Prophecy Coming Together- July 28, 2014


Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436


freeFREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates. The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 9, 2014 Edition written by Frank DiMora.



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caution-signI must also caution you: there are links used to report events below that you should use extreme caution in viewing- they are anti-Israel sites and Arabic media sites.

Frank's Psalm 83Cooltextprophecysign“Do not keep silent, O God! Do not hold Your peace, And do not be still, O God! For behold, Your enemies make a tumult; And those who hate You have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, And consulted together against Your sheltered ones. They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.”

Listed below are the nations which will attack Israel from Ezekiel chapter 38 and their modern day names (see chart above). 

Gog is the leader of the Russian invasion of Israel.

Magog, Meshech, and Tubal comprise modern day Russia.

Persia is Iran, parts of northern Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Cush is Ethiopia and Sudan.

Put is Libya and will most likely include Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco.

Gomer is Eastern Germany.

Beth Togarmah is Turkey and Armenia.




***** I needed to put this Iran video at the top because

we have had reports that it automatically plays and

I don’t want you to wonder what you’re hearing


Headline:   Iran General: We Will Hunt Down Israelis House To House

The deputy commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards vowed revenge against Israel for its ongoing military incursion into Gaza, which has already killed hundreds of Palestinians and dozens of Israelis. “You [people of Israel] are trees without any roots which were planted in the Islamic lands by the British,” Brig. Gen. Hossein Salami said at this week’s Friday prayer sermon in Tehran

July 27, 2014



Jerusalem Imam: Egypt Should Annex Gaza, Lead Arab Armies in Annihilating the Jews

Friday sermon Ras Al-Amud East Jerusalem Sheik Nidhal Siam 7-18




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HamasThe Covenant Of The Islamic Resistance Movement – Hamas in English

Headline: Somalian jihadist group Al-Shabab calls for attacks on Jewish targets worldwide

An Al-Shabab Al-Mujahideen spokesman delivered a sermon in a Barawa mosque in Somalia on Sunday calling upon Muslims to attack Jewish targets everywhere, according to a report provided exclusively to The Jerusalem Post by the Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor of MEMRI (the Middle East Media Research Institute). Speaking about the conflict in Gaza, Al-Shabab spokesman Ali Dhere said all of the “nations of unbelief” participated in the “aggression against Gaza,” mentioning specifically “the Americans who stood by the Jews in their aggression against the Muslims in Gaza.” Al-Shabab’s news agency Al-Shahada reported the sermon in which Dhere blamed Egypt for locking its borders with Gaza. He also blamed the United Nations for “protecting global unbelief” and for making do with “standing by as witnesses and condemning the crimes committed by the Jews in Gaza.” Dhere called upon Muslims to stand up and take revenge for their Muslim brothers in Gaza, saying: “The Jews are spread out throughout the world, and the Jews’ properties are spread everywhere. In light of this, the Muslims must attack the Jews and their properties in every place, and they must pray for their brothers in Gaza.”
July 28, 2014  

Headline: Hamas spokesman: Israel has reached only a fraction of our tunnels

Israel has reached “only a fraction” of Hamas’s tunnels,  Mushir al-Masri , a spokesman for the organization stated in an interview translated by MEMRI and made public on Monday. “We are convinced that our people are on the brink of liberation,” Masri said. He continued by saying, “The Zionist enemy declared its ground war to destroy the tunnels but [we], the thousands of mujahideen from the al-Kassam Brigades (Hamas military wing) who dug these tunnels with their fingernails say that the Zionist enemy has reached only a fraction of these tunnels – [and we] will dig many more God willing.” Regarding the heavy toll inflicted on Hamas and the Gaza Strip so far by the fighting, Masri claimed, “Even while the battle is being waged, the resistance is recuperating its military losses.”

July 28, 2014 

Headline: U.S.-Israeli Tensions Rise Over Gaza Conflict

Headline: US officials warn Kerry criticism could jeopardize Israel ties

Israel sees no need for another Gaza ceasefire, an Israeli official was quoted as saying on Monday, as tensions between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government and Washington flared over U.S. mediation to end the almost three-week-old war. U.S. President Barack Obama, phoning Netanyahu on Sunday, put pressure on Israel to hold fire unconditionally and appeared to link its core demand for Hamas to be stripped of cross-border rockets and infiltration tunnels to a peace accord with the Palestinians that is nowhere on the diplomatic horizon. Israel did not immediately respond nor publish what, if anything, was decided at the overnight security cabinet session. But Israel Radio quoted an unidentified government official as saying: “There is no need for any more ceasefires. Let Hamas stop firing first.”
July 28, 2014


Headline: UN chief reinforces call for Gaza cease-fire

Headline: Gaza fighting flares, Netanyahu and U.N. chief spar on truce terms

Headline: Israeli right-wing MKs slam Obama’s call for immediate truce Headline: Leading diplomats agree to increase pressure to reach ceasefire in Gaza

