Fearful sights/Special Report 8.9 Earthquake and Tsunami/26 US states under water and more is coming/Coming Great quake in Middle East/Peace and safety problems/Many quakes/March 11, 2011



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Are you really searching to know the truth?

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box, or email me at fjdimora@gmail.com. There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

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All of my radio/video shows can be seen at The Edge.  Just click to link below.

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News for today can be seen at my youtube channel link below: Title to video is "Luke 21:11 and the 8.9 Earthquake".



Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 (Great Earthquakes)  Does anyone remember the red flag I left up from my Jan. 18, 2011 post?  This is what I wrote you back then.

cracked[1] Yesterday I wrote you the following.  Prophecy Sign: About a week and a half ago I wrote you warning you that another huge earthquake was on the way.  In that post I stated the following: “You may be wondering why the red flag is up?  This is to warn you to watch for another huge quake to hit. If the birth pains are getting worse, we should start seeing even bigger quakes, the "great earthquakes".   In Luke 21:11 Jesus warned the following: “And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.”  “I am going to keep the red flag up because you all need to see that Christ’s words should not be taken lightly.  We are in those end times birth pains and you will see more of these huge quakes in the near future.  Christ wants you to believe in Him but much more than that, He wants you to receive Him as your Lord so He can keep you from entering the seven year tribulation.” (End quote).  One day after I issued this warning look at what happen! 

By the way, I am warning you, more great greats are coming.

BREAKING: 8.9 Earthquake Hits Japan, Followed by Tsunami

By: Erica Ho
Topics: 8.9, earthquake, guam, Hawaii, indonesia, japan, marshall islands, richter scale, Russia, The Philippines, tsunami, world

Picture 5

Japan was struck by a 8.9 earthquake off the northeastern coast of the island on Friday afternoon about 3PM local time. Initially reported as a weaker earthquake, buildings in Tokyo shook for several minutes.

A tsunami warning has been issued, with warnings that waves of up to 20 feet high could strike Japan's shores. Several buildings in Japan are reported to be on fire. All transportation systems, including airports, have been closed in Tokyo.

Warnings and watches have been issued for a wide area including Japan, Russia, Guam, Taiwan, the Philippines, Indonesia and Hawaii. Reports say that a 13-foot tsunami has already hit the Miyagi prefecture in Japan. In Taiwan, the tsunami is expected to arrive at 9:30 GMT.

So far, there have been no casualties reported but Japanese media are reporting several injuries. Al Jazeera and Japan's NHK TV currently has live footage of the event. The earthquake comes at the heels of another 7.2 earthquake that struck Japan earlier this week.

I pray that all of you are understanding Jesus’ warnings are all coming to pass.  Christ also told us to watch for the roaring of the seas and waves.  This 8.9 quake that rocked for almost 5 minutes caused a huge tsunami.  It isn’t just storms that move the waves as you can see!  Jesus in Luke 21:11 warned of these “Great earthquakes” and this is one of those quakes.  Now will you listen to our Lord and receive Him as your savior?  If so, please email me and I will pray for you.  I am going to keep the red flag up because the birth pains are getting worse, expect more of these huge quakes.

Youtube video below entitled "3/10/11 8.9 Earthquake Japan Tsunami".


The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in the U.S. state of Hawaii said a tsunami warning was also in effect for Russia, Marcus Island and the Northern Marianas.  It said a tsunami watch was issued for Guam, Taiwan, the Philippines, Indonesia and Hawaii.


Watch video entitled "Uzumaki whirlpool Japan tsunami". Link below:http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=sU8zyscGWe4

Think Jesus was serious about the warning of many earthquakes in the last days. Take a look at all the quakes over 5.0 in the past seven days alone!

Watch video below entitled "Sample of the many earthquakes Jesus warned about".


May 7, 2010 I wrote you about signs to look for that would destroy crops.  This is what I said, "Each one of the signs Jesus told us to watch for will increase in magnitude. I’m not referring to just to earthquakes.  I am speaking about all the signs listed by Christ which include major storms, flooding, droughts, food shortages, famines, diseases, wars, civil unrest, and all type of disasters that will destroy crops."  As I watched the tsunami waves roll over the farm lands I remember the words I wrote you.  Listen to news and you will soon see how many crops where killed off by this disaster.  If you have been on the watch you would also noitced that 2011 has been much worse than 2010. The birth pains are increasing.


