July 16, 2022 psalm 83 war signs/ Food crisis/ Drought and famine/ Covid info/ Last days Noah signs/ Storms/ Major Earthquakes/

If you would like to ask Pastor Frank a question or leave me a comment you can do so at fjdimora@gmail.com

Prophecy Signs with Frank DiMora Our food sources are dying off and it was a warning from the Lord! - BibleProphecyMan.com


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 14 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora

One thing the bible does that no other religious book can do is prove what is written in it is the truth. Over and over again in these last days the Lord is exposing to us what He had written down can be seen via archaeologists discovering the very things shown to us in the bible. Case in point, the latest discovery has to do with Israel’s ritual baths. If you want to see where these baths are found in the bible go to this link where you can read 40 places in the test. https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/topics/Ritual-Washing

ConnectIsraeli archaeologists discover 2,000-year-old ritual bath in Jerusalem

JERUSALEM, July 14 (Xinhua) — Israeli archaeologists have discovered a 2,000-year-old ritual bath in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HU) said on Thursday.

The bath was discovered in excavations led by the HU, in collaboration with the Israel Antiquities Authority and the Ministry of Jerusalem and Heritage, as part of the construction of elevators that will connect the quarter to the Western Wall.

The bath, which was found hewn in the rock, was entirely preserved. It is uniquely located on a cliff that separated the upper city, which included the luxurious residences of the Jewish priests, and Jerusalem’s holy site, known to Jews as the Temple Mount and to Muslims as the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound.

The bath was hewn under the 21-km long lower-level aqueduct that supplied water to ancient Jerusalem, according to the archaeologists.

Besides the bath, a pool built by the Tenth Roman Legion and a cistern with about 40 cooking pots were also found during the excavations.




The report below talks about a time frame of 666 days which have passed since President Trumps Abraham Accords were signed. On the 666th day the Jerusalem Declaration was signed. All I want to say about this is we know the number 666 is the number linked up with the Antichrist so hearing that 666 days past until the Jerusalem Declaration was signed could be looked at as an evil signing.  What I want you to realize is this number of days could be seen as evil but, just because there have been 666 days past it does not mean that this Jerusalem Declaration signing is the fulfillment  of the Daniel 9:27 prophecy which, shows us the Antichrist confirms a covenant between Israel and the Arabs and it is therefore the start of the tribulation period. No one should get hung up on the 666 number until there is a time frame of 7 years attached to any agreement made between the Jews and Arabs. 

2013 October :: End Times Research Ministry1 Thessalonians 5:3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

ConnectThere are exactly 666 days from the signing of the Abraham Accords to the arrival of Joe Biden in Israel to sign the ‘Jerusalem Declaration’ paving the way for the Two State Solution, so get ready to fly!






Connect A ‘highly unusual weather event’ produces destructive swells in the Cook Islands and French Polynesia

…Strickland said the impacts were the most far-reaching he had seen in a decade. “It was a sudden hit at night, there was damage that took place Tuesday night local time. There was an ‘unexpected sea surge’ in Rarotonga. Rough seas, debris and rocks, you name it, it was shifted onto the roads,” Strickland said.



Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

June 19, 2014 prophecy signs with Frank DiMora :: End Times Research Ministry 

Our generation has the same characteristics as was in the time of Noah’s and Lots’ generation.   The only difference now is the number of people who will be spared from God’s wrath when He begins to pour out His judgment on this generation’s unrighteous people. Those who have received Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior are the ones who will enter the safety ark.  The only thing that is different from Noah’s generation was God used a massive ark (ship), to save Noah’s family. This time the safety ark is Jesus Christ Himself. Everyone has a choice to make for themselves before the Lord’s judgement begins. That choice is, do you want to end up like the unrighteous people who tried to get on board the ark when the flood waters started but ended up drowning or, be one of the people who will be taken from this Earth before God’s wrath is poured out?  You can live your life the way you want but you will stand before Christ for the way you choose to live. Jesus also warns us that in the last day people will fall away from what He taught us This is what 2Timothy 4:3-4 says. [3] “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; [4] And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.”  Just as warned in these scriptures the time has come in our generation where people have fallen away from the Lord’s sound doctrine.  Just as with Noah’s generation a choice has to be made that being, will you follow Christ and keep to His sound doctrine?  The report below shows us their are people who will stay the course for Christ and they will be blessed for it.




An awakening of sorts seems to be happening in one of the denominations that has strayed from Biblical doctrine. Seventy congregations in north Georgia have voted to leave the United Methodist Church (UMC), primarily because of a creeping acceptance of homosexuality in the denomination. Another 35 in Arkansas and 100 in Florida, as well as many others across the country, are studying the matter.

The split has been brewing for quite some time ever since the homosexual steamroller began to gain some momentum. Besides the Bible, UMC has a denominational manual called the UMC Book of Discipline. It specifically states that homosexuality is “incompatible with Christian teaching.” But some of those in leadership, both in the UMC denominational and local church areas have chosen to ignore these guidelines and go ahead with integrating practicing homosexuals into leadership positions.

When more biblically-based congregations objected to this, it appeared that denominational leaders were maneuvering to avoid dealing with the question. Eventually, this led to the current move away from cooperation with the central organization including the establishment of a separate structure called, “Global Methodist Church.” Some UMC groups project that 20% of the churches in their state will abandon the UMC for the GMC.

It is encouraging to see someone willing to stand for Biblical truth against the steamroller created by homosexual activists. John Wesley, founder of Methodism, would turn over in his grave if he knew that this was even an issue in the church that he birthed.



ConnectLia Thomas nominated by University of Pennsylvania for NCAA ‘Woman of the Year’ award




A quake pic1

ConnectShallow M6.4 earthquake hits off the coast of Aisen, Chile 
A strong and shallow earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.4 hit off the coast of Aisen, Chile at 19:37 UTC on July 15, 2022. The agency is reporting a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles). EMSC is reporting M6.4 at a depth of 2 km (1.2 miles).

Connect M 6.8 – Easter Island region

  • 2022-07-12 19:16:59 (UTC)
  • 22.646°S 114.223°W
  • 10.0 km depth

Connect6.6 quake hit Easter Island region2022-07-12 19:17:02 UTC


Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com







People want to know what is going to happen to the America during the last days? What we know from the word of God is there is going to be a new world government which will be headed up by the Antichrist.  Both the book of Daniel and Revelation show us that his Antichrist will rise to power and he will try and force everyone to obey him. Since the USA is a super power we know that something has to happen to the U.S to bring her down so this man of sin can rise to his role as world leader. One sure way America can fall is have her economic system crash as we are beginning to see now. Look at the picture below and you will see the outline God has given us who will come into power one after another. Notice that the last power to stand will be a reborn Roman Empire. In my book I show you the Western leg of the old Roman Empire and the Eastern leg which is the Islamic leg. At the present time both of these legs have risen.


ConnectLoanDepot To Fire Another 2,000 Workers As Mortgage Market Implodes 
It’s only appropriate that one day after we reported that the “Housing Market Craters As Sales Get Canceled At The Highest Rate On Record” that the Biden housing crash claimed its latest victim, or rather 2,000 victims, as mortgage lender LoanDepot announced it would  would fire another 2,000 staff by the end of the year as the company downsizes “to align with rapidly changing market conditions.” The latest round of layoffs is part of the company’s plan to reduce staff to 6,500 by the end of 2022.

Prophecy Sign: Intense Heat Image result for flames gif“And there shall be signs in the sun” (Luke 21:25a).

“The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was given power to scorch people with fire.  They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God, who had control over these plagues, but they refused to repent and glorify him…Men gnawed their tongues in agony and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done” (Revelation 16:8-11).

ConnectImage result for flames gifUnited Kingdom issues first Red Extreme heat warning
For the first time ever, temperatures of 40 °C (104 °F) have been forecast in the United Kingdom for Monday and Tuesday, July 18 and 19, 2022. As a result, the UK Met Office has issued the first ever Red warning for exceptional heat. The current record high temperature in the UK is 38.7 °C (101.6 °F), set in Cambridge in 2019.






















For those of you who want to see more news about the experimental Covid vaccine and, what it is doing I am keeping a list of all the reports for you to read. I will try to up-date as soon as new reports come in.

VACCINE WARS: Top 7 ways American ‘sheeple’ have been manipulated with VACCINE MISINFORMATION by the dishonest establishment
…What most people do not realize is that vaccines are biological weapons of mass destruction, used to kill and maim millions of people around the globe on a regular basis, and right now more than ever. What’s worse is that people DO have the choice to not be injected with these WMDs, yet still, they choose to participate in their own demise. Why? One simple answer: Misinformation.

Serious questions arise as thousands of excess non-COVID deaths hit England and Wales 
There have been over 8,750 more deaths than usual from causes other than COVID-19 in England and Wales in the past 10 weeks, the latest data from the Office for National Statistics show.

New Zealand doctors call for criminal homicide investigations into covid-19 vaccine deaths 
The group New Zealand Doctors Speaking out With Science (NZDSOS) has published an open letter calling for a comprehensive investigation into the wave of deaths occurring in New Zealand among the “fully vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).

HERE WE GO: Los Angeles County Enters CDC’s “High” Covid Alert – Mask Mandate to Kick in On July 29
Here we go… Los Angeles County is planning to reinstate its indoor mask mandate on July 29.


July 14, 2022 Will the next Prime Ministry help fulfill Daniel 9:27 prophecy read the news


If you would like to ask Pastor Frank a question or leave me a comment you can do so at fjdimora@gmail.com

Prophecy Signs with Frank DiMora Our food sources are dying off and it was a warning from the Lord! - BibleProphecyMan.com


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 14 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora

BibleProphecyMan.com: Droughts and Famines

When you read Daniel chapter 9 you will see that the Lord appointed 490 years that He was going to work with Israel to fulfill prophecy concerning the first and second coming of the messiah Jesus Christ. These 490 years were broken down into periods of 7 years.  So, just to make it clear we see 70 of these 7 year periods in Daniel chapter 9 which would = 490 years.  For the purpose of this post I am going to deal only with the last 7 years of the 490 year prophecy.  The first 483 year has already been fulfilled and now we are in the Church age in which the time clock dealing with Israel has paused until the last 7 years begins again.  When will this next last 7 years start?  According to Daniel chapter 9 as you will see in the scripture below, the last 7 years will start when the man of sin confirms a 7 year covenant with Israel and the Arabs.  The scripture in Daniel 9:27 tells us the following: 27 He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven.  I stated the Arabs because we know who has been Israel’s enemies and, for years Israel and the Arabs have been in and out of peace talks. In any case there has to be a covenant confirmed between Israel and the Arabs and that covenant has to be for the exact time frame of 7 years.  If we see that take place you will know for sure this generation has just begun the last 7 years that will go as follows. 

  1. last 7 year confirming of covenant takes place. This begins the first 1,260 days which = 3 1/2 years exactly
  2. At the end of the 3 1/2 years the Antichrist will go into the rebuilt Jewish Temple and proclaim He is god.
  3. This proclaiming to be god by the Man of Sin begins the next 3 1/2 years of God’s wrath on unbelievers.
  4. At the end of the 3 1/2 years Jesus Christ returns to Earth to begin His 1,000 reign as King on Earth.

During the first 3 1/2 years is when the Jews rebuild their Temple in East Jerusalem.



Here is the scriptures for the The Seventy “Sevens” Daniel 9:20-27

20 While I was speaking and praying, confessing my sin and the sin of my people Israel and making my request to the Lord my God for his holy hill— 21 while I was still in prayer, Gabriel, the man I had seen in the earlier vision, came to me in swift flight about the time of the evening sacrifice. 22 He instructed me and said to me, “Daniel, I have now come to give you insight and understanding. 23 As soon as you began to pray, a word went out, which I have come to tell you, for you are highly esteemed. Therefore, consider the word and understand the vision:

24 “Seventy ‘sevens’[c] are decreed for your people and your holy city to finish[d] transgression, to put an end to sin, to atone for wickedness, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the Most Holy Place.[e]

25 “Know and understand this: From the time the word goes out to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One,[f] the ruler, comes, there will be seven ‘sevens,’ and sixty-two ‘sevens.’ It will be rebuilt with streets and a trench, but in times of trouble. 26 After the sixty-two ‘sevens,’ the Anointed One will be put to death and will have nothing.[g] The people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end will come like a flood: War will continue until the end, and desolations have been decreed. 27 He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven.’[h] In the middle of the ‘seven’[i] he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple[j] he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him.[k]”[l]

BibleProphecyMan.com: Droughts and Famines

Now that you know what to look for let me connect the dots between what has already happened and what we still need to see.  When President Donald Trump was in office he started the get Israel and the Arabs to begin talking about peace. Then Trump got Israel and United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan to sign on to what was called the Abraham Accords. However, we did not see any confirming of a time period of 7 years as seen in Daniel’s warnings so, we are still looking for more nations to make an agreement with Israel and see if that next agreement has the time frame Daniel talked about. What is interesting is the X Prime Minister of Israel Netanyahu appears to be on his way to becoming Israel’s Prime Minister again. What is interesting about this is Netanyahu is saying he will bring on more Arab nations to sign those Abraham Accords that President Trump started.  I am sure everyone who knows the prophecy found in Daniel chapter 9 will be watching what Netanyahu does if he in fact does win the coming Israeli election.  Will this next round of peace talks with the other Arab nations be tagged with this 7 year time frame, that is what we will be watching. Now for the news.


