September 12, 2016 Change in Ministry

Note: Changes in  ETRM  before the new year. For the past 8 years The End Times Research Ministry has been doing what we can to support Pastor Titus in Kenya.  Pastor Titus was under the wing of Pastor Timothy Moore who had visited Pastor Titus in Kenya.  Pastor Timothy was my check and balance for Pastor Titus.  After Pastor Moore passed away I was left to carry on the work in Kenya trusting Pastor Titus’ without anyone actually being in Kenya. Without a doubt we have seen the churches built, and people being helped such as feeding the poor.

Last year in some of my posts I mentioned changing the course of my ministry. Since I do not have anyone in Kenya to monitor the works of Pastor Titus I am no longer going to support the Kenya ministry under Pastor Titus.  I think it is very important that who ever this ministry tries to help have people in the exact area who can act as a checks and balance for the ministry and, since this ministry does not I can no longer keep on supporting the Kenya ministry.   I think it wise that anyone who has been supporting Pastor Titus via Ascent Ministries and still wants  to do so should take a trip to Kenya to visit Pastor Titus to make sure all your blessings go to where they are intended to go.  I am sure that if Pastor Titus’ work has not altered that the Lord will continue to take care of him and his needs.  Pastor Titus has received ample  support  over the past 8 years to get him and his Church on his feet. Now is the time to put Pastor Titus’ faith into action.  (Frank DiMora)

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