  Ask those who live in the 26 US States that are currently under water if they think what Jesus warned is true?  Christ in Luke 21:25 warned us the seas and waves would be roaring.  Recorded breaking floods are hitting hard and many have become homeless as a result.  Christ told us we would face this complex problems and they are here. 

“(TheWeatherSpace.com) — La Nina has a firm grip on Australia as claiming the second wettest summer on record in 111 years. You heard that right, Australia's BOM is saying the national average rainfall is 354.7mm, 70 percent above normal and second behind 1973-74 when over 419mm was recorded. Back in 1973-74 one of the strongest La Nina events on record was the culprit behind the record breaker. This year was a La Nina so it was no wonder the land down under saw so much rainfall.  Southern Australia had the third wettest summer, NSW the 5th, Queensland the 6th, and Northern Territory 8th. It was a good 10 years of drought for the nation but this much rainfall at once has cost lives and property to be lost on large scales.”











Prophecy Sign: Romans 8:22 "We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbrith right up to the present time."  Not only have there been many earthquakes but a string of volcanos at the same time as the 8.9 Japan quake hit. Remember the warning about the fearful sights that would come? Read Luke 21:11.  Some of those sights were seen via the volcanos.



See full size imageProphecy Sign:  “For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.” The prophecy in I Thessalonians 5:3 will be as huge as the 8.9 earthquake which just hit Japan. For some time now we have been feeling the tremors of the birth pains of the Middle East peace talks.  Let us look it this way. The fault lines to this coming peace talks earthquake are the 1967 borders and East Jerusalem. The destruction that will come when this 1967 fault line hits will end up in a massive war between Israel and the nations that boarder her, not just against the Palestinians.  


Let me give you an example of one of these tremors.

Feb. 25, 2011 there was another attack on Israel. The headline to this news was entitled, “Rocket Attack Shakes Israel

“On Wednesday night a Grad rocket fired from the Gaza Strip hit the southern Israeli town of Beersheva (a resident, I heard the sirens and the boom). It damaged several homes and vehicles, and ten people including four children had to be taken to hospital for anxiety (I heard the ambulances too).

Israel responded with air strikes on Gaza—apparently hitting the responsible terror cell itself and injuring three of its members, and various other terror targets in the Strip, causing damage.

Amid a general escalation in rocket and mortar fire (and other terror) from Gaza in recent months, the Grad attack on Beersheva marked a specific escalation in two ways. For one, the Iranian-made Grad is a longer-range and more powerful rocket than the Kassams that Hamas, the rulers of Gaza, have mostly been firing from there.”  While the tremors of this coming destruction Paul warns us about are taking place the fault lines are pushing closer together and getting ready to unleash a massive shaking in the Middle East in the form a all out war. 

Amid a general escalation in rocket and mortar fire (and other terror) from Gaza in recent months, the Grad attack on Beersheva marked a specific escalation in two ways. For one, the Iranian-made Grad is a longer-range and more powerful rocket than the Kassams that Hamas, the rulers of Gaza, have mostly been firing from there.

For another, Beersheva is a larger and more distant target than any other that Hamas has struck since Operation Cast Lead (Israel’s war on Gaza terror) two years ago, during which seven rockets hit Beersheva and seriously injured two people including a seven-year-old boy.

The timing of Wednesday night’s attack is no mystery. Two Iranian warships—the first to have crossed Egypt’s Suez Canal since the 1979 Iranian Revolution—were simultaneously heading to the harbor in Latakia, Syria. Even a New York Times report acknowledges that the upheaval now sweeping the Middle East is, rather than a triumph of democracy, a boost for Iran and its allies.

In other words, the Grad firing represents growing Axis of Evil assertiveness and a further erosion in the deterrence that Israel partly reestablished with Operation Cast Lead. Add in Thursday’s news about four new nuclear sites in Syria, and the mood for Israelis is something other than the celebration that pundits like Thomas Friedman and Peter Beinart—shining optimists of a new, peaceful, liberal Middle East—have harshly demanded of them. 

A more senior-level meeting of the Quartet, originally scheduled for next week, has been postponed until April, with the Palestinians pushing hard to get it to issue a statement endorsing a two-state solution with the 1967 lines as the baseline of a future Palestinian state.