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon reinforced the Security Council’s call for “an immediate and unconditional humanitarian cease-fire” in the Gaza war on Monday and demanded that Israel and Hamas end the violence “in the name of humanity.” The U.N. chief accused Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal of being irresponsible and “morally wrong” for letting their people get killed in the conflict. He urged them to demonstrate “political will” and “compassionate leadership” to end the suffering of war-weary citizens. The secretary-general said he had a long talk with Netanyahu on Monday morning and urged the Israeli leader to accept a cease-fire, and then address the root causes of the conflict. He said he has been in indirect contact with Mashaal through Qatar and Turkey which have good relations with Hamas, the Palestinian faction that controls Gaza. Israeli forces said they were firing only when fired upon while army engineers hunted infiltrator tunnels from the Gaza Strip’s eastern frontier. They accused Palestinians of firing 17 rockets across the border, causing no casualties.
July 28, 2014,7340,L-4551302,00.html 

Headline: A short while ago, terrorists in Gaza fired rockets aimed at Israel. One of them hit Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza. The other hit Al-Shati refugee camp. More than 200 rockets fired from Gaza have hit Gaza since July 8.
July 28, 2014 

Headline: 4 killed, at least 6 wounded after mortar fire on Eshkol

Headline: IDF confirms 4 mortar fatalities are soldiers

Headline: IDF Begins Shelling All Along Eastern Gaza City

Headline: Phone calls & SMSes were sent to Shuja’iya, Zeitoun & eastern Jabalia

Calls warned residents to evacuate immediately to central Gaza City. 7:28 pm Israel time IDF artillery began shelling targets all along the eastern border of Gaza City, Channel 2 reported Monday evening after 8 p.m. Earlier , the IDF sent messages to thousands of Palestinian Arabs living in the region to flee, shortly after a mortar shell killed at least four people in Israel.
July 28, 2014,7340,L-4551101,00.html 

Headline: IDF shoots, kills 4 terrorists who infiltrated Israel

Headline: Hamas: Infiltration in Sha’ar HaNegev was attempt to kidnap soldier

Four terrorists infiltrated Israel from the Gaza Strip on Monday evening, likely through a tunnel, and were shot and killed by IDF troops. The IDF was still searching the area for possible additional terrorists, and was firing heavy artillery fire at the area in the Strip from which the terrorists came. Earlier, the state of alert has been raised in the Sha’ar HaNegev Regional Council and residents were asked to stay in their homes.
July 28, 2014,7340,L-4551343,00.html,7340,L-4551436,00.html  

Headline: Israel army on alert on Syria, Lebanon border

The move was taken over the possibility of an escalation in the region on the eve of Eid al-Fitr in the light of the ongoing military onslaught in the Gaza Strip
July 27, 2014

Headline:  Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to a Saudi newspaper: “I refused to attend the Paris summit because Cairo wasn’t invited.” According to Abbas, the Egyptian proposal is the only cease-fire proposal on the table and thus Egypt needed to attend. Abbas, who is currently visiting Saudi Arabia, met with King Abdullah, and said that the king agreed to transfer $500 million to the Gaza Strip.

commentFor those interested, since July 13th $ 699,054,000. Has been sent to Gaza that we know about

July 28, 2014 

Headline: Australian Government Provides $5 Million in Urgent Humanitarian Assistance to Gaza

The Australian Government provided Monday $5 million in urgent humanitarian assistance to Gaza, said the Australian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a media release.  The government expressed its deep concerns over “the continuing conflict between Israel and militant groups in Gaza, the growing number of casualties and the deteriorating humanitarian situation.”  It said: “Many Palestinian civilians have lost their lives along with a number of Israeli soldiers and civilians. Large numbers of people have been displaced from their homes, buildings and essential services damaged, and livelihoods jeopardized.”  “To respond to growing needs, the Australian Government is providing $5 million in urgent humanitarian assistance to Gaza.  This will be delivered through our established development partners in Gaza: the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), World Vision and APHEDA,” stated the release.
July 28, 2014


Headline:  Abbas to head ‘joint team’ for Gaza ceasefire talks

Headline: Abbas: ‘Egyptian offer meets Palestinian requirements’

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is to head a team including Hamas and Islamic Jihad representatives for talks in Cairo on sealing a Gaza ceasefire between the Islamist movement and Israel, an official said Monday. “The aim is to examine with Egyptian leaders how to meet Palestinian demands and put an end to the aggression and protect the Palestinians,” said the source, declining to be named or to give a date for the mission.
July 28, 2014,7340,L-4551301,00.htm


comment Here’s some contradiction for you

Headline:  Hamas: Refusal of humanitarian truce during Eid al-Fitr is disrespectful to Muslims

Headline:  Islamic Jihad: Palestinian factions united against ceasefireZiad Nakhleh, the deputy to Islamic Jihad’s leader, clarified that there is complete agreement amongst the Palestinian factions that there would be no ceasefire without a lifting of the blockade on Gaza.
July 28, 2014,7340,L-4550951,00.html,7340,L-4551201,00.html 

