Earthquakes/Crops wiped out reminders of Rev. 6:6/End of the world/Getting ready to march on Israel/ Titus burns Witchcraft materials/Christian persecution/May 13, 2011


The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” March 18, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free.  Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 18, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora

Are you really searching to know the truth?

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

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Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 the sign of many earthquakes. More good size quakes has hit, one in Japan and the other in Costa Rica.

MAP  6.2   2011/05/13 23:35:53    37.383    141.405  37.6   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  6.0   2011/05/13 22:47:55    10.105    -84.261  70.0   COSTA RICA
MAP  5.2   2011/05/13 21:43:21    -9.990    107.647  12.5   SOUTH OF JAVA, INDONESIA
MAP  5.1   2011/05/13 15:55:50   -11.511    165.440  49.5   SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
MAP  5.5   2011/05/13 01:04:39    12.450    143.996  17.9   GUAM REGION
MAP  5.1   2011/05/13 00:25:45    12.333    144.222  9.9   GUAM REGION

I received a email from Darren Weekes. Darren had written me and told me that Jesus had blessed him. I wrote back and asked Darren what he meant?  I told him if he wrote me I would post his blessings. I did not expect this reply, but since I promised Darren I would put he blessing up at my site I am fulfilling that promise to him knowing some will attack me again saying it's all about Frank.  Some things I will just have to live with, but I was blessed by what he wrote me.

This is what I emailed to Darren. "Let me know how the Lord is blessing and I will post it at my site."

Hi Frank, Darren Weekes, blessings in The Name of Our Saviour, Jesus Christ. To begin with, this is how The Lord is blessing me and blessing me richly. 3 & a half years ago, I was involved in a hit/run accident which involved a young driver who was that under the influence of drugs that he did not even know he hit me. This resulted in me being hospitalised with compound fractures to both Fibula/Tibias ( shins ) and a smashed right Femur and a huge Haematoma on my skull. These injuries required a few operations to insert numerous Titanium plates, pins, screws and rods in my legs. I was hospitalised for 26 days and then confined to a wheelchair for 8 months and a VERY long road back through rehabilitation to be able to walk again. During this time i kept asking myself why TheLord had allowed this to happen to me and that He had abandoned me. I began to do a lot of soul searching and blaming OurSaviour for the position i was in. Anyway, one day i was on the internet asking myself WHY I had come to this point in my life if Jesus was protecting me and looking for literature about Prophecy, as i have always been interested in prophecy. Somehow, some way ( and i now know how ) the first site i landed on was a fellow called Frank Dimora and TheLastChronicles of PlanetEarth. Frank's site, i believe, was still just beginning to take off and i sent an email to Frank asking if he could send me a copy of his book. Straight away he said yes and proceeded to send me his ACTUAL working copy, which i still have to this day. When i received his book and started reading, it FINALLY occured to me that OurSaviour had NOT abandoned me, I had abandoned Him. That was when it occured to me, that it was I who needed to renew my personal relationship with Jesus and i had been led to this point FOR A REASON. So, for 2 years i began to immerse myself in TheLord's Word, and with the help Of Frank's tireless work began to become one again with TheLord. Just after Christmas 2010, it occurred to me, through a suggestion from my 14 year old son, who has a learning disability, that, given what i had, it was now my turn to help Spread TheGoodNews. I approached this selfless man of God, Frank Dimora and asked him permission if i could help him in his ministry to spread his work in my hometown/city in Australia and doornock each home. Frank explained to me that i would have to bear the costs as he works off a zero budget. I agreed, and he sent me some starting books to get me going until i got a printery who would print the books for me whilst i bore the costs. Now this is how OurLord, Jesus Christ DOES Bless us. With the position i was in, it was still a painful ordeal to walk very far and finances were pretty tight. Frank kept telling me to keep the faith and i WOULD see how He does bless. Due to my injuries, i have been on a lot of opiate-based painkillers etc and suffered chronic pain. Since the end of January, this year, through the power of Faith and surrendering my life TOTALLY to Jesus and endeavouring to do His Work, i now only take paracetamol for the pain that comes on me now and then. Every single piece of metal that is in my legs will stay there, but, as i have said, if you do fully Admit, Commit and Believe, Jesus CERTAINLY does bless. My legs are now almost completely pain free, and when i was in fear of how i would bear the costs,put food on the table for my family, those worries have been alleviated to a rather large extent. And that, IS A BLESSING. All the time that i abandoned OurSaviour, he was ALWAYS there, waiting to open His arms to me to come back home. Where i once blamed OurLord, i have realised, that sometimes He does have to teach us some hard lessons to gently nudge and guide us back home and when we do repent and beg for forgiveness He DOES hear evry single call and cry for help. It is time to hold our heads up for our Salvation draws near. Thankyou Frank, for being the Christian that you are and working with Jesus to help guide me back home. God Bless and Amen. 