Speaking at a press conference on Monday, Netanyahu hailed the upcoming regional trip by US President Joe Biden, which will see him travel by direct flight between Israel and Saudi Arabia, as evidence of his achievements in the Middle East.

“This is an important visit because from here, the president will fly to Saudi Arabia,” he said.

“A direct flight is an expression of the massive change we have brought to the Middle East. Our policy has truly created a new Mideast.”

During his tenure, Netanyahu signed the Abraham Accords – overseen by then US President Donald Trump – which normalised relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan.

“I would like to extend my appreciation to Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman for his contribution to the four peace agreements we had forged,” Netanyahu told the press.

“I intend to sign a comprehensive peace treaty with Saudi Arabia and other Arab nations…our next peace agreements will bring us closer to ending the Arab-Israeli conflict.”


July 14, 2022 Christ’s warning that Wheat and Barley prices up/ Noah and Lot’s end time signs/ Quakes/ Disease/ wars and rumors of war/


If you would like to ask Pastor Frank a question or leave me a comment you can do so at fjdimora@gmail.com

Prophecy Signs with Frank DiMora Our food sources are dying off and it was a warning from the Lord! - BibleProphecyMan.com


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 14 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora

pestilence3Luke 21:11“And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.” 

EarthWhilst you were distracted by Boris resigning the UK Gov. published a report confirming Fully Vaccinated Children are 13,633% more likely to die of COVID than Unvaccinated Children
A report quietly published by the UK Government, just hours before Boris Johnson announced he was resigning as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, reveals the Covid-19 injections are proving to have negative effectiveness against death among children in England.

June 19, 2014 prophecy signs with Frank DiMora :: End Times Research Ministry 

EarthCanada’s largest outdoor rodeo show to host ‘drag queen’ brunch, sell bug-stuffed hot dogs
The supposed family-centered Calgary Stampede, which dubs itself as the “Greatest outdoor show on earth,” is set to host a “Drag Queen” Brunch while at the same time green-lighting its food vendors to sell hotdogs stuffed with bugs.

EarthEXC: Biden’s Energy Dept Drag Queen Gets Top Secret ‘Q Clearance’ Alongside Six-Figure Government Salary.
high-level hire at the Department of Energy’s Office of Nuclear Energy, whose past as a drag queen and defender of underage gay prostitution sites has stirred controversy, is earning a salary in the top one percent of all government employees, according to documents obtained exclusively by The National Pulse.

EarthBiden administration spending $1.5 million to promote transgender ideology in prisons
The Biden administration is using taxpayer dollars to fund so-called “transgender programming” in federal prisons, government documents show.




EarthOh, momma! Investigation of Dick’s Sporting Goods demanded
A legal advocacy non-profit is demanding an investigation into Dick’s Sporting Goods for allegedly discriminating against mothers after the company announced it would reimburse abortion-related travel, according to a letter. Dick’s does not provide equal compensation for employees, spouses or dependents who have just given birth and such discrimination is illegal under Title VII, the press release claimed.



EarthCommittee Passes Bill to Make California a ‘Haven’ for Trans Surgeries & Drugs for Minors
A committee in the California legislature passed SB 107 last month, a bill that would establish the state as a “safe haven” for minors seeking transgender procedures, including sterilizing puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and mastectomies.


EarthChurch of England Throws Out Science: Won’t Define ‘Woman’
Insanity: Church of England Won’t Give a Definition of a ‘Woman’, Blames ‘Complexities’ of Gender Identity. the issue of defining what a woman is came up when Adam Kendry, a lay member of the General Synod the church’s legislative body, and a representative of the Royal Navy, asked: “What is the Church of England’s definition of a woman?” It is shocking that they so readily gave up the definition of man or woman for the state to amend, as if this fundamental truth did not matter,”


EarthThe Church Of England Says They Have No Official Definition Of What A Woman Is Despite Being The Place Where The King James Bible Came From
So here’s an amazing thing. The Church of England was once led by King James I, who you might recall was the catalyst for something called the King James Authorized Version Holy Bible that was first published in 1611. Get that on one side of your brain, and now flash-forward to 2022 where the current leaders of the Church of England say that they have no definition of what a woman is. Are they too lazy to open up the Book that was produced within their very walls?  “Thy speech bewrayeth thee!”


EarthPennsylvania Senate approves amendment declaring no right to abortion in state constitution 
Pennsylvania’s Democrat Gov. Tom Wolf has signed an executive order protecting abortion-on-demand in the Keystone State, but pro-life senators have approved a measure that could clarify there is no state-level right to abortion in a higher authority: the Pennsylvania Constitution.


Prophecy Sign: Intense Heat Image result for flames gif

“And there shall be signs in the sun” (Luke 21:25a). 

“The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was given power to scorch people with fire.  They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God, who had control over these plagues, but they refused to repent and glorify him…Men gnawed their tongues in agony and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done” (Revelation 16:8-11). 

 Earth All-time temperature records tumble in Europe, thousands evacuate as wildfires rage in France, Spain and Portugal 

Record-breaking temperatures have engulfed parts of Europe for the second time since mid-June. Before the end of the week, temperatures are expected to reach the high 40s (°C). As a result, France, Britain, Portugal and Spain are on high alert over wildfires and public health.







222042AA-8095-4AA3-AC05-4D014B943302Revelation 6:6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.  


The latest Food Outlook for June 2022, just published by the Food and Agriculture Organization, repeats the concerns that are now being widely voiced. Because of “soaring input prices, concerns about the weather and increased market uncertainties stemming from the war in Ukraine, FAO’s latest forecasts point to a likely tightening of food markets and food import bills reaching a new record high.”  https://mronline.org/2022/06/16/why-are-global-wheat-prices-rising-so-much/

EarthBarley prices rising due to war in Ukraine, could impact beer costs



EarthGlobal Barley Market Prices Are Outlined to Rise by 2%-5% During the Forecast Period| SpendEdge


 Earth They are now destroying food in Australia! Fruit and vegetable crops wiped out by unseasonal rainy, cold weather in Queensland and floods in New South Wales

Things could be about to go from bad to worse on supermarket shelves as unseasonal rain wipes out more crops in Queensland.

 Earth Sri Lanka crisis: Bakery shelves to empty in next 2-3 days amid severe food shortage

All Ceylon Bakery Owners’ Association (ACBOA) on Sunday said that bakery products including bread will be emptied from the shelves in the next two or three days amid severe food shortage in the country.

EarthLong lines are back at US food banks as inflation hits high

PHOENIX (AP) — Long lines are back at food banks around the U.S. as working Americans overwhelmed by inflation turn to handouts to help feed their families.

With gas prices soaring along with grocery costs, many people are seeking charitable food for the first time, and more are arriving on foot.

Inflation in the U.S. is at a 40-year high and gas prices have been surging since April 2020, with the average cost nationwide briefly hitting $5 a gallon in June. Rapidly rising rents and an end to federal COVID-19 relief have also taken a financial toll.

The food banks, which had started to see some relief as people returned to work after pandemic shutdowns, are struggling to meet the latest need even as federal programs provide less food to distribute, grocery store donations wane and cash gifts don’t go nearly as far.




Luke 21:9-10 Matthew 24:6-7





A quake pic1

Earthquake hits Galilee as Biden lands in Israel
As US president Joe Biden touched down in Israel for his 17th visit on Wednesday, a 3.1 earthquake was felt in Israel’s Galilee. The quake was recorded at 11:43 AM, nine kilometers northwest of the town Hazor Haglilit. There were no reports of injuries or damage.

“And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and FEARFUL SIGHTS and GREAT SIGNS shall there be from heaven.” (Luke 21:11)  “All these are the BEGINNING OF SORROWS.” (Matthew 24:8)

RestBecause of the fall of man, every part of God’s creation was subjected to a curse (Romans 8:20). Under that curse, all creation groans: the ground was cursed for Adam’s sake, thorns and thistles and noxious weeds began to grow, all of Eve’s daughters have labored painfully in childbirth, and death entered the world (Genesis 3:14–19).  The Apostle Paul talks to us about all the Earth groaning to be delivered and we are seeing this groaning via the many volcanoes erupting. 

Volcanoes All Over The Ring Of Fire Are Erupting Right Now – Is The U.S. Next? 

The west coast of the United States also lies along the Ring of Fire, but so far it has gotten off easy.  Yes, there has been a little bit of shaking in southern California in recent weeks, but it hasn’t been too bad.  But scientists assure us that will change.  At some point, there will be a major seismic event along the west coast.  It is only a matter of time.

July 13, 2022 Mas Die off / America’s decline / Disease/ major earthquake/ Food prices crisis/

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 14 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora

You can You can contact Pastor Frank at fjdimora@gmail.com

Prophecy Signs with Frank DiMora Our food sources are dying off and it was a warning from the Lord! - BibleProphecyMan.com


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 14 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora

pestilence3Matthew 24:7, KJV: For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

 Connect While you were distracted by Boris resigning, the UK Gov. published data confirming the COVID Death-Rate per 100k is now highest among Fully Vaccinated; suggesting they’re suffering Antibody-Dependent Enhancement 

On 7th July, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Boris Johnson, announced he was resigning from the post, resulting in a non-stop 24/7 media frenzy speculating what the future holds for the UK and who will be steering an already sinking ship.

 Connect Stew Peters Show: Orders for Child-Size Coffins Spike More Than 500% in Last Seven Months

A man with close personal and family ties to the casket manufacturing industry is reporting a massive spike in orders for child-size coffins that coincides with the roll-out of COVID vaccines for children and huge death spikes in kids and other population groups alike.

 Connect The Austrian Health Minister is blaming Doctors for not informing patients of the health risks of vaccines [killJAB]

Cracks in the wall appearing. Austrian Minister of Health Shifts Responsibility for Vaccine Damage to Doctors. The most epic throwing under the bus to save your own ass of our generation begins.

 Connect European Union FINALLY admits COVID-19 vaccines DESTROY your immune system 

The European Union (EU) has finally admitted that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines destroy the immune system and make people more susceptible not just to COVID but to all diseases.


 Connect Surge in excess non-COVID deaths in UK ignites speculation of vaccine injuries

Given the evidence of a correlation between vaccine doses administered and excess non-COVID deaths recorded, vaccination should not be dismissed as among the possible causes.

 Connect Pfizer Asks Court to Dismiss Whistleblower Lawsuit Because Government Was Aware of Fraud 

A lawsuit filed by whistleblower Brook Jackson alleging Pfizer and two of its contractors manipulated data and committed other acts of fraud during Pfizer’s COVID-19 clinical trials is paused following a motion by the defendants to dismiss the case.

222042AA-8095-4AA3-AC05-4D014B943302Revelation 6:6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.  In a nut shell what we know from scripture is as the birth pains of the last days get worse so will the global food crisis. It will get so bad that a person will have to work all day long for one small meal. We are already witnessing skyrocketing food prices like we have never seen before and, much of the news is reporting on the crisis in getting people wheat. Add to this crisis is the crisis in fuel prices which is still driving up the cost of just about everything including food. We are well on our way to see this prophecy being fulfilled.




  • Excluding food and energy, core CPI rose 5.9%, compared with the 5.7% estimate.


 Connect This one map is terrifying – If food shortages, gas prices, overall inflation & the CA ‘TruckPOCALYPSE’ isn’t enough for Americans to contend with, a water shortage is next

The odds of this many issues hitting America all within short time span of less than two years, is astronomical unless it was by design, which of course will have the MSM, the ‘Ministry of Truth’ folks at NewsGuard, and a handful of others pushing the “official narrative” pointing at us and screaming “conspiracy theorists.”

 Connect UK farms left with tons of unpicked food thanks to Brexit-related seasonal visa processing issues 

Countless crops are going unpicked in the UK as a Brexit-induced shortage of workers continues. Millions of pounds have been lost as a result, driving up food inflation by as much as 20 percent, the agriculture sector reports.


 Connect Shallow M6.8 earthquake hits Easter Island region

A strong and shallow earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.8 hit the Easter Island region at 19:17 UTC on July 12, 2022. The agency is reporting a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles). EMSC is reporting M6.6 at depth of 10 km (6.2 miles).

