More are coming/Oct. 25, 2010

On my post October 21, 2010 I wrote to you concerning major earthquakes. In the video that I made I said I was going to red flag this post because I was warning you bigger quakes were coming.  This is from that post. Prophecy Sign: Did you remember that Jesus said to watch for “great earthquakes”? Read Luke 21:11 and remember what you read because more of these huge quakes are coming. I am sending up a red flag so when they happen, I will point you back to Jesus warning. In Matthew 24:7 Jesus also said there would be “many earthquakes.  Look at what has happen in the past 7 days and what happened today.”

Read the report and get ready for more big ones! I am going to red flag this post again so when you see these huge quakes you will remember what Jesus told us!

Today there was a huge quakes and I quote, “A major earthquake has struck off the coast of western Sumatra, Indonesian officials say. The 7.5 magnitude quake near the Mentawi Islands at a depth of 14km (8 miles) triggered a tsunami watch, but officials later gave the all clear. Indonesia’s Meteorology and Geophysics Agency said the quake struck at 2142 (1642 GMT) and was felt in towns in Bengkulu and west Sumatra provinces.

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