Headline: Hamas threatening journalists in Gaza who expose abuse of civilians

Several Western journalists currently working in Gaza have been harassed and threatened by Hamas for documenting cases of the terrorist group’s involvement of civilians in warfare against Israel, Israeli officials said, expressing outrage that some in the international media apparently allow themselves to be intimidated and do not report on such incidents. The Times of Israel confirmed several incidents in which journalists were questioned and threatened. These included cases involving photographers who had taken pictures of Hamas operatives in compromising circumstances — gunmen preparing to shoot rockets from within civilian structures, and/or fighting in civilian clothing — and who were then approached by Hamas men, bullied and had their equipment taken away. Another case involving a French reporter was initially reported by the journalist involved, but the account was subsequently removed from the Internet.
July 28, 2014

Headline: Riots, Rock Throwing Continue Throughout CountryHeadline: Masked rioters throw rocks, Molotov cocktails at police in Jerusalem

As Hamas continued firing rockets at Israel, there were numerous incidents of rock throwing by Arabs throughout the country. Arabs threw rocks at Israeli drivers on several of the country’s main roads, including Road 2, the coastal highway. Arabs from the village of Jizr a-Zarka, located next to the highway, threw stones from a bridge over the highway at passing vehicles. No one was injured in the attacks. Two residents of the village were arrested. On Sunday night, Jerusalem police arrested 22 rioters from the village of Azariya who threw rocks at police, as forces attempted to quell a melee in which dozens of Arab residents faced off against them. The rioters were held overnight Sunday for questioning. According to a spokesperson for an Azariya community group, 375 Arab rioters have been arrested so far in July, with 135 of them indicted on various charges. A riot in Yatta, in the southern Hevron Hills, left three Arab rioters injured when they attacked IDF troops. Three other rioters were arrested. Meanwhile, tens of thousands of Arabs demonstrated on the Temple Mount Monday against the IDF’s operation in Gaza. The crowd, estimated at 45,000, shouted anti-Israel slogans, demanding that Hamas kidnap more soldiers, and swearing that they would “shed their blood for Gaza.”
July 28, 2014,7340,L-4551349,00.html

Headline: 45,000 rally for Gaza at Jerusalem Eid prayers

Tens of thousands of Palestinians rallied in support of war-torn Gaza Monday as they gathered to pray at Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque at the start of the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Fitr. Police put the number of worshippers at 45,000 people, with an AFP correspondent saying many were dressed in black t-shirts emblazoned with slogans reading “Gaza, supporting you is our Eid” and “We are all Gaza.” Others wore T-shirts proclaiming support for Hamas’s armed wing, the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, which has been locked in a 21-day confrontation with Israeli troops in Gaza. The conflict has so far claimed 1,036 lives in Gaza and 46 in Israel. Among the crowds was a young child on someone’s shoulders holding up a plastic gun. “Kidnap more soldiers!” they chanted. “Our blood for Gaza.” Police distanced themselves from the crowd which soon dispersed without incident, the correspondent said.
July 28, 2014


Headline:  Thousands Protest Against ‘Gaza Genocide’ in Rotterdam

Headline:  Swastikas, word ‘Hamas’ spray painted on Florida synagogue

Thousands of people protested in the Dutch port city of Rotterdam on Sunday against what some labelled Israel’s “genocide in Gaza”, AFP reported, citing local media. State broadcaster NOS said as many as 10,000 people took part in the demonstration against Israel’s defensive operation in Gaza, with marchers waving posters reading: “Free Palestine” and “No Dutch support for Palestinian genocide”.
July 28, 2014,7340,L-4551352,00.html

Headline: Talk of feared new Holocaust at Knesset meeting on European anti-Semitism

Headline: Global solidarity with Gazans growing

The room was packed to capacity at the Knesset on Monday for an emergency meeting on the “rising wave of violent anti-Semitic and anti-Israel demonstrations sweeping Europe,” with MKs and Diaspora Jewish leaders offering testimony and issuing condemnations. The meeting, chaired by MK Yoel Razvozov, saw representatives of Jewish communities and diplomats from countries including France, Greece, Hungary, Belgium, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Denmark, Austria, Germany and Italy speaking at a session which went well overtime but ended inconclusively. Vladimir Sloutzker, head of the Israeli-Jewish Congress, said starkly, “Never before since the Holocaust have we seen such a situation as today. We are potentially looking at the beginning of another Holocaust now.” “These events will only grow in scale across Europe,” he warned. Hebrew University Prof. Robert Wistrich said “There is no longer a facade of anti-Zionist expressions not being anti-Semitic. You just need to hear the rhetoric to believe. We need a much deeper discussion; we’re just at the outer layer of the problem.”
July 28, 2014

Headline:  ALL ABOUT THE 2ND FREEDOM FLOTILLA- see also Turkey below

15 ships will depart on the last week of June, added that “we are not increasing the number of ships, because there will be other flotillas. The big project I was talking about earlier is a big surprise apart from this. with support and contribution from all around the world and together with 22 non-governmental organisations, we will contribute to a freer world. Please do not overestimate this flotilla. This flotilla is only a small part of this process. We have bigger projects. We suggeset Israel be smarter. If you have a little bit of consideration, you allow this flotilla to its destination. Do not touch this flotilla; let it go to Gaza. If you interfere again, we will make news out of it by remaining on the open sea for days. Streets would be full of demonstrations against Israel. If you touch these ships, lovers of freedom will fill the streets again and opposition against Israel will increase.


