Muslims teaching kids to kill/Rev. 18:12 silver/Christian fruits/Increase in knowledge/ Drug violence/Violence,Decline of America/Watching signs of the Revived Roman Empire/Christian persecution/March 3, 2011


“The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” February 9, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free.  Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

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Are you really searching to know the truth? 

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

Has the Lord spoken to you about my ministry? Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

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FEDOLLAR-NEWProphecy Sign: Daniel’s book tells us that the last world empire will be a revived Roman Empire.  The European Union is the fulfillment of the Western leg of the old Roman Empire.This is why those who study prophecy are keeping their eyes on what happens with the EU.  The EU has become a power house in these last days but, they are not without troubles. They have been working their way out of a budget crisis. However, as this report points out the EU has staying power and yes the euro just may become a major player as far as a reserve currency goes. I will let the report explain.

The greenback, in other words, is not just America's currency. It's the world's.

But as astonishing as that is, what may be even more astonishing is this: The dollar's reign is coming to an end.

I believe that over the next 10 years, we're going to see a profound shift toward a world in which several currencies compete for dominance.

The impact of such a shift will be equally profound, with implications for, among other things, the stability of exchange rates, the stability of financial markets, the ease with which the U.S. will be able to finance budget and current-account deficits, and whether the Fed can follow a policy of benign neglect toward the dollar.”

This report points out three reasons why the dollar will decline as the reserve currency.

1. “First, changes in technology are undermining the dollar's monopoly.”

2. “The dollar is about to have real rivals in the international sphere for the first time in 50 years. There will soon be two viable alternatives, in the form of the euro and China's yuan.”

3. “There is the danger that the dollar's safe-haven status will be lost. Foreign investors—private and official alike—hold dollars not simply because they are liquid but because they are secure. The U.S. government has a history of honoring its obligations, and it has always had the fiscal capacity to do so. But now, mainly as a result of the financial crisis, federal debt is approaching 75% of U.S. gross domestic product. Trillion-dollar deficits stretch as far as the eye can see. And as the burden of debt service grows heavier, questions will be asked about whether the U.S. intends to maintain the value of its debts or might resort to inflating them away. Foreign investors will be reluctant to put all their eggs in the dollar basket. At a minimum, the dollar will have to share its safe-haven status with other currencies.”

The report is long but, here is the most important part if you live in the United States. “In this new monetary world, moreover, the U.S. government will not be able to finance its budget deficits so cheaply, since there will no longer be as big an appetite for U.S. Treasury securities on the part of foreign central banks.

Nor will the U.S. be able to run such large trade and current-account deficits, since financing them will become more expensive. Narrowing the current-account deficit will require exporting more, which will mean making U.S. goods more competitive on foreign markets. That in turn means that the dollar will have to fall on foreign-exchange markets—helping U.S. exporters and hurting those companies that export to the U.S.

My calculations suggest that the dollar will have to fall by roughly 20%. Because the prices of imported goods will rise in the U.S., living standards will be reduced by about 1.5% of GDP—$225 billion in today's dollars. That is the equivalent to a half-year of normal economic growth.”

After you see what is happening to America and how the dollar is dying out it makes sense why Daniel never said anything about America as any kind of power in the last days.   Let’s face it, America is declining in power and will continue to plunge as the rising debt drowns her off.

Today Time has a report out entitled, “ Are America's Best Days Behind Us?” The report shows some of the reasons why America is declining. “The following rankings come from various lists, but they all tell the same story. According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), our 15-year-olds rank 17th in the world in science and 25th in math. We rank 12th among developed countries in college graduation (down from No. 1 for decades). We come in 79th in elementary-school enrollment. Our infrastructure is ranked 23rd in the world, well behind that of every other major advanced economy. American health numbers are stunning for a rich country: based on studies by the OECD and the World Health Organization, we're 27th in life expectancy, 18th in diabetes and first in obesity. Only a few decades ago, the U.S. stood tall in such rankings. No more. There are some areas in which we are still clearly No. 1, but they're not ones we usually brag about. We have the most guns. We have the most crime among rich countries. And, of course, we have by far the largest amount of debt in the world.”  

