10 mortars hit Israel again!/Diplomatic tsumami coming against Israel/Jordan wants to cut all ties with Israel/Syria and Egypt getting close/Nuclear weapons from S. Korea to Iran are intercepted/ God’s curse/March 18, 2011


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Are you really searching to know the truth? Jesus wants you to find what you have been looking for!

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box, or email me at fjdimora@gmail.com. There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

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Look at the number of "GREAT EARTHQUAKES" there have been so far.  In all of last year there were 21 huge quakes. We have already had 7 huge quakes, and we aren't even finished with the month of March yet!


Mugshot Again we see signs of Zechariah 12:3 where all nations will come against Israel in the end times.  Israel’s Ehud Barak sees this internation wave against his nation coming.  I quote, “Israel faces a "diplomatic tsunami" that could erode its international support and bolster its enemies in the Middle East, the Jewish state's defense minister said this week. Ehud Barak also criticized his coalition government partner, Benjamin Netanyahu, saying indecisiveness by the prime minister "was pushing Israel into a corner from which the old South Africa's deterioration began." More than 110 countries have announced their recognition of a Palestinian state. The Palestinian Authority hopes that number will be 150 by September, when it plans to request formal recognition from the United Nations. "We face a diplomatic tsunami that the majority of the public is unaware of," Mr. Barak said during a speech at the Institute for National Security Studies. "Israel's delegitimization is in sight." International recognition of a Palestinian state will have little practical impact as long as the Palestinians and Israelis have not negotiated a peace agreement.”


Interesting, women pin point March 11 earthquake. Watch youtube video, link below.


Bashar AssadDoes it surprise anyone to see Syria and Egypt getting real close?  Keep in mind, Egypt is listed in the Psalm 83 war against Israel.  “Egypt's temporary military rulers sent a delegation to Syria on Thursday to meet with President Bashar al-Assad. Egyptian General Murad Mohammed Muafi and Assad agreed to boost cooperation between the two countries, according to Syria's SANA news agency. The meeting follows long-term tension between Egypt and Syria. Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak refrained from developing warm ties with Assad due to disagreement over Syria's role in Lebanon. Assad sent his greetings to the new Egyptian government shortly after Mubarak's overthrow, wishing them success and expressing readiness to “cooperate with Cairo”


Now I have to ask you again, does it surprise you that Jordanian wants to cut all ties with Israel?  Again, keep in mind Jordan is another Arab nation that is listed in the Psalm 83 war that will be attacking Israel.  Here the news. "The Jordanian government's action to ban imports of goods and commodities from the Zionist (regime) settlements is highly important in its kind, but the government should not suffice to this measure since all relations (with Israel) should be cut at all levels," Boustani told FNA on Wednesday. He also expressed the hope that expulsion of the Zionist regime's ambassador to Amman, closure of Jordan's embassy in Tel Aviv and severance of all bilateral relations would pave the ground for the annulment of the 1994 Wadi Araba Peace Treaty signed between Jordan and Israel as requested by all Jordanian citizens. "Israel is the enemy of the Arabs and Muslims, therefore any kind of relations and cooperation with this criminal regime is to be condemned," Boustani added.”  Can’t you see what is happening?"  Every nation listed in the Psalm 83 war is coming against Israel.  This is not a coincidence, it is the road being set in place for the Psalm war.


“South Korea and Singapore have intercepted suspected nuclear and weapons materials bound for Iran that breach UN sanctions imposed on the Islamic republic, diplomats said Thursday. The two seizures, made in the past six months but only revealed now, add to a growing list of alleged Iranian attempts to breach an international arms embargo, which are bringing mounting pressure to tighten sanctions, they said. "South Korea authorities found more than 400 suspicious tubes in a jet cargo at Seoul airport in December," one diplomat told AFP, giving details from a report to the UN Iran sanctions committee.”

“Britain said this month that arms seized by its special forces in Afghanistan on February 5 were being supplied by Iran to the Taliban militia fighting international forces. British Foreign Secretary William Hague condemned what he called Iran's "completely unacceptable" actions. The pressure will likely increase after Israel this week accused Iran of supplying weapons found on a ship intercepted by naval commandos as it headed for the Hamas-run Palestinian territory of Gaza. Iran has denied the claim. Israeli authorities showed off the weapons on Wednesday, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu”


Thousands of Iranians marched through Tehran in support of the revolts rocking Bahrain, Libya and Yemen  “Thousands of Iranians marched on Friday in Tehran in support of the revolts rocking Bahrain, Libya and Yemen, state television reported. Chants backing the protests of majority Shiites in Bahrain, who are challenging the Sunni dynasty's 200-year-old grip on power, dominated the demonstration which unfolded in the capital after Muslim Friday prayers "The Saudis are committing crimes and the US supports them," and "Death to America" chanted protesters. "Death to Israel," cried others.”  Iran has no doubt come under the Lord's curse.  You can not keep saying you want to destroy Israel and except something major isn't going to happen to your nation.  Since Iran is going to place a major role in Bible prophecy I would like to break down a interview I watch between Piers Morgan and Israel's Prime Minister.  I thank you will find the connect interesting in relation to what is going on in the world.


