Interesting facts from Amy

Dear Frank,
In light of your post today, I wanted to point out another important Jewish date coming up- the 9th of Av (Tisha B’Av).  The 9th of Av is the final day of the three week mourning period that begins in the month of Tammuz.  Because Jewish dates are lunar and not solar, their holidays are the same each year for them, but NOT for us.  The 9th of Av is a fast day commemorating the destruction of the Temple.  The reason I point out this date is because the 9th of Av this year for us is July 19th.  Historically, many tragedies have occurred to the Jewish people on the 9th of Av:
1)   1312 BC- The spies brought back negative reports of the Promised Land (see Numbers) which led to the wilderness wanderings and their fathers being banished from ever seeing the Land.  This was the beginning point of the negative way in which the world views Israel.
2)   586 BC- The Babylonians destroy Solomon’s Temple
3)   70 AD- The Romans destroy the 2nd Temple
4)   135 AD- The Bar Kochba revolt ended in defeat by the Roman Emperor Hadrian
5)   1290 AD- The Jews are expelled from England
6)   1492 AD- The Jews are expelled from Spain
7)   1914- World War 1 began
8)   1942- The Death Camps of Poland are opened
9)   2006- 2nd Lebanon War occurred in the 3 weeks leading up to the 9th of Av
With this date upon us one week from now, and George Mitchell going back to the Middle East next week, not to mention the flotilla from Libya headed toward Gaza…..let us PRAY earnestly that THIS year the 9th of Av will not add another tragedy to its list.
In Jesus- Amy N.

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