I explain what Jesus did to start my Ministry. Clearing up some false comments: June 22, 2010






Below is the email I received today:

Doh! Frank Dimora credible? Speaks of visit from Christ with him for 3 hours in 1977 seems questionable.

I’ll admit that I’ve enjoyed reading Frank Dimora’s posts for quite some time but just recently I noticed the start of his ministry was suggested as being a direct result of his meeting with Jesus in person and after reading this post I am thinking perhaps "false prophet"
I’m not saying 100% this COULD NOT have happened but seems a bit far fetched to me and along the same lines of the RCC and it’s constant error of giving so much credence to their so called wall of RC martyrs and saints and their own revelations from God. (signs and wonders).

What Frank says certainly makes sense on many levels but so do many false teachers as well. One just needs to look deeper.

But if Jesus is said to be at the right hand of the father until he comes again how could this be the CHRIST who came down from heaven to speak with him?

Not knowing Frank Dimora personally as most of us can attest too, I’m just a little suspicious at this point. He seems to talk as if he allways has the inside scoop daily and some of the things that he claims Jesus told him to do seem a bit off the wall (put together a slide show
???..I mean seriously??)

I’m not trying to make fun of the man but something doesn’t seen right here. This is where our discernment needs to come in.
Just my opinion but shouldn’t we be trusting GOD’s book of Prophecy instead of Frank Dimora’s?

I think his so called "visit with Jesus for 3 hours" just kills the theory for me that he is a true watchman on the wall.

I like Hall Lindsey too and watch him on and off too but in a recent broadcast with him and Paul and Jan Crouch on TBN he made reference to Paul Crouch as being one of his deepest friends, so this concerns me as well there. How could HAL not see the mockery that TBN is making of God’s word and stand behind this man as if they are preaching the same Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ? In my opinion isn’t he having fellowship with the devil? Something Jesus warned us to stay away from?

We just need to be careful. Let’s not kid ourselves. Not every ministry is of the Lord no matter how dynamic and great it comes across on the internet or TV.
Anyhow some food for thought.


“What I am about to say to you is the Truth. When I face Jesus at the judgment seat I will be held accountable for what I am about to tell you and, I assure you I don’t take that lightly.  In 1977 I was visited by Jesus Christ. I spent three and a half hours with Him. At first He came to me in a dream which followed by a visitation while I was wide awake. I never saw Jesus face to face, but I came to realize it was the voice of the Holy Spirit.

I can’t give you all the details here because it would take me 2 hours to explain exactly what happened, but I assure you this actually took place. I even willing to take any lie detector test just to prove what I went through is the truth.   All I can say is Jesus came to me and gave me documents from all over the world, which proves every word He said about prophecy for this generation was beginning to be played out.  I spent 3 and 1/2 hours with Christ getting instructions as to what I was to do to bring these facts to all of you.  He outlined a path I was to take in order to get the message out, and I was told He would send me people on this path to assist me when I needed the help.  Please understand, I did not ask for this visitation. To be honest, I did not want to post what happened to me, because I did not want to draw attention to myself.  The story is not about me, but about Jesus and what He did to for me to make sure He got His message out.” 

It appears this person who wrote me the letter today took it that I actually saw Jesus in person (face to face).  Maybe it was a product of reading what I said to fast, or just a short section of what I read.  Whatever the case, I never one in 33 years ever proclaimed I send time with Jesus in person face to face.  The only times I have ever had the blessing to be able to hear from the Lord has been by His voice, (the Holy Spirit).

As to the matter which I did not address in my 5 youtube vidoes about Paul and Jan Crouch just let me say this.  The TBN show has a copy of my book which I sent them. I was contacted by TBN and spoke with Paul Crouch Jr. about appearing on the TBN show.  I did not want to appear on this show because I do not like some of the things they do including having people on the show who have been proven to a false prophet such as Benny Hinn. 

The only reason why I sent them my book was because I told some people who asked me to send them my book. Some of the people wanted me to get on this show, but I did not want to try because I wanted to keep myself clear from any programs who do not stand up for what the Bible says about false prophets, IE TBN.  The only reason why I sent the book is because  I said I would see what would happen.  The only reason why I agreed to send the book was,  I figured if I were to be asked on as a guest I would bring out the fact that Hinn was a false prophecy based on His words recorded on video, proclaiming Jesus was going to stand on the stage with him in Africa, which by the way never came to pass.

