The curse and the heat/Aug. 24, 2010


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 11, 2010 Edition by Frank DiMora

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

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Prophecy Sign: Revelation 16:8 “The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was given power to scorch people with fire.” Revelation 7: 16 “Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst. The sun will not beat upon them, nor any scorching heat.” These are the beginning of birth pains as spoken about by Christ in Mark 13:8".

We see the signs of the intence heat hitting many places around the world. New heat records are being set and I want you to see what is being reported. First take a look at Palestine. Remember, the PLO is working with the US to divide up Israel and has also fallen under the Genesis 12: 3 curse.   

"Palestine records its hottest temperature in history"
State of Palestine, the portion of the territories occupied by Israel that declared independence in 1988, recorded its hottest temperature since record keeping began on August 7, 2010, when the temperature hit 51.4°C (124.5°F) at Kibbutz Almog (also called Qalya or Kalya) in the Jordan Valley. The previous record for Palestine was set on June 22, 1942, at the same location.

Palestine was the 4th nation to set an all-time hottest temperature in history record this month, and the 18th to set such a record this year. There has also been one nation (Guinea) that set an all-time coldest temperature in history record this year. Note that many countries, including the U.S., do not recognize Palestine as a nation, though 110 countries do recognize it. Here's the updated list of nations or semi-independent islands or territories that have set all-time heat or cold records this year:

National heat records set in 2010
Palestine, the portion of the territories occupied by Israel that declared independence in 1988, recorded its hottest temperature since record keeping began on August 7, 2010, when the temperature hit 51.4°C (124.5°F) at Kibbutz Almog (also called Qalya or Kalya) in the Jordan Valley. The previous record for Palestine was set on June 22, 1942, at the same location."

Please scroll down after you see the news about the next hurricane now forming. When you scroll down their is a list on nations who are being macked with this intense heat. Below is a commentary about the heat from this same report.

The period January – July was the warmest such 7-month period in the planet's history, and temperatures over Earth's land regions were at record highs in May, June, and July, according to the
National Climatic Data Center. It is not a surprise that many all-time extreme heat records are being shattered when the planet as a whole is so warm. Global warming "loads the dice" to favor extreme heat events unprecedented in recorded history. In fact, it may be more appropriate to say that global warming adds more spots on the dice–it used to be possible to roll no higher than double sixes, and now it is possible to roll a thirteen.

The year 2010 now has the most national extreme heat records for a single year–eighteen. These nations comprise 19% of the total land area of Earth. This is the largest area of Earth's surface to experience all-time record high temperatures in any single year in the historical record. Looking back at the past decade, which was the hottest decade in the historical record, seventy-five counties set extreme hottest temperature records (33% of all countries.) For comparison, fifteen countries set extreme coldest temperature records over the past ten years (6% of all countries). My source for extreme weather records is the excellent book Extreme Weather by Chris Burt. His new updates (not yet published) remove a number of old disputed records. Keep in mind that the matter of determining extreme records is very difficult, and it is often a judgment call as to whether an old record is reliable or not. For example, one of 2007's fifteen extreme hottest national temperature records (good for 2nd place behind 2010 for most extreme heat records) is for the U.S.–the 129°F recorded at Death Valley that year. Most weather record books list 1913 as the year the hottest temperature in the U.S. occurred, when Greenland Ranch in Death Valley hit 134°F. However, as explained in a recent Weatherwise article, that record is questionable, since it occurred during a sandstorm when hot sand may have wedged against the thermometer, artificially inflating the temperature. Mr. Burt's list of 225 countries with extreme heat records includes islands that are not independent countries, such as Puerto Rico and Greenland. I thank Mr. Burt and weather record researchers Maximiliano Herrera and Howard Rainford for their assistance identifying this year's new extreme temperature records."

Are you watching what is happening? All of the signs Jesus told us we would see in one geneation are taking place and these signs show us we are very close to the beginning of the seven year tribulation.  May the Lord Jesus open your hardened hearts to His truth. Jesus is coming and He is calling out to you to come before it is to late and the tribulation begins.


    • Debi Menze on September 15, 2010 at 7:10 am
    • Reply

    Great Post!! Spot on…I had a dream the second night I was in India this past January….My dream was Jesus…just Jesus coming for his church he filled the sky. There was no sound…silence. I guess it answered a question I had. How would everyone see him/everywhere at the same time night or day….It was daylight..and I believed that daylight to be everywhere at the same time..and Jesus was bigger than life! AWESOME DREAM!! Someday…as a thief in the night. SOON! Come Lord Jesus…Come!

  1. Thanks for the comment and I hope your dream comes true soon, but
    until than keep working for the Kingdom of Christ.

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