June 19, 2014 prophecy signs with Frank DiMora :: End Times Research Ministry

 Connect The ‘Moloch 20’: Firms Who’ve Vowed to Help Employees Get Abortions

With the left completely melting down over Roe v. Wade, woke corporations have found a new way to virtue signal: Abortion access as a fringe benefit.


Luke 21:9-10
Matthew 24:6-7
Mark 13:7-8
Revelation 6:4
Revelation 6:8

 Connect NATO takes in two new members in “deal” with Turkey as alliance continues posturing to launch WWIII 

Truth be told, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) alliance should have disbanded in the early 1990s after the Russia-led Warsaw Pact dissolved following the collapse of the Soviet Union.

People want to know what is going to happen to the America during the last days? What we know from the word of God is there is going to be a new world government which will be headed up by the Antichrist.  Both the book of Daniel and Revelation show us that his Antichrist will rise to power and he will try and force everyone to obey him. Since the USA is a super power we know that something has to happen to the U.S to bring her down so this man of sin can rise to his role as world leader. One sure way America can fall is have her economic system crash as we are beginning to see now. Look at the picture below and you will see the outline God has given us who will come into power one after another. Notice that the last power to stand will be a reborn Roman Empire. In my book I show you the Western leg of the old Roman Empire and the Eastern leg which is the Islamic leg. At the present time both of these legs have risen. There is no mention of the USA as a end times power.




Mass Animal Deaths

Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven; yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away. 
– Hosea 4:3

July 12, 2022 Major Quake/ Decline of America/ Storms/ Famine/ War and Rumors of wars/ Lawlessness




Prophecy Signs with Frank DiMora Our food sources are dying off and it was a warning from the Lord! - BibleProphecyMan.com

Rest You can You can contact Pastor Frank at fjdimora@gmail.com

Prophecy Signs with Frank DiMora Our food sources are dying off and it was a warning from the Lord! - BibleProphecyMan.com


The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 23, 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora


ConnectShallow M6.1 earthquake hits Vanuatu
A strong and shallow earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.1 hit Vanuatu at 21:10 UTC on July 12, 2022. The agency is reporting a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles). EMSC is reporting the same magnitude and depth.

People want to know what is going to happen to the America during the last days? What we know from the word of God is there is going to be a new world government which will be headed up by the Antichrist.  Both the book of Daniel and Revelation show us that his Antichrist will rise to power and he will try and force everyone to obey him. Since the USA is a super power we know that something has to happen to the U.S to bring her down so this man of sin can rise to his role as world leader. One sure way America can fall is have her economic system crash as we are beginning to see now. Look at the picture below and you will see the outline God has given us who will come into power one after another. Notice that the last power to stand will be a reborn Roman Empire. In my book I show you the Western leg of the old Roman Empire and the Eastern leg which is the Islamic leg. At the present time both of these legs have risen. There is no mention of the USA as a end times power.

ConnectWorld Economic Forum: Gas Prices Must Go Even Higher — to Save Democracy
The WEF paper argues for the past 15 years, democracy has been in decline worldwide. To protect and promote freedom, “leading democracies must strengthen their economies and safeguard liberty.”

ConnectThe globalists’ war on nations has entered its final stages: Many are ready to fall like dominoes
As we pointed out back on May 26, the globalists have entered the “kill phase” of their plan for a Great Reset. But the killing is not limited to individuals in an effort to meet depopulation goals, which they are doing quite efficiently through famine, war, abortion and toxic, sterilizing injections.


wars-2Luke 21:9-10 Matthew 24:6-7
Mark 13:7-8

ConnectWhile NATO Maps Out Its Plans for World War III — Russian State Space Corporation Releases Coordinates of Western Targets and Mock Joe Biden
Western leaders met in Madrid, Spain last week to map out their war strategy against the Russian Federation. Joe Biden was his usual self looking completely lost at the official gatherings.


Before you read the two reports below let me set the scene as to what Revelation 13:16-18 shows us.

RFID Chip Update Dec 14 2013

When the Antichrist sets up on the scene to take over the world government he will control the world in the same way as China is doing right now except the Antichrist will much more power.  The direction governments are headed now is leading people on the road to fulfill the Revelation prophecy. Why do you think America has gone so far left. Who would have imagined we would witness tech companies censor a sitting President of the United States and get away with it? Who thought we would see the day when if you said anything that opposed the lefts view that you as the President Trump would be censored?  Take a look at all the doctors who are experts in their medical field that opposed the Covid shots. The left censored them or, worked to get their medical license to practice taken away. Two years into the Covid pandemic and, reports that the Covid shots are doing harm doctors who try to warm the people are still be censored by the lefts media. You will be another report of what I am taling about in the disease prophecy section below. In any case, this is what China has been doing to their people for a long time. It is part of how China takes control of their people and it is spreading now to the free nations. Maybe now when you read the reports below you will begin to see the clear picture of what is happening?



A Canadian government-funded booklet for school children classifies Canada’s Red Ensign flag, which was used until 1965, as a “hate symbol.” The booklet was approved by the cabinet on June 30.
The booklet also asks kids to be wary of classmates who use the “free speech” argument as it was among the “common defenses of hate propaganda.” https://reclaimthenet.org/canadas-government-funds-anti-free-speech-booklet-kids/

ConnectTwo Homeland Security Workers Charged With Conspiring With China
Craig Miller, a 15-year DHS employee, and Derrick Taylor, a retired DHS agent working as a private investigator, are accused of accessing and providing information about the Chinese activists from a restricted government database to two other individuals who then used the records to target the victims, according to the indictment, returned Wednesday.

ConnectBritish Columbia leaders take part in event celebrating Chinese Communist takeover of Hong Kong
As China cracks down on long-standing civil and religious freedoms in Hong Kong, British Columbian politicians gathered to celebrate the takeover.

Don’t be fooled by what The World Economic Forum says about the gas. What the WEF says is the opposite of what will happen if gas prices go higher. The only thing higher gas prices will do is help kill over the world economies. How else is the scene going to be set up for the Antichrist to take over. We know for sure some major event is coming that will force the Antichrist to his prophecy position. Will this major event be a world wide economic crash? We will see.

ConnectPOWER GRAB: Klaus Schwab And The World Economic Forum Say That Gas Prices Must Go Even Higher In Order To ‘Save Democracy’ From Climate Change
The World Economic Forum (WEF) released a position paper Monday that inexorably links two claimed global crises as one – “climate change” and the “decline of democracy.”

ConnectDocuments reveal Dutch Government is working with World Economic Forum to implement ‘The Great Reset’
Documents released in response to an FOI request submitted by a member of the Dutch House of Representatives show that the Dutch Government is colluding with the World Economic Forum to implement The Great Reset.

What better way to divide up the people than to separate them! How do you think the people who are not Costco members who have been filling up their tanks for years feel after being told by Costco you can’t fill your vehicle up at Costco any longer?  It’s not bad enough that people are struggling to keep their families afloat that now they are forced to get gas some where  else that is more expensive! Looks like the divide of America isn’t on the mend. 

ConnectCostco begins limiting gas sales to members only in New Jersey 
Starting Tuesday, only Costco members will be able to fill up at Costco gas stations.
The change includes stations across New Jersey.



CooltextprophecysignNation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains.



The President of Russia, Mr. Vladimir Putin has signed a decree declaring that Russia would no longer sell vital raw materials to countries that it considered “unfriendly”. https://www.theconsul.com.pk/europe-might-face-famine-putin-bans-export-of-all-russian-products-to-unfriendly-countries/



pestilence3Matthew 24:7, KJV: For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.





ConnectDoctor who criticized Florida for not pushing COVID jabs on babies axed from state board 
A Florida pediatrician was ousted from her position on a children’s health board after she criticized the Sunshine State for its COVID jab policy for kids five and under. Medical freedom advocates have praised Florida for its approach to the mRNA shots for babies and toddlers, which is more cautious than other states’ approaches and based off of a risk-benefit analysis rather than blind obedience to power or political pressure.

ConnectWhilst you were distracted by Boris resigning, the UK Gov. quietly published a report confirming the Vaccinated account for 94% of all COVID-19 Deaths since April, 90% of which were Triple/Quadruple Jabbed 
A report that was quietly published by the UK Government, just hours before Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced his resignation, reveals that Covid-19 deaths have risen dramatically among the triple vaccinated population in England over the past couple of months whilst declining drastically among the unvaccinated population.

ConnectCancer-Causing Weedkiller Chemical Glyphosate In ‘Roundup’ From Monsanto Found In 80% Of Urine Tests In Representative Samples Of US Population
Over the years, we have brought you many stories about the evil and corporate greed of Monsanto, a true end times company if there ever was one. In 2018, we told you how the people who made the Zyklon B gas that killed millions of Jews and gentiles in the Nazi Holocaust, Bayer Pharmaceuticals, purchased Monsanto, talk about a horror movie. Now in 2022, the Monsanto poison glyphosate, the active ingredient in their weedkiller ‘Roundup’, is showing up in the urine of 80% of the American population. The ‘weed of crime’ bears bitter fruit indeed.

ConnectSan Diego Loses 22% Of Its Police Force Due To Vax Mandates 
San Diego is witnessing the largest exodus of police officers from the city since 2009 and the majority of them are quitting because of the city’s continued obsession with covid vaccine mandates.



ConnectPowerful winter storm strands more than 400 people near the Argentina-Chile border 
A powerful winter storm stranded more than 300 vehicles in the Andes mountains near the Argentina-Chile border on July 9, 2022. The Los Libertadores border crossing was later shut down by authorities.



HeartlessWhat better way to bring on mor lawlessness than to get rid of the police! This very thing is happening not just in San Diego but in many places around the world.

ConnectSan Diego Loses 22% Of Its Police Force Due To Vax Mandates 
San Diego is witnessing the largest exodus of police officers from the city since 2009 and the majority of them are quitting because of the city’s continued obsession with covid vaccine mandates.




July 11, 2022 More last day signs


You can You can contact Pastor Frank at fjdimora@gmail.com

Prophecy Signs with Frank DiMora Our food sources are dying off and it was a warning from the Lord! - BibleProphecyMan.com


The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 23, 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora


 Unlike any other religious text the Bible is the only book that is proven through discoveries in archaeology. You can add this next report to the growing list of proof that the Bible is true.

New Israeli Archaeological Discoveries Confirm Ancient Connection of the Land to the Jewish People

The following is a list of the top 10 archaeological discoveries from June 2021 until today: 1. Mosaic Depicting Deborah and Yael Defeating Canaanite King Sisera Discovered at the site of a 5th-century synagogue in the Galilean town of Huqoq, …


Luke 21: There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.

Record-breaking Tonga volcano generated the fastest atmospheric waves ever seen

The massive eruption from the underwater Tonga volcano in the Pacific earlier this year generated a blast so powerful, it sent massive pressure waves rippling through the atmosphere and around the globe. These waves were the fastest ever observed within Earth’s atmosphere, reaching speeds of 720 miles (1,158 kilometers) per hour, a new study finds. “This was a genuinely huge explosion, and truly unique in terms of what’s been observed by science to date,”


June 19, 2014 prophecy signs with Frank DiMora :: End Times Research Ministry

AVOID AT ALL COSTS: “Thor Love and Thunder” – Unless You Like Woke Movies Where Even the Rock People are Gay and Having Babies and The Queen is a “King”

The Disney movie is woke from beginning to end, mocks Christianity, everyone is gay, and the queen is called “king.”

 Suburb of Bethesda, Maryland; Same Church and Nearby Methodist Church Attacked Night Before

The pro-abortion left’s attacks on churches, pro-life centers and Supreme Court Justices continued this weekend with attacks on churches in the Washington, D.C. suburb of Bethesda, Maryland. An arson fire was set at Saint Jane De Chantel Catholic Church early Sunday. There were no injuries in the overnight fire that damaged pews and caused a reported $50,000 in damages. St. Jane’s had been vandalized the previous night.

Arson Fire Set at Catholic Church in DC

Biden administration has been flying migrant minors out of Texas for abortions
The Biden regime is reportedly flying underage illegal immigrants away from the Texas border to states where they can access abortion.

Tomorrow’s Democrat Party Leader: Young Demon Screams “We Love Killing Babies” at Pro-Abortion Rally in Front of White House

Democrat Party faithful held a march and rally in Washington DC on Saturday in support of unrestricted abortions at any stage of a pregnancy.


Image result for flames gif

“And there shall be signs in the sun” (Luke 21:25a).

“The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was given power to scorch people with fire.  They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God, who had control over these plagues, but they refused to repent and glorify him…Men gnawed their tongues in agony and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done” (Revelation 16:8-11).

 33 million people under Heat Alerts on Sunday

Nearly 33 million people are under Heat Alerts Sunday as the oppressive heat grips the South, Southwest, and Plains.