Headline: Two rockets fired from Lebanon apparently fail to reach Israel

Terrorists in Lebanon apparently attempted to target Israel with two rockets that failed to breach the border, landing inside Lebanese territory on Monday night, Channel 2 reported. No injuries or damage were reported on the Israeli side, although rocket alert sirens were activated in communities in the Upper Galilee region, warning of a possible attack.
July 28, 2014


Headline:    Qabbani calls for jihad to liberate Palestine

Grand Mufti Mohammad Rashid Qabbani used his Eid al-Fitr sermon to call for “jihad” to liberate “Palestine’s sacred land from Jewish foreign occupation.” Jihad “is the duty of each and every one of you no matter how much sacrifices are made,” he said, while deploring Arab weakness and apathy in confronting the ongoing Israeli offensive on Gaza.
July 28, 2014

Saudi-ArabiaSaudi Arabia

Headline:  Saudis deploy 2,000 troops, three helicopter squadrons near Iraq

Headline:  Iraq’s Shiite-dominated government accuses Saudi Arabia of supporting the ISIS jihadis.

Headline:  At present, there is no credible evidence that the Saudi government is financially supporting ISIS

Saudi Arabia has sent attack helicopters and established a command and control center along the border with Iraq. Officials said the Defense Ministry and the National Guard Ministry were cooperating to bolster military deployment along the 800-kilometer border with Iraq. They said the two ministries oversaw the deployment of 2,000 soldiers as well as three helicopter squadrons to prevent infiltration by Al Qaida’s Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. “We are ready to protct the country,” Saudi Border Guard commander Gen. Faleh Al Subaie said.
July 27, 2014


Headline:   Egypt’s Mursi salutes Palestian ‘resistance’ in Gaza

Ousted Egyptian president Mohamed Mursi has praised the Palestinian “resistance” over the 21-day conflict with Israel in Gaza that has killed more than 1,030 people, mostly Palestinian civilians. The Islamist leader, overthrown last July by Egypt’s then army chief and now President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, is on trial on charges for which he faces the death penalty. “Our compass is set on supporting Palestine against the usurping occupier and we are with any resistance against any occupier,” Mursi said in a message posted on his official Facebook page late Sunday.
July 28, 2014

Headline:  Egypt slams ‘excessive’ Israeli force

Egypt condemns Israel for using what it said was “excessive force” against civilians in the Gaza Strip. It also urges Israel and Hamas to abide by the “humanitarian truce” proposed by Cairo and backed by the United Nations to end the 21-day conflict. “Egypt condemns the excessive use of force from the Israeli side against civilians” in the coastal enclave, the Foreign Ministry says in a statement.
July 28, 2014

Syria ISISDamascus


Headline:  ISIS Militants in Syria put victims’ heads on poles; hundreds killed daily

In some of the most gruesome images yet to emerge from the latest mass violence in Syria, videos show militants raising their victims’ severed heads on poles. The amateur videos emerged as a Syrian human rights group reported 1,600 deaths in just 10 days this month. The latest images come from an area taken over bythe militant terrorist group the Islamic State, which recently changed its name from the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, or ISIS. The group is known for killing dozens of people at a time and beheading some. The videos surfaced online along with news that Islamic State took over the Syrian army’s 17th Division headquarters, which was considered the Syrian regime’s last remaining military base in Reqqa.
July 28, 2014

Headline:  Jihadists make fresh Syria advance: NGO

ISLAMIC State jihadists, building on vast land grabs in Iraq, have seized an army position in the Syrian city of ­ Hasakeh , a monitoring group says. On another front in Syria’s complex civil war, rebels seeking President Bashar al-Assad’s ouster captured a weapons depot in Hama province, said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. In the central city of Homs, a car-bombing killed seven people, the Observatory and state media said. In Hasakeh in the northeast, “IS jihadists took over the army’s (base) at Maylabiyeh” after a three-day battle, said the Britain-based Observatory. On Twitter, supporters of Islamic State, which first emerged in Syria’s war last year, celebrated the army position’s “liberation” at the hands of the jihadists. The latest advance came a day after the Islamic State took over another army position, in Raqa province, killing at least 85 regime troops there, including 50 who were executed after their capture. Over the weekend the ­regime recaptured the Shaar gas field in Homs province in central Syria, where Islamic State killed 270 people while taking the site.
July 28, 2014

Amy's Psalm 83 for Frank


Headline:  Russia threatens to “End all Security Ties” with U.S and E.U.

