American’s in the grape fields fulfilling prophecy/Love of many waxing cold/Roaring seas and waves/ Dec. 13, 2010


My newest up-dated book “The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” December 1, 2010 is now up.  Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Dec. 1, 2010 edition by Frank DiMora pdf

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

The Lavi family of Har Bracha operates a vineyard. twice a year, American volunteers go their to work

Prophecy Sign: Isaiah 61:5 “Strangers will stand and pasture your flocks,  And foreigners will be your farmers and your vinedressers.” Calvin writes this concerning verse 5. “5. And strangers shall stand. He means that foreigners and strangers shall be ready to yield obedience to them; for, in consequence of their being at that time separated from the rest of the nations, none was willing to assist them, and therefore he says that “strangers stand;“ that is, are ready to meet and assist them.”  As you will see from the video below this prophecy is coming to pass as many from the United States have traveled to Israel to help them bring in the grape harvest. The video will explain everything for you, but please keep in mind, even the Jews know that the Lord will be coming back soon.  However, the Jews still do not believe their Messiah is Jesus Christ, we know from Zechariah 12:10 that they will understand that their Messiah was Jesus Christ. “and when they, the Jewish people, see him whom they have pierced'–and the word pierced there actually refers to his rib and side–`when they see him whom they have pierced, they will weep as one weeps for his only son for a period of one week.”


IMG_2015Are you looking to take a trip to Israel? Join Pastor Mark Correll this coming March for a trip to the Holy Land. Seats are going fast so call Pastor Mark at the following number. It will be a blessing for you as it was for my last trip in November of this year with Pastor Mark. Pastor Mark has been there 36 times and this trip is going to be exciting!  After going with Mark to Israel I can see why the Israeli Government is very close with his ministry. Call today: 205-365-0696


The Stockholm bomber was thrown out of a mosque in Luton three years ago following a row over his extremist beliefs, it has emerged.  Prophecy Sign:  The Islamic movement continues to try and spread fear in those who do not believe in their religion. Once  again they have sent a signal to the world. They will do anything to advance their belief. Jesus warned us in Matthew 24:12,  “And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.” After watching the video below you can plainly see the idea behind this suicide bomber was to instill fear in anyone who didn’t follow his religion.  This man in part, is fulfilling what Jesus warned. The sad part about this news is this, those who teach Islam teach Jesus was a true prophet.  If this is the case, and they teach this and truly believe in Christ as a prophet, why are they not following what Jesus preached. Did not Jesus say pray for your enemies, yet these follows are doing the opposite.  Did not Jesus in John 14:6 say he was the only way to the Father?  Why is it then that many like this suicide bomber don’t even follow what they believe?  Satan has blinded many people form the truth and today people are picking and choosing what they want to believe, as long as it fits their agenda. They are following men who teach they believe in Christ, but yet they abandon His words how to live their life.  Isn’t this the same thing the religious leaders living during Jesus’s first coming did?   This is the reality of Christ’s warning!  Don’t you think that the people in Sweden are now going to look at Muslims next to them in a new light. Do you suppose they may be now thinking my neighbor may be a sleeper like this suicide bomber, and don’t you think that these thoughts will add to the love waxing cold?  That’s exactly what is happening.

“An Islamic suicide bomber who attacked Christmas shoppers in Sweden at the weekend is a British university graduate and was living in this country until two weeks ago.” Watch the videos at this site. Make sure you watch the video to the right of the page when you get to this link.


Prophecy Sign: Besides people’s hearts waxing cold over lawlessness, Jesus’s words in Matthew 24:7 concerning the sign of rumors of war are also adding the fuel to waxing hearts cold.  Read more news about rumors of war, and never forget where you got this information! It is a warning from the only true savior of this world, Jesus Christ.  “SEOUL, South Korea — North Korea warned Monday that U.S.-South Korean cooperation could bring a nuclear war to the region, as the South began artillery drills amid lingering tension nearly three weeks after the North's deadly shelling of a South Korean island. The South's naval live-fire drills are scheduled to run Monday through Friday at 27 sites. The regularly scheduled exercises are getting special attention following a North Korean artillery attack on front-line Yeonpyeong Island that killed two South Korean marines and two civilians.”  If you are watching for the blessing appearing of the Lord Jesus, now that you have seen the signs of rumors of war, look for war because in that same verse Christ straight out tells us, “nation will rise against nation”.


