New peace deal/Iran still working to destroy Israel/Mid-East troubles will are pointing to Israel/Peace and safety troubles will lead to war/Jews coming against Jews who have become Christians/Many earthquakes/March 1, 2011



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Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

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Photo  Prophecy Sign: Daniel 9:27 “And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.”

Watch the news concerning this peace deal.  If the deal happens to turn out to be for a period of 7 years stand up and take notice because, Daniel shows us that the Antichrist would confirm a covenant for a period of 7 years. When you study the Book of Daniel you will come to learn each week is a period of 7 years.

“Israeli officials have long argued that an interim deal spread out over many years would be easier to conclude than negotiating a single treaty that dealt with all the difficult, core issues such as the status of Jerusalem.”

“Analysts say this staggered approach would involve offering Palestinians the chance to establish an independent state in part of the West Bank and in the Gaza enclave, with the possibility of extending their territory at a later date. he Israeli official declined to give any details of the diplomatic initiative Netanyahu was weighing.”  One other thing, since the Arab world is going wild in turmoil right now Israel may think this is a good time to try and push a new agreement.  Let’s see what happens?

Iran tests new medium-range missile For years I have pointed out that Iran is one of Israel’s main enemies, and is making moves to try and wipe Israel out as a nation.  I warn everyone about Iran because they are listed to attack Israel in the Ezekiel 38 war.  Last year the world waited and wondered if Israel would attack Iran’s nuclear plant but they held back.  Maybe this new news will help Israel change their minds about taking Iran’s nuclear weapons plants out.  I quote, “Norway has foiled Iranian attempts to buy technology for weapons of mass destruction (WMD) that might be used to deliver a nuclear missile, Norway’s security chief has revealed. Janne Kristiansen, general director of the Norwegian Police Security Service, told Reuters that Iran tried to circumvent the state-owned Kongsberg Defense firm by contacting smaller companies that sell dual-purpose components and technology which can be used for building or delivering nuclear missiles, as well as for civilian uses.   “Iran has consistently denied charges by Israel and Western leaders that it is trying to reach nuclear capability, with Israel in it sights. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has stated that Israel “should be wiped off the map.”

Prophecy Sign: Zechariah 12:3 tells us all nations will come against Israel in the last days.  I Thess. 5:3, (call for Peace and safety and then sudden destruction).

Dave Shadow wrote to me today and said, “As the entire world steps into chaos because of this, the world is going to have to point the blame somewhere. With Yemen now pointing their finger at Israel, I feel that the rest of the Arab region and then the rest of the world will look to Israel as the "burdensome stone" catalyst that started it all.”  I agree with what Dave had to say, and I think what is happening right now is a perfect scenario to take the focus off the true problems in the Arab world and divert these problems to Israel. Watch the news because I believe you will begin to hear that the real cause of the Arabs troubles are due to the lack of a peace agreement between the Jews and Arabs.  Here is the bottom line, Israel is just about standing alone in the world, and based on the direction the Middle East is going I would look for more trouble. ie war.

Tue, Mar 1, 2011   25 Adar I, 5771

Saleh speaks to the press in Sanaa, Yemen, Monday
Photo by: Associated Press


“Yemen president blames Israel for Arab world unrest”

“Saleh says, "There is an operations rooms in Tel Aviv with the aim of destabilizing the Arab world" and is being run by the White House. Yemen President Ali Abdullah Saleh on Tuesday accused Israel and the United States of fomenting anti-regime revolts throughout the Arab world and attempting to destabilize his country. "There is an operations rooms in Tel Aviv with the aim of destabilizing the Arab world," Saleh said as he gave a speech at Sanaa University. He explained that the "operations room" is "run by the White House."

“Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday that Israel could not ignore growing international pressure over construction in the West Bank, but said that the government would preserve ongoing settlement activity to the best of its ability. "We are currently making efforts to maintain the existing construction, but we must understand that we are [faced with] a very difficult international reality," Netanyahu told ministers from his Likud faction.

netanyahu - Alon Ron - February 11 2011Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Photo by: Alon Ron

Netanyahu was speaking one week after the United States vetoed a United Nations resolution condemning Israeli settlements in the West Bank and four days before Mideast Quartet officials were to meet Israeli and Palestinian representatives in an effort to jump start the peace process.

Meanwhile, the forum of Israel's seven senior ministers will meet this Tuesday to reach a decision on whether to send Netanyahu's adviser and peace-talks representative Yitzhak Molcho to the Quartet conference.

Netanyahu has voiced his reservations to the meeting, fearing that by agreeing he would open the door to international influence on the terms of the renewed talks. Specifically, the premier is worried of being forced to resume talks toward a Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders.”