 Severe storms likely in Chicagoland, Midwest Monday

A storm system moving through the northern part of the country has the potential to produce strong to severe storms on Monday from Dodge City, Kansas to Chicago and Detroit.

  Tropical Storm Darby strengthens in Eastern Pacific; Cool waters, upper-level winds likely to protect Hawaii

Tropical Storm Darby formed in the Eastern Pacific Saturday and forecasters believe it should reach hurricane strength by Monday.

 Front to trigger tropical downpours across South into workweek

A slow-moving front across the South will mean the chance of storms and heavy rainfall, which could produce localized flooding through midweek.

National Hurricane Center: New system expected to develop in the Gulf of Mexico; What this means for Florida

The National Hurricane Center is monitoring a new low pressure system that is expected to form in a couple of days over the northern Gulf of Mexico. Forecasters say it is partially related to a decaying frontal boundary currently located over the southeastern United States. As of Monday morning, it has a 30% chance of development over the next five days.




Luke 21:9-10
Matthew 24:6-7
Mark 13:7-8
Revelation 6:4
Revelation 6:8


 While NATO Maps Out Its Plans for World War III — Russian State Space Corporation Releases Coordinates of Western Targets and Mock Joe Biden

Western leaders met in Madrid, Spain last week to map out their war strategy against the Russian Federation.

 If There Is A Nuclear War Between The U.S. And Russia, Most Americans Will Die By Starving To Death

Can you imagine what it would be like to literally starve to death?  Most Americans believe that if a nuclear war with Russia actually happens the vast majority of the U.S. population will be instantly wiped out.  But that is not what the science says.  What the studies have shown is that only about 20 percent of the U.S. population will be instantly killed during a nuclear exchange.  If you live near a military base or some other highly strategic target you will probably be among that 20 percent.  Otherwise, it is likely that you will starve to death during the horrifying “nuclear winter” that follows.



  These Doctors Risked It All To Save Lives During The COVID ‘Plandemic’, Now They Are Demanding A ‘Cease Fire’ Of ‘Poison Death Shots’ 

The predator class — World Economic Forum, the United Nations, the Biden administration and billionaire “philanthropists” — are hellbent on perpetuating a pandemic to institute population control.

 MUST WATCH: Dr. Peter McCullough Discusses New Study That Shows Pfizer’s Covid mRNA Vaccines Can MODIFY DNA in the Human Genome (VIDEO)

Researchers in Sweden recently published a new alarming study showing that Pfizer’s experimental mRNA Covid vaccine can modify DNA within the human genome.

 Australian Covid Data Biases and Manipulation – If This “Vaccine” Is So Great, Why Do You Need To “Fix” The Data?

New South Wales (“NSW”) is the most populated state in Australia comprising some 8 million inhabitants, about a third of the population. It is now world-famous for its vaccine mandates that were imposed by Brad Hazzard, their health minister who does not have a medical degree yet prescribed (arguably illegally via mandate) a provisionally approved (restricted use) genomic therapy on the population. So, how did that go?

 Exclusive Investigation of Confidential Pfizer Documents finds COVID Vaccination is going to cause Mass Depopulation

Covid-19 vaccination is going to lead to mass depopulation. This is a pretty bold claim to make. ‘Your Government is trying to kill you’ is even bolder.

  Now An Outbreak Of The Marburg Virus Has Begun

it is being reported that there is an outbreak of the Marburg Virus in Africa. We have already lost our opportunity to contain monkeypox, and that is really bad news. But if authorities are not able to successfully contain this new Marburg outbreak, we could potentially be facing a scenario that is downright apocalyptic. The incubation period (interval from infection to onset of symptoms) varies from 2 to 21 days.

People want to know what is going to happen to the America during the last days? What we know from the word of God is there is going to be a new world government which will be headed up by the Antichrist.  Both the book of Daniel and Revelation show us that his Antichrist will rise to power and he will try and force everyone to obey him. Since the USA is a super power we know that something has to happen to the U.S to bring her down so this man of sin can rise to his role as world leader. One sure way America can fall is have her economic system crash as we are beginning to see now.

 The Façade Of California’s Economy Is About To Crumble


There is an old mantra when it comes to warfare, which is to never buy into your own propaganda. That is to say, never buy into the lie that you are “winning” if you are actually losing. The economic and political news coming out of California is consistently dismal these days, and yet state politicians and bureaucrats continuously insist that things have never been better. Furthermore, they really know how to spin their data.



 In revelation chapter 13 we know there will be a reset that will give power to the antichrist as stated in the revelation we are seen in the world academy the footsteps bringing us to the door steps of this property.

Revelation chapter 13

15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

  Documents reveal Dutch Government is working with World Economic Forum to implement ‘The Great Reset

Documents released in response to an FOI request submitted by a member of the Dutch House of Representatives show that the Dutch Government is colluding with the World Economic Forum to implement The Great Reset.


July 10, 2022 Bibleprophecy warnings Jesus want you to know can you connect dots between Bible prophecy and current events?

 Rest You can You can contact Pastor Frank at fjdimora@gmail.com

Prophecy Signs with Frank DiMora Our food sources are dying off and it was a warning from the Lord! - BibleProphecyMan.com


The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 23, 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora


In Psalm 83 which tells us of a last day war against Israel we see the two of the peoples attacking Israel come from the Hezbollah and  Lebanon. I continue to say it is not a coincidence that we see in the news almost on a weekly basis that Hezbollah and Lebanese in conflict with Israel. I continue to say it is not a coincidence we see in the news almost on a weekly basis about that Hezbollah and Lebanese in conflict with Israel.



 Connect Lapid warns enemies, Israel stronger and more resilient

“Hezbollah should know that its actions in the service of Iran, might be devastating first of all, to the interests of the Lebanese people,” the defense minister said adding that Israel was capable of defending its assets and would not hesitate to act in its defense,



Luke 21:9-10
Matthew 24:6-7
Mark 13:7-8
Revelation 6:4
Revelation 6:8

 Connect Nuclear war would force Earth into ‘little ice age,

A fresh study on the global impact of a nuclear war has concluded that any conflict would plunge the world into darkness, cause temperatures to plummet and wipe out much of the world’s sea life.


People want to know what is going to happen to the America during the last days? What we know from the word of God is there is going to be a new world government which will be headed up by the Antichrist.  Both the book of Daniel and Revelation show us that his Antichrist will rise to power and he will try and force everyone to obey him. Since the USA is a super power we know that something has to happen to the U.S to bring her down so this man of sin can rise to his role as world leader. One sure way America can fall is have her economic system crash as we are beginning to see now. While President Biden has sealed the oil in America he is sending our oil to China. There is no doubt the present course that Joe Biden is taking America it’s a sinking ship.

 Connect Biden’s Selling Of Oil From Reserve To Hunter Biden-Tied Chinese Firm ‘Impeachable’: Republicans

The Biden administration’s move to sell nearly 1 million barrels of oil reserves to China “defies all common sense” and is benefiting U.S. adversaries at the cost of national interests, said Republican lawmakers, with some calling the action “impeachable.” The Department of Energy in April sold 950,000 barrels of Strategic Petroleum Reserve to Unipec America, the U.S. arm of China’s largest trading company Unipec, which is wholly owned by China Petrochemical Corporation, also known as Sinopec.


 Connect Some states are handing out inflation rebates. Will that work? 

Around a dozen states are handing out tax rebates to residents who qualify. Some states are calling them inflation relief checks and every state is handling them differently.


 Connect Jobless claims surge to highest level in 6 months as employers cut jobs due to weakening economy 

The number of Americans who have filed initial jobless claims has risen to a six-month
high, marking the fifth consecutive month that weekly claims for unemployment benefits have topped the 230,000 mark.


 Connect A Chaotic Upside Down World: Endless Wars, Food Shortages, Eugenics and the “Digitization of Everything”: The WEF Agenda 2030

A chaotic upside-down world, where injustice is justice, war is peace and good and bad are reversible at will, has been emerging over the last decades. Gradually. But ever more severely, to the point where most everyone is confused, preferring holding on to his / her comfort zone, also called cognitive dissonance. George Orwell’s 1984 is but a prelude to what is still in the making – and may come, if We, the People, do not stop it.


Cooltextprophecysign Matthew 24:7 tells us that kingdoms will be fighting against themselves.

 Connect Sri Lankan president, prime minister to resign after protesters storm residences, set fire

Sri Lankan President President Gotabaya Rajapaksa and Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe have both agreed to resign after thousands of demonstrators stormed the president’s residence to protest a crippling economic crisis in the South Asian nation.



 Connect Security alert issued for the Jewish community in San Antonio, Texas

A security alert has been issued for the Jewish community in San Antonio, Texas, following a credible threat identified by the FBI. In a Facebook post shared by the Jewish Federation of San Antonio, the organization stated that they had received information from the FBI “identifying a potential threat to an unconfirmed Jewish community facility in the San Antonio area.”



 Connect Dozens missing, 15 000 rescued after severe flash floods hit pilgrimage site in Jammu and Kashmir, India 

Some 15 000 people have been airlifted to safety after severe flash floods swept through makeshift camps during an annual Hindu pilgrimage to an icy Himalayan cave in Jammu and Kashmir, India. The cave is located at an altitude of 4.1 km (2.5 miles) and is covered with snow most of the year except for the short summer period when it is open to pilgrims.



Daniel 12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book, even to the time of the end. Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.”

 Take a look from the report below with a higher increase in knowledge has brought us

 Connect Bug off: US military planning winged, insect-like microdrone

The US military has ordered the development of tiny microdrones, whose shape and flapping wing movements will replicate insect flight. The super-small craft will provide incredible stealth in information gathering, and surveillance missions intended to really bug enemies.


June 19, 2014 prophecy signs with Frank DiMora :: End Times Research Ministry

 Connect Suit against fertility clinic shows the lunacy of surrogacy after gays get a girl instead of the boy they ordered 

Last month, a photo of a “maternity” shoot went viral. It depicted two gay men holding hands, beaming at into each other’s eyes, with a pregnant young woman in a red dress in the background. The caption: “We did a ‘maternity’ shoot and it came out great!” The woman was a surrogate; she’d been paid to carry a child created with sperm and an egg donor for the two men. The online reaction — which soon escalated into the millions — was immediate. “This is some Handmaid stuff right here,” wrote conservative commentator Bethany Mandel.


 Connect Predators In Leadership: “Inclusive” Pastors Subvert Christianity, Promote Pedophilia


Natalie Carey is an independent journalist based in Los Angeles, California. No shortage of things to report on there, you can be sure.  This past month Natalie scoped out the LA pride parade, where she predictably saw huge amounts of graphic sexual material proudly displayed in front of children: Stuffed penises (like stuffed animals, but in the shape of genitalia), men with fully exposed buttocks, and a lot more.


222042AA-8095-4AA3-AC05-4D014B943302Revelation 6:6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.  In a nut shell what we know from scripture is as the birth pains of the last days get worse so will the global food crisis. It will get so bad that a person will have to work all day long for one small meal. We are already witnessing skyrocketing food prices like we have never seen before and, much of the news is reporting on the crisis in getting people wheat. Add to this crisis is the crisis in fuel prices which is still driving up the cost of just about everything including food. We are well on our way to see this prophecy being fulfilled.

 Connect Livestock Producers Report Being Just Days Away From Running Out of Feed Due to Shipping Rail Issues

Rail bottlenecks in the U.S. are not improving, and in some cases, growing more severe. Feed users in California and the Southwest are having issues sourcing grain, with some reporting they are paying $3 over the CBOT price to secure grain by truck. Not only are feed users on the brink of running out of grain, but there are also concerns the rail issues could grow worse during harvest this fall.



 Connect US households report twice as many vaccine deaths as COVID fatalities: poll

More than twice as many Americans have lost a household member to a Covid vaccine injury as have lost one to Covid. That’s the shocking finding of a new poll of 1,500 Americans carried out by the polling company Pollfish.

 Connect New Study Contradicts ‘Experts’ – Shows Unvaccinated Adults Found “No increase in Myocarditis and Pericarditis” Following COVID Infection

A new study from Israel reveals that there was “no increase in the incidence of myocarditis and pericarditis” in unvaccinated adults who had COVID-19 infection.

July 9,2022 Food crisis/Disease/Noah’s last days signs/lawlessness/

RestYou can You can contact Pastor Frank at fjdimora@gmail.com

Prophecy Signs with Frank DiMora Our food sources are dying off and it was a warning from the Lord! - BibleProphecyMan.com


The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 23, 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora






















222042AA-8095-4AA3-AC05-4D014B943302Revelation 6:6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.  In a nut shell what we know from scripture is as the birth pains of the last days get worse so will the global food crisis. It will get so bad that a person will have to work all day long for one small meal. We are already witnessing skyrocketing food prices like we have never seen before and, much of the news is reporting on the crisis in getting people wheat. Add to this crisis is the crisis in fuel prices which is still driving up the cost of just about everything including food. We are well on our way to see this prophecy being fulfilled.




