America’s decline/Jews returning to homeland/PLO declaring a State?/What may cause Psalm 83 war/ Signs of the Ezekiel war setting up/Last days traits/Disease/ Oct. 14, 2010


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 11, 2010 Edition by Frank DiMora

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box or email me at Jesus has made it known to me now is the time to sprint to the finish line.

If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438



Prophecy Sign: Daniel chapters 2 and 7

“WASHINGTON (AP) — More people applied for unemployment benefits last week, the first rise in three weeks and evidence that companies are reluctant to hire in a slow economy. Initial claims for unemployment aid rose by 13,000 to a seasonally adjusted 462,000, the Labor Department said Thursday. It was only the second rise in two months.”

 Today’s headline: “September home foreclosures top 100,000 for first time”. I quote, “WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The number of homes taken over by banks topped 100,000 for the first time in September, though foreclosures are expected to slow in coming months as lenders work through questionable paperwork, real estate data company RealtyTrac said on Thursday.”


 See full size image“New U.S. claims for jobless benefits rose last week, hardening the view the central bank will pump more money into the economy, and keeping pressure on Democrats poised to lose congressional seats in Nov. 2 polls. At the same time, record-high imports from China helped push the U.S. trade deficit wider in August, while rising food and energy prices pushed inflation at the wholesale level up twice as fast as expected last month.”  If you want to know why food prices are rising you may want to study Revelation 6:6!


 “TOKYO – The dollar fell to a fresh 15-year-low against the yen in Tokyo on Thursday amid growing speculation that the U.S. Federal Reserve will ease monetary policy next month. The U.S. currency was quoted at 81.07 yen briefly in late Thursday trading in Tokyo and was trading around 81.10 yen around 7:30 p.m. (1030 GMT; 6:30 a.m. EST).”


 “The Australian dollar, which boasts the highest yield among major currencies, soared to a 28-year peak at $0.9994 as investors continued to dump the U.S. dollar on expectations the Federal Reserve will again start printing money next month.”

Prophecy Sign: Revelation 18:12 shows us people will be weeping over their gold and silver among other things.  Just yesterday I told you these metals would keep climbing until Jesus takes these things away from the people during the tribulation period.  Here is the news today. “Gold rallied to fresh record highs in Europe on Thursday as the dollar slid to its lowest this year versus a basket of major currencies, boosting interest in the metal as a haven from currency market volatility. Spot gold hit a high of $1,387.10 an ounce and was bid at $1,382.75 an ounce at 0930 GMT, against $1,370.90 late on Wednesday. U.S. gold futures for December delivery were up $13.90 at $1,384.40, having peaked at $1,388.10 an ounce.”

“"We are very close to the $1,400 level, so if we get some more dollar weakness, I would not be surprised to see that in the near future," he added.”  If you are wise in the teaching of Jesus Christ you will understand that these prices are only the things to come.  Put your faith in Jesus Christ where this blessing will never be removed, because if you put your faith in gold, silver, or anything else you hold dear to you, it will be taken from you in the near future as Jesus finishes all His prophecies.



 See full size image Prophecy Sign: Isaiah 43: 5-7 and Jeremiah 30:3 tells us that in the last days Jews will return back to Israel. In my book you will see all the stats concerning the number of people who have already gone back to Israel in these last days. I found it interesting that the call has gone out again from Israel. I quote from a report entitled, “Late Kabbalist, Jewish Org Team Up To Promote Aliyah”. 

“As part of their mission to impress upon world Jewry the importance of returning to the Land of Israel, an innovative Jewish organization dedicated to the resurgence of the spirit of Zionism has teamed up with a late Jerusalem kabbalist to spread a long-hidden message of Aliyah (immigration to Israel).” "Our single hope is that the masterwork of this venerable rabbi will inspire our brothers and sisters to reunite with us here on our ancestral land," said Fleisher.  "We want them to understand – every single one of them – how very important they are to the future of the Jewish people. And that future is in the Land of Israel." 

Below are more reports showing you that Jews outside of Israel are returning to their home land just as God told the Prophets.  Make sure you click to link and watch the videos.


Video: The State and Government Must Call Jews to Come Home – Aliyah & Absorption – Israel News – Israel National News.

“American and Canadian Jews resumed their annual one-way trek to Israel Wednesday morning, with 232 new immigrants arriving on the first of nearly a dozen flights that will bring 2,500 Jews to their new homes in Zion this summer. “As more North American and British Olim make successful lives for themselves in Israel, we are noticing it is having a snowball effect on their friends, family and peers back home,” said Tony Gelbart, co-founder of the Nefesh B’Nefesh organization, welcoming the new arrivals.”

%u2018Up, Up and Away%u2019 for North American Jews – Good News – Israel News – Israel National News.



 In this section I want to talk about the Psalm 83 war that is heading toward us like a running away train.  I want to let us consider another reason why the Psalm war could break out as the Middle East peace talks keep going no where. There was a report on Oct. 13, 2010 with this headline: “Palestinians consider Mideast talks trump card: declaring statehood”. This is very important information so please make sure you read the entire report. I quote from a section of that report. “Could the Palestinians get the attention of the Israelis – and the international community’s support – by leapfrogging negotiations and simply declaring a state?” 

Here is another section from this report. “Acknowledging that the ideas raised are all “options that we have in the past contemplated,” Areikat says the proposals range from the unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state to declaring an impasse and seeking binding intervention from the United Nations Security Council. The idea of declaring a Palestinian state is indeed not new: the US already had to dissuade Yasser Arafat from going that route. But it would instantly create an international crisis: first because it would raise to the fore the status of the half-million Israelis who live on occupied Palestinian land, including more than 300,000 in the West Bank. And given the warmer support for such a move from some Security Council members than others, such a declaration would tear apart a body the US is looking to to address other international security issues, including Iran.”

