Luke 21:25/Jewish Feasts/ Aug. 21, 2010

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Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are so real, because they are based on facts taken from current event, and prove Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read may scare you.  If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or any mental illness please consult your doctor before reading this material. 

Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:25 Christ warns us we will see the roaring of the seas and waves and the nations would have complex problems. Take at look at Pakistan and China. 20 million in Pakistan are homeless and now again China.

Flooding in China
Photo by: Associated Press

More floods in China; 50,000 evacuated

08/21/2010 12:35

2,500 dead, many still missing in massive natural disaster.

BEIJING — Swelled by torrential rains, the Yalu river that marks the Chinese-North Korean border breached its banks on both sides Saturday, inundating communities and forcing the evacuation of more than 50,000 people in China.
Flood waters punctured a dike between the river and an economic development zone in a low-lying part of the Chinese port city of
Dandong, Chinese state media reported. The rain and flooding cut rail service out of the city, destroyed more than 200 houses and left at least three people missing, in addition to the 51,000 evacuated to higher ground, local officials said.

North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency said that about a foot (30 centimeters) of rain had fallen since midnight and the Yalu — or Amnok as its known in Korean — swamped houses, public buildings and farmland in more than five villages near Sinuiju, the city opposite Dandong.
The brief report described Sinuiju and the surrounding area as having been "severely affected" by the flooding and said officials, the military and ordinary civilians were involved in rescue work.

Prophecy Sign: Since the peace talks are suppose to start in Sept. of this year agaiin you may want to know about the Jewish Feasts. My Friend Pastor Mark Biltz provides you will excellant information. Keep in mind 1Thess 5:3 when you listen to Mark.


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    • Wayne on August 21, 2010 at 9:01 pm
    • Reply

    Brother Frank, The interview took place in 2008 when 2015 was 7 years away. So either Mr. Blitz was not lead by the holy spirit and was spreading false info or we pre-tribbers where all wrong. To a non-believer it just makes us watchmen look foolish when you bust out a 2 year old clip of guy’s getting excited about the possibility of the rapture in September of 08! The eclipse’s probably are significant but it won’t be the return of our Lord unless once again we pre-tribbers are wrong and I don’t buy that for a second. what am I missing here???

    • Michelle N. on August 22, 2010 at 2:34 am
    • Reply

    Dear Frank,
    I don’t know why but impressions seem to like coming to me at 2am. Is that God’s speaking hour or something? I have had this impression more then once. I have brought up the Flight to Bozrah and the Bozrah Deliverance to you before. It is a beautiful prophecy. One of hope. Yet you had never heard of it. I have been prompted to urge you to study it and to pray and reflect on it as well as all those who come to your sight. Take this posting as you will of course and know simply it comes from my heart and spirit.
    I am also touched by something that brother Wayne had stated in his comment. I couldn’t get it out of my mind all night and its initially what kept me from sleeping.
    I myself always had been a Pre-Tribber. Always. I firmly believed what I had been thought all these years. But the past year or so I have discovered something. Mostly thanks to Pastor Frank and this sight, which has helped my studies greatly.
    This is of course my opinion, but when you get poked this strongly you share it. If anything to be able to let you go back asleep, or even finally fall asleep.
    It simply, quite frankly absolutely does not matter when the Rapture occurs. The Rapture of the Church happens on God’s time table and no one else’s. Since my mind and heart have started to see this, I have discovered some amazing things. Like the Bozrah prophecy. The Lord has given us signs and commanded us to watch for them. To be watchmen. To be ready and prepared, so we are caught up and also that we are not deceived. This is where men like Pastor Frank and others come in. They make sense of everything happening in the world and where it relates to Bible Prophecy. We /need/ this information. Matching it with the scriptures; allowing us to get ready for that time.
    But throughout the Church it is a battle of I am right, they are wrong. Unless you mis use God’s word, you are not wrong. None of us our wrong. But interpretations /can/ be wrong. People can be deceived weather it be intentionally or unintentionally. There are whole programs based on this debate. WHY is it even a debate? Does it really matter? It does not. What matters is being ready for when it does happen. What matters is knowing God’s words so we are not deceived.
    Is one belief going to be caught up and not the other? If it happens Pre-tribulation, is everyone else going to be left behind because they were not on the same team? If it is mid-tribulation, will the Pre-tribbers be feeling betrayed and condemned? If it is Post-tribulation, will everyone else who believed otherwise be deceived along the way? Having been convinced they were not to be here for any of it?
    Simply trust God our father, his son Jesus Christ, our brother, who died for our sins so that we might be caught up into the sky when ever that time comes. If we have done as we have been commanded.
    Simply trust that you, we, I, have done our part. What our Father has asked us to do. Listen to the still small voice, the Holy spirit. Don’t be so fixed in your ways, your belief that you miss what is right in front of your nose.
    I truly hope that I have not greatly offended anyone, but if you don’t act when the spirit gives you a good poke.. then you aren’t listening as you should.
    God Bless and keep watch always.
    Michelle N

    • Wayne on August 22, 2010 at 11:48 am
    • Reply

    Hello again,
    Thank you Michelle, you brought a smile to me this a.m. before church. Because I to seem to be called regularly at 2am for thoughts and prayer. So like you Michelle at 2am it occurred to me that Pastor Blitz said the blood red eclipses don’t bode well for Israel, what if the 2015 eclipses are timed for the breaking of the 7 year covenant the antichrist has at the 3.5 year mark. This still leaves time for a 2011 Rosh Hashanah rapture date. Just to many scriptures to accept any other than the pre-trib Harpoza. Wayne

  1. It may be accept by citizens so effortlessly. I assume some people will agree with you. That you’re perfect that we are able to to not rely on other people. Who we are able to to rely on is ourself.

  2. My friend no man is perfect. Where did you ever get the idea
    that i am perfect from. Read all my posts, if you do you will find
    find many places where I tell you this. The only perfect man is Jesus
    Christ and if anyone tells you that he or she is perfect is a liar.

  3. There will be lots of screaming about how this comes from Fox News, and represents, um, right-wing born-again conservative Christian Americans who hate sex…or something. We’ll have to endure a good deal of edgecasing from thasdfe usual suspects that remind us that the age of consent in…Afghanistan…is lower than it is in the U.S. We may hear about that…Hawaian…or Japanese…study that “proves” that if you let pedophiles act out online, they won’t harm people in real life.

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