Moscow has threatened to end security arrangements it has with the United States and the European Union should they impose additional sanctions as a result of what they claims is Russian “complicity” in aiding the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 by pro-Russian fighters in eastern Ukraine. In a strong statement, the Russian foreign ministry referred to the “slander” by White House press secretary Josh Ernest when he characterized as “Russian complicity” the downing of MH-17. “Judging by the relentless slander campaign against Russia organized by the American administration, they are being more and more guided by blatant lies when pursuing their foreign policy,” the foreign ministry said. The ministry said that intentions to extend the list of Russian officials and organizations affected by travel bans and the freezing of assets could bring an end to cooperation on such security issues as terrorism, weapons of mass destruction and organized crime.
July 27, 2014

Headline: Fighting intensifies near MH17 disaster site while police cancel visit over security concerns

Headline: Mayor of central Ukrainian city shot dead

Headline: Ukraine claims more territory as fight intensifies with rebels

Ukrainian armed forces mounted a major onslaught against pro-Russian separatist fighters Sunday in an attempt to gain control over the area where a Malaysia Airlines plane was downed earlier this month. Reports of the intensifying unrest in eastern Ukraine prompted a postponement of a trip to the site by a team of Dutch and Australian police officers who had planned to start searching for evidence and the remaining bodies. In the Netherlands, Prime Minister Mark Rutte said his government has rejected the idea of deploying armed troops to secure the crash site because there is no way they could achieve “military superiority” in a region where heavily armed pro-Russian rebels are battling Ukrainian government forces.
July 28, 2014


Syria ISIS


Headline: 15 execution victims found in Baghdad as Eid holiday begins

Iraqi police on Monday found the corpses of 15 people, including three women shot in the head in militia-style killings, a bloody start to the holiday marking the end of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan, security sources said. Fears have been growing of a relapse to the dark days of sectarian civil war which peaked in 2006-2007 since Sunni militants seized large swathes of the north last month, building on gains by comrades made in the west of Iraq. Iraq’s US-trained and funded army unraveled in the face of the lighting advance, and Shiite militias now rival government forces in their ability to confront the group formerly known as the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant.
July 28, 2014

Headline: Iraq army kills 17 in anti-jihadist raid

An Iraqi government raid on jihadist targets in a flashpoint town southwest of Baghdad killed 17 people on Monday, including at least three civilians, medical and tribal sources said. “Bombardment targeted the Fadhiyya district at 1:00 am,” Sheikh Mohammad al-Janabi, a tribal chief from Jurf al-Sakhr, a town 60 kilometres (40 miles) from Baghdad, told AFP. The army and allied Shiite militia, such as Asaib Ahl al-Haq, take up positions in the town during the day but often pull back at night, which allows insurgents to plant roadside bombs. The loss of Jurf al-Sakhr would threaten government control over one of only two main roads linking Baghdad to the southern Shiite heartland, including the holy cities of Karbala and Najaf. While ISIS fighters have so far been repulsed in their efforts to move closer to Baghdad, the kind of violence that plagued the capital long before the onslaught has continued. Car bombings, mostly targeting police checkpoints but also restaurants and shops, roadside bombs, “sticky bombs” concealed on parked vehicles and remotely detonated, assassinations and kidnappings occur almost daily.
July 28, 2014

Headline:   Islamic militants destroy historic mosque in Mosul

Militants from the Islamic State group blew up a mosque and shrine dating back to the 14th century in Mosul on Sunday, local residents said, the latest casualty in a week that has seen a half dozen of the Iraqi city’s most revered holy places destroyed. Mosul residents said the Prophet Jirjis Mosque and Shrine was bombed and destroyed by the radical jihadist group. They spoke anonymously to The Associated Press for fear of reprisal. The complex was built over the Quraysh cemetery in Mosul in the late 14th century, and included a small shrine dedicated to Nabi Jerjis, the Prophet George. Among the mosques destroyed in Mosul last week were the Mosque of the Prophet Sheeth (Seth) and the Mosque of the Prophet Younis, or Jonah, said to be the burial place of the Prophet Jonah, who in stories from both the Bible and Quran is swallowed by a whale. The militants claim that such mosques have become places for apostasy, not prayer.
July 28, 2014

Headline: China says may have citizens fighting in Iraq

Muslim extremists from China’s far western region of Xinjiang have gone to the Middle East for training and some may have crossed into Iraq to participate in the upsurge of violence there, China’s special envoy for the Middle East said on Monday. China has repeatedly expressed concern about the upsurge in violence in Iraq and the march of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), which has seized much of the north of the country as Baghdad’s forces there collapsed. ISIL has renamed itself the Islamic State and proclaimed the establishment of a caliphate on land it has captured in Syria and Iraq. “These extremists come from Islamic countries, Europe, North America and China. After being immersed in extremist ideas, when they return home they will pose a severe challenge and security risk to those countries,” added Wu, who has 40 years of diplomatic experience in the Middle East and speaks Arabic.
July 28, 2014


