Dollar dumping/Steps to Revelation 13:16-17/Paul’s warning about peace call/America in decline/ wars and rumors of war/ Luke 21:25 roaring seas and waves/Sept. 14, 2010


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 11, 2010 Edition by Frank DiMora

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

There are some people who read my post that are saying that I am always pointing out how correct I am about things which are to take place, and they find this to be self indulgent.  There will always be people who are used to try to bring your work down for the Lord, but this is nothing new.  Is it self indulgent to point out truth?  If it is consider me self indulgent, because I will not stop at connecting the dots between what Jesus has warned us and how those things are being fulfilled in this generation.  Maybe the people writing me are upset that God’s warnings are in fact seen in the news, and this alarms them. Whatever the reason, if you keep coming to my site you will see first hand how the Lord Jesus Christ has spoken the truth concerning all these last days signs.  Let me give you an example of what I am speaking about. On Aug. 10 I wrote you this. “Those of you who have been with me from the time I have started these posts will remember the posts in which I warned you, you will hear more news about a depression not a recession.  I stated this back in 2009 and since then that is exactly what we are seeing in the news.  Here is an example in a CNBC report entitled, “We Are in Equivalent of Great Depression: Strategist”. 

Since August there has been a ton on news showing the US dollar is dying off.  I warned you many times the dollar would crash and a new reserve currency would take its place and this currency would help lead the world to the fulfillment of Revelation 13:16-17 where the Antichrist would control everything.  Call it self indulgent if you will but the news keeps showing you what I have been warning you via the Word of God is in fact taking place and more nations are bumping on the dollar.

I quote,“(Reuters) – The dollar sold off across the board on Tuesday, touching a 15-year low below 83 yen as a break of technical support levels in several pairs sparked a stampede out of the U.S. currency.

With concerns growing about intervention by Japanese authorities to weaken the yen, the Japanese currency in particular got a boost after Japan's prime minister won a leadership vote. Prime Minister Naoto Kan won an unexpectedly decisive victory over party heavyweight Ichiro Ozawa, who had been more strident in his calls to intervene to weaken the yen.

A rally by the euro to a one-month peak against the dollar also grabbed traders' attention after it pierced a technical level amid market talk about possible further quantitative easing in a bid to stimulate the U.S. economy.

"It seems people are vacating dollar positions today and that money is shifting into other safe-haven assets for the time being — the yen, the Swiss franc, goldand U.S. Treasuries," said Greg Salvaggio, vice president of trading at Tempus Consulting in Washington.”

Need I remind you of my warnings which again I have taken from God’s Word in Revelation chapter 18 concerning gold and silver?  We know from the Word that gold and silver are going to be one of the items that the world will be crying over as the it is taken from them during the tribulation period.  This can only mean one thing, and that is these items have become very expensive.  People aren’t going to weep over things that hold no value.  We knew therefore that the price of both of these metals will skyrocket and will rise their max during the tribulation.  Over the past year we have seen nation after nation being to hoard gold. We have also read reports telling us that silver will climb like never before as more people use silver than gold. 

All I am trying to do is make you aware of what is taking place, so that when the dollar goes away you will know who it is you can trust for information.  No, it is not me!  It is Jesus!  All I am doing is showing you that His words are real, and as you see these things come to pass you will be smart enough to realize that you need Christ to take over your life right away.  I point this things out so you will be encouraged to receive Jesus as your Lord.  If it is self indulgent to love the Word and to point out how correct Jesus is, count me as the most self indulgent person on the face of this planet.  All I know is when I see Jesus face to face soon, He will say “Frank, well done good and faithful servant”

To all that have been waiting for me to return to posting I want to say thank you for coming to my site. I have been seeking Jesus for the past two weeks and I will have to continue to do so, so the number of posts I put up in the coming weeks will be fewer as I wait on the Lord for some answers to prayers.  In November it appears I will have a chance to speak with some Israeli Officials and to pray for one of Jewish leaders who has been sick, if of course is if the Lord wills.  May I ask you to pray that the doors will open up that this may be so.

IMG_8292 Last year on Oct. 27, 2009 I warned you to keep your eyes on the Eastern leg of the old Roman Empire because I  believe Turkey will play a major rule in the last days.I also posted many reports on how Turkey is getting involved in the peace process and is behind the scenes working to allow the Jews to rebuild their 3rd Jewish Temple.  This is the Temple in which Jesus warned us about and is the Temple the Antichrist will walk into exactly three and a half years into the seven year tribulation to stop the daily sacrifices as warned in Daniel 9:27.  Here is that verse. “He will confirm a covenant with many for one 'seven.' In the middle of the 'seven' he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And on a wing [of the temple] he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him."