PIERS MORGAN, CNN ANCHOR, PIERS MORGAN TONIGHT: Prime Minister Netanyahu, March 18, 2011 Transcript of interview. I am only quoting from the main points I want to point out to you. You can click to the link below and read the entire transcript.

“MORGAN: What is the nightmare scenario for you?

NETANYAHU: That you get another Iran. That you get-you had a
revolution. Five years ago in Lebanon a million Lebanese, that is the
equivalent to 20 million Egyptians, walked in the streets of Beirut,
chanting for freedom, chanting for secular reformist, a liberal Lebanese

state. Five years later Lebanon is controlled by Hezbollah, which is
controlled by Iran
. That is what we don't want to see. We don't want
to see this stark Medievalism that represses women, that crushes the
rights of people, that holds us back a millennia. That fosters
violence. That does everything that we abhor. That it would take over.”

As you can see from what Netanyahu said Iran has been very active in moving closer and closer to Israel. You have Israel’s enemies in Lebanon and you have Iran pushing the Hezbollah to attack Israel which they have continued to do.  Just last week we saw more rockets were launched at Israel again from the Gaza. And new attacks on Israeli’s in the West Bank!  Keep in mind, Lebanon and the Palestinians are named in the coming war with against Israel in Psalm 83.  Interview continues. 

“MORGAN: What is the big concession? What's the concession you're
prepared to make to make this happen? Because you know if you don't
make one, if you don't do something dramatic here, nothing's going to
happen. You'll go down as a guy who was prime minister twice and it
never happened. And I don't think that's a legacy you really want, is

Why would you want that legacy?

NETANYAHU: Well the legacy I want is that I hope secure the life the
Jewish state and its future. We did have – we did act precipitously.
We walked out of Gaza. We uprooted.
Talk about concessions. We
uprooted 10,000 Israelis out of Gaza, just eliminated the settlements
that were supposed to be the obstacle to peace. We walked out, Iran
walked in. We didn't get peace.

We walked out of Lebanon, every last inch. We walked out, Iran walked
in. From Lebanon they fired 6,000 rockets at us. This is a country the

size of New Jersey. From Gaza, after we walked out, they fired 6,000
rockets at us. Now, they say, "Just walk out of the West Bank. Make
the concession. Come on, do it again, a third time

We could be in a position where we can't live. So my concern is, I want

peace for Israel but I want a peace that we can defend and I want a
peace that will hold. And I know that that's
peace with security. I
know that's what we have to insist – and I insist – unabashedly so –
on peace with strong security arrangements.”

Photo: Roi IdanThe following news is exactly what Netanyahu was talking about to Pier Morgan. The following report just broke.

 “Palestinian terrorists in north Gaza fired 10 mortars towards Israel's western Negev region on Friday. Four of the shells were fired before noon. Some of them landed in Palestinian territory. At around 4 pm six additional mortars launched from the Hamas-ruled territory landed in an open area within the limits of the Eshkol Regional Council, near the security fence separating Israel and Gaza. There were no reports of injury or damage in either attack. On Wednesday two gunmen belonging to Hamas' armed wing – the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades – were killed during an Israeli aerial strike in Gaza. The attack was launched in response to rocket fire from Gaza on Israeli territory earlier in the day.”



Look at what Netanyahu is telling you.  It is the same exact thing we were warned about in I Thessalonians 5:3 where Paul told us that when they are calling for Peace and security that is the time sudden destruction will come.  Iran’s influence in the Gaza is leading to war and I know this Psalm 83 war can not be that far off.  As it stands now, while they are still trying to work out some agreement, Israel is as I said, still being attacked.  Nothing has changed except tensions in the Middle East are reaching the boiling point.


“MORGAN: You refer regularly to Iran. Everybody knows your view about
Iran. That they believe in the extermination of all things Israel.

NETANYAHU: It is not only that they believe it. It is look at what
they are doing, now.

