Why isn’t the law going after these US radical Muslims/Signs of Psalm 83 and Ezekiel war/Path to Antichrist’s financial system/ Feb 14, 2011


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Are you really searching to know the truth? 

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box, or email me at fjdimora@gmail.com. There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

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Did you know what is happening in the US when it comes to radical Muslims?  Watch the video.


Prophecy Sign: Revelation 13:16-17. Yesterday on my International radio/video program I warned you about the last days Babylon system that would arise. I gave you evidence showing you how many world leaders are calling for the end of the US dollar as the reserve currency. I warned you based on Rev. 13 that a new system will be born and the end result will be one in which the Antichrist will control.  One day after my program aired look at what the head of the G20 said.

“France, as current head of the Group of 20 countries, will help the transition to a global financial system based on 'several international currencies', French Economy Minister Christine Lagarde said today.” “

Lagarde, speaking ahead of a G20 finance ministers meeting in Paris on Friday and Saturday, said the world had to move on from the 'non-monetary system' it now has to one 'based on several international currencies'. Accordingly, France wants to see less need for countries, especially the emerging economies, to accumulate huge foreign reserves, she said. At the same time, international capital flows should be better regulated and the role of the Special Drawing Rights issued by the International Monetary Fund should be reinforced by the inclusion of China's yuan in the system.”

Last week I listened to interview where the person’s being interview where suppose to have knowledge what China was going to push.  One of the people in this interview said China wanted a basket of currencies to replace the dollar.  The person being interviewed said that plans were in the making to make the iraqi Dinar the currency the world would buy oil with.  At the present time the US. dollar is the currency which all nations must buy oil.  In the interview they also stated that the China yuan would be one of the currencies that would replace the basket in the basket of currencies.  After reading today’s report concerning a push to replace the dollar, and making it a point that China’s yuan is strong, I am beginning to wonder if what the people stated in the interview isn’t true? 

One thing caught my eye when I read the above report. I quote, “will help the transition to a global financial system”. Doesn’t it sound to you like they already have this move planned out?   Considering Jesus’ warning I can assure you that a major change is on the way and this change will lay down another step in the path leading to a one world financial system which will fall in the hands of the Antichrist.  I suppose many of you will not believe this one world system is coming until you see it installed.  I am watching the news about the reserve currency like a hawk, because I feel in my gut that down the road the Iraqi Dinar will be moving into place as one of the strongest currencies and could be the one used to purchase oil.  I do think it will take some time as the Dinar is pretty weak at the present time as Iraq has not been brought out of bankruptcy yet, but they are working on doing that now.  The dinar is being used in Iraq but it will be used everywhere again soon.  Again, many will say, this will never happen.  However, if Babylon is to be destroyed as it says in the scriptures it has to be rebuilt and that is actually what they are in the process of doing right now.  This is going to get very interesting.  I think it would be a good idea at this point to put up the red flag about the Iraqi Dinar.  If in the near future you hear or see news talking about lifting the dinar in the basket of currencies it will be a sign things are moving in the direction to fulfill Revelation chapter 18.


The video below is not the one I listened to, but he does turn to the interview I listen to. If you know what video I am addressing, please send me the link so I can post it for everyone else. Thanks.



Prophecy Sign: In Ezekiel 38-39 the Lord shows us that Turkey and Iran will be major players in the attack against Israel.  I hope that after you read this next report you won’t ask why do I think Iran and Turkey are getting so close?  That answer should be very clear to anyone who know what God said in Ezekiel’s prophecy about the coming war against Israel.

Here is the latest news showing the stepping stones are also being laid down to fulfill this prophecy.  “TEHRAN — Iran and Turkey are determined to boost their political and economic ties, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told a joint press conference Monday with his visiting Turkish counterpart, Abdullah Gul. "This cooperation (…) will rapidly bring our region to the political, cultural and economic fore," which is "in the interest of peace and stability" in the region, Ahmadinejad said. President Gul said there were "no obstacles to the development of cooperation between the two countries."  "We had detailed discussions on key issues of mutual interest and important decisions have been taken," Gul said.  "We have decided to give orders to our respective parties to remove all obstacles" identified in the talks as hindering cooperation between the two countries, he said without elaborating.”


More news showing how Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38 are coming into play. Sound track is off alittle in video below.



 Israel is getting ready for anything!  "AFP – The Israeli military is "ready for all eventualities" as the Arab and Muslim world undergoes "an earthquake," Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Monday just days after Egypt's regime collapsed. "An earthquake is shaking the whole Arab world and a large part of the Muslim world and we don't yet know how these things will turn out," the premier said at a swearing-in ceremony for new army chief Major General Benny Gantz."  http://www.france24.com/en/20110214-israeli-army-ready-all-eventualities-pm

Facts about the Muslim Brotherhood who hates Israel.






    • Colleen Jeffries on February 15, 2011 at 12:38 pm
    • Reply

    Yellowstone National Park had an earthquake of 4.6 magnitude a couple of days ago. I have never heard of so many earthquakes. Chile is suffering many earthquakes. I think Chili is in for a massive quake soon. I also believe the Madrid fault that covers several states, is about to start her massive shaking, really soon now. Interesting times are just around the corner.

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