The writer of the report likens the US to the Titanic. “To this historical challenge from nations that have figured out how the West won, add a technological revolution. It is now possible to produce more goods and services with fewer and fewer people, to shift work almost anywhere in the world and to do all this at warp speed. That is the world the U.S. now faces. Yet the country seems unready for the kind of radical adaptation it needs. The changes we are currently debating amount to rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic,8599,2056610,00.html#ixzz1FXnFfybf

 Only in America would the news spin 368,000 people losing their jobs as good news. 

“New U.S. claims for unemployment benefits unexpectedly fell last week to touch their lowest level in more than 2-1/2 years, while nonfarm proactivity rose as expected in the fourth quarter.


Winston Davidian | Photodisc | Getty Images

Initial claims for state unemployment benefits dropped 20,000 to a seasonally adjusted 368,000, the lowest since May 2008, the Labor Department said.

Economists polled by Reuters had forecast claims rising to 398,000. The prior weeks figure was revised down to 388,000 from the previously reported 391,000.” the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported, “The number of job losers and persons who completed temporary jobs fell from 8.9 to 8.5 million in January.”

Here is what MSN Money has to say about the Labor Dept. statistics.

The real unemployment rate? 16.6%

The Labor Department's statistics don't include the underemployed and those who have stopped looking for work. This alternative measure creates a much higher number. It's bad enough that the nation's jobless rate is 9.7%. But the real national employment rate is even higher than the U.S. Department of Labor's May figure shows.

The official unemployment index, based on a monthly survey of sample households, counts only people who reported looking for work in the past four weeks. It doesn't account for part-time workers who want to work more hours but can't, given the tight job market. And it doesn't include those who have given up trying to find work.

When the underemployed and the discouraged are added to the numbers, the unemployment rate rises to 16.6%. The Bureau of Labor Statistics, a unit of the Labor Department, began tracking this alternative measure — known as the U-6 for its department classification — in 1995 after economists lobbied for a method comparable to the way Japan, Canada and Western Europe count their unemployed.

What does all this news show us? America is moving over for the last world empire to take its place in these last days.  Keep watching what the Western leg, and the Eastern leg of the old Roman does. Since Jesus pointed to the revived Roman Empire as the last power that is where your attention should be.


“And the winner is…Turkey”


Read this section of the ynet news first, then I will explain why I am keeping my eye on Turkey.

“For the moment, Turkey seems to be a major winner in the midst of the unrest in the Mideastern and North African Muslim world. This is not a result of anything it has done, but derives largely from the loss of power of other nations. As far as population is concerned, there are three major nations in the Middle East – Turkey, Iran and Egypt, each with 70-80 million inhabitants. Saudi Arabia has a substantially higher Gross Domestic Product per capita than all three, but its population of 25 million is much smaller.”

Jesus Christ shows John what was going to happen in the last days. At the time Jesus gave John this vision Rome was the 6th kingdom. After John died then came the Turkish Empire. This is the kingdom that Revelation 17:7 said, “and the other is not yet come”. But wait, Jesus tells us there is going to be another kingdom that will come and this one will be the eighth kingdom. I again quote Revelation 17:11, “And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven”

IMG_8292The meaning is very clear. The eighth kingdom that is about to come on the scene was part of the seven that came before it. This is a revised Muslim Empire from the old Turkish Ottoman Empire. Keep in mind, this 8th kingdom will be made up of kingdoms that came before it as pointed out in Revelation 13:2. “And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority”. The leopard is Grecian Empire, which made up the Muslim nations in the 10/40 window, we know that the Grecian Empire never included Europe, but did include the Muslims nations found in the 10/40 window which I point out for you in the picture below. Most of these 10/40 nations are Muslim. Then we have a the mouth of a lion in Rev. 17:11 which is a reference to the Babylon Empire, the feet of the bear is Modern day Iran, or the old Medo-Persian empire all of which are Muslim. The 8th kingdom is a composite kingdom made up of Muslim nations that will come together via a Turkey Empire that will be standing the time Jesus Christ returns to Earth to do battle against the Antichrist. As you can see from the picture below you can easily get nations from the 10/40 window to make up the Western part of the old Roman Empire that was shown to us in scripture which was the Old Roman Empire. Keep in mind, today Cyprus Greece is part of the Turkish empire today. 

