The guide to a healthy life in Jesus Christ

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth August 9 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora
The book of revelation shows us the antichrist will not only control the world‘s economy but that he will be a military man who will be able to go out and conquer his enemies . The United States of America which was once the most powerful military in the world has declined rapidly in the last year and a half do to policies by President Joe Biden as he enforces the COVID-19 vaccination shots. This action by the president is causing massive exits from the US military in his adding to the decline of America getting ready for the antichrist to take power in these last days.
Did you know America does not show up in the Bible as a superpower in the last days. The only place where America may appear is in chapter 38 of Ezekiel where it warns of a war between many Islamic nations and Israel. The United States is mention as one of the young lions who in the description of the war we see the young lions do nothing to help Israel in the war. did you know that the Bible shows us every world leader was actually placed in position by our Lord to fulfill his own purposes. in the case President Joe Biden it appears the reason why Biden was given the position was to help make ready for the Antichrist by causing America to decline in power in the last days.
The evidence is here refutable America is definitely in a massive decline . As soon as Joe Biden took office at the White House he stopped America from being able to be an oil producing nation which critically affected the US economy. In the short time Biden has been president we went from an oil rich nation to a nation begging Venezuela and Saudi Arabia for oil. Then one of the first actions of Biden as a military commander was to pull out of Afghanistan and leave billions of arms behind for enemies to use against us. Under the Biden administration we have the highest inflation in 40 years and, yet the White House portrays our nation as not being in a recession. Under the current Biden administration people in America are going broke because of the exorbitant prices they are currently paying for gas it’s the highest in US history. Under the Biden administration food prices have skyrocketed and continue to rise as well as America’s electricity and water. In the first half of 2020 to the Biden ministration has given us to work the worst stock run in five decades. Under the Biden administration when he pulled out of Afghanistan he left Americans to fend for themselves and he is doing the same exact thing in Ukraine as we watch weekend and week out countless tragedies as Russia bombs that nation. Under the Biden administration we have seen attacks on law-enforcement around the country well you have seen thousands of police walk away from their positions because of forced vaccinations increasing crime in America. Under the Biden administration we are watching free speech dissolve before very eyes. Under the Biden administration we have seen more people die from Covid in 2021, then we saw in 2020, and we’ve seen under his administration a rapid decrease in trust in the CDC. Under the Biden administration we have seen Biden cave in to Iran and, now Iran is only weeks away from being able to develop a nuclear weapon in which they want to use against our ally Israel. In less than a year and a half we have watched world leaders snuff President Biden and his post is no longer respected as it once was. Under the Biden administration The United States is not investing as much in human capital as other developed countries are. As a result, its comparative advantage is falling behind. For example, U.S. students’ math skills have remained stagnant for decades.1 This means the country is falling behind many others, such as Japan, Poland, and Ireland, which have greatly improved. In fact, U.S. test scores are now below the global average. Under the Biden administration we have seen the push for transgender issue to flourish even in our elementary schools. Under the Biden administration we have seen literally thousands of immigrants cross our borders illegal sending a message to the world America does not follow their own laws. Joe Biden’s campaign phrase was build back better but, his actions show us his campaign logo should’ve been destroy America faster !

Israeli “Monkeypox Outbreak is Linked to mRNA Vaccines” Professor is Censored but Not Silenced
Social media have become war machines for Big Pharma. There is no way they will allow Internet users who denigrate vaccines to express themselves freely. Even the greatest doctors, even the best scientists in the world are not allowed to question the effectiveness of vaccines. They are simply censored, banned, excommunicated, as in the good old days of the inquisition. The latest example is that of Prof. Shmuel Shapira.

Vaccine Genocide Is Being Carried Out By The CDC And Big Pharma
According to this new story via the Epoch Times, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has claimed that there was no known association between heart inflammation and COVID-19 vaccines as late as October 2021.

One out of every 800 people over 60 who gets vaccinated for covid DIES, says scientist
A Dutch vaccinologist who has co-developed various vaccines says that those for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) are exceptionally deadly.

1 in every 246 Vaccinated People has died within 60 days of Covid-19 Vaccination in England according to UK Government
The UK Government has revealed that 1 in every 246 people vaccinated against Covid-19 in England has died within 60 days of receiving a dose of the Covid-19 vaccine.

