UN Chief: End occupation, divide Jerusalem/September could spark the war!/March 29, 2011


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Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

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Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

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 Prophecy Sign: In Matthew 24:4 Jesus gives us a warning about making sure we would not be deceived. This is what the Word says, “And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.” In Matthew 24:24 Jesus said, “For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great sings and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.”

Matthew 24:26 Christ also warns us, "Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, [he is] in the secret chambers; believe [it] not".

I have been warning you as much as I can that Iran’s President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad wants to start a major crisis between Iran and Israel.  As I told you in my previous posts, Ahmadinejad believes he is the man who is going to usher in the Muslim messiah, or the 12th Imam. Many of you may be asking what is the 12th Imam and why is this so important? Muslims believe, an Imam is an anointed leader or ruler. Ahmadinejad wants to bring out this anointed ruler, messiah.

Muslims believe an Imam is anointed by Allah and a perfect example of leading mankind in every way. The 12th Imam is said to be a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad, having divine status, as did each of this succession of sons. The 12th Imam is also called the Hidden Imam and the Mahdi which means (guided one). It is their belief that both Jesus Christ and the 12 Imam will show up at the same time and lead the world into peace. This is exactly what Jesus was speaking about when He said watch out for false Christs and false prophets.

I can assure everyone, Jesus Christ is not going to team up with the 12th Imam. Let it also be known that Ahmadinejad has claimed that the 12th Imam in hidden in the desert in a well that is suppose to be in a secret place. What he is says is the exact same thing Jesus Christ warned us about and it is happening when all the rest of the prophecies are coming to pass. This is not a coincidence, but a fulfillment of our Lords' warnings.

Ahmadinejad considers himself to be a prophet, just like John the Baptist; only Ahmadinejad will lead a false messiah. Not long ago when Ahmadinejad was at the UN he made it clear that the 12 Imam was coming. My heart is telling me the reason why he stated that was he knows war is coming between Israel and Iran. In an interview recently Ahmadinejad said he was in contact with this 12 Imam. He has never before stated this fact, and it is very important news when we are watching for false prophets. If you click to the video below you will get important news from Mr. Joel Rosenberg on this issue. About half way into the interview you will hear Joel give the facts about Ahmadinejad’s claim to be speaking with the hidden Mahdi. The second thing of great importance here is this, Ahmadinejad is hoping to cause a war between Iran and Israel for the sole purpose of bring out the hidden Mahdi. Ahmadinejad actually believes that when Israel attacks them this hidden Mahdi will ride out and destroy Israel. This is one of the reasons why I watch you to watch the news coming out of the Middle East, because this was is going to be fulfilled very soon. Ahmadinejad is in for a huge surprise when they attack Israel. God shows us in Ezekiel chapter 39 that the armies that march against the tiny nation of Israel will be wiped out.  Ezekiel shows us that 5/6 of the millions that march on Israel will be killed.

As of late there has been a lot of news concerning Ahmadinejad’s push to bring out the hidden Mahdi.  Considering the fact that much of the Middle East is in Chaos we need to watch what Ahmadinejad does because he will try to push this chaos to force the hidden Mahdi out of the well he has been hiding in.  You can expect him to put extra pressure on the nations that border Israel to attack Israel.

Below are three videos.  The first is Ahamadinejad at the UN where he warns about Israel’s collapse and the 12th Imam.  The second is a video of Ahmadinejad’s visit to the hidden place of the Imam.  The third video is the latest video that is just now being released that tells the world the 12th Imam’s coming is very near.

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 1641 west central Ave.
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Pastor Ruben & Sister Vera TamayoPastor Ruben & Sister Vera Tamayo



“It's called The Coming is Near and it describes current events in the Middle East as a prelude to the arrival of the mythical tweflth Imam or Mahdi — the messiah figure who Islamic scriptures say will lead the armies of Islam to victory over all non-Muslims in the last days.”

All I can say is remember what Jesus warned you. Many false prophets and false Christ would come in the last days, they are here!


Pro-Assad protesters - AP - March 29, 2011Prophecy Sign: Setting the stage for the destruction of Syria and the Psalm 83 war against Israel.  Do you want to know why all the nations in the Middle East are in chaos right now?  There is a change of power taking place that will be setting in place all the leaders who are going to come together to take crafty counsel against Israel, just as it warns us in Psalm 83:3.  When the dust settles I can assure you right now that the people who take control of the governments will be focused on getting rid of the nation Israel.  All these events are the sign of the last days birth pains. 

