May 19, 2022 A host of end time prophecy signs in the news


 Frank dimora

Welcome back everyone Frank DiMora here if you would like to leave a comment please  do so at the following email address thank you.



The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth May 11, 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora


The list you see below in the photo is a list of the nations that will be attacking  Israel in the very near future , the psalm 83 war are the nations who surround physically Israel and the Ezekiel 38 war are the nations who do not border Israel, nations like Russia Turkey Iran and so forth. Since the news broke that Iran is only weeks away from obtaining a nuclear bomb Israel has launched the largest military drills in its history, they are doing so because they are going to strike Iran to stop Iran’s nuclear program which Israel  knows Iran will use against them.

Israel knows once Iran is attacked  Iran’s proxies who are in the nations who border Israel will no doubt launch thousands of rockets against Israel. We could be on the cusp of seeing two  major wars in prophecy launched soon. It is not a coincidence that the nations who hate Israel who have been attacking Israel with rockets as of late are the exact same nations who the Lord warned us that these people would come against Israel. We saw warnings in late 2021, that Israel was beginning to prepare for this coming war with Iran. You will see all this news below.

Amy's Psalm 83 for Frank




Collaboration involving Israeli fighter jets and American refuelers seen as message to Iran regarding potential for US assistance in an actual Israeli attack. The unprecedented Israel- US aerial collaboration in a drill simulating a strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities is seen as a potential message to Iran …




UK inflation hits 40-year high















Back in February of this year when people heard gas prices would go up they never really imagined they be paying seven dollars or more a gallon for gas already it is hit in California get ready for the other states to follow suit.



Sri Lanka running out of fuel, has enough supply for only one more day
There are currently only enough petrol stocks in Sri Lanka to last about one day, warns Ranil Wickremesinghe, the controversial new prime minister of the Southeast Asian country.






What we are presently witnessing in our economy is a mother of all storms.  You witnessed the Russian Ukrainian war that has virtually stopped fertilizer shipments around the world that is costing a huge surge and skyrocketing food prices which has not stopped. The Russian Ukraine war also began the huge problem with shipments of oil and gas which compound the problem as truckers are being wrecked by the cost of fuel thereby causing all shipments to rise and you see these rises at the grocery store.

Government helpless! Bank of England warns of ‘apocalyptic’ global food shortage 
The Governor of the Bank of England has warned of “apocalyptic” global food price rises and said he is “helpless” in the face of surging inflation as the economy is battered by the war in Ukraine.


June 19, 2014 prophecy signs with Frank DiMora :: End Times Research Ministry


Michigan court blocks enforcement of 1931 abortion ban that would take effect if Roe is overturned 
A Michigan judge on Tuesday issued a preliminary injunction against the state’s 1931 pro-life law that would have functioned to protect Michigan’s unborn babies in the event Roe v. Wade is overturned.

Christian’ church to host LGBT youth event with drag show, ‘sex ed’ talk from Planned Parenthood 
A “Christian” church in Florida plans to host on Saturday an LGBTQ “Youth Pride Conference,” featuring a drag show and a “sex education” talk by a Planned Parenthood speaker.


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In Luke 21:11 Jesus gave us this warning. “And  great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.” Where are these UFO’s being seen?  They are coming from the heavens and when people see them they get scared. We know for sure there will be  all kinds of strange signs and those fearful sights Jesus talked about as seen in the book of Revelation. What we are seeing now is nothing compared to what is coming our way.

Back in 2009, and again on June 10, 2021 I warned you what to look for concerning UFO’s. If you click the 2 links below they will take you to my  warnings.  According the the news from The Hill on May 10, 2022 congress has not  hold a hearing  on UFOs for  more than 50 years. So why now?  First of all and most importantly is the fact that all the last days birth pains Jesus Christ warned us about are all taking place all at the same time and, that my friend includes the following prophecy found in  Luke’s  prophecy.

My warning from 2021, is below if you did not click the links above.

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Matthew chapter 24 verse seven warns us about wars and rumors of wars we are constantly hearing about these rumors and seeing new wars justice Jesus warned.

US Navy Amasses ‘Show Of Force’ Near China Amid Taiwan Invasion Threats
The US Navy amassed a show of force in the waters near China. Top Western officials worry that Beijing could launch a military takeover of Taiwan after learning lessons from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The USS Ronald Reagan carrier and USS Abraham Lincoln carrier strike groups, the USS America expeditionary strike group, and the amphibious assault ship USS Tripoli operate around the Philippine Sea to Japan to Western Pacific, according to the latest fleet tracking report by USNI News.

US, Japan Prepare Statement Pledging To Jointly ‘Deter’ China Militarily
Tensions between Beijing and Tokyo are about to ratchet further amid widespread reports that the United States and Japan have prepared a statement calling for both to “deter and respond to” China’s aggressive military activities in the Indo-Pacific region.












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