When they say Peace and safety/ July 5, 2010

Prophecy Sign: 1 Thess. 5:3 “While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.” In chapter 9 of my book I lay out all the details to this prophecy given to us by Paul.  The news report you will read below is not in my book as it just happened but it is more proof we are living in the time Paul warned us about.  After you read this report check out the video and see all the world leaders who are saying exactly what warned us about.  There will be no need for me to connect the dots for you as you will know for sure we have reached the last days and soon the sudden destruction will take place.  War is coming, so get ready to see the rest of the prophecy fulfilled.

“Netanyahu hopes Obama meeting will pave way for direct Mideast talks”

U.S. President to host PM on Tuesday; Netanyahu tells cabinet: There is no substitute for direct negotiations.

By News Agencies Tags: Middle East peace Barack Obama Benjamin Netanyahu Israel news

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday he hopes his upcoming meeting with President Barack Obama will lead to the current indirect Israeli-Palestinian peace talks being replaced by direct negotiations between the sides.

"The main goal of the talks with President Obama will be to advance direct talks in the peace process between us and the Palestinians," Netanyahu told ministers at the weekly cabinet meeting in Jerusalem.


We are not ashamed, of the gospel, of Jesus Christ.
This is the mother, who son was murder in the street. after receiving a call from the policeman, giving her the information on the where about of her son, which Hospital he was in, while on her way to the hospital, the Lord spoke to her and said, I'm going to give him back to you.

When she arrived at the Hospital, the nurses met her at the emergency room and said, your son Otis, is dead, and has been taken to the morgue, the mother replied, show me where he lay, they took her to the morgue in the hospital, and pointed her son to her, he was covered with a white sheet, only his feet were exposed, she went over and touch his feet, and said In The Name Of Jesus, and called her son name, and "Otis" woke up calling on momma, the nurses and doctors fled from the scene, shouting "the dead man is talking, the dead man is talking.

After they got themselves together, they rolled him out of the morgue into the hospital room and began to tell momma how severely his wounds were, they said he would never walk again, momma touch his legs, calling on the "the Name of Jesus, immediately, his leg jump up in the bed scaring the doctors and nurses on site, then they told her, he would never be able to use his hands, she touched his hands calling on The Name of Jesus, immediately, his hands went to moving, Otis was discharged from the hospital, and said goodbye to the world, and is preaching Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, our Lord and Savoir.
I have heard this testimony from Evangelist Mildred Boyd in person on several occasion, this is indeed no myth, God is truly amazing!!!!
Brother Anthony W Sanders.


  1. Frank
    I want to thank you for your tireless efforts in maintaing your site with up to the minute news and coverage and relations between the Bible and current world affairs.I read your site everyday Frank and am glad that I was able to meet you.I continue to pray for the folks on your prayer list,as well as Israel,our military,and many others.Please keep my family and I in your prayers as well sir.
    I fear that very,very soon,our condition will be so that we won’t be able to view,talk and post about CHRIST as we do.I will be praying for you as well Frank.You are a vital part in spreading GOD’s WORD,and are much needed.take care

  2. Hi Frank:
    Just downloaded your book tonight. Wow! There’s a lot of info there.
    I’ll get into it soon but meanwhile I’ve got a question.
    Didn’t Jesus mention some various kinds of signs in the sky? I seem to remember that He did. But I haven’t seen or heard of anything particularly weird in the sky lately. Have you?
    Art Williams

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