MORGAN: But what about flipping it on its head and saying, what are you

doing about that? Given that you know that is their position?

NETANYAHU: I mean, rather than wait for other countries to intervene on

your behalf. What is Israel actually doing right now to combat this
incredibly serious threat?

NETANYAHU: Well, the first thing I have been trying to do-for a long
time-for about 15 years, I was elected the first time about 15 years
ago. And I went to speak at the-before the joint session of the U.S.
Congress. And I said that the single greatest threat facing the world,
and my own country, was the arming of Iran with nuclear weapons. And
since then what I have been trying to do is alert the world and the
leaders of the world that it is not merely our problem, that it is their

problem. Because Iran today is in Afghanistan, it is in Iraq, it has
gotten control  of Lebanon. It has gotten control of half the Palestinian”

“MORGAN: Given the gravity of the threat from Iran, if America has not

taken military action within say, the next five years, is it conceivable

that Israel will not have done anything?

NETANYAHU: Well, we always reserve the right to defend ourselves


Pay attention to what Netanyahu has said here because it is important. The underline importance to what he stated is this, when it comes time that Israel knows nothing has worked to stop Iran from getting a hold a a nuclear weapon, they will attack Iran to make sure that weapon is not used against Israel.  As I said before, Iran is not named in the Psalm 83 war but, they are named in the Ezekiel war.  One thing that could happen is this, war will break out between Israel and the boarders nations as a result of the failed peace process.  Israel will take more land away from the nations who attack her.  A short period of time will pass.  During this time Iran will have kept up their quest to obtain a nuclear bomb.  Knowing Israel has to now act to defend itself she launches her IDF and take out Iran’s weapons.  Since Russia has military agreements with Iran and has stated, anyone who attacks Iran is the same as attacking Russia, Russia then leads the Ezekiel 38 attack against Israel and Iran is right at their side as God told Ezekiel.  We will all have to watch what happens in the Middle East to see how it turns out but one thing is clear from the Word of God, they are calling for Peace and safety and soon the destruction will take place.


“MORGAN: Would you give up Jerusalem? Everyone tells me you would if I
came to it.

NETANYAHU: I don't know what everybody is saying. I'll tell you what
we say. We say that Jerusalem has to remain united under Israel.
That's our position going into the negotiations. I know it's a very
emotional issue for the Palestinians. So we've agreed – I've agreed –

to have this issue brought up in the negotiations –

MORGAN: Could you imagine –

NETANYAHU: We'll have to look for very creative solution here.”


This answer to Morgan’s question takes us to Zechariah 12:3 where God told the Prophet that Jerusalem would become a burdensome stone to the nations in the last days.  You can not deny that this has happen!  The world has been focused on this problem for years and now the issue of who owns Jerusalem is and has lead to much violence.  Soon the Arabs are going to understand that Netanyahu will never give away God’s must Holy City and they will set in motion the next war.  I truly believe this is going to happen in the near future considering the Middle East is as I said, reaching the boiling point.  Now let us look at report out of Israel.

'Netanyahu has already divided Jerusalem!' “A prominent Israeli activist told participants in the 8th annual Jerusalem Conference on Tuesday that while the world bickers over future control of Jerusalem, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has in fact already divided the city.

Aryeh King of the Israel Land Fund charged that today eight neighborhoods on the eastern side of Jerusalem are off-limits to Jews.

He presented video evidence of Israeli police preventing Jewish motorists from entering the neighborhoods in question. Jews entering these neighborhoods by special permission require an Israeli army escort.

King also noted that Palestinian Authority police officers are operating freely in these neighborhoods with no opposition from Israel.

“The Likud government, the present government of Israel, already divided Jerusalem,” King told Israel National News following the presentation.

King and others fear that the current reality in Jerusalem will eventually lead to Israel’s leadership throwing up its hands and insisting that since the city is already effectively divided, they might as well surrender sovereignty to the Palestinian Authority.

By contrast, there is no part of Jerusalem that Arabs are forbidden from entering. In fact, the major shopping malls, parks and other public venues in Jewish-dominated western Jerusalem are very popular with the city’s Arab population.”

Could this be the creative solution Netanyahu was taling about in his interview with Morgan?  http://www.israeltoday.co.il/NewsItem/tabid/178/nid/22703/Default.aspx?sms_ss=email&at_xt=4d8396013fdc52a2%2C0

 NETANYAHU: If I sign a peace, people of Israel will follow me. But
you've got to give us the two elements of peace that are required to
have a real peace, not a fake peace. The real peace requires security
and the real peace requires that you actually reconcile yourself to a
Jewish state here, permanently
. This is what we want.

