Now or never on Iran’s nuke site/Intense heat/Aug. 13, 2010


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 11, 2010 Edition by Frank DiMora begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are so real, because they are based on facts, and prove Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read may scare you.  If you are depressed or on any meds for depression consult your doctor before reading this material. 

If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438


Prophecy Sign: Events that could bring on the Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38 wars.

MOSCOW (AP) – Russia's nuclear agency said Friday that it will load fuel into Iran's first nuclear power plant next week, defying U.S. calls to hold off the start of the launch. Rosatom spokesman Sergei Novikov said Friday that uranium fuel shipped by Russia will be loaded into the Bushehr reactor on Aug. 21, beginning the startup process. "From that moment the Bushehr plant will be officially considered a nuclear-energy installation," he told The Associated Press. The United States has called for Russia to delay the startup until Iran proves that it's not developing nuclear weapons. Russian officials said that the latest U.N. sanctions against Iran won't affect the Bushehr project. Russia signed a $1 billion contract in 1995 for building the Bushehr plant, but it has dragged its feet on completing the project for years.

Prophecy Sign: 1 Thess. 5:3 for when they say Peace and safety then sudden destruction comes.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has prepared a "tempting" plan to be presented to the Palestinians in the direct negotiations, as part of which Israel will offer to withdraw from up to 90% of the West Bank, excluding east Jerusalem, the London-based Arabic-language al-Sharq al-Awsat newspaper reported Friday.,7340,L-3935769,00.html

Prophecy Sign: Rev 16:8,9 are the things to come but we are in the birth pains which is leading to the fulfillment of Rev. 16:8-9

“World feeling the heat as 17 countries experience record temperatures”. “2010 sees record highs in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine but also many African, Middle Eastern and Latin American countries 2010 is becoming the year of the heatwave, with record temperatures set in 17 countries. Record highs have occurred in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine – the three nations at the centre of the eastern European heatwave which has lasted for more than three weeks – but also African, Middle Eastern and Latin American countries. Temperatures in Moscow, which have been consistently 20C above normal, today fell to 31C (86F), and President Dmitry Medvedev cancelled a state of emergency in three out of seven Russian regions affected by forest fires. Thousand of hectares of forest burned in the fires, killing 54 people and leaving thousands homeless. For days, Moscow was shrouded in smog, and environmentalists raised fears that the blaze could release radioactive particles from areas contaminated in the 1986 Chernobyl disaster. Wildfires have also swept through northern Portugal, killing two firefighters and destroying 18,000 hectares (44,500 acres) of forests and bushland since late July. Some 600 firefighters were today struggling to contain 29 separate fires. But the extreme heat experienced in Europe would barely have registered in Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Niger, Pakistan and Sudan, all of which have recorded temperatures of more than 47C (115F) since June. The number of record highs is itself a record – the previous record was for 14 new high temperatures in 2007. The freak weather conditions, which have devastated crops and wildlife, are believed to have killed thousands of elderly people, especially in Russia and northern India. The 2003 European heatwave killed about 15,000 people.”

Prophecy Sign: Revelation 6:6 shows just how bad the food shortage will be as people have to work all day long for one very small meal.

“WASHINGTON: Fires, floods, locusts and droughts – a combination of crises that could mean higher food prices around the world over the next 12 months. The US agriculture department will released a report today assessing world grain supplies. Many analysts expect it will forecast a two-year low for wheat inventories – an estimate that would likely send wheat prices, which have climbed steadily all summer, moving even higher. Russia, the world's third-largest wheat exporter, imposed a four-month ban on grain exports last week because of drought. The decision will pull millions of tonnes of wheat out of world markets. The World Bank has urged other nations not to follow suit, fearing a supply crunch like the one that drove 2008 prices to twice their current levels and prompted food riots in Africa and Asia. Severe winter frosts and a summer drought have damaged the crop in Ukraine, the world's sixth-largest exporter, and Kiev is expected to impose its own export ban later this month.”


Prophecy Sign: Most of the world have been trying to fight off a recession and the pain is growing worldwide. These are the signs that are leading up to a global economic collapse which at the end of the day bring help lift the Antichrist to the world stage where he will take control of the world’s economy and fulfill Revelation 13:16-17.

EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS – A billion euros fewer than the European Commission wanted for the EU's poorest regions, €13 million less for schooling EU officials' children and a near freeze on recruitment in Brussels are among the 2011 EU budget proposals put forward by member states. Coming in the midst of politically painful cutbacks by EU capitals at home, the EU budget blueprint, adopted by written procedure on Thursday (12 August), will still see spending go up by almost three percent to €126.6 billion next year. But the member states' plan envisages putting €3.6 billion fewer into the common pot than earlier requested by the commission, with reductions across the board. The biggest casualties are to come in the areas of cohesion funds for poor regions (minus €1.1 billion), cash for stimulating economic growth and employment (minus €841 million) and support for EU farmers (minus €820 million). With the EU working to put Haiti back on its feet and mulling a new 10-year recovery plan for flood-struck Pakistan, a further €203 million is at the same time to be taken out of the bloc's emergency aid reserve. The EU institutions themselves are to take a €162 million hit. The lion's share (€73 million) is to come out of the commission's pocket. European schools, the Brussels-based academies which educate EU civil servants' children, are to lose €13 million. Pensions payments for retired EU officials are to lose €22 million.



Pakistan Floods Kill More Than 1,600 People

Millions in need of help after worst floods in 80 years.


Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:25 the roaring seas and waves. Matthew 24:7 Pestilence (disease)

“Disease threatens to raise death toll in Pakistani flood crisis; UN fears dams could burst”

“Fever, stomach problems and skin diseases are spreading among Pakistani flood victims, officials said Friday, adding another dimension of danger to a crisis that could get even worse, with the U.N. warning that dams in the south may burst. Aid workers warn that waterborne diseases and other illnesses could raise the death toll from more than two weeks of flooding to well past the estimated 1,500 people who have perished so far. The U.S. said Friday that it would give $3 million to help establish 15 treatment centers for waterborne illnesses in the aftermath of the floods, which are estimated to have directly or indirectly affected some 14 million people. In the Multan area of Punjab province, medical workers have seen at least 1,000 children with illnesses such as gastroenteritis in the last three days, said Mumtaz Hussain, a doctor at the main government hospital. "The situation is alarming as the diseases can infect other survivors," Hussain said. The hospital is treating victims at its main facility but also has set up 12 medical camps in the area. The floods have been described as the worst natural disaster in independent Pakistan's 63-year history. Up to a quarter of the country has been affected by the floods, though not all those areas were necessarily under water, U.N. spokesman Maurizio Giuliano said. The hardest-hit region has been the northwest, where farms and infrastructure were badly damaged.”

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