Road to Psalm 83 war and speeding up Zechariah 12:3


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Mavi Marmara - AP Prophecy Sign: The Road to the Psalm 83 war, and  Zechariah 12:3.

“Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon will summon foreign ambassadors to the ministry today to seek their help in stopping this year's flotilla, which is slated to contain at least 15 ships. The sailing date has not yet been finalized, but the ministry expects it to be sometime between May 15, when the Palestinians commemorate the "Nakba" ("catastrophe" ) of Israel's establishment, and May 31, the anniversary of last year's deadly interception. Thirty organizers from 15 countries met in Madrid about six weeks ago to discuss their plans, which have so far been kept under wraps for "security reasons." They also asked the governments of some of the countries whose nationals plan to be aboard the flotilla to guarantee their safety should Israel try to stop the ships.”


Prophecy Sign: The Road to the Psalm 83 war

“The Muslim Brotherhood and remnant elements of the National Democratic Party, which dominated Egyptian politics for decades, were the main supporters of the referendum. They argued that the election timetable would ensure a swift return to civilian rule. Members of the liberal wing of Egyptian politics mostly opposed the measure, saying that they lacked time to form effective political organizations. They said early elections would benefit the Brotherhood and the old governing party, which they warned would seek to write a constitution that centralizes power, much like the old one.



Strike in GazaIsraeli missile strike, AP, Dec. 27, 2008.Prophecy Sign: The Road to the Psalm 83 war. “Israeli aircraft bombed smuggling tunnels, weapons manufacturing sites and terrorist bases in Gaza overnight in retaliation for massive mortar shell attacks on Israeli civilians and soldiers. One of the bases was a Hamas training site.  Arab media pointed out that the retaliation came hours after another ceasefire offer by Hamas, which said it would cease attacks if Israel did the same. The Israeli retaliation was a clear sign that the government and military do not accept Hamas truce offers, all of which the terrorist organization has broken dozens of times over the past four years.  After weeks of claiming that other terrorist organizations have broken a ceasefire promise by Hamas earlier this year, Hamas stated on Saturday that it participated in the massive mortar attack last week on the Negev.”  “Hamas and allied terrorists have attacked Israel more than 125 times with rockets and mortars since the beginning of the year, not including dozens of attempts to plant bombs on the patrol road at the Gaza separation/security fence.”

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Photo: ReutersProphecy Sign: The Road to the Psalm 83 war.

Weapons were found on an Iranian cargo plane forced to land in southeast Turkey on Saturday, Turkish media reported Tuesday. According to reports, the arms plane left Tehran with military ammunition for Syria. Several crates containing weapons and ammunition were removed from the aircraft. Turkish media reported that the plane was forced to land in a military airfield at the United Nations' request following information indicating it was carrying nuclear materials. It was further reported that rocket launchers, mortars, rifles and explosive materials were found in one of the main cabinets on the plane.”,7340,L-4045778,00.html

Iran to Build Permanent Naval Base in Syria

DEBKA – DEBKAfile Exclusive Report,  March 1st, 2011

Just two days after two Iranian warships reached the Syrian port of Latakia via the Suez Canal, Friday, Feb. 25, an Iranian-Syrian naval cooperation accord was signed providing for Iran to build its first Mediterranean naval base at the Syrian port, debkafile's military and Iranian sources reveal.

The base will include a large Iranian Revolutionary Guards weapons depot stocked with hardware chosen by the IRGC subject to prior notification to Damascus. Latakia harbor will be deepened, widened and provided with new “coastal installations” to accommodate the large warships and submarines destined to use these facilities.

Iran has much to celebrate, debkafile's military sources report. It has acquired its first military foothold on a Mediterranean shore and its first permanent military presence on Syrian soil. Tehran will be setting in place the logistical infrastructure for accommodating incoming Iranian troops to fight in a potential Middle East war.

According to our sources, the “cadets” the Kharg cruiser, one of the two Iranian warships allowed to transit the Suez Canal, was said to be carrying were in fact the first construction crews for building the new port facilities.”



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