New material that is going into The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth up-date book from Frank DiMora


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Are you really searching to know the truth?

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

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After adding all the latest news to my book concerning the signs pointing to Revelation 6:6, I would  find it hard knowing people still can’t see what is happening, or still refuse to come to Christ for safety. I present my case for Christ!

I stated earlier President Carter’s Global Report pointed to major problems in the year 2000. Now that we have passed the year 2000, we can easily see what the 2000 report warned about has already happened. As our nation headed into December 2000, the hard facts from that report indicated the world had reached a critical point in feeding people around the world. Eleven years later in 2011, we are living in a time of a population explosion and at a time when nations are finding it even more extremely difficult to feed every one. Revelation 6:6 tells us what is going to happen in the future, and the news reports are proving Jesus words are coming to pass. I quote the Lord Jesus. “And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine" (Rev. 6:6). As you read this chapter, try and keep in mind Revelation 6:6 when you read all the news showing you how much wheat has been destroyed.

If you are new to prophecy you may not known what Jesus is showing us in Revelation 6:6. You will need to know because the information in this chapter will prove to you we are in major birth pains which will soon fulfill this prophecy. Let me give you a short back ground on Revelation 6:6. “A "measure" (6:6) is translated from the Greek word choinix, which is a dry measure of less than a quart and closer to a liter. A "penny" (6:6) is used for the Latin word denarius, which was the Roman silver coin that was accepted as the equivalent of the ordinary pay for a day’s wages. In the Book of Matthew 20: 2-13 we see an example of people working all day for a penny. "2 And when he had agreed with the labourers for a penny a day, he sent them into his vineyard. In verse 9-13 it says, “ And when they came that were hired about the eleventh hour, they received every man a penny. 10 But when the first came, they supposed that they should have received more; and they likewise received every man a penny. 11 And when they had received it, they murmured against the goodman of the house, 12 Saying, These last have wrought but one hour, and thou hast made them equal unto us, which have borne the burden and heat of the day. 13 But he answered one of them, and said, Friend, I do thee no wrong: didst not thou agree with me for a penny?" In Revelation 6:6 Christ shows us people will have to work all day long for a small amount of food. You will find there are many facts leading to this prophecy being fulfilled. One of those factors is the population growth.

When the President’s report came out in the year 2000, China’s population was 1,261,832,482. At the beginning of 2011, the ChinaDaily reported, “The population grew to 1.341 billion by the end of 2010, the National Bureau of Statistics announced on Monday” (Jan. 3, 2011).. The world is growing to fast, and this growth is causing millions to go hungry. Over the past years, our planet has been faced with many trying times directly because of war and civil wars, but as of late famines have caused the most problems for governments after the wars were over. The effects resulting from war usually are disastrous for people closest to it. In most cases people end up dealing with famine and starvation. For example, in the Vietnam war much of the land was burned away with napalm bombs. Growing crops during that conflict was impossible, and as a result thousands died from starvation. Back in 1979 for example, Cambodia registered a catastrophic famine produced by savage years of war, repression, and political upheaval. Our c
urrent global conflicts are still the cause for millions of people starving to death. When you add droughts to the famine issue, you end up with disaster. With each new year, the birth pains Jesus told us would come been increasing. The headline on the cover of the March 28 & April 14, 2011 issue of the Newweek magazine read as follows: “Apocalypse Now”. The subtitle reads like this. “Tsunamis, Earthquakes, Nuclear Meltdowns, Revolutions, Economies on the Brink, What the #@ % Is Next?” Just about everyone who watches the news senses there is something very wrong with our world! On April 21, 2011 Discovery News reported that, “Even though May is right around the corner, recent weather reports have been far from spring-like. Snow fell this week on Minneapolis and Green Bay. Record-setting cold has settled on Seattle. And historic wildfires are burning in Oklahoma and Texas, where temperatures in the 90s are threatening to topple heat records. Meanwhile, 272 tornadoes swept the nation in the first half of this month – already breaking the all-time twister-count for April. So, what’s up with the weather?” I will answer that question after you read this next report from CBC News.where they write the following: “The global impact of natural disasters took a turn for the worse in 2010 with an uptick in fatalities and economic damage, according to a report released Tuesday. There were 385 natural disasters worldwide last year that killed more than 297,000 people, affected over 217 million others and caused $ 123.9 billion in economic damages, according to the Annual Disaster Statistical Review 2010. The number of victims increased from 198.7 million in 2009 to 217.3 million in 2010, while economic damages from natural disasters in 2009 were $47.6 billion. "Two mega-disasters made 2010 the deadliest year in at least two decades," said the report” (May 10, 2011)