ConnectHostile Takeover’ of Global Food System Already in Process, Ice Age Farmer Tells RFK, Jr.

It’s “common knowledge” that we’re headed for a food crisis, said Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. during an interview with agricultural researcher, permaculturalist and author Christian Westbrook on “RFK Jr. The Defender Podcast.”

June 19, 2014 prophecy signs with Frank DiMora :: End Times Research Ministry



ConnectAt This New Resort in Mexico, Getting Drunk Is Part of the Wellness Program


ConnectWA School Board Director to Host Gender Classes for Kids Ages 9-12 in Adult Toy Shop

A Washington woman who runs a sex shop wants to bring the kids into her store for a day of learning.


ConnectAmericans Not Wanting to Serve in the Military 

The Pentagon’s top leaders are now scrambling for ways to find new recruits to fill out the ranks of the all-volunteer military. Woke policies are key to dwindling recruit numbers in all branches of the service.

ConnectBiden Is Handing Out Crack Pipes Across From A NYC Preschool Filled With 3 And 4 Year Old Children

The Gateway Pundit has reported extensively on Joe Biden’s free crack pipe program. The regime denied this was happening despite proof to the contrary.


ConnectBiden signs executive order to ‘expand access to abortion’

President Joe Biden has signed an executive order meant to “protect and expand access to abortion” in response to several states banning the controversial procedure after the United States Supreme Court overturned the Roe v. Wade decision.


RestReports concerning what you need to know about the experimental COVID-19 vaccinations.


Luke 21:11Rev. 6:8




ConnectSeveral hundred thousand’ new COVID cases a day aren’t being reported as hospitalizations keep climbing

New York Times data show test positivity rate at 5-month high as hospitalizations reach fresh 4-month high, even with new cases holding steady

ConnectEXCLUSIVE – UK Gov. admits COVID Vaccine is killing Kids after publishing report proving Vaccinated Children are shocking 30,200% more likely to die than Unvaccinated Children

The U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has questionably authorised emergency use of both the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA Covid-19 injections for use among children aged 6 months and above despite the UK Government admitting the Covid-19 Vaccine is killing children after it published data via the Office for National Statistics proving children are 82 to 303x more likely to die following Covid-19 vaccination than children who have not had the Covid-19 vaccine.


ConnectTwitter ‘Silenced’ Physicians Who Posted Truthful Information About COVID, Lawsuit Alleges

Three physicians are suing Twitter, alleging the company violated its own terms of service and community standards when it suspended their accounts for posting “truthful statements regarding COVID-19 policy, diagnosis and/or treatment.”

ConnectNumber of Permanently Disabled Americans Spiked After COVID Shots Rollout 

The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis runs FRED, a database of economic data that has been tracked since 1991. One of its categories is the U.S. population, aged 16 years and over, with a disability — a population that remained stable from 2016 to 2020, but jumped sharply in early 2021, coinciding with the rollout of COVID-19 injections.

July 8, 2022 Storms/Disease/Noah’s last day signs/Food Crisis/Prophecy sites ranking/


RestYou can You can contact Pastor Frank at fjdimora@gmail.com

Prophecy Signs with Frank DiMora Our food sources are dying off and it was a warning from the Lord! - BibleProphecyMan.com


The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 23, 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora


For those of you who have been coming to my bibleprophecyman prophecy site you may not know I also have another prophecy site entiteld: endtimesresearchministry.  I was doing a search today and came across a site that ranks bible prophecy sites.  According to the report there are thousands of prophecy sites. I checked to see how my site was doing. Out of the thousands my site was ranked #8.  I believe I was ranked this high because unlike most prophecy sites I not only give you the headlines but I also show where in the bible you can find the prophecy with explanations as well. Most sites just give you the headline but, if you don’t know what the bible says you won’t be able to make the connection between the news and the warnings from those prophecies. I noticed my site bibleprophecyman.com was not listed. This maybe because I give the exact same information on my bibleprophecyman site as on the endtimesresearchministry site. I was also placed on top of the list for prophecy authors.  In any case I am grateful to our Lord for the ranking as it is my prayer to reach as many as I can for Christ. 



End Times Bloggers 


Top Authors, Journalists, and Publishers covering End Times
Blogger Name Blog Link Total Blog Posts
Etrm endtimesresearchministry.com 40
Ricky Scaparo endtimeheadlines.org 20
Blackstone Intelligence youtube.com 20
Elizabethprata the-end-time.org 20
Jeremiah J Jameson endtimesprophecyreport.com 20
Gordon King endtimebibleprophecy.wordpress.com 20
David Montaigne endtimesand2019.wordpress.com 20
End Times Productions youtube.com 20
Christopher wingsoftheeagle.wordpress.com 20
The Watchman youtube.com 20



June 19, 2014 prophecy signs with Frank DiMora :: End Times Research Ministry

Army Mandatory Training Requires Soldiers To Shower With Transgender People Of Opposite Sex, Accept ‘Primitive’ Work Conditions|
The United States is being destroyed within as Democrats intentionally demoralize U.S. service members.

South Australia law decriminalizing abortion until moment of birth takes effect
A 2021 law passed in South Australia took effect Thursday, decriminalizing abortion and making it a “healthcare” issue under law.


Another Children’s LGBTQ Drag Queen Advocate Charged With Child Pornography
One of Pennsylvania’s popular drag queens, an LGBTQ+ youth adviser, has been charged with 25 counts of child pornography; he allegedly obtained dozens of photos and videos of nude underaged boys performing sex acts.

 Mississippi becomes latest state to ban abortion throughout every stage of pregnancy 

Mississippi became the latest state to ban most abortions Thursday when its post-Roe v. Wade trigger law went into effect.

Google Vows to Delete Location Data for Illegal Abortion Searches
After years of callously infringing on the privacy of its users, Google has decided to automatically purge information about users who visit abortion clinics or other places that could trigger legal problems now that the U.S. Supreme Court has returned states’ rights to ban the termination of pregnancies.


  Extensive damage to hundreds of homes after EF-2 tornado hits Goshen, Ohio

A confirmed EF-2 tornado touched down in Goshen, Ohio on July 6, 2022, causing extensive damage to hundreds of homes and injuring 2 people.

Luke 21::25  And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;

Very bright daylight meteor over New Zealand, loud boom reported 
A very bright daylight meteor was seen and recorded over Wellington, New Zealand at around 01:50 UTC on July 7, 2022 (13:50 LT). This event lasted about 10 seconds and was followed by a loud boom. It left signatures on weather radars, seismometers, and geostationary satellites.

222042AA-8095-4AA3-AC05-4D014B943302Revelation 6:6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.  In a nut shell what we know from scripture is as the birth pains of the last days get worse so will the global food crisis. It will get so bad that a person will have to work all day long for one small meal. We are already witnessing skyrocketing food prices like we have never seen before and, much of the news is reporting on the crisis in getting people wheat. Add to this crisis is the crisis in fuel prices which is still driving up the cost of just about everything including food. We are well on our way to see this prophecy being fulfilled.

 Connect‘Reset The Table’: Looming Food Shortages Are Not Happening By Accident

It seems nothing escapes the prophetic minds of the self-proclaimed designers of the future. They accurately foresee “natural disasters” and foretell coincidental “acts of God.” They know everything before it happens. Perhaps they truly are prophets. Or, perhaps they’re simply describing the inevitable outcomes of their own actions.

The United Nations Scrubbed This Article Heralding ‘The Benefits Of World Hunger’ From Its Website After It Went Viral
Mounting evidence continues to emerge proving the food shortages and supply chain disruptions are being manufactured by the United Nations, the World Economic Forum and the World Health Organization in an effort to institute a New World Order, global government and destroy the United States.

RestReports concerning what you need to know about the experimental COVID-19 vaccinations.


Luke 21:11Rev. 6:8

ConnectStage 4 Cancers Taking Off Like Wildfire: “We’re Going to See a Consistent Two to Threefold Increase”
Dr. Cole states that he’s been speaking with many clinicians about what they are observing: “Many of their patients who have been cancer-free for three, four or five years, their pet scan looks great, no detectable disease. After that second or third shot, all of a sudden, they’re stage four disease like wildfire.”

ConnectPfizer Classified Almost All Severe Adverse Events During COVID Vaccine Trials ‘Not Related to Shots’ 
The latest release by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine documents reveals numerous instances of participants who sustained severe adverse events during Phase 3 trials. Some of these participants withdrew from the trials, some were dropped and some died.

ConnectNew Zealand: A Study Finds a 10% Rise in Excess Mortality in Age Groups Who Have Had Booster Covid Injections 
Using weekly data on excess mortality in New Zealand, a study published last week set out to analyse the impacts of rolling out booster doses of Covid injections. It found that age groups most likely to have had booster Covid injections had 7-10% more excess mortality than the age groups most likely not to have taken up a booster dose.

ConnectOfficial Government Reports, Confidential Pfizer Documents & the Cost of Living Crisis prove your Government is trying to Kill you & Depopulate the Planet
“At least 4 billion “useless eaters” shall be eliminated by the year 2050 by means of limited wars, organized epidemics of fatal rapid-acting diseases and starvation. Energy, food and water shall be kept at subsistence levels for the non-elite, starting with the White populations of Western Europe and North America and then spreading to other races.

Older Reports:

In Austria, the finger-pointing has begun!
In Austria, the Minister of Health acknowledges the problems with the vaccines, so he throws the Austrian docs under the bus. Why? Because denial is no longer working and you have to blame someone!


Monkeypox? – U.S. Gov. Data proves Covid-19 Vaccines increase risk of suffering Shingles by at least 4925%
Monkeypox; or the new name the W.H.O are urgently trying to find for it to make it sound more frightening, is about to become the word of the day in the mainstream media now that they know everyone is bored of hearing about Ukraine. The World Health Organization is convening an emergency meeting and will most likely have announced a Public Health Emergency of International Concern over the alleged disease by the end of June.

File This Under ‘We Told You So’ As New Study Of 18,500 People Shows The Unvaccinated Had Lower Rate Of Severe COVID
A stunning new survey has found that people who did not get the vaccine had a lower rate of suffering severe COVID-19 amid the pandemic. The survey uploaded to the preprint server ResearchGate presented data from more than 18,500 respondents from the “Control Group” project with more than 300,000 overall participants. An analysis revealed that compared to those who got jabbed, unvaccinated people reported fewer hospitalizations. We told you from the very beginning you didn’t need the government injection, why didn’t you believe us?

FDA about to green-light mass murder of children under five with new covid “vaccine” authorization 
The same committee at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that unanimously voted to allow children as young as five to get “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) has now voted, once again unanimously, to inject children under five as well.

The Babies and The Vaccine 
Protecting your baby from a virus that doesn’t exist, with a killshot

Update: How many people have been murdered by COVID-19 Vaccination?
No one knows how many people the vaccines are killing – or how many they will kill. But although I haven’t seen the mainstream media mention most of these deaths, people have already died or been injured after being given the vaccine…

New Study provides more evidence the Covid-19 Vaccines cause Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
A new study published on Researchgate provides further proof that the Covid-19 injections cause recipients to develop crippling Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, because it shows the unvaccinated have the lowest rate of developing serious disease due to Covid-19.

All Day Long
This marketing shift turned out to be incredibly lucrative for Big Pharma, but its effects on public health — and individual health — are highly questionable, as the ads continue to drive consumers to request drugs from their doctors, whether they need them or not.

North Korea reports outbreak of unidentified disease alongside COVID-19
South Korean officials have said that the disease, only referred to be North Korea as an “acute enteric epidemic” is likely to be either cholera or typhoid.

Fifth Largest Life Insurance Company in US Paid Out 163% More for Deaths of Working People ages 18-64 in 2021 After COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates
Five months after breaking the story of the CEO of One America insurance company saying deaths among working people ages 18-64 were up 40% in the third quarter of 2021, I can report that a much larger life insurance company, Lincoln National, reported a 163% increase in death benefits paid out under its group life insurance policies in 2021.

Is Covid 19 responsible for an outbreak of hepatitis in UK children
Last week, hundreds of experts in liver health gathered for the World Hepatitis Summit, and one topic dominated the agenda: the mysterious outbreak of hepatitis in children which has gradually spread across 34 countries – including the UK.

Your Government is trying to kill you & Depopulate the planet; Official Government Reports, Confidential Pfizer Documents & the Cost of Living Crisis prove it
…Many people would most likely disregard the above claims as “tinfoil hat nonsense”. But unfortunately, official Government data, confidential Pfizer documents, and real-world events such as the current cost of living crisis, the alleged impending climate change disaster, the Covid-19 pandemic, and the ongoing development of Artificial Intelligence, strongly suggest that there exists an agenda to depopulate the world, and your Government is, in essence, attempting to kill you.