Headline:   Taliban Making Military Gains in Afghanistan

Taliban fighters are scoring early gains in several strategic areas near the capital this summer, inflicting heavy casualties and casting new doubt on the ability of Afghan forces to contain the insurgency as the United States moves to complete its withdrawal of combat troops, according to Afghan officials and local elders. The Taliban have found success beyond their traditional strongholds in the rural south and are now dominating territory near crucial highways and cities that surround Kabul, the capital, in strategic provinces like Kapisa and Nangarhar. Their advance has gone unreported because most American forces have left the field and officials in Kabul have largely refused to talk about it. The Afghan ministries have not released casualty statistics since an alarming rise in army and police deaths last year.
July 27, 2014


Headline:   Anger over ‘violent crackdown’ at protest in Ethiopia

A plan by the Ethiopian government to expand the capital’s administrative control into neighbouring states has sparked months of student protests. Security forces have been accused of cracking down on demonstrators in the region of Oromia. The government says 17 people died in the violence, but human rights groups say that number is much higher. The BBC’s Emmanuel Igunza has gained rare access to the town of Ambo where the protests took place.
July 28, 2014


Headline:  Sudan’s rebels to unify opposition forces

Headline:   Sudan denies providing rockets to Hamas, says Israel looking for scapegoat

The Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF, an alliance of the main rebel movements) will work towards unifying all opposition forces as a necessary measure to overthrow the regime, or reach a comprehensive peaceful solution to end war, and bring about democratic change in the country. The rebel alliance will make its utmost efforts to achieve “this vital mission within two months in order to allow Sudanese people make the necessary change”. In a statement released at the conclusion of an RSF leadership meeting held in Paris, 20-25 July, the SRF announced that it approved a plan to “unify forces of change through coordination, joint work, and continuous contacts with all forces interested in the unity of opposition”, Sudan Tribune said on Friday.
July 28, 2014


Headline:   Rocket ignites blaze near Tripoli airport, Libya in chaos

Headline:   Second Tripoli fuel depot ablaze in ‘very dangerous’ turn

At least 36 people were killed in Libya’s eastern city of Benghazi, many of them civilians, in clashes between Libyan Special Forces and Islamist militants on Saturday night and Sunday morning, medical and security sources said. Another 23 people, all Egyptian workers, were killed in the capital Tripoli when a rocket hit their home on Saturday during clashes between rival militias battling over the city’s main airport, the Egyptian state news agency reported. In the last two weeks, Libya has descended into its deadliest violence since the 2011 war that ousted Muammar Gaddafi, prompting the United States, the United Nations and Turkey to pull their diplomatic staff out of the North African country. With the central government unable to impose order, two rival militias are fighting in Tripoli, while army units are trying to push out Islamist militants who have set up camps on the outskirts of Benghazi.
July 28, 2014

Headline:   38 killed as Libyan forces battle militias in east

Heavy clashes between Libyan soldiers loyal to a renegade general and Islamist-led militias killed 38 people, health officials said Sunday, as fighting between rival militias around the capital’s international airport raged on and European nations warned their citizens to leave. Forces loyal to Gen. Khalifa Hifter battled militias in the eastern city of Benghazi in clashes that started Saturday and continued through early Sunday morning, a security official said. Commando forces regained control of four military camps captured by Islamist militias in the past few days, the official said. The fighting killed eight militia fighters, including the brother of an alleged leader of an al-Qaeda-inspired group, the official and a militia website statement said.
July 28, 2014


Headline:   Tunisia Defense Ministry says 2 soldiers killed, 6 wounded in new attack near Algeria border

The Tunisian Defense Ministry says a group of terrorists killed two soldiers in an ambush and wounded six others near the country’s border with Algeria. The incident Saturday came after 15 soldiers were killed July 17 in simultaneous attacks near the Algerian border at Mount Chaambi, where security forces have long been trying to root out Islamist extremists. Ministry spokesman Rachid Bouhoula said Saturday’s attack occurred in the Kef region to the north of Mount Chaambi. Radio Mosaique, usually well informed, said the soldiers were on patrol and killed in an ambush by some 40 attackers. The group that claimed responsibility for the Mount Chaambi attack, Okba Ibn Nafaa, believed linked to al-Qaida’s North African arm, threatened reprisals two days ago on Facebook after waves of arrests of suspected extremists.
July 26, 2014



Headline: Turkey gives permission to ‘Freedom Flotilla II’ for Gaza with Turkish Military Escort

As Turkey aims to send 17 tons of medical aid to Gaza, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu on Sunday said that, “If we have to we will establish an air bridge to Gaza.” Davutoglu said that 17 tons of medical aid were ready and available in Turkey and that negotiations were still ongoing in order to send them to Gaza.
July 28, 2014

Headline:   Erdogan says Turkey’s Jews should denounce Israel

Turkey will keep its Jewish citizens safe, but the Jewish community should denounce Israel, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan told a Turkish newspaper. “Jews in Turkey are our citizens. We are responsible for their security of life and property,” Erdogan told the Daily Sabah. He added: “I talked with our Jewish citizens’ leaders on Thursday and I stated that they should adopt a firm stance and release a statement against the Israeli government. I will contact them [Jewish leaders in Turkey] again, but whether or not they release a statement, we will never let Jewish people in Turkey get hurt.” He said, according to the newspaper, that the Jewish leaders in Turkey should criticize “Israeli aggression,” and that the Israeli government “abuses all Jewish people around the world for its fraudulent policies.”
July 28, 2014