Photo taken  by Frank DiMora Nov., 2010

Prophecy Sign: We are living in a time when both I Thessalonians 5:3, and Zechariah 12:3 are coming to pass while all the other prophecies are also taking place. The Lord warned us, Israel would be calling for Peace and safety, while the Prophet Zechariah told us Jerusalem would be the focus of attention in the last days, when he shows us all the nations will come against Jerusalem.  Yes, it it true Israel is calling for Peace and safety. We read news about this every day now, and yes ownership of God’s Holy City Jerusalem is one of the main issues that has stalled the Middle East peace process. I quote,  “JERUSALEM – Israel's leader on Sunday dismissed a call from a key government partner to share the holy city of Jerusalem with the Palestinians, a reminder of the obstacles facing already troubled peacemaking efforts. Conflicting claims to east Jerusalem lie at the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The dispute over the area, home to sensitive Jewish, Muslim and Christian holy sites, has derailed past peace talks and spilled into violence. Palestinians claim the sector as the capital of their future state. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's reaffirmation of his intention to hold on to east Jerusalem drew criticism from the Palestinians and was likely to increase friction with the Americans. The White House Mideast envoy is scheduled to arrive this week in another attempt to push peace efforts forward.”

Since God showed the Prophet all the nations will come against Israel in the last days you should expect the rest of this prophecy to be fulfilled. Paul said sudden destruction would come and we can see from the stalled peace talks and the reasons for the stalled talks will lead to war between Israel and those nations listed in the Psalm 83 war.

The report also stated, “The Palestinians want to establish their future state in the West Bank and east Jerusalem, lands Israel captured in the 1967 Middle East war. Israel later annexed east Jerusalem in a move that is not recognized by the international community.”  Right now there is a push to give back east Jerusalem to the PLO.  Notice the report shows us the (international community) doesn’t recognize Israel’s right to east Jerusalem.  This statement alone shows Zechariah’s prophecy concerning all the nations coming against Jerusalem in the last days is in the process of being fulfilled.  The prophecy won’t be fully completed until the end of the seven year tribulation where all the nations make a push toward Jerusalem.  It is at that time that Jesus Christ returns to Earth.





See full size image Prophecy Sign: Jesus in Luke 21:25 told us to watch for roaring of the seas and waves. What moves the waves?  For one thing high winds.  The Middle East is being blasted by a huge storm. “BEIRUT (AP) – Heavy rain and fierce winds pummeled countries across the Middle East on Sunday, killing a woman in Lebanon, sinking a ship off Israel's coast and prompting Egypt to close its largest Mediterranean port. The storm, which caused temperatures to plunge to below freezing in some places, ended weeks of unseasonably warm and dry weather across the region that caused dozens of forest fires in Lebanon and helped feed a massive blaze in Israel that destroyed thousands of hectares of forest. It whipped up dust storms in Egypt and Jordan, while in the Syrian capital of Damascus, snow blanketed the streets for first time this winter. Schools sent students home early and children ventured outside to play. Heavy rain and strong winds battered cities along the Mediterranean coast. Syrian authorities closed their main port of Tartous, while Egypt shut down the port of Alexandria—the country's largest—as well as another in Nuweiba. “

Elsewhere in Israel, rain and hail battered the country while strong winds toppled trees and traffic lights, snarling traffic, flooding streets and knocking out electricity to hundreds of homes. Local media reported that a pier at the ancient port city of Caesarea collapsed, a breakfront at another beach cracked and towering waves washed over the shore of Eilat, a desert resort.

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