I wanted you to watch a new video out that deals with this issue. The video is entitled, “Jews and Muslims agree to rebuild the temple? Turks re-establish Caliph over Muslim world?” After you watch the below you may want to revisit my Oct. 27, 2009 post. This post will help you see the importance of the return of the Turkish Ottoman Empire.



Picture_067Prophecy Sign: In Revelation 13:1-17 Jesus told us that the Antichrist would try to have everyone on this planet take his mark which the Bible says will be placed in the right hand or in the forehead. I quote the Word of God. “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:  And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name”. In my book and in many of my posts I show you what technologies being developed to bring Jesus’ words to fulfillment. Any of you who read my material know that the two primary parts on the human body which are being used to ID people are the hand or the face.  By the time it is over the ID or mark will in fact be place in the right hand or forehead exactly as Jesus warned us.  Keep in mind, many of these new technologies will also be used to keep track of everyone.   Take a look at what America’s Homeland Security is up to now.

“WASHINGTON — The Homeland Security Department plans to test futuristic iris scan technology that stores digital images of people's eyes in a database and is considered a quicker alternative to fingerprints.

The department will run a two-week test in October of commercially sold iris scanners at a Border Patrol station in McAllen, Texas, where they will be used on illegal immigrants, said Arun Vemury, program manager at the department's Science and Technology branch.

"The test will help us determine how viable this is for potential (department) use in the future," Vemury said.

Iris scanners are little used, but a new generation of cameras that capture images from 6 feet away instead of a few inches has sparked interest from government agencies and financial firms, said Patrick Grother, a National Institute of Standards and Technology computer scientist. The technology also has sparked objections from the American Civil Liberties Union.

ACLUlawyer Christopher Calabrese fears that the cameras could be used covertly. "If you can identify any individual at a distance and without their knowledge, you literally allow the physical tracking of a person anywhere there's a camera and access to the Internet," he said.”

I truly feel sad for those who do not believe Jesus’ warnings nor receive Him, as they will have to enter the seven year tribulation as the result of their not taking Jesus Christ as their savior.


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Prophecy Sign: “For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.” Prophecy Sign: Joel 3:2 “I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.”  Prophecy Sign: God’s curse found in Genesis 12:3. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you." 

As you can see from the prophecies above there is much to keep your eyes on that involve the renewed peace talks. I am aware that many of the saints are beginning to faint in these last days as we keep watching for the signs to unfold.  I can assure you this is not the time to be putting Jesus Christ’s warnings on the side burner.  I want to encourage you from the Word of God. Are you not seeing and hearing the call for Peace and safety just as the Word warned us?  Are you not hearing and seeing Joel’s warning coming to life as the United States and other nations involved in the Middle East peace talks are working to divide up the land of Israel exactly as the Lord warned us, and if you have been watching the news or reading my posts you have seen massive destruction take place in the nations that are working to divide up Israel.  None of these things are a coincidence!  So here we go again more news concerning the direct peace talks which started up again on Sept. 2, 2010.  When you read the report below try and keep Paul’s warning embedded in your heart, because sudden destruction is going to come on at the time the peace talks are going on.

SHANNON, Ireland – Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said Monday that the "time is ripe" for Mideast peace, but that without face-to-face talks Israel can't expect lasting security and the Palestinians can't create an independent state.

Clinton spoke with reporters Monday during a flight from Washington to Egypt for the latest round of the current Mideast peace talks, which began earlier this month.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas are expected to meet Tuesday in the Egyptian resort of Sharmel-Sheikh before shifting their talks to Jerusalem on Wednesday. Clinton and former Sen. George Mitchell, President Barack Obama's special envoy to the region, plan to join the talks.

As you can see from the report below the Obama Administration has not changed its course on dividing up Israel which means God’s curse on America is going to continue so watch for more destruction to fall on America.  While Mitchell is in the Middle East pressing for the two states a massive storm is moving toward the US coast line. Last week while Mitchell pressed to split up Israel the US was hit with massive flooding in Midwest Let me refresh you minds. “The remnants of Tropical Storm Hermine caused massive flooding in northern Texas on Wednesday, killing at least one person and much of the city of Arlington under water. Television footage from a Fox affiliate showed firefighters using ladders to reach residents stranded in the upper floors of their homes in a subdivision. Bewildered residents surprised by the extent of the flooding waded through waste-deep water in the streets.”