What do all the above news reports have in common? They are all reporting on the exact same things Jesus Christ told us would come upon this planet in the last days. All these reports point to a horrific global food crisis is coming, and all the disasters are helping raise the prices of food. I am sure by the time you finish this chapter you will understand the world is on a path leading it to Revelation 6:6! Let’s take a look at signs of the birth pains.

After all you have read so far, are you beginning to get the message concerning Revelation 6:6? We have already been eye witnesses to the prices of food skyrocketing, but news in 2011 really drives my point home as you will see.

On the first page in this chapter, I quoted from the President’s global report, which stated, "if present trends continue, the world in 2000 will be more crowded, more polluted, less stable ecologically, and more vulnerable to disruption than the world we live in now." Here we are in 2011, and everything predicted in that report has come to pass, and is worse than they ever imagined it would be. All the fears for the future are now current issues governments are trying to deal with.

While checking The Economic Collapse web-site they point out 20 signs that a horrific global food crisis is coming. They gave the links to news report to support this claim, which I checked out. This is what The Economic Collapse web-site Stated, “In case you haven’t noticed, the world is on the verge of a horrific global food crisis.  At some point, this crisis will affect you and your family.  It may not be today, and it may not be tomorrow, but it is going to happen.  Crazy weather and horrifying natural disasters have played havoc with agricultural production in many areas of the globe over the past couple of years.” I couldn’t agree with them more, and your about to read the proof to back that up.

“As the new year begins, the price of wheat is setting an all-time high in the United Kingdom. Food riots are spreading across Algeria. Russia is importing grain to sustain its cattle herds until spring grazing begins. India is wrestling with an 18-percent annual food inflation rate, sparking protests. China is looking abroad for potentially massive quantities of wheat and corn. The Mexican government is buying corn futures to avoid unmanageable tortilla price rises. And on January 5, the U.N. Food and Agricultural organization announced that its food price index for December hit an all-time high”( Jan. 10, 2011).

In part two of the report they also stated, “While the annual demand growth for grain was doubling, new constraints were emerging on the supply side, even as longstanding ones such as soil erosion intensified. An estimated one third of the world’s cropland is losing topsoil faster than new soil is forming through natural processes — and thus is losing its inherent productivity. Two huge dust bowls are forming, one across northwest China, western Mongolia, and central Asia; the other in central Africa. Each of these dwarfs the U.S. dust bowl of the 1930s. Satellite images show a steady flow of dust storms leaving these regions, each one typically carrying millions of tons of precious topsoil. In North China, some 24,000 rural villages have been abandoned or partly depopulated as grasslands have been destroyed by overgrazing and as croplands have been inundated by migrating sand dunes. In countries with severe soil erosion, such as Mongolia and Lesotho, grain harvests are shrinking as erosion lowers yields and eventually leads to cropland abandonment. The result is spreading hunger and growing dependence on imports. Haiti and North Korea, two countries with severely eroded soils, are chronically dependent on food aid from abroad (Jan. 10, 2011).

