Letter from Pastor Titus/May 12, 2011

I just received this email from Pastor Titus. I wanted to pass along what information he has given me so far concerning the Sudan trip.  Please keep Titus up in prayer. As you will see from his email to me, he is sick from the trip.  Titus has sent me many pictures of the trip.  It would take to long to put them all up at my site. However, if you want to see the pictures email me and in the subject box of the email write (forward pictures of Titus trip to Sudan).  Pastor Titus has asked that if you have any questions for him to email him at: etyati@yahoo.com .

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On behave of the last chronicle team members we would like to thank the almighty God who for sure was with us, although the mission which had a lot of challenges, but God  was with us. We also want to thank my Dad Tim who and his family who has been always been praying for and supporting our church form the beginning to date which has know planted  Turbo church and I also like to thank God for our heart brother whom Dad Tim introduced  to after reading his Last Chronicles book of which we have Evangelist team God is using in Kenya and recently has penetrated East Africa. Glory to God. And I also want to thank all DiMora web site members who from the beginning, prayed for us in time we were going to Sudan. Due to my health, I will have time to thank all who participated to our trip to Sudan.  

I cannot explain all what God did In Sudan. We begun our trip well, in Uganda border we no challenges things begun to change when approached  Sudan in Northern Uganda when we had a lot road block of hostile Uganda rebels but God was on our side. Things went worse when we entered Sudan, we saw another world. We stayed at the boarder for 5 hours being disturbed without reason finally we were allowed to proceed . As we were in the middle of the bush we were attacked by soldiers later we came to be told they we were SPLA, thankful that one of the bus conductors new their language  they left us to proceed with our Journey.

I thank God the UN nations for they are really doing a lot in Sudan by constructing roads that has made transportations go fast, otherwise it used to be very dangerous. We arrived at 6:pm Pastor Nicholas from Sudan was waiting for us, we hired the taxi, while in the taxi we saw many police. When we asked what was going on we were told people are removed from their town to  another place outside the town. Victim said he was one of the victims his house and the church was demolished and the members have scattered for 2 weeks he has not worshiped anywhere.

We put aside all what we planned and asked God what to do, because we are in foreigners land and our host pastor is new to that area. The next day we identify a ground near pastors new house, we had  an open air meeting few people came to Christ but people were just listening from far. Quickly at pastors home we build a small shelter where we had meeting at night thank God some few people come and received Christ. On Wednesday we will be having no crusade but house to house. We went to the first house both a husband and a wife received Jesus. God led us to 2 big mango tree many youth stay their making bricks this is where I realized why God send us to Juba so young men and 5 girls came to Christ. Form then we were moving house to house people bringing cigarettes while we were putting them on fire, and many evil things, by then our camera was off, but we used cell phone to take pictures. On Sunday by 8:00 am people were already starting to come to the  service. This is how we have started a new Church at JUBA. We had many challenges  along the road in that we were escorted by police. After services we took our instruments to booking office to return to Kenya on Monday morning. around 12:30am I became so sick the I was rushed to private clinic when it reached 5:00am I told them to discharge me, but they wanted to refused because I was still very sick but we persisted because the bus was living at 6:00am and we had already paid the ticket and money paid was not refundable in any lateness, by the time we were still discussing the bus left us. I had remained with few money after paying the hospital bills we hired a taxi to chase the bus, buy the grace of the God we managed get the bus. but we lost our speaker and keyboard spoiled while packing. It was difficult to travel while I am sick. I have no word to explained, but I thank God the saved souls and planted a Church in Juba, I will still go their in  Jesus name despite challenges. N/B please Pray for Southern Sudan, this is from what I have had from the people saying after JULY DECLARATION of southern Sudan as a NATION theirs A very big war. The southerners are going to claim ABIEYI the town with oil. Ask any question?

God bless you,