At the present time a category 4 storm is making its way toward the US and today on GMA they reported it could turn out to be a category 5 storm. This of course is the biggest of storms.

Hurricanes, storm pose triple Atlantic threat “MIAMI – Powerful Hurricane Igor is moving west-northwest across the Atlantic on a track that could take the Category 4 storm toward Bermuda. The National Hurricane Center in Miamisays swells from Igor will begin affecting the Leeward Islands on Tuesday and reach into Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands on Tuesday night and Wednesday. The swells could cause life-threatening surf and rip currents. Igor's maximum sustained winds are near 135 mph (215 kph) and the storm is expected to remain a dangerous hurricane through Thursday.”  Will hit hit America? Let us watch but as we watch keep in mind this is also a sign from the Lord we were told to watch for. I quote Luke 21:25 where Jesus warns the following: “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;”

“Mr Mitchell said the common goal remained "two states for two peoples," and that work was now underway to achieve a framework for that agreement.” 

If the US does manage to get Israel to divide up their land into two States you can count on the US also being divided up in pieces under God’s curse. Will the Lord bring down America via the economy first, or will it be a combination of the economy and massive destruction again from a huge storm or earthquakes?  Only the Lord knows for sure what it will be but knowing what God warned us about anyone dividing up Israel, I can assure you whatever it is, it isn’t going to go well for the US, or any of the nations working to divide up Israel.

See full size imageMost of you who come to my site know I believe the US economy is going to collapse which will cause the world to go into chaos and force the new economic system that the Antichrist will control.  Each week we are reading news that more experts are warning about this collapse. Here is another one of those reports.

“WASHINGTON: Economists peddling dire warnings that the world's number one economy is on the brink of collapse, amid high rates of unemployment and a spiralling public deficit, are flourishing here. The guru of this doomsday line of thinking may be economist Nouriel Roubini, thrust into the forefront after predicting the chaos wrought by the subprime mortgage crisis and the collapse of the housing bubble. "The US has run out of bullets," Roubini told an economic forum in Italy earlier this month. "Any shock at this point can tip you back into recession." But other economists, who have so far stayed out of the media limelight, are also proselytising nightmarish visions of the future”.

In light at what is happening in the Middle East I want to share with you what Tim Osterholm at had to report in his monthly report.

My last update was about 10 months ago, and since then the "world scene" has been in a tailspin, politically and economically.  This is a must read!  The wait to send out this update was intentional as I've been looking for certain political events to unfold, specifically the peace process and other impending events in the Middle East, as we "near midnight".  I won't be writing about the rapture (which I believe is very close), nor will I be writing about our current President's socialist agenda or the depressing economic situation.  Rather, I'll be focusing on the most significant global issue we face today (in my humble opinion).  I'm speaking of the myriad of threats from radical Muslim groups in recent weeks, and their intentions to attack Israel on an unprecedented level.

Hamas, Hezbollah and Al-Qaeda receive the most media attention, and are Islamic terrorist groups that receive military and political backing from Iran, Syria, Jordan and private benefactors from other Arab states.  Together they have been planning a significant assault on Israel.  In just the past couple of months, these radical groups have been stockpiling weapons, preparing military arsenals, recruiting thousands of suicide wannabes and amassing troops along the northern border with Lebanon, including Palestinian sites in Gaza.  Who are these groups?  Below is a listing of well organized terrorist groups focused on the destruction of Israel.

Hezbollah(literally means "Party of God") is a radical Shiite (Shia) Islamic terrorist organization based in Lebanon and Iran.

Islamic Jihad(literally means "Islamic Holy War") is a radical Lebanese Islamic Shiite organization formed in Lebanon in the 1980s as a "war name" for Hezbollah, conducting terrorist attacks, suicide bombings and kidnappings.  In recent years the organization has been closely tied to the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard.  The organization may recruit one million suicide bombers by 2012, and 10 million by 2016.

Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ)is a small Palestinian militant terrorist organization.  The group is currently based in Damascus, Syria.  Financed by Syria and Iran, the organization was created by the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood in the 1970s to fight for the sovereignty of Palestine and the destruction of Israel.  With close ties to Hezbollah, the group operates primarily in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, with operations in Lebanon, Iran and Jordan.  The group targets Israel, and is known to be actively recruiting suicide bombers and volunteers.