In a report from the on February 10, 2011 Lester Brown, President of the Earth Policy Institute posed the question, “What is a food bubble?” Brown says, “That’s when food production is inflated through the unsustainable use of water and land. It’s the water bubble we need to worry about now. The World Bank says that 15 per cent of Indians (175 million people) are fed by grain produced through overpumping – when water is pumped out of aquifers faster than they can be replenished. In China, the figure could be 130 million. A second question the report asked was, “Has this bubble already burst anywhere? This was the answer. “Saudi Arabia made itself self-sufficient in wheat by using water from a fossil aquifer, which doesn’t refill. It has harvested close to 3 million tonnes a year, but in 2008 the Saudi authorities said the aquifer was largely depleted. Next year could be the last harvest. This is extreme, but about half the world’s people live in countries with falling water tables. India and China will lose grain production capacity through aquifer depletion. We don’t know when or how abruptly the bubble will burst” (Ibid.). The signs Planet Earth is running out of fresh water ae everywhere.

Look at what the New York Times wrote on February 24, 2011. “Food prices are soaring to record levels, threatening many developing countries with mass hunger and political instability. Finance ministers of the Group of 20 leading economies discussed the problem at a meeting in Paris last week, but for all of their expressed concern, most are already breaking their promises to help. After the last sharp price spik
e in 2008, the G-20 promised to invest $22 billion over three years to help vulnerable countries boost food production. To date, the World Bank fund that is supposed to administer this money has received less than $400 million. Food prices are now higher than their 2008 peak, driven by rising demand in developing countries and volatile weather, including drought in Russia and Ukraine and a dry spell in North China that threatens the crop of the world’s largest wheat producer. The World Bank says the spike has pushed 44 million people into extreme poverty just since June. In 2008, 30 countries had food riots.”

Almost every month you can read new news showing the prices of food is still climbing. Here is an example of one such report issued on March 16, 2011 by USA Today. I quote, “A wholesale price index jumped last month the most in nearly two years due to higher energy costs and the steepest rise in food prices in 36 years. Excluding those volatile categories, inflation was tame. The Labor Department said Wednesday that the Producer Price Index rose a seasonally adjusted 1.6% in February — double the 0.8% rise in the previous month. Outside of food and energy costs, the core index ticked up 0.2%, less than January’s 0.5% rise. Food prices soared 3.9% last month, the biggest gain since November 1974. Most of that increase was due to a sharp rise in vegetable costs, which increased nearly 50%. That was the most in almost a year. Meat and dairy products also rose.”

Please reflect on what Jesus said in Matthew 24:7, where He warned us about the civil unrest that would befall the people living in the last days. When you watch the news you will see some of the reasons why kingdoms are fighting against themselves. As of late, one of the main reasons is over higher food prices! Sky News HD reported on this issue on March 8, 2011. “A senior economist at the worldwide bank HSBC has warned of civil unrest in Britain if food prices continue to soar. Speaking on Jeff Randall Live, senior global economist Karen Ward cautioned that the UK could experience the kind of food riots seen in other countries. "Even in the developed world I think we have very, very low wage growth, so people aren’t getting more in their pay packet to compensate them for food and energy, and I think we could see social unrest certainly in parts of the developed world and the UK as well." She went on to highlight the link between high food prices and the escalating cost of crude oil. "More and more we are seeing that some of these foodstuffs are actually substitutes for energy itself, particularly biofuels. So I think the energy markets are a significant contributor to these food price gains." In another section of this same report it was stated, “The comments come as the United Nations warned the cost of food is now at the highest level for 21 years and set to rise further. Food costs have gone up for eight months in a row, with the National Farmers Union forecasting the trend will continue for the rest of 2011” (Ibid.). Now that you know what Christ has warned, let me ask you a question? Do you think food prices will go down, or up in the near future. If you said, down, you need to focus on these next reports.

BREITBART NEWS cited another reason for adding to the food scare. “Countries across the world shunned Japanese food imports Thursday as radioactive steam leaked from a disaster-struck nuclear plant, straining nerves in Tokyo. The grim toll of dead and missing from Japan’s monster quake and tsunami on March 11 topped 26,000, as hundreds of thousands remained huddled in evacuation shelters and fears grew in the megacity of Tokyo over water safety. The damage to the Fukushima nuclear plant from the tectonic calamity and a series of explosions has stoked global anxiety. The United States and Hong Kong have already restricted Japanese food, and France wants the EU to do the same” (March 24, 2011).. Now can you see that one disaster after another is wiping out our food supplies? CNN News on June 6, 2011 ran a report with this headline: “3 nuclear reactors melted down after quake, Japan confirms”. What do you think all this radiation is doing to the ocean? Now you know why all the nations are refusing food from Japan.