AP PhotoProphecy Sign:  When know form Jesus in Luke 21:25 that massive storms would come. Christ warns us about the roaring seas and waves.  With the destruction from these storms comes a increase in the price of food.  Jesus in Revelation 6:6 warns the people living on Earth during the tribulation will be working all day for one small meal.  Over the months I have been warning you to watch crops being taken out for various reason one of which would be from floods and these storms.  Read the news and remember what Christ has shown you!

(AP) — With crop prices soaring, farmers along the lower Mississippi River had been expecting a big year. Maybe even a huge one.  Now, many are facing ruin, with floodwaters swallowing up corn, cotton, rice and soybean fields.  And even more farmland will be drowned in the coming days if engineers throw open a spillway for the first time in 38 years, as they are expected to do, sometime over the weekend. Unlocking the spillway would inundate Louisiana Cajun country with as much as 25 feet of water but would ease the pressure on levees downstream, averting a potentially bigger disaster in New Orleans and Baton Rouge.”  If you have been coming to my site you know this isn’t the only place this is happening.  Slowly but surely crops are being wiped out and the price of food keeps skyrocketing. 

The report also stated, “More than 1,500 square miles of farmland in Arkansas, which produces about half of the nation's rice, have been swamped over the past few weeks. In Missouri, where a levee was intentionally blown open to ease the flood threat in the town of Cairo, Ill., more than 200 square miles of croplands were submerged, damage that will probably exceed $100 million. More than 2,100 square miles could flood in Mississippi.

When the water level goes down – and that could take many weeks in some places – farmers can expect to find the soil washed away or their fields covered with sand. Some will probably replant on the soggy soil, but they will be behind their normal growing schedule, which could hurt yields.  For about the last six months, some parts of Louisiana and Mississippi have been battling unusually dry weather. Now they're getting drenched with water.”  If you have been really following Christ’s warnings to keep on the watch this type of news shouldn’t come to you as a surprise, because Jesus also pointed out the intense heat, and droughts that would also show up with all the other signs.

Great video on Israel and Jerusalem done by Glenn Beck please watch this video before you watch mine and read the news concerning the May 15, 2011 march on Israel.

Pro-Palestinian protests, Jordan - AP - May 13, 2011 See full size image

Prophecy Sign: The Psalm 83 war hasn’t taken place yet but there are signs in the Middle East that point to another war which may turn out to fulfill this prophecy.

“Jordanians and Egyptians took to the streets Friday calling for the establishment of a Palestinian state and an end to the displacement of refugees. The protests took place just two days before the Nakba Day, when Palestinians mourn the 'catastrophe' in which their ancestors were expelled in the 1948 Israeli War of Independence, creating thousands of refugees.” “

“Pro-Palestinian demonstrations are not unusual in Jordan or Egypt, but gatherings and marches solicited on Facebook are. Organizers have apparently been inspired by the Arab uprisings in Egypt and other Arab countries that were heavily dependent on social network sites. In Jordan, protesters chanted, "The people want to liberate Palestine." They also shouted, "The people want to end Wadi Araba," a reference to Jordan's 1994 peace treaty with Israel.”

"We want to tell the world that Palestine and its refugees are not to be forgotten," said 21-year-old dentistry student Omar Hassan, whose family hails from Bethlehem in the West Bank. "It's time the world recognizes that the Palestinian case has to be solved once and for all."


The video below shows how Egypt is on the path to fulfilling their role in the Psalm 83 war against Israel.

Pro-Palestinian protesters in Cairo [illustrative] The Arabs are already making moves on Israel even before May 15! I quote, “In the Mediterranean city of Alexandria, Egypt's second largest city, thousands marched to the Israeli consulate after dawn prayers at one of the city's main mosques, chanting: "With our souls, with our blood, we redeem you Palestine."  "We are here today to show our support for the Palestinian cause," said Mohammed Abdel-Salam, a 22-year-old activist on Friday. "The victory of our revolution will not be complete without the liberation of Palestine," he added.”

Palestinian youths throw stones at Israeli military vehicle in East Jerusalem “Israel Defense Force soldiers and Palestinians clashed on Friday throughout the West Bank, days before planned demonstrations to commemorate the Nakba. Mild clashes between the IDF and Palestinians erupted in Jerusalem on Friday morning, in Silwan, Isawiya and in the Old City. Israel police forces have arrested 11 protesters.”

Security Forces Deploy“Public Security Minister Yitzhack Aharonovitch said Thursday some Muslim's would be denied access to the Temple Mount on Friday, Israel Radio reports.  The restrictions, typically imposed on Muslim males under 50, is commonly employed when heightened tensions lead Israel's police to believe violence may erupt.  Aharonovitch told Israel Radio police would "thin out the number of worshipers at the Temple Mount," due to police intelligence estimates citing a likelihood of prelude demonstrations to Sunday's expected "Nakba Day" protests.”