“Syria's Cabinet resigned Tuesday to help quell a wave of popular fury that erupted more than a week ago and is now threatening President Bashar Assad's 11-year rule in one of the most authoritarian and closed-off nations in the Middle East. Assad, whose family has controlled Syria for four decades, is trying to calm the growing dissent with a string of concessions. He is expected to address the nation in the next 24 hours to lift emergency laws in place since 1963 and moving to annul other harsh restrictions on civil liberties and political freedoms. Pro-Syrian President Bashar Assad protesters, shout pro-Assad slogans as they demonstrate to show their support for him, in Damascus, Syria, on Tuesday March 29, 2011.  More than 60 people have died since March 18 as security forces cracked down on protesters, Human Rights Watch said. State TV said Tuesday Assad accepted the resignation of the 32-member Cabinet headed by Naji al-Otari, who has been in place since September 23. The Cabinet will continue running the country's affairs until the formation of a new government. The resignations will not affect Assad, who holds the lion's share of power in the authoritarian regime. The announcement came hours after hundreds of thousands of supporters of Syria's hard-line regime poured into the streets Tuesday as the government tried to show it has mass support”.



UN headquarters AP October 12, 2010  What could cause war to break out between Israel and its neighbors this September? Before I go on any further let me remind you that in September of this year you will have the  Jewish Feast of Rosh HaShanah on the 29th and the 30th.  Since Jesus fulfilled the first coming during the Spring Feasts as pointed out in the chart above we can be assured He will also fulfilled the last at the second coming.  The first one will be the Feast of Trumpets.  We believe that it will be at this time which Christ will remove the Church His Bride.  What we do not know is what year this will happen.  It could take place this year, next year or some other year. What we do know is that when September rolling around we all need to be ready just in case this is the year the Lord has chosen to begin to fulfill the last three Fall Holidays.  We do know that the Lord’s coming for the Church is soon as He warned us that when you see all these things take place look up for our redemption draws close.  Now let me get back to the question, what could cause war to break out between Israel and its neighbors this September?

The PLO have been working to have the UN call for a Palestinian State this September. Israel informed the 15 members of the United Nations Security Council last week, as well as several other prominent European Union countries, that if the Palestinian Authority persists in its efforts to gain recognition in September as a state within the 1967 borders, Israel would respond with a series of unilateral steps of its own.

Senior Foreign Ministry officials said the ministry's director general, Rafael Barak, sent a classified cable last week to more than 30 Israeli embassies, directing them to lodge a diplomatic protest at the highest possible level in response to the Palestinian efforts to gain international recognition for statehood at the UN General Assembly session in September.

The Israeli diplomatic corps conveyed the message that support for international recognition, particularly by most of the members of the European Union, encouraged the Palestinians to forgo negotiations with Israel and to move more quickly toward recognition at the UN of Palestinian statehood. Israeli diplomats stressed that such a move violates the Oslo Accords and will not lead to a Palestinian state even if the General Assembly grants recognition, but could lead to violence on the ground.

European diplomats have confirmed to Haaretz that such a message was conveyed several days ago. One diplomat said his country did not receive a serious response when asked what unilateral steps Israel might take. Another diplomat, from a European country, said in light of the current deadlock in negotiations, international recognition of Palestinian statehood appeared unavoidable in September.

Foreign Ministry sources said no decision has been taken at this stage over a possible Israeli response to UN recognition of Palestinian statehood, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has not held any major discussion of such a response on a formal level among his cabinet colleagues. Ideas have been floated on the right wing of the political spectrum in recent weeks, suggesting, for example, that Israel might apply Israeli law to the West Bank or annex major settlement blocs to Israel.

September is expected to be pivotal for several reasons. Last September, U.S. President Barack Obama told the General Assembly that he wished to see a Palestinian state become a member of the UN within a year. In addition, Israel and the Palestinians had agreed that the talks they undertook last September 2 in Washington would last for about a year. Thirdly, Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad's program of establishing institutions for a future Palestinian state is due to be wrapped up this coming September.

If the UN gives the PLO the go ahead for their State inside of Israel, I can see Israel moving to put a halt to this.  If Israel where to tell the UN to take a hike, I could see how this would set the spark that would set in place the Psalm 83 war.  For all I know, the decision by the UN to launch at PLO State could be the order to fulfill prophecy in September. 

Is it possible that the last prophecies to be fulfilled that will jump start the seven year tribulation begin in September?  It is possible.  Keep in mind how many times in the past Israel was attacked during the Jewish Feast.  Case and point, the 1973 Yom Kippur War!  Watch the video below.