In a nut shall the 7th kingdom, the Ottoman Turkish Empire who was the 7th kingdom will I believe will return as the 8th kingdom again, and this kingdom will be a Muslim kingdom.  In other words it is a revival of an Islamic Empire.  Now you know why I said I was watching both the Western leg and Eastern leg of the old Roman Empire.

 Is it possible that the Western leg and Eastern leg of the old Roman Empire to come together to form the last days giant? After you read this section of the report you may pay more attention to this possibility.

“Turkey’s situation in the West has also improved further, due to its stability in a region of increasing instability. As a member of NATO, it has access to a large number of defense secrets of the West. As it is unlikely that Turkey will gain access to the European Union, it still can play its game showing that the EU is snubbing it, thereby justifying verbal attacks on some member countries.

In the meantime, there remain allies in the EU for the promised acceptance of Turkey as a member country. Its strongest supporter is Britain, but there are others as well, for instance Sweden and Belgium (which held the European presidency until recently.) In Germany former socialist chancellor Gerhard Schröder this week again came out strongly in support of EU membership.” I look at it this way, if the EU is hurting for money, why not bring in a nation that is doing well to help stabilize the EU?  We need to watch these developments.

Most of you probably don’t even know that Turkey is already is an associate member of the European Union.

Turkey's application to accede to the European Union was made on 14 April 1987. Turkey has been an associate member of the European Union (EU) and its predecessors since 1963.[2] After the ten founding members, Turkey was one of the first countries to become a member of the Council of Europe in 1949, and was also a founding member of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in 1961[3] and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) in 1973. The country has also been an associate member of the Western European Union since 1992, and is a part of the "Western Europe" branch of the Western European and Others Group (WEOG) at the United Nations. Turkey signed a Customs Union agreement with the EU in 1995 and was officially recognised as a candidate for full membership on 12 December 1999, at the Helsinki summit of the European Council. Negotiations were started on 3 October 2005, and the process, should it be in Turkey's favour, is likely to take at least a decade to complete.[4] The membership bid has become a major controversy of the ongoing enlargement of the European Union.[5]

“Turkey does not have to worry – if it is not brought in as an EU member, it will have to be bought off with substantial economic concessions to compensate for the change in European policies. Thus, it can simultaneously benefit from the EU and claim that it has been cheated by it.”,7340,L-4036712,00.html

See full size imageProphecy Sign:  Matthew 24:9, “Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.” 

By now everyone should understand that if you are not part of the Muslim faith you are a target. Jesus told us the Christians would face persecution in the last days, and you read about in the press all the time.  Here is another one of those reports.

“ISLAMABAD – Militants gunned down the only Christian in Pakistan's government outside his widowed mother's home Wednesday, the second assassination in two months of a high-profile opponent of laws that impose the death penalty for insulting Islam.

Shahbaz Bhatti was aware of the danger he faced, saying in a videotaped message that he had received death threats from al-Qaida and the Taliban. In it, the 42-year-old Roman Catholic said he was "ready to die" for the country's often persecuted Christian and other non-Muslim minorities.

The slaying in Islamabad followed the killing of Salman Taseer, a liberal politician who was gunned down in the capital by one of his guards. Both men had campaigned to change blasphemy laws in Pakistan that impose the death penalty for insulting Islam and have been loudly defended by Islamist political parties.

“Christians are the largest religious minority in Pakistan, whose population is 95 percent Muslim. They have very little political power and tend to work in lower-level jobs, such as street sweeping. As Christians took to the streets Wednesday to protest in several cities, relatives and friends went to Bhatti's home to pay their respects. "Tell the mullahs that the man who was the voice of the Christians is silent. Where are they now?" Samuel David, one of the visitors, shouted to a television crew. “

My Dear Christian Brother Shahbaz Bhatti, we thank you for your faith in Jesus Christ, and your courage to continue the faith even until your death.  All of us who love our Lord Jesus know and trust Jesus’ words even in the time of tragedy.  I hold dear to what our Christ promised us in Romans 8:28. “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose”.  We know you are with the Father now and soon we will meet again.  We now pray for your family in their time of their lose. 