Palestine Liberation Front (PLF) is a Palestinian Islamic militant terrorist group.  Founded in 1961 with Syrian backing, the organization began in Tunisia then moved to Iraq where Saddam Hussein funded the group until 2003.  The PLF is currently based in Lebanon, and is thought to have several hundred members though largely inactive since 2007.  The group has conducted bombings, hijackings, kidnappings, murders and other terrorist activities, and is known for launching aerial attacks on Israeli targets from Lebanon.

Hamas (Muslim acronym for "Islamic Resistance Movement") is a extremist Sunni Islamic terrorist organization based in Gaza (Palestine) and Syria.

Fatah (literally means "conquest by means of jihad / Islamic holy war") is a Palestinian Islamic terrorist "liberation" organization dedicated to an "armed struggle" against Israel.

al-Qaeda(literally means "The Base") is an international Sunni Islamic terrorist network led (supposedly) by Osama bin Laden.

Don't be fooled by the mainstream media.  Peace isn't around the corner.  These terrorist groups desire that Israel be wiped off the map today.  And they are stopping at nothing to do so, sooner than later.  They also want to stop any peace process that involves Israel.  In the past few months there has been a progressive increase of reports from intelligence, military and media sources that radical Islamic factions are planning a major attack on Israel.  While we hear of leaders in America, Europe and even Russia desiring to lead the way to peace between Israel and the Palestinians, the truth is we aren't told what's really going on.  Here's what you should know:

1.Israel handed over Gaza to the Palestinians in August 2005.  Since then Gaza has become riddled with weapons tunnels running under the Gaza-Sinai border.  Recent intelligence suggests there are more than 1000 of these tunnels.  The Israeli Defense Force (IDF) regularly bombs these tunnels used by Islamic militants to smuggle weapons used to commit terror acts against Israeli civilians and soldiers.  Rockets and other armaments are smuggled into Gaza through these tunnels.  Hamas militants attacked Israel from Gaza on August 2, launching rockets at towns inside Israel near the Red Sea.  Those attacks revealed the rockets were Iranian-made.  Since July, Hamas leaders have been claiming they plan to liberate Gaza and the West Bank (of the Jordan River), and will never accept peace talks with Israel.  Deception seems to be the tactic of choice, as Egyptian leaders are reporting that Hamas is considering a peace deal with Israel.  Out of the same mouth Hamas opposed the Palestinian Authority's reconciliation talks with Israel on September 2 in Washington, and continue threatening full-scale war in the near future.  Israel has said that any aggression will be met with a swift response. 

Israeli media reports have indicated that Israel expects another attack soon, possibly resulting in a regional war.  What's shocking is that hundreds of millions of "aid" dollars from the U.S. and Europe are stillbeing sent into Gaza for Palestinian "humanitarian assistance."  The truth is U.S. tax dollars meant for "humanitarian" purposes are inadvertently helping Hamas rebuild their terrorist networks.  Nice feeling, huh?  Other Intelligence reports have stated that leaders of terrorist networks and surrogates from Gaza and the Palestinian Authority recently spent several days in Damascus (capital of Syria) on strategic planning for war with Israel.


  Also in early August, Lebanese Army troops and Hezbollah militants opened fire on Israeli soldiers along their shared Northern Galilee border, not far from the Golan Heights along the Syrian border.  That nearly led Israel into launching a large military operation against Lebanon.  Intelligence data indicated the attack was planned by Iran in hopes of leading Israel into another war with Lebanon, taking the world's "eyes" off of their nuclear program.  The majority of the Lebanese military are Shiite Muslims with close ties to Hezbollah.  What's unbelievable is that the U.S. has given some $750 million to the Lebanese Army since 2005 under the false notion their military is "pro-Western."  This has led to U.S. tax dollars indirectly funding Hezbollah.  Not only is that nonsensical, but a few months ago Iran began aggressively funding and supplying arms to Hezbollah in Lebanon, all in preparation for war against Israel.

Israeli intelligence has been reporting an extensive Lebanese troop build up along their border in recent weeks.  U.S. intelligence says Iran is pushing hard for Hezbollah to attack Israel.  Military sources indicate Hezbollah appears to be preparing for a "major" attack on Israel this year.  Intelligence leaks from Lebanon indicate that Hezbollah intends to wreak havoc on Israel's cities, sending in hundreds of suicide bombers.  This is to be coordinated with a massive assault of rockets and a military offensive.

