“The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” Sept. 1, 2009 Edition released early for you-Diseases-Earth’s signs to us-.


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 1, 2009 Edition: The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, but it will come up.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth – May 2009  By Frank DiMora-(Free download)

You can view my radio/video show by clicking to the link below. My next show is has been changed from today Aug. 26, 2009 at 6pm EST to this Friday Aug. 28, 2009 6pm EST.


Frank DiMora presents His latest up-dated book for all to read.  This is a free book. “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” contains all the latest information relating Bible prophecy to current events.  This book contains all the information you may ever need, which will prove beyond a doubt that Jesus Christ is the one and true Savior of this world. If you have ever wondered if the Word of God can be trusted, and if Jesus is really going to come back soon, you need to read this documentary.  Download the book to your computer, or just click to the link for the book at any time, and read it that way if you like.  It is my blessing to present my labor for Christ to you all for FREE.


Matthew 24:7 tells us about the last days diseases that will befall the last generation.  This sign along with all the other signs listed in Matthew chapter 24 will show us just how close we are to seeing Jesus return for His Church, and the start of the seven year tribulation.  I was doing research concerning the Swine Flu scare when I came upon the web site entitled, “Natural Solutions Foundation.” I read what Doctor Rima E. Laibow, MD had to say concerning the flu scare. I quote, You Could be Jailed for Refusing Swine Flu and Regular Flu Vaccinations.   The United States Emergency Medical Powers Acts and Federal legislation, including the Patriot Acts I, II and III, BARDA and others provide for mandatory vaccination or drugging.  No exemptions (religious or otherwise) are provided.  Those who refuse will be classified as felons at the State level, subject to immediate incarceration and quarantine of indefinite length in jails or other facilities reserved for such "vaccine refusers." In a frightening "Big Lie" propaganda move, those who doubt the effectiveness of unproven, uninsurable vaccines are being called " Vaccine Resisters" and being equated to a new form of "terrorism."  Those who refuse at the Federal level will be subject to immediate incarceration and quarantine of indefinite length, probably in FEMA camps set up across the US. That means that untested, potentially lethal vaccines and dangerous drugs like Tamiflu could be forced upon people who do not wish them and who would face incarceration or worse if they choose not to accept them.  The CDC has said that there would be no exemptions and that there would be "a certain amount of human wastage".  Instead, we demand the right to Self-Shield in our own homes!  About a month ago I posted a report, which showed you the U.S. Government is seeking to hire people for these encampment centers.  People want to know if all this is true.  All I know is what I am seeing.  Almost every day the Governments around the world are telling everyone that the swine flu is going to get much worse. In case you haven’t seen one of these reports, here is one example: Swine flu could infect half the U.S. population this fall and winter, hospitalizing up to 1.8 million people and causing as many as 90,000 deaths — more than double the number that occur in an average flu season, according to an estimate from a presidential panel released Monday”.  Could it be the U.S. Government has become so bad as to take away your freedoms?  If you watch this news report that has come out of Massachusetts you will learn the answer to this question is yes.  You better get up to speed with what the Massachusetts state legislature has done when they voted on the Bill # 2028.  American’s better get ready for other States to do the same things as Massachusetts.  I hope you are to traumatized when the Feds knock on your door because you did not take the swine flu shot?  There is a famous saying that you may want to keep in mind, that is, “we aren’t in Kansas anymore Toto”.  Could it be that part of the civil unrest Jesus warns us about in Matthew 24:7 could come about before of the freedoms being taken away?  If it isn’t the swine flu that causes panic it will be something else.  One thing is for sure, prophecy is coming to pass and the sign of diseases is on that list.  Now either you choose to believe Christ, or be like the people of Noah’s generation who just laughed all of this off.  Christ is waiting to hand you His Salvation and there is no better time than now to receive His FREE gift of Salvation. 




90,000 could die from swine flu:


Who raises swine flu level to 6:


More news telling informing public what the plans are for the flu outbreak


Alex Jones – 500,000 Plastic Coffins" Why?


Prophecy sign: We also see from Luke 21:11 that there will be many earthquakes and fearful sights. I have been warning you to watch for big earthquakes to begin to strike.  Here is a perfect example how the Earth is showing us the signs Jesus to us to look for.  You was to see strange events, here’s one. I quote, “PETROPAVLOVSK-KAMCHATSKY. August 24. VOSTOK-MEDIA – For the first time in sixty years six Kamchatka volcanoes exhibit activity simultaneously. They are Koryaksky, Shiveluch, Bezimyanny, Gorely, Karymsky volcanoes and Klyuchevskaya Sopka Volcano. All of them spout steam and gas almost simultaneously. “This is a rarity. For the first time in sixty years the six volcanoes show activity,” Kamchatka scientists from the Institute of Volcanology and Seismology stated. At present they are trying to figure out the reasons behind the increase of activity of the Kamchatka volcanoes. Experts assure that the volcanoes pose no hazard to life for the time being. But the gas and vapor releases do threaten the aviation. 