Headline:   Iran’s President to Visit Armenia

Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani plans to pay an official visit to Armenia to discuss the latest developments on the regional and international scenes, and explore new avenues for the further promotion of Tehran-Yerevan ties, an Iranian diplomat said. “We are pursuing the issue, but due to the president’s busy schedule the time of the trip cannot be specified exactly. However, the trip will occur,” Iran’s Ambassador to Armenia Mohammad Raeisi said. Iran and Armenia have taken major strides toward promoting their bilateral relations over the recent years, particularly in the economic sector. According to Iran’s Commercial Attaché in Yerevan Hamaiak Avadis Yanes, the trade turnover between the two neighboring countries hit $293mln in 2013.
July 28, 2014

NOTE FROM FRANK 2I am moving Civil Unrest/Nation Against Nation to this area. Even though the countries listed below are NOT specifically named in prophecy, you will be seeing over-lap.

nation against nationCooltextprophecysignLuke 21:9 and Matthew 24:7 speak of nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom in the end times. Revelation 6:3-4 speaks of the fiery red horse given power to make men slay one another and Revelation 6:8 speaks again of this red horse in conjunction with the pale horse of Death and Hades, as the one that has the power to kill by sword.  Luke 21:9: wars & commotions; the Greek word here is Akatastasia, meaning instability, a state of disorder, disturbance, confusion (revolutions)   Matthew 24:7: the Greek word for nation is Ethnos & refers to various ethnic groups fighting among themselves, where the next sentence in the verse refers to kingdoms (basileiva) fighting one another (not to be confused with an actual kingdom but rather the right or authority to rule over a kingdom) I have tried to separate it into areas that sweep EAST from the point of North America.


Headline: Amnesty, work permits for 5 million could be ordered ‘within weeks’…

Headline: 77% want illegals sent home, 81% say it’s a serious issue

Even as President Obama grapples with the crisis of immigrant children arriving at the Southwest border, White House officials are laying the groundwork for a large-scale expansion of immigrant rights that would come by executive action within weeks. Officials signaled strongly Friday that Obama’s move would shield from deportation large numbers of immigrants living in the country illegally, as advocacy groups have demanded. Roughly 5 million of the estimated 11 million people who entered the country without legal authorization or overstayed their visas could be protected under a leading option the White House is considering, according to officials who discussed the proposals on condition of anonymity. Obama said last month that because Congress had failed to act on comprehensive immigration reform, he would take executive action to “fix as much of our immigration system as I can on my own.”
July 28, 2014

Headline: Boko Haram kidnaps wife of Cameroon’s deputy prime minister

Headline: Boko Haram chief voices support for ISIS, al-Qaeda

Boko Haram militants are believed to be responsible for the abduction of the wife of Cameroon’s deputy prime minister. On Sunday, gunmen attacked Deputy Prime Minister Ahmadou Ali’s house in the village of Kolofata across the border from Nigeria and Borno State, a Boko Haram stronghold. A resident of Kolofata, Idrissa Moussa, described the attack: “The sounds of gunfire woke the whole village and we later learned that the (deputy) prime minister’s wife was taken by the abductors, who killed some policemen in the gunfight.” The militants also abducted a local chief, Seiny Boukar Lamine, along with his wife and children. Boko Haram has increasingly attacked villages in neighboring Cameroon, raiding the villages and using them to launch attacks on Nigeria.
July 28, 2014

Headline: Pakistani mob burns homes of minority Muslims, kills 3 after allegations of blasphemous photo

Pakistani police say a mob has burned down several homes belonging to minority Ahmadi Muslims in the country’s east, killing a woman and her two granddaughters following rumors about blasphemous postings on Facebook. Police official Zeeshan Siddiqi says the rioting in the city of Gujranwala erupted late Sunday after claims that an Ahmadi had posted a blasphemous photo of the Kaaba — the cube-shaped structure in the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, that observant Muslims around the world face in prayer five times a day. The photo allegedly contained nudity. Siddiqi says the victims died of suffocation and that another woman miscarried during the riots and was in hospital. Like other Pakistani minorities such as Christians, Hindu and Sikhs, Ahmadis have long been targeted by Islamic extremists.
July 28, 2014

WarsAndRumorsOfWarsCooltextprophecysignWars & Rumors of WarsMatthew 24:6 , Revelation 6:3-4 & Revelation 6:8 “ And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.” Revelation 6:3-4 speaks of the fiery red horse given power to make men slay one another and Revelation 6:8 speaks again of this red horse in conjunction with the pale horse of Death and Hades, as the one that has the power to kill by sword. Weapons of Mass DestructionZechariah 14:12 “And this shall be the plague with which the Lord will strike all the people who fought against Jerusalem: Their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on their feet, Their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets, And their tongues shall dissolve in their mouths.”