Frank DiMora

If you think Islam is a peaceful religion, you either don't know or you don't want to believe it is a violent regligion and they are tought from childhood to kill anyone who does not comform to their beliefs.  This video breaks my heart, but this is the life we live in.   

If you think Islam is a peaceful religion, you either don't know or you don't want to believe it is a violent religion and they are taught from childhood to kill anyone who does not conform to their beliefs.  This video breaks my heart, but this is the life we live in.  In the Quran, Surah 9:5 you will read Muslims are told to kill "all" non-Muslims or the so-called "Infidels".  Many Muslims will try to divert from this passage and water it down, however, they are teaching their children to do the very thing verse (9:5 of Surah) says to do. 



Prophecy Sign: Daniel 12:4 tells us this last generation will be known for their increase in knowledge.  The headline to this next report is, “Coming soon, the eye-tracking technology that will allow you to control your computer by sight”

A laptop prototype has been unveiled with device which could allow users to control their computers by sight – and could make them even faster to use, according to the inventors.

The eye-tracking technology monitors the user's gaze and works out where they're looking on the computer screen and means, among other things, that users can play a game where they defeat enemies because the game's lasers hit where they look.

It can also scroll text on the screen in response to eye movements, sensing when the reader has reached the end of the visible text.

Visionary: Barbara Barclay of Tobii Technology reflected in a computer monitor, plays a video game using only her eyes Visionary: Barbara Barclay of Tobii Technology reflected in a computer monitor, plays a video game using only her eyes. In the future, such a laptop could make the mouse cursor appear where they user is looking, or make a game character maintain eye contact, according to Tobii Technology Inc, the Swedish firm behind the tracking technology. Now planned for commercial use, the eye tracker works by shining two invisible infrared lights at the user.”

albert-snyder.jpg Matthew 7:16 “Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?”  “Galatians 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,” Matthew 12:33 "Make a tree good and its fruit will be good, or make a tree bad and its fruit will be bad, for a tree is recognized by its fruit.”

By now you are probably asking why am I posting these scriptures?  In these verses you will find Jesus telling us how you will know who is and who is not a real Christian.  The fruit in wish Christ likens to is the works that a person does. Anyone can call themselves a Christian but in the eyes of the Lord they are truly known for their actions.    I watched ABC News last night and saw people who call themselves Christians act more like Satan's helpers than Christians.  What I am referring to stems from a Court case that was just rendered.

“Snyder of York, Pa., approaches microphones to make a statement in front of the Supreme Court in Washington, Wednesday, Oct. 6, 2010. He wanted the Westboro Baptist Church punished for protesting outside his son’s military funeral. He wanted the 70-member church punished with a fine so high it would no longer be able to afford to haul their anti-gay, anti-military, anti-Catholic signs from its Kansas compound. The York County man waged a high-stakes battle that led to the U.S. Supreme Court in October. As his case gained national media attention, veterans and their families flocked to Snyder’s side, with some even offering to help pay his legal fees. He was at a seminar near Philadelphia on Wednesday when he heard the news: The fight was over. He lost. His ride back to York, as his lawyer Sean Summers read him parts of the decision, was long and filled with bitter disappointment”

  Watch the video below and see if the the fruits of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, and, goodness can be seen in what these so called believers are doing.  The only thing the people from this Westboro Baptist Church did was to put a bad light on the real Church.  Didn’t Jesus teach us that the way to a man’s heart is by loving him?  These so called Christians have no problem telling people they are going to hell.  Last time I heard Jesus Christ was the only judge of this!   There is no question concerning the fruits that this Church is producing, and they are bad! As far as I am concerned this type of Christian is wolf in sheep's clothes!  These type of people are to me just as bad as false prophets.  What say you?


