November 5, 2016 Donald Trump numbers = 777





The Lord’s number in the Bible is the number 7.

Take a look a the numbers for Donald Trump.


Could it be that Jesus does in fact have His hand on Donald Trump to lead America?  We will know in 4 more days if the Mark Taylor about Mr. Donald will come to pass.  Look at the numbers for Donald Trump?

Look at this…. From the date of Trumps birthday… 6/14/1946 to inauguration day on 1/20/2017 …. is exactly: 70 Years, 7 Months and 7 Days!!!! Is this is coincidence or maybe something more? “777” from the day Trump was born to the day he would put his right hand on the bible and be sworn in as the President!!! ????? The calculation “Excluded the End date” which is inauguration day making it 777 AMAZING.


 Israelis Vote, Rabbis Predict Trump Victory
Israelis with American citizenship have finished voting, and local rabbis are predicting victory for Republican candidate Donald Trump in next week’s US presidential election. American citizens living in Israel, most of them holding dual Israeli citizenship, finished casting their absentee ballots this week, and an exit poll conducted by iVoteIsrael revealed most chose Trump.


UPI Poll – Donald Trump Takes Leads in Electoral College over Failing Hillary



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  1. Hi Frank can somebody lost their salvation if they are accused falsely and done some stupid things went to a city that i did not know lost my car when parked it lots of times and got lost in streets etc I think I have made a terrible mistake coming 30ks away from my home

    1. Frank,
      I am also watching for the results of this election on Nov 8th with great interest.I can’t vote because I live in New Zealand.I hope the prophecy spoken over Trump does come to pass.
      Also the number 777 as applied to Trump is interesting.This is not connected but I play chess online and my chess number is victory 777.

      • etrm on November 11, 2016 at 1:41 am
      • Reply

      Jesus knows your heart and he also knows the truth about all things. If you are accused
      falsely He also knows that. Don’t worry about what others say about you just be concerned
      with your walk with Jesus and you will do well.

    • anz on November 10, 2016 at 12:57 pm
    • Reply

    this is prophecy

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