Photo: Efraim Bar-El “An RPG was fired at an IDF vehicle travelling east towards the city of Khan Younis in Gaza Tuesday afternoon. Soldiers returned fire, and the Palestinians claim one person was injured from artillery fire in the area. Eyewitnesses said the RPG hit the army vehicle and set it on fire. The IDF confirmed an attack on soldiers patrolling the border, but said the incident did not result in any injuries or damage. According to the Palestinians, IDF forces opened fire on the terror cell behind the RPG attack.” 


“The IDF has launched a number of strikes in Gaza over the past few days in response to the continued rocket fire emanating from the Strip. warplanes and helicopters were seen circling above Khan Younis, sources in Gaza said.”  By the way RPG stands for, Rocket Propelled Grenade.,7340,L-4036240,00.html

Jeremiah 31:23 “Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; As yet they shall use this speech in the land of Judah and in the cities thereof, when I shall bring again their captivity; The LORD bless thee, O habitation of justice, and mountain of holiness.”  Daniel 12:4 “But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.”

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JERUSALEM, March 1 (UPI) — Israel is willing to enter into peace negotiations with Syria but giving up the Golan Heights will not be on the table, an Israeli official said. "There is no justification or reason for Israel to cede the Golan Heights," Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman told envoys from Japan and Romania along with Quartet envoy Tony Blair, reported Tuesday. Israel acquired the Golan Heights, located at the southern end of the border with Syria, during the 1967 War.”



Messianic Jews besieged in southern Israel  Prophecy Sign: From time to time I show you how Christians are being killed or persecuted for their faith. Jesus told us this was going to happen in the last days. Read Matthew 24:9, “Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.”  Keep in mind that persecution will and is being directed to Jews who turn to Christ just like the Apostle Paul did.

“Last week a huge mob of ultra-Orthodox Jews surrounded a Messianic Jewish congregation in the southern coastal city of Ashdod and demonstrated against what they called “the missionary situation.”

The chief rabbi of Ashdod participated in the event, and reportedly told the one thousand or so protestors that Messianic Jews are no better than Hitler. Ultra-Orthodox extremists often complain that Messianic Jews are trying to destroy the Jewish people by turning them into “Christians.”

“The missionaries want a final solution to the Jews, in the name of the same cursed name that created Christianity (he meant Jesus). That is what Hitler wanted,” local Messianic leaders Simcha and Bella Davidov quoted the chief rabbi as telling the crowd.”

More news addressing persecution: "WASHINGTON –  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is warning that Christians and other religious minorities are being targeted across the Middle East and need protection as many flee their homes to escape repression. She didn't say how many people are affected, but noted that sects in several countries are experiencing more persecution. She tells lawmakers Tuesday that attacks are on the rise against Christians and minority Muslim sects from North Africa to South Asia."

 Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 Jesus told us to look for the many earthquakes that would come during the last days.  It wouldn’t surprise me at all to see a major quake hit New York soon.

Recent quakes so far today March 1, 2011.

MAP  5.1  2011/03/01 14:05:59   12.023   142.208 44.2 MARIANA ISLANDS REGION

MAP 5.4  2011/03/01 12:50:00  51.235   179.513 47.7 RAT ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS, ALASKA

MAP 5.2  2011/03/01 03:46:30  -5.583   -11.378 10.3 ASCENSION ISLAND REGION

MAP 6.0  2011/03/01 00:53:47 -29.605  -112.107 10.0 EASTER ISLAND REGION

There has been more quakes in Arkansas.  I hope I am wrong on this but my gut is telling me this smaller quakes is only a prelude to a major quake hitting soon.   as I’m watching the seismic activity very closely today in Arkansas…Here is what has happened thus far.
MAP2.435.279-92.3432.2  5 km ( 3 mi) S of Guy, AR
MAP2.135.231-92.3795.1  1 km ( 1 mi) ENE of Greenbrier, AR
MAP3.535.239-92.395.1  1 km ( 1 mi) N of Greenbrier, AR
MAP3.335.237-92.3845.6  1 km ( 1 mi) NNE of Greenbrier, AR
MAP235.276-92.3412.6  5 km ( 3 mi) S of Guy, AR
MAP1.935.272-92.3444.3  6 km ( 4 mi) S of Guy, AR
MAP3.335.289-92.342.4  4 km ( 2 mi) S of Guy, AR

There is no information as of yet on possible deaths or devastation after the quake.Another earthquake registering 4.0 on the Richter scale struck southern New Zealand on Tuesday evening, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) reported. There is no information as of yet on possible deaths or devastation after the quake. The quake was registered at 10:42 p.m. local time (09:42 GMT) to the southeast of Christchurch, the country's second largest city, which was hit be a devastating 6.3 earthquake on February 22. The epicenter of Tuesday's quake was 10.1 kilometers (6.3 miles) underground.



    • Colleen Jeffries on March 2, 2011 at 11:07 pm
    • Reply

    Obama is issuing a mandated National ID Card with RFID chip on May 11, 2011. You might want to read about this.

  1. You didnt leave a link to the report?  Is it a report from a known news source or
    a blog?

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