As I said, Paul Jr. called me and we spoke for about 20 minutes.  Paul told me that he really like my work for Christ but that he had a problem with out I wrote about concerning Benny Hinn.  Paul told me he doesn’t not see Hinn as a false prophet.  I walked though the scriptures with Paul about how to know a false prophet, and made sure to point out what Deuteronomy 18:21-22 has to say about false prophets.

It was clear to me that even tough Paul knew Hinn had blown it, and was proven to be a false prophet by those videos that he would rather takes sides with Hinn instead of the Lord.  With that, I told Paul even if he were to ask me on as a guest on the TBN show I would decline to come and preach. I told him I could not in good conscience appear on any show that may be helping stumbling many people. The only way I would entertain speaking was if I could bring out the facts about Hinn.  Paul did not like that and as a result I was never asked to speak at the TBN program.

Fact is, go back and read my post I put up on Jan. 7, 2009. I wrote about what happened with Paul in that post.  I have the link to that post below, but here is what stated.

Prophecy Sign: Deu 18:20 "But if any prophet presumes to speak anything in my name that I have not authorized him to speak, or speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet must die. Deu 18:21 Now if you say to yourselves, ‘How can we tell that a message is not from the LORD?’ Deu 18:22 whenever a prophet speaks in my name and the prediction is not fulfilled, then I have not spoken it; the prophet has presumed to speak it, so you need not fear him."

Today I was reflecting on some of the things that have happen to me in my ministry. Some years ago a person asked me to send my book to Paul Crouch the founder of the TBN Network. This person was hoping that Paul would read my book and have me on his show as a quest. As always when I tell someone I will do something I do it so I sent Paul my book. About a month later I received a phone call from Paul Crouch Jr.. I was told that he really liked my book, but that he had one problem with what I had in my book. When I asked him what that was he told me it was the section on false prophets. He told me that he did not agree with me that Benny Hinn was a false prophet. Benny Hinn by the way was and still is a big money winner for the TBN Network.

I asked Mr. Crouch if he had listen to any of the prophecies that Benny had made in which Benny said God told him these things were going to happen? Paul told me that he had, but he still didn


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    • Chava on June 22, 2010 at 3:52 pm
    • Reply

    Do not despair, if God is for you who can be against you. No weapon formed against you will prosper when you are on the winning side. I enjoy reading your post. I must admit that I did not understand what you meant about meeting Yeshua until you brought what you meant to light on the video today. I think you have a wonderful story and it shows how HE works in the life of mankind. Thank this lady for taking the time to send this email to you. I think you will see that this too will work to your good. Keep pressing on for HIS sake. You are a blessing to many. Keep pressing on for as the day approaches it will become more difficult for us all.

    • Amanda on June 22, 2010 at 7:01 pm
    • Reply

    God can appear to any person as he sees fit to whomever he chooses for his purpose. I know for one God did speak to me in visons and in spirit. I have had Jesus appear to me back in 1995 for some reason. I sat outside depressed about something and when I looked up I saw a flikering light and I told myself I had better get home. I was at my inlaws house. So I did and my mom stepped outside and I asked her if she sees what I’m seeing and she said yes but she didn’t even pay attention to well because he didn’t come out the clouds yet. So when she went inside the house I stayed out and just stared at that light about me. I saw a form which was a sillouette shaped and it looked like a flowing robe and you couldn’t see his face because it shone so brightly like you were staring at the sun. I will never forget that day and that had strenghten my relationship with Him. I know this God has the power to anoint any person that are called and chosen to bring the Gospel to others so others can be sent free from strongholds, sickness and disabitlies because Jesus anointed his Prophets to carry the work that He did. There will be scoffers and doubters because they never had that experience because of thier unbelief and disobeinece. Those that have a deep relationship with God will understand but those that don’t will not.

    • Amanda on June 22, 2010 at 7:03 pm
    • Reply

    Frank you are not alone in this. There are many others who have the same experience as well. Keep your head up and keep doing what God has called you to do.

  1. Well said!

    • Debra Chandler on June 22, 2010 at 9:08 pm
    • Reply

    Frank – your ministry has been a blessing to me as well as everyone I share your posts with. Please believe that you are doing exactly what God has called you to do. I have felt the Holy Spirit very strong at different times when reading your posts and NOONE or NOTHING can give you that feeling except the Holy Spirit! I don’t think I could feel the Holy Spirit unless HE was working through you and you ministry! Stay strong! I appreciate what you are doing! 🙂

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