The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth! Oct 14, 2010


Recently I received more emails from our Brothers in the field in Kenya who are doing the work for Christ.  For all of you who have blessed me by helping me print up more books and pay for the shipping of the books I want to show you what is happening in Kenya.  You are part of this ministry in your helping me get this information to Kenya.

First email I receivied from Pastor Titus Oct. 14, 2010

Titus Idati to me
show details 6:44 AM (9 hours ago)

I understand how it is costing you for us to get this copies of books just
mailing. kshs. 3,000 is not a little money. but i want you to think the
possessed man during Jesus time who lived in the tombs?. i tell you many people are being set free from the tombs of darkens .For those who thought that Jesus is still far. they are now coming back running to Jesus. You may not understand how these books are touching people. now it is like starting down from the ground where no intern ate. we are moving down and people are coming to Christ.Tim has written to me and he has mailed 48 books.I will be giving some to one of the pastors from Uganda.  and some we taking for the new Church we are going to plant at Turbo  soon I receiver the money for buying a generator.Tomorrow I will be in  prisons please pray for me. Thank you  for your great support for the  prisons outreach and for the generator.And also want to thank everybody  who has participated in one way or another to support you from the  beginning to date , for we have been awaken by reading this book which  has changed our ways of reaching the people, that we are living in the  last chronicles.I think God wanted to reach those who do not have  intern-ate . Brother this has become a big ministry. thank you very much  and God bless you.As you can see I am going to need a lot of prayer for I am going to need more books to help these men lead many to Christ.  I have also been asked to go to Kenya and I will need your prayers and I will need Jesus to speak and move on my behalf for traveling to these areas.  Thank you all so very much for your hearts, Jesus is looking down on us, and He is, I am sure, happy that we are willing to be labors for Him. I will keep you all posted as to what is happening in Kenya as I hear from these pastors.

Second email i received today Oct 14, 2010:

Receive Christian  greetings From Eldoret Kenya.
I got saved in 1973  and have been in full time ministry since 1977.Iam the vision bearer at Immanuel Fellowship. I also teach leadership and dynamics of prayer to missionaries in a Bible Institute where Pastor Enock also teaches.
                For about 13 years I have been involved in a prayer ministry both within and without my country. We have gone around Kenya blowing the Trumpet in Prayer conferences about Christ’s soon return. I have several key people who should read and benefit from your book. This book is so timely; it’s an eye opener concerning the fulfillment of the prophecies. Am reading it now and the information and facts, etc are so relevant. Glory goes to our God who for 29 years enabled you to be following current events globally. Thank you for being a faithful steward. May God use your book to make many ready for many are not.
                In Uganda Kampala, I have been attending an International Prayer conference every January for over 13 years. In this Prayer Conference an average of 30 nations attend. As I go January next Year, I would like to take some of your books and give to some key people/leaders.
                Judy and I have been married for about thirty years. We have three grown up Children. All our children are born again and are serving the soon coming King Jesus Christ.
                                Shalom as you continue in this Vineyard
                                Enosh Odhiamo


    • amanda on October 14, 2010 at 6:40 pm
    • Reply

    Praying for you.

  1. Thank you very much Amanda.

    • Brian on October 24, 2010 at 7:00 am
    • Reply

    Are you familiar with Dr. Boylan? If you read his announcements at under (5) ANNOUNCEMENTS/ TALKS/ WORKSHOPS/ INTERVIEWS he speaks about the US Government will announce to the public of the star visitor’s contact before the end of this year.
    I wanted to know your thoughts. Thanks and God Bless!

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