China using bogus covid tests as excuse to freeze billions in deposits, lock residents out of bank accounts 
As punishment for trying to protest, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is freezing people’s bank accounts under the guise that they magically tested “positive” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).

Experts and Republicans Call Out The CDC For Approving The COVID Jab For America’s Youngest Children, Citing A Lack Of ‘Efficacy Data’
Experts are beginning to call out the CDC’s approval of Pfizer and Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccine for babies as young as six months, questioning the lack of proven data for the age group.

Fauci admits there’s no data showing benefit of COVID boosters for children
A day before the FDA approved booster shots against COVID for children between the ages of 5 and 12, NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci admitted to a Senate committee that there exist no data indicating that rates of hospitalization or death from COVID are lower in a child who has received a third vaccine dose.

FDA approve COVID Vaccine for 6-month-old Babies despite Data proving Vaccinated Children are 30,200%/303x more likely to die than Unvaccinated Children
The U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has questionably authorised emergency use of both the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA Covid-19 injections for use among children aged 6 months and above despite data from the UK’s Office for National Statistics revealing that children are 82 to 303x more likely to die following Covid-19 vaccination than children who have not had the Covid-19 vaccine.

FDA “approves” COVID Vaccine for 6-month-old Babies despite 179K deaths within 60 Days of Vaccination in England alone 
The U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has questionably authorised emergency use of both the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA Covid-19 injections for use among children aged 6 months and above despite the UK’s Office for National Statistics revealing that between January 2021 and March 2022 a total of 69,466 people died within 28 days of Covid-19 vaccination, and a further 109,408 people died within 60 days of vaccination in England.

FDA “approves” COVID Vaccine for 6-month-old Babies despite Deaths among Children increasing by 53% in 2021 following Covid-19 Vaccination 
The U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has questionably authorised emergency use of both the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA Covid-19 injections for use among children aged 6 months and above despite an investigation of UK Office for National Statistics data revealing that since the Covid-19 vaccine began to be rolled-out to teenagers there was a 53% rise in the number of deaths due to all-causes among males aged 15-19 in 2021.

FDA “approves” COVID Vaccine for 6-month-old Babies despite Study finding persistent Heart Abnormalities among COVID Vaccinated Children 
The U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has questionably authorised emergency use of both the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA Covid-19 injections for use among children aged 6 months and above despite a study conducted at the Seattle Children’s Hospital finding COVID vaccinated children are suffering persistent heart abnormalities.

VAX 2.0 – Moderna Announces That Human Trials Of New Hybrid Flu And COVID Messenger RNA Vaccine Are Officially Underway For Rollout In Late 2023 
Lol, so you thought that all this was going to just ‘go away’, right? That’s soooo funny, after having established that yes, the world will indeed line up to receive the government injection, the New World Order has the Willy Wonka Golden Ticket of end times shenanigans. Messenger RNA is here to stay, and it’s going to start popping up everywhere you look. Should you be afraid of the messenger? Absolutely, unless of course you like having your genes edited by messenger RNA.

WARNING: Discussions I had secretly with FDA, NIH, CDC, Moderna & Pfizer official (s) July/Aug 2020 told me that they feared these COVID injections can & WILL kill healthy children; will KILL our kids
I start by stating again, no healthy child in the US, or Germany, Sweden etc. have died of COVID post COVID infection. Not one!

Pfizer trial data for children under 5 shows covid “vaccines” to be just THREE PERCENT effective at best (and this was probably just a margin of error, making the effectiveness ZERO) 
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and its bed buddy Pfizer are claiming that the latter’s new Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” for young children under five is 80 percent effective. It turns out, however, that the true figure is just 3 percent.

Data From a New Study Shows Falling Sperm Counts Post-Covid Injection – It’s Devastating
On Friday, the journal Andrology published a peer-reviewed paper showing large decreases in sperm counts among men after the second dose of Pfizer’s mRNA Covid jab.

Covid vaccine temporarily impairs ability of sperm to swim, Israeli study reveals
Concerns have been raised regarding the detrimental impact of COVID-19 vaccinations on male fertility. A retrospective study of 220 sperm samples provided by 37 donors at three Israeli sperm banks that provided 220 samples has found that sperm concentration was reduced during the three months after donors were vaccinated …

Health Ministry’s push for 5-11 year-olds to get Covid booster: A total failure
A recommendation by the Health Ministry to give children aged 5-11 a covid booster seems to have fallen on deaf ears with “demand close to zero” reports the state-run Kann news network. Less than 300 children got the booster since the recommendation was publicized last week compared to 200,000 children who received the first two inoculations according to the report. The report added that the Health Ministry isn’t concerned by the results since it doesn’t have any impact on preventing an alleged sixth wave of covid the report added.

Aviation Industry Calls Out ‘HOSTILE’ Environment Vaccine-Injured Pilots Must Endure
MAY 31: Two pilots walk through the United Airlines terminal at O’Hare International Airport May 31, 2005 in Chicago, Illinois. Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association mechanics union, representing 7,000 members, has accepted a new five-year contract and the 20,000 strong International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers has agreed “in principle” to a new contract with United Airlines. The machinists’ union represents customer service personnel, ramp workers and baggage handlers.

Canadian pastor says health officials offered church $50,000 to push vaccines
A senior Canadian Christian pastor alleged that public health officials offered his church $50,000 if they agreed to promote “vaccine confidence” to parishioners.

World Health Organization Study concludes risk of suffering Serious Injury due to COVID Vaccination is 339% higher than risk of being hospitalised with COVID-19
A new study endorsed by the World Health Organization has found that the risks of mRNA Covid-19 vaccination heavily outweigh the benefits, with scientists discovering a person is on average 339% more likely to suffer a serious adverse event such as cardiac arrest, stroke, or death due to the Pfizer Covid-19 injection than they are to be hospitalised with Covid-19.

NHS to Target Unvaccinated Children After Poliovirus Discovery in London
After finding vaccine-derived poliovirus in London sewer samples, the NHS plans to contact parents of unvaccinated children.

U.S. Life Insurance Company suffers 176% increase in payouts for Deaths among Young Adults in 2021 compared to 2019/2020 Average
The fifth largest life insurance company in the USA has confirmed it paid out $1.4billion in 2021 due to non-Covid related deaths among 18 to 64-year-olds. The amount represents a 176% increase since the Covid-19 injections were rolled out on the average payout for deaths over 2019 and 2020.

Face Masks Laced with Graphene Pose a Health Risk 
Some face mask manufacturers added graphene coatings to their face masks to “inactivate the virus.”  These face masks were worn by millions as dictated by governments and health officials to stop the spread of Covid, or so they said.

The CDC says “severe reactions” to the COVID vaccines are rare. That’s not what we found
A new poll of Americans shows that 1% of people who get the jab (2M Americans over 18) are so seriously COVID vaccine injured that they are unable to hold a job.

UK Compensates Covid ‘Vaccine’ Victims
The British government officially acknowledges that vaccinations can cause severe disability and death.

Experts question CDC’s approval of COVID vaccines for under-5s 
In the wake of the CDC’s approval of Pfizer and Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccine for babies as young as six months, at least one expert has questioned the move.

Australia Is The Only Democratic Nation That Tracks Its Citizens By Their ‘Faceprint’ For COVID Containment Procedures, But That’s About To Change 
Let me introduce you to a term that is about to become ‘all the rage’, your faceprint, and it soon will replace your fingerprint as the primary means of identification. In Australia, a tech company called Genvis has struck it rich by supplying the government there with faceprint tools to track their citizens who have COVID. This has worked so wonderfully well during the pandemic that now this draconian technology is being rolled out to all citizens who want access to any government services.

Sudden Adult [Vaccine] Death Syndrome: Excess Deaths in Australia are up 18% since the start of 2022 but only 6% of all deaths have been attributed to COVID-19
Australian Bureau of Statistics has revealed that Australia has been suffering a huge amount of excess deaths compared to the historical average since around October 2021, with figures revealing the number of Australians who have lost their lives in 2022 is 18% higher than the historical average.

Pfizer CEO calls for annual COVID vaccine to achieve greater ‘compliance’ 
Pfizer’s CEO Albert Bourla has said he is working on the creation of a new vaccine against COVID-19 that could be taken annually in order for people to become more “compliant” in taking COVID vaccines.

New Study & Pfizer Documents prove Covid-19 Vaccination is going to cause mass Depopulation through Infertility & Death 
A mountain of evidence found in the confidential Pfizer documents that the U.S. Food & Drug Administration has been forced to publish by court order proves that Covid-19 vaccination is going to lead to depopulation through its effect on fertility in women, its contribution to pregnancy loss, and the harm it causes to newborn babies, sadly leading to premature death.

Top 7 SCARIEST COVID-19 post-vaccine “adverse events” that are becoming more common, even though the vaccine industrial complex and MSM won’t cover them at all 
The CDC and MSM call it “vaccine hesitancy” but it’s more about “vaccine science” that shows the COVID-19 gene-mutation jabs are experimental, dangerous and ineffective.

Canada: FOI Shows More Covid Injections Cause More Hospitalisations and More Deaths 
A response to a request under Freedom of Information (“FoI”) showed that Covid-19 injectable product use has a dose-response: more doses = more cases = more hospitalisations = more deaths.

Never Forget: April 2020 Study Found That Most New York Covid Patients on Ventilators Died While Fauci and Cuomo Pushed for More Ventilators
A study of Covid patients hospitalised between 1 March 2020 and 4 April 2020 was conducted at facilities overseen by Northwell Health, New York State’s largest health system. Among the 2,634 patients whose outcomes were known, the overall death rate was 21%, but it rose to 88% for those who received mechanical ventilation.  Simply put, most patients died after being placed on a mechanical ventilator.

CDC Caught Using False Data To Recommend Kids’ COVID Vaccine 
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showcased highly misleading data about the risk of COVID-19 to kids when its expert vaccine advisers voted to recommend vaccines for children under five years old.

Latest survey shows the COVID vaccines are a disaster: ~750,000 dead in US
In US, ~5M people who got the vaccine are now unable to work and ~750,000 are dead. The rate of heart issues is 6.6%, far more than they claimed. No wonder our government isn’t doing these surveys!
“Criminal! Criminal! Criminal!” – Angry Protesters Greet Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla at Award Ceremony in Israel (VIDEO)
Isaac Herzog, the President of Israel, presented the Genesis Prize, also known as the “Jewish Nobel” to Pfizer’s CEO Dr. Albert Bourla, at a ceremony in Jerusalem, Israel on Wednesday night.

Biden Admin Agrees To Spend $3.2 Billion On Pfizer Vaccines
The Biden administration’s health officials announced they are planning to spend $3.2 billion on 105 million doses of Pfizer’s two-dose, mRNA vaccine.

COVID jabs are all but guaranteeing the virus will be around forever 
If our immune response is subverted and damaged by these COVID injections, as they have been with repeat boosting, then we run the risk of this pandemic going on for 100 years with infectious variant after infectious variant, and potentially a lethal virulent one that could devastate humanity.

BOMBSHELL: Video Emerges Where Fauci and Others Planned for a “Universal mRNA Flu Vaccine” Which Became the “COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine” Because People were not Afraid Enough of the Flu Virus
…In this short clip, which was extracted from the hour-long panel discussion, Anthony Fauci explains that bringing a new, untested kind of vaccine like an mRNA vaccine, would take at least a decade (“if everything goes perfectly”) to go through proper trials and be approved by the FDA.

MRSA Strain Associated with Pigs Adapts to Humans
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) clonal-complex (CC) 398 is the dominant MRSA in European livestock and a growing cause of human infections. CC398 has maintained its antibiotic resistance over decades in pigs and other livestock. And, it is capable of rapidly adapting to human hosts while maintaining this antibiotic resistance.

Mass hypnosis: why can’t people see through the COVID deception?
Despite the statistics and mathematical models dramatically overrating the risk of the virus, and the obvious side effects of the vaccine, many are not capable of seeing it. The most salient characteristic of this psychological trend is that it makes people radically blind to everything that goes against the narrative in which they believe.

Depopulation taking place under our eyes! Birth reduction in Taiwan: -23.34%, in UK: -8%, in Germany: -13%… And we all know what’s causing it
We all know what caused this, and no, covid infections is not among that.

The post-vaccine WIPEOUT of children’s immune systems has arrived
New South Wales (NSW), Australia, has seen a nearly 10-fold increase in recent weeks of so-called “pandemic babies” who are having to be rushed to the hospital for intensive care treatment.

Hungarian MP Links Drastic Fall in Birth Rates to Mass ‘Vaccinations’ Against Covid 
The number of births in Hungary decreased this year by 20 percent compared to the same period of the previous year.

