have been warning about a thousand fires coming to New York City. It will engulf the whole megaplex, including areas of New Jersey and Connecticut. Major cities all across America will experience riots and blazing fires—such as we saw in Watts, Los Angeles, years ago. There will be riots and fires in cities worldwide. There will be looting—including Times Square, New York City. What we are experiencing now is not a recession, not even a depression. We are under God’s wrath. In Psalm 11 it is written,
“If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?” (v. 3).
God is judging the raging sins of America and the nations. He is destroying the secular foundations. The prophet Jeremiah pleaded with wicked Israel, “God is fashioning a calamity against you and devising a plan against you. Oh, turn back each of you from your evil way, and reform your ways and deeds. But they will say, It’s hopeless! For we are going to follow our own plans, and each of us will act according to the stubbornness of his evil heart” (Jeremiah 18:11-12).
In Psalm 11:6, David warns, “Upon the wicked he will rain snares (coals of fire)…fire…burning wind…will be the portion of their cup.” Why? David answered, “Because the Lord is righteous” (v. 7). This is a righteous judgment—just as in the judgments of Sodom and in Noah’s generation.
First, I give you a practical word I received for my own direction. If possible lay in store a thirty-day supply of non-perishable food, toiletries and other essentials. In major cities, grocery stores are emptied in an hour at the sign of an impending disaster.
As for our spiritual reaction, we have but two options. This is outlined in Psalm 11. We “flee like a bird to a mountain.” Or, as David says, “He fixed his eyes on the Lord on his throne in heaven—his eyes beholding, his eyelids testing the sons of men” (v. 4). “In the Lord I take refuge” (v. 1).
I will say to my soul: No need to run…no need to hide. This is God’s righteous work. I will behold our Lord on his throne, with his eye of tender, loving kindness watching over every step I take—trusting that he will deliver his people even through floods, fires, calamities, tests, trials of all kinds.
Note: I do not know when these things will come to pass, but I know it is not far off. I have unburdened my soul to you. Do with the message as you choose.
God bless and keep you,
In Christ,
David’s message can be seen at the following link below:
If you read the report just out about AIG you can see the Words of Christ as the handwriting on the wall. The title to the report is, “AIG warned of global turmoil before rescue”. I’m not sure if you are getting the picture but I sure pray all these warnings will draw you to Christ. His Words are the only Truth that you will be able to depend on in the coming months and beyond. Once companies like this tank you will see the civil unrest that everyone is now warning you about. Remember where you heard it first, in the Word of God. It was given to you to lead you out of a dying world, will you come out is the question?
Prophecy Sign: Last week I gave you information concerning how bad Mexico’s drug problems have gotten. Now these problems are beginning to spill over into Texas. Here is some information in a report entitled, “Mexican cartels infiltrate Houston”. I quote, “The order was clear: Kill the guy in the Astros jersey. But in a case of mistaken identity, Jose Perez ended up dead. The intended target — the Houston-based head of a Mexican drug cartel cell pumping millions of dollars of cocaine into the city — walked away. Perez, 27, was just a working guy, out getting dinner late on a Friday with his wife and young children at Chilos, a seafood restaurant on the Gulf Freeway.His murder and the assassination gone awry point to the perilous presence of Mexican organized crime and how cartel violence has seeped into the city.” Anyone who know the signs of the last days know what Jesus warned us in Revelation 9:21 where he shows us the last generation would be the drug generation. This problem is getting much worse at the same time all the other signs are taking place and this is the key to knowing we are very close to seeing Jesus come soon for His Church. All I can say is, I pray you will turn to Christ and heed His warnings before He comes for the believers. You will not want to be left behind on this planet. If you think the violence in Mexico is bad, it will be a walk in the park compared to what is headed for planet Earth.
Another sign of the times is earthquakes. Again you will find Jesus warning in Matthre chapter 24. There have been many earthquakes all over the world recently. One nation getting a lot of attention lately is Australia. I quote, “Melbourne tremor one of three to hit Australia in one day. “Add to MySpace
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THE earth tremor that rocked the centre of Melbourne was one of three quakes that hit Australia in the one day, a seismologist says. Melbourne residents reported buildings shaking across the metropolitan area when a tremor struck at 8.55pm (AEDT) last night. Geoscience Australia, which monitors earthquake activity, said the tremor measured magnitude 4.6 on the Richter scale, with the epicentre at Korumburra, about 90km southeast of Melbourne. The US Geological Survey reported on its website the tremor measured 4.7. Geoscience Australia's duty seismologist Phil Cummins said residents across a wide area felt the Melbourne tremor – one of three quakes to hit Australian that day. "There were many reports from across a wide area – this was felt across a 100km radius," he told AAP yesterday. "It was certainly a moderate earthquake that was likely to be felt across a wide area but is unlikely to have caused any damage, except possibly some minor damage near the epicentre."
Prophecy Sign: In Luke 21:25 Jesus told us to watch for roaring of the seas and winds. Last year billions of dollars were lost because of all the huge storms. We have begun a new year where we left off. Right now Australia is being threathened by a category 5 cyclone. I quote, “Evacuations continued Sunday along Australia's Queensland coast as a Category 5 cyclone moved closer to the mainland. Residents were preparing for Cyclone Hamish, possibly the worst storm in almost 30 years, to make landfall Tuesday between Bundaberg and Hervey Bay. Winds of up to 280 km/h were recorded as the cyclone approached islands in north Queensland on Sunday. The town of Airlie Beach, which is the gateway from the mainland to the Whitsundays, was already being pounded by strong winds and heavy rain.” Jesus also warned us about the doughts and intense heat in the last days. Australia has been battleing all of these things. They are in the midst of a record drouhgt and record heat wave that has already sparked massive fires.
More news came out today. “100 earthquakes in a month in WA town March 9, 2009There's been a whole lot of shaking going on, of the earthquake variety, in a small West Australian wheatbelt town. Beacon, 320km north-east of Perth, has had roughly 100 earthquakes in the last month, Geoscience Australia seismologist Phil Cummins said on Sunday. Between three and six earthquakes registering three and above on the Richter Scale had been detected in the area in the last month. "A few of those have been in the mid to high fours," Mr Cummins said. The largest, which registered nearly five on the Richter Scale came within 24 hours of earthquakes in Melbourne and off the coast near Broome on Friday.”
Do you want to know who to witness for Christ and make a huge impact on people’s lives? What Kirk Cameron who talks with Gang Members and see how easy it is to get their attention. You can use this same message to spread the good news for Jesus.
If Jesus has spoken to your heart, after reading this information, please receive His call to you. Ask Christ into your heart by saying the sinners pray. No one can enter Heaven without giving his or her life to Christ. Jesus is waiting for you, please do not let Him or yourself down.
"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and eternal life. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.
You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below.
Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009
links to all of my radio interviews and videos can be seen at my Feb. 17, 2009 post.
My Son Adam DiMora has started writing his own blog. Please take a look and subscribe there as well. Adam is a wonderful writer and will no doubt take my place if Jesus calls me home before he comes for His Church. Adam has truly been given a gift to write for Jesus!