“Reinforced police and border guard units equipped with riot gear are being deployed in eastern Jerusalem, the Old City, and the Temple Mount to maintain order. Activists behind a website called "The Third Intifada" have called for a new uprising, which would see thousands of Palestinian refugees march towards homes which they fled from or were forced out of when Israel was created in 1948 on Palestinian land. While PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas has publicly ruled out a Third Intifada, Fatah and Hamas have reportedly created a joint committee to coordinate Nakba Day demonstrations.”

UN Security Council (Archive) Photo: AFP  Prophecy Sign:  Let us keep in mind that Syria and the Lebanese are also nations that will be involved in the Psalm 83 war.  Also, Iran and Russia will take part in the Ezekiel 38 war.  While the Arabs are getting ready to march on Israel May 15th arms from Russia’s ally Iran are making their way to Syria and the PLO. I quote,  “Russia is attempting to suppress a United Nations report that says Iran has been breaking a UN arms embargo by shipping weapons to Syria, Western diplomats said Thursday. "Russia has objected to the publication of the report as an official Security Council document," a council diplomat told Reuters on condition of anonymity. Several other diplomats confirmed it.  "It's obviously an attempt to protect (Syrian President) Bashar al-Assad," who is coming under increasing international pressure over his violent crackdown on anti-government protesters, another council diplomat said. The confidential report, obtained by Reuters, said most of Iran's breaches of the embargo have been deliveries of weapons to Syria, which Western diplomats say were to be passed on to Lebanese and Palestinian militants.”   Since we already know who is going to win the Psalm 83 war when it breaks out how do you think Russia and Iran’s allies are going to take the news that Israel has once again won the war, and they are still holding on to East Jerusalem?   Let me point you back to Ezekiel 38 because that chapter shows us what the outcome will be.  After the Psalm war is over the Russia, Iran, Turkey, and the other nations in Ezekiel 38-39 will try again to wipe out Israel.  It will end just as bad for them as it is going to happen to the nations who come against Israel in the Psalm 83 war.,7340,L-4068121,00.html

Prophecy Sign: Jesus the Messiah and the Apostles indicated that in the last days there will be many false prophets who come on the scene, speaking in the name of Yehowah or in the name of Jesus, and they will deceive many. [Matthew 7:15, 24:11, 24, Mark 13:22, Acts 13:6, 2 Peter 2:1, 3:3, 1 John 4:1]. 

This is a reminder that Harold Camping is warning everyone on May 21, 2011 the Lord’s judgment day is coming. It is a shame that people are following Camping because all he is doing is giving Christians a bad name. I am sure Satan loves this type of news as it may lead many away from the Lord.  Nothing is going to happen on May 21 except his followers will again see him as a man who lead them to false teachings.  There have been may people who call themselves prophets and have given dates for the world to end. The Jehovah’s Witnesses take the price for the number of times their leaders stated God told them what day the world would end.  I pray Camping’s followers won't do the same thing the JW’s did.  The JW’s listened to the excuses why the end of the world did not come and stayed in the organization.  If God tells you something and it is truly from God that that thing which He tells you will come to pass. If Camping truly has a heart for Christ on May 22, 2011 he will need to get on his radio show and tell the world he was wrong and mislead everyone. After May 21, how can anyone who has followed Camping truth anything he tells you? Wake up and believe the scriptures Jesus has given you about these false prophets.  Below is another news report about Camping and the end of the world.




Anti-Christian violence sparks fears of rising Salafi influence  See full size image


Prophecy Sign: In Luke 21:12 Jesus warns us to look for the sign of Christian persecution in the last days.

Prophecy Sign: “Salafism, a fundamentalist version of Islam, is not new to Egypt. But since the fall of the staunchly secular president Hosni Mubarak, Salafists are more visible and, some Egyptians say, more disruptive than ever before. The deadly attacks on two Cairo churches over the weekend have highlighted fears that sectarian violence could flare up rather than die down in post-revolution Egypt.  Tensions – sometimes deadly – between Egypt’s Muslim and Christian communities are not a new phenomenon in the world’s largest Arab nation. But Saturday’s clashes between the two communities following the burning of two churches in Cairo’s Imbaba neighbourhood, have raised fears of the growing role of fundamentalist Salafi Muslims in Egypt.”



Burning witchcraft things102_5177Our God is so faithful to His word. Surely brothers it was tough all from the beginning of our trip to the last. I had forgotten to tell you while the meeting was on, Pastor from Sudan, and his Son was carried by motorcycle got in an accident but was treated and discharged, he had just small injuries. I thank God who spoke to you through the DiMora site, and brothers and sister stood with us in prayers, especially those who fasted for us. My prayers is that God expand them together with their generations. The work of their hands be blessed.Titus”


    • carol-ann gillies on May 13, 2011 at 2:23 pm
    • Reply

    frank hope you feel better soon thanks for posting and keeping us up to date on current events.

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