Photo/Carroll County Times, Dylan Slagle, 2006 Westboro Baptist church member Gabriel Phelps-Roper, 10, and his sister Grace Phelps-Roper, 13, both of Topeka, Kan., protest at the funeral of Marine Lance Cpl. Matthew A. Snyder in Westminster, Md., in this March 10, 2006, file photo.”

I was sent a email today that has a warning that youtube will shut down March 5, 2011. The guy dutchsinse on youtube, is reporting that he has a person reporting that YouTube will shut down Friday 3/5…and that National Guard is being mobilized.

Sandra Richards, who sent me the video said, I always urge much caution with this kind of thing… it’s really tough to wade through the garbage.”  I couldn’t agree with her more! Since there is no way to validate a report like this all I can say is watch and see what happens.  As far a I am concerned it may just be a way of attracting attention to his site! 

Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 Rumors of war: “

“The Chechen Islamist rebel leader who is Russia's most wanted man has issued an appeal for recruits for a "total war" against the Russian state, in a new video message posted on Thursday.

"A total war is in progress, fight the enemy where ever you can," Doku Umarov said standing alongside two other militants in a snow-covered forest in a video posted on militant website

As well as repeating calls for women to join the rebellion, Umarov called on Russian Muslims from outside the Caucasus like the Volga regions of Tatarstan and Bashkortostan to join the insurgency.

Umarov, whose Caucasus Emirate group aims to impose Islamic rule throughout the Northern Caucasus, has claimed responsibility for the Moscow airport attack in January that killed 37 and the 2010 metro attacks that killed 40.

US Sec'y of State Hillary ClintonProphecy Sign: Maybe Clinton doesn’t know about the Lord’s curse which will fall on anyone who comes against Israel.  The curse is found in Genesis 12:3.  The Lebanese army is an enemy of Israel.  If the US is suppose to have such close relations with Israel as Obama claims, why in the world arm Israel’s enemies?  I quote, “U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is urging the Congress to continue its funding to the Lebanese Army. She testified on Capitol Hill on Wednesday that Lebanon's army is professional, and non-sectarian, according to the Associated Press.”  Besides wanting to keep funding the Lebanese Army, the US is still working to give back East Jerusalem to the PLO, and to divide up Israel in order to make a PLO State.  All of these actions come with a price.  God’s Word warns against doing these things.  I guess the present Obama Administration doesn’t know about the Lord’s curse, or they don’t care, or maybe they don’t believe it?  In any case, no good will come from not supporting Israel! I hope someone is able to show this administration what Zechariah 12:3 says.  In short, it warns anyone who comes against Israel or Jerusalem will be cut into pieces. By the way this verse also tells us that in the last days all the nations will come against Israel.

Is the Zechariah prophecy concerning all the nations coming against Israel in the process of being fulfilled?  There is no question, the answer is yes.  I quote, “Palestinians expect broad global support: Some 150 countries will recognize a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders by September of this year, Palestinian Authority Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki said Wednesday. Maliki claimed that 10 more states in the Caribbean region will be declaring their recognition of Palestine this month. In an interview with The Media Line last week, the PA foreign minister said the Palestinians were on track to declaring an independent state by September. "Yes we are ready (for statehood). Are we ready for September? Absolutely," al-Maliki said. "I think our issue will be raised not only by us but by the international community as a whole, including the United States of America." The state of Palestine has so far been recognized mostly by South American nations, including Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Peru, Guyana and Uruguay.” Once again I have to warn you to pay special attention during the month of September.  Why? Because we believe Jesus will fulfilled the taking of the Church during the Jewish Holidays.  He already fulfilled the first 4 on His first coming and we believe He will finish the reminding three at his second coming.  The question is, will it be this year or some other year in the near future.  This is why we need to be on the watch, just in case it is this year.

In the Bible, Rosh Hashanah is called "The Day of the Shofar Blast." That's the mitzvah of the day: to hear the blasts of the shofar. Since Rosh Hashanah is two days long, we need to hear the shofar blown during the daytime hours of both of those days—unless the first day falls on Shabbat, in which case we blow the shofar only on the second day. This year, Rosh Hashanah takes place on these dates.