Fauci says he got sicker after taking Pfizer drug for COVID
Biden and Dr. Anthony Fauci have touted the Pfizer drug Paxlovid as an effective treatment for COVID-19. But Fauci,
said Tuesday he experienced a rebound of COVID symptoms after he was treated with the drug … .

74.2 million people in the USA have not had a single dose of a Covid-19 Vaccine, & another 157 million have refused a 2nd or 3rd dose according to CDC 
The American people have seen right through President Biden’s propaganda and lies on the effectiveness of the Covid-19 injections because according to CDC data, 70% of the entire population of the USA have not had either a first, second or third dose of the Covid-19 vaccine.

COVID Vaccination significantly increases the risk of Death and kills hundreds of thousands after five months according to UK Gov. Report
New figures published by the UK’s Office for National Statistics reveal the Covid-19 vaccinated population are much more likely to die of any cause than the unvaccinated population in England among all age groups.

Doctor verifies VAERS data showing COVID-19 vaccines increase dangers to women’s reproductive health 
A board-certified obstetrics and gynecology physician verified the recent Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) data showing the increased dangers posed by the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines to women’s reproductive health.

Fully Vaccinated account for 4 in every 5 COVID Deaths in Canada since February 
The Government of Canada has confirmed that the vaccinated population account for 4 in every 5 Covid-19 deaths to have occurred across the country since the middle of February 2022, and 70% of those deaths have been among the triple vaccinated population.

Canada’s Health Minister: “You Will Never Be Fully-Vaxxed”
This is the new ‘right way’ to think about vaccinations. Canadians will be required to get a Covid shot every nine months for the foreseeable future, says Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos. Previous definitions of “fully vaccinated” made no sense, he told reporters. Reeling with numerous scandals, corruption and gaffes, Justin Trudeau holds power solely through the merger of his party with the Canada’s Socialist NDP, headed by millionaire Jagmeet Singh.

Young people should avoid COVID vaccine like the plague’
Turning to the use of the Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA vaccines in Israel, Feiglin said that while the initial program offering the vaccines to the elderly “made sense”, using the vaccines on young children is a “heinous act”. “I did not get vaccinated against the coronavirus. I think that in the first stage, when Netanyahu brough the injections to save the lives of people at high risk it made sense. But the expansion by the Health Ministry, to obligate young children [to get vaccinated] was a heinous act. Young people, and definitely children, need to avoid this thing like the plague.”

One Day After White House Signs $3.2 Billion Pfizer Deal, FDA Says Fall COVID Boosters Must Target Omicron Subvariants 
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advised COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers on June 30 that any modifications to booster shots for fall will need to target Omicron subvariants BA.4 and BA.5, which account for more than half of new virus cases in the U.S.

UK Gov. refused to publish further COVID data once it showed the Triple Vaccinated were developing AIDS & Double Vaccinated were suffering ADE
The UK Health Security Agency refused to publish any further data on Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths by vaccination status back in April 2022 because previous figures showed that the triple vaccinated population were on the verge of developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, and the double vaccinated were suffering Antibody-Dependent Enhancement.

Vaccine Mandates Were Predicated on “Hope” Rather Than Science, Admits Deborah Birx.
ormer White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx revealed that the federal government was relying on “hope” that COVID-19 vaccines would prevent infection when officials publicly stated that Americans who received the jab would become immune to the virus.

More COVID Shots: US To Procure “Adapted” COVID-19 “Vaccines” 
The ruling class of the United States is not giving up on injecting as many humans as possible with the COVID-19 mRNA “vaccines.” Now, those who rule want to procure shots that are “adapted” to Omicron subvariants, as a way to coerce more to get injected.

Pfizer Ordered by Uruguayan Judge to Report Composition of Covid-19 Vaccines Including Any Presence of “Graphene Oxide” or “Nanotechnological Elements”
According to a recent ruling by an Uruguayan judge, the government and the pharmaceutical company Pfizer must provide all the information they have on the COVID vaccine’s biochemical composition, including any evidence of “graphene oxide” or “nanotechnological elements,” as well as proof of the vaccine’s efficacy and safety.

Facebook’s Audit Director AND Marketing Leads Are Former Pfizer Directors
Facebook – a platform that routinely censors posts critical of COVID-19 vaccines – has hired several alumni from Pfizer’s marketing and internal audit teams to lead similar efforts at the social media platform, The National Pulse can reveal.

Covid news up to July 8, 2022- after you read all of the articles about the Covid vaccinationIt looks like someone isn’t telling us the truth


 RestYou can You can contact Pastor Frank at fjdimora@gmail.com

Prophecy Signs with Frank DiMora Our food sources are dying off and it was a warning from the Lord! - BibleProphecyMan.com


The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 23, 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora

RestReports concerning what you need to know about the experimental COVID-19 vaccinations.


Luke 21:11Rev. 6:8

Pfizer Classified Almost All Severe Adverse Events During COVID Vaccine Trials ‘Not Related to Shots’ 
The latest release by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine documents reveals numerous instances of participants who sustained severe adverse events during Phase 3 trials. Some of these participants withdrew from the trials, some were dropped and some died.

New Zealand: A Study Finds a 10% Rise in Excess Mortality in Age Groups Who Have Had Booster Covid Injections 
Using weekly data on excess mortality in New Zealand, a study published last week set out to analyse the impacts of rolling out booster doses of Covid injections. It found that age groups most likely to have had booster Covid injections had 7-10% more excess mortality than the age groups most likely not to have taken up a booster dose.

Monkeypox? – U.S. Gov. Data proves Covid-19 Vaccines increase risk of suffering Shingles by at least 4925%
Monkeypox; or the new name the W.H.O are urgently trying to find for it to make it sound more frightening, is about to become the word of the day in the mainstream media now that they know everyone is bored of hearing about Ukraine. The World Health Organization is convening an emergency meeting and will most likely have announced a Public Health Emergency of International Concern over the alleged disease by the end of June.

File This Under ‘We Told You So’ As New Study Of 18,500 People Shows The Unvaccinated Had Lower Rate Of Severe COVID
A stunning new survey has found that people who did not get the vaccine had a lower rate of suffering severe COVID-19 amid the pandemic. The survey uploaded to the preprint server ResearchGate presented data from more than 18,500 respondents from the “Control Group” project with more than 300,000 overall participants. An analysis revealed that compared to those who got jabbed, unvaccinated people reported fewer hospitalizations. We told you from the very beginning you didn’t need the government injection, why didn’t you believe us?

FDA about to green-light mass murder of children under five with new covid “vaccine” authorization 
The same committee at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that unanimously voted to allow children as young as five to get “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) has now voted, once again unanimously, to inject children under five as well.

The Babies and The Vaccine 
Protecting your baby from a virus that doesn’t exist, with a killshot

Update: How many people have been murdered by COVID-19 Vaccination?
No one knows how many people the vaccines are killing – or how many they will kill. But although I haven’t seen the mainstream media mention most of these deaths, people have already died or been injured after being given the vaccine…

New Study provides more evidence the Covid-19 Vaccines cause Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
A new study published on Researchgate provides further proof that the Covid-19 injections cause recipients to develop crippling Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, because it shows the unvaccinated have the lowest rate of developing serious disease due to Covid-19.

All Day Long
This marketing shift turned out to be incredibly lucrative for Big Pharma, but its effects on public health — and individual health — are highly questionable, as the ads continue to drive consumers to request drugs from their doctors, whether they need them or not.

North Korea reports outbreak of unidentified disease alongside COVID-19
South Korean officials have said that the disease, only referred to be North Korea as an “acute enteric epidemic” is likely to be either cholera or typhoid.

Fifth Largest Life Insurance Company in US Paid Out 163% More for Deaths of Working People ages 18-64 in 2021 After COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates
Five months after breaking the story of the CEO of One America insurance company saying deaths among working people ages 18-64 were up 40% in the third quarter of 2021, I can report that a much larger life insurance company, Lincoln National, reported a 163% increase in death benefits paid out under its group life insurance policies in 2021.


Is Covid 19 responsible for an outbreak of hepatitis in UK children
Last week, hundreds of experts in liver health gathered for the World Hepatitis Summit, and one topic dominated the agenda: the mysterious outbreak of hepatitis in children which has gradually spread across 34 countries – including the UK.

Your Government is trying to kill you & Depopulate the planet; Official Government Reports, Confidential Pfizer Documents & the Cost of Living Crisis prove it
…Many people would most likely disregard the above claims as “tinfoil hat nonsense”. But unfortunately, official Government data, confidential Pfizer documents, and real-world events such as the current cost of living crisis, the alleged impending climate change disaster, the Covid-19 pandemic, and the ongoing development of Artificial Intelligence, strongly suggest that there exists an agenda to depopulate the world, and your Government is, in essence, attempting to kill you.

China using bogus covid tests as excuse to freeze billions in deposits, lock residents out of bank accounts 
As punishment for trying to protest, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is freezing people’s bank accounts under the guise that they magically tested “positive” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).

Experts and Republicans Call Out The CDC For Approving The COVID Jab For America’s Youngest Children, Citing A Lack Of ‘Efficacy Data’
Experts are beginning to call out the CDC’s approval of Pfizer and Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccine for babies as young as six months, questioning the lack of proven data for the age group.

Fauci admits there’s no data showing benefit of COVID boosters for children
A day before the FDA approved booster shots against COVID for children between the ages of 5 and 12, NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci admitted to a Senate committee that there exist no data indicating that rates of hospitalization or death from COVID are lower in a child who has received a third vaccine dose.

FDA approve COVID Vaccine for 6-month-old Babies despite Data proving Vaccinated Children are 30,200%/303x more likely to die than Unvaccinated Children
The U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has questionably authorised emergency use of both the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA Covid-19 injections for use among children aged 6 months and above despite data from the UK’s Office for National Statistics revealing that children are 82 to 303x more likely to die following Covid-19 vaccination than children who have not had the Covid-19 vaccine.

FDA “approves” COVID Vaccine for 6-month-old Babies despite 179K deaths within 60 Days of Vaccination in England alone 
The U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has questionably authorised emergency use of both the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA Covid-19 injections for use among children aged 6 months and above despite the UK’s Office for National Statistics revealing that between January 2021 and March 2022 a total of 69,466 people died within 28 days of Covid-19 vaccination, and a further 109,408 people died within 60 days of vaccination in England.

FDA “approves” COVID Vaccine for 6-month-old Babies despite Deaths among Children increasing by 53% in 2021 following Covid-19 Vaccination 
The U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has questionably authorised emergency use of both the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA Covid-19 injections for use among children aged 6 months and above despite an investigation of UK Office for National Statistics data revealing that since the Covid-19 vaccine began to be rolled-out to teenagers there was a 53% rise in the number of deaths due to all-causes among males aged 15-19 in 2021.

FDA “approves” COVID Vaccine for 6-month-old Babies despite Study finding persistent Heart Abnormalities among COVID Vaccinated Children 
The U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has questionably authorised emergency use of both the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA Covid-19 injections for use among children aged 6 months and above despite a study conducted at the Seattle Children’s Hospital finding COVID vaccinated children are suffering persistent heart abnormalities.

VAX 2.0 – Moderna Announces That Human Trials Of New Hybrid Flu And COVID Messenger RNA Vaccine Are Officially Underway For Rollout In Late 2023 
Lol, so you thought that all this was going to just ‘go away’, right? That’s soooo funny, after having established that yes, the world will indeed line up to receive the government injection, the New World Order has the Willy Wonka Golden Ticket of end times shenanigans. Messenger RNA is here to stay, and it’s going to start popping up everywhere you look. Should you be afraid of the messenger? Absolutely, unless of course you like having your genes edited by messenger RNA.

WARNING: Discussions I had secretly with FDA, NIH, CDC, Moderna & Pfizer official (s) July/Aug 2020 told me that they feared these COVID injections can & WILL kill healthy children; will KILL our kids
I start by stating again, no healthy child in the US, or Germany, Sweden etc. have died of COVID post COVID infection. Not one!

Pfizer trial data for children under 5 shows covid “vaccines” to be just THREE PERCENT effective at best (and this was probably just a margin of error, making the effectiveness ZERO) 
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and its bed buddy Pfizer are claiming that the latter’s new Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” for young children under five is 80 percent effective. It turns out, however, that the true figure is just 3 percent.

Data From a New Study Shows Falling Sperm Counts Post-Covid Injection – It’s Devastating
On Friday, the journal Andrology published a peer-reviewed paper showing large decreases in sperm counts among men after the second dose of Pfizer’s mRNA Covid jab.