Headline: N. Korea threatens nuclear strike on White House

A top-ranking North Korean military official has threatened a nuclear strike on the White House and Pentagon after accusing Washington of raising military tensions on the Korean peninsula. The threat came from Hwang Pyong-So, director of the military’s General Political Bureau, during a speech to a large military rally in Pyongyang Sunday on the anniversary of the armistice that ended the 1950-53 Korean War. Hwang, who holds the rank of vice marshal in the Korean People’s Army, said a recent series of South Korea-US military drills, one of which included the deployment of a nuclear-powered US aircraft carrier, had ramped up tensions. “If the US imperialists threaten our sovereignty and survival… our troops will fire our nuclear-armed rockets at the White House and the Pentagon — the sources of all evil,” Hwang said in his speech broadcast Monday on state television.
July 28, 2014

diseaseCooltextprophecysignPestilence & Plagues Luke 21:11 & Revelation 6:8 “And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.” (Luke) “So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death (Thanatos in Greek meaning the death of the body whether natural or violent), and by the beasts of the earth” (Revelation)

Headline: Ebola outbreak: Liberia shuts most border points

Most border crossings in Liberia have been closed and communities hit by an Ebola outbreak face quarantine to try to halt the spread of the virus. Screening centres are also being set up at the few major entry points that will remain open, such as the main airport. Meanwhile, Nigeria largest’s airline, Arik Air, has suspended all flights to Liberia and Sierra Leone after a man with Ebola flew to Nigeria last week. The virus has killed at least 660 people in West Africa since February. The outbreak began in southern Guinea and spread to Liberia and Sierra Leone. It is the world’s deadliest so far.
July 28, 2014

no_christians_imageCooltextprophecysignPersecution Matthew 24:9 & Revelation 6:9  “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake.” (Matthew) “When He opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held.” (Revelation)

Headline: China Moves Against 2 Churches in Campaign Against Christianity

In another sign of the authorities’ efforts to contain one of China’s fastest-growing religions, a government demolition campaign against public symbols of the Christian faith has toppled crosses at two more churches in the coastal province of Zhejiang, according to residents there. On Monday, public security officials in the city of Wenzhou used a crane and blowtorch to cut loose the red, 10-foot crucifix that had adorned the Longgang Township Gratitude Church, witnesses said. Unlike in previous confrontations between the police and parishioners that have unfolded in recent months, the congregants did not offer resistance. “We didn’t want to get in a fight with them, but obviously what they did was illegal,” said the Rev. Qu Linuo, a pastor from a nearby church, who was among the crowd of believers who held an overnight vigil before the police arrived. On Friday, congregants at the Wenling Church in the city of Taizhou faced off with as many as 4,000 police officers but ultimately failed to prevent the removal of two crosses from atop their building. One congregant said as many as 40 people were detained during the standoff.
July 28, 2014

scorching sunCooltextprophecysignScorching Sun Isaiah30:26 , Revelation 16:8-9 & Revelation 7:16 “Moreover the light of the moon will be as the light of the sun, And the light of the sun will be sevenfold, As the light of seven days, In the day that the Lord binds up the bruise of His people And heals the stroke of their wound.” (Isaiah 30:26) “Then the fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and power was given to him to scorch men with fire. And men were scorched with great heat, and they blasphemed the name of God who has power over these plagues; and they did not repent and give Him glory.” (Revelation 16:8-9) “Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst. The sun will not beat upon them, nor any scorching heat.” ( Revelation 7: 16)

Headline:    Heat wave kills 10, hospitalizes 1,900 in Japan

At least ten Japanese have died of a heat wave that swept through the country over the weekend. Local media reported that almost 1,900 were hospitalized because of the extreme heat. Twenty of the affected people are in critical condition. Japan’s Meteorological Agency warned of extreme heat in Tokyo and other areas in the coming days. It has also issued warnings and advisories of severe thunderstorms and flooding throughout most of the country. Japan’s observation stations recorded temperatures of 35 degrees Celsius or higher on Sunday, the most so far this year. The highest temperature reached over 38.8 Celsius in Otsuki city, 75 kilometers west of Tokyo.
July 28, 2014

Luke 21-25

Headline: Massive Storm Batters U.S. With Hail, Flooding and a Tornado

Headline:  Rare tornado touches down outside Boston

A sprawling set of storms tore across the country Sunday, flattening homes in Tennessee, dumping softball-sized hail in Michigan, and triggering tornado warnings from Kentucky to Connecticut. By Sunday night, one injury was reported in Tennessee and one tornado was confirmed — it touched down briefly in Wolcott, Conn., at 12:50 pm said Kevin Roth, a meteorologist with The Weather Channel. Tornadoes were also reported in Tennessee and West Virginia Sunday afternoon and evening. Just north of Knoxville, Tenn., near the Kentucky border, the Claiborne County emergency manager reported that 10 homes had been “completely destroyed.” It was unclear if the damage was from a tornado or wind, Roth said. Roth said the storms were unusual for this time of year.
July 28, 2014


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