Salam Fayyad, on Thursday condemned remarks by Netanyahu regarding the future of the Jordan Valley.
“By declaring that the Jordan Valley will remain under Israeli control, the Israeli government is telling everyone that there is no partner for peace,” Erekat said.

“We can’t talk about a Palestinian state that does not exist on the borders of June 4, 1967, and that does not include east Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine. Also, the entire West Bank and Gaza Strip must be one geographical unit,” he said.”

“Meridor, in an Israel Radio interview, said it was inconceivable that Israel would return to the 1967 lines. “We will never agree to that,” he said.”






Prophecy Sign: Psalm 83 and Ezekiel war signs.


 “Obama accepts prospect of nuclear-armed Iran
DEBKAfile Special Report March 10, 2011

During the four days between Thursday March 4 and Monday March 7, the Obama administration switched its Iran policy. As rocketing oil prices triggered by the Arab Revolt wiped out the damage caused the Iranian economy by sanctions, Washington confirmed the worst Saudi and Israeli suspicions that America had no intention of acting to stop the Islamic Republic attaining nuclear weapons, although it held Israel back from doing so when it was more feasible.

This discovery has dealt America's allies in Riyadh and Jerusalem their second letdown in three months, on the heels of White House encouragement of the uprisings againsta select number of Arab rulers.

The White House laid the ground for its change of heart on Iran with public statements that drew little attention from international media during the Libyan crisis.

The Director of National Intelligence James Clapper presented the Senate Armed Services Committee this week with a "revised" version of the controversial 2007 National Intelligence Estimate which claimed originally against all the evidence that Iran had halted work on nuclear arms in 2003.

It is now confirmed that the misinformation contained in the original NIE was the pretext for holding back – not only an Israeli attack on Iran but also direct American action for keeping nuclear arms out of Iran's hands. By revising that erroneous estimate, the Obama administration shows it is willing to catch up and come to terms with the reality of Iran's wide-open option to develop nuclear weapons.

US official language reflects the administration's policy turnabout on Iran. March 7, Washington announced that the USS Monterey guided missile cruiser, whose Aegis radar can monitor long- and short-range ballistic missiles and transmit the data to interceptor missile ground stations, would be deployed in the Mediterranean. "The US has started implementing its plan to protect Europe from a potential Iranian nuclear threat."


Watch video entitled Turkish satellite to roll back Israel's turf veil". Link below:







It is in an effort to keep the international community from taking diplomatic positions tilting toward the Palestinians that Netanyahu is, according to officials in his office, working on a diplomatic initiative that is expected to be unveiled, at the latest, by the end of May.
Erekat and other PA representatives, including Prime Minister

“Such a declaration must include recognition of east Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine and finding a just solution to the case of the Palestinian refugees on the basis of UN [General Assembly] Resolution 194,” Erekat said.  Israel is trying to prevent such a move, with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s position being that the 1967 armistice lines would not give Israel secure and defensible borders.

Using the 1967 lines as a baseline, for instance would foreclose the possibility of an IDF security presence on the Jordan River, something that Netanyahu is adamant that Israel must maintain.


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    • Darren Weekes on March 11, 2011 at 3:42 pm
    • Reply

    Such fine and precise evidence yet again Frank. And this is just the beginning. I’ve posted this on here countless times and i will say it again for anybody who has even the slightest bit of doubt. SALVATION IS FREE, DAMNATION IS ETERNAL. Anybody who comes to Frank’s site here and still has doubts, as Frank has stated COUNTLESS times- when these things begin to happen, look up, for your redemption is near. Amen. GodBless you Frank.

  1. Frank, the first verses I went to after hearing about the earthquake in Japan was Luke 21:10-11 also!
    Look at the supermoon and the solar flares that were just going on right before the earthquake. Signs in the heavens are attached to the signs on Earth!
    Keep up the great work man!

  2. Frank,I thank you for being untiring in your mission.Being a watchman isn’t easy.”Get you house in order” is the message for the church in America. Divine glory from Heaven is coming heavy this year(2011) and beyond.Get ready Frank!!!!Hallelujah!! – Rev.Sean

  3. Frank what is it going to take to turn the unsaved from their ways? I’m on the Lent season fast presing in for family,in-laws,church body,government,provision and revival for America. Also for the city of Detroit,Michigan. Be bless man of God -Rev.Sean

  4. Thank you Rev. Sean,
    I needed a bust today as I am really tired. Had to take
    Monday off to slow down alittle.

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