Covid vaccine temporarily impairs ability of sperm to swim, Israeli study reveals
Concerns have been raised regarding the detrimental impact of COVID-19 vaccinations on male fertility. A retrospective study of 220 sperm samples provided by 37 donors at three Israeli sperm banks that provided 220 samples has found that sperm concentration was reduced during the three months after donors were vaccinated …

Health Ministry’s push for 5-11 year-olds to get Covid booster: A total failure
A recommendation by the Health Ministry to give children aged 5-11 a covid booster seems to have fallen on deaf ears with “demand close to zero” reports the state-run Kann news network. Less than 300 children got the booster since the recommendation was publicized last week compared to 200,000 children who received the first two inoculations according to the report. The report added that the Health Ministry isn’t concerned by the results since it doesn’t have any impact on preventing an alleged sixth wave of covid the report added.

Aviation Industry Calls Out ‘HOSTILE’ Environment Vaccine-Injured Pilots Must Endure
MAY 31: Two pilots walk through the United Airlines terminal at O’Hare International Airport May 31, 2005 in Chicago, Illinois. Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association mechanics union, representing 7,000 members, has accepted a new five-year contract and the 20,000 strong International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers has agreed “in principle” to a new contract with United Airlines. The machinists’ union represents customer service personnel, ramp workers and baggage handlers.

Canadian pastor says health officials offered church $50,000 to push vaccines
A senior Canadian Christian pastor alleged that public health officials offered his church $50,000 if they agreed to promote “vaccine confidence” to parishioners.

World Health Organization Study concludes risk of suffering Serious Injury due to COVID Vaccination is 339% higher than risk of being hospitalised with COVID-19
A new study endorsed by the World Health Organization has found that the risks of mRNA Covid-19 vaccination heavily outweigh the benefits, with scientists discovering a person is on average 339% more likely to suffer a serious adverse event such as cardiac arrest, stroke, or death due to the Pfizer Covid-19 injection than they are to be hospitalised with Covid-19.

NHS to Target Unvaccinated Children After Poliovirus Discovery in London
After finding vaccine-derived poliovirus in London sewer samples, the NHS plans to contact parents of unvaccinated children.

U.S. Life Insurance Company suffers 176% increase in payouts for Deaths among Young Adults in 2021 compared to 2019/2020 Average
The fifth largest life insurance company in the USA has confirmed it paid out $1.4billion in 2021 due to non-Covid related deaths among 18 to 64-year-olds. The amount represents a 176% increase since the Covid-19 injections were rolled out on the average payout for deaths over 2019 and 2020.

Face Masks Laced with Graphene Pose a Health Risk 
Some face mask manufacturers added graphene coatings to their face masks to “inactivate the virus.”  These face masks were worn by millions as dictated by governments and health officials to stop the spread of Covid, or so they said.

The CDC says “severe reactions” to the COVID vaccines are rare. That’s not what we found
A new poll of Americans shows that 1% of people who get the jab (2M Americans over 18) are so seriously COVID vaccine injured that they are unable to hold a job.

UK Compensates Covid ‘Vaccine’ Victims
The British government officially acknowledges that vaccinations can cause severe disability and death.

Experts question CDC’s approval of COVID vaccines for under-5s 
In the wake of the CDC’s approval of Pfizer and Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccine for babies as young as six months, at least one expert has questioned the move.

Australia Is The Only Democratic Nation That Tracks Its Citizens By Their ‘Faceprint’ For COVID Containment Procedures, But That’s About To Change 
Let me introduce you to a term that is about to become ‘all the rage’, your faceprint, and it soon will replace your fingerprint as the primary means of identification. In Australia, a tech company called Genvis has struck it rich by supplying the government there with faceprint tools to track their citizens who have COVID. This has worked so wonderfully well during the pandemic that now this draconian technology is being rolled out to all citizens who want access to any government services.

Sudden Adult [Vaccine] Death Syndrome: Excess Deaths in Australia are up 18% since the start of 2022 but only 6% of all deaths have been attributed to COVID-19
Australian Bureau of Statistics has revealed that Australia has been suffering a huge amount of excess deaths compared to the historical average since around October 2021, with figures revealing the number of Australians who have lost their lives in 2022 is 18% higher than the historical average.

Pfizer CEO calls for annual COVID vaccine to achieve greater ‘compliance’ 
Pfizer’s CEO Albert Bourla has said he is working on the creation of a new vaccine against COVID-19 that could be taken annually in order for people to become more “compliant” in taking COVID vaccines.

New Study & Pfizer Documents prove Covid-19 Vaccination is going to cause mass Depopulation through Infertility & Death 
A mountain of evidence found in the confidential Pfizer documents that the U.S. Food & Drug Administration has been forced to publish by court order proves that Covid-19 vaccination is going to lead to depopulation through its effect on fertility in women, its contribution to pregnancy loss, and the harm it causes to newborn babies, sadly leading to premature death.

Top 7 SCARIEST COVID-19 post-vaccine “adverse events” that are becoming more common, even though the vaccine industrial complex and MSM won’t cover them at all 
The CDC and MSM call it “vaccine hesitancy” but it’s more about “vaccine science” that shows the COVID-19 gene-mutation jabs are experimental, dangerous and ineffective.

Canada: FOI Shows More Covid Injections Cause More Hospitalisations and More Deaths 
A response to a request under Freedom of Information (“FoI”) showed that Covid-19 injectable product use has a dose-response: more doses = more cases = more hospitalisations = more deaths.

Never Forget: April 2020 Study Found That Most New York Covid Patients on Ventilators Died While Fauci and Cuomo Pushed for More Ventilators
A study of Covid patients hospitalised between 1 March 2020 and 4 April 2020 was conducted at facilities overseen by Northwell Health, New York State’s largest health system. Among the 2,634 patients whose outcomes were known, the overall death rate was 21%, but it rose to 88% for those who received mechanical ventilation.  Simply put, most patients died after being placed on a mechanical ventilator.

CDC Caught Using False Data To Recommend Kids’ COVID Vaccine 
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showcased highly misleading data about the risk of COVID-19 to kids when its expert vaccine advisers voted to recommend vaccines for children under five years old.

Latest survey shows the COVID vaccines are a disaster: ~750,000 dead in US
In US, ~5M people who got the vaccine are now unable to work and ~750,000 are dead. The rate of heart issues is 6.6%, far more than they claimed. No wonder our government isn’t doing these surveys!
“Criminal! Criminal! Criminal!” – Angry Protesters Greet Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla at Award Ceremony in Israel (VIDEO)
Isaac Herzog, the President of Israel, presented the Genesis Prize, also known as the “Jewish Nobel” to Pfizer’s CEO Dr. Albert Bourla, at a ceremony in Jerusalem, Israel on Wednesday night.

Biden Admin Agrees To Spend $3.2 Billion On Pfizer Vaccines
The Biden administration’s health officials announced they are planning to spend $3.2 billion on 105 million doses of Pfizer’s two-dose, mRNA vaccine.

COVID jabs are all but guaranteeing the virus will be around forever 
If our immune response is subverted and damaged by these COVID injections, as they have been with repeat boosting, then we run the risk of this pandemic going on for 100 years with infectious variant after infectious variant, and potentially a lethal virulent one that could devastate humanity.

BOMBSHELL: Video Emerges Where Fauci and Others Planned for a “Universal mRNA Flu Vaccine” Which Became the “COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine” Because People were not Afraid Enough of the Flu Virus
…In this short clip, which was extracted from the hour-long panel discussion, Anthony Fauci explains that bringing a new, untested kind of vaccine like an mRNA vaccine, would take at least a decade (“if everything goes perfectly”) to go through proper trials and be approved by the FDA.

MRSA Strain Associated with Pigs Adapts to Humans
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) clonal-complex (CC) 398 is the dominant MRSA in European livestock and a growing cause of human infections. CC398 has maintained its antibiotic resistance over decades in pigs and other livestock. And, it is capable of rapidly adapting to human hosts while maintaining this antibiotic resistance.

Mass hypnosis: why can’t people see through the COVID deception?
Despite the statistics and mathematical models dramatically overrating the risk of the virus, and the obvious side effects of the vaccine, many are not capable of seeing it. The most salient characteristic of this psychological trend is that it makes people radically blind to everything that goes against the narrative in which they believe.

Depopulation taking place under our eyes! Birth reduction in Taiwan: -23.34%, in UK: -8%, in Germany: -13%… And we all know what’s causing it
We all know what caused this, and no, covid infections is not among that.

The post-vaccine WIPEOUT of children’s immune systems has arrived
New South Wales (NSW), Australia, has seen a nearly 10-fold increase in recent weeks of so-called “pandemic babies” who are having to be rushed to the hospital for intensive care treatment.

Hungarian MP Links Drastic Fall in Birth Rates to Mass ‘Vaccinations’ Against Covid 
The number of births in Hungary decreased this year by 20 percent compared to the same period of the previous year.

Fauci says he got sicker after taking Pfizer drug for COVID
Biden and Dr. Anthony Fauci have touted the Pfizer drug Paxlovid as an effective treatment for COVID-19. But Fauci,
said Tuesday he experienced a rebound of COVID symptoms after he was treated with the drug … .

74.2 million people in the USA have not had a single dose of a Covid-19 Vaccine, & another 157 million have refused a 2nd or 3rd dose according to CDC 
The American people have seen right through President Biden’s propaganda and lies on the effectiveness of the Covid-19 injections because according to CDC data, 70% of the entire population of the USA have not had either a first, second or third dose of the Covid-19 vaccine.

COVID Vaccination significantly increases the risk of Death and kills hundreds of thousands after five months according to UK Gov. Report
New figures published by the UK’s Office for National Statistics reveal the Covid-19 vaccinated population are much more likely to die of any cause than the unvaccinated population in England among all age groups.

Doctor verifies VAERS data showing COVID-19 vaccines increase dangers to women’s reproductive health 
A board-certified obstetrics and gynecology physician verified the recent Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) data showing the increased dangers posed by the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines to women’s reproductive health.

Fully Vaccinated account for 4 in every 5 COVID Deaths in Canada since February 
The Government of Canada has confirmed that the vaccinated population account for 4 in every 5 Covid-19 deaths to have occurred across the country since the middle of February 2022, and 70% of those deaths have been among the triple vaccinated population.

Canada’s Health Minister: “You Will Never Be Fully-Vaxxed”
This is the new ‘right way’ to think about vaccinations. Canadians will be required to get a Covid shot every nine months for the foreseeable future, says Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos. Previous definitions of “fully vaccinated” made no sense, he told reporters. Reeling with numerous scandals, corruption and gaffes, Justin Trudeau holds power solely through the merger of his party with the Canada’s Socialist NDP, headed by millionaire Jagmeet Singh.

Young people should avoid COVID vaccine like the plague’
Turning to the use of the Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA vaccines in Israel, Feiglin said that while the initial program offering the vaccines to the elderly “made sense”, using the vaccines on young children is a “heinous act”. “I did not get vaccinated against the coronavirus. I think that in the first stage, when Netanyahu brough the injections to save the lives of people at high risk it made sense. But the expansion by the Health Ministry, to obligate young children [to get vaccinated] was a heinous act. Young people, and definitely children, need to avoid this thing like the plague.”


One Day After White House Signs $3.2 Billion Pfizer Deal, FDA Says Fall COVID Boosters Must Target Omicron Subvariants 
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advised COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers on June 30 that any modifications to booster shots for fall will need to target Omicron subvariants BA.4 and BA.5, which account for more than half of new virus cases in the U.S.

UK Gov. refused to publish further COVID data once it showed the Triple Vaccinated were developing AIDS & Double Vaccinated were suffering ADE
The UK Health Security Agency refused to publish any further data on Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths by vaccination status back in April 2022 because previous figures showed that the triple vaccinated population were on the verge of developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, and the double vaccinated were suffering Antibody-Dependent Enhancement.

Vaccine Mandates Were Predicated on “Hope” Rather Than Science, Admits Deborah Birx.
ormer White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx revealed that the federal government was relying on “hope” that COVID-19 vaccines would prevent infection when officials publicly stated that Americans who received the jab would become immune to the virus.

More COVID Shots: US To Procure “Adapted” COVID-19 “Vaccines” 
The ruling class of the United States is not giving up on injecting as many humans as possible with the COVID-19 mRNA “vaccines.” Now, those who rule want to procure shots that are “adapted” to Omicron subvariants, as a way to coerce more to get injected.

Pfizer Ordered by Uruguayan Judge to Report Composition of Covid-19 Vaccines Including Any Presence of “Graphene Oxide” or “Nanotechnological Elements”
According to a recent ruling by an Uruguayan judge, the government and the pharmaceutical company Pfizer must provide all the information they have on the COVID vaccine’s biochemical composition, including any evidence of “graphene oxide” or “nanotechnological elements,” as well as proof of the vaccine’s efficacy and safety.

Facebook’s Audit Director AND Marketing Leads Are Former Pfizer Directors
Facebook – a platform that routinely censors posts critical of COVID-19 vaccines – has hired several alumni from Pfizer’s marketing and internal audit teams to lead similar efforts at the social media platform, The National Pulse can reveal.