Look, it's very easy to sign a fake peace and then have it collapse.
Most wars started from a conditional peace –

 One of the main issues that is causing the break down of the Middle East peace talks is the fact that the Arabs will not recognize that State of Israel.  Why would Netanyahu want to sign any peace deals with people who are working to wipe them off the Map?  Between ownership of Jerusalem and not recognizing Israel you can see how it is impossible for any kind of real peace talks to go forward.

 MORGAN: But it also (INAUDIBLE) very easy, cannot go after a proper
deal at all. I mean, there is an argument, why should you bother?
Israel's doing very well economically.
You've been growing at five
percent a year for a while. There's a real boom going on.
Meanwhile in

the Palestinian refugee camps the conditions are appalling. So you have

a real "them and us" situation.

There's no real urgency and you could easily hide if you wanted to. I'm

not saying you are doing this, but you could hide behind all the turmoil

in the Middle East and say, you know what, we don't need to do this
right now.

NETANYAHU: Not at all. First of all, Palestinian economy has been
growing at 10 percent.”

 We know that God is watching over Israel and is blessing this nation.  We know this because He has fulfilled everything He said He would do to Israel when the Jewish nation was born again. For complete details about this read chapter 9 from my book. We also know that God will curse anyone who comes against Israel.  Ask yourself this question, why is it that in the midst of a global economic crisis Israel has been in a constant doom?  Look at what is happening to the nations who have come against her and are in the process of trying to divide up Israel.  The EU is falling apart, the US is on the verge of bankruptcy. The Middle East nations on fighting against themselves.  Right now the only nation is the Middle East which is not in turmoil is Israel.  Yes there are problems coming from Gaza, but Israel is growing and is not facing the kingdom against kingdom.  God is watching over Israel and is going to protect this nation but they will have major problems during the seven year tribulation as the Antichrist goes after Israel and anyone else who refuses to worship him as god.  Jesus wants the Jewish nation to recognize Jesus as the true Messiah and when you read Zechariah   Zechariah 12:10 says this. “And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for [his] only [son], and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for [his] firstborn.”  Don’t think just because someone is Jewish that they will have a free ride into the kingdom of God.  Christ is very clear from John 14:6 that no one will get to heaven unless they go through Jesus Christ.  I pray that Jews around the world will begin to look at all the prophecies concerning the Messiah’s first coming.  Jesus has fulfilled everyone of those prophecies! 


Messiah prophecies:    http://www.teachinghearts.org/dre17hdan09b.html 

 Is God blessing America?  As I said, Israel is being blessing and look at what is happening to America.

 “One would think that after the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, Americans could at least catch a break for a while with deflationary forces keeping the cost of living relatively low. That’s not the case.

A special index created by the Labor Department to measure the actual cost of living for Americans hit a record high in February, according to data released Thursday, surpassing the old high in July 2008. The Chained Consumer Price Index, released along with the more widely-watched CPI, increased 0.5 percent to 127.4, from 126.8 in January. In July 2008, just as the housing crisis was tightening its grip, the Chained Consumer Price Index hit its previous record of 126.9.”


Prophecy Sign: II Timothy 3:1-5, here we see what people will be like prior to the Lord’s return. I quote, “But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God– having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.”

Subway Brawl_20110318073928_JPG “MYFOXNY.COM – A brawl broke out on a New York City subway car after one passenger apparently got upset over another passenger eating a big container of spaghetti on the crowded car. The video was posted to YouTube and first reported by nyctheblog . The user who uploaded it says that it involved a Brooklyn train. There is no indication of what line it happened and what day it took place. In the video, which contains profanity, starts with some arguing. Then one woman says, "What kind of animals eat on the train?"  The woman eating the spaghetti responds, "What kind of fat ****** looks like you?"  In my live presentations I show videos of many incidents just like the one you will see in the video if you click to the second link.  People are why out of control!



The Earth is showing us signs of the last days.  Here is an example of some weird things that have been going on. "A large crack suddenly appeared after what seemed like an earthquake in Menominee Township of Michigan, US. There are a few videos of the crack but this one seems like the best. Locals or authorities dont know what it is and have also contacted experts that can figure out why such a massive crack appeared. No one knows if it was a earthquake, volcano or what might be beneath and causing also the earth to lift up at places. There is no fault line in that area so a fault line theory cannot explain what is happening there. Looks like something out of a horror movie." Watch video link below:



Mega storm on the way. Watch video below.


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