June 5th march on Israel is postponed.


Syrians hold Palestinian flags in Majdal ShamsThe big march on Israel turns out to be not so big. News today reported, "After reports that Palestinians in Lebanon cancel march commemorating "setback" in 1967 Six-Day War, reports Syria protest postponed."  "On Friday, a high-ranking Palestinian source told Lebanese newspaper the Daily Star, that the Lebanese "Naksa Day" march would be held off after pressure from the Lebanese authorities."

However, there was some action from Syria today. "

Demonstrators gather along Syria's border with Israel

  • Image Credit: AFP
  • Demonstrators start to gather along Syria's border with Israel.

"Golan Heights: Israeli forces opened fire on Sunday as Palestinian demonstrators in Syria neared an Israeli border fence on the Golan Heights in a protest marking the 44th anniversary of the 1967 Middle East war. Syria state television said two protesters were killed.  An Israeli military spokesman in Tel Aviv said soldiers, who had been on high alert along the Syrian and Lebanese frontiers in anticipation of possible border-breaching protests, fired warning shots. He gave no casualty figures."  So far, today turned out to be nothing like the Arabs wanted this march to be. 






    • watcher on the wall on June 5, 2011 at 8:44 pm
    • Reply

    I heard that alot of israel people will vote for this scum obama. You think Israel has it bad we got this devil over here fn up everything. It’s been one big NIGHTMARE!!!!!!!!!!!!! having him as president. You have until november 6 2012 will be 3 and a half years since he got his crown and rode out. Then he will show himself as the obamanation of desolation. Ask yourself this question, ever since he’s been in office volcanos are blowing up wars have been happening, Hes been changing laws, and the usa and the world are seeing lawlessness.

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