“Areikat says this time would “have to be a different approach” in the Security Council and any resolution would “have to include some power of enforcement,” meaning the council would be asked to invoke Chapter 7 of the UN Charter, which allows the council to go beyond recommendations to taking action – including armed intervention to enforce international law

Do you all remember the video I put up showing you that Obama’s Adviser in 2009 talked about this very issue of sending in troops to enforce peace!  It appears that is the direction they are heading.  Let me assure you right now. If the PLO declares themselves a State the same thing will happen as it did when Israel declared themselves a State on May 14, 1948. On May 15, one day later a full fledge Middle East war broke out against Israel. 

If the PLO were to declare themselves a State, Israel would response to anyone who tries to enforce such a declaration. As soon as the international body tried to move in on Israel, Israel would strike to stop them. The strike could be what we know to be the Psalm 83 war!



Prophecy Sign: Psalm 83 war. BEIRUT (AP) – Hezbollah supporters used mosque loudspeakers Thursday to rally crowds ahead of a trip by Iran's president to southern Lebanon near the border with Israel, a visit the U.S. and Israel have called intentionally provocative.

Israeli government spokesman Mark Regev slammed the trip Thursday, saying "Iran's domination of Lebanon through its proxy Hezbollah has destroyed any chance for peace, has turned Lebanon into an Iranian satellite and made Lebanon a hub for regional terror and instability."

Ahmadinejad's visit has underscored the eroding position of pro-Western factions in Lebanon. More broadly, it has suggested that the competition over influence in Lebanon may be tipping toward Iran and its ally Syria, away from the United States and it Arab allies Egypt and Saudi Arabia.


Prophecy Sign: Ezekiel war found in Ezek. chapter 38-39 of which Turkey will be involved in against Israel.

AMSTERDAM — Turkish lawyers representing pro-Palestinian activists filed a complaint Thursday with the International Criminal Court accusing Israel of committing war crimes in May when its troops raided a boat trying to break Israel's blockade of Gaza. It was unclear whether the prosecutor would agree to pursue the case or whether the court has jurisdiction. But the filing reignited an issue that has severely strained Israel's relations with Turkey, previously its strongest ally in the Muslim world, and keeps Israel on the defensive over its much-criticized Gaza blockade.


Prophecy Sign: In my post yesterday Oct. 13, 2010 I gave you the prophecy as to what the traits of people living in the end times would be like. The Apostle Timothy in II Timothy 3:1-5 tells us what the people will be like in the last days. “Prophecy Sign: 2 Timothy 31-5. “But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.”  Below is an example of these traits.

“The trial of a lazy son accused of killing his parents after they argued when they found him lying in bed with a hangover at lunchtime continued Wednesday. Daniel Dighton, 35, stabbed his father, Barry, four times and his mother, Elizabeth, 20 times when they came home from a shopping trip in September last year. The accused was frustrated with his parents’ attempts to help him get a job and move out of the family home, London’s Old Bailey court was told Tuesday.”

If you click to the link below you will find a report entitled, “THE UNTHINKABLE: CHILDREN WHO KILL”. The report cited 10 different categories why kids kill. I suggest you read this report. The bottom line is this. Most of the killings are a product of two major things these kids are missing.  That is (LOVE), and JESUS CHRIST as their savior.In any case, killings like this are becoming common place in the news, and it is a sign of the last days.

Speaking about the signs of people being brutal here is another example in a report entitled, “The girl who was stoned to death for falling in love”. Before you read this I want to warn you that this news will probably up-set you, so please be aware. Some of you may not want to read this. I saw a video of this news and my heart dropped to the floor. I watched men at their worse, like they had been over taken by Satan in their joy in this killing. My heart was sad because I know that unless men like this repent and turn to Christ for salvation they will end up in the lake of fire that will never go out. They can be forgiven just as Paul was forgiven for the stoning of Steven in the Book of Acts.  Many can not understand this, but it is God’s grace!

The reason why I have posted this is to show you the traits Jesus warned about are being witnessed by millions and they don’t even know these traits were a warning form Jesus Christ, and show us we have already entered into the final stages just prior to the 7 year tribulation.

I quote, “A teenage girl lies dead on the ground in a pool of her own blood. Her once groomed hair is cast across her face like a rag doll's, her skirt pulled up to complete her humiliation. In another image, she is seen lying on her side, her face battered and bloodied, barely recognizable. The concrete block used to smash in her face lies next to her. Du'a Khalil Aswad was beaten, kicked and stoned for 30 minutes at the hands of a lynch mob before one of her attackers launched a carefully aimed fatal blow.”

 Prophecy Sign: In part of Matthew 24:7 Jesus warns us that one of the last day signs will be Pestilences . You will be blown away with the information in my prophecy book showing you all the documentation of all the new diseases that are popping up all over the world.  There was another report which was released Oct. 13, 2010 on this sign. The title to the report is, “ “Scary Gene Destroys Antibiotics”

“A new gene carried by bacteria that cause common ailments, which include urinary tract infections and pneumonia, has the power to destroy antibiotics. The gene, NDM-1, is widespread in India and has struck three U.S. patients who became infected while getting medical treatment in India. Scientists fear it is the harbinger of a new generation of superbugs that can make bacteria resistant to many antibiotics and decimate our ability to use them to fight diseases.”



























    • Scott Gomez on October 22, 2010 at 3:09 pm
    • Reply

    If we are truly trying to let GODS people know what the truth is , then why are we still led to believe that the seven day is Sunday?
    When the day of rest is Saturday. The prophesies are being forfilled and GODS believers need to know that in believing in GOD they will be ok

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