You can view my radio/video show by clicking to the link below. My next show is today Aug. 19, 2009 at 6pm EST I was told that today's show had some troubles and it will be shown at a later date.


If you want to be placed on my prophecy up-date list please email me at the email address given at the top left of this site. The up-dates are free and I do not share your email address with anyone. Each day when I post, I send a short note letting you know a new up-date is posted."

If you want to take the first step for Salvation in Christ Jesus you must first ask Jesus to be your Savior. No one can be born again unless they ask Jesus Christ to forgiven them for their sins. Then you must repent from your former life held captive to sin and turn to Christ to allow and let Him mold you in His likeness. Just saying a prayer without true conversion will only lead to a unfruitful life for Christ. Once you ask Jesus to forgive you live your life 110% for Christ. Let your heart burn for Christ and let Him know you are seeking His will everyday. Salvation in Christ is much more than just saying a sentence. It will be a demonstration of your life and how you live that life for Christ. It is a complete transformation of an old life to a new one in Christ.

Anyone who says Jesus doesn't love them should see exactly what He did for them in order to give us all eternal life. Saying the sinner’s prayer is only the beginning. You need to walk with Christ and abide in Him and His ways. Watch this video, it is very good for both new and old believers.


Here is a good picture of what Christ has done for us.


Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and have eternal life in the Name of Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Once you say this prayer to Christ begin to live by the Word of God. There are many who say this prayer but never go forth and change the way they live. Do not even let the devil try to steal what Jesus has given you. It is important to find a good Church where they are studying the Word of God and encourage you to walk with Christ. A good Church will not be afraid to warn you about hell and will teach the Word of God from cover to cover. You can only grow in the Lord if you know what He says to you. If you need help in finding a good Church to grow email me and I will help you.

This is a good video for all people to watch whether you are a Christian or not!


http://revelation.gotop100.com/index.phpCreate your own banner at mybannermaker.com!

Current up-dated list of some of my work for Christ: My newest book:

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth – May 2009  By Frank DiMora-(Free download)

You can view my radio show by clicking to the link below.  (Link to DiMora's International radio/video show out of London).


This Sunday August 9, 2009 was guest speaker on Timothy’s show. The show can be heard by going to:http://www.revivalradio.net/

Mary Aguilar the Co-Host of "Insight on The Word Radio" who, has asked me to speak this Friday Aug. 7, 2009.  Insight on The Word Radio Syracuse, NY 13210

347.945.7601 (Listeners Line) http://insightontheword.cjb.net

Host Name:


I was the quest speaker on this program many times.


Frank DiMora's Radio Interviews and His own International Internet Radio show:

I welcome any of you to listen to my radio shows and my International Radio show on video called, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” Below are the links to most of my interviews and my own show out of London. 


The coming attack on Israel part 1 of 6


The coming attack on Israel part 2 of 6


The coming attack on Israel part 3 of 6


The coming attack on Israel part 4 of 6


The coming attack on Israel part 5 of 6


The coming attack on Israel part 6 of 6:


Economic crisis


DiMora's first radio interview on 'The Edge' with Host, Gina Romano. Interview was heard on June 26, 2008























August 10th, 2008 – Part 2


August 10th, 2008 – Part 3


August 10th, 2008 – Part 4


August 10th, 2008 – Part 5


August 10th, 2008 – Part 6


August 10th, 2008 – Part 7


August 10th, 2008 – Part 8


August 10th, 2008 – Part 9


August 10th, 2008 – Part 10


My 3rd radio interview on 'The Edge' International radio show can be heard by clicking to the link below:



    • kathleen on August 30, 2009 at 8:00 am
    • Reply

    Dear Frank,
    I finally got to take the time to watch you on your broadcast (The Edge). It was the August 28th edition. Your presentation was wonderful! You are “connecting the dots” in such a clear and indisputable way for people. It is SO uplifting for those of us who are in Christ Jesus and want Him to come get us, and I know many, many have come and will come to Him because of this program.
    I’ve read your book right after you put it online. I regularly come to your site to read the written updates you have for us. Many people won’t read, can’t read, or don’t like to, but they WILL watch a video! Praise the Lord, He will reach them however He can!
    Thank you for your obedience to Him, for not trying to make money from this (that’s certainly rare….), and for being a truly willing vessel for the Lord God to use to bring the lost to Christ, and encourage Believers.
    Love in Christ Jesus,

    • mr Abebe on October 4, 2009 at 6:17 am
    • Reply

    Dear Frank, I read your post all the time and it is good to have a person like you on the world. your post about the end time is such an inspiring and may the Lord continue to use you as you bringing us most resent information, which the world and her rulers do not want to tell us.

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