Iran's provocative leader, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, along with his arrogant attitude toward the U.S. and Israel, desires to be a nuclear-weapons state despite his claims to the contrary.  There have been a number of reports that indicate Iran could test at nuclear bomb in a few months.  Iran only needs a single nuclear weapon to destroy Israel, and the United States.  For example, a nuclear EMP (electromagnetic pulse) attack could collapse the national electric grid and other critical infrastructures that sustain the lives of 310 million Americans.  Iranian leaders threaten EMP attacks and appears to practice EMP missile strikes.  Last year, Iran orbited a small satellite along a trajectory that could have placed an EMP field over the entire contiguous United States if the satellite were a small nuclear or "super-EMP" weapon.  The U.S. had better hope Iran does not get a nuclear bomb.  There is no question that Iran is sponsoring and planning war with Israel.  Millions of dollars in military aid to Hezbollah in Lebanon has all but proven that.

  False peace?  September 2 peace talks between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas have been met with criticism.  The Arab League's chief Amr Moussa said he had little hope continued talks between Israel and the Palestinians would be successful.  A number of prophecy commentators do not believe Abbas desires to see a peace deal.  His roots are in the same camps as the Islamic terrorist organizations which seek the destruction of Israel.  The talks are intended to last one year, addressing concerns such as Israeli settlements in new territory, the division of Jerusalem and other demands. 

Israeli settlements in the West Bank (west bank of the Jordan River next to the eastern part of Palestinian territory) have outraged the Palestinians.  Netanyahu placed a 10-month partial freeze in settlement construction to boost prospects for peace talks.  What's interesting is Netanyahu has said he will not renew the partial freeze, but will limit construction for the time being.  Abbas has threatened to pull out of peace talks with Israel if the settlement freeze is not extended indefinitely.  Abbas has also publicly stated that he won't make even one concession or compromise in direct peace negotiations with Israel.  What's true about Abbas is he is two-faced.
Prior to the September 2 meeting, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said Israel was ready to cede parts of Jerusalemto the Palestinians in the framework of a peace deal.  That was a shocker, and  is the opposite of Netanyahu's statement last May, when he announced "we will never divide Jerusalem."  Israel captured the eastern part of the city from Jordan in the Six Day War in 1967 and annexed it in a move not recognized internationally.   Abbas said he will not allow Israel to maintain control over a "united" Jerusalem as part of any peace deal.  The Palestinians claim Jerusalem is their rightful capital, and they want East Jerusalem as the capital of a state they hope to set up in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.  This appears to have been the plan of Obama all along…brokering a deal that gives the Palestinians statehood with a divided Jerusalem as their capital.  The European Union has been pursuing a similar peace deal.  Yet, Netanyahu has not publicly confirmed Ehud Barak's claim on dividing Jerusalem.  Other reports from Israel suggest Israel fears they will be forced to accept multi-national forces in a future Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as their capital.  Something is amiss, don't you think?

The Ground Zero dilemma further indicates that the Muslim world does indeed adore our President.  Recently the Pakistani Minister of State for Industries Ayatullah Durrani said he wanted the U.S. President to offer Eid (special occasion) prayers at Ground Zero in New York and become the "Amir-ul-Momineen" or Caliph of Muslims.  Durrani, a former member of the Pakistan Ideological Council, contended that the Muslim world is in "dire need" of a Caliph, and occupying this distinguished slot would provide the U.S. President "exemplary titles" like "Mullah Barack Hussain Obama" or "Allama Obama".   Durrani also said the Eid-ul-Fitr festival, observed on September 11, would have been a "golden opportunity" for Obama to offer Eid prayers and declare himself the leader of all Muslims.

Is the U.S. President a Christian, a Muslim, or neither?  Any notion that the U.S. President is a Christian is like implying Billy Graham is an atheist.  With the help of secular media, Obama keeps trying to persuade the American public he is a Christian.  However, a true Christian would never suggest we all worship the same God with different names.  At his September 10 press conference Obama stated, "…and I think it is absolutely important now for the overwhelming majority of the American people to hang on to that thing that is best in us, a belief in religious tolerance … and I will do everything that I can as long as I am President of the United States to remind the American people that we are one nation under God, and we may call that God different names but we remain one nation."  Sorry Obama, but we are one nation under the God of the Bible, not some other name from some other faith.