Can you see people in North Korea having to work all day long for a handful of food? What happens when North Korea runs out of food? It is simple economics, the less food you have to buy on the market the more is costs. Read what is happening in North Korea. “North Korea’s government food distribution programme will run dry in May and put one-quarter of the country’s 24 million people at risk of starvation, the United Nations has warned” (The Telegraph March 25, 2011). In many poor nations they don’t have to wait for the tribulation to see the fulfillment of Revelation 6:6, millions of people have already been forced to work all day for that small meal.

“Corn rose to the highest price in almost a month in Chicago, extending yesterday’s jump, on concern increased plantings in the U.S. will fail to rebuild global inventories. U.S. stockpiles on March 1 dropped to 6.52 billion bushels, the lowest for the date since 2007, the Department of Agriculture said yesterday. higher profits will spur farmers to sow corn on about 92.178 million acres, the second-largest area since 1944, at the same time that increasing food and biofuel demand cuts world inventories, the USDA said. “Even with the expansion in acreage, which may take the U.S. corn harvest to a record, the nation’s stocks-to-use ratio in the 2011-12 season will still be the second-lowest since 1995- 96, Rabobank Agri Commodity Markets Research said in a report e- mailed today.

The Bloomberg News on April 1, 2011, like so many news other reports points out some reasons for the higher corn costs, and food riots. “Corn rose to the highest price in almost a month in Chicago, extending yesterday’s jump, on concern increased plantings in the U.S. will fail to rebuild global inventories. U.S. stockpiles on March 1 droppe
d to 6.52 billion bushels, the lowest for the date since 2007, the Department of Agriculture said yesterday. Higher profits will spur farmers to sow corn on about 92.178 million acres, the second-largest area since 1944, at the same time that increasing food and biofuel demand cuts world inventories, the USDA” “Global food costs increased to a record in February, the
United Nations has said. Higher food prices contributed to unrest in the Arab world this year, triggering the ouster of leaders in Tunisia and Egypt. The U.S. is the biggest exporter of corn, soybeans and wheat”

On April 4, 2011 more bad news about the food prices was released via NACS Daily News. “Soaring food costs are giving Americans sticker shock at the grocery store, and consumers are responding by getting crafty with their saving strategies. Approximately 99 percent of U.S. adults are aware of rising food prices, and the vast majority (95 percent) plans to employ at least one savings strategy at the grocery store as a result, according to a new survey conducted by Harris Interactive and commissioned by” ““Food prices are expected to continue to rise this year to potentially all-time highs. Couple that with flat incomes, and increases in pricing of basic items such as food is like taking a pay cut,” said Steven Boal, CEO of Incorporated, in a press release. “Fortunately, consumers are savvier than ever when it comes to stretching budgets, and it’s great to see that so many of them will take matters into their own hands when it comes to mitigating the effects of higher food costs.”

Just how bad has the food price crisis gotten? I believe the subtitle to this Telegraph report says it best. I quote, “Food prices have entered the “danger zone”, threatening to condemn a generation to extreme poverty and malnutrition, the World Bank has warned” (April 14, 2011). “Robert Zoellick, World Bank president, said food prices are at “a tipping point”, having risen 36pc in the last year to levels close to their 2008 peak. The rising cost of food has been much more dramatic in low-income countries, pushing 44m people into poverty since June last year. Another 10pc rise in food prices would push 10m into extreme poverty, defined as an effective income of less than $1.25 a day. Already, the world’s poor number 1.2bn” (Ibid). . If Robert Zoellick were to read Revelation 6:6, and believe what Jesus said, I think Zoellick just might understand the real tipping point will happen during the tribulation period.