Rosh Hashanah will occur on the following days of the Gregorian calendar:

  • Jewish Year 5772: sunset September 28, 2011 – nightfall September 30, 2011

  • Jewish Year 5773: sunset September 16, 2012 – nightfall September 18, 2012

I just find it very interesting that the peace deal the US, the EU, the UN, and Russia are trying to nail down is suppose to happen in September.  Now we see all these nations coming together for a PLO State in September.  Maybe Jesus will come back this September?  If He does will you be ready for Him to take you away from the seven year tribulation?  You may want to get on your knees now and pray what Christ asked you to pray. Read Luke 21:36.,7340,L-4036984,00.html

Norway FM with Lieberman - APLet me tell you that Zechariah’s warning is going to take place!  Nation after nation is heading down the road to fulfilling this prophecy.  Think this is a joke?  Read this. “Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Store told Haaretz Wednesday that his country would reevaluate its position on recognizing a Palestinian state if no progress is made in the peace process by September 2011. Speaking from Jerusalem, where he is on a state visit, Gahr said Israel runs the risk of being seen internationally as a "permanent occupier" if the stalemate in the peace process continues. He said he was worried such a view would lead to a further delegitimization of Israel and would harm its security.”  Once again we see that September date!


Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24: 12 increase in violence will make the hearts run cold.

Must See Video: Woman Wrecks Rockland Liquor Store

Belligerent Outburst Stuns Owners, Scares Shoppers

March 2, 2011 11:10 PM

Liquor store mayhem

“An unidentified woman is captured on surveillance video destroying parts of a Rockland County liquor “  Go to link below and watch video.

GARDEN CITY, N.Y. — A heavily armed man who crashed his pickup truck, then shot an EMT responding to the accident before being killed by police appeared to be on his way to carry out a mass killing, police said Wednesday.

The man, who was not identified by police, had a rifle strapped to his chest, and extra ammunition inserted in elongated wristbands on his arms, Nassau County Police Commissioner Lawrence Mulvey told reporters. He had six weapons in his possession, including a Tec-9 automatic pistol.

"It is clear to us that this man was out to commit mayhem in this county," Mulvey said of the suspect, whom he described as about 31. Police believe he moved to Long Island from Florida in the past year. The Ford pickup truck he was driving had Florida license plates.

Brooklyn Shooting_20110302173352_JPGCrazed Man Fires Shots Out Window

Updated: Wednesday, 02 Mar 2011, 5:36 PM EST
Published : Wednesday, 02 Mar 2011, 3:26 PM EST


NEW YORK – Police have safely arrested a New York City man after they say he became unhinged, firing wildly into the street and throwing a chair out his window.

Police say 33-year-old Derek Gallo got into a fight with his Brooklyn landlord and friend early Wednesday morning. The landlord said Gallo thought he had stolen his E-ZPass. He pistol-whipped the man, who fled and called police from a pay phone.

Authorities responded and said Gallo fired eight rounds from a semi-automatic pistol into the street, and also threw a chair and a sneaker out the window. Gallo was eventually arrested.

Prophecy Sign: Not only is this a sign of increase in violence but it also points to Revelation 9:21 where Jesus warns this generation would be a drug generation.  "CHANDLER, Ariz. — Authorities have determined a man who was stabbed and beheaded in a suburban Phoenix apartment was killed for stealing drugs from a Mexican cartel, in a gruesome example of drug cartel violence spilling over the border".

Prophecy Sign: Again I must point out Revelation 18:12 where Jesus lists silver as one of the items that will be taken away from an unrighteous generation during the tribulation period.  There is no dobut silver will continue to rise in price to levels we have never seen. 


May the Lord help us all!


    • carol-ann on March 3, 2011 at 2:47 pm
    • Reply

    frank do you think we have 10 yrs left this im asking to the report about the dollar.

  1. I dont think the dollar will be around mush longer as
    the reserve currency. The way the US debt is, the dollar
    could fall any time now.

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