With all the controversy over the building of a mosque (Islamic center) at Ground Zero, what's troubling is the hypocrisy surrounding the permitting process by the Port Authority.  A Greek Orthodox church that was severely damaged at Ground Zero, which also owns the land it stands on, has been trying for several years to rebuild.  The Port Authority has refused to even meet with church parishioners.  Yet, the Port Authority has no problem pushing through a request to build a mosque.  This the local governments are Muslim-biased?  You'd be right.

5.  We know from Scripture that God promised Israel the land they posses today, and that includes Jerusalem.  Dividing Jerusalem will bring about the judgment of God.  We know from Bible prophecy that any handover of Jerusalem (the city and sanctuary) in the last days would be a product of false peace.  Daniel says that the Antichrist will work out some kind of temporary accommodation over Jerusalem and the Temple Mount that will allow the Jews access to the Temple Mount, but the agreement will only last three and one half years.  In the meantime, whatever peace deal is attempted now is likely a precursor to that event.

In Daniel 9:27, various translations proclaim the Antichrist will "make a firm covenant" or will "confirm the covenant" regarding the peace of Jerusalem, implying it will be a done deal.  By the time the Antichrist comes on the world scene, there could have been an agreement already in place, but it may have been temporarily broken by war or politics.  Another possibility is that the current peace process simply fails, including further attempts by the E.U. or others, allowing the Antichrist to be the one to make it happen. There are a number of Bible prophecy teachers who suggest the Church will be raptured before any peace agreement is reached.  An in-depth study of this topic will reveal the Antichrist forges this peace deal for other purposes, including the rebuilding of the temple where he'll proclaim he is God (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4). 

Note there are other prophecies in Scripture that are likely to be fulfilled before this peace deal is legitimized.  Some scholars suggest the Gog and Magog war against Israel as described in Ezekiel 38-39, and the destruction of Damascus in Isaiah 17 are just around the corner.  I agree.  There can be no question we are witnessing prophecy unfold before our eyes.  Are you ready to meet Jesus?

What can we expect in the Middle East in the near future?  Personally, I'm anticipating Israel is going to be attacked or provoked into war within the next few months, or maybe this fall.  Chatter collected from intelligence and military sources indicate a major confrontation is about to take place.  Movement of troops and weapons along Israel's border with Lebanon suggests military action is highly probable.  I recommend checking the following websites for up-to-date news:, and

6.  On a final note, I thought the subject of the "mark of the beast" would be appropriate.  Technology is increasing a such a rapid pace, particularly with microchips and satellite tracking, the internet has become a playground for conspiracy theorists and others who think they know what the "mark" will be.  When considering the Bible's description of the Antichrist's use of a mark to control the masses during the tribulation period, we can look to the latest technology and discover a likely scenario for how the mark will be applied.  In my last update, I asked readers to consider what the mark will be.  Most replies were a microchip under the skin.  While that seems reasonable, the Bible says otherwise.  Go to and discover what the Bible has to say about the mark, what it is, how it is applied, and what happens to those to accept it.

Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:6 “You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.” 

Most of you should know by now that rumors of war are being heard just about everyday. Right now the major concern is war against Iran and it appears the US is taking steps to get ready for any future war with Iran.

I quote, “WASHINGTON (AFP) – The United States plans to offer Saudi Arabia 60 billion dollars' worth of hi-tech fighters and helicopters to help counter the threat posed by Iran, in the largest ever US arms deal, officials said. A senior defense official said President Barack Obama's administration would formally notify Congress this week or next about the groundbreaking deal, which follows months of talks with the Saudis, who are increasingly anxious about Iran's missile arsenal.” There is no doubt that another war is coming however, it is a matter of what area the first battle will be fought.  Many believe it will be the war between the PLO and Israel as the peace process breaks down again. We will just have to watch and see what rumors of war actually turn into real war.

I know AJ is pretty hard to digest but he’s got a pretty good segment here on a Federal bill that has been bubbling for a while and now seems to have some legs, Which is aimed at prohibiting you from growing/canning/storing your own food.




    • Julie on September 14, 2010 at 1:56 pm
    • Reply

    Thank you Frank for another very good post! i will be praying that Jesus will answer your prayers.

    • carol-ann on September 15, 2010 at 2:17 am
    • Reply

    frank dont listen to these people trying to bring you are doing the most inportant job as far as i can see in keeping us informed.keep doing what you do best,GOOD TO SEE YOU.pray youll keep posting.

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