The higher food prices have also caused an increase in crime. “The high price of produce, especially for tomatoes after the deep winter freezes, has attracted more than heightened attention from consumers. A ring of sophisticated vegetable bandits was watching, too. Late last month, a gang of thieves stole six tractor-trailer loads of tomatoes and a truck full of cucumbers from Florida growers. They also stole a truckload of frozen meat. The total value of the illegal haul: about $300,000. The thieves disappeared with the shipments just after the price of Florida tomatoes skyrocketed after freezes that badly damaged crops in Mexico” ( April 15, 2011).

Not only has the droughts, floods, wars, insects, and intense heat added to the burden of food supplies, but weird diseases are wiping out crops as well. The New York Times reports on the Fungi that has hit crops in Syria. “Fungi that attack wheat are growing as a threat to the hungry inhabitants of poor countries. At a conference this week in Aleppo, Syria, scientists will be planning a counteroffensive. The unusual venue was chosen both because Syria has been hit hard by “yellow rust” fungus and because Aleppo is home to the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas. The fungi have damaged wheat grown in a broad ribbon of dry climate from Morocco to northern India, where as much as 60 percent of the crop has been lost, said Mahmoud Solh, the center’s director. The prevailing theory is that wetter winters caused by climate change are helping the fungi persist until new crops are planted” (April 18, 2011).

A study by the Asian Development Bank finds that domestic food prices in many regional economies have risen on average 10 percent in eartly 2011. “Asia, despite its rapid growth, and it is still home to a majority of the worlds poor. We have about 900 million in this, absolute poverty. And, it is for this group of people, they are spending on about average two thirds, more than two thirds on foods. So, with a 10 percent increase on food prices their real income eroded”, Yao said ”(VOA April 26, 2011).

Speaking about prices going up, if you expected good news, you clearly don’t believe what Christ has warned us! Fox Business in June, tells us what to expect. “Aid Agency Warns Food Prices Will More Than Double”. “The price of some staple foods such as corn will more than double in the next 20 years as demand outpaces production capacity and the climate continues to change, aid agency Oxfam International warned on Tuesday. By 2050, demand for food will rise 70% from this year, while capacity to increase food production will decline, according to Oxfam, which noted that the average growth rate in agricultural yields has nearly halved since 1990. “The food system is buckling under intense pressure from climate change, ecological degradation, population growth, rising energy prices, rising demand for meat and dairy products, and competition for land from biofuels, industry, and urbanization,” Oxfam said in its report “Growing a Better Future.”  One out of seven people, roughly 925 million, are hungry, and Oxfam predicts the number will likely pass 1 billion by the end of this year” (June 6, 2011).

I will conclude this section with this headline from the BBC News. “East Africa faces ‘world’s worst food security crisis” “The world’s worst food security crisis is continuing in the eastern Horn of Africa, a US agency has warned. The Famine Early Warning Systems Network (Fewsnet) said areas of particular concern were in Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia. It said large-scale emergency assistance was urgently needed "to save lives and treat acute malnutrition" in the region. It also stressed that the current humanitarian response was "inadequate". In a statement, Fewsnet said the eastern Horn of Africa "has experienced two consecutive seasons of significantly below-average rainfall, resulting in one of the driest years since 1995". It said that crops had failed and local cereal prices remained very high. "This is the most severe food security emergency in the world today," the statement said. In southern Ethiopia and some pastoral areas of Somalia, the agency said, "poor households are una
ble to access the basic food supplies needed for survival" (June 8, 2011).

Chapter 5 has a section on droughts, which will provide you with even more proof that the world is headed toward Revelation 6:6.


  1. I like Hall Lindsey too and watch him on and off too but in a recent broadcast with him and Paul and Jan Crouch on TBN he made reference to Paul Crouch as being one of his deepest friends, so this concerns me as well there.

    • amanda on June 14, 2011 at 8:18 am
    • Reply

    He bears good fruit because He speaks in sound doctrine and are we Christians supposed to love our brothers in Chirst and pray for them? If He was a false teacher then I can see God stripping everything he has with him. No worries here for me. I’ll let Holy Spirit be my guide. God bless.

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