UK Government confirms COVID Vaccines are deadly as they reveal Mortality Rates per 100k are lowest among the Unvaccinated in all Age Groups
We finally have indisputable evidence that the Covid-19 vaccines are deadly and killing people in the thousands, and it has been quietly published by the UK Government whilst they had you distracted by the resignation of Boris Johnson as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, and the resulting leadership contest between Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak to replace him.

Why are people falling ill and dying suddenly in record numbers?
Excess all-cause mortality in New Zealand is running at record levels. About 100 people are dying each day in New Zealand (pop. 5 million). A few times during the last couple of months we have asked a key question: what are people dying of?

Denmark: it is over! We are done with fraud fake COVID vaccines; none for kids! “Danish News Round-Up: Danish government no longer recommending vaccines for children”; so why is CDC, NIH doing this?
PM defends the decision: According to Brostrøm, the vaccination of children last autumn and winter did little to slow the spread of the virus. Wow! Just Wow! It took these government idiots this long!

Canadian doctor sounds alarm over 13 ‘sudden’ deaths among physicians since COVID jab rollout
After tracking the “sudden deaths” of Canadian doctors, Alberta-based doctor and cancer researcher William Makis says he expects “many more deaths to come” as a result of the COVID vaccines.

The Highwire with Del Bigtree: Net Zero is a deliberate attack on global food supply
The Highwire host Del Bigtree slammed globalists disguised as climate change advocates for their deliberate attack on global food supply and farmers through Net Zero.

EXC: Biden’s Food Security Expert Has Starred In Chinese Communist Party Propaganda.
Co-Chair of President Joe Biden’s forthcoming White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health has appeared in documentaries produced by Chinese Communist Party-run outlets; lauding the regime’s agriculture and food policy as an approach that should be “learned by the whole world.” Set to take place in September, the White House’s conference is slated to address nutrition and health in addition to food security and agriculture. It comes as inflation and food shortages plague the economy, dovetailing with efforts by left-wing activists and billionaires to eliminate meat from Western diets to supposedly combat climate change.

Supply Chain Problems Persist Because the System Is Breaking
..Stagflation and supply chain shortages are going to become the all-encompassing issues of our era. They will be terms that are spoken about daily at every dinner table in America and probably through most of the world. These are dangers that were predicted extensively by the liberty media well ahead of time. They are NOT a surprise. And, there are plenty of institutions, corporate and government, that could have done something about them, but they chose not to. More recently, the war in Ukraine has been the scapegoat for supply chain disruptions, but these issues started long before that. Years of central bank stimulus and fiat money creation have triggered the inevitable landslide of inflation/stagflation that alternative economists have been warning about. Price inflation is a direct contributor to production declines and supply chain disruptions because costs continually rise for manufacturers. Also, wages of workers cannot keep up with rising prices, inspiring many employees to quit and look for work elsewhere. All of this leads to less supply, or slower production and thus, even higher prices.

The sweltering conditions come just weeks after the last heatwave pushed the mercury over 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit) for the first time in Britain.

Heaviest rainfall in 115 years hits Seoul, leaving 8 people dead and 7 others missing, South Korea
Record-breaking rainfall hit parts of South Korea’s capital Seoul and surrounding regions on August 8, 2022, leaving at least 8 people dead and 7 others missing. At least 14 people have been injured and more than 80 rescued from flooded streams. 391 people in the capital area were left homeless.

New biometrics identity credentials have been proposed or launched around the world as government digital identity schemes continue to roll out.
Previously we wrote about the program Mastercard launchedfor retailers to use biometric payment methods, like facial recognition and fingerprint scanning. As of May, the program had already gone live in five grocery stores in Sao Paulo, Brazil, with more trials planned for Asia and the Middle East. Mastercard said it planned to roll it out globally later this year.
But it’s not only private companies dictating we use the technology they’ll use to track, trace and control us. From Australia to the Maldives to Uganda, governments are rolling out the WEF / UN digital IDs to usher in a global digitised police state. A state which will police every aspect of our lives.

430 billion inflation bill passed by Senate includes funds for abortion via Obamacare credits
The controversial inflation bill passed this weekend by the U.S. Senate has been the subject of intense debate, but headlines and commentary have largely overlooked the news that it expands taxpayer funding of abortion through the so-called Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare.

WATCH: Veteran Screenwriter Blows Whistle On Hollywood Pedophilia — Says He Has The Tapes To Prove It
According to a Hollywood insider who appeared on “In The Trenches With Teddy Daniels,” Hollywood and the entertainment industry are controlled by pedophiles who prey on young children and use them as currency.
