The U.S. on The Edge of Catastrophe (7/21/09) How dangerous is the world?


Prophecy Sign: Did you not know Jesus said you will hear about wars and rumors of war? Much of the world is already fighting and more conflicts are on the way. Please watch this video entitled "The U.S. on The Edge of Catastrophe (7/21/09)

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth – May 2009

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    • Jack on July 22, 2009 at 10:40 pm
    • Reply

    I listened to Newt say this when he 1st said it and I listened to it again. It’s sobering to consider, but why do you label this “Prophesy sign”?
    First, Jesus was very clear about who would hear about this. He said this to the disciples, not to us. He told the disciples that they would hear of this. He said “YOU will hear”.
    Second, He also was very clear about what to make of it when they hear about these wars and rumors of wars. He didn’t say that it would be a sign. He essentially was telling not to worry about it because IT WAS NOT a sign. He said “See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet.” He told the disciples not to let it alarm them and though this is worrisome, it has nothing to do with end times. Don’t listen to what I write. Read what Jesus said.

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