Now is the time to give your life completely over to Christ.  If, and I say if, the Lord chooses to rapture His Church this September will you be ready to go home with Him when He calls? 

AbbasHere is something to consider.  Did you know that the United States is giving aid to the PLO?  Did you also know that they may now be willing to give up that aid.  Look at the reason why. Adviser to Abbas: "Palestinians need American money, but if they use it as a way of pressuring us, we are ready to relinquish that aid."  Hamas and Fatah have agreed to renew unity talks in Cairo next month to discuss ways of ending their conflict. The decision follows a series of meeting between leaders of Hamas and Fatah in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and Syria over the past few days.”  May be it would be a good idea to read Psalm 83 again.  Philistia are the Hamas of the Gaza Strip, Assyria are the Syrians and Northern Iraqi’s, Ammon are the Palestinians and No. Jordanians, as you see from this report they are meeting in Cairo which is the land of the Hagarenes or Egyptians.  Everyone of these people are listed to attack Israel.  I believe it is very possible that they are making alliances soon to come together and work toward the removal of Israel as the Psalm 83 shows us.  Again we will have to wait but I don’t think this war is far off.


Even the people in Israel know another war is on the way.  Take a look at this headline from the Jerusalem Post. “Another Israel-Hamas war is inevitable” You really need to read the entire report to get the full picture. Here is a section of that report.

Police move grad rocket shell“I’m going to make a prediction here that, unfortunately, I’m sure is going to come true. Any good analyst should be able to see this, yet few will, until it happens within the next two years: The Egyptian revolution will make another Israel-Hamas war inevitable, with a lot more of an international mess. And I’ll go a step further: An incompetent and mistaken US policy makes such a conflict even more certain. Why?

First, Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip, is a revolutionary Islamist movement which genuinely views itself as directed by God, considers Jews to be subhuman, believes that a willingness to court suicide and welcome death will ensure victory and is certain that it is going to destroy Israel and then transform Palestinian society into an Islamic Garden of Eden. The well-being and even physical survival of the people it rules is of little importance to it.

Given this, there are only two ways to stop Hamas from waging war on Israel. The shorter-term solution is deterrence through strength. The defeat Hamas suffered in the 2008- 2009 war forced it to retrench and become cautious for a while. The only longer-term solution is the overthrow of the Hamas regime in the Gaza Strip, with the maximum possible destruction of the organization. Events in Egypt, and US policy, have destroyed the shorter-term option, and made the longer-term one impossible. With better weapons, Hamas will go to war. It’s only a matter of time.” 


Photo: EPAProphecy Sign: Zechariah 12:3:  Zechariah warned this was going to happen. Jerusalem has become that burdensome stone and you can count on God to deal with KI-moon! 

"United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon slammed Israel's policy and called for the division of Jerusalem on Tuesday. In a message delivered by his assistant at a UN regional meeting in Uruguay, Ban said: "The target date for completing the Palestinian Authority’s two-year State-building program is fast-approaching."  "The occupation that started in 1967 is morally and politically unsustainable, and must end," he told the UN Latin American and Caribbean Meeting in Support of Israeli-Palestinian Peace.   "The Palestinians have a legitimate right to the establishment of an independent and viable State of their own. Israel has the right to live in peace and security within internationally recognized and secure borders." The UN chief said that "a way must be found for Jerusalem to emerge as a capital of two States, Israel and Palestine, with arrangements for holy sites acceptable for all." He added that "there must be a just and agreed solution to the prolonged plight of the Palestinian refugees."  Ban Ki-moon better read what the Lord warned in Joel 3:2 concerning those who try to divide Israel! 


There was another sighting of a UFO right over East Jerusalem. Let’s see if this is picked up by any of the news media’s?




    • carol-ann on March 29, 2011 at 11:36 am
    • Reply

    VERY INTERESTING VIDEO OF UFO.we cant say thats a fake.

    • Darren Weekes on March 30, 2011 at 4:30 pm
    • Reply

    VERY commendable work, Frank, as is ALWAYS the case. OurSaviour did warn us that towards the end times there would be strange things in the sky and in the sun, the moon and the stars. The people in this world who have not accepted Jesus as their saviour then they had best make it their number 1, if ONLY, priority to seek their salvation through TheWord of TheLord because anyone can see, especially with the help of this tireless servant of TheLord, Frank Dimora, that those days ARE at our very doorstep and i have already said this and i’ll say it again, it is BLATANTLY OBVIOUS that He who comes as a thief in the night is just sitting idly by, in the garden, watching his children and He WILL be knocking on the door much sooner than i